Open port 443

how to open port 443 on time capsule?

Look at the port mapping info here. It is the same for both Extreme and TC.

Similar Messages

  • Unable to open port 443. Why?

    I'm trying to open port 443 on my Airport Extreme Dual Band . In the Airport Utility, I tried in the port mapping tab. I entered 443 in the TCP and UDP areas and the IP of the computer in that section. I also tried only TCP and only UDP. It was not functioning correctly.
    Then I opened Network Utility and did a port scan. It did not show 443. I called my ISP and they do not block it.
    What else could be blocking it? Anything I haven't thought of?
    Thanks in advance.

    Same here!
    After configuring AX, namely putting 443 for both TCP ports, with or without choosing the "Remote Login - SSH" service, and finally restarting, I still get the following message from Slink:
    +External port 443 is closed. Manually configure your broadband gateway to map external TCP port 443 to TCP port 22 on internal host
    Checking the Port Scan in Network Utility, I can see
    +Open TCP Port: 22 ssh+,
    but no sign for 443...

  • Linksys WRT300N Open port 443, Lease Time

    Hello. Definite Newbie here.
    I have my router's IP address up on my browser and I was wondering how to open port 443 and to make my "Lease time" at its maximum. Can someone help me?
    Thanks in advance.

    pen an Internet Explorer browser page on a computer hard wired to the router...In the address bar type - the Username blank & in Password use admin in lower case...
    Once you login to the setup page of your Router, under the setup tab below change the DHCP Client lease time from to 0 to any number to increase the lease time.
    Then click on the "Application and Gaming" tab and below click on the sub tab "Port Forwarding" and below in the Application name type any name and then in the Start Port and End Port type the Port number and select the Protocol and input the IP address on which you want to Forward the Port and check the box and click on save settings..
    You can follow this link and it will help you in forwarding the port on your router.

  • Remote Connectivity Analyzer opens port 443 successfully but fails.."Net. conn. not available"

    Trying to set up a client with external access.  I just got their Edge off the domain and in the DMZ, and supposedly the appropriate firewall ports are opened. They have a RP running IIS ARR.
    Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer ( does the following for three tests:
    1.  When I do Lync Server Remote Connectivity Test and choose Autodiscover, it is able to open port 443 and it validates the cert.  But it says "Operation failed because the network connection was not available". 
    2.  When I do the same Lync Server Remote Connectivity Test and manually enter the Access Edge service FQDN and choose port 5061, it is able to resolve the name in DNS but it then fails testing TCP port 5061 with "The specified port is either blocked,
    not listening, or not producing the expected response".
    3.  When I do the Lync Autodiscover Web Service Remote Connectivity Test, it fails when trying to open port 443 on the Lyncdiscover URL.
    So, that seems to indicate to me that port 443 might be open on the Edge but not the Reverse Proxy, since that's where the autodiscover URL points.  And it seems 5061 is not open but 443 is on the Edge.  What else could I check on the Edge to get
    443 working?
    Thanks for the help and sorry for any vague information.  Any help is appreciated!

    Okay, I can now telnet to lyncdiscover.mydomain.dom on port 443 successfully, and I can telnet to on 5061 successfully. 
    Now when I do the remote connectivity test:
    Using Autodiscover to detect server settings, I get "Operation failed because the network connection was not available". It opens port 443 fine it looks like.
    Manually choosing as the FQDN and port 5061, I get "The endpoint was unable to register.  See the ErrorCode for specific reason".  Response code is 504 and response message is Server Time-out
    Doing the Lync Autodiscover Web Service Remote Connectivity Test I get "HTTP 403 error was received because ISA server denied the specified URL".
    Looks to me like a rule might not be set right on the firewall if ISA is denying the connection, right?(they are using TMG on a server running Server 2008 as the firewall).  I can't ping the reverse proxy from the firewall (but I can ping the Edge). 
    What else can I check?
    Thanks for all the help so far, I really appreciate it.

  • How to open port 443?, How to open port 443?

    Hey, an online broking software wants connection to my mac. How can i open a special ssl port like 443,
    i allrady did the routerconfiguration, how can i change the mac firewall?

    I came here for help on this subject and MAY have an idea why you are still having the problem after turning off the firewall on your Mac. Assuming your router works the same way mine does, you have to do something to create a path between the outside world and your Mac for traffic on port 443. I know there are ways to do this where the computer can dynamically do this but that is not something I have figured out at this point. The ONLY way I know to make it work is to make sure the Mac has the same IP address every time it uses that router and to tell the router to direct traffic coming in from the web to go to the address you have assigned your Mac.
    Hopefully someone more knowldegable than I am will speak up and say how to do it dynamically because, if this is a laptop, assigning it a fixed address on your network can create problems when you take it someplace else.

  • Opening port 443 in MacOSx 10.6.5

    I am running a JBoss server in my Mac OSx 10.6.5. I am changing my iPhone App to access the Web Server thru HTTPS. Earlier the HTTP was working on port 8080. I can see from NETSTAT that the port is listening. But port 443 is not. How do I add this port?

    CopyCatX - CNet Downloads or MacUpdate.
    I don't think there is anything else that will do a bit-copy of the entire hard drive. Otherwise you have to clone OS X separately. The switch to Windows and use a utility that will clone the Windows volume.

  • Port 443 Open

    When I run Shields Up port scan test from Gibson Research ( it shows port 443 as being open. I haven't opened port 443. Why is it open on my WRT54G?

    First of all, please state the make and exact model number of your modem.  If you are using a "modem-router", rather than a true modem, Gibson's  "Shields UP!" will scan the ports on your modem-router, not the ports on your WRT54G.
    An "open" port is one that is listening to the Internet, waiting for another computer to try to communicate with it.   Ordinary home users don't need this, so ports are generally left closed (stealth).
    Port 443 is generally used for secure transmissions.  It would normally only need to be "open" if you wanted another computer on the Internet to be able to securely call your router (or computer).  This is typically used by businesses that want to establish a secure VPN (virtual private network) connection, to connect two branches of their business together, router to router.
    Note that port 443 does not need to be left "open" for ordinary Internet connections,  including connections to a secured server (https: connection).
    By default, all ports on your WRT54G should be closed (i.e. stealth).  However, if you have UPnP set to "enabled", then any computer program running on your computer can open a port on your router.  This is often the cause for "open ports" on the router.   Several types of programs like to open ports on the router.  These include Internet games, video conferencing software, peer-to-peer (P2P) software, and computer viruses.
    If you don't know of any programs on your computer that need to open ports, in the router, set UPnP to "disabled", and see if that corrects your problem.
    One other possible cause for this port 443 problem, is a firmware bug.  Some early versions of the RVS4000 firmware had this bug, but the bug was later fixed.  I have not heard of this bug appearing in WRT54G firmware.  What version of the router do you have?  Also, are you running a server (web site or game site) ?
    Message Edited by toomanydonuts on 08-02-2008 05:21 AM

  • Open port issues with Direct Print functionality

    Hi, I have been fighting with HP call support about the Photosmart 7525 printer.
    Originally I setup and had performed all the functions to enable both web support and WIFI.
    Within an hour the printer would not respond to wireless communication, though it had its wireless indecator showing it was connected.
    I was told by HP support that the issue will be resolved in March, as there will be a firmware update to fix the issue.
    Now that I had the printer install the new firmware I still get the issue.
    Though I found through some sniffing, that there are a number of ports enabled and open that are over and beyond print requirements.
    Funny thing I can send my printer into instant lockup with all lights flashing with a simple UDP ping sniff. I would think I can do this with other new HP printers using Eprint functions. I will find HP web based printers that are open for public printing and test my theory that HP Eprinters are open to hacking and denyal of service attempts.  My Hp print app on andriod list three in my area, and one is at my local Walmart. This would be cool to find this, as I am usually not the first to point such matters out.
    I assume some are for Apple devices to print.
    Here is my sniffing report:
    Starting Nmap 6.40 ( ) at 2014-03-21 07:57 Central Daylight TimeNSE: Loaded 110 scripts for scanning.NSE: Script Pre-scanning.Initiating ARP Ping Scan at 07:57Scanning [1 port]Completed ARP Ping Scan at 07:57, 0.23s elapsed (1 total hosts)Initiating Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 07:57Completed Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 07:58, 16.50s elapsedInitiating SYN Stealth Scan at 07:58Scanning [1000 ports]Discovered open port 445/tcp on open port 139/tcp on open port 80/tcp on open port 443/tcp on open port 8080/tcp on open port 9220/tcp on open port 6839/tcp on open port 631/tcp on open port 7435/tcp on open port 8089/tcp on open port 9100/tcp on SYN Stealth Scan at 07:58, 1.71s elapsed (1000 total ports)Initiating UDP Scan at 07:58Scanning [1000 ports]Discovered open port 5353/udp on UDP Scan at 07:58, 1.82s elapsed (1000 total ports)Initiating Service scan at 07:58Scanning 20 services on open port 161/udp on open|filtered port 161/udp on is actually open
    Starting Nmap 6.40 ( ) at 2014-03-21 07:51 Central Daylight TimeNmap scan report for is up (0.0025s latency).Not shown: 93 closed portsPORT     STATE SERVICE     VERSION80/tcp   open  http        HP Photosmart 7520 series printer http config (Serial TH3AS711XZ05YZ)139/tcp  open  tcpwrapped443/tcp  open  ssl/http    HP Photosmart 7520 series printer http config (Serial TH3AS711XZ05YZ)445/tcp  open  netbios-ssn631/tcp  open  http        HP Photosmart 7520 series printer http config (Serial TH3AS711XZ05YZ)8080/tcp open  http        HP Photosmart 7520 series printer http config (Serial TH3AS711XZ05YZ)9100/tcp open  jetdirect?MAC Address: A03:C1:BD:C8:34 (Unknown)Device type: printer|general purposeRunning: HP embedded, Wind River VxWorksOS CPE: cpe:/h:hp:laserjet_cm1415fnw cpe:/h:hp:laserjet_cp1525nw cpe:/h:hp:laserjet_1536dnf cpe:/o:windriver:vxworksOS details: HP LaserJet CM1415fnw, CP1525nw, or 1536dnf printer, VxWorksNetwork Distance: 1 hopService Info: Device: printer; CPE: cpe:/h:hphotosmart_7520OS and Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 34.11 seconds

    OK now I am able to run a full scan on TCP ports without causing a lock up of the printer.
    I found that having the printer connect to a router that has been setup to use channel 5, 6 or 7 will cause port scanning issues with the printer.
    It is obvious that there are 18 ports that are seen as open, whether they are used or not. Two of which are active but have no service connected to them. Some are just dead like port 25, but over half are active enough to recieve data and lock network connectivity within the printer.
    As the firmware states some other laser jets may be affected depending on how the configuration can be set.
    I moved my routers channel to channel 1 as it is the only other option I have in a highly congested location. It is not as good as channel 6, but the printer seems to have channel 6 locked in for direct printing.
    Here is the latest full scan with UDP enabled, it is the furthest and most complete scan I am able to complete, with UDP ports enabled. The TCP port scan has a bit more and I have placed a simple list below the information given here:
    Starting Nmap 6.40 ( ) at 2014-03-21 13:27 Central Daylight Time
    NSE: Loaded 110 scripts for scanning.
    NSE: Script Pre-scanning.
    Initiating ARP Ping Scan at 13:27
    Scanning [1 port]
    Completed ARP Ping Scan at 13:27, 0.44s elapsed (1 total hosts)
    Initiating Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 13:27
    Completed Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 13:27, 0.03s elapsed
    Initiating SYN Stealth Scan at 13:27
    Scanning [1000 ports]
    Discovered open port 443/tcp on
    Discovered open port 80/tcp on
    Discovered open port 139/tcp on
    Discovered open port 8080/tcp on
    Discovered open port 445/tcp on
    Discovered open port 631/tcp on
    Discovered open port 9100/tcp on
    Discovered open port 7435/tcp on
    Discovered open port 9220/tcp on
    Discovered open port 6839/tcp on
    Completed SYN Stealth Scan at 13:27, 5.25s elapsed (1000 total ports)
    Initiating UDP Scan at 13:27
    Scanning [1000 ports]
    Discovered open port 137/udp on
    Completed UDP Scan at 13:27, 4.46s elapsed (1000 total ports)
    Initiating Service scan at 13:27
    Scanning 16 services on
    Discovered open port 161/udp on
    Discovered open|filtered port 161/udp on is actually open
    Completed Service scan at 13:29, 82.51s elapsed (17 services on 1 host)
    Initiating OS detection (try #1) against
    NSE: Script scanning
    Initiating NSE at 13:29
    Completed NSE at 13:30, 82.29s elapsed
    Nmap scan report for
    Host is up (0.023s latency).
    Not shown: 1983 closed ports
    PORT     STATE         SERVICE      VERSION
    80/tcp   open          http         HP Photosmart 7520 series printer http config (Serial TH3AS711XZ05YZ)
    |_http-favicon: Unknown favicon MD5: 76C6E492CB8CC73A2A50D62176F205C9
    | http-methods: GET POST PUT DELETE
    | Potentially risky methods: PUT DELETE
    |_http-title: Site doesn't have a title (text/html).
    139/tcp  open          tcpwrapped
    443/tcp  open          ssl/http     HP Photosmart 7520 series printer http config (Serial TH3AS711XZ05YZ)
    |_http-favicon: Unknown favicon MD5: 76C6E492CB8CC73A2A50D62176F205C9
    | http-methods: GET POST PUT DELETE
    | Potentially risky methods: PUT DELETE
    |_http-title: Site doesn't have a title (text/html).
    | ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=HPPS7525/organizationName=HP/stateOrProvinceName=Washington/countryName=US
    | Issuer: commonName=HPPS7525/organizationName=HP/stateOrProvinceName=Washington/countryName=US
    | Public Key type: rsa
    | Public Key bits: 1024
    | Not valid before: 2014-02-25T10:12:24+00:00
    | Not valid after:  2034-02-20T10:12:24+00:00
    | MD5:   9144 ca3b 557e 09cc aba0 8387 2732 2375
    |_SHA-1: a6b2 95c0 b72a 7201 578c 32de 662a e6fe b082 48ca
    |_ssl-date: 2014-03-21T13:30:09+00:00; -4h59m12s from local time.
    445/tcp  open          netbios-ssn
    631/tcp  open          http         HP Photosmart 7520 series printer http config (Serial TH3AS711XZ05YZ)
    | http-methods: GET POST PUT DELETE
    | Potentially risky methods: PUT DELETE
    6839/tcp open          tcpwrapped
    7435/tcp open          tcpwrapped
    8080/tcp open          http         HP Photosmart 7520 series printer http config (Serial TH3AS711XZ05YZ)
    |_http-favicon: Unknown favicon MD5: 76C6E492CB8CC73A2A50D62176F205C9
    | http-methods: GET POST PUT DELETE
    | Potentially risky methods: PUT DELETE
    |_http-title: Site doesn't have a title (text/html).
    9100/tcp open          jetdirect?
    9220/tcp open          hp-gsg       HP Generic Scan Gateway 1.0
    137/udp  open          netbios-ns   Samba nmbd (workgroup: HPPS7525)
    138/udp  open|filtered netbios-dgm
    161/udp  open          snmp         SNMPv1 server (public)
    | snmp-hh3c-logins:
    |_  baseoid:
    | snmp-interfaces:
    |   Wifi0
    |     IP address:  Netmask:
    |     MAC address: a0:d3:c1:bd:c8:32 (Unknown)
    |     Type: ethernetCsmacd  Speed: 10 Mbps
    |     Status: up
    |_    Traffic stats: 6.16 Mb sent, 3.43 Mb received
    | snmp-netstat:
    |   TCP
    |   TCP
    |   UDP         *:*
    |   UDP        *:*
    |_  UDP     *:*
    |_  System uptime: 0 days, 3:34:23.28 (1286328 timeticks)
    | snmp-win32-shares:
    |_  baseoid:
    1022/udp open|filtered exp2
    1023/udp open|filtered unknown
    3702/udp open|filtered ws-discovery
    5355/udp open|filtered llmnr
    MAC Address: A03:C1:BD:C8:32 (Unknown)
    Device type: general purpose
    Running: Wind River VxWorks
    OS CPE: cpe:/o:windriver:vxworks
    OS details: VxWorks
    Uptime guess: 0.150 days (since Fri Mar 21 09:55:04 2014)
    Network Distance: 1 hop
    TCP Sequence Prediction: Difficulty=255 (Good luck!)
    IP ID Sequence Generation: Busy server or unknown class
    Service Info: Hosts: HPA0D3C1BDC832, HPPS7525; Device: printer; CPE: cpe:/h:hphotosmart_7520
    Host script results:
    | nbstat:
    |   NetBIOS name: HPA0D3C1BDC832, NetBIOS user: <unknown>, NetBIOS MAC: <unknown>
    |   Names
    |     HPA0D3C1BDC832<00>   Flags: <unique><active><permanent>
    |     MSHOME<00>           Flags: <group><active><permanent>
    |     HPA0D3C1BDC832<20>   Flags: <unique><active><permanent>
    |     HPPS7525<00>         Flags: <unique><active><permanent>
    |_    HPPS7525<20>         Flags: <unique><active><permanent>
    | smb-security-mode:
    |   Account that was used for smb scripts: guest
    |   User-level authentication
    |   SMB Security: Challenge/response passwords supported
    |_  Message signing disabled (dangerous, but default)
    1   23.26 ms
    NSE: Script Post-scanning.
    Read data files from: F:\Progs\Nmap
    OS and Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .
    Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 180.90 seconds
               Raw packets sent: 2030 (74.829KB) | Rcvd: 2921 (149.377KB)
    Full TCP port scan without UDP scanning of all ports, showing up as open... * designates open and active. open port 25/tcp on
    * open port 80/tcp on
    * open port 110/tcp on
    * open port 119/tcp on
    * open port 139/tcp on open port 143/tcp on
    * open port 443/tcp on
    * open port 445/tcp on open port 465/tcp on open port 563/tcp on open port 587/tcp on
    * open port 631/tcp on open port 993/tcp on open port 995/tcp on
    * open port 7435/tcp on
    * open port 6839/tcp on
    * open port 8080/tcp on open port 8089/tcp on
    * open port 9100/tcp on
    * open port 9220/tcp on

  • Https port 443 access

    Has anyone managed to successfully open port 443 on their HH3 with Infinity, port 80, 22 etc seems fine, but 443 will not open.  Type B HH3 and no problems with ports before

    Hi Neo_fox
    There was advice posted on this port before.  Check out this link and let me know how you get on.
    BTCare Community Mod
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    We are sorry but we are unable to deal with service/account queries via the private message(PM) function so please don't PM your account info, we need to deal with this via our email account :-)”
    td-p/30">Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

  • Help!!!!!!!!!!!!! Port 443 Issue

    Can any one tell me how to open port 443 on my wireless router model WRT54G3G-AT? For a secure business connection. Plese don't give me a link to follow, I've tried that one.

    Hi! Are you trying to access your router remotely via HTTPS? You just need to enable it thru the router's setup page > Administration > Access Sever > HTTPS (check the box to enable it).

  • Firewall Port 443

    Is it dangerous to open Port 443 in the Firewall?
    I'm sharing internet of my Powerbook for my MacMini via Airport.
    Internet Banking and aktualising Tv programs for EyeTV only works when Firewall on Powerbook is off , or port 443 is opened.
    Is it safer to switch off firewall only when I need these services?

    443 doesn't look like a big problem since it's used for https...

  • Can't update iOS 8 on my iPhone5 through iTunes on Windows 8 (error 3004, 3194). Updated host file, opened port 80, 443; turned off security system and firewall, etc. But nothing works. How to solve this problem?

    Can't update iOS 8 on my iPhone5 through iTunes on Windows 8 (error 3004, 3194). Updated host file, opened port 80, 443; turned off security system and firewall, etc. But nothing works. How to solve this problem?

    Hi the_mad_movies,
    It seems like this article will be the best option for addressing this issue:
    Error 3194, Error 17, or "This device isn't eligible for the requested build"
    Thanks for coming to the Apple Support Communities!

  • Cannot open socket connection on port 443

    Our server is running on Port 443.
    When I try to Connect from the BlackBerry 9300, an exception is thrown "cannot open socket connection on port 443"
    Can any one please help me in finding the solution to enable the port 443.
    Thank you in advance!

    I assume that you have verified that you can login to the ftp site using a regular ftp client (e.g. Fetch) on the Mac?

  • How to Direct open Website link to https: ( port 443)

    In my web server i host website on port 443 using SSl certificate. when my user try to access this website they nee to put manually address like https://siteneme..? how to open this website direct without type https

    You can configure a redirection from http to https so that when the user types it will get redirected to
    You can do that on your load balancer if you are using one or on the Website configuration.
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  • How to open ports 80 and 443

    How do you open ports 80 and 443?  I'm trying to connect a tv to the internet.

    What router are you using? Who is your ISP? Also, what exactly are you trying to accomplish?

Maybe you are looking for