One material different packaging

Hello expert,
i have a query regarding materials packaging. if the scenario is the production produce material in different packaging say: material A 1kg, material A 5 kg and material A 100 gram,
Is it possible using 1 material number for this? Or we use 3 material number? If it's possible to use 1 material, how to differentiate the packaging and quantities?

Means this material finish product ... and used for sales ....
Tell me whether you are calculating the cost of material basing on PER KG or packing size wise. If you are calculating manufacturing cost base on packing size, go for creating 3 different material codes. This is helpful in inventory valuation also.
Syed Hussain.

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    I am a SD consultant, so this question might sound amateur to few, apologies for that in advance.
    Our business process is that we have 2 vendors for procuring a single material (3rd party scenario). What business wants is to have manual ability to select the vendor after order is saved (or even at time of entering order/ PR stage). Is there a simple of PO creation with some manual intervention for vendor selection?
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    Use the following methods
    1. For the material and the vendor create a inforecord with price with proper validity dates
    2. The create a source list for the material and plant with the vendors and validity dates.
    3. Create a simple release strategy for the PR based on document type for approval.
    4. Once the PR is generated, based on the validity dates system proposes a vendor.
    5. If the validity dates over laps, when you check 'assign source of supply' button multiple vendors are displayed check one and save,
    6. PR will be subject to approval and once approved the buyer can convert it to a PO.
    Hope it helps
    Bye with regards...Raj

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    Packaging material type: Z501
    Material Group: Packaging Materials: Z501
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    Thank you for your comments,
    Jaime S.

    My problem has been solved. Regards

  • Representing different packages of a product

    Dear colleagues,
    Some time ago I posted a thread about the different ways to represent in the system different packages of the same product and I got some useful hints how it can be set up in the system, especially from "Dogboy49", who I am very grateful to.
    My client would however know about real life cases of how companies handle such requirement. Here are the two options again:
    1. Having one material number for the product where the different packaging levels are represented as units of measure - this is our current set-up. The problem is when a new box size is introduced it requires copying the whole product to the new number, with all its units of measure, and changing just one of the units.
    2. Alternative layout where each packaging level gets own material number and the different numbers of the same product linked by BOM.
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    My company has used Strategy 82.  Although we are electronic component manufacturers, the concept is similar - the particular product line could be packaged as 'Tape & Reel', 'Tray Pack', "Ammo Pack", "Bulk Pack", and many others.  Yet, the business was both unwilling and unable to place FGs product into stock in a time frame that met the requirements of the marketplace.  Breaking down existing FGs pack for possible re-pack was very expensive.  In this business model, each different packing style was given a different FGs part number, but ATP was performed on the basis of the SemiFinished Goods stock and supply elements.
    We eventually abandoned this method, once the manufacturing production line was moved offshore.  During the move, the production line was rebuilt and upgraded, the raw material supply chain was improved, and we changed our business model to straight MTO without forecast (build each order from scratch).
    If your client is feeling adventurous, SAP SCM also offers "Rules Based Availability (RBA) checking" within their 'Global ATP" module.  There is a much richer selection of ATP processes in SCM.
    Best Regards,

  • Free Goods from One Material Group to Another Material Group

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    I need your valuble suggestion, please provide.
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          1            A                                              3                                    F010                                             4
          2            B                                              3                                     F020
          3            C                                              4                                     F040
    Any No. of Line Item Any No. of Material
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    How I can configure this scenario?
    Please suggest, is it  possible through KEY COMBINATION?
    +91 7829755109
    Skype ID: sanjai.srivastav1

    if you want to give free goods from other group it can be possible only for EXCLUSIVE free good type
    In exclusive free goods, a material different from the orignal material can be specified as the free goods.
    Example: A customer who buys 200 crates of beer, gets 5 boxes of glasses free.
    In VBN1 >> Exclusive
    See column ADD FREE MATERIAL
    While creating Sales Order what Quantity (Gallons/No./Ltr) to be put?
    Maintain alternative units in material master >> Additional data >> Material master,BUT it is only main item
    Those item u want to give free that items unit is derived from free goods condition record and it CANNOT be change in order

  • Multiple Posting change notice created for one material document

    Hi All,
    The scenario is that the user needs to transfer material from unrestricted to quality stock type. while doing so the storage type is different than the actual storage type for the material. Meaning if the material is normally stored in high rack storage type, when it is found that the material is damaged or expired it need to be moved to the quality storage type. For this the user will first create  material document in IM with movement type 322 transferring material from unrestricted stock to qualtiy stock. A PCN will be created in back ground which will in turn be converted manually by the user to a TO. while doing so the user will pick the quant manually from the required storage type and select the destination storage type as the quality or quanranntine area.
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    Would look forward to your replies.

    Thanks and Sorry for the delayed reply. We have now convinced the users that the system behaviour is standard and we cannot change the same.
    To your question about the need to have one PCN with multiple lines please note that the setup is such that when material document is created for transferring material from unrestricted to quality and vice versa this document is created with multiple materials in one go. Now when the PCN is to be converted to TO then the user ends up in creating number of TO's equal to the number of lines in the Material Document. We wanted to avoid this and hence this was posted in SDN.

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    In Combination order you can combine the serval planned, production order to one new combine order. This functionality is available in IS mill.
    For more details refer this link,

  • How to shift valuation class from one material type to another material type ?

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    We already created huge no.of materials of material type say ZABC with two valuation classes say 1100 and 1200(GL accounts for these VCs for different posting keys in OBYC settings are same). Account category reference for this material type is 0010.
    After that we created new material type say ZPQR  with new Account category reference 0025, and valuation class 1200 is linked with this ACR 0025. Because of this, valuation class 1200 disappeared from material type ZABC. In order to avoid inconsistency, we need to have valuation class 1200 linked with older material type i.e.ZABC.How we can do this ? What impacts must have happened in this period (from MM/FI) in the system, where valuation class get shifted from one material type(ZABC) to another material type(ZPQR)....please help us in this scenario.

    Thanks Sana,
    We are also looking for the solution provided by you i.e. reassign ACR 0010 to Valuation class 1200.
    Your are also correct in terms of  statement "config doesnt allow me to assign same valuation class to 2 different AREF (Account reference number/Account category reference).
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  • Two profit centers in same plant for one material

    Dear All
    We have this request from a customer.
    There is a material in 1 plant but need to track that same materials in 2 different cost elements depending on where these are used (e.g. for sales will be booked to profit center 1 and demo will be booked to profit center 2)
    Now we can partially achieve this by splitting them into 2 storage locations however this will only give a report on quantity and not separate valuation since 1 material can only have 1 profit center per plant. So we can know there are for example 4 sales item in sales storage location and 2 item in demo storage location but we will not know their price valuation as it will show 1 combined value for all 6, and we cannot assume valuation per item to be total divided by 6 because the value for the sales item and demo item need to be different.
    Is there a way to achieve this?
    We could copy the material to another material with different material number but this is not ideal since it will create problems at the backend when updating material data and also causes duplication which we want to avoid.
    Any suggestions on how this can be achieved -- e.g. I am sure most companies have demo units which are separate from delivery units how is this scenario managed in those companies?

    Use split valuation. Using Split valuation one material can have multiple valuation prices. In your case you can create two Valuation types (Demo and Sale item) for valuation category say XYZ. Then you can manage different price for Demo and Sale item even if the material is same.
    Read below example: If you have same material grade A and grade B. Grade A is $100/Kg and Grade B is $80/Kg. This kind of scenario is possible by using Split Valuation.

  • One material in two company codes

    How can we maintain one material in two company codes?

    Hi Gopala,
    We will be maintaining the Materila master to a particular Plant Level and Sales Organisation and Distribution channel.any way the Plant will be assinged to the Company code.
    In this Thread. Scenario Like Inter Company Stock Transfer one Material should be maintained both the Plants for which will be having Two Different Company Codes.
    Hope this Clear your Doubt and Please Reward If Really Helpful,
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Create Classes In Different Packages With Error-free Importing

    I'd like to create a class which inherits from another class from some other package. So I use "import" keyword to involve the class to build my new class on. However, I hope my new class can be in its own package which is different with one the base class is in. To make it clear, please see the example below:
    There are two folders, with name c08 and c09 respectively, in C:\Java which I created for this case. I set the environment variable as C:\Java. There is no problem. Then I saved file "" in C:\Java\c08. It's source code is as below:
    package c08;
    public interface Inter {
         void play ();
         void action ();
    And another "" is saved in C:\Java\c09. Source code as below:
    package c09;
    import c08.*;
    public class Test {
    protected class PC implements Inter {
              public void play () {
              public void action () {
    It was successfully compiled for "". But when comes to "", it failed with error message of something like "Cannot find the interface Inter". I tried some other ways and I didn't get any results.
    I hope to create a class using classes from some other packages while keeping the new one in a different package. How can this be done? (I am currently doing this in J2SE 1.4.01 under Windows XP Home Edition)
    Thank you!
    Best Regards

    I copied and pasted your code as well as made c08 and c09 directories. I had no errors compiling. I am using NT, but it appears that your problem is Classpath related. You can try to CD to the C:\Java directory and compile using "javac c09\" That's the command I used.

  • One Material Multiple Characteristics

    Dear All,
    We are a chemical industry, following is the scenerio.
    There is a product caustic soda of different concentrations like 33% and 50%. Its a continuous process, during in process at the end point of process we note the concentration of caustic suppose that is 31.3%. Now we receive material in the storage tank that already may contain material.This storage tank is interim storage not sale able. Now this material can be moved to 33% storage tank or 50% storage tank or for internal use to make some other product.
    Is there required one material code or more than one? If we open one material only 'caustic'  and make characteristics 33%,50% in material class then can we move material on the basis of characteristics?

    you can apply serial number ot each concentration type.

  • One material has two entries in DGTMD table

    Hello Experts,
    I found very strange phenomenon in our production system. There were two or sometimes more than two entries for one material one was showing as Dangerous and other as non dangerous. I mean in DGTMD table in DGNHM field is X for one entry and blank for other entry of the same material. I think this is the cause of previous issues which I posted where same material was shown as Dangerous and non dangerous for same regulation.
    My question to you is what is the resolution for this if this is the cause. How to get this data corrected?

    Hi Devdatt,
    just as an addition to what Pietro answered:
    the concept of DGTMD is to be able to have one valid entry for each relevant regulation for each material:
    - you might have several entries for one regulation in case of different time ranges
    - you might have several entries for different regulations
    The key is not the material number. Please check if the entries you are mentioning are
    - regarding the same regulation and
    - the same time range.
    Best regards,

  • One Material Multiple Descriptions

    Hi All,
    We have one material and the description of this material is different across the two plants that we have. How to map this? Please find the example below
    Material A - Plant 1: Mobile Phone 1122
    Material A - Plant 2: Handy Phone 1122
    Now these descriptions we are finding a way to make it uniform across the company by clubbing the descriptions of both the plants. Now when I have to raise the PO / sales order and take a print of that then I'm facing issue it is displaying the text of both the plants in the print outputs which the client is not ok with.
    In the material master additional data we are planning to use different language keys and give different descriptions so that I can use these descriptions at the time of taking print outputs. i.e. One language key for sales output and one language key for purchase outputs.
    Is this ok?? or any other better solutions.

    Jurgen is correct and I doubt your language solutoin will give you satisfactory results.
    The question is what do you want your customers to see?  Forget about the internal material description. It shouldn't matter if internally your people see Handy Phone/Mobile Phone.  Club the descriptions together.
    Or.. this would be an amazing concept... ask the client to standardize on one or the other!!!!
    What you call it doesn't matter.  It's just another item in the system.  Call it 632933 if you want to.  The employees will get used to it quickly and you won't spend a lot of money to come up with some custom solution.
    The important thing is what customers of the client see and what is printed on the paperwork to them.  And that can be easily handled by standard SAP using info records.  Have you looked at them?
    What is the business benefit in terms of $$$$$ to keep two separate internal descriptions?  The key here is internal.  You can make all the external descriptions and marketing campagins you want. 
    If you want another alternative, you could use material classification, (type 001).  Create two characteristics.  PLANT_1234_MTRL_DESC and PLANT_9876_MTRL_DESC.  Define the respective plant descriptions in the materials classification view.  Modify all your paperwork to pull the appropriate description.  You can search via classification in most material search screens.  You'll still see the same clubbed material descriptions however on line.  I don't like this solution nor do I endorse it. 

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