One product to student licence

how i can change the plan from only Photoshop (year plan) to complete CC-student licence plan?
Kind regards

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    first, I'm not Adobe's "slave" as you might to accuse me. Most of the posters here are users like me.
    I only can repeat that what I found in Adobe's help sites, as I wrote above. You are free to figure out the "real" truth and - the best would be - you may contact Adobe directly, here are - I'm sure you know them -  the links I would use:  and

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    Please forgive my poor English, since I am French.
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    You are overthinking this. Your license will and shall forever be yours - as long as it technically possible to run the programs. The terms under which the license was initially purchased don't matter. Nobody expects S&T licenses to be used by people that study their whole life and it's perfectly normal that they will be used beyond the college or university days. Activations can be managed at any time using Help --> Activate/ Deactivate, including situations where you need to migrate to a new machine. otherwise you can always contact support to reset activations, should you forget. They do this all the time.

  • Student licence

    I have student licence creative suite, my question is can I upgrade from cs5 to cs6, I am still a student

    Hi Hellabella ,
    Welcome to Adobe Forums.
    Please check the below mentioned link:
    Note: You can't upgrade from one Student and Teacher Edition to another Student and Teacher Edition - You can only upgrade from one Student and Teacher Edition to a commercial version. However, this upgrade cost is often more expensive than just buying the new version at the Student and Teacher Edition discounted price of up to 80% off (assuming you meet all eligibility requirements.) Hope this helps.
    Please reply for any assistance.

  • Student licence questions

    First of all - sorry for my English.
    1. I'm student but my speciality is not connected with design etc. May I use the licence?
    2. When I'll finish the university, I must buy the usual licence, or I can continue using student licenced product.

    1. You can install the software on up to three computers but only work with one at the same time
    2. No. Just the LabWindows 8
    3. You can use it after your studies as long as you want to, but you will not be able to upgrade your software.
    Hope this helps.

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    Yes, you should be fine. Student versions carry full upgrade rights.

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    Upgrade single to all Cloud may help
    Adobe Education... Start here
    Education Plan
    One Year Intro Price
    ID Proof

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    Acrobat XI, X -
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    please follow these instructions carefully or the links will not work!
    Adobe recommends temporarily turning off any surfing restrictions you might have running, like site or cookie blocking, firewalls or antivirus software.
    Click «here» to visit this page and then select the “Download Now” button at the bottom.
    If asked, then sign in with your Adobe ID or take a minute to create one for yourself.
    Now close or cancel any windows that may pop up.
    OK, now you’re logged in at Adobe with the trials cookie set, so you can instantly download any of the software below. Just make sure you have enough disk space.
    Download the files either by clicking directly on the DDL links, or by right-clicking and choosing “Save Link As…” on the popup menu – and save all files to the same place.
    Then follow the product installation instructions here.

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    oder die Adobe Creative Cloud.
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  • How to maintain One product cost collector for multiple materials and configuration setting

    Hi experts,
    my requirement is that i want to maintain one product cost collector for multiple materials ans also i want to know the configuration setting for the same.
    I have used KKF6N but it is not working in my case. I went through KKF6M also but there i found multiple cost collectors.
    please guide me in the same.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Shripad,
    you cannot assign same  Product cost collector to different material.
    Because you creating cost collector for material combination of material /production version,material /Bom Routing.
    so please create individual cost collector for every material.
    if you have any query kindly revert back.
    Please mark the answer as helpful if it is helpful to you.
    Because march 5 onwards scn has stopped awarding points to liked content.
    Starting now: No more points for likes on comments/replies
    Thanks & Regards
    Sandeep Kumar Praharaj

  • When only one product in a catalogue, how to skip product small list view to go to Product detail

    If I have only one product in a catalogue, how can I tell BC to skip the product list view and go straight to the product large view?
    For example.
    I would like to be able to click on 'Office Suites' on this page:
    Have BC skip this catalogue list view page:
    and instead go straight to this page:
    Has anyone managed to achieve this? I want it like it happens here for the 'bookcases' catalogue:
    Would love it if anyone could point me in the right direction. Thanks.

    In your online shop layouts, the individual catalog layout will look something like this:
    <div class="category-list-item">
    <div class="visual">{tag_image}</div>
    <div class="visual">{tag_browsepanel}</div>
    In the frontend, the "category-list-item" div will contain a separate list item for each product. What you can do is use a script to count the number of <li>s in  that div and if that number is 1, get the href  attribute from that product and navigate to that page.
    Kind Regards,

  • Adobe cs5 production premium student and teacher edition, installation without cd

    Hi, i bought adobe cs5 production premium student and teacher edition like a year ago. Or maybe more. anyways, im doing an erasmus semester so i bought myself a Netbook.
    I want to install Adobe photoshop in it,. but the problem is, it has no CD driver.
    Does anyone know where i can find a download link ( LEGAL)? So i can just download and activate.
    Thank you.

    Direct Download Links for Adobe Software

  • How to estimate different cost via diffrent equipement to one product in SAP

    hello, everyone,
      Our factory have Two equipments , one is a new equipment A , the other is an old equipment B,
      they all produce the prodcut W , but the old equipment B consume electricity ,warm water and Raw material is much more than the new equipment  A.  So the cost price  of product W is different when they were produced by equipment B and equipment A.
      the Finacial Department and Sales Department want to know different cost price of product W via different equipments in the end of every month. Now we use two different material NO to deal with it(actually it is one product ) ,but this method take a lot trouble to stock, because  one product quantities were seperated by different material NO in Storage location.
      According to this requirement, we activate the split valation, but the customizing of  split valuation just supply one field for"  val.type in-house prod", at the same time , the t-code CK11N screen has not the field vauation type. if we don't estimate the material cost price by CK11N, when we create sales billing ,the system can not post COPA document  and give a error that is :“Valuation with material cost estimate: error with product "1180119998"
       may you have a good method to deal with this type of business or you ever met this kind of  business . may you share it , I appreciate you for your help !!!

    You can create different production order like one production order for new  equipment   Or Other For second old equipment  and old equipment order you can increase the material component quantity .
    or second  i agree with Mr. Biju K
    you can create two cost center
    old equipment : xxxxx
    new equipment : yyyyy
    you can create different work center base on two separate cost center so all cost book in separately in cost center.

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    I like to cancel one of my two licences of creative cloud

    -or by telephone

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