Okay - Federal ADA Law Title III in various Chapte...

Okay here's an issue here - I am profoundly deaf; I have to type to communicate! Forget about SKYPE - Relay is FREE, Usage of Communications is FREE for the hearing impaired and profoundly deaf. NOW since some of the Federal Relay Operations have just now been kicked out since Microsoft acquired and merged over to Skype two differing things which caused everyone to move over to AOL's AIM.  I do not like the AOL's AIM or IM anymore because it is not secured as they used to be.
This would now be a direct violation of the Federal ADA Laws in TITLE III in multiple sections and chapters ... I am sorry - it's been there for ages and to have this all set up and configured for all of this which has no meaning and merit for someone who is profoundly deaf (or hearing impaired) for that matter when one only wants to type messages and we're being charged for it?
I do not think soooooo!
Microsoft should had read the Laws first before they jumped into this because I can smell trouble plus multitudes of class action lawsuits and individual lawsuits compiling up by reasons for this matter? No one is happy about this at all. I cannot stop these people from proceeding forward; but their complaints are surmounting as much as they loathe with a passion of having to download Trillian or other alternative modes rather than AOL's AIM itself by reason of all those ADS. Who can blame them?
I've been an advocate for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired for years; in fact, there would have been no Relay Service until the Federal Government provided the grant; I was "drafted" in the piloting stage years ago, by the very founder of the Deaf Service Center that was so widely known and proudly sponsored by United Way. Jerry (the founder) himself, hand selected all individuals in my State; for only but a few States and Provider who were selected to participate in this Relay Service. Both times my State and MCI had teamed up and nailed it down. Since then, N.A.D. (National Association for the Deaf) originally was the Organization until FCC took over; while the Board of Directors - such as Sprint, AT&T, so on - still monitors everything ... Relay Services has exploded as Technology innovation boomed insomuch no more dialing that 10 digit number, 711 became the official number for USA and CAN - soon it was the number for other Countries who used it as well as 911. (Not all Countries however ... but there are some parts in some Countries where they have this functionality while remainder of the Country itself does not; nevertheless, it is growing.)
Superimposed, online relay has been available since AOL IM came to being; and once again, I was hand picked to test (no such word as BETA back then in those days - it was either piloting or testing in phase modes) relay online. Very successful insomuch online relay has grown likewise in technology and improvised over the years.  I am Federally registered as well as State registered; even my online number is Federally registered.
Why do I make notation of this? Because usage of tele-communications online is free. SKYPE wants to charge something that which is paid by the Federal Government for the hearing impaired and deaf - nothing? This makes no sense ...
Now do you have the whole picture here? Not everyone can get it because one has to be legitimately registered while it varies in USA by State and one can also be registered Federally as well; in Canada, it all depends on the Providence and where they reside in accordance to the Canadian / Canadien Laws. So a hearing person can not "cheat" the system which is quite obvious; but not only has this Relay System become just limited to hearing impaired and deaf - but also for the visually impaired, physically impaired and so forth - those who qualify; obtain these services for free at no charge.
There is my question here - why would I have to pay for something I could communicate which I once was able to do so before on MSN MSGR - but now "stuck" with this "stupid AOL AIM" which their own Server is not always reliable.
Put the shoe on the other foot - is this fair? No it isn't; in fact, I do have to side with the others who are exceeding upset; not being bias here but the Law is the Law - while I once used to hear at one time, not anymore. Maybe someone can at least manifest this sense of urgency and correct this issue and look up and re-read that Federal Law because it also includes Relay and for Communications not just for the deaf and hearing impaired, but for others as well.
If you were to call me, answer me, how am I supposed to hear it? How am I supposed to know what you're saying? I am totally reliant on typing - at the standpoint; with the consumption given with much provisions thereof,  majority of the individuals are not fast typist so what you can speak in 10 seconds can actually take a disabled person up to 1 to 2 minutes just to type a message in; for there are very, very few typists who have such the ability to type as fast as I can.
Although with deepest regrets having to post this message; someone has to stand up and speak up for the multi-millions of Americans and the Billions of those worldwide. One person's post "speaks" for the "voice" of all.
Thank you for your understanding, this is not a bias or demeaning post but a valid merited post and I fear Microsoft is about to become what had happened to many other major Corporations; they were not immune; even Wells Fargo (look it up and read it) was fined heavily by Federal Judges and denied Wells Fargo as well as every other Major (and minor) Corporations immunity from lawsuits for being non-compliant to the Federal ADA Law.
Just because .... does not mean you are safe and immune; many others thought so too, until the Federal Judges fined them likewise and the President is enforcing it due to abuse and misuse; and FCC was overwhelmed with complaints. The Congress and Senate had did all they could but Corporation Giants would turn a deaf ear (literally speaking) and just scoff about it for a prolonged time until one single Congressman took it up to the Federal Judge with an FCC Commissioner, from there began the investigation and fines from there .... beginning with the most complaints starting first then they are still going forth. Wells Fargo was fined for Billions, it does not include additional millions going out to additional communities and so forth (look it up). But it does not stop there; for it was just the beginning. The Alarm has sounded, enough of the abuse and misuse of the Federal ADA Law ...
For those reading this post; you might find it very interesting after looking up on Wells Fargo for they were struck down first (but not going to be the last either because many others were next in line as well and continues onwards to this current stance); was the fact Wells Fargo went forth with a motion for immunity from lawsuits - that which was denied. Any person can file a suit, whether individually or as a class action was their final judgment. WHY did the Federal Judge impose that order so quickly without any hesitation? It is because it was a direct violation of the Federal ADA Law and they already as well as everyone else KNOWS that Federal ADA LAWS are right there the whole entire being, the fault lies with them for the failure on their end. The implication from the Federal Judges imposition imposed was to anyone and all.
Do not quote me on this, if no one likes it - the Law has been there for ages; it has been trod down, abused, misused, soiled upon without any regards and insomuch they went so far to impose their own Company or Corporation policies to override it because they consider themselves "immune" from that Law. If that is all still available for public viewing; the arguments that not only Wells Fargo but others likewise, have tried to "push it over the fence". It won't work. It would be just like throwing the United States Constitution out the door!

If it were not for my son's wife sugery in the afternoon yesterday; he and his family would not be in my house. I did not authorized Microsoft to use my telephone number nor did I authorize Microsoft to use my home telephone number which is unlisted, private, unpublished, federally protected, State protected - to be inserted into Skype because it is associated with a TDD/Relay call.
My flashers (aka singalers) have been ringing off the wall throughout the night and my grandchildren have school! No Caller ID was appearing whatsoever; I had no laptop as I am confined in bed - all my configurations is turned off; I am not on a metered Sync with all due respect that WiFi and Phone is FREE everywhere by my Provider. Thanks and no thanks; until after nearly 2 AM having finally gotten through to a Relay System (all because of this non-stop calls) and after my Provider was able to reset the other box I own to force the Caller ID back on - everything was showing up as Microsoft Marke -- meaning Microsoft Marketing with Microsoft's telephone number. I had the Relay Supervisor to Dial that number while the other Supervisor (Provider) was on the line and it was a Skype just exactly what my bleary-eyed son who was so tired of hearing this non-stop phone ringing even with the volume on so low; it was waking up their children (AND DID I SAY THEY HAD SCHOOL?). They were CRYING because they could not sleep.
First my son was going to deal with it because I am profoundly deaf myself; repetitiously I kept saying the same thing but it was all in vain you were making ME SLEEP DEPRIVED - you could have SENT ME INTO THE HOSPITAL in the EMERGENCY ROOM for you were one step away from accomplishing this feat due to my medical conditions (for I have had 5 major surgeries, 3 more to go! Those flashers are seizure provocative; yet it had blown out 14 light bulbs and do you plan on replacing them as expensive as they are? These are not your average light bulbs but right now - all these phone calls have literally blown out those Spectrum Lights which are exceeding expensive because I am photic)!
For your information; just one bulb cost $49.95 - you have blown 12 of my Spectrum Lights (which they are very difficult to find; my Doctor ordered it and while they have its own long life-span; being ill, I have removed them from other parts of the house for now and this is uncalled for until they are ALL blown - the average life-span is 15 to 20 years per bulb).
When my son answered the phone, he got part of the message of "turn your webcam on" and he hung up; and told me it's a prank. Only to have the Caller to call back again and he listened closely "turn your web cam on, you have a video chat." I was totally perplexed; my son is looking at my regular phone here (it is not a cell phone or smart phone; but a regular landline phone which is connected to the TDD for direct connect; for if the TDD machine fails me or there's an emergency - we have Enhanced 911 system here; I am registered there too so they are fully aware if anything goes wrong with my TDD - I can't hear; they can take the message as I can talk and know what to say and hang up and wait for help to arrive).
By the time these Supervisors here from two different Major Providers; mine and the Relay - were at their Wit's end; trying to figure out what all is going on until my own Provider reset the box and only then when the Supervisor placed a test call; it came up as Microsoft Marke -- meaning Microsoft Marketing instead of the Provider's Name!
1) This is a direct violation of the FCC Rules and Regulations to call someone after 9 PM - it's illegal!
2) Constant phone calls non-stop can lead you to a FELONY charges against you especially if you were out of State; it becomes a Federal Felony charge.
3) WHY a FELONY Charge? Because it is a direct violation of FCC Rules, regulations, Federal ADA Laws, State Laws, and then some plus additional charges by reason of constant and continual calling of individual which includes if one did not add their own personal information - like my phone number is a Federal and State Crime; Corporates are not exempted nor are they IMMUNE either. There have been many cases where "Spamming and Swapping all the way to "bait and switch" without one's consent and knowledge" - hence one reason why my State has the most rigid laws  which FCC and ADA of the Federal Government also agrees and abides as well adheres to it; because of its heavy population of Senior Citizens who are heavily vulnerable including those who are disabled, handicapped, et al (yadda, yadda, yadda). Superimposed; many have been fined heavily and jailed if not kicked out of this State (their businesses) for that violations. Some Major Providers and Businesses are BANNED in this State because of their constant failures to abide by the State Laws. The Laws have been there for years are to protect the Senior Citizens and others from such Fraud; since this State used to be the number 1 State with Frauds until all these Laws came to place (I might be wrong but I believe they all began developing since 1950s and gradually built up all the way to its current state; many have been amended by reason of changes in innovations and technology).  This all started off with USPS and door to door salesmen; yet Scammers to Slammers still persists in this State but they DO and WILL get caught; whether an Individual or Business (they could careless who you are or what you are; if you are violating it - you are in serious trouble; breaking the law. It does not matter what State you are coming from or where you are or who you are - we have a Law here that you are REQUIRED to have permits and have to obtain such to meet the requirement to adhere to the State Laws. Businesses are heavily monitored; and yet - Businesses have been given the boot too; which may be an eye opener right there especially when one is such a well known household name; they've lost their privileges to even do businesses in this State nor can they provide any provisions of any type of businesses in this State either.
4) Registered also on Do not call list as well as Do not mail list; I am opt out of all marketing calls and mail (although some local businesses do send out mass USPS mail but they are exempted) since the day it became available. How would YOU LIKE IT if I phoned you non-stop constantly and endlessly throughout the night and day where you cannot even place you own calls out ... you are trapped? Put the shoe on the other foot!
Meanwhile with this being said, I had to dig real deep into Microsoft; I am originally and always had been with MSN MSGR - the last time I looked it was a MSGR ... but digging deeper - I found it and I never gave anyone the authorization to use my telephone number because that number belongs to my provider. My profile is left unfinished for obvious reasons; I do not want SKPE nor do I want anything involved with it - I would rather that Microsoft kept the two and two separate.
You can sign me as completely sleep deprived for I have spent hours; now I have to what appears; having to manually go to the registry editor just to remove SKYPE after having left messages to a few on my MSN MSGR buddy list is totally absurd even my account there was showing as Messenger and no correlation to SKYPE account at all.
OF NOTE: In METRO 8 FAMILY - it is very interesting just because one has uninstalled the app does not do anything, you have to go to the DESKTOP, and to go run (in your APPDATA - Local--->Microsoft-->Windows-->WINX-->Group 2 and you can right click file folder to the taskbar and right click run to the task bar; you can view you Group 1, Group 2, Group 3 from there - that is where all your Commands and functions are if you need them on the desktop) type in appwiz.cpl - you will find 3 SKYPES there; it is interesting the new version is there along with the Click to Run plus the regular Skype; you need to uninstall the Click to Run first, then the newest version next and then the Skype but it isn't going to work in Windows Update to uninstall it because it's going to tell you it can't find the MSI uninstaller. (The MSI uninstaller would be found in C Drive or whatever path your METRO 8 is on; for my desktop is dual boot mode of Win 7 Ultimate and Metro 8 Pro OEMs; while this brand new Laptop or Netbook
is solely METRO 8 OEM; yet this is in sychronization with the desktop but I have been unable to use it being confined to bed since last August of last year due to prolonged illness - would be found in your Windows - which is often a hidden folder but clicking on it; Skype is usually found in some KEYS plus some MSP (an application which is an MSI installer) which looks to you like little blue boxes everywhere in there. If you scroll over it, you can seee the programs to apps and so forth of what all is in there.) Because they are still all there means it's still in the registry, even after reboot (aka restart); as much as I loathe doing this, rolling back aka System Restore does not get rid of Skype; because it has become part of the Operating System (aka OS).
I am not so looking forward going into the registry editor to manually remove SKPE OUT! This is a major P.I.T.A!

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    Making all in htmldoc...
    Compiling image.cxx...
    In file included from /usr/include/pngconf.h:72:0,
    from /usr/include/png.h:446,
    from image.cxx:58:
    image.cxx: In function ‘int image_load_png(image_t*, FILE*, int, int)’:
    image.cxx:1502:16: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘png_struct {aka struct png_struct_def}’
    if (setjmp(pp->jmpbuf))
    In file included from image.cxx:58:0:
    /usr/include/png.h:556:16: error: forward declaration of ‘png_struct {aka struct png_struct_def}’
    typedef struct png_struct_def png_struct;
    image.cxx:1529:11: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘png_info {aka struct png_info_def}’
    if (info->color_type & PNG_COLOR_MASK_PALETTE)
    In file included from image.cxx:58:0:
    /usr/include/png.h:570:16: error: forward declaration of ‘png_info {aka struct png_info_def}’
    typedef struct png_info_def png_info;
    image.cxx:1538:16: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘png_info {aka struct png_info_def}’
    else if (info->bit_depth < 8)
    In file included from image.cxx:58:0:
    /usr/include/png.h:570:16: error: forward declaration of ‘png_info {aka struct png_info_def}’
    typedef struct png_info_def png_info;
    image.cxx:1543:16: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘png_info {aka struct png_info_def}’
    else if (info->bit_depth == 16)
    In file included from image.cxx:58:0:
    /usr/include/png.h:570:16: error: forward declaration of ‘png_info {aka struct png_info_def}’
    typedef struct png_info_def png_info;
    image.cxx:1546:11: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘png_info {aka struct png_info_def}’
    if (info->color_type & PNG_COLOR_MASK_COLOR)
    In file included from image.cxx:58:0:
    /usr/include/png.h:570:16: error: forward declaration of ‘png_info {aka struct png_info_def}’
    typedef struct png_info_def png_info;
    image.cxx:1557:21: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘png_info {aka struct png_info_def}’
    img->width = info->width;
    In file included from image.cxx:58:0:
    /usr/include/png.h:570:16: error: forward declaration of ‘png_info {aka struct png_info_def}’
    typedef struct png_info_def png_info;
    image.cxx:1558:21: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘png_info {aka struct png_info_def}’
    img->height = info->height;
    In file included from image.cxx:58:0:
    /usr/include/png.h:570:16: error: forward declaration of ‘png_info {aka struct png_info_def}’
    typedef struct png_info_def png_info;
    image.cxx:1560:12: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘png_info {aka struct png_info_def}’
    if ((info->color_type & PNG_COLOR_MASK_ALPHA) || info->num_trans)
    In file included from image.cxx:58:0:
    /usr/include/png.h:570:16: error: forward declaration of ‘png_info {aka struct png_info_def}’
    typedef struct png_info_def png_info;
    image.cxx:1560:56: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘png_info {aka struct png_info_def}’
    if ((info->color_type & PNG_COLOR_MASK_ALPHA) || info->num_trans)
    In file included from image.cxx:58:0:
    /usr/include/png.h:570:16: error: forward declaration of ‘png_info {aka struct png_info_def}’
    typedef struct png_info_def png_info;
    image.cxx:1597:34: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘png_info {aka struct png_info_def}’
    rows = (png_bytep *)calloc(info->height, sizeof(png_bytep));
    In file included from image.cxx:58:0:
    /usr/include/png.h:570:16: error: forward declaration of ‘png_info {aka struct png_info_def}’
    typedef struct png_info_def png_info;
    image.cxx:1599:28: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘png_info {aka struct png_info_def}’
    for (i = 0; i < (int)info->height; i ++)
    In file included from image.cxx:58:0:
    /usr/include/png.h:570:16: error: forward declaration of ‘png_info {aka struct png_info_def}’
    typedef struct png_info_def png_info;
    image.cxx:1613:12: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘png_info {aka struct png_info_def}’
    if ((info->color_type & PNG_COLOR_MASK_ALPHA) || info->num_trans)
    In file included from image.cxx:58:0:
    /usr/include/png.h:570:16: error: forward declaration of ‘png_info {aka struct png_info_def}’
    typedef struct png_info_def png_info;
    image.cxx:1613:56: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘png_info {aka struct png_info_def}’
    if ((info->color_type & PNG_COLOR_MASK_ALPHA) || info->num_trans)
    In file included from image.cxx:58:0:
    /usr/include/png.h:570:16: error: forward declaration of ‘png_info {aka struct png_info_def}’
    typedef struct png_info_def png_info;
    image.cxx:1642:19: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘png_info {aka struct png_info_def}’
    if (gray && info->color_type & PNG_COLOR_MASK_COLOR)
    In file included from image.cxx:58:0:
    /usr/include/png.h:570:16: error: forward declaration of ‘png_info {aka struct png_info_def}’
    typedef struct png_info_def png_info;
    make[1]: *** [image.o] Error 1
    [indata@poweredge1600sc htmldoc-1.8.27]$
    # "$Id: Makefile.in 1397 2005-04-24 19:20:32Z mike $"
    # Makefile for HTMLDOC, an HTML document processing program.
    # Copyright 1997-2005 by Easy Software Products.
    # These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
    # property of Easy Software Products and are protected by Federal
    # copyright law. Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file
    # "COPYING.txt" which should have been included with this file. If this
    # file is missing or damaged please contact Easy Software Products
    # at:
    # Attn: ESP Licensing Information
    # Easy Software Products
    # 44141 Airport View Drive, Suite 204
    # Hollywood, Maryland 20636-3142 USA
    # Voice: (301) 373-9600
    # EMail: [email protected]
    # WWW: http://www.easysw.com
    # Include common definitions...
    include Makedefs
    # Software packaging...
    EPM = epm -v --output-dir dist
    # Subdirectories...
    DIRS = htmldoc doc
    INSTALLDIRS = fonts data doc htmldoc
    # Make all targets...
    all: Makedefs Makefile config.h htmldoc.list
    for dir in $(DIRS); do\
    echo Making all in $$dir...;\
    (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) -$(MAKEFLAGS)) || break;\
    # Remove object and target files...
    for dir in $(DIRS); do\
    echo Cleaning in $$dir...;\
    (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) -$(MAKEFLAGS) clean) || break;\
    $(RM) *.bak
    $(RM) *.bck
    $(RM) core
    $(RM) core.*
    $(RM) -r autom4te*.cache
    $(RM) config.h config.log config.status
    # Install object and target files...
    $(MAKE) all
    for dir in $(INSTALLDIRS); do\
    echo Installing in $$dir...;\
    (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) -$(MAKEFLAGS) install) || break;\
    # Makedefs
    Makedefs: Makedefs.in configure
    if test -f config.status; then \
    ./config.status --recheck; \
    ./config.status; \
    else \
    ./configure; \
    touch config.h
    # Makefile
    Makefile: Makefile.in configure
    if test -f config.status; then \
    ./config.status --recheck; \
    ./config.status; \
    else \
    ./configure; \
    touch config.h
    # config.h
    config.h: config.h.in configure
    if test -f config.status; then \
    ./config.status --recheck; \
    ./config.status; \
    else \
    ./configure; \
    touch config.h
    # htmldoc.list
    htmldoc.list: htmldoc.list.in configure
    if test -f config.status; then \
    ./config.status --recheck; \
    ./config.status; \
    else \
    ./configure; \
    touch config.h
    # Make a portable binary distribution using EPM.
    # EPM = ESP Package Manager, available at "http://www.easysw.com/epm/".
    $(RM) -r dist
    $(EPM) htmldoc
    # End of "$Id: Makefile.in 1397 2005-04-24 19:20:32Z mike $".
    /* pngconf.h - machine configurable file for libpng
    * libpng version 1.2.7 - September 12, 2004
    * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in png.h
    * Copyright (c) 1998-2004 Glenn Randers-Pehrson
    * (Version 0.96 Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 Andreas Dilger)
    * (Version 0.88 Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Guy Eric Schalnat, Group 42, Inc.)
    /* Any machine specific code is near the front of this file, so if you
    * are configuring libpng for a machine, you may want to read the section
    * starting here down to where it starts to typedef png_color, png_text,
    * and png_info.
    #ifndef PNGCONF_H
    #define PNGCONF_H
    #ifdef PNG_USER_CONFIG
    #include "pngusr.h"
    /* This is the size of the compression buffer, and thus the size of
    * an IDAT chunk. Make this whatever size you feel is best for your
    * machine. One of these will be allocated per png_struct. When this
    * is full, it writes the data to the disk, and does some other
    * calculations. Making this an extremely small size will slow
    * the library down, but you may want to experiment to determine
    * where it becomes significant, if you are concerned with memory
    * usage. Note that zlib allocates at least 32Kb also. For readers,
    * this describes the size of the buffer available to read the data in.
    * Unless this gets smaller than the size of a row (compressed),
    * it should not make much difference how big this is.
    #ifndef PNG_ZBUF_SIZE
    # define PNG_ZBUF_SIZE 8192
    /* Enable if you want a write-only libpng */
    /* Enable if you want a read-only libpng */
    /* Enabled by default in 1.2.0. You can disable this if you don't need to
    support PNGs that are embedded in MNG datastreams */
    #if !defined(PNG_1_0_X) && !defined(PNG_NO_MNG_FEATURES)
    # endif
    # endif
    /* If you are running on a machine where you cannot allocate more
    * than 64K of memory at once, uncomment this. While libpng will not
    * normally need that much memory in a chunk (unless you load up a very
    * large file), zlib needs to know how big of a chunk it can use, and
    * libpng thus makes sure to check any memory allocation to verify it
    * will fit into memory.
    #define PNG_MAX_MALLOC_64K
    #if defined(MAXSEG_64K) && !defined(PNG_MAX_MALLOC_64K)
    # define PNG_MAX_MALLOC_64K
    /* Special munging to support doing things the 'cygwin' way:
    * 'Normal' png-on-win32 defines/defaults:
    * PNG_BUILD_DLL -- building dll
    * PNG_USE_DLL -- building an application, linking to dll
    * (no define) -- building static library, or building an
    * application and linking to the static lib
    * 'Cygwin' defines/defaults:
    * PNG_BUILD_DLL -- (ignored) building the dll
    * (no define) -- (ignored) building an application, linking to the dll
    * PNG_STATIC -- (ignored) building the static lib, or building an
    * application that links to the static lib.
    * ALL_STATIC -- (ignored) building various static libs, or building an
    * application that links to the static libs.
    * Thus,
    * a cygwin user should define either PNG_BUILD_DLL or PNG_STATIC, and
    * this bit of #ifdefs will define the 'correct' config variables based on
    * that. If a cygwin user *wants* to define 'PNG_USE_DLL' that's okay, but
    * unnecessary.
    * Also, the precedence order is:
    * ALL_STATIC (since we can't #undef something outside our namespace)
    * (nothing) == PNG_USE_DLL
    * CYGWIN (2002-01-20): The preceding is now obsolete. With the advent
    * of auto-import in binutils, we no longer need to worry about
    * __declspec(dllexport) / __declspec(dllimport) and friends. Therefore,
    * we don't need to worry about PNG_STATIC or ALL_STATIC when it comes
    * to __declspec() stuff. However, we DO need to worry about
    * PNG_BUILD_DLL and PNG_STATIC because those change some defaults
    * such as CONSOLE_IO and whether GLOBAL_ARRAYS are allowed.
    #if defined(__CYGWIN__)
    # if defined(ALL_STATIC)
    # if defined(PNG_BUILD_DLL)
    # undef PNG_BUILD_DLL
    # endif
    # if defined(PNG_USE_DLL)
    # undef PNG_USE_DLL
    # endif
    # if defined(PNG_DLL)
    # undef PNG_DLL
    # endif
    # if !defined(PNG_STATIC)
    # define PNG_STATIC
    # endif
    # else
    # if defined (PNG_BUILD_DLL)
    # if defined(PNG_STATIC)
    # undef PNG_STATIC
    # endif
    # if defined(PNG_USE_DLL)
    # undef PNG_USE_DLL
    # endif
    # if !defined(PNG_DLL)
    # define PNG_DLL
    # endif
    # else
    # if defined(PNG_STATIC)
    # if defined(PNG_USE_DLL)
    # undef PNG_USE_DLL
    # endif
    # if defined(PNG_DLL)
    # undef PNG_DLL
    # endif
    # else
    # if !defined(PNG_USE_DLL)
    # define PNG_USE_DLL
    # endif
    # if !defined(PNG_DLL)
    # define PNG_DLL
    # endif
    # endif
    # endif
    # endif
    /* This protects us against compilers that run on a windowing system
    * and thus don't have or would rather us not use the stdio types:
    * stdin, stdout, and stderr. The only one currently used is stderr
    * in png_error() and png_warning(). #defining PNG_NO_CONSOLE_IO will
    * prevent these from being compiled and used. #defining PNG_NO_STDIO
    * will also prevent these, plus will prevent the entire set of stdio
    * macros and functions (FILE *, printf, etc.) from being compiled and used,
    * unless (PNG_DEBUG > 0) has been #defined.
    * #define PNG_NO_CONSOLE_IO
    * #define PNG_NO_STDIO
    #if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
    # include <windows.h>
    /* Console I/O functions are not supported on WindowsCE */
    # define PNG_NO_CONSOLE_IO
    # ifdef PNG_DEBUG
    # undef PNG_DEBUG
    # endif
    #ifdef PNG_BUILD_DLL
    # ifndef PNG_NO_CONSOLE_IO
    # define PNG_NO_CONSOLE_IO
    # endif
    # endif
    # ifdef PNG_NO_STDIO
    # ifndef PNG_NO_CONSOLE_IO
    # define PNG_NO_CONSOLE_IO
    # endif
    # ifdef PNG_DEBUG
    # if (PNG_DEBUG > 0)
    # include <stdio.h>
    # endif
    # endif
    # else
    # if !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
    /* "stdio.h" functions are not supported on WindowsCE */
    # include <stdio.h>
    # endif
    # endif
    /* This macro protects us against machines that don't have function
    * prototypes (ie K&R style headers). If your compiler does not handle
    * function prototypes, define this macro and use the included ansi2knr.
    * I've always been able to use _NO_PROTO as the indicator, but you may
    * need to drag the empty declaration out in front of here, or change the
    * ifdef to suit your own needs.
    #ifndef PNGARG
    #ifdef OF /* zlib prototype munger */
    # define PNGARG(arglist) OF(arglist)
    #ifdef _NO_PROTO
    # define PNGARG(arglist) ()
    # ifndef PNG_TYPECAST_NULL
    # define PNG_TYPECAST_NULL
    # endif
    # define PNGARG(arglist) arglist
    #endif /* _NO_PROTO */
    #endif /* OF */
    #endif /* PNGARG */
    /* Try to determine if we are compiling on a Mac. Note that testing for
    * just __MWERKS__ is not good enough, because the Codewarrior is now used
    * on non-Mac platforms.
    #ifndef MACOS
    # if (defined(__MWERKS__) && defined(macintosh)) || defined(applec) || \
    defined(THINK_C) || defined(__SC__) || defined(TARGET_OS_MAC)
    # define MACOS
    # endif
    /* enough people need this for various reasons to include it here */
    #if !defined(MACOS) && !defined(RISCOS) && !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
    # include <sys/types.h>
    /* This is an attempt to force a single setjmp behaviour on Linux. If
    * the X config stuff didn't define _BSD_SOURCE we wouldn't need this.
    # ifdef __linux__
    # ifdef _BSD_SOURCE
    # define PNG_SAVE_BSD_SOURCE
    # undef _BSD_SOURCE
    # endif
    # ifdef _SETJMP_H
    /* If you encounter a compiler error here, see the explanation
    * near the end of INSTALL.
    __png.h__ already includes setjmp.h;
    __dont__ include it again.;
    # endif
    # endif /* __linux__ */
    /* include setjmp.h for error handling */
    # include <setjmp.h>
    # ifdef __linux__
    # define _BSD_SOURCE
    # endif
    # endif /* __linux__ */
    #endif /* PNG_SETJMP_SUPPORTED */
    #ifdef BSD
    # include <strings.h>
    # include <string.h>
    /* Other defines for things like memory and the like can go here. */
    #ifdef PNG_INTERNAL
    #include <stdlib.h>
    /* The functions exported by PNG_EXTERN are PNG_INTERNAL functions, which
    * aren't usually used outside the library (as far as I know), so it is
    * debatable if they should be exported at all. In the future, when it is
    * possible to have run-time registry of chunk-handling functions, some of
    * these will be made available again.
    #define PNG_EXTERN extern
    #define PNG_EXTERN
    /* Other defines specific to compilers can go here. Try to keep
    * them inside an appropriate ifdef/endif pair for portability.
    # if defined(MACOS)
    /* We need to check that <math.h> hasn't already been included earlier
    * as it seems it doesn't agree with <fp.h>, yet we should really use
    * <fp.h> if possible.
    # if !defined(__MATH_H__) && !defined(__MATH_H) && !defined(__cmath__)
    # include <fp.h>
    # endif
    # else
    # include <math.h>
    # endif
    # if defined(_AMIGA) && defined(__SASC) && defined(_M68881)
    /* Amiga SAS/C: We must include builtin FPU functions when compiling using
    * MATH=68881
    # include <m68881.h>
    # endif
    /* Codewarrior on NT has linking problems without this. */
    #if (defined(__MWERKS__) && defined(WIN32)) || defined(__STDC__)
    # define PNG_ALWAYS_EXTERN
    /* This provides the non-ANSI (far) memory allocation routines. */
    #if defined(__TURBOC__) && defined(__MSDOS__)
    # include <mem.h>
    # include <alloc.h>
    /* I have no idea why is this necessary... */
    #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (defined(WIN32) || defined(_Windows) || \
    defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__))
    # include <malloc.h>
    /* This controls how fine the dithering gets. As this allocates
    * a largish chunk of memory (32K), those who are not as concerned
    * with dithering quality can decrease some or all of these.
    # define PNG_DITHER_RED_BITS 5
    # define PNG_DITHER_GREEN_BITS 5
    # define PNG_DITHER_BLUE_BITS 5
    /* This controls how fine the gamma correction becomes when you
    * are only interested in 8 bits anyway. Increasing this value
    * results in more memory being used, and more pow() functions
    * being called to fill in the gamma tables. Don't set this value
    * less then 8, and even that may not work (I haven't tested it).
    #ifndef PNG_MAX_GAMMA_8
    # define PNG_MAX_GAMMA_8 11
    /* This controls how much a difference in gamma we can tolerate before
    * we actually start doing gamma conversion.
    # define PNG_GAMMA_THRESHOLD 0.05
    #endif /* PNG_INTERNAL */
    /* The following uses const char * instead of char * for error
    * and warning message functions, so some compilers won't complain.
    * If you do not want to use const, define PNG_NO_CONST here.
    #ifndef PNG_NO_CONST
    # define PNG_CONST const
    # define PNG_CONST
    /* The following defines give you the ability to remove code from the
    * library that you will not be using. I wish I could figure out how to
    * automate this, but I can't do that without making it seriously hard
    * on the users. So if you are not using an ability, change the #define
    * to and #undef, and that part of the library will not be compiled. If
    * your linker can't find a function, you may want to make sure the
    * ability is defined here. Some of these depend upon some others being
    * defined. I haven't figured out all the interactions here, so you may
    * have to experiment awhile to get everything to compile. If you are
    * creating or using a shared library, you probably shouldn't touch this,
    * as it will affect the size of the structures, and this will cause bad
    * things to happen if the library and/or application ever change.
    /* Any features you will not be using can be undef'ed here */
    /* GR-P, 0.96a: Set "*TRANSFORMS_SUPPORTED as default but allow user
    * to turn it off with "*TRANSFORMS_NOT_SUPPORTED" or *PNG_NO_*_TRANSFORMS
    * on the compile line, then pick and choose which ones to define without
    * having to edit this file. It is safe to use the *TRANSFORMS_NOT_SUPPORTED
    * if you only want to have a png-compliant reader/writer but don't need
    * any of the extra transformations. This saves about 80 kbytes in a
    * typical installation of the library. (PNG_NO_* form added in version
    * 1.0.1c, for consistency)
    /* The size of the png_text structure changed in libpng-1.0.6 when
    * iTXt is supported. It is turned off by default, to support old apps
    * that malloc the png_text structure instead of calling png_set_text()
    * and letting libpng malloc it. It will be turned on by default in
    * libpng-1.3.0.
    #ifndef PNG_iTXt_SUPPORTED
    # if !defined(PNG_READ_iTXt_SUPPORTED) && !defined(PNG_NO_READ_iTXt)
    # define PNG_NO_READ_iTXt
    # endif
    # if !defined(PNG_WRITE_iTXt_SUPPORTED) && !defined(PNG_NO_WRITE_iTXt)
    # define PNG_NO_WRITE_iTXt
    # endif
    /* The following support, added after version 1.0.0, can be turned off here en
    * masse by defining PNG_LEGACY_SUPPORTED in case you need binary compatibility
    * with old applications that require the length of png_struct and png_info
    * to remain unchanged.
    # define PNG_NO_FREE_ME
    # define PNG_NO_READ_iCCP
    # define PNG_NO_WRITE_iCCP
    # define PNG_NO_READ_iTXt
    # define PNG_NO_WRITE_iTXt
    # define PNG_NO_READ_sCAL
    # define PNG_NO_WRITE_sCAL
    # define PNG_NO_READ_sPLT
    # define PNG_NO_WRITE_sPLT
    # define PNG_NO_INFO_IMAGE
    # define PNG_NO_READ_RGB_TO_GRAY
    # define PNG_NO_USER_MEM
    # define PNG_NO_MNG_FEATURES
    /* Ignore attempt to turn off both floating and fixed point support */
    #if !defined(PNG_FLOATING_POINT_SUPPORTED) || \
    #ifndef PNG_NO_FREE_ME
    #if defined(PNG_READ_SUPPORTED)
    # ifndef PNG_NO_READ_EXPAND
    # endif
    # ifndef PNG_NO_READ_SHIFT
    # endif
    # ifndef PNG_NO_READ_PACK
    # endif
    # ifndef PNG_NO_READ_BGR
    # endif
    # ifndef PNG_NO_READ_SWAP
    # endif
    # endif
    # ifndef PNG_NO_READ_INVERT
    # endif
    # ifndef PNG_NO_READ_DITHER
    # endif
    # endif
    # ifndef PNG_NO_READ_16_TO_8
    # define PNG_READ_16_TO_8_SUPPORTED
    # endif
    # ifndef PNG_NO_READ_FILLER
    # endif
    # ifndef PNG_NO_READ_GAMMA
    # endif
    # ifndef PNG_NO_READ_GRAY_TO_RGB
    # endif
    # endif
    # endif
    # endif
    # endif
    # ifndef PNG_NO_READ_RGB_TO_GRAY
    # endif
    #if !defined(PNG_NO_PROGRESSIVE_READ) && \
    !defined(PNG_PROGRESSIVE_READ_NOT_SUPPORTED) /* if you don't do progressive */
    # define PNG_PROGRESSIVE_READ_SUPPORTED /* reading. This is not talking */
    #endif /* about interlacing capability! You'll */
    /* still have interlacing unless you change the following line: */
    #define PNG_READ_INTERLACING_SUPPORTED /* required for PNG-compliant decoders */
    # ifndef PNG_NO_READ_COMPOSITED_NODIV /* libpng-1.0.x misspelling */
    # define PNG_READ_COMPOSITE_NODIV_SUPPORTED /* well tested on Intel, SGI */
    # endif
    /* Deprecated, will be removed from version 2.0.0.
    #endif /* PNG_READ_SUPPORTED */
    #if defined(PNG_WRITE_SUPPORTED)
    # ifndef PNG_NO_WRITE_SHIFT
    # endif
    # ifndef PNG_NO_WRITE_PACK
    # endif
    # ifndef PNG_NO_WRITE_BGR
    # endif
    # ifndef PNG_NO_WRITE_SWAP
    # endif
    # endif
    # ifndef PNG_NO_WRITE_INVERT
    # endif
    # ifndef PNG_NO_WRITE_FILLER
    # endif
    # endif
    # endif
    # endif
    #define PNG_WRITE_INTERLACING_SUPPORTED /* not required for PNG-compliant
    encoders, but can cause trouble
    if left undefined */
    #if !defined(PNG_NO_WRITE_WEIGHTED_FILTER) && \
    #ifndef PNG_NO_WRITE_FLUSH
    /* Deprecated, see PNG_MNG_FEATURES_SUPPORTED, above */
    #endif /* PNG_WRITE_SUPPORTED */
    #ifndef PNG_1_0_X
    # endif
    #endif /* PNG_1_0_X */
    # endif
    #ifndef PNG_NO_STDIO
    # define PNG_TIME_RFC1123_SUPPORTED
    /* This adds extra functions in pngget.c for accessing data from the
    * info pointer (added in version 0.99)
    * png_get_image_width()
    * png_get_image_height()
    * png_get_bit_depth()
    * png_get_color_type()
    * png_get_compression_type()
    * png_get_filter_type()
    * png_get_interlace_type()
    * png_get_pixel_aspect_ratio()
    * png_get_pixels_per_meter()
    * png_get_x_offset_pixels()
    * png_get_y_offset_pixels()
    * png_get_x_offset_microns()
    * png_get_y_offset_microns()
    #if !defined(PNG_NO_EASY_ACCESS) && !defined(PNG_EASY_ACCESS_SUPPORTED)
    /* PNG_ASSEMBLER_CODE was enabled by default in version 1.2.0
    even when PNG_USE_PNGVCRD or PNG_USE_PNGGCCRD is not defined */
    #if defined(PNG_READ_SUPPORTED) && !defined(PNG_NO_ASSEMBLER_CODE)
    # endif
    # if !defined(PNG_MMX_CODE_SUPPORTED) && !defined(PNG_NO_MMX_CODE)
    # endif
    /* If you are sure that you don't need thread safety and you are compiling
    with PNG_USE_PNGCCRD for an MMX application, you can define this for
    faster execution. See pnggccrd.c.
    #if !defined(PNG_1_0_X)
    #if !defined(PNG_NO_USER_MEM) && !defined(PNG_USER_MEM_SUPPORTED)
    #endif /* PNG_1_0_X */
    /* Added at libpng-1.2.6 */
    #if !defined(PNG_1_0_X)
    #endif /* PNG_1_0_X */
    /* Added at libpng-1.0.16 and 1.2.6. To accept all valid PNGS no matter
    * how large, set these limits to 0x7fffffffL
    #ifndef PNG_USER_WIDTH_MAX
    # define PNG_USER_WIDTH_MAX 1000000L
    # define PNG_USER_HEIGHT_MAX 1000000L
    /* These are currently experimental features, define them if you want */
    /* very little testing */
    # endif
    /* This is only for PowerPC big-endian and 680x0 systems */
    /* some testing */
    /* Buggy compilers (e.g., gcc need this */
    /* These functions are turned off by default, as they will be phased out. */
    /* Any chunks you are not interested in, you can undef here. The
    * ones that allocate memory may be expecially important (hIST,
    * tEXt, zTXt, tRNS, pCAL). Others will just save time and make png_info
    * a bit smaller.
    #if defined(PNG_READ_SUPPORTED) && \
    #if defined(PNG_WRITE_SUPPORTED) && \
    #ifdef PNG_NO_READ_TEXT
    # define PNG_NO_READ_iTXt
    # define PNG_NO_READ_tEXt
    # define PNG_NO_READ_zTXt
    #ifndef PNG_NO_READ_bKGD
    # define PNG_bKGD_SUPPORTED
    #ifndef PNG_NO_READ_cHRM
    # define PNG_cHRM_SUPPORTED
    #ifndef PNG_NO_READ_gAMA
    # define PNG_gAMA_SUPPORTED
    #ifndef PNG_NO_READ_hIST
    # define PNG_hIST_SUPPORTED
    #ifndef PNG_NO_READ_iCCP
    # define PNG_iCCP_SUPPORTED
    #ifndef PNG_NO_READ_iTXt
    # ifndef PNG_READ_iTXt_SUPPORTED
    # define PNG_READ_iTXt_SUPPORTED
    # endif
    # ifndef PNG_iTXt_SUPPORTED
    # define PNG_iTXt_SUPPORTED
    # endif
    #ifndef PNG_NO_READ_oFFs
    # define PNG_READ_oFFs_SUPPORTED
    # define PNG_oFFs_SUPPORTED
    #ifndef PNG_NO_READ_pCAL
    # define PNG_pCAL_SUPPORTED
    #ifndef PNG_NO_READ_sCAL
    # define PNG_sCAL_SUPPORTED
    #ifndef PNG_NO_READ_pHYs
    # define PNG_READ_pHYs_SUPPORTED
    # define PNG_pHYs_SUPPORTED
    #ifndef PNG_NO_READ_sBIT
    # define PNG_sBIT_SUPPORTED
    #ifndef PNG_NO_READ_sPLT
    # define PNG_sPLT_SUPPORTED
    #ifndef PNG_NO_READ_sRGB
    # define PNG_sRGB_SUPPORTED
    #ifndef PNG_NO_READ_tEXt
    # define PNG_READ_tEXt_SUPPORTED
    # define PNG_tEXt_SUPPORTED
    #ifndef PNG_NO_READ_tIME
    # define PNG_tIME_SUPPORTED
    #ifndef PNG_NO_READ_tRNS
    # define PNG_tRNS_SUPPORTED
    #ifndef PNG_NO_READ_zTXt
    # define PNG_READ_zTXt_SUPPORTED
    # define PNG_zTXt_SUPPORTED
    # endif
    # endif
    #if !defined(PNG_NO_READ_USER_CHUNKS) && \
    # endif
    # endif
    #ifndef PNG_NO_READ_OPT_PLTE
    # define PNG_READ_OPT_PLTE_SUPPORTED /* only affects support of the */
    #endif /* optional PLTE chunk in RGB and RGBA images */
    #if defined(PNG_READ_iTXt_SUPPORTED) || defined(PNG_READ_tEXt_SUPPORTED) || \
    #ifdef PNG_NO_WRITE_TEXT
    # define PNG_NO_WRITE_iTXt
    # define PNG_NO_WRITE_tEXt
    # define PNG_NO_WRITE_zTXt
    #ifndef PNG_NO_WRITE_bKGD
    # ifndef PNG_bKGD_SUPPORTED
    # define PNG_bKGD_SUPPORTED
    # endif
    #ifndef PNG_NO_WRITE_cHRM
    # ifndef PNG_cHRM_SUPPORTED
    # define PNG_cHRM_SUPPORTED
    # endif
    #ifndef PNG_NO_WRITE_gAMA
    # ifndef PNG_gAMA_SUPPORTED
    # define PNG_gAMA_SUPPORTED
    # endif
    #ifndef PNG_NO_WRITE_hIST
    # ifndef PNG_hIST_SUPPORTED
    # define PNG_hIST_SUPPORTED
    # endif
    #ifndef PNG_NO_WRITE_iCCP
    # ifndef PNG_iCCP_SUPPORTED
    # define PNG_iCCP_SUPPORTED
    # endif
    #ifndef PNG_NO_WRITE_iTXt
    # endif
    # ifndef PNG_iTXt_SUPPORTED
    # define PNG_iTXt_SUPPORTED
    # endif
    #ifndef PNG_NO_WRITE_oFFs
    # ifndef PNG_oFFs_SUPPORTED
    # define PNG_oFFs_SUPPORTED
    # endif
    #ifndef PNG_NO_WRITE_pCAL
    # ifndef PNG_pCAL_SUPPORTED
    # define PNG_pCAL_SUPPORTED
    # endif
    #ifndef PNG_NO_WRITE_sCAL
    # ifndef PNG_sCAL_SUPPORTED
    # define PNG_sCAL_SUPPORTED
    # endif
    #ifndef PNG_NO_WRITE_pHYs
    # ifndef PNG_pHYs_SUPPORTED
    # define PNG_pHYs_SUPPORTED
    # endif
    #ifndef PNG_NO_WRITE_sBIT
    # ifndef PNG_sBIT_SUPPORTED
    # define PNG_sBIT_SUPPORTED
    # endif
    #ifndef PNG_NO_WRITE_sPLT
    # ifndef PNG_sPLT_SUPPORTED
    # define PNG_sPLT_SUPPORTED
    # endif
    #ifndef PNG_NO_WRITE_sRGB
    # ifndef PNG_sRGB_SUPPORTED
    # define PNG_sRGB_SUPPORTED
    # endif
    #ifndef PNG_NO_WRITE_tEXt
    # ifndef PNG_tEXt_SUPPORTED
    # define PNG_tEXt_SUPPORTED
    # endif
    #ifndef PNG_NO_WRITE_tIME
    # ifndef PNG_tIME_SUPPORTED
    # define PNG_tIME_SUPPORTED
    # endif
    #ifndef PNG_NO_WRITE_tRNS
    # ifndef PNG_tRNS_SUPPORTED
    # define PNG_tRNS_SUPPORTED
    # endif
    #ifndef PNG_NO_WRITE_zTXt
    # ifndef PNG_zTXt_SUPPORTED
    # define PNG_zTXt_SUPPORTED
    # endif
    # endif
    # endif
    # endif
    #if defined(PNG_WRITE_iTXt_SUPPORTED) || defined(PNG_WRITE_tEXt_SUPPORTED) || \
    # endif
    /* Turn this off to disable png_read_png() and
    * png_write_png() and leave the row_pointers member
    * out of the info structure.
    #ifndef PNG_NO_INFO_IMAGE
    /* need the time information for reading tIME chunks */
    #if defined(PNG_tIME_SUPPORTED)
    # if !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
    /* "time.h" functions are not supported on WindowsCE */
    # include <time.h>
    # endif
    /* Some typedefs to get us started. These should be safe on most of the
    * common platforms. The typedefs should be at least as large as the
    * numbers suggest (a png_uint_32 must be at least 32 bits long), but they
    * don't have to be exactly that size. Some compilers dislike passing
    * unsigned shorts as function parameters, so you may be better off using
    * unsigned int for png_uint_16. Likewise, for 64-bit systems, you may
    * want to have unsigned int for png_uint_32 instead of unsigned long.
    typedef unsigned long png_uint_32;
    typedef long png_int_32;
    typedef unsigned short png_uint_16;
    typedef short png_int_16;
    typedef unsigned char png_byte;
    /* This is usually size_t. It is typedef'ed just in case you need it to
    change (I'm not sure if you will or not, so I thought I'd be safe) */
    #ifdef PNG_SIZE_T
    typedef PNG_SIZE_T png_size_t;
    # define png_sizeof(x) png_convert_size(sizeof (x))
    typedef size_t png_size_t;
    # define png_sizeof(x) sizeof (x)
    /* The following is needed for medium model support. It cannot be in the
    * PNG_INTERNAL section. Needs modification for other compilers besides
    * MSC. Model independent support declares all arrays and pointers to be
    * large using the far keyword. The zlib version used must also support
    * model independent data. As of version zlib 1.0.4, the necessary changes
    * have been made in zlib. The USE_FAR_KEYWORD define triggers other
    * changes that are needed. (Tim Wegner)
    /* Separate compiler dependencies (problem here is that zlib.h always
    defines FAR. (SJT) */
    #ifdef __BORLANDC__
    # if defined(__LARGE__) || defined(__HUGE__) || defined(__COMPACT__)
    # define LDATA 1
    # else
    # define LDATA 0
    # endif
    /* GRR: why is Cygwin in here? Cygwin is not Borland C... */
    # if !defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(__FLAT__) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
    # define PNG_MAX_MALLOC_64K
    # if (LDATA != 1)
    # ifndef FAR
    # define FAR __far
    # endif
    # define USE_FAR_KEYWORD
    # endif /* LDATA != 1 */
    /* Possibly useful for moving data out of default segment.
    * Uncomment it if you want. Could also define FARDATA as
    * const if your compiler supports it. (SJT)
    # define FARDATA FAR
    # endif /* __WIN32__, __FLAT__, __CYGWIN__ */
    #endif /* __BORLANDC__ */
    /* Suggest testing for specific compiler first before testing for
    * FAR. The Watcom compiler defines both __MEDIUM__ and M_I86MM,
    * making reliance oncertain keywords suspect. (SJT)
    /* MSC Medium model */
    #if defined(FAR)
    # if defined(M_I86MM)
    # define USE_FAR_KEYWORD
    # define FARDATA FAR
    # include <dos.h>
    # endif
    /* SJT: default case */
    #ifndef FAR
    # define FAR
    /* At this point FAR is always defined */
    #ifndef FARDATA
    # define FARDATA
    /* Typedef for floating-point numbers that are converted
    to fixed-point with a multiple of 100,000, e.g., int_gamma */
    typedef png_int_32 png_fixed_point;
    /* Add typedefs for pointers */
    typedef void FAR * png_voidp;
    typedef png_byte FAR * png_bytep;
    typedef png_uint_32 FAR * png_uint_32p;
    typedef png_int_32 FAR * png_int_32p;
    typedef png_uint_16 FAR * png_uint_16p;
    typedef png_int_16 FAR * png_int_16p;
    typedef PNG_CONST char FAR * png_const_charp;
    typedef char FAR * png_charp;
    typedef png_fixed_point FAR * png_fixed_point_p;
    #ifndef PNG_NO_STDIO
    #if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
    typedef HANDLE png_FILE_p;
    typedef FILE * png_FILE_p;
    typedef double FAR * png_doublep;
    /* Pointers to pointers; i.e. arrays */
    typedef png_byte FAR * FAR * png_bytepp;
    typedef png_uint_32 FAR * FAR * png_uint_32pp;
    typedef png_int_32 FAR * FAR * png_int_32pp;
    typedef png_uint_16 FAR * FAR * png_uint_16pp;
    typedef png_int_16 FAR * FAR * png_int_16pp;
    typedef PNG_CONST char FAR * FAR * png_const_charpp;
    typedef char FAR * FAR * png_charpp;
    typedef png_fixed_point FAR * FAR * png_fixed_point_pp;
    typedef double FAR * FAR * png_doublepp;
    /* Pointers to pointers to pointers; i.e., pointer to array */
    typedef char FAR * FAR * FAR * png_charppp;
    /* libpng typedefs for types in zlib. If zlib changes
    * or another compression library is used, then change these.
    * Eliminates need to change all the source files.
    typedef charf * png_zcharp;
    typedef charf * FAR * png_zcharpp;
    typedef z_stream FAR * png_zstreamp;
    * Define PNG_BUILD_DLL if the module being built is a Windows
    * Define PNG_USE_DLL if you want to *link* to the Windows LIBPNG DLL.
    * It is equivalent to Microsoft predefined macro _DLL that is
    * automatically defined when you compile using the share
    * version of the CRT (C Run-Time library)
    * The cygwin mods make this behavior a little different:
    * Define PNG_BUILD_DLL if you are building a dll for use with cygwin
    * Define PNG_STATIC if you are building a static library for use with cygwin,
    * -or- if you are building an application that you want to link to the
    * static library.
    * PNG_USE_DLL is defined by default (no user action needed) unless one of
    * the other flags is defined.
    #if !defined(PNG_DLL) && (defined(PNG_BUILD_DLL) || defined(PNG_USE_DLL))
    # define PNG_DLL
    /* If CYGWIN, then disallow GLOBAL ARRAYS unless building a static lib.
    * When building a static lib, default to no GLOBAL ARRAYS, but allow
    * command-line override
    #if defined(__CYGWIN__)
    # if !defined(PNG_STATIC)
    # if defined(PNG_USE_GLOBAL_ARRAYS)
    # endif
    # if !defined(PNG_USE_LOCAL_ARRAYS)
    # endif
    # else
    # if defined(PNG_USE_LOCAL_ARRAYS) || defined(PNG_NO_GLOBAL_ARRAYS)
    # if defined(PNG_USE_GLOBAL_ARRAYS)
    # endif
    # endif
    # endif
    # if !defined(PNG_USE_LOCAL_ARRAYS) && !defined(PNG_USE_GLOBAL_ARRAYS)
    # endif
    /* Do not use global arrays (helps with building DLL's)
    * They are no longer used in libpng itself, since version 1.0.5c,
    * but might be required for some pre-1.0.5c applications.
    #if !defined(PNG_USE_LOCAL_ARRAYS) && !defined(PNG_USE_GLOBAL_ARRAYS)
    # if defined(PNG_NO_GLOBAL_ARRAYS) || (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(PNG_DLL))
    # else
    # endif
    #if defined(__CYGWIN__)
    # undef PNGAPI
    # define PNGAPI __cdecl
    # undef PNG_IMPEXP
    # define PNG_IMPEXP
    /* If you define PNGAPI, e.g., with compiler option "-DPNGAPI=__stdcall",
    * you may get warnings regarding the linkage of png_zalloc and png_zfree.
    * Don't ignore those warnings; you must also reset the default calling
    * convention in your compiler to match your PNGAPI, and you must build
    * zlib and your applications the same way you build libpng.
    #if defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(PNG_MODULEDEF)
    # ifndef PNG_NO_MODULEDEF
    # define PNG_NO_MODULEDEF
    # endif
    #if !defined(PNG_IMPEXP) && defined(PNG_BUILD_DLL) && !defined(PNG_NO_MODULEDEF)
    # define PNG_IMPEXP
    #if defined(PNG_DLL) || defined(_DLL) || defined(__DLL__ ) || \
    (( defined(_Windows) || defined(_WINDOWS) || \
    defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) ))
    # ifndef PNGAPI
    # if defined(__GNUC__) || (defined (_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 800))
    # define PNGAPI __cdecl
    # else
    # define PNGAPI _cdecl
    # endif
    # endif
    # if !defined(PNG_IMPEXP) && (!defined(PNG_DLL) || \
    # define PNG_IMPEXP
    # endif
    # if !defined(PNG_IMPEXP)
    # define PNG_EXPORT_TYPE1(type,symbol) PNG_IMPEXP type PNGAPI symbol
    # define PNG_EXPORT_TYPE2(type,symbol) type PNG_IMPEXP PNGAPI symbol
    /* Borland/Microsoft */
    # if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
    # if (_MSC_VER >= 800) || (__BORLANDC__ >= 0x500)
    # else
    # if defined(PNG_BUILD_DLL)
    # define PNG_IMPEXP __export
    # else
    # define PNG_IMPEXP /*__import */ /* doesn't exist AFAIK in
    VC++ */
    # endif /* Exists in Borland C++ for
    C++ classes (== huge) */
    # endif
    # endif
    # if !defined(PNG_IMPEXP)
    # if defined(PNG_BUILD_DLL)
    # define PNG_IMPEXP __declspec(dllexport)
    # else
    # define PNG_IMPEXP __declspec(dllimport)
    # endif
    # endif
    # endif /* PNG_IMPEXP */
    #else /* !(DLL || non-cygwin WINDOWS) */
    # if (defined(__IBMC__) || defined(__IBMCPP__)) && defined(__OS2__)
    # ifndef PNGAPI
    # define PNGAPI _System
    # endif
    # else
    # if 0 /* ... other platforms, with other meanings */
    # endif
    # endif
    #ifndef PNGAPI
    # define PNGAPI
    #ifndef PNG_IMPEXP
    # define PNG_IMPEXP
    #ifndef PNG_EXPORT
    # define PNG_EXPORT(type,symbol) PNG_IMPEXP type PNGAPI symbol
    # ifndef PNG_EXPORT_VAR
    # define PNG_EXPORT_VAR(type) extern PNG_IMPEXP type
    # endif
    /* User may want to use these so they are not in PNG_INTERNAL. Any library
    * functions that are passed far data must be model independent.
    #ifndef PNG_ABORT
    # define PNG_ABORT() abort()
    # define png_jmpbuf(png_ptr) ((png_ptr)->jmpbuf)
    # define png_jmpbuf(png_ptr) \
    #if defined(USE_FAR_KEYWORD) /* memory model independent fns */
    /* use this to make far-to-near assignments */
    # define CHECK 1
    # define NOCHECK 0
    # define CVT_PTR(ptr) (png_far_to_near(png_ptr,ptr,CHECK))
    # define CVT_PTR_NOCHECK(ptr) (png_far_to_near(png_ptr,ptr,NOCHECK))
    # define png_strcpy _fstrcpy
    # define png_strncpy _fstrncpy /* Added to v 1.2.6 */
    # define png_strlen _fstrlen
    # define png_memcmp _fmemcmp /* SJT: added */
    # define png_memcpy _fmemcpy
    # define png_memset _fmemset
    #else /* use the usual functions */
    # define CVT_PTR(ptr) (ptr)
    # define CVT_PTR_NOCHECK(ptr) (ptr)
    # define png_strcpy strcpy
    # define png_strncpy strncpy /* Added to v 1.2.6 */
    # define png_strlen strlen
    # define png_memcmp memcmp /* SJT: added */
    # define png_memcpy memcpy
    # define png_memset memset
    /* End of memory model independent support */
    /* Just a little check that someone hasn't tried to define something
    * contradictory.
    #if (PNG_ZBUF_SIZE > 65536L) && defined(PNG_MAX_MALLOC_64K)
    # undef PNG_ZBUF_SIZE
    # define PNG_ZBUF_SIZE 65536L
    /* Prior to libpng-1.0.9, this block was in pngasmrd.h */
    #if defined(PNG_INTERNAL)
    /* These are the default thresholds before the MMX code kicks in; if either
    * rowbytes or bitdepth is below the threshold, plain C code is used. These
    * can be overridden at runtime via the png_set_mmx_thresholds() call in
    * libpng 1.2.0 and later. The values below were chosen by Intel.
    # define PNG_MMX_ROWBYTES_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT 128 /* >= */
    /* Set this in the makefile for VC++ on Pentium, not here. */
    /* Platform must be Pentium. Makefile must assemble and load pngvcrd.c .
    * MMX will be detected at run time and used if present.
    #ifdef PNG_USE_PNGVCRD
    /* Set this in the makefile for gcc/as on Pentium, not here. */
    /* Platform must be Pentium. Makefile must assemble and load pnggccrd.c .
    * MMX will be detected at run time and used if present.
    /* - see pnggccrd.c for info about what is currently enabled */
    #endif /* PNG_INTERNAL */
    #endif /* PNG_READ_SUPPORTED */
    #endif /* PNGCONF_H */

    First, I agree with Karol, use the AUR so that pacman can do its job.  Second, when you do your make, there is no reason to run it as root (until you do the make install)  For the initial build, it is much safer to not use root; plus all the files in your home directory will continue to belong to use, not to root.
    But, try the AUR.

  • SO...Verizon Remote Diagnostics no longer needs your permission?

    Oh, they can remotely view your phone, it's apps, settings, etc whenever.
    I am on a chat with them right now and all of a sudden the rep comes back telling me that I had too many media files on my phone which made it slow saying, "I was able to look over your internal phone storage. The device storage is close to full which is causing the device to  operate slower than normal. The RAM On the device looks okay and is not impacting the device. To help operate the device and allow it to run faster, this would be freeing up space by removing some third party applications, pictures, music, video, call logs, text etc."
    Oh yeah, they can get into it anytime they want.

    Which phone do you have? Actually, I'd really like to know if this is an app that you installed?
    I'm looking through my Kyocera Brigadier running KitKat 4.4.2 and I don't see anything by that name or close to that name. If this is something they have installed in the phone's ROM then I maybe rooting the phone will have to be considered?
    I don't mind them connecting to my phone if I install an app that gives them permission but only if I installed it and gave them that permission. I think I have a reasonable expectation of privacy regarding the data on my phone. I have a couple of health records in my Documents folder that I hope are covered under the Federal HIPPA laws.
    I started reading up on it when I saw the OP but I have nothing concrete. I believe Verizon would be considered an unauthorized 3rd party in regards to my PHI (Protected Health Information).

  • Windows 7 Product key Not working, Cannot download iso

    First sorry if this post to to simar to the other windows 7 product key one but the soultion dosnt work anymore.
    My hdd in my y580 started to give me the tick of death so i brought a new ssd to replace it and backed up my files to my external. i was going to make a bootable copy of windows 7 on my usb so i could install it on the ssd and this is were i ran into issue.
    All offical download links now lead to a dead page that redirects you to a new windows download form where you are required to put in your product key before you can download. i put in my product key from the sticker on the back but it just returns with this "http://prntscr.com/62eyxp"
    So even if i am able to get a copy of windows 7 will my cdkey work at all? and how can i get a copy when it keep giving me the message.
    Anyhelp would be welcome.

    First I am not a Microsoft employee, but I am a Microsoft MVP. As such I have to stick with the position Microsoft takes on downloading ISO files. They have given some users a way to redownload the ISO file. The other ways that are posted on the web Microsoft says that the official resellers (Digital River) downloads are for those who purchase the Windows OS thru the reseller's website. Anyone else that wants to download from there is not authorized to have such a downloaded file. All other sources of those file (other than the Microsoft site or the resellers site) are not legitimate sources of the file and can be infected.
    This leaves users who purchased a computer from an OEM with no viable download source.  While my personal opinions may differ from the official Microsoft position, I cannot really express them. But you may want to check out the DMCA Title III. Of course this only matters if you are in the US. If you are not, I have no idea what laws would apply.
    While the downloaded ISO will not work with the key that you have from an OEM, if it is a real ISO from Microsoft and has not been altered in anyway and is a complete download, you can use it for repairs. Which is what almost everyone I deal with needs it for, repairs not reinstall. To be honest I hate telling someone to wipe their harddrive and reinstall windows.
    I do believe that ALL OEM's are now charging for a copy of the factory image that is originally on the harddrive. But they cannot be used for repair in the manner that the Windows install disc can be.
    What you do with all this information is entirely up to you. I hope it helps.
    Microsoft MVP - Consumer Security

  • Russian Government and Customer Data--Privacy Legislation, what are you doing about this?

    Apparently the Russian government recently accelerated legislation that will require personal data on Russian citizens to be stored in Russia.  What is Oracle Eloqua or your company's feedback on how your are planning to respond to this or how other customers are responding.  As SaaS, I don’t believe we have a way to store Russian contacts in Eloqua in Russia.  See the basics of the legislation below. 
    Federal Law No. 242-FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation for Clarification of the Procedure of Personal Data Processing in Information and Telecommunication Networks" (the "Federal Law No. 242") was adopted on 21 July 2014.
    Federal Law No. 242 introduces the following changes:
    to Federal Law No. 152-FZ "On personal data" dated 27 July 2006 (as amended) by establishing localization requirement for personal data processing; and
    to Federal Law No. 149-FZ "On information, information technologies and protection of information" dated 27 July 2006 (as amended) by establishing procedure for blocking access to information resources on which unlawful processing of personal data takes place.
    Federal Law No. 242 comes into force on 1 September 2016. The acceleration of the entry into force and change of the effective date of the Federal Law No. 242 to 1 January 2015 is however proposed by a draft law which was submitted to the State Duma (lower chamber of the Russian Parliament) on 1 September 2014. In order to become a law, the draft amendments shall be adopted through the usual law-making procedure, which duration is difficult to predict (it involves adoption by the State Duma in three readings, approval by the Federation Council (upper chamber of the Russian Parliament), signing by the President of the Russian Federation and official publication).
    Localization requirement for personal data processing
    Under Federal Law No. 242 so called "operators" or "personal data operators" are required to carry out certain types of "processing" of Russian citizens' "personal data" by using "databases", located in Russia. In this context:
    Personal data means any information directly or indirectly related to any identified or potentially identifiable person. It includes, among other things, first name and family name, date and place of birth, address, information about family status, education, profession, income;
    Personal data operator means a state or municipal authority, legal entity or individual that solely or jointly organize(s)and/or perform(s) the processing of personal data and determine(s) the purposes and scope of such processing;
    Localization requirement applies not to all but only to the following types of personal data processing: recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, specification (updating and amending), and extracting; [1]
    Personal data processing means any action or combination of actions performed with regard to / with any personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, use, transfer (distributing, providing or authorizing access to), blocking, deleting and destroying of any personal data;
    Database means set of independent materials systematized in such a way that these materials can be retrieved and processed using the computer; and
    Before starting personal data processing operators are required to notify the Federal Service for Supervision in the Area of Telecoms, Information Technologies and Mass Communications, which is the state authority responsible for the enforcement of the Personal Data Law ("Roskomnadzor") on the location of the database(s) containing personal data of Russian citizens.
    The requirement of using databases "located in Russia" is not entirely clear, especially given that location of certain databases (e.g. clouds) is difficult to ascertain, but most likely this requirement implies that personal data operators are required to use local facilities (server(s) / data center(s)) located in Russia either owned or provided by third parties; each potential option requires proper legal and tax consideration.
    It is not yet clear from Federal Law No. 242 whether Russian citizens' personal data may be processed with the use of the databases located outside of Russia in addition to being processed using databases located in Russia (e.g. for the purposes of back-up or duplicate storage).
    Procedure for blocking access to infringing information resources
    Procedure for blocking information resources on which unlawful processing of personal data takes place, introduced by Federal Law No. 242, includes the following stages:
    Stage 1: The "personal data subject" (any individual identified or potentially identifiable on the basis of the personal data) whose personal data is being processed unlawfully shall obtain the relevant court decision acknowledging the unlawful processing of his/her personal data.
    Stage 2: After entry of the relevant court decision into force the personal data subject may apply to Roskomnadzor with the request to limit access to his/her personal data.
    Stage 3: Roskomnadzor within 3 (three) business days from the date of the relevant court decision's entry to force shall determine the hosting provider or any other person ensuring the processing of the personal data (the "Hosting Provider"), serve the Hosting Provider with a notification requesting the Hosting Provider to take measures to terminate unlawful processing of personal data and include information on the unlawful processing of personal data (including domain name, webpage, web address identifying websites on which personal data has been unlawfully processed, etc.) into the Register of Infringers of Rights of the Personal Data Subjects.
    Stage 4: The Hosting Provider within 1 (one) business day from the date of receipt by the Hosting Provider of Roskomnadzor's notification shall liaise with the operator of the information resource, serviced by the Hosting Operator, requesting the operator of the information resource to terminate unlawful processing of personal data or restrict access to unlawfully processed information.
    Stage 5: The operator of the information resource shall terminate unlawful processing of personal data within 1 (one) business day from the date of receipt of the request from the Hosting Operator. If the unlawful processing of personal data is not terminated by the operator of the information resource, the Hosting Provider, must restrict access to the information resource on which that personal data has been unlawfully processed not later than within 3 (three) business days from the date of receipt by the Hosting Provider of Roskomnadzor's notification.
    Stage 6: Failure of the Hosting Provider or the operator of the information resource to undertake measures, described in Stages 4 and 5 above, entails submission of the information about unlawful processing of personal data to the telecommunication companies, which shall restrict access to the information resource on which that personal data has been unlawfully processed (including blocking of the relevant domain name or website). If the measures described in Stages 4 and 5 above are properly undertaken or if the court decision acknowledging the unlawful processing of personal data is overruled, Roskomnadzor or the entity keeping and maintaining the Register of Infringers of Rights of the Personal Data Subjects removes the information on the unlawful processing of personal data from such register.
    1 - Excluding personal data processing: to achieve objectives stipulated by the international treaties of the Russian Federation or law, and for the performance of functions, powers or obligations of the personal data operators, imposed by law; (ii) for the performance of justice, enforcement of a judicial act, act of another authority or official, as provided by the laws on enforcement of judicial decisions; (iii) for the performance of powers imposed on the federal and municipal authorities, non-budgetary funds and organizations rendering state and municipal services, including registration in the unified and regional portals of state and municipal services; or (iv) for the professional activities of a journalist or mass media or for scientific, literature or other artistic activities, provided that rights and legal interests of the personal data subjects are not breached.

    Í would like to know too! Some of our Eloqua customers are doing business in Russia.

  • Is It My CSS?

    Helo All,
    I have a site I am using CSS, which I'm not the best at yet, to format my text.
    url http://jdharrintonlaw.com/hometest3.html
    For some reason, the text in the ATTORNEY area does not justify to  nice box like the text in the OVERVIEW and PRACTICE sections, though it looks fine in DW.
    Puzzling me to no end.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thank you

    Hi guy -
    Here is your test3 page with no changes except to the "Attorney cell". It displays fully justified for me.
    There are other unrelated code anomalies on the page we can get to later.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>JD Harrington Law</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    .text {
        font-family: Calibri;
        font-size: 14px;
        color: #1C3948;
        text-align: justify;
        margin: 0px;
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        <td width="849"><img src="banner4.jpg" width="850" height="136" border="0" align="absbottom" /></td>
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            <td width="378" height="233" bgcolor="#DECCA4"><p class="text"><u><u><u><u><img src="jd_office.png" width="340" height="231" align="right" /></u></u></u></u></p></td>
            <td width="421" valign="top" bgcolor="#DECCA4"><p class="text"><u class="textBold">OVERVIEW<br />
            </u>The Law Office of Joe D. Harrington is dedicated to  high quality representation of individuals accused of,  or being investigated for, criminal conduct. Attorney, Joe D.  Harrington aggressively represents each client giving his individual attention to the matter at hand. Attorney, Joe D. Harrington will fight for his clients and not have a paralegal or inexperienced associate doing his highly specialized job. </p>
              <p class="text"> </p>
              <p class="text">Email Joe D. Harrington at: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p></td>
        <td><table width="850" border="0" align="left" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
            <td height="32" colspan="6" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#DECCA4"><img src="bar2.png" width="781" height="4" /></td>
            <td width="40" height="293" bgcolor="#DECCA4"> </td>
            <td width="218" valign="top" bgcolor="#DECCA4"><p class="text"><u class="textBold">ATTORNEY</u><br />
             Joe D. Harrington is a native Floridian and was  born and raised in Miami.  He attended Florida   State University  where he earned a degree in Business Finance. He obtained his Law Degree at The  University of Florida where he was President of the A.C.L.U. Law   School Chapter. He became  a member of the Florida Bar and U.S.  Middle District in 1992. He then obtained very valuable trial experience at the  State of Florida Public Defenders    Office until 1997. Since then he has been in Private  Practice  focusing exclusively  in Criminal Law Defense. </td>
            <td width="231" valign="top" bgcolor="#DECCA4"><span class="textBold"><u><u><u><u><br />
              <img src="lawyer200.jpg" width="205" height="251" hspace="0" align="right" /></u></u></u></u></span></td>
            <td width="29" valign="top" bgcolor="#DECCA4"> </td>
            <td width="292" valign="top"><p class="text"><u class="textBold">PRACTICE AREA</u><br />
              The Law Office of Joe D. Harrington, P.A. devotes its practice entirely to</p>
              <p class="text"><br />
                •    All Felonies<br />
                •    All Misdemeanors<br />
                •    All Traffic Criminal/Civil<br />
                •    All Juvenile charges<br />
                <br />
              <p class="text">Attorney Joe D. Harrington can handle matters in both state and federal courts. Located in Downtown Orlando previous representation in (Orange, Osceola, Seminole, Lake, Brevard. Volusia, Polk, Hillsborough, Saint Lucie, Palm Beach, Broward, Dade, and Monroe Counties. Federal Middle District and Southern District.</p></td>
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        <td><img src="bottom_bar3.jpg" width="850" height="78" /></td>

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