Opening video streams

I downloaded Windows Media Player 9 to play video reviews from the video game site Gamespot. When i open the stream to play the video it is amazingly slow in making a connection. I am connected to the internet through the airport to a linksys router upstairs. I have DSL connection. Could it be becuase of the setting of the router or the firewall? If so how can I fix it? Thanks.

I have ethernet cable connection, and have the same problem.
I thinks its just WMP 9 and the files which are the problem.
Do quicktime files work better?

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    kind regards

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    I was afraid this will end this way. I hoped you might have had such a case solved already :-).
    Audio works fine, no problem at all. The video packets are not sent from my client to Jabber while in the 1 minute wait; the stream from Jabber  is not even started. I still think I need Wireshark to decode H225 traffic. Good idea with the interworking log - I was too lazy to go the OS layer. As you surely know, only 2 of the VCS logs are available from the Web interface.
    thanks for your help!

  • SpryTabbedPanel: Flash player in tabs do not play video streams

    Note: I am a complete noob (no experience with Javascript and rudimentary experience with htlm/css). Please be patient (I hope that this is the correct forum for this) and know that I am appreciative of any help or solution that anyone can provide.
    Using Dreamweaver CS4 on Mac OS 10.5.8
    We recently switched all of our streaming servers from Windows Media (good riddance) to Flash Media Server 3.5 (now getting awesome H.264 quality in comparison).
    I was asked to re-design this webpage with the aim of re-organizing the content so that it is more accessible:
    We used Adobe's test page for our first page: eam&type=live&idx=10
    This was meant as a temporary page to get us started, and as you can see, it needs work but at least it works.
    I've been working the the final version of this page. My boss wants a tabbed web page with links to our video streams (tab for each category of streams).
    This is what I have so far: tream&type=live&idx=10
    I realize that I had several options before building this. One, I could have made a separate page for each tab and linked them with a tab menu. In hindsight, this might have been a better option since I could have just copied the working page that we already have for each tab. Or I could have done what I have tried to do: to use Dreamweaver's SpryTabbedPanel to make the tabs and insert a Flash player with links into each tab.
    The problem:
    1. The streams do not play. The player says "initializing" and then "please enter a stream name and play". Please note that I used SpryURLutils to get each link to open in the appropriate tab.
    2. After reading about the benefits of external vs. inline javascript, I took all of the inline javascript that was contained in Adobe's sample page and placed it in an external file. I tried placing the javascript back into the source code (inline), but this did not fix the problem. I guess there is a Javascript problem or I need extra Javascript code to get this to work.  The javascript code is below. Use view source in your web browser to see source code. Please let me know if I need to provide more information.
    // (C) Copyright 2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
    // NOTICE:  Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it. 
    // If you have received this file from a source other than Adobe, then your use, modification, or distribution of it requires the prior
    // written permission of Adobe.
    // THIS CODE IS NOT SUPPORTED BY Adobe Systems Incorporated.
    // Version check based upon the values defined in globals
                                                var hasRequestedVersion = DetectFlashVer(10, 0, 0);
                                                    var div = document.getElementById("flashcontent");
                                                    div.innerHTML = '<a href="" style="color:black"><img src="images/ERROR_getFlashPlayer.gif" width="641" height="377" /></a>';
                                                            "src", "swfs/videoPlayer",
                                                            "width", "640",
                                                            "height", "377",
                                                            "id", "videoPlayer",
                                                            "quality", "high",
                                                            "bgcolor", "#000000",
                                                            "name", "videoPlayer",
                                                            "type", "application/x-shockwave-flash",
                                                            "pluginspage", "",
                                                            "flashvars", flashVars
                                          // -->  
    // Javascript in original page
    function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0
      var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array();
        var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; i<a.length; i++)
        if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}}
    function changeImages() {
        if (document.images && (preloadFlag == true)) {
            for (var i=0; i<changeImages.arguments.length; i+=2) {
                document [changeImages.arguments[i]].src = changeImages.arguments[i+1];
    var preloadFlag = false;
    function preloadImages() {
        if (document.images) {
            navi_01_over = newImage("images/button_dynamic_up.gif");
            navi_02_over = newImage("images/button_samples_up.gif");
            navi_03_over = newImage("images/button_interactive.gif");
            preloadFlag = true;
    function changetab(obj, obj2, obj3, left1, left2, left3, nav1, nav2, nav3){
        document.getElementById(obj).style.display = 'block';
        document.getElementById(obj2).style.display = 'none';
        document.getElementById(obj3).style.display = 'none';
        document.getElementById(left1).style.display = 'block';
        document.getElementById(left2).style.display = 'none';
        document.getElementById(left3).style.display = 'none';
        document.getElementById(nav1).src = "images/" + nav1 + "_up.gif";
        document.getElementById(nav2).src = "images/" + nav2 + "_down.gif";
        document.getElementById(nav3).src = "images/" + nav3 + "_down.gif";
    function tabout(obj, nav){
        if (document.getElementById(obj).style.display == 'block'){
            document.getElementById(nav).src = "images/" + nav + "_up.gif";
            document.getElementById(nav).src = "images/" + nav + "_down.gif";
    function tabover(obj){
        document.getElementById(obj).src = "images/" + obj + "_up.gif";
    // Functionality
        <script language="javascript">
            var queryParameters = new Array();
            var flashVars = "";
            var tag = "";
            var url = "";
            window.onload = function ()
                for(var i=1 ; i<=10;i++)
                    var ids = String("sel"+i.toString());
                    document.getElementById( ids ).style.visibility = "hidden";
                    document.getElementById( ids ).className = "style76";
                // mark the entry for that index
                if(queryParameters['idx'] != "")
                    document.getElementById("td" + queryParameters['idx'] ).className = "style75";
                    document.getElementById("sel" + queryParameters['idx'] ).style.visibility = "visible";
            function initialise()
                function getUrlParam( name )
                      name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]");
                      var regexS = "[\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)";
                      var regex = new RegExp( regexS );
                      var results = regex.exec( window.location.href );
                      if( results == null )
                            return "";
                            return unescape( results[1] );
                queryParameters['source'] = getUrlParam('source');
                queryParameters['type'] = getUrlParam('type');
                queryParameters['idx'] = getUrlParam('idx');
                   flashVars += "&videoWidth=";
                flashVars += 0;
                flashVars += "&videoHeight=";
                flashVars += 0;
                flashVars += "&dsControl=";
                flashVars += unescape("manual");
                flashVars += "&dsSensitivity=";
                flashVars += 100;
                flashVars += "&serverURL=";
                flashVars += queryParameters['source'];
                flashVars += "&DS_Status=";
                flashVars += "true";
                flashVars += "&streamType=";
                flashVars += queryParameters['type'];
                flashVars += "&autoStart=";
                flashVars += unescape("true");
                tag = "&lt;object width='640' height='377' id='videoPlayer' name='videoPlayer' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' classid='clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000' &gt;&lt;param name='movie' value='swfs/videoPlayer.swf' /&gt; &lt;param name='quality' value='high' /&gt; &lt;param name='bgcolor' value='#000000' /&gt; &lt;param name='allowfullscreen' value='true' /&gt; &lt;param name='flashvars' value= '"+                   
                flashVars+"'/&gt;&lt;embed src='swfs/videoPlayer.swf' width='640' height='377' id='videoPlayer' quality='high' bgcolor='#000000' name='videoPlayer' allowfullscreen='true' pluginspage=''   flashvars='"+ flashVars +"' type='application/x-shockwave-flash'&gt; &lt;/embed&gt;&lt;/object&gt;";
            function playStream()
                var url = "source=" + document.getElementById('inputURL').value;
                var type;
                url += ("&type=" + type);
                document.getElementById('playBtn').href="videoplayer.html?" + url;
            function checkbox(type)

    Should I have posted this in the Spry forum instead? My apologies if this is the wrong forum.
    >There is a sample application of the code included with the zip file  which shows how to implement it.
    The sample doesn't really tell me what I need to do to the code to make it work (I do not know javascript), and unfortunately, I have not found any helpful instructions/documentation online. You've given me the answer, I just don't know enough to implement it. This is what I've done:
    1. Placed the FAVideo.js file in my site folder and linked it to the page: <script src="FAVideo.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    2. I added the following code (taken from the SimpleDemo.html example inside the FAVideo folder). My comments in bold. Page at
             <! To the <body> section:-->
    <body onLoad="">
        <div id="divOne"></div>
    <!-Do I have to place the entire page within the "divOne" div (or just the section containing the tabs) in order for the javascript to work?-->
             <!-In the <head> section: -->
       <script type="text/javascript">
            playerOne = new FAVideo("divOne", "TabbedPanels1", "demo_video.flv",0,0,{ autoLoad:true, autoPlay:true });
    <!- I noticed that the body code added a div id called "divOne", so I added the "TabbedPanels1" div id to the above code thinking that this would apply the javascript code to all of the tabs. Dreamweaver adds <div id="TabbedPanels1" class="TabbedPanels"> to the page when you insert the tabbed menu, so I'm thinking the javascript has to point to either one of those for it to work. The "demo_video.flv",0,0 code is probably unneccesary, right? As you can see, I'm completely clueless. -->
            function myHandler() {
    Once again, thanks for your help.

  • CTD bug in simple video streaming applet.

    I'm trying to write a simple applet to use JMF to allow an end-user to view a video stream that's being served up by VLC. It doesn't have to look immensely pretty (in fact, streamlined is what I want most). I swiped some code from the jicyshout project ( which handles streaming MP3s, and borrowed a framework for an applet from one of Sun's example applets for the JMF.
    Here's my code so far:
    ** begin file **
    import java.lang.String;
    import java.util.Properties;
    /* The SeekableStream and DataSource tweaks are based on the code from
    * jicyshout (, which was written by Chris Adamson.
    * The code was simplified (no need for mp3 metadata here), cleaned up, then
    * extended for our puposes.
    * This is a DataSource using a SeekableStream suitable for
    * streaming video using the default parser supplied by JMF.
    public class SimpleVideoDataSource extends PullDataSource {
    protected MediaLocator myML;
    protected SeekableInputStream[] seekStreams;
    protected URLConnection urlConnection;
    // Constructor (trivial).
    public SimpleVideoDataSource (MediaLocator ml) throws MalformedURLException {
    super ();
    myML = ml;
    URL url = ml.getURL();
    public void connect () throws IOException {
    try {
    URL url = myML.getURL();
    urlConnection = url.openConnection();
    // Make the stream seekable, so that the JMF parser can try to parse it (instead
    // of throwing up).
    InputStream videoStream = urlConnection.getInputStream();
    seekStreams = new SeekableInputStream[1];
    seekStreams[0] = new SeekableInputStream(videoStream);
    } catch (MalformedURLException murle) {
    throw new IOException ("Malformed URL: " + murle.getMessage());
    } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioobe) {
    fatalError("Array Index OOB: " + aioobe);
    // Closes up InputStream.
    public void disconnect () {
    try {
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
    System.out.println ("Can't close stream. Ew?");
    // Returns just what it says.
    public String getContentType () {
    return "video.mpeg";
    // Does nothing, since this is a stream pulled from PullSourceStream.
    public void start () {
    // Ditto.
    public void stop () {
    // Returns a one-member array with the SeekableInputStream.
    public PullSourceStream[] getStreams () {
    try {
    // **** This seems to be the problem. ****
    if (seekStreams != null) {
    return seekStreams;
    } else {
    fatalError("sourceStreams was null! Bad kitty!");
    return seekStreams;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    fatalError("Error in getStreams(): " + e);
    return seekStreams;
    // Duration abstract stuff. Since this is a theoretically endless stream...
    public Time getDuration () {
    return DataSource.DURATION_UNBOUNDED;
    // Controls abstract stuff. No controls supported here!
    public Object getControl (String controlName) {
    return null;
    public Object[] getControls () {
    return null;
    void fatalError (String deathKnell) {
    System.err.println(":[ Fatal Error ]: - " + deathKnell);
    throw new Error(deathKnell);
    ** end file **
    ** begin file **
    import java.lang.String;
    import java.util.Properties;
    /* The SeekableStream and DataSource tweaks are based on the code from
    * jicyshout (, which was written by Chris Adamson.
    * The code was simplified (no need for mp3 metadata here), cleaned up, then
    * extended for our puposes.
    /* This is an implementation of a SeekableStream which extends a
    * BufferedInputStream to basically fake JMF into thinking that
    * the stream is seekable, when in fact it's not. Basically, this
    * will keep JMF from puking over something it expects but can't
    * actually get.
    public class SeekableInputStream extends BufferedInputStream implements PullSourceStream, Seekable {
    protected int tellPoint;
    public final static int MAX_MARK = 131072; // Give JMF 128k of data to "play" with.
    protected ContentDescriptor unknownCD;
    // Constructor. Effectively trivial.
    public SeekableInputStream (InputStream in) {
    super (in, MAX_MARK);
    tellPoint = 0;
    mark (MAX_MARK);
    unknownCD = new ContentDescriptor ("unknown");
    // Specified size constructor.
    public SeekableInputStream (InputStream in, int size) {
    super (in, Math.max(size, MAX_MARK));
    tellPoint = 0;
    mark(Math.max(size, MAX_MARK));
    unknownCD = new ContentDescriptor ("unknown");
    // Reads a byte and increments tellPoint.
    public int read () throws IOException {
    int readByte =;
    return readByte;
    // Reads bytes (specified by PullSourceStream).
    public int read (byte[] buf, int off, int len) throws IOException {
    int bytesRead = (buf, off, len);
    tellPoint += bytesRead;
    return bytesRead;
    public int read (byte[] buf) throws IOException {
    int bytesRead = (buf);
    tellPoint += bytesRead;
    return bytesRead;
    // Returns true if in.available() <= 0 (that is, if there are no bytes to
    // read without blocking or end-of-stream).
    public boolean willReadBlock () {
    try {
    return (in.available() <= 0);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
    // Stick a fork in it...
    return true;
    // Resets the tellPoint to 0 (meaningless after you've read one buffer length).
    public void reset () throws IOException {
    tellPoint = 0;
    // Skips bytes as expected.
    public long skip (long n) throws IOException {
    long skipped = super.skip(n);
    tellPoint += skipped;
    return skipped;
    // Trivial.
    public void mark (int readLimit) {
    super.mark (readLimit);
    // Returns the "unknown" ContentDescriptor.
    public ContentDescriptor getContentDescriptor () {
    return unknownCD;
    // Lengths? We don't need no stinkin' lengths!
    public long getContentLength () {
    return SourceStream.LENGTH_UNKNOWN;
    // Theoretically, this is always false.
    public boolean endOfStream () {
    return false;
    // We don't provide any controls, either.
    public Object getControl (String controlName) {
    return null;
    public Object[] getControls () {
    return null;
    // Not really... but...
    public boolean isRandomAccess () {
    return true;
    // This only works for the first bits of the stream, while JMF is attempting
    // to figure out what the stream is. If it tries to seek after that, bad
    // things are going to happen (invalid-mark exception).
    public long seek (long where) {
    try {
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
    return tell();
    // Tells where in the stream we are, adjusted for seeks, resets, skips, etc.
    public long tell () {
    return tellPoint;
    void fatalError (String deathKnell) {
    System.err.println(":[ Fatal Error ]: - " + deathKnell);
    throw new Error(deathKnell);
    ** end file **
    ** begin file **
    * This Java Applet will take a streaming video passed to it via the applet
    * command in the embedded object and attempt to play it. No fuss, no muss.
    * Based on the SimplePlayerApplet from Sun, and uses a modified version of
    * jicyshout's ( tweaks to get JMF to play streams.
    * Use it like this:
    * <!-- Sample HTML
    * <APPLET CODE="StreamingViewerApplet.class" WIDTH="320" HEIGHT="240">
    * <PARAM NAME="code" VALUE="StreamingViewerApplet.class">
    * <PARAM NAME="type" VALUE="application/x-java-applet;version=1.1">
    * <PARAM NAME="streamwidth" VALUE="width (defaults to 320, but will resize as per video size)">
    * <PARAM NAME="streamheight" VALUE="height (defaults to 240, but will resize as per video size)">
    * <PARAM NAME="stream" VALUE="insert://">
    * </APPLET>
    * -->
    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.lang.String;
    import java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;
    import java.util.Properties;
    public class StreamingViewerApplet extends Applet implements ControllerListener {
    Player player = null;
    Component visualComponent = null;
    SimpleVideoDataSource dataSource;
    URL url;
    MediaLocator ml;
    Panel panel = null;
    int width = 0;
    static int DEFAULT_VIDEO_WIDTH = 320;
    int height = 0;
    static int DEFAULT_VIDEO_HEIGHT = 240;
    String readParameter = null;
    // Initialize applet, read parameters, create media player.
    public void init () {
    try {
    panel = new Panel();
    // Attempt to read width from applet parameters. If not given, use default.
    if ((readParameter = getParameter("streamwidth")) == null) {
    } else {
    width = Integer.parseInt(readParameter);
    // Ditto for height.
    if ((readParameter = getParameter("streamheight")) == null) {
    } else {
    height = Integer.parseInt(readParameter);
    panel.setBounds(0, 0, width, height);
    // Unfortunately, this we can't default.
    if ((readParameter = getParameter("stream")) == null) {
    fatalError("You must provide a stream parameter!");
    try {
    url = new URL(readParameter);
    ml = new MediaLocator(url);
    dataSource = new SimpleVideoDataSource(ml);
    } catch (MalformedURLException murle) {
    fatalError("Malformed URL Exception: " + murle);
    try {
    player = Manager.createPlayer(dataSource);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
    fatalError("IO Exception: " + ioe);
    } catch (NoPlayerException npe) {
    fatalError("No Player Exception: " + npe);
    if (player != null) {
    } else {
    fatalError("Failed to init() player!");
    } catch (Exception e) {
    fatalError("Error opening player. Details: " + e);
    // Start stream playback. This function is called the
    // first time that the applet runs, and every time the user
    // re-enters the page.
    public void start () {
    try {
    if (player != null) {
    while (player.getState() != Controller.Realized) {
    // Crashes... here?
    } catch (Exception e) {
    fatalError("Exception thrown: " + e);
    public void stop () {
    if (player != null) {
    } else {
    fatalError("stop() called on a null player!");
    public void destroy () {
    // player.close();
    // This controllerUpdate function is defined to implement a ControllerListener
    // interface. It will be called whenever there is a media event.
    public synchronized void controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent event) {
    // If the player is dead, just leave.
    if (player == null)
    // When the player is Realized, get the visual component and add it to the Applet.
    if (event instanceof RealizeCompleteEvent) {
    if (visualComponent == null) {
    if ((visualComponent = player.getVisualComponent()) != null) {
    Dimension videoSize = visualComponent.getPreferredSize();
    width = videoSize.width;
    height = videoSize.height;
    visualComponent.setBounds(0, 0, width, height);
    } else if (event instanceof CachingControlEvent) {
    // With streaming, this doesn't really matter much, does it?
    // Without, a progress bar of some sort would be appropriate.
    } else if (event instanceof EndOfMediaEvent) {
    // We should never see this... but...
    fatalError("EndOfMediaEvent reached for streaming media. ewe ewe tea eff?");
    } else if (event instanceof ControllerErrorEvent) {
    player = null;
    } else if (event instanceof ControllerClosedEvent) {
    void fatalError (String deathKnell) {
    System.err.println(":[ Fatal Error ]: - " + deathKnell);
    throw new Error(deathKnell);
    ** end file **
    Now, I'm still new to the JMF, so this might be obvious to some of you... but it's exploding on me, and crashing to desktop (both in IE and Firefox) with some very fun errors:
    # An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine:
    # EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x21217921, pid=3200, tid=3160
    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.5.0_06-b05 mixed mode, sharing)
    # Problematic frame:
    # C 0x21217921
    --------------- T H R E A D ---------------
    Current thread (0x058f7280): JavaThread "JMF thread:[ ] ( realizeThread)" [_thread_in_native, id=3160]
    siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, writing address 0x034e6360
    (plenty more here, I can post the rest if necessary)
    The problem seems to be coming from the "return seekStreams" statement in the first file; when I have execution aborted before that (with a fatalError call), it doesn't crash.
    Any tips/hints/suggestions?

    You should write your own Applet, where you can easily get the visual component (getVisualComponent())and show it directly in your Applet (you call it "embedded"). As far as I know, all examples (AVReceive* etc.) use the component which opens a new window.
    Best regards from Germany,

  • Remote video streaming not working with Windows Server Essentials Media Pack

    I installed Server Essentials Media Pack and the video streaming via remote access does not seem to be working. I see all the video files on the server's remotewebaccess page in "Media Library" group. When I try to play the video in Chrome
    the player appears for a brief moment, but then the browser starts downloading the entire file. With Internet Explorer the empty browser window opens and the download starts. I am trying it while outside of my local network. The video streaming used to work
    with Server 2012 Esesentials. Am I missing some additional codecs or remote streaming is no longer supported?

    What’s the default player for these media files on your computer? The issue may be caused by the default player could not load the media file correctly. Please make sure Windows Media Player
    with full codec installed is the default one. And then check if the media streaming feature could work as normal. Here is an article about how to configure the media streaming feature, hope it helps.
    Manage Digital Media in Windows Server 2012 Essentials
    Best Regards,
    Andy Qi
    Andy Qi
    TechNet Community Support

  • .Mov files in CC : The File Has no Audio or Video Streams

    I recently updated premier to CC , since i have issues iimporting any .mov files at all.
    The specific ones Im trying for my current project are exports from AE , rendered lossless animation .mov , worked fine in CS6 , will play in quicktime and other generic's but always getting the The FIle Has no Audio or Video Streams message when trying to import into a project.
    Quicktime is updated so I can't understand why the won't play, is this a CC bug ?
    i go back to cs6 on my other comp they open fine...
    Ive seen a few topics on this none with a resolution and most of those where from cam's, this is an export from AE, anyone able to help this is stopping me from working atm ......

    I can verify that Apple screen recordings without audio do not import into any Adobe premeier.
    Details on screen recording from Gspot v2.70a:
    qt  : Apple QuickTime (.MOV/QT)
    File Type: QuickTime (.MOV)
    Mime Type: video/quicktime
    Len: 1:03.083
    Frms: 1,521
    Qf: 0.153
    Frames/s: 20.000
    wx: 1280 x 800
    sar: 1.600 (8:5)
    However Apple (MAC OSX) screen recordings WITH audio will import.
    I would think this should be fixable with hotfixes...
    If you (adobe staff) have access to macbook pros 2012 or 2013 models, open quick time pro, do a screen recording, make sure no audio is recording, just your screen movements.. then export to 1080p video (mov is only option).. then on a windows PC try to import that file into adobe premiere. The file will play perfectly fine natively in windows with any player so long as a H264 decoder is available on that system... the problem here is Adobe Premiere. Not the users system.
    To help those with this issue.. just make sure when you render your mov that you have ANY kind of audio in it.. and just remove the audio track once imported into premiere. I know it's frustrating and you would think something as simple as not having an audio track wouldn't break premiere but alas... we have to work around the shortcomings until they decide to fix it.. just like the VFR issue in premiere.

  • Can anyone tell me how to embed a flash video stream in html5

    Can anyone tell me how to embed a flash video stream in html5. I have a video stream but would love to be bale to get it to run on ipads so would like to know how to embed the flash video stream in html5

    Gary, thank you for responding:
    1) I know my "profile" indicates I'm on Mountain Lion.  I have not figured out how to update that.  I am using Yosemite and Keynote Version 6.5.2 on a 15" Macbook-Pro  (tell me how to update my profile, please - nothing I click on opens any kind of "edit" options)
    2) My 20 sec video does play in Quicktime.  I find nothing in the Quicktime Inspector about deselecting "start movie on click."
    3) in my slide presentation I can insert the video on a slide okay and if I click on it can get it to play, But I cannot seem to get it to play after a transition automatically.  Maybe it cannot be done.  Obviously I would like the entire presentation to play automatically without clicking on or between slides.
    Again, thank you for you kind help!

  • IIS7 configuration, blocked broadcast video stream from third party host

    I have a client that recently replaced a windows server 2003 with windows server 2008 R2 as their webserver.  This was a big change to IIS7.  An application that I developed for them has stopped working and I believe this is related to the IIS7
    configuration.  The application uses SilverLight technology to display a broadcast video along with some powerpoint slides.
    Here is the URL going to the server from a link on an html page.
    The is the public name for the IIS server.  When we click on the link it does properly display the start.html content but fails to connect to the video stream.  The video stream is hosted by a third party and the contents of the
    unit2.asx file has the url for that video stream.  When a put the portion in IE it does properly display the video stream on mediaplayer.   All this worked prior to moving to the new server.   When I use F12 in IE to debug this, I see a brief message appear
    in the debugger that it is opening unit2.asx.  After that the debugging is very limited except I know I’m getting an exception in the silverlight and the video doesn’t display.   Other similar Silverlight apps on the same server that display
    archived video are working.
    Here is the content of unit2.asx
    <asx version = "3.0">
      <Title>Unit2 Bdct</Title>
        <ref href = ""/>
    Playstream is a video stream hosting company.  When someone links to them, it pulls the video stream from my clients media server broadcast point. 
    wlforg2.wvx contains the link back to the media server broadcast point at my client.
    We have a lot of connections going on but keeping in mind that will display the video and
    Is not displaying the video although all this worked on the old server.
    My guess is that something in the IIS7 is blocking this process.
    FYI the old server completely died so I can’t look into its configuration which was done in 2004 by someone else.

    This was entered in the forum as suggested.  The problem has been resolved.  The hosting service determined they had an edge server that was faulting.  Their edge servers were automatically assigned by geography which meant
    that depending on how/where we accessed the system for troubleshooting we used a different edge server.  Hence some tests always failed and others always passed.  FYI the hosting service had this problem for over a month and did not detect it
    themselves.  Fortunately we connected with a dedicated service technician late on a Saturday night and he figured it out.  

  • Links to the BBC News Player don't start video streams.

    On the BBC News website there are numerous links to video news streams which should start playing in the BBC News Player (a new popup windows with either web content and a video stream in either Windows Media Player or Real Player format).
    Whenever I go to the BBC News website ( and click a video link it:
    1. Opens up the BBC News Player in a popup window.
    2. Shows a short BBC News Logo clip of 3 seconds.
    3. Then does nothing.
    What it should do for step 3 is to play the relevant video stream.
    I've tried this in several Mac browsers:
    Safari (2.0.2) = FAILS (as described above)
    Inernet Explorer (5.2) = WORKS (but without CSS the html looks messy)
    Camino (0.8.4) = WORKS
    Opera (8.0.2) = WORKS
    Firefox (1.0.2) = WORKS
    Q1. So why does it work in all the above browsers, but in Safari.
    Q2. Do other people get it work in Safari or not?

    I'm more baffled now! I created a couple of new accounts (one admin, one standard) and tried them. Both had the same outcome:
    1. Started Safari.
    2. Went to
    3. Clicked link to display a video news clip (was one about dummies!).
    4. BBC News Player window popped up, asking if I wanted Real Player or Windows Media. Chose Real Player.
    5. Window refreshed with the correct video clip.
    6. Quit and restarted Safari and tried again. OK.
    7. Quit and restarted Safari and tried again. Not it fails persistently. (By fail I mean the player window comes up but the video clip is only a 3-second clip of a BBC logo.)
    I tried the second new account and similarly. For the first few goes it works properly. After a few goes it fails.

  • Video stream choppy on imac G4 powerPC

    Hi all. sorry if this answer was submitted before. I found some explanations but i still need to know exactly what  is going on. I have imac 20" 1.25 ghz 1gb ram 64mb geforce 5200..i am running mac os 10.4.11 tiger.....  Why is all video streaming so choppy and unwatchable? i have installed flash 10.1 , using firefox...i cant downgrade to flash 8 because the video i watching online requires flash 10.  Do i have any chances that i can fix somehow this video streaming problems? youtube is fine only on the lowest quality. I have this imac cos my laptop is broken but i did not know that is is so bad with video streaming..
    I have dome some cache, history and other cleaning but it did not help.. safari is even worst than firefox.
    So any suggestions good people?   

    drumdancer wrote:
    maximum is 1GB.
    I did not try to use quick time. but how can i use quick time if i am watching for example streaming video on website.?
    Make sure you are using the latest .....
    VLC Media Player
    Perian (AVI and FLV support)
    MPEG Streamclip
    Adobe Flash Player Software
    As others have reported, max out your RAM. 
    Type of internet service?
    Choppy YouTube Video Solution
    Download the latest flash player from Adobe. After installing, repair permissions & restart your computer.
    Go to YouTube, open any video and press pause (don't do this while video is playing). Click the ctrl key or “right click” the mouse in the middle of the video window. The settings for flash player will pop up.
    Select the video settings then select "enable hardware acceleration."    Press close. Now RESTART YOUR  COMPUTER not just Safari if that is your browser of choice.
    Good luck!

  • Choppy video streaming after upgrading E4200 firmware to ver. 1.0.03

    Video streaming was fine until I upgraded the firmware. Is it possible to downgrade the firmware?

    You mentioned in your post that you upgraded the latest firmware. So after upgrading the firmware did you reset the router? It is recommended to reset the router after firmware upgrade.  Steps to reset the router:
    Push the reset button on router for 30 seconds, turn off the router wait for 30 seconds and then power it on. After this process reconfigure the router. Power light should blink when you perform the reset process.
    After the process reconfigure the router as per the ISP setup.. Then try to do the following steps:
    A] With the help of Cisco Connect Software (if at all you have installed the router with the help of this software)
              1] Open the software and go to the option which says "Router Settings"
              2] Then click on the option which says "Advanced Settings" which will take you to the router's configuration page.
             3] Lower the MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) from 1500 to 1400 or less (usually found on your router's main/ basic setup page)
             4] Then go to the Wireless tab, keep network mode as mixed,
     For Channel Settings of 2.4 GHz you can make Channel Width to 20 MHz only and Channel to 6, 9, 11..
     For Channel Settings of 5 GHz you can make Channel Width to 20 MHz only and Channel to 40 or 161...
    B] If you haven't installed Cisco Connect then you can log on to the router's user interface using it's default IP address in the browser which is and type in 'admin' as the password leaving the username field blank. This will take you to the router's web interface and then follow steps as mentioned above to make the changes.

  • "Video Stream Attributes"

    I'm a newbie to editing video -- I come from the audio end of things. I've been editing web-video with Sony Vegas, using footage we've been shooting with our Sony HVR-Z7U. So far, everything has worked just fine.
    Then I asked another editor to send me some video files from a mutual client on a hard drive. He uses Final Cut, and shoots with a Panasonic HDV camera. Here's my problem:
    First, when I tried to open the ".mov" files in Sony Vegas, they only played the audio and showed its attributes, but showed the message "Video: Stream attributes could not be determined." So, I thought, I'll just open those .mov files with QuickTime . . . problem was, I got the same result. Audio plays, but no video.
    This is a codec issue? Anybody know if there's a way for me to process the files so that QuickTime will read them?
    baffled newbie

    Many of the FCP codecs are not available to QuickTime and most will not work on a Windows OS.
    Ask the FCP author to send you an H.264 video codec version.

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