Notebook PC

Has anyone put PSE9 in a Notebook PC?

Photodrawken ---  I took enough memory to shoot 2400 RAW exp for a month in Paris. Ended up with 1800 exposures. A little less than 200 found their way in to the album. But it took me almost 6 weeks to do them. Keep thinking less than an hour a day while they are fresh and arrive home with a finished album would be nice.
I have pulled the specs on PSE9 and will visit some sources tomorrow. Thanks for your input. Bill
Barb_O---- and thank you for your comments. Bill

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  • Guide: Optimizing Your Windows XP/Vista Notebook

    to build a highly optimized, personalized, faster, smaller and more secure OS installation using windows xp (can use vista also but this guide will not cover it in any detail)
    plus i was bored to tears
    this is a somewhat advanced guide not meant for those unfamilure with the tools and techniques used here
    the basics of this guide can be applied to most/all windows xp/vista notebooks and desktops, not just Lenovo, however in my case i run windows xp pro on a T60 (8743) with an add-on graphics card (similar to a T60p i assume) and this guide will be geared toward this config.
    many alterations can be made, so it is very general in nature and should not be taken literally
    this is my personal machine and i am not on a private network. you may have to adjust as necessary.
    it ain't my fault
    what will you gain:
    * a highly customized OS
    * faster boot times
    * more free disk space
    * a lighter, snappier feeling OS
    * a more secure OS
    * a more stable OS
    * more free RAM
    * less problems (or maybe more if you're not careful)
    with all due respect to Lenovo, i have found that the less Lenovo software i install the fewer glitches i have and the faster things run. this is often the case for various other hardware vendors that supply proprietary software which is often not needed, or not all of which is needed.
    what you will need: (all free, except for possibly the OS):
    * a windows xp/vista installation disk. though you may be able to do this using your i386 directory (perhaps on the recovery partition), a full, non-OEM disk is preferred.
    * SP2 and SP3 (it is my understanding that either SP1 or SP2 should be installed before installing SP3, though i have built installations with SP3 only).
    * dotNet runtime
    * nLite (or vLite for vista) -
    * Ryan's Windows XP Post-SP3 Update Pack -
    * Ryan's integration tool -​wnload
    * all current drivers for your hardware
    please read any license agreements for the above (for instance, nLite is not to be used for commercial applications)
    also visit the nLite and RyanVM forums as there's a ton of helpful info there, add-on packs, etc., and please consider donating to them both if you like the software. both are great guys. i wouldn't bother running windows anymore without nLite. from Nuhi's page (his english is not the best):
    Have you ever wanted to remove Windows components like Media Player, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, MSN Explorer, Messenger...
    How about not even to install them with Windows ?
    nLite is a tool for pre-installation Windows configuration and component removal at your choice. Optional bootable image ready for burning on media or testing in virtual machines.
    With nLite you will be able to have Windows installation which on install does not include, or even contain on media, the unwanted components.
    * Service Pack Integration
    * Component Removal
    * Unattended Setup
    * Driver Integration *
    * Hotfixes Integration **
    * Tweaks
    * Services Configuration
    * Patches ***
    * Bootable ISO creation
    basic build procedure:
    * install the dotNet runtime
    * install nLite (or vLite for vista)
    * create a directory structure something like:
    * download Ryan's post SP3 update pack and dump it in c:\nlite\hotfix\
    * download Ryan's integration tool and dump in c:\nlite\hotfix\ 
    note that you can use nLite to integrate service packs and hotfix's, but i prefer Ryan's tool as i have had problems in the past using nLite to integrate Ryan's post SP update cabs, though this happened during the earlier beta days of nLite.
    * download xp SP2 and SP3 service packs and dump in c:\nlite\sp\
    * copy contents of windows installation disk to c:\nlite\source\
    * using Ryan's integrator, set update pack path to c:\nlite\sp\WindowsXP-KB835935-SP2-ENU.exe, windows source to c:\nlite\source\, and destination to c:\nlite\working\ and start integration
    * using Ryan's integrator, set update pack path to c:\nlite\sp\WindowsXP-KB936929-SP3-x86-ENU.exe set windows source to c:\nlite\working\ and destination to c:\nlite\working\ and integrate SP3. after SP3 is integrated, if you want to save the windows installation for the next time you install, copy it elsewhere before moving on.
    *  using Ryan's integrator set source to c:\nlite\hotfix\ (where you dumped Ryan's post SP3 update cab) and destination to c:\nlite\working\ and run it.
    * start nLite and set the windows installation path to c:\nlite\working\
    make sure that, in the "version" box, that SP3 is written, otherwise you've made an error earlier.
    IMPORTANT: when using nLite be very careful and move slowly, making sure to READ ALL DESCRIPTIONS and explore all options -- it's easy to skip or screw up something if you're not very careful. 
    rule of thumb: don't remove something if you don't know what it is or what the implications might be
    * following the wizard, select your options. i would suggest the following:
    remove components
    build ISO
    in the case of my thinkpad my hard drive will not be recognized by windows unless i integrate the driver for the SATA controller using nLite OR enter BIOS setup and put the controller in compatibility mode so i can install the driver from windows (after which BIOS needs to be changed again).  integrating drivers will require extra reading on your part and is beyond what i wish to get into here, so, to make things easy if you're not comfortable doing this, just put your controller in compatibility mode if necessary and install the driver from within windows.
    * following the wizard and hitting "next" as necessary, if you've selected the options above, nLite will pop-up a compatibility options window where you want to select what components you really need (prevents you from removing dependancies later).
    * in the next step you'll remove unwanted components - the part i enjoy most.  be careful what you remove! stuff in red is important. this is what i typically remove, give or take:
    Accessibility Options
    ClipBook Viewer
    Defragmenter (replaced with JKDefragGUI)
    Internet Games
    Screensavers (useful only for very old CRT monitors)
    WordPad (replaced with PSPad)
    Keyboards (i remove all - nLite will keep default for your language)
    ActiveX for streaming video (depends on IE which i remove parts of)
    AOL ART Image Format Support (depends on IE which i remove parts of)
    Images and Backgrounds (desktop eye candy)
    Luna desktop theme (cartoonish desktop theme)
    Media Center
    Mouse Cursors
    Movie Maker
    Music Samples
    Old CDPlayer and Sound Recorder (replaced in part by foobar2000)
    Speech Support
    Tablet PC
    Windows Media Player (replaced by foobar2000, VLC and Satsuki codec pack)
    Windows Media Player 6.4 (replaced by foobar2000, VLC and Satsuki codec pack)
    Windows Picture and Fax Viewer (replaced by XnView)
    Windows Sounds (unneeded sound themes)
    Communication tools (phone dialer, hyperterminal, etc., some replaed by better 3rd part s/w)
    FrontPage Extensions
    Internet Connection Wizard (not needed to create a connection)
    Internet Explorer (i keep the core (there's 2 options for removing this; one to remove parts but keep basic functionality and another to remove the core, which i suggest keeping) as it's functionality is needed by many applications - removing this will remove the "Program Files\Internet Explorer" directory, but you can still browse the web using windows explorer (file manager) if need be. i replace with Firefox)
    Internet Information Services (IIS) (i use Apache (WAMP) for web development)
    IP Conferencing
    MSN Explorer (partially replaced with Miranda IM)
    Outlook Express (replaced with Thunderbird)
    Peer-to-Peer (only for MS networks, nothing to do with P2P)
    Share Creation Wizard
    Synchronization Manager
    Vector Graphics Rendering (VML) (depends on IE i think, which i remove parts of)
    Web Folders
    Windows Messenger (replaced with Miranda IM
    .NET Framework (i don't install this at all)
    Blaster/Nachi removal tool
    Color Schemes (predefined desktop color schemes)
    Desktop Cleanup Wizard (replaced with CCleaner)
    Disk Cleanup (replaced with CCleaner)
    File and Settings Wizard (used to transfer settings between 2 computers)
    File System Encryption (try TrueCrypt or AxCrypt - note that MS encryption is propritary and, as such, should not be trusted)
    Help and Support (huge space hog)
    IExpress Wizard
    Manual Install and Upgrade (ability to upgrade OS, which is always a bad idea (better to install clean))
    MS Agent (used for annoying animated paperclip in MS office)
    Out of Box Experience (OOBE) (do NOT remove unless you have a VLK)
    Remote Installation Services (RIS)
    Search Assistant (annoying animated dog in search window)
    Security Center (replaced with Comodo firewall)
    Service Pack Messages
    Shell Media Handler
    Tour (useless windows tour)
    User account pictures
    Web View
    Zip Folders (replaced with IZArc and Universal Extractor)
    Automatic Updates (hardly needed once attack vectors are removed)
    Beep Driver (annoying beep, such as when you press too many keys at once)
    Error Reporting (automitic error reporting to MS - i suppose vista is the result?)
    IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service (replaced with ImgBurn)
    Remote Registry
    Secondary Logon
    System Restore Service (bloated nonsense used for restoring viruses to their orgional state - better to reinstall)
    Languages (i remove all - nLite will keep your default language)
    as should be apparent from the above, security is already enhanced since many attack vectors were removed (OE, WMP, MSN, remote registry, system restore, etc., etc., etc.).
    missing functionality is replaced by better, more functinal and more secure software
    * for the "unattended setup" step, you can select many options, change default paths (Program Files), disable hibernate, configure network adapters and much more.
    * next is "options" where you are presented with many more choices.
    * next is "patches". here i would highly suggest turning off SFC (windows file protection) as this is an incredible annoyance for many people and will greatly increase the time required for your installation.  furthermore, malicious folks and vendors that write drivers know how to get around this nonsense anyway.
    * next is "tweaks" and then you'll finish up by building your installation. i typically cut the size of a default windows xp install by about 50%, but i'm a bit agressive with what i remove.  also some of that space is used by 3rd party software to replace the components removed.
    * if you are comfortable with virtual machine software, that'd be the way to test your shiny new installation ISO. if not, then get ready to take the plunge
    when installed an nLite OS on my thinkpad for the first time (a day or 2 after i got it), i did a test install first - i kept the recovery partition in tact. once i got comfortable with installing the drivers and got everything working, i un-hid and formatted the recovery partition -- gone! you may want to do the same, though speaking from expierence i can tell you that it's rather trivial to get everything working on my T60 (though i do not have nor did i want a fingerprint reader, i would doubt it would be an issue to get working).
    * once windows is up and running, there will be allot of broken stuff  
    some of the "Fn" keys will not work, some will (because the hardware is configured in BIOS). you'll need to install the drivers for the items that you want to work, and this is another area where i depart from the norm. here's some things i don't install and the reasons why (whenever possible, any hardware below is disabled in BIOS or device manager):
    * easy eject utility - not needed/i don't use it anyway
    * hotkey driver - bloated and sometimes buggy software that may corrupt OGL and DX full-screen display (games) and cause stop errors (BSOD)
    * trackpoint - i don't use it, though it works anyway with limited functionality if not disabled in BIOS/device manager
    * trusted platform module - yeah, well i don't trust it
    * away manager -  don't use it/lighter weight alternitives available
    * keyboard customizer - not needed/i don't use it
    * scroll lock indicator - not needed/i don't use it
    * software installer - bloated mess/not needed (subscribe to the Lenovo RSS feed to be made aware of updates)
    * thinkpad configuration package - i'll configure it myself, thanks
    * thinkvantage access connectkions - bloated mess/slows boot time/not needed (better and lighter weight alternitives * available if you need this functionality)
    * ultra-nav wizard - not needed
    * bluetooth - i install the microsoft bluetooth stack (which is smaller and simpler) and have noticably less lag with bluetooth devices resuming from a standby state (mouse in particular)
    * display drivers - i use the highly acclaimed and optimized Omega drivers.
    for the drivers i do install, i install only the drivers, NOT the software (in other words i do not run the installer). i do this by extracting the installer using IZArc or Universal Extractor and using device manager to point the hardware to the extracted *.inf files.  for me, there is only one device that comes up "unknown device" before drivers are installed (i forget which).  the rest are named, so it's easy to tell what path to give them for the drivers. installing drivers for the unknown device is then simple a process of elimination, or you can use software to help identify the device.
    ::: the end :::
    hack it 'till it BREAKS!

    *bookmarked for desection*
    I already see flaws, like turning off remote registry for example. Remote registry only has very limited access, and you can change the access, but why would you? You can see what it has access to by going into Control Panel > Administative Tools > Local Security Policy > > Local Polices > Security Options, then scroll a little more than half-way, and it's under the Network access box.
    There are so many crack pot guides out there, that the only good advice is to look where they looked, and if you don't get it, and don't go though all of it, LEAVE IT ALONE! It only makes servicing the box at a later time a HUGE pain, and if it's in a business, it'll just be reimaged.
    Keep this guy's disclaimer in mind at all times. Just do the easy ones to start, like run CCleaner, it basically does everything for you, and doesn't cause any errors (or as far as I know, and I use it just about every other day)
    Currently Just passed the CompTIA A+ 601 with flying colours! =D
    Owner of an SL500 running Vista Business with 4GB of PC2 6400 RAM

  • How to connect my friends apple notebook through video call


    Typing in all upper case is regarded and shouting here.
    Presumably as you have posted in the OS X 10.7.x (Lion) area you are running this version of the OS on your iMac.
    This will have iChat 6 on it.
    This can use AIM, Jabber and Yahoo IDs within the app.
    Apple IDS ending in and iCloud issued and are also Valid AIM Screen Names.
    If you use Googlemail and Enable "talk" in the products there you can then use your Google Mail ID as a Jabber ID (although it has it's own Add Account option in iChat)
    Facebook has an option to Enable "Chat" which will give you a Chat ID variant on your name there and this can be used in iChat (or Messages) as a Jabber ID.
    The Yahoo Account will only do Text chats.
    It also has to be an actual ID registered at Yahoo.
    Chats are then AIM to AIM or Jabber to Jabber or Yahoo to Yahoo.
    So your Buddy will also need a suitable ID or Screen Name  for the relevant service.
    8:16 pm      Sunday; January 19, 2014
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad

  • In iCal and Notifications on a notebook, is it possible to expand the notes window to make it easier to read and write notes?

    In iCal and Notifications on a notebook, is it possible to expand the notes window to make it easier to read and write notes? In the past, I have used Outlook calendar and tasks and I was able to expand the windows which allowed me to put a great amount of details into either the notes section in events and tasks. It would be great to be able to do this in iCal and Notifications as well. I am using a Macbook Pro with OS X 10.8. Thank you very much for assistance with this.

    Try Spaces for a virtual desktop.

  • Possible to connect an external monitor to HP Pavilion dv4t-4200 CTO Entertainment Notebook PC

    I have a HP Pavilion dv4t-4200 CTO Entertainment Notebook PC model # A1M02AV and it has a VGA port, one that looks like a phone/broadband cable port, and one that looks like a USB port but indented on either side at the bottom. Can I even connect an external monitor? How do I find out if I have more than 1 video card? Besides the usual USB/headphone ports, I don't have any other ports. It says my drivers are up to date...but I don't even know what I should be looking for. Do I need to install something or buy some sort of adapter? 
    I am trying to connect a Dell external montitor via the VGA port with a VGA cable. The monitor has power but my notebook does not recognize/detect it. However, when I first plugged it in, my notebook display shrank into a square (vs the whole screen) so it recognized something...but nothing happened on the external monitor. 
    I tried detecting it via my display settings, but  I accidentally changed some dispaly setting so that the home desktop only shows on monitor 1, but unselected my actual notebook display or something or changed it to be monitor 2 (even though monitor 1 does not exist), so when I plug the cable in to my notebook, all of a sudden my desktop goes away and it's a just a blank background screen - and I cannot access the computer display settings or anything.... when the cable is unplugged this setting looks normal, so I can't figure out how to fix it. 
    Sorry, I have no idea what I'm doing here - please help! 
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    All Dell monitors come with CD's for drivers. Your laptop may not know the monitor w/o its driver, it won't install automatically. Please check:
    Ringht click a blank space on desktop,
    Click Personalize
    Click Display
    Click Change display settings
    Can you see BOTH laptop screen and external monitor in there as shown on the following image:
    For testing, I put my Dell monitor is my main display. If I can't see 2 monitor, you need its driver first and then check the cable.
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.

  • Can't install HP Color LaserJet CM1312nfi MFP at notebook HP Pavilion

    I bought new notebook HP Pavilion 13-a051sr with Windows 8.1 (x64) onboard.
    I'm trying to install HP Scan.
    While installing all-in-one HP Color LaserJet CM1312nfi MFP using "CM1312series-win7-full-solution-AM-EMEA1-v5.1.exe"  can not get after the dialog window "Locating the printer". Printer could not be found even if I write down printer' IP-address. The latest printer firmware is already installed. Firewall is disabled, antivirus is closed.
    I installed printer without any problems using it IP-address. What can I do in order to install scanner module? 

    HP Print Drivers

  • Crazy to install CS2 on Quad Core 64 bit Windows 7 notebook?

    I've been a video producer/director/editor since 1970 and have witnessed most all the progress and insanity of the "corporate wars" to dominate video production and later, video editing.  I no longer see any reason to differentiate between still photography, video production, editing, web authoring, print production, graphics, CGI, CAD nauseum. My dream has long been to have one very powerful laptop that could do most everything that a creative person desired on location anywhere in the world.
    My new notebook is an ASUS Quad Core G71GX with 6 GB RAM - an Nvidia Geoforce GTX 260M - and 2 - 500 GB, 7200 rpm hard drives - Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit OS. These days I shoot most video using a Canon SX1 IS at 1080 30p and the files are playing back beautifully on the 1920x1400 display at full frame rate. So for me that covers the basics. I will be upgrading from Windows 7 Home Premium to Ultimate shortly. Does anyone have issues/questions about the platform?
    As to the software . . . I have been using Adobe stuff for 20 years or so.but did not get into their video editing products until Premiere 6.5. Than I jumped in with both feet and became a beta tester for the CS2 video collection. I still have my complimentary Premiere Pro 2.0 and it still works on my older XP Pro notebooks.
    But now we are here in 2010 and all the major PC platforms are running 64 bit Operating Systems and I just figure that I should hold out for a true 64 bit Master Collection [which many people call CS5]. In the meantime I decided to install my CS2 Creative Suite and Premiere Pro 2.0 just so I could have the benefit of these programs while I am waiting for the 64 bit to release.
    I purchased my CS2 back in 2005 as a download and last night made the attempt to install it onto the ASUS. As expected the serial number did not work so I called Adobe Installation support and got started after they prompted me for the "challenge" code. When I entered it the installation began nicely UNTIL the first folder [CS_2.0_UE_Ret_D1] finished loading and UP POPPED a window saying "Please insert CD #2" with only an OK button. Well, I didn't have any CDs because the suite was delivered as a download way back when and there seems to be no way to get to Disk 2 folder.
    I finally decided to Quit the install when up pops a window that says [paraphrasing]. Your Photoshop program on Disc 1 has been verified and so try again to install. I said OK and up pops a window with all the various programs and the option to select Install. I selected each one [except GoLive because I now have Dreamweaver CS4] and proceeded. I sort of kluged my way through the transition from D1 to D2 to D3 to D4 folders and by all indications had a successfully installed, registered and activated CS2 suite on the ASUS notebook. Restarted the machine.
    Opened Photoshop and up comes an error message "Your Adobe Photoshop user name, organization or serial number is missing or invalid. The application cannot continue and must now exit" "OK", which I pressed and Photoshop closed. Checked the other CS2 programs and none of them would open.
    I would appreciate any pointers on how to get CS2 Creative Suite to install properly since Adobe Tech Support says such installation help is out of date and recommended this forum.
    BTW: I run Videography Lab and am the "seminal author of videography". OCT 1972 American Cinematographer. I have a different take on the meaning of videography than most folks. After 38 years of research and contemplation I believe "Videography means 'I know to write' or conversely 'writing my knowing'" The platform that I've been talking about is the technology tool that enables such communication in "the Age of Videography" [Miller Freeman Publishing - 1996].
    Call me crazy and than help me get this sorted out
    Bob Kiger - [url removed by host]
    PS: Does anyone beside me expect a sudden and dramatic shootout between Final Cut Studio & Adobe Creative Suite soon?

    Hi Michael--
    Upon continued research we found your statement "CS 2 isn't compatible with Windows 7 32-bit no less 64-bit." not quite true. We grant you that, in it's raw state, Windows 7 will not install, activate, register etc. CS2 programs. That's been the Adobe position for quite a while.
    Now that we have Windows 7 in hand and can play we found that if you have Windows 7 Professional or Ultimate edition you can acquire for $89.95 and download/install in an hour or so "Windows Virtual PC" and "Windows XP Mode".[Note: This feature is not available on Home editions].
    We purchased the platform and once it is installed we had a "Windows XP platform" on our Windows 7 machine. From that point forward the installation of CS2 and many other of our old favorite programs was a snap. We've opened and worked with Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign etc. with no problems.
    And, by the way, Premiere Pro 2.0 intalled easily on Windows 7. We're testing it now with some sub-1080p projects.
    As to the long nagging problem of Adobe Installer not recognizing the downloaded CS2 CAB files during installation, we worked around by just saying OK when the installer asked for the next disc and immediately clicked on the desired disc in a seperate exlorer window which contained all the download files.
    So that's the workaround for us. Now we wait to see who wins the race to enchant users with 64 bit editing and imaging suites.
    Thanks for all your help.
    Bob Kiger - Videography Lab

  • Dual Booting with Windows 8 and 7 Pro in a G6 - 2235us Notebook

    I have a G6 - 2235us Notebook 64 bit  that came with Windows 8.0  installed.
    I would like to install Windows 7 Pro and make it dual book with Windows 8.0 with 7 as the default to start.
    Would you please give me steps as to how to proceed and also the drivers, etc I would need to download.
    Thank you.
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Thank you Paul. I understad  I just have one more question:
    I found this page that gives info about dual booting:
    From your expertise, would you say the steps suggested on that
    page could succeed for making Win 8 and 7 dual boot in this particular machine?

  • MSI CX61 2PC multimedia notebook, the choice of students and office users

    Slim and slight, MSI's CX61 presents good performance of the latest laptops for casual and online gaming competitions. Under the hood, these NBs meet your need for machines that with good performance with better user experience. In addition, unique Audio Boost for headsets sound enhancement solution. Easy to take and good mobility, CX61 will give you the smooth experience in HD gaming competitions.
    Taipei—MSI has received high marks for its high-end gaming laptops, the good performance but compact gaming design in new gaming notebooks. They featured Intel's 4th Generation Quad Core processor and new Generation NVIDIA GeForce GT820M discrete graphics. CX61 2PC was designed to meet the demands of business usage and casual gamers around the world.
    [TABLE=width: 151, align: center]
    Best of casual gaming — MSI's newest GP gaming laptop
    Eric Kuo, vice president for global sales & marketing, MSI Notebook, points out the CX61 2PC featured with GT820M graphics and audio boost for better headset experience, while weighting in at only 2.5 kilograms under. CX61 is the trimmest and most popular classic laptops and are the best choice of casual games players around the world. Not only do they feature the processor using 22nm production technology, CX61 also packed NVIDIA 's latest GT820M 2GB discrete graphics card. Comes with the innovative Audio boost solution — a world first developed by MSI, AMP (Audio amplifier), and gold jacks, bringing the new Generation cinema-grade quality sound to an all-new level.
    Performance nVIDIA GeForce GT820M discrete graphics
    MSI CX61 2PC came locked and loaded with the nVIDIA GeForce GT820M discrete graphics card which boasts 2GB DDR3 of display memory. The GT820M over P5200 scores on 3D Mark Vantage, and 3D Mark 11 got P1500 scores. That coupled with the fact that it supports DirectX 11 effects and nVida PhysX technologies. You will be amazed by good casual gaming experience of your favor online games on HD resolutions, CX61 is your easy to take and best companion anywhere.
    Sharp and slight design with quick launch keys
    The design of CX61 2PC comes with sharp and business style, this makes CX61 looks low-profile but high efficiency on both business and casual gaming. The quick launch keys was designed on the up side of the keyboard, it’s easier for users to enable WiFi, to disable the touch pad when you installed a USB mouse, enable turbo battery mode when you are in battery mode to save more battery life. The gray color covers the whole CX61 with business shape and style.
    [TABLE=width: 221, align: center]
    Know more about gaming laptop features at MSI Dragoon Army!
    In addition to pushing the envelope in terms of notebook computer performance, MSI continues to work in cooperation with well-known gaming teams around the world, including FNATIC from Europe and teams from Asia. MSI actively participates in a variety of gaming activities to increase name exposure, to improve on product functions, and to enhance user experience. What's more, for its new platform, this year, MSI set up the Dragoon Army website and forum for MSI gaming laptop users and competition gamers around the world. For more on gaming products and gaming info, please go to

    hello i have first model and look so old msi CR410.....and the problem lappy running to slow...i have upgrade the RAM 2GB TO 6GB...and done format got a BIT faster only....what should i do???.....should i upgrade a prcessor? help i work on editing video and photo use ADOBE PHOTOSHOP and many me......
    MY SPECS NOW......:-
    -PROCESSOR AMD V160 2.4GHz
    -RAM DDR3

  • GP60 2pe 024XCN ---------a notebook

    Hi Svet :
    How can I used the MSI beta BIOS in the new MSI Forum HQ USB flashing tool ?
    Mainboard:  MS-16GH
    PCB Version:  REV:1.0
    BIOS Version: E16GHIMS.105
    BIOS Date:  2014/3/18
    EC-FW Version: 

    Quote from: Svet on 16-October-14, 00:49:43
    there are no beta bioses for notebooks
    I was modified the BIOS file by UEFITool , and I afraid about that the Bios file is bad . I don't know how to recovery the bios , if I cover the bios error ?

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    The laptop functions fine, and has full performance. I have reinstalled vista via the recovery partiton on the drive and still get this error. Short of completely formatting the hard drive, what else can I do to stop SMART MONITORING from reporting errors.
    I am 101% sure the hard drive is not at fault.
    The bios has no disablement for SMART.
    Please help!

    Have you updated your systems BIOS yet?

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           When I switch on IBM thinkpad X60s notebook. I can hear a sound from fan like it is try to move and then stop. After awhile an error "fan error" appear on the screen. I would like to know is it related to fan problem? If yes, Do I need to change a new fan? Actually, this notebook is out of warranty. So what will it cost for fan assembly and the labour charge? I live in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. I would like to know is there any service center in Johor Bahru? Thanks for reading and reply to my post.

    Apa kabar?
    Sounds like you will need another fan installed. If you unit is still under warranty, call your local tech support to assist. I'm not sure about your exact location in Malaysia, but I know that there are some locations in KL.
    I was able to find this tech support number in Malaysia for you.
    1800-88-1889 (Local number only)
    +603 8315 6855 (DID)
    Monday - Friday 8:30AM - 5PM
    Give them a call for assistance. Best of luck.
     Do NOT PM me with technical issues. Post in the forum for assistance. Thanks

  • HP ENVY m6 Notebook PC trackpad issue even after HP repair

    2 weeks ago i sent my HP ENVY m6 Notebook to the HP Repair center because i was having major issues with the trackpad. It would not move fluidly,and click, and move on its own.
    I received my laptop back today anticipating that everything would work perfectly but some of these same issues are still occuring. The touchpad and the cable that connects it were both replace and the laptop was wiped clean.
    The toucpad will work for sometime then all of a sudden become glitchy. This is really effecting my usage of the computer. It is a huge inconvenience to pay for a laptop and have a major component malfunctioning. I'm currently using a wireless mouse again.
    Since the hardware was replace is there a software problem. This sems to be occuring to so many people.
    What is going on?​#/qryterm=HP%20ENVY%20m6%20Notebook&search_search...
    1. Please click on the above shown link and select the exact notebook model
    2. Select the exact and relevant Operating System for your notebook
    3. Click on Driver - Keyboard, Mouse and Input Devices
    4. Please download and install the Touchpad Drivers on your Notebook
    Hope this helps, for any further queries reply to the post and feel free to join us again
    "I work for Hewlett-Packard"
    * * * * * Click the "Purple Thumbs Up Icon in the lower right corner of a post" to say thanks * * * * *
    * * * * * Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem * * * * *
    K N R K


    i bought a HP PAVILION DV6T-7000 NOTEBOOK and not even a year and the buttons on key board start moving and for the irony,when the warranty expired i lost the space buton,long story short went to buy one keyboar but based on hp specification part number it gives me all these choices...dont know wich is mine to order?please who can help?
    698952-001 KEYBOARD ISK PT BLK W8 US - For 1.1 W8 KEYBOARD

    I have to replace the keyboard on my dv6t-7000  as well and to be sure of the part number I removed the keyboard and the part # on the back is 682081-001 this is for the back lit keys. 

  • Quickweb software upgrade for HP Pavilion dv6t-3000 CTO Entertainment Notebook PC Drivers

    I have purchased my laptop in the year 2010 from HP. Now i need to upgrade HP QuickWeb software .
    My current version is less than 1.0. I guess we have latest version as 3 or above..
    Please let me know how to update the software to version 3 or greater.
    Here is my laptop model
    HP Pavilion dv6t-3000 CTO Entertainment Notebook PC
    Product name: HP Pavilion dv6 Notebook PC
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit Service Pack 1

    Hello @SridharGaddam,
    I understand that you are looking for an upgraded version of HP Quickweb for your HP Pavilion dv6t-3000 CTO Notebook PC. I am providing you with a link to the HP Pavilion dv6t-3000 CTO Entertainment Notebook PC Drivers, which has all the most current drivers and software available for your computer. This is the software that HP has updated for your computer, and if you do not see the software you are looking for that means it is not compatible with your computer.
    I hope this answers your question to your satisfaction. Thank you for posting on the HP Forums. Have a great day!
    Please click the "Thumbs Up" on the bottom right of this post to say thank you if you appreciate the support I provide!
    Also be sure to mark my post as “Accept as Solution" if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others who face the same challenge find the same solution.
    I work on behalf of HP
    Find out a bit more about me by checking out my profile!
    "Customers don’t expect you to be perfect. They do expect you to fix things when they go wrong." ~ Donald Porter

  • Ultrabook/Notebook freezing and making loud buzzing noise

    I just received via UPS a HP Pavilion 11 x2 PC 11-h010nr for my daughter for Christmas.  I decided to let her open it as her one before Christmas present and I am glad I did.  She went into xbox music to listen to her new beats audio sound.  On about the 3rd song the loudest annoying buzzing noise came out of the screen portion and the screen was frozen (she had it detached from the keyboard).  She hit the power button and the noise stopped.  She got back into xbox music and about the 2nd song this time it did it again.  She started to cry and very upset because she thought it was broke and would take a very long time for us to get it fixed and she gets a replacement.  Needless to say her Christmas has just turned into a really bad Christmas.  Also today I brought the notebook with me to work to see if the problem continues and as I was putting the song on Pause/Play the noise occured, the screen did not freeze but the noise did occur.

    Hello mickeymom44,
    The notebook would still be covered by the  warranty, I recommend calling our technical support at 800-474-6836. If you live outside the US/Canada Region please click the link below to get the support number for your region.
    Thank you and Happy Holidays!
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" to the left of the reply button to say “Thanks” for helping!

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