Notification message

Mon Iphone 4 ne notifie plus les messages que je recois, il n'y a pas de son , ni de pastille , alors que les réglages sont corrects.

Have you tried restarting the phone?

Similar Messages

  • How to customize initial secure e-mail notification message

    Can we customize the initial secure e-mail notification message with a company logo or any kind of text?
    The one that says:
    You have received a secure message
    Read your secure message by opening the attachment, securedoc.html. You will be prompted to open (view) the file or save (download) it to your computer. For best results, save the file first, then open it in a Web browser. To access from a mobile device, forward this message to [email protected] to receive a mobile login URL.
    If you have concerns about the validity of this message, contact the sender directly.
    First time users - will need to register after opening the attachment.
    Help -
    About Cisco Registered Email Service -
    Basically we want to put our company logo to the top of this message. We already have our company logo added in CRES that shows up when you open the securedoc.html file.

    Nevermind, I found it.
    Mail Policies > Text Resources > Add Text Resource
    Set the type as Encryption Notification Template (HTML), edit the HTML and then also add one with a type Encryption Notification Template (text), edit the text. Then go into the Security Services > IronPort E-Mail Encryption > modify the Encryption profile and choose the new Text Resources created above.
    Under Text Resources I was also able to create custom bounce messages with variables that display all the relevant information regarding the bounce.

  • How to keep a notification message in my lock screen?

    For instance, when I receive an SMS I get a notification message in my lock screen. After that, if I unlock my phone, without reviewing/opening the iMessage app, and then I lock it again, is there any way to keep my SMS notification in the lock screen?

    Hi Sudheer,
                      U can create a message say "Test" in message pool of Type Info. u can use this message for displaying info messages as shown below.
    wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager().reportMessage(IMessage<ur component name>.Test);
    i am not sure about the image, just try this.
    Thanks and Regards

  • How to add an attribute to a notification message ?

    I want help in adding an attribute to a PO Approval notification message.
    The attribute is from the PO Header screen , it is the Ship-To field (See screenshot) :
    Kindly help me and tell me how i can add this attribute to Approve PO with PDf message (See screenshot) :
    Best Regards,

    - You add an attribute at item level, let's call it SHIP_TO, type varchar
    - You add another attribute at the message level, let's call it SHIP_TO too and set its value to item attribute SHIP_TO
    - Now you doble-click on the message and edit its body and add the reference to this new attribute:
    Ship to: &SHIP_TO
    - Save the workflow process and upload to the database.
    - Now you need to set this attribute's value using WF_ENGINE.SetItemAttrText() just like the other existing attributes for this workflow.

  • Query regarding the error in the notification message put up by iOS??

    1. Turn off Wifi and 3G network on iPhone iOS5
    2. Launch the iTunes.
    3. Cellular Data is Turned Off message is put up with Settings and OK buttons instead of ------>  OK and Settings buttons.
    Apple users are consistent with say Cancel and Retry (options) in the notifications instead of Retry and Cancel.
    So my assumptions from the various notifications message put up on iPhones, it should be ( Do nothing ) and ( Action button ) in the notification messages.
    Is it OK to keep the same notification while designing the app to maintain this (above - do nothing and action button) consistency or just follow the apple notification as below. Please HELP!

    You should be using HTML Markup if you want to put new lines in eg
    OofSettings oof = service.GetUserOofSettings("[email protected]");
    oof.ExternalReply = "test line 1<br>test line 2<br>test line3";
    oof.State = OofState.Enabled;
    service.SetUserOofSettings("[email protected]", oof);

  • Global notification message, can't get it to work

    I was making experiments with the Global Notification message, so I created a page taking a string as input and storing the value in the global variable using the following pl/sql code located in an After-submit process:
    However the message didn't show up, although I modified my template to display it after the "breadcrumbs" (region position 02).
    Then I moved the process in a Before-header position and this time the message displayed as expected (inside the same page).
    Since I defined the global message, I expected to see it appear on other pages, as all of them are based on the same template, but it doesn't.
    Also, v('GLOBAL_NOTIFICATION') returns null.
    I must admit I am puzzled by this behavior.
    Please, could someone clarify how this global message is meant to work?
    The documentation is not clear on this subject.

    I re-read your original post and the behavior you describe is as expected. Depending on the type of branch you are using, you'll only see the message appear when you set the package global in an OnLoad process (e.g Before Header). If you set the package global onSubmit, its value will be lost on the subsequent page when the branch that follows submits and then redirects. This is because the redirect will cause a whole new database session with new package state to be created. If you set up your branch without a subsequent redirect, the global package variable should still have a value.
    Although the global variable is a true global variable in the PL/SQL package sense, it's not a global variable in the HTML DB (logical) session sense. That's what page items and application items are for. The "GLOBAL" in GLOBAL_NOTIFICATION is meant to indicate that anyone running an application which has the appropriate substitution string in its template will see this message. It was really designed to be a broadcast mechanism from the owner of the application to the end users of the application. I hope this clears things up.

  • How to pass custom parameters to the Notification message body in a process

    Hi All,
    We are migrating from ORACLE workflows to Oracle OWB process flows as part of upgrade to Oracle 11g R2. Earlier in workflow notification mesages we could attach custom attributes (eg X_NAME) and reference the custom attributes in the notification message body (&X_NAME) to dynamically build the message body as per the custom attribute values.
    I tried to add a cutom parameter X_EMAIL_ID to a OWB process notification activity and trying to pass it to the notification message body by giving the value "This message is from &X_EMAIL_ID" in TEXT_BODY. But when I get the notification message it shows only "This message is from" and it does not show anything about X_EMAIL_ID.
    Please advise Please help us if anyone have used any workaround to dynamically populate the TEXT_BODY in a notification activity based on custom parameters.
    Thanks and regards,

    Hi David,
    Thank you for your suggestions. When I try to bind the variable to the notification activity parameter TEXT_BODY I get this error - VLD-10035: The value of parameter TEXT_BODY in a NOTIFICATION activity must be a literal value, bindings or expressions are not allowed. It looks like the text_body can have only literal values. Could you please advise if you received any such error or how could you resolve them.
    Thanks and regards,

  • Settings button (action) is on the left had side of the Cellular Data is Turned Off notification message put up while the OK button is present on the right hand side of the notification

    The defualt notification message put up when launching iTunes on iPhone devices show that Cellular Data is Turned Off message is put up with Settings and OK button.
    This seems to be inconsistent with the default 'Cancel' and 'Action' buttons in other notification messages from Apple.
    Is it fine to consider the OK button first (left) and Settings(right) button next in the Cellular Data is Turned Off error message in the apps so that it is in line with the apple guidelines??
    Please help with this.
    Thanks you so much.

    Try the basics from the manual.  Restart, reset, restore.

  • Notification message box of Hyperion Planning when user login

    Can we have a notification message box popup when user login Hyperion Planning or Workspace application? We would like to communicate to the end users by the system instead of just email because some end users may not check the email so frequently. It is the best to notify end users about any latest changes e.g. budget rate, etc when they login the system to check data or print reports.
    We noticed that there is a broadcast message feature but only limit to those users already online. And the message will not shown when there are some users login later. We would like to have some notice board like message instead of instant messaging.
    The online help of "broadcast message" feature:
    "Use broadcast messaging to communicate a text message to all Planning users currently logged on to an application. For example, you can send messages about system availability or periodic maintenance. You should also send broadcast messages to request that users log out before upgrading or migrating applications.
    You can send broadcast messages using the Web client or a command line utility. If you send them using the Web, they are sent to users of your current application. If you send them using the command line, you can specify any application, without being logged on to it. You can also schedule messages using standard operating system mechanisms. "
    Thanks in advance!

    I have tried the above step and it only works when i am in the advanced mode. but when i change to basic mode i can see the forms and still can access without any disturbance. for your help i am pasting the planningcentral.jsp so that you could suggest me something other.
    Thanks in advance...
    the original file :
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "">
    <%@ include file="Common.jin" %>
    <% nWhichPage = HspConstants.PLANNING_CENTRAL;
    String redirectString = request.getParameter("Redirect");
    String mainFrameContentURL = (String)session.getAttribute(HspConstants.SESSION_MAIN_FRAME_CONTENT);
    String mainFrameContent = ((inAdvancedMode) && (mainFrameContentURL != null)) ? mainFrameContentURL : "SelectForm.jsp";
         String queryString = request.getQueryString();
         String mastHeadURL = "BT_Masthead.jsp" + ((queryString != null) ? "?" + queryString : "");
    <%@ include file="SessionValidate.jin" %>
    <%-- Section for Checking latest CSS version and redirecting to AppSettings.jsp --%>
    <%     if ((HspPlanning != null) && (HspPlanning.isApplicationOwner()))     {
              boolean isHubRegistered = (HspPlanning.getHubServer() != null);
              if ((!isHubRegistered) || (HspPlanning.isUserMigrationReqd())) {
                   inAdvancedMode = true;
                   redirectString = null;
                   mainFrameContent = "AppSettings.jsp?RND=" + Math.random();
    <%-- End CSS validation section --%>
    <title><%= HspMsgs.LABEL_WELCOME_TO_HP %></title>
    <%@ include file="PlanningLibraries.jin" %>
    <script language="JavaScript">
    var isPlanningFramework = true;
         var topFrameLoaded = false;
         var taskListViewPaneLoaded = false;
         var processBarLoaded = false;
    <frameset id="mainframeset" rows="72,19,*" cols="*" frameborder="NO" border="1" framespacing="0">
         <frame src="<%= mastHeadURL %>" name="topFrame" id="topFrame" scrolling="auto" noresize >
         <frame src="BT_ProcessBar.jsp" title="object palette header" id="objPaletteHeader" name="objPaletteHeader" scrolling="no">     
         <frameset id="nestedFrameSet" cols="20%,*" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0">
    <% if (inAdvancedMode) { %>
         <frame src="LP_ObjectPalette.jsp" id="leftPalette" name="leftPalette" scrolling="no">
         <frame src="<%= (redirectString != null) ? redirectString : mainFrameContent %>" id="mainFrame" name="mainFrame" scrolling="auto">
    <% } else { %>
    <%     int currentTLId = -1;
         HspTaskList thisTL = (HspTaskList)session.getAttribute(HspConstants.SESSION_TASK_LIST);
         if (thisTL != null) thisTL = HspPlanning.getTaskList(thisTL.getId());
         if (thisTL != null) {
              currentTLId = thisTL.getId();
         } else {
         Vector availableTaskLists = null;
         availableTaskLists = HspPlanning.getTaskLists();
         HspObjectPositionComparator hspObjectCompare = new HspObjectPositionComparator();
         HspCSM.sortVector(availableTaskLists, hspObjectCompare);
         if ((availableTaskLists != null) && (availableTaskLists.size() > 0))
              currentTLId = ((HspTaskList)availableTaskLists.firstElement()).getId();
         } %>
         <frame src="LP_ObjectPalette.jsp?TaskList=<%= currentTLId %>" id="leftPalette" name="leftPalette" scrolling="no">     
         <frameset id="wizardFrameSet" name="wizardFrameSet" rows="*,0" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0">
    <%     if (currentTLId != -1) {
              String wizardFrameContent = "TL_Navigator.jsp?TaskList=" + currentTLId;
              HspTask currentSessionTask = (HspTask)session.getAttribute(HspConstants.SESSION_TASK);
              if (currentSessionTask != null) {
                   wizardFrameContent = "TL_Navigator.jsp?TaskList=" + currentTLId + "&SelectedTask=" + currentSessionTask.getId() + "&ShowWizard=true";
                   mainFrameContent = "TL_Wait.jsp";
              } else {
                   mainFrameContent = "TaskListStatus.jsp?TaskList=" + currentTLId;
              <frame src="<%= mainFrameContent %>" id="mainFrame" name="mainFrame" scrolling="auto" noresize>
              <frame src="<%= (redirectString != null) ? redirectString : wizardFrameContent %>" id="wizardFrame" name="wizardFrame" scrolling="NO" noresize>
    <%      } else { %>
              <frame src="<%= (redirectString != null) ? redirectString : "Error.jsp" %>" id="mainFrame" name="mainFrame" scrolling="auto">
    <%      } %>
    <% } %>

  • Turning off "Delivery Notification" messages

    Is it possible to totally suppress messages regarding delivery status from Postmaster? I run a pair of JESMS 6.2 servers which are SMTP relays primarily and the accounts used to send mail are not "people" but services. I'd like the "Delivery Notification: Message has been delayed/failed/etc" to not be generated. I think there's a setting in imta.cnf for this but am wary of the syntax. Can anyone advise what the line should look like?
    "defaults notices 1 2 4 7 logging copywarnpost copysendpost postheadonly noswitchchannel immnonurgent maxjobs 7 defaulthost"
    Sun Java(tm) System Messaging Server 6.2-7.05 (built Sep 5 2006) 6.2-7.05 (built 12:18:44, Sep 5 2006)
    SunOS 5.10 Generic_118833-33 sun4v sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-T1000

    MikeTimbers wrote:
    Is it possible to totally suppress messages regarding delivery status from Postmaster?What you propose in contrary to the general nature of email delivery (we strive to not silently 'lose' email which is what this translates too) so there isn't a simple one command to achieve it.
    You could prevent notification/disposition emails by using the notificationchannel/dispositionchannel keyword:
    This allows you to change the source channel of these emails. Then by adding a 'discard;' sieve sourcefilter to this new process channel, the emails should be dropped.
    "defaults notices 1 2 4 7 logging copywarnpost copysendpost postheadonly noswitchchannel immnonurgent maxjobs 7 defaulthost"The copywarnpost and copysendpost are the keywords used to control the behaviour of sending a copy of the bounce/notification message to the postmaster. It doesn't control whether the original bounce/notification message is created. If you don't care about these postmaster copies you can disable them by replacing copysendpost with nosendpost and copywarnpost with nowarnpost.

  • Can I send notification message to other users?

    Hi all,
    Can abap webdynpro send out notification messages to other users in a portal? If a new user select some employees that have overwritten other same users selection, I need to send out notification message to other users that their selection have been resetted by this particular user. Can this be done in abap webdynpro?

    In NetWeaver 7.0 Enhancement Package 2 there is a new feature called Web Dynpro Notification Service. It lets you send events to any other applications which are listending for that same event id.  In a demo that comes with 7.02 we use this technology to create a chat application.  However this functionality has to be built into each application.  They must have an event handler ready to respond to the event.
    So you could build what you describe into your application - but only as of 7.02.  7.02 for the Business Suite comes with BS7i2010 which is currently scheduled to start ramp-up in Q4.

  • Error Notification message checksum content error in APEX 4.2

    We are Getting "Error Notification message checksum content error" when somebody enters wrong password in one of our installations after upgrade to 4.2
    Installation -- OEL 5.5 --> Oracle 11g --> Apex 4.2 --> Weblogic 10.3.4
    I understood from other threads, that problem is lying somewhere in apex 4.2 new feature (ajax wait count down), because i get below url in browser
    However i have similar other installations, where i do see the correct error message(Incorrect Login Credentials, Please wait for <n> seconds).
    Also i have seen that on other thread somebody giving solutions for similar error in Apache installation, but i couldn't find any for Weblogic installation.
    Please help me on this.
    Edited by: user9128312 on Dec 17, 2012 6:38 PM

    I just checked this on and can see both the 'Error Handling' 'sub tab' and the relevant region on the page with attributes for 'In-Line Error Notification Text' and 'Error Handling Function'. This is on the 'Edit Page' page in the builder (4000:4301). Is this the page you are on and are you still not able to see this?

  • Human task notification message configuration.

    Hi All,
    whenever any human task assignes to an user, SOA11g server sends a e-mail notification to that particular user. I need to configure/change the standard notification message with the custom message as per my poject needs. I have been trying to change the 'Notification Header' field of HumanTask file inside BPEL project from JDeveloper IDE. Now, after redeploying the solution, modified notification message is sending but, in E-mail message it is printing whole notification message in a single line, i need to print the e-mail message in the specified format. How to achieve this?.

    Ok try this instead:-
    concat(ns0:property_name, ",", ns0:property_value,"& # 13;") (""&amp sign # 13; ) (use without spaces.)
    is supposed to add a new line .
    The trick to insert the new line character in XML payload from Oracle BPEL is to append
    in the from expression of assign activity, then check your .bpel file it would have &amp;#13; rather than
    because Jdeveloper replaces & with its equivalent escape character &amp;. You need to replace &amp; with & so it would become the correct new line character
    Edited by: 988445 on Jun 2, 2013 5:44 PM

  • Lately, i received "search setting notification" message popup on starting Firefox 3.6.10. I manually changed my search to Bing. But after closing all firefox windows, it was changed to Yahoo and that notification message.

    I am referring to the Search Bar on the upper right corner of the firefox screen. Where there is an option to "Manager search engines...". I even delete the Yahoo entry. But when i restart firefox, i got that "Search Setting Notification" message and the #$@? Yahoo is there on the upper right corner as my default search engine.

    (1) Firefox's built-in post-crash page has not been a real HTML page for a long time (for example, from the time of Firefox 22, see: [ Want to save LOTS of versions of "Restore Session.xht" from the "oops ..." page for later use]). If you had this working differently with Firefox 25, that might have been created by an extension.
    You can check to see whether extensions are disabled or need an update on the Add-ons page. Either:
    * Ctrl+Shift+a
    * orange Firefox button (or Tools menu) > Add-ons
    In the left column, click Extensions. The disabled extensions cluster toward the bottom of the list. To poll for updates, use the "gear" button above the list and choose Check for Updates.
    If you used the Reset feature (or Firefox automatically did a reset due to some problem during upgrading), you will need to reinstall missing extensions. The reset feature creates a folder on the desktop named Old Firefox Data. Do you have that folder? There may be data you can recover from it.
    (2) There are many ways for history to get cleared, both internal to Firefox and external. Could you double-check your Privacy settings?
    orange Firefox button (or Tools menu) > Options > Privacy
    * The "Firefox will" drop-down says Remember History: Firefox shouldn't be clearing history, but an add-on or external software could do it
    * The "Firefox will" drop-down says Use custom settings for history: inspect the "Clear history when Firefox closes" setting to make Firefox isn't set to clear history. Also check your add-ons and consider external software.
    Firefox normally accumulates months of history. However, some of Firefox's database sizes are based on disk space available. If your hard drive is very full, Firefox might reduce the amount of history stored.

  • Bounced Notification messages in Mail

    Help me out!! I have been getting "Bounced Notification Messages" in my mail for the past few days. Have dumped all messages and cleared my mailbox, yet the messages still claim I have exceeded my "quota". Sorry for the stupid question, but how do i correct this, and what can I do to avoid maxing out the "quota"??

    Thanks, I figured it out thru my "server". Just had to dump a ton stuff hanging around for too long. All clear now.

  • SMS appears as a Network Notification message

    After loading the 4.5.0 version software in my Blackberry Curve (8310), I am facing a typical problem of my SMS being received as a Network Notification message by the Recipients.
    With this, in Nokia phones the message prompts for Save or Delete option. If the message is saved then the SMS goes to the IN box, else it disappears. In HTC phones, the message just appears as a Flash message with no option of saving. In HP iPAQ, the SMS is received correctly whereas on my own Blackberry curve, it appears as a Notification message with an option of saving it.
    With this, I am not confident whether the recipients of my message have got the SMS sent by me.

    Hurray !! at last after putting up with this problem with the latest upgrade available of 4.5 OS this got resolved. I hope this will resolve the issue for all other around too.
    I have installed the version yesterday and the problem disappeared.
    Hope this helps others too.

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