Not working properly Computer Browser service in Windows Server 2012

Good afternoon.
Migrated from 2003 to 2012 Active Directory, all is good, but the service Computer Browser in Windows Server 2012 is not working properly.
Online, there are several hundred computers, one network, no segments. PDC is the Master Browser, it is in my list of all the computers, but gives customers or Backup Browser computers only part, and in alphabetical order, giving the first 70 computers and
Looked packet sniffer:
Microsoft Windows Lanman Remote API Protocol 
Entry Count: 70 
Available Entries: 251
So on Master Browser shows 251 computer, and the client 70.
If disabled on Windows Server 2012 Service Computer Browser, Master Browser is a computer running Windows Server 2003. He gives all computers.
What is the problem, how to get Windows Server 2012 to work correctly as a Master Browser?

More info. I have high lighted in bold where the issue is. This is a massive headache for me at the moment
  Frame: Number = 377, Captured Frame Length = 182, MediaType = ETHERNET
- Ethernet: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[00-13-72-52-6E-A1],SourceAddress:[00-1E-0B-2B-68-DD]
  - DestinationAddress: Dell Inc. 526EA1 [00-13-72-52-6E-A1]
     Rsv: (000000..)
     UL:  (......0.) Universally Administered Address
     IG:  (.......0) Individual address (unicast)
  - SourceAddress: 001E0B 2B68DD [00-1E-0B-2B-68-DD]
     Rsv: (000000..)
     UL:  (......0.) Universally Administered Address
     IG:  (.......0) Individual address (unicast)
    EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800)
- Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 14025, Total IP Length = 168
  - Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20
     Version:      (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol
     HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5)
  - DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0
     DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0
     ECT:  (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set
     CE:   (.......0) ECN-CE not set
    TotalLength: 168 (0xA8)
    Identification: 14025 (0x36C9)
  - FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000)
     Reserved: (0...............)
     DF:       (.1..............) Do not fragment
     MF:       (..0.............) This is the last fragment
     Offset:   (...0000000000000) 0
    TimeToLive: 128 (0x80)
    NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6)
    Checksum: 0 (0x0)
- Tcp: Flags=...AP..., SrcPort=65372, DstPort=NETBIOS Session Service(139), PayloadLen=128, Seq=1910965363 - 1910965491, Ack=580319796, Win=252 (scale factor 0x8) = 64512
    SrcPort: 65372
    DstPort: NETBIOS Session Service(139)
    SequenceNumber: 1910965363 (0x71E70473)
    AcknowledgementNumber: 580319796 (0x2296FA34)
  - DataOffset: 80 (0x50)
     DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes
     Reserved:   (....000.)
     NS:         (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant
  - Flags: ...AP...
     CWR:    (0.......) CWR not significant
     ECE:    (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant
     Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data
     Ack:    (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant
     Push:   (....1...) Push Function
     Reset:  (.....0..) No Reset
     Syn:    (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers
     Fin:    (.......0) Not End of data
    Window: 252 (scale factor 0x8) = 64512
    Checksum: 0x6F65, Disregarded
    UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0)
    TCPPayload: SourcePort = 65372, DestinationPort = 139
- Nbtss: SESSION MESSAGE, Length =124
    PacketType: SESSION MESSAGE, 0(0x00)
  - Flags: Add 0 to Length
     Reserved: (0000000.)
     Extension: (.......0)Add 0 to Length
    Length: 124(0x7C)
- SMB: C; Transaction, Remote Administration Protocol, FileName = \PIPE\LANMAN
    Protocol: SMB
    Command: Transaction 37(0x25)
  - NTStatus: 0x0, Facility = FACILITY_SYSTEM, Severity = STATUS_SEVERITY_SUCCESS, Code = (0) STATUS_SUCCESS
     Code:     (................0000000000000000) (0) STATUS_SUCCESS
     Facility: (...0000000000000................) FACILITY_SYSTEM
     Customer: (..0.............................) NOT Customer Defined
     Severity: (00..............................) STATUS_SEVERITY_SUCCESS
  - SMBHeader: Command, TID: 0x2001, PID: 0x276C, UID: 0x3801, MID: 0x0140
   - Flags: 24 (0x18)
      LockAndRead:     (.......0) LOCK_AND_READ and WRITE_AND_UNLOCK NOT supported (Obsolete) (SMB_FLAGS_LOCK_AND_READ_OK)
      NoAck:           (......0.) An ACK response is needed (SMB_FLAGS_SEND_NO_ACK[only applicable when SMB transport is NetBIOS over IPX])
      Reserved_bit2:   (.....0..) Reserved (Must Be Zero)
      CaseInsensitive: (....1...) SMB paths are case-insensitive (SMB_FLAGS_CASE_INSENSITIVE)
      Canonicalized:   (...1....) Canonicalized File and pathnames (Obsolete) (SMB_FLAGS_CANONICALIZED_PATHS)
      Oplock:          (..0.....) Oplocks NOT supported for OPEN, CREATE & CREATE_NEW (Obsolete) (SMB_FLAGS_OPLOCK)
      OplockNotify:    (.0......) Notifications NOT supported for OPEN, CREATE & CREATE_NEW (Obsolete) (SMB_FLAGS_OPLOCK_NOTIFY_ANY)
      FromServer:      (0.......) Command - SMB is being sent from the client (SMB_FLAGS_SERVER_TO_REDIR)
   - Flags2: 51207 (0xC807)
      KnowsLongFiles:            (...............1) Understands Long File Names (SMB_FLAGS2_KNOWS_LONG_NAMES)
      KnowsEas:                  (..............1.) Understands extended attributes (SMB_FLAGS2_KNOWS_EAS)
      SmbSecuritySignature:      (.............1..) Security signatures enabled (SMB_FLAGS2_SMB_SECURITY_SIGNATURE)
      Compressed:                (............0...) Compression Disabled for REQ_NT_WRITE_ANDX and RESP_READ_ANDX (SMB_FLAGS2_COMPRESSED)
      SecuritySignatureRequired: (...........0....) Security Signatures are NOT required (SMB_FLAGS2_SMB_SECURITY_SIGNATURE_REQUIRED)
      Reserved_bit5:             (..........0.....) Reserved (Must Be Zero)
      IsLongName:                (.........0......) DO NOT use Long File Names (SMB_FLAGS2_IS_LONG_NAME)
      Reserved_bits7_9:          (......000.......) Reserved (Must Be Zero)
      ReparsePath:               (.....0..........) NOT a Reparse path (SMB_FLAGS2_REPARSE_PATH)
      ExtendedSecurity:          (....1...........) Aware of extended security (SMB_FLAGS2_EXTENDED_SECURITY)
      Dfs:                       (...0............) NO DFS namespace (SMB_FLAGS2_DFS)
      Paging:                    (..0.............) Read operation will NOT be permitted unless user has permission (NO Paging IO) (SMB_FLAGS2_PAGING_IO)
      NTStatus:                  (.1..............) Using 32-bit NT status error codes (SMB_FLAGS2_NT_STATUS)
      Unicode:                   (1...............) Using UNICODE strings (SMB_FLAGS2_UNICODE)
     PIDHigh: 0 (0x0)
     SecuritySignature: 0x0
     Unused: 0 (0x0)
     TreeID: 8193 (0x2001)
     ProcessID: 10092 (0x276C)
     UserID: 14337 (0x3801)
     MultiplexID: 320 (0x140)
  - CTransaction:
     WordCount: 14 (0xE)
     TotalParameterCount: 32 (0x20)
     TotalDataCount: 0 (0x0)
     MaxParameterCount: 8 (0x8)
     MaxDataCount: 4200 (0x1068)
     MaxSetupCount: 0 (0x0)
     Reserved: 0 (0x0)
   - Flags: Do NOT disconnect TID
      Disconnect: (...............0) Do NOT disconnect TID
      NoResponse: (..............0.) Server response to the client
      Reserved:   (00000000000000..) Reserved
     Timeout: 5000 milli sec(s)
     Reserved2: 0 (0x0)
     ParameterCount: 32 (0x20)
     ParameterOffset: 92 (0x5C)
     DataCount: 0 (0x0)
     DataOffset: 0 (0x0)
     SetupCount: 0 (0x0)
     Reserved3: 0 (0x0)
     ByteCount: 61 (0x3D)
   - RemoteAPIBuffer:
    - FileName: \PIPE\LANMAN
     - Align: 1 Bytes
        AlignBytes: Binary Large Object (1 Bytes)
       Name: \PIPE\LANMAN
      Pad1: Binary Large Object (2 Bytes)
- RAPRequest: NetServerEnum2 Request, InfoLevel = 1, SV_TYPE_ALL: All in NSNET
    RAPOpcode: NetServerEnum2
  - ParameterDescriptor: WrLehDz; 4 send, 1 receive parameter
     Param: (W) WORD (send parameter, 16 bit integer)
     Param: (r) Receive buffer (format in data descriptor) (receive data, 0 bit integer)
     Param: (L) Receive buffer length (send/receive parameter, 16/16 bit integer)
     Param: (e) Entries read (receive data, 0 bit integer)
     Param: (h) WORD (receive parameter, 16 bit integer)
     Param: (D) DWORD (send parameter, 32 bit integer)
     Param: (z) ASCIIZ (send parameter, 8 bit integer)
     Param: ASCII NUL (string terminator)
  - DataDescriptor: B16BBDz; data bytes send: 0, receive: 34
   - Datum: (B) BYTE[16] (receive data, 8 bit integer)
      Datum: (B) BYTE (receive data, 8 bit integer)
      Digit: 1
      Digit: 6
     Datum: (B) BYTE (receive data, 8 bit integer)
     Datum: (B) BYTE (receive data, 8 bit integer)
     Datum: (D) DWORD (receive data, 32 bit integer)
     Datum: (z) ASCIIZ* (receive data offset, 32 bit integer)
     Datum: ASCII NUL (string terminator)
  - NetServerEnum2: SV_TYPE_ALL: All in NSNET
     InfoLevel: (1) SERVER_INFO_1
     ReceiveBufferSize: 4200 (0x1068)
   - ServerType: SV_TYPE_ALL: All
      Workstation:      (...............................1) All workstations
      Server:           (..............................1.) All computers with the server service running
      Sqlserver:        (.............................1..) All running Microsoft SQL Server
      DomainCtrl:       (............................1...) All primary domain controllers
      DomainBakctrl:    (...........................1....) All backup domain controllers
      TimeSource:       (..........................1.....) All Time servers
      AFP:              (.........................1......) All Apple File Protocol servers
      Novell:           (........................1.......) All Novell servers
      DomainMember:     (.......................1........) All LAN Manager 2.x domain members
      PrintqServer:     (......................1.........) All print servers
      DialinServer:     (.....................1..........) All dial-in servers
      ServerUnix:       (....................1...........) All Unix/Xenix servers
      NT:               (...................1............) All Windows NT workstations or servers
      WFW:              (..................1.............) All Windows for Workgroups servers
      ServerMFPN:       (.................1..............) All Microsoft File and Print for NetWare servers
      ServerNT:         (................1...............) All non-domain controller servers
      PotentialBrowser: (...............1................) All servers that can run the browser service
      BackupBrowser:    (..............1.................) All backup browsers
      MasterBrowser:    (.............1..................) All master browsers
      DomainMaster:     (............1...................)  All domain master browsers
      Reserved1:        (..........11....................)
      Windows:          (.........1......................) All Windows 95 or later
      DFS:              (........1.......................) All DFS root servers
      ClusterNT:        (.......1........................) All NT Clusters
      Terminalserver:   (......1.........................) All Terminal Servers
      ClusterVSNT:      (.....1..........................) All NT Cluster Virtual Server Names
      DCE:              (....1...........................) AllIBM DSS (Directory & Security Services)
      Reserved2:        (...1............................)
      AlternateXport:   (..1.............................) Return list for alternate transport
      LocalListOnly:    (.1..............................) Return local list only
      DomainEnum:       (1...............................) Enumerate primary domain
     Domain: NSNET
Then the reply;
    Frame: Number = 378, Captured Frame Length = 1514, MediaType = ETHERNET
+ Ethernet: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[00-1E-0B-2B-68-DD],SourceAddress:[00-13-72-52-6E-A1]
+ Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 27036, Total IP Length = 1500
+ Tcp: Flags=...A...., SrcPort=NETBIOS Session Service(139), DstPort=65372, PayloadLen=1460, Seq=580319796 - 580321256, Ack=1910965491, Win=253 (scale factor 0x8) = 64768
+ Nbtss: SESSION MESSAGE, Length =2013
+ SMB: R; Transaction, Remote Administration Protocol
- RAPResponse: NetServerEnum2 Response, Count = 31
    Win32ErrorCode: 0x00000000 - ERROR_SUCCESS - The operation completed successfully.
    Converter: 2251 (0x8CB)
  - NetServerEnum2: Count = 31
     EntriesReturned: 31 (0x1F)
     EntriesAvailable: 31 (0x1F)
   + NetServerInfo1: APOLLO
   + NetServerInfo1: ARTEMIS
   + NetServerInfo1: ASKLEPIOS
   + NetServerInfo1: CASTOR
   + NetServerInfo1: DCC4503-131L
   + NetServerInfo1: DCC4503-155L
   + NetServerInfo1: DCC4503-157L
   + NetServerInfo1: DCC4503-161L
   + NetServerInfo1: DCC4503-171L
   + NetServerInfo1: DCC4503-172L
   + NetServerInfo1: DCC4503-175L
   + NetServerInfo1: DCC4503-177L
   + NetServerInfo1: DCC4503-183L
   + NetServerInfo1: DCC4503-184L
   + NetServerInfo1: DCC4503-185L
   + NetServerInfo1: DCC4503-188L
   + NetServerInfo1: DCC4503-196L
   + NetServerInfo1: DCC4503-197L
   + NetServerInfo1: DCC4503-199L
   + NetServerInfo1: DCC4503-202L
   + NetServerInfo1: DCC4503-203L
   + NetServerInfo1: DCC4503-205L
   + NetServerInfo1: DCC4503-210L
   + NetServerInfo1: DCC4503-213L
   + NetServerInfo1: DCC4503-219L
   + NetServerInfo1: DCC4503-220L
   + NetServerInfo1: DCC4503-228L
   + NetServerInfo1: DCC4503-233L
   + NetServerInfo1: DCC4503-234L
   + NetServerInfo1: DCC4503-236L
   + NetServerInfo1: DCC4503-241L
    StringData: Binary Large Object (586 Bytes)

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    Hi GP_IT001,
    In your current network do you currently have a domain controller? You mentioned that you "had" a Domain Controller running Windows Server 2003.
    Am I correct in thinking that you no longer have this server?
    As this article mentions:
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    Please remember to mark the replies as helpful if they help, or as answers if they answer your question. Please also unmark the answers if they provide no help.
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    Independent Microsoft Community Support Advisor
    Disclaimer: I don't work for Microsoft. Any advice given is my own and does not represent Microsoft.
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    Hi Alejandro,
    I am implementing Remote Desktop Services in Windows Server 2012, I need to know the size of the database to create and feature on the .mdf and .ldf
    If you want to know the size requirements of .mdf abd .ldf files, since they are parts of SQL database, I suggest you refer to SQL forums below to get more professional support:
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    Hi Mathan,
    To install the Sharepoint 2013, please refer to the guide below,
    Install SharePoint 2013
    If you have any question about SharePoint, to get better help, please post your question on the forum below,
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    Steven Lee
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    +<SUPPL_DETAIL><![CDATA[ C:\Oracle\product\11.1.0\db_1\owb\bin\admin\..\..\j2ee\config\%ORACLE_HOME%\owb\j2ee\config\keystore.jks (The system cannot find the path specified)+
    +     at Method)+
    +     at<init>(
    +     at<init>(
    +     at
    (The local_service_login.bat works fine).
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              <ssl-config keystore="*%ORACLE_HOME%*/owb/j2ee/config/keystore.jks" keystore-password="-&gt;keystoreadmin"/>
    changing this to:
              <ssl-config keystore="C:\Oracle\product\11.1.0\db_1/owb/j2ee/config/keystore.jks" keystore-password="-&gt;keystoreadmin"/>
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    Microsoft Information Protection
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    Hi kirtesh,
    According to your description, my understanding is that you got an error when you ran prerequisite installer.
    Please make sure the Windows Server Features and Role services are enabled in your SharePoint server.
    Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Server Manager->Add Roles and Features:
    i. Application Server
    ii. File Services
    iii. Web Server (IIS)
    Best Regards,
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    ankur dubey

    Hi, see the
    Windows HCK Getting Started.
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    Controller isn't supported in a virtual PC or any third-party Hypervisor environment.
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    Message was edited by: mr.ts

    Have you tried contacting your ISP? Sometimes they can help you optimize your settings. Such as DNS server numbers. I had a simullar problem and found out my DNS settings were wrong.
    Do you have other computers that use the wireless single? If not you might look into your router to see if maybe something is wroung with it. You can always go to a wifi hotspot or a friends house and see how the connection is there. If it seems normal then you know it is your ISP or your router. If not then it might be a laptop problem.

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    i googled the problem found same problem in IIS 7.5;EN-US;979543.
    what could be the possible solution?
    Any help will be much appreciated. 

    This does not seem to be a Windows Server core issue, as you would not be running Chrome on Server core.  Chrome requires a GUI.  This is a Server Core forum.
    You might be better served taking this query to a forum dedicated to Chrome.
    .:|:.:|:. tim

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    was wondering if someone could help me with the below issue.
    i am trying to install the SNMP service on our new 2012 server however the role doesn't even exist?
    could someone advice on how we can install this role? i have looked everywhere but am unable to find an answer 
    thanking all in advance 

    the snmp role is being depreciated and replaced by CIM.
    but you should still be able to add it.
    its a feature - from server manager select install roles and features, click through the roles till you get to the features page and select snmp from the list
    Denis Cooper
    Help keep the forums tidy, if this has helped please mark it as an answer
    My Blog

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    We have two managed servers for OIM 10g. A load balancer has also been installed for directing the traffic on to these two servers i.e. z1 and z2. So whenever, the request is redirected to z2 server, pre populate adapters for AD and ACF2 resource provisioning fails. The same is working perfectly when the request goes to z1 server.
    We checked the below logs but didnt find any fruitful outcome.
    1. xellacf.log-- log file for ACF2
    2. xellAD.log-- log file for AD
    3. xell.log
    Please help us out. Let me know if you need any other information.
    Any inputs would be highly appreciated.

    have you uploaded jars in DB using UploadJar utility? verify same in OIMHOME_JARS under OIM schema.
    Provide the detail error log <OIM_DOMAIN>/servers/oim_server2/logs/oim_server2.log and diagnostic log as well

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    SERVICE and the issue occurs again causes for eg. issue with Windows Activation or installation of the Desktop Expirience feature. Is there any other soultion to fix it without adding the NETWORK SERVICE to the system32 directory?

    Thanks for your post.
    What is the error when you try to start the service, access denied?
    You could use ICACLS to reset permissions.
    Similar thread has been discussed:
    Service not start Access Denied, Software Protection, Event Logs,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • How do I remote control a user in remote desktop services in Windows Server 2012?

    we currently operate in a 2008 R2 environment with the majority of clients connecting to our terminal servers.  We use the remote control feature in terminal services manager to connect to a users session when a user phones our helpdesk with
    a question / issue.
    Just today I've installed 2012 server on a hyper-v virtual machine to have a play with it.  I've installed the Remote Desktop Services and noticed this remote control feature is gone.  I can still log off or send a message to a user, but I can
    no longer remote control their session.
    I've seen one or two other posts stating this feature has been removed completely.
    So, a couple of questions:
    1. How on earth do I "shadow" or connect to a users session now?
    2. If I have to go third party to get this functionality back, what's the best software on the market for this and does it support remote connecting of users who have their RDP session span multiple monitors? (2008 R2 doesn't)
    3. Will Microsoft ever bring this feature back? as at this stage I doubt we would move to 2012.  This is the one feature that is crucial to the day-to-day running of our helpdesk.

    A large percentage of our IT support business is through remote management. Most of our large enterprise customers are Terminal Server environment (now called Remote Desktop - why does Microsoft have to change EVERYTHING - how would they feel if I changed
    the colour of the sky from blue to red just because I could?).
    Last week, after much expense to the customer (and realising that there WOULD be some cosmetic headaches to contend with Server Management) we installed a new "Remote Desktop Server" for them and shifting them from 2003 - a big leap so we discovered.
    During deployment it came as a HORRIFIC surprise that we could not remote control user's sessions!
    Yes, we ARE to blame for not fully realising the cock-up Microsoft has made for us. We should have fully researched every detail of what changes they made and what they have robbed us of.
    Firstly, the removal of the ability to fully manage user's sessions came as a HUGE blow!
    The remaining multiple issues that followed (including the hugely cumbersome and SLOW way of accessing user's sessions and the false information that the console was reporting users logged in when they had already logged out) suddenly resulted in us decommissioning
    the new 2012 installation in favour of a 2008 R2 installation.
    Some may ask; Why not use "Third Party" apps to counteract the issue? Firstly; why spend MORE and why use a third party app that "is as" cumbersome to use just because of a freaking feature that Microsoft deemed a "security risk" - for G.D sake!
    We have now been directed by management to convince customers that a move to 2012 is NOT recommended - good choice boss, I love you!
    The question is; will Microsoft re-implement this feature and fix Server Management performance/accessibility in a future release before 2008 R2 is no longer available? Probably not - it looks like their stubbornness to forge ahead with their craze mind-set
    of transforming their products into something that is now annoying millions (including their bloody push towards everything-cloud which NONE of our customers want anything to do with).
    Microsoft! Get us back on to your side and take a step back, take a deep breath and listen to consumers!

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