Opening mail on different synchronized devices

Thanks to iCloud I can read my mail with Apple Mail on iMac, MacBook Pro, iPad and iPhone. But once I've read my mail on one device, they still are marked unread on all other devices and I still have to open them.
How can I synchronize my mail as read on all my devices?

Are you using a POP/POP3 account rather than an IMAP account like iCloud, Gmail or Yahoo email?  If so, you need to change to an IMAP email account in order to do this, unless your current provider allows you to enable your account as IMAP.

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  • Problem with opening mail after nstalling OS 10.6.6

    On the application directory I only see " (original)". Clicking here will give the same error message. On spotlight I don't see any other Thanks
    This is the error message I get
    Hi, anybody can help??
    Problem started immediately after upgrading to 10.6.6
    Tried to open mail with different user but problem persist.
    Going into the application folder and opening mail from there did not help.
    I get this message when trying to open mail.
    You can’t use this version of Mail with this version of Mac OS X
    You tried to open Mail version 4.3 (1081/1082) in:
    /Applications/Mail (original).app
    It can’t be used on this version of Mac OS X. Try opening the version of Mail located in the Applications folder on your computer. For more information, click the Help button.

    For some reason I can't change names on the application folder.
    Hmm, you're right... wonder when that changed. It's probably a good idea to prevent you from renaming apps, except that your Mail app has the wrong name.
    Try this... open the Terminal (in the Utilities folder in the Applications folder) and paste in the following command:
    sudo mv /Applications/"Mail (original).app" /Applications/
    Then press return. You will be prompted for your password, and when you type it nothing will show up. Press return again after typing it.
    If that doesn't work, you can use [Pacifist|> to reinstall the original Mail application from your Mac OS X install disk.
    Either way, after getting some version of Mail with a correct name installed, run the combo updater again to bring that copy of Mail up to the current version.

  • Syncronization: How can i store mail for different accounts remotely, and copy most important mails manually to local folders on two devices?

    Hello. I have two devices and two accounts, so what i want is this:
    I only want to store mail from both accounts in a remote place and copy most important mails to local folders.
    (I will be grateful for any ideas as to where/how this "cloud" can be - specially free places)
    * Can I have a copy of these local folders in both devices and the remote storage?
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    Thanks in advance.

    The first awkwardness I see is that there's no obvious format in which to store messages remotely such that you can work with them in an email client. It may be possible to set the "Local Directory" option in the account in Thunderbird to point at some remote folder (DropBox comes to mind) but I have never tried this and I'd be nervous about what happens if connection can't be made, or if you happened to access it from two different places simultaneously. The other concern is that mail stores get big, quickly, and you'd be forever uploading and downloading large (multi gigabyte) files. Thunderbird stores what looks like a folder containing many separate messages as one big file, so there's no simple opportunity for incremental changes to be up/down loaded.
    The whole idea of Local Folders in Thunderbird is to detach messages from servers, so they don't track what happens on servers. I say this to point out the distinction between files stored locally and permanently ("Local Folders"), versus cached copies of online files ("synchronized"). It's not safe to regard your synchronized folders as permanent.
    So, synchronized folders on an IMAP server are "mirrored" in Thunderbird so you do have a local (albeit temporary and transient) copy of messages; this is done mainly to avoid repeatedly downloading messages if you re-read them, and it makes searching faster an more efficient. But these "synchronized" message track what's being done on the server, and so if they are deleted anywhere, all synchronized devices will at some point also see the deleted messages vanishing. (Unless you made a local copy in the Local Folders account.)
    I use a gmail account pretty much as you have described; I copy or move messages to that account so they are visible in my phone, my tablet, my own laptop and my works computer. It's free, and it's "in the cloud"; the only reservation I have is its privacy. There are other providers (e.g. 1&1/gmx) who don't seem to have the data collection fetish that google thrives on.
    It's fairly simple to create filters in Thunderbird to automatically copy messages to your "cloud account"; even better is to set up forwarding rules on the other accounts' servers, so your messages are automatically sent on and waiting for you when you next login, already in the cloud account.

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    Very strange, do you have any AV or Web filtering apps like Norton installed?
    Do the working accounts use a different Port or Authentication than the non-working one?
    The receiving email ports are:
    IMAP is port 143
    IMAP-SSL is port 993
    POP is port 110
    POP-SSL is port 995

  • TS4208 Apple Mail client no longer marks my mail as read on all my iOS devices. If I read a email on my iPhone and later open Mail on my iPad, the iPad still shows the email as unread.This changed recently, perhaps after iOS7 upgrade. Did I miss a setting

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    Read thier own support document on the subject then
    This document was written as an answer to all those who complained about it as paying MobileMe users
    They ignored us then and when MobileMe became iCloud they ignored us again, and just carried on with a system that will not update the e-mail read status across all devices
    That's how it works,   and like you 1000's of loyal Apple users cant believe it either but there you go

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    I cannot receive email properly on either my IPad or my IPhone. I have had them for over a year and they have always worked fine. Until three days ago, when they both started acting up. On the IPad, when I open mail, it says it is downloading about 1,700 emails. At the very end, which takes quite a while to get to, I finally get the most recent ones. The IPad is sending emails just fine.
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    WMV is a heavily-compressed format/CODEC, and the processing time will depend on several factors:
    Your CPU, which is not that powerful in your case
    Your I/O sub-system, which is likely a single HDD on your laptop
    The source footage. What is your source footage?
    Any Effects added to that footage. Do you have any Effects?
    Each of those will have an impact on the time required.
    The trial has only one main limitation - the watermark. Now, there are some components, that have to be activated, but are not with the trial, but they would be evident with Import of your source footage, if it's an issue.
    Good luck,

  • Email not opening This is a sudden thing, Email had been working fine for two months then today would not stay open now it will not open at all. after trying to open mail I receive a white screen for a nano second and the app closes

    Email not opening on my iPad2 This is a sudden thing, email had been working fine since purchasing the device then today would not stay open,  now it will not open at all. After trying to open mail I receive a white screen for a nano second and the app closes.

    Have you tried closing the Mail app completely ? From the home screen (i.e. not with Mail 'open' on-screen) double-click the home button to bring up the taskbar, then press and hold any of the apps on the taskbar for a couple of seconds or so until they start shaking, then press the '-' in the top left of the Mail app to close it, and touch any part of the screen above the taskbar so as to stop the shaking and close the taskbar.
    If that doesn't work then you could try a reset : press and hold both the sleep and home buttons for about 10 to 15 seconds (ignore the red slider), after which the Apple logo should appear - you won't lose any content, it's the iPad equivalent of a reboot.

  • Can't open mail "icon" in control panel office 2013 windows 8.1 (fully patched)

    I can't open mail "icon" in control panel office 2013 Home and business & windows 8.1 (fully patched), nothing happens just a short slowdown then this error.
    Have **replicated** the error on **three different PC's** including 2 x fresh install VM's using 2 x different install CD's
    I have also deleted the mail profile and try again and try to repair office. Have also tried Try to run the command "Control mlcfg32.cpl" and "Control
    mlcfg64.cpl" this does nothing
    win 8.1 64bit office 32 bit (have tried both 32 and 64)
    This is the event log error
    Faulting application name: rundll32.exe, version: 6.3.9600.16384, time stamp: 0x52158827
    Faulting module name: KERNELBASE.dll, version: 6.3.9600.16496, time stamp: 0x52b3e015
    Exception code: 0xc06d007e
    Fault offset: 0x00012eec
    Faulting process id: 0xc6c
    Faulting application start time: 0x01cf3de09eb3ddf7
    Faulting application path: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rundll32.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll
    Report Id: e0176a9d-a9d3-11e3-8250-00155d003a04
    Faulting package full name:
    Faulting package-relative application ID:
    Thanks in advance

    I check this issue in my environment, but cannot repro this issue.
    Please check the following path to click the right cpl file:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\MLCFG32.CPL
    If that works, you need check this registry path to see if it points a right path to the .cpl file:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Control Panel\Cpls
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Alex Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

  • You can't open Mail, Contacts & Calendars preferences because it doesn't work on an Intel-based Mac.

    I updated my Mac to Mavericks and after that, I can't open the Mail, Contacts and Calendar preferences.
    Every time I try, I get the following message:
    "You can’t open Mail, Contacts & Calendars preferences because it doesn’t work on an Intel-based Mac."
    I tried this workaround from the Mountain Lion thread ( but it didn't worked.
    Further I deleted all files in the Library Preferences folder, but it didn't helped also.
    Can anyone help me please?

    Hi Michael,
    I had the same problem. And I found a fix.
    I noticed that on a different system running Mavericks without any problems, the preference pane isn't called 'Mail, Contacts & Calendars' anymore, it's now called 'Internet accounts'. The fact that it's still called by the old name on your system, means it somehow wasn't replaced while updating to Mavericks.
    So the cure is pretty easy:
    On a different Mavericks system, go to /System/Library/PreferencePanes/ and copy the file InternetAccounts.prefPane. Take it to the system you're trying to fix, and paste the prefPane file in the same directory. Reboot, and it should all work fine. At least it did in my case.

  • Can't open Mail after 10.10.3 update

    Just updated from 10.10.2 to 10.10.3 on iMac Retina 5K. All seems fine except mail quits immediately upon opening. Applied combo update, no difference. Worked fine before update. Able to access mail accounts via iOS devices without incident. Any help or ideas are appreciated. Crash report reads as follows:
    Application Specific Information:
    *** Terminating app due to exception while holding database lock 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** -[__NSPlaceholderArray initWithObjects:count:]: attempt to insert nil object from objects[1]'
    abort() called

    I managed to solve this by removing all the "Envelope Index" and "External Updates" files from the ~/Library/Mail/V2/MailData folder. There are several files each beginning with "Envelope Index" and several with "External Updates". Dumping them all allowed Mail to start up again. Hope this is of some use.

  • TS4424 I have done these steps 3 times now and I still can't open mail.

    Mail is in the Applications folder, not in any subfolder; it's never been anywhere else. There is only Mail application on my computer, and it still won't open! Help!
    I have downloaded the MacOSXUpdCombo10.6.8.dmg and SecUpd2012-004.dmg updates and restarted my computer.  I've done this process 3 times.  Before the first time, I deleted the non-working Mail from my computer.  After each set of updates, I checked the mail application and it still did not work. 
    All I did was update when it prompted, just like normal, just like every update - and now my Mail application seems lost forever.  Why would this happen on a non-related update?!
    I have searched a few threads, and many say the same thing about the 2 updates above.  Does anyone else have any other solutions?  Can I re-download the Mail application from somewhere without having to pay for it?

    Same thing happened to me-got same message box. I am totally not computer savy! I tried lots of fixes that I read on here but nothing helped me except one (link below).I had problem about 6 months ago after update and restored mail in my time machine. So I had more than one "mail" listed in my application folder. I wasnt sure which one I could delete or if I could back then so I just left it-so there were several MAILs with different names. Apparently that's where the problem began with the new security update. I read on link below that you need to get rid of all other mails except the original so it be the original MAIL and should just say "MAIL" not "MAIL(original)" like mine did. I went into my Time Machine all the way back to when I first got computer -searched under applications for mail- found it (the one with little stamp symbol icon) highlighted it and hit restore. Threw all the other "present" versions in trash.(Not sure if they were left on desktop if it would work??-just had to be careful not to empty trash just in case this didnt  work because I was really not sure if it was gonna work and I would lose previous MAIL applications and all my past emails) I threw all the weird little new pencil icon application versions of MAIL  away too(the ones I couldn't open). Searched in my present application so only one original MAIL that I pulled from TM was on there. Before that-in all my troubleshooting- I had downloaded the latest security update and the latest Java for mac update (my OS is snow leopard so it was the first one and security update was on the next page-but make sure you get regular one not server one-it's confusing -there are two for snow leopard) I dont think it matters that you have to keep downloading the upodates because I did several times. I think it just matters when you run it each time you switch things around and remember to restart your computer. And not ouch anything before you restart. So I threw out all the old MAILS except for one I pulled of TM. Then I reran the security update that I downlaoded and restarted the computer. It was the first time that-when I restarted-my mail icon didnt turn into a litle pencil and paper icon. It remained a stamp. So I clicked on it (the one in applications folder-I deleted the one on the bbar at the bottom previuosly) and IT WORKED. Others have said their MAIL application was not in the applications folder and missing somewhere else on their computer -that's all they needed to do to fix it-move it to the applications folder. Mine was more complicated. Hope you get it working. I've spent the last 4 hrs working on a fix for mine. Ugh. Good luck!

  • It appears that I can not share documents between my iMacs and mac air without first opening document in an IOS device.  Is this correct?  If so then iCloud for me is a giant step backward especially since idisk will be discontinued next year.

    It appears that I cannot share documents between my iMacs and and Mac air using icloud without first opening document in and IOS device.  Is this true.  If so, then icould is petty much worthless for me, especially since idisk will be discontinued next year.

    jack198 wrote:
    You are correct.  However, a document can not be opened by another computer unless the document has first been open by an iDevice.
    iwork on iOS uses different file formats ( *.tef ) then iwork09 on Mac ( *.key , *. number , *.page ).
    Uploaded documents to must first be updated to the *.tef format and then re-written to the cloud system. The online service behind the iwork web-app does the re-conversion to Mac formats, pdf or Microsoft office. All that is happening "in the cloud", not on your Mac as he misses the engine to do the transcoding from the *.tef to the other formats. Mac simply does not know what *.tef is.

  • Can't open mail after Mavericks upgrade on macbook air

    I cannot open mail after upgrading to mavericks.
    The mail icon appears to recognise it is open as it has the mark under it while in the taskbar alone the bottom. But that is as far as it goes, the mail window does not open to view emails. The email icon in the task bar on the bottom looks like it does when you have an application open and have minimised it. I have tried running repair disk utlity which did nothing.
    Is there any easy fix for someone who is only moderately confident with the back end of a computer.

    17/02/2014 7:47:54.000 pm syslogd[19]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    17/02/2014 8:50:48.830 pm Mail[1420]: CoreData: error: (11) Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    17/02/2014 8:50:48.830 pm Mail[1420]: CoreData: error: exception during fetchRowForObjectID: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed' with userInfo of {
        NSFilePath = "/Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr";
        NSSQLiteErrorDomain = 11;
    17/02/2014 8:50:48.831 pm Mail[1420]: CoreData: error: (11) Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    17/02/2014 8:50:48.832 pm Mail[1420]: CoreData: error: exception during fetchRowForObjectID: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed' with userInfo of {
        NSFilePath = "/Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr";
        NSSQLiteErrorDomain = 11;
    17/02/2014 8:50:48.843 pm Mail[1420]: CoreData: error: (11) Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    17/02/2014 8:50:48.844 pm Mail[1420]: CoreData: error: exception during fetchRowForObjectID: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed' with userInfo of {
        NSFilePath = "/Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr";
        NSSQLiteErrorDomain = 11;
    17/02/2014 8:50:49.147 pm Mail[1420]: CoreData: error: (11) Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    17/02/2014 8:50:49.148 pm Mail[1420]: CoreData: error: exception during fetchRowForObjectID: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed' with userInfo of {
        NSFilePath = "/Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr";
        NSSQLiteErrorDomain = 11;
    17/02/2014 8:50:49.148 pm Mail[1420]: Rethrowing (from nts_ValueForProperty:) NSInternalInconsistencyException: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    17/02/2014 8:50:49.151 pm Mail[1420]: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    17/02/2014 8:56:14.296 pm Mail[1420]: [<_MCLibSasl2SaslClient: 0x6080002b45e0> mechanism: PLAIN security layer: no] Failed to start the SASL connection
    SASL(-1): generic failure:
    17/02/2014 8:56:33.419 pm sandboxd[44]: ([1420]) Mail(1420) deny file-issue-extension /Applications/System
    17/02/2014 8:57:35.537 pm sandboxd[44]: ([1420]) Mail(1420) deny file-issue-extension /Applications/System
    17/02/2014 8:58:37.815 pm Mail[1450]: CoreData: error: (11) Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    17/02/2014 8:58:37.815 pm Mail[1450]: CoreData: error: exception during fetchRowForObjectID: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed' with userInfo of {
        NSFilePath = "/Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr";
        NSSQLiteErrorDomain = 11;
    17/02/2014 8:58:37.822 pm Mail[1450]: CoreData: error: (11) Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    17/02/2014 8:58:37.823 pm Mail[1450]: CoreData: error: exception during fetchRowForObjectID: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed' with userInfo of {
        NSFilePath = "/Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr";
        NSSQLiteErrorDomain = 11;
    17/02/2014 8:58:37.834 pm Mail[1450]: CoreData: error: (11) Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    17/02/2014 8:58:37.835 pm Mail[1450]: CoreData: error: exception during fetchRowForObjectID: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed' with userInfo of {
        NSFilePath = "/Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr";
        NSSQLiteErrorDomain = 11;
    17/02/2014 8:58:38.138 pm Mail[1450]: CoreData: error: (11) Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    17/02/2014 8:58:38.138 pm Mail[1450]: CoreData: error: exception during fetchRowForObjectID: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed' with userInfo of {
        NSFilePath = "/Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr";
        NSSQLiteErrorDomain = 11;
    17/02/2014 8:58:38.139 pm Mail[1450]: Rethrowing (from nts_ValueForProperty:) NSInternalInconsistencyException: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    17/02/2014 8:58:38.139 pm Mail[1450]: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    17/02/2014 9:04:47.000 pm syslogd[19]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    17/02/2014 9:05:11.981 pm Mail[1311]: CoreData: error: (11) Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    17/02/2014 9:05:11.982 pm Mail[1311]: CoreData: error: exception during fetchRowForObjectID: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed' with userInfo of {
        NSFilePath = "/Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr";
        NSSQLiteErrorDomain = 11;
    17/02/2014 9:05:11.983 pm Mail[1311]: CoreData: error: (11) Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    17/02/2014 9:05:11.983 pm Mail[1311]: CoreData: error: exception during fetchRowForObjectID: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed' with userInfo of {
        NSFilePath = "/Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr";
        NSSQLiteErrorDomain = 11;
    17/02/2014 9:05:11.996 pm Mail[1311]: CoreData: error: (11) Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    17/02/2014 9:05:11.996 pm Mail[1311]: CoreData: error: exception during fetchRowForObjectID: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed' with userInfo of {
        NSFilePath = "/Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr";
        NSSQLiteErrorDomain = 11;
    17/02/2014 9:05:12.298 pm Mail[1311]: CoreData: error: (11) Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    17/02/2014 9:05:12.299 pm Mail[1311]: CoreData: error: exception during fetchRowForObjectID: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed' with userInfo of {
        NSFilePath = "/Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr";
        NSSQLiteErrorDomain = 11;
    17/02/2014 9:05:12.299 pm Mail[1311]: Rethrowing (from nts_ValueForProperty:) NSInternalInconsistencyException: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    17/02/2014 9:05:12.301 pm Mail[1311]: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    17/02/2014 9:09:30.982 pm Mail[1351]: CoreData: error: (11) Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    17/02/2014 9:09:30.982 pm Mail[1351]: CoreData: error: exception during fetchRowForObjectID: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed' with userInfo of {
        NSFilePath = "/Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr";
        NSSQLiteErrorDomain = 11;
    17/02/2014 9:09:30.983 pm Mail[1351]: CoreData: error: (11) Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    17/02/2014 9:09:30.983 pm Mail[1351]: CoreData: error: exception during fetchRowForObjectID: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed' with userInfo of {
        NSFilePath = "/Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr";
        NSSQLiteErrorDomain = 11;
    17/02/2014 9:09:30.996 pm Mail[1351]: CoreData: error: (11) Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    17/02/2014 9:09:30.997 pm Mail[1351]: CoreData: error: exception during fetchRowForObjectID: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed' with userInfo of {
        NSFilePath = "/Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr";
        NSSQLiteErrorDomain = 11;
    17/02/2014 9:09:31.300 pm Mail[1351]: CoreData: error: (11) Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    17/02/2014 9:09:31.301 pm Mail[1351]: CoreData: error: exception during fetchRowForObjectID: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed' with userInfo of {
        NSFilePath = "/Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr";
        NSSQLiteErrorDomain = 11;
    17/02/2014 9:09:31.301 pm Mail[1351]: Rethrowing (from nts_ValueForProperty:) NSInternalInconsistencyException: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    17/02/2014 9:09:31.309 pm Mail[1351]: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    17/02/2014 9:12:00.420 pm CleanMyMac[1387]: Pkg bcmailjdk15143.pkg plist read error. Assume basedir as / and empty bundle ID
    17/02/2014 9:12:24.914 pm CleanMyMac[1387]: Pkg mail.pkg plist read error. Assume basedir as / and empty bundle ID
    17/02/2014 9:17:47.000 pm kernel[0]: hfs: mounted Mavericks Mail Update on device disk1s2
    17/02/2014 9:17:47.142 pm mds[60]: (Normal) Volume: volume:0x7f8f3a822800 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:1 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:(null) occlude:0 /Volumes/Mavericks Mail Update
    17/02/2014 9:43:45.000 pm kernel[0]: hfs: unmount initiated on Mavericks Mail Update on device disk1s2
    17/02/2014 9:47:25.000 pm syslogd[18]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    17/02/2014 9:48:21.100 pm Mail[1281]: CoreData: error: (11) Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    17/02/2014 9:48:21.100 pm Mail[1281]: CoreData: error: exception during fetchRowForObjectID: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed' with userInfo of {
        NSFilePath = "/Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr";
        NSSQLiteErrorDomain = 11;
    17/02/2014 9:48:21.107 pm Mail[1281]: CoreData: error: (11) Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    17/02/2014 9:48:21.108 pm Mail[1281]: CoreData: error: exception during fetchRowForObjectID: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed' with userInfo of {
        NSFilePath = "/Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr";
        NSSQLiteErrorDomain = 11;
    17/02/2014 9:48:21.121 pm Mail[1281]: CoreData: error: (11) Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    17/02/2014 9:48:21.122 pm Mail[1281]: CoreData: error: exception during fetchRowForObjectID: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed' with userInfo of {
        NSFilePath = "/Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr";
        NSSQLiteErrorDomain = 11;
    17/02/2014 9:48:21.425 pm Mail[1281]: CoreData: error: (11) Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    17/02/2014 9:48:21.425 pm Mail[1281]: CoreData: error: exception during fetchRowForObjectID: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed' with userInfo of {
        NSFilePath = "/Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr";
        NSSQLiteErrorDomain = 11;
    17/02/2014 9:48:21.426 pm Mail[1281]: Rethrowing (from nts_ValueForProperty:) NSInternalInconsistencyException: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    17/02/2014 9:48:21.428 pm Mail[1281]: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    18/02/2014 11:05:32.667 am SubmitDiagInfo[2026]: Removed expired file file:///Users/kylie/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Mail_2014-01-17-172108_kylie -pennells-computer-2.crash
    18/02/2014 11:05:32.668 am SubmitDiagInfo[2026]: Removed expired plist file file:///Users/kylie/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/.Mail_2014-01-17-172108_kyli e-pennells-computer-2.crash.plist
    18/02/2014 11:05:32.751 am SubmitDiagInfo[2026]: Removed expired file file:///Users/kylie/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Mail_2014-01-17-172122_kylie -pennells-computer-2.crash
    18/02/2014 11:05:32.754 am SubmitDiagInfo[2026]: Removed expired plist file file:///Users/kylie/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/.Mail_2014-01-17-172122_kyli e-pennells-computer-2.crash.plist
    18/02/2014 11:05:32.760 am SubmitDiagInfo[2026]: Removed expired file file:///Users/kylie/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Mail_2014-01-17-172204_kylie -pennells-computer-2.crash
    18/02/2014 11:05:32.761 am SubmitDiagInfo[2026]: Removed expired plist file file:///Users/kylie/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/.Mail_2014-01-17-172204_kyli e-pennells-computer-2.crash.plist
    18/02/2014 6:40:40.623 pm[2324]: AOSKit ERROR: Setup request failed, [email protected], url=, requestHeaders=
        "Accept-Language" = "en-us";
        Authorization = "Basic ...";
        "X-APNS-Token" = b56c2b7e1d85a6e0e62e5042aa11f1713b173f25c6f01c736814e5bb8de65773;
        "X-Aos-Accept-Tos" = false;
        "X-Mme-Client-Info" = "<MacBookAir6,2> <Mac OS X;10.9.1;13B42> < (>";
        "X-Mme-Country" = AU;
        "X-Mme-Timezone" = AEDT;
    error=Error Domain=AOSErrorDomain Code=5003 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (AOSErrorDomain error 5003.)" UserInfo=0x7fd7aae09810 {HttpStatusCode=409, DialogInfo={
        AlternateButtonLabel = "";
        AlternateButtonLink = "";
        DefaultButtonLabel = "mme.setupservice.SetupServiceJS.OK";
        DefaultButtonLink = "";
        DialogType = TOSDialog;
        Header = "";
        HelpLink = "";
        description = "This account needs to accept the ToS";
        localizedError = "MOBILEME_TERMS_OF_SERVICE_UPDATE";
        protocolVersion = 2;
    }}, httpStatusCode=409, responseHeaders=
        "Cache-Control" = "no-cache, no-store, private";
        "Content-Encoding" = gzip;
        "Content-Length" = 404;
        "Content-Type" = "application/xml; charset=UTF-8";
        Date = "Tue, 18 Feb 2014 07:40:38 GMT";
        "X-Apple-Request-UUID" = "9401099f-8801-4f62-a7ca-d16db588239f";
        "X-Responding-Instance" = "setupservice:21000201:nk11p10me-setupsvc002:8001:14A51:121055";
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
                        <string>This account needs to accept the ToS</string>
    18/02/2014 6:40:40.627 pm Mail[1281]: [AOSAccounts] :  [ReportAuthErrorNotification]  : AOSTransactionGetError  The operation couldn’t be completed. (AOSErrorDomain error 5003.) reason (null)
    18/02/2014 6:49:41.000 pm syslogd[18]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    18/02/2014 6:59:52.401 pm syncdefaultsd[1363]: will keep remote value for MR_9824ED5728BAF605F963A0111BD43734 as it's the initial sync
    18/02/2014 6:59:52.403 pm syncdefaultsd[1363]: will keep remote value for MAX_RECENTS as it's the initial sync
    18/02/2014 6:59:52.404 pm syncdefaultsd[1363]: will keep remote value for MR_F3E968F132A2D4F195A30313751AEE25 as it's the initial sync
    18/02/2014 6:59:52.405 pm syncdefaultsd[1363]: will keep remote value for MR_2D515D99B5F1866A8358CA514D851EBD as it's the initial sync
    18/02/2014 6:59:52.406 pm syncdefaultsd[1363]: will keep remote value for MR_CBE83A6CD721353325864EB93DE06F40 as it's the initial sync
    18/02/2014 6:59:52.407 pm syncdefaultsd[1363]: supressing remaining warnings for
    18/02/2014 6:59:52.408 pm syncdefaultsd[1363]: had 7 keys that reported issues.
    18/02/2014 7:00:10.819 pm[1333]: An instance 0x7fc33bc83c40 of class IMAPMailbox was deallocated while key value observers were still registered with it. Observation info was leaked, and may even become mistakenly attached to some other object. Set a breakpoint on NSKVODeallocateBreak to stop here in the debugger. Here's the current observation info:
    <NSKeyValueObservationInfo 0x7fc33e828710> (
    <NSKeyValueObservance 0x7fc33e82df30: Observer: 0x7fc33e82c640, Key path: uidNext, Options: <New: NO, Old: NO, Prior: NO> Context: 0x7fff8deca44b, Property: 0x7fc33e8286e0>
    18/02/2014 7:00:30.168 pm Mail[1439]: CoreData: error: (11) Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    18/02/2014 7:00:30.168 pm Mail[1439]: CoreData: error: exception during fetchRowForObjectID: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed' with userInfo of {
        NSFilePath = "/Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr";
        NSSQLiteErrorDomain = 11;
    18/02/2014 7:00:30.175 pm Mail[1439]: CoreData: error: (11) Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    18/02/2014 7:00:30.176 pm Mail[1439]: CoreData: error: exception during fetchRowForObjectID: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed' with userInfo of {
        NSFilePath = "/Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr";
        NSSQLiteErrorDomain = 11;
    18/02/2014 7:00:30.189 pm Mail[1439]: CoreData: error: (11) Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    18/02/2014 7:00:30.190 pm Mail[1439]: CoreData: error: exception during fetchRowForObjectID: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed' with userInfo of {
        NSFilePath = "/Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr";
        NSSQLiteErrorDomain = 11;
    18/02/2014 7:00:30.493 pm Mail[1439]: CoreData: error: (11) Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    18/02/2014 7:00:30.493 pm Mail[1439]: CoreData: error: exception during fetchRowForObjectID: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed' with userInfo of {
        NSFilePath = "/Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr";
        NSSQLiteErrorDomain = 11;
    18/02/2014 7:00:30.494 pm Mail[1439]: Rethrowing (from nts_ValueForProperty:) NSInternalInconsistencyException: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    18/02/2014 7:00:30.496 pm Mail[1439]: Fatal error.  The database at /Users/kylie/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/MailRecents-v4.abcdmr is corrupted.  SQLite error code:11, 'database disk image is malformed'
    18/02/2014 7:48:31.576 pm syncdefaultsd[1488]: will keep remote value for MAX_RECENTS as it's the initial sync

  • Can't Open Mail Via Safari or Receive Emails - iCloud Down?

    I have 2 iCloud accounts, one for my family and one personal account.  My wife also has her own personal account.  2 of the 3 accounts are working fine but my personal account is having issues where I can send emails from mobile devices but not receive any emails.  In addition, when I go to to login and click on the Mail app, it circulates for a minute or so and then gives me an error saying "Cannot open Mail".
    Is there some sort of outage that effects certain accounts? I've also already had some people report to me that emails they've sent me have bounced back to them.
    Any ideas/suggestions?

    Hi PJStyles,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
    I know it can be very frustrating when your email accounts are not working the way you would expect. Please reference the attached article for troubleshooting issues sending or receiving iCloud email.
    iCloud: Troubleshooting iCloud Mail
    Have a great day,

  • When i open mail the screen is blank

    when i open mail, the screen is blank can any one help

    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a diagnostic test. It’s unlikely to solve your problem. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    The purpose of the test is to determine whether the problem is caused by third-party software that loads automatically at startup or login, by a peripheral device, by a font conflict, or by corruption of certain system caches. 
    Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed for the test, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards. Boot in safe mode and log in to the account with the problem. Note: If FileVault is enabled on some models, or if a firmware password is set, or if the boot volume is a software RAID, you can’t do this. Ask for further instructions.
    Safe mode is much slower to boot and run than normal, and some things won’t work at all, including sound output and  Wi-Fi on certain models. The next normal boot may also be somewhat slow.
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin. Test while in safe mode. Same problem? After testing, reboot as usual (i.e., not in safe mode) and verify that you still have the problem. Post the results of the test.

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