One clip imported vertically ??? why

In the importwindow (import from cam) the clip si already vertical.
i imported with succes 20 clips in 16:9 but one of them is placed vertically (and not vertically recorded)
The clips are from my iPhone 4S
Why and how to rreset? in the timeline i see the same...
Anyone any idea?

Bruce27 wrote:
…  but one of them is placed vertically (and not vertically recorded)
The clips are from my iPhone 4S
probably, the iPhone tagged the recording wrong (you pointed somewhere downwards, which 'irritated' the gyro? ... no idea).
you can give the  free tool Mpeg Streamclip a try to give the original clip the right direction, save it and import again.

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    Open up the converted Quicktime file. How does that play?
    What about importing it with does it look then?
    While I'm thinking aloud, why can't clips be logged without being captured?
    Because that it the nature of P2. It isn't tape. Why would you log and not capture?
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    Not on the origina as it will essentially be a tif in jpeg's clothing.  But if you make an edit it will go thru a jpeg compression. Whether you'll be able to see the reduction in resolution is another matter.
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    Message was edited by: Carl Bradbury

    Mmmm, doesn't it just do your head in when you want something to go wrong and it doesn't.
    I took my camera out to the garden and took some quite violent panning shots to test in various workflows. Back at my mac I connected the camera and opened imovie, played the clip in preview in the import window - no judder - a little ghosting but that's to be expected.
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    Any help is appreciated.

    Hi Paul,
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    Hi Dixie
    Where Do Your material originate from ?
    • miniDV tape Camera (recorde with this live)
    • from VHS/VCR via miniDV Camera or A/D box
    If the latter - there are no Time & Date code that gives info to iMovie where to cut.
    There is no function in iMovie that can produce couts from variations in picture or audio. (either in FinalCut Express/pro as I'm aware of)
    It has been reported that it can be done on PC-Window platform and by programs like
    Pinnacle, Adobe Premiere etc. NEVER Confirmed though.
    If timecode not present - Manual cutting up only way. (As I know of)
    Yours Bengt W

  • Why wont my clips import into Final Cut Pro ?

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    FCP doesn't work with 3GPP, which is basically a cellphone compression format. FCP only works with media in the QuickTime framework. It only works with video in standard video frame resolutions, which 800x480 isn't, and with video that uses uncompressed audio, while yours is compressed.
    Standard definition video is 720x480 at 29.97fps with uncompressed 48k audio in a production codec, which H.264 isn't; it should be either DV or DV50 or ProRes.

  • Import whole movie as one clip in imovie

    Hi, not sure if I am posting this in the right place now - ah just looked down below my post and it appears it will put it in the imovie forum, good
    I have never used iMovie.  I've used several video editing products in past years, but haven't done much recently and now I have a deadline of Christmas eve to get this done.
    A good few years ago we transferred all of my wife's family home super 8 film  to DV format and then spent weeks editing them down to a very nice 20 minute video with music.  Made a bunch of DVDs but over the years, they seem to have all stopped working or been lost.  The master is still on DV tape and I now have my sony camera linked up to my MBP and it seems to work very well once I got the firewire to thunderbolt connector.  It controls the camera perfectly, better than a lot of products that I used to use.
    So my problem is ithat when I imported the video, it cut everything up into clips.... and when I put all the clips into a movie they do not play seamlessly... as I don't want to do any editing on this, I just want it all as one long clip so I can export it into suitable formats for my sister-in-law to download on Christmas day...
    So I have gone back to the import process and I couldn't seem to find any settings or anything for adjusting how the video is imported from my camera.
    I certainly hope this can be done... not so much video editing I want to do, but more of a conversion process I guess, any help would be urgently and greatly appreciated!

    hmm, after 24 hours of searching etc I have come to the conclusion that iMovie is pretty rubbish at functionality and a way for Apple to push it's iDrive and get me to pay money for it as well... :-(
    I tried putting all my clips into a movie, but the audio skips between the clips and I can't reduce the transition to 0 -  so actually no way of recreating my whole movie again and no way of capturing the whole movie in one clip - granted I've only been using this for a day, but after years of video editing I cant say the interface settting or anything else is intuitive about it... seemed promising at first, but in the end I got my old version of Adobe Premier out and it did what I needed first time, no fuss.  Afraid iMovies is heading for the trash.

  • I am having a difficult time getting the duration of multiple selected clips. The duration display only will display the time for one clip.  Yes, I know I can add them up myself, but why?  :-)

    I am having a difficult time getting the duration of multiple selected clips. The duration display will only display the time for one clip not multiple clips.  Yes, I know I can add them up myself, but why?  :-)
    I am using imovie 10.0.6

    For reasons that you would have to ask Apple for they decided not to allow the precise position of the playhead to be shown in iMovie 10 (unlike in FCP 10.1.x).

  • Anyone have an idea why clips imported are silent half way through the clip? The entire audio can be heard in quicktime.

    Anyone have an idea why clips imported are silent half way through the clip? The entire audio can be heard in quicktime.

    Solved problem by converting to another file format.
    The two that worked were .mov and MP4 that is .H264

  • Focus Enhancements FSH200 DTE clip import strangeness

    I use a Focus Enhancements FSH200 DTE with my Canon XH-A1.
    The DTE saves HDV formatted .mov's that don't seem to work when trying to import in to FCPX.
    Strange thing though, 2 clips did import with no issues. The only difference I saw on the 2 clips that worked were that their timestamps had changed to Today, 12:16pm, even though I hadn't opened them or saved them, or even imported them in to FCPX yet. I simply browsed to their location, I saw that the files were marked as modified by the timestamp, and they were able to be imported. The other clips in that folder were not able to be imported, and had their original dates/times timestamp of almost two months ago.
    I wonder what separates those 2 clips, and why they were modified--and what modified them. Is there a utility that'd pull these clips apart and tell me either what the differences are, to maybe figure out why one would import and another not?
    I have a backup of the original, unmodified clips, and I can A/B them, and none of their data is different. MPEG Streamclip shows:
    Clip that can't be imported:
    Path: ~/Desktop/FCP-X Strangeness/doesnotwork/
    Duration: 0:11:53
    Data Size: 2.20 GB
    Bit Rate: 26.55 Mbps
    Video Tracks:
    HDV 1080i60, 1440 × 1080, 29.97 fps, 25.00 Mbps
    Audio Tracks:
    16-bit Big Endian stereo, 48 kHz, 1.54 Mbps
    Stream Files: (2.20 GB)
    Clip that can be imported:
    Path: ~/Desktop/FCP-X Strangeness/works/
    Duration: 0:11:53
    Data Size: 2.20 GB
    Bit Rate: 26.55 Mbps
    Video Tracks:
    HDV 1080i60, 1440 × 1080, 29.97 fps, 25.00 Mbps
    Audio Tracks:
    16-bit Big Endian stereo, 48 kHz, 1.54 Mbps
    Stream Files: (2.20 GB)

    In case anyone is still having this problem, I contacted Focus and they sent me a program that fixes the Quicktime/atom issue. I drop the Quicktime files into the program and it fixes them so that they can be played/imported. See the email message below and contact Focus to get the .dmg file:
    Hi Carlos,
    Our Quicktime HDV files will not work in Adobe Premiere, however, I do
    have a fix for Final Cut Pro. Attached is a beta version of the fix we
    have been working on for this issue. Please read the Word document
    first. Currently, this fix will not work with Final Cut Pro X. This app
    will only work on Quicktime (.mov) HDV clips that were shot on your
    recorder and have not been altered at all. Also, converted clips will
    not play in Quicktime Player version 10.1, otherwise they should work in
    a Mac with Final Cut Pro installed. If you are running version 10.1 of
    the Quicktime player, the VLC player (
    should play your clips. Please email me back if you have any questions,
    or to share your results.
    Michael Warner
    Technical Support/R.M.A. Rep.
    Focus Products
    T. 650-230-2429
    [email protected]

  • Dragging multiple media clips into vertically stacked tracks in the timeline? Is it possible?

    Hoping that some Adobe Premiere Guru might be able to lend some insight into what seemingly should be a fairly simple thing to accomplish... but despite scouring the web, I can't seem to find a peep of a solution for it.
    My neighbor (whom, incidentally, I convinced to go with Premiere CS5.5 as his NLE of choice in the wake of the FCPX uncertainty) is working on a "reality-style" project where they have a massive amount of cameras running simultaniouisly for hour upon hours on end. Think Big Brother House style.
    Essentially for each hour of the footage, he is creating a project in which all the multiple camera footage (MOV) from that hour is listed/linked over in the project panel. For example, for HOUR ONE he has the footage from all 20 cameras (or whatever) for hour one listed there.
    BASICALLY what he wants to be able to do is grab ALL the footage from those various cameras AT ONCE, DRAG them over to the timeline and when he drops them there, the video (and, inversely, the audio) clips STACK vertically, one on top of the other, each one taking its own track in the timeline.
    Currently, of course, when he does this the footage arranges itself in the timeline end to end. In the case of my HOUR ONE, 20 CAMERA example, this basically creates a 20 hour long clip, as oppossed to a one hour clip with 20 tracks, stacked one on top of the other.
    As near as we can tell, there's no keyboard shortcut to make this happen. I VAGUELY recall being able to do this in FCP (maybe?) so I'll be stunned and more than just a little bit disappointed to if there isn't SOME way to pull this off in Premeire.
    Does anybody have any idea if this mode of automatically dropping clips into the timeline as stacked tracks is possible? It will, quite literally, save him hours and hours of work if he can figure out the secret. And I won't feel quite so guilty for having turned him onto Premiere for this specific project!
    And if anyone knows for a fact this is NOT possible, that would be great to know as well. At least we can put the notion to bed one way or another.
    Thanks in advance.
    Regards, Michael

    You can do this with the make multi-camera source sequence command in Premiere Pro CS6 (note that this was posted before CS6 was launched):
    Mark the clips
    Select the clips
    Choose Clip > Create Multi-Camera Source Sequence
    Choose the style of synchronization and click OK
    Right click on Multi-Camera source sequence and choose > Open in Timeline.
    Clips are now stacked up inside of a sequence
    More here: html#source_sequence_for_multi_camera_editing

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