OK. I might have a corrupt LR2 catalog. What do I do now?

So, now it's taking me gobs of time to import anything into my new LR2 catalog. How do I fix this? I have run the utility on it and it's still in trouble. This was a library that I had upgraded from version 1.4. I've already done a lot of work in this new catalog and I don't just want to import the old one again. Is there some way I can export stuff and re-import it into a new fresh catalog?

You could just export the entire catalog to a new catalog.

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    Hi stirling r,
    I have always been very weary of fake emails and can easily spot the ones that get through the spam filters but for the first time in my 25 plus years memory of using email, I though a fake email was genuine.
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    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities
    First, change your password, so the thief won't be able to use your Apple ID. See > http://appleid.apple.com Then, open http://www.icloud.com, login with your Apple ID and select Find my iPhone to track, lock or wipe the iPhone

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    Hold down  the power button until the screen goes black.
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