Non of the Itunes versions is starting up HELP

Hi all,
I installed Itunes on my computer and everthing went okay.
But when I want to start up Itunes, nothing happens.
Itunes will not start up.
Also when I connect my Ipod, I can see the "please do not disconnect" sign on my ipod, but still Itunes will not start up.
It looks like Itunes is having a conflict with an other program.
Could someone please help me with this?
btw I had this with all Itunes versions.

I have done the same with my product table and it doesnt seem to display right displays grand until at the end of the table it has the description re-printed with the link on it...i want the link on my product name records in the table. hope u can help! thanx
<TABLE align ="centre" border= "5">
<% for(int i=1;i<=rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount();i++)
<TD><FONT size=5 FACE="Arial"></FONT>
<%= rs.getMetaData().getColumnName(i) %>
<% } %>
<% while (
{ %>
<TR BGCOLOR="#ffff00">
<TD><%= rs.getString("productId")%>
<TD><%= new String(rs.getString("categoryId")) %></TD>
<a href="myProductDetails.jsp?productId=<%= rs.getString(productId")%">"><%=rs.getString("PDescription") %>

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