Orcladmin user locked during install

I'm installing OID/OVD
The step in the installer called Start Oracle Internet Directory keeps failing to start OID. The logs show Password Policy Error :9001: cn=orcladmin : Your account is locked.
I'm in the middle of installing OID and the same console that's locking out the user was the one that created the pwd a few minues ago.
Has anyone got any experience of this? I can unlock the account with oidpasswd but the install process just locks it again when it tries to start OID again.
Any help appreciated.

Check out: Re: Locked orcladmin account.

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      - one in the top right corner of the screen.
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    Can anyone propose a solution to address this issue?

    Pls check in the system Admin->Monitoring I think we can find in this.
    Or try to check in User Admin->Keystore admin

  • NetInstall - Grey screen after logging in for user created during install

    I am creating a NetInstall of 10.8 for mass deployment in my workplace. I am currently having difficulty with a user account that was created by a script that runs in place of the Setup Assistant.
    I am trying to skip the Setup Assistant, and as such, the script touches the /var/db/.AppleSetupDone file (which doesn't exist at this point).
    This works, with the installation progressing straight on to the login screen where the user 'administrator' has been created, and is available for login.
    However, when the user logs in, they are presented with a grey screen & the mouse cursor. No dock, desktop, no finder menu bar.
    I am at a loss as to what is going wrong as this had worked perfectly fine in the developer preview.
    The script is as below: (certain sections have been removed for security purposes)
    Any pointers would be much appreciated.
    ############# SET VARIABLES ###################
    . /etc/rc.common
    #set primary network interface
    interface=`netstat -r -f inet | awk '/default/{print $6}' | head -1`
    #set server address for packages
    #Get default route's interface's ip address
    ip=`ifconfig $interface | grep "inet 10." | sed -e 's/^.*inet 10/10/' -e 's/ netmask.*$//'`
    #get version number of Mac OS X
    macversion=`sw_vers | awk '/^ProductVersion/{split($2, MINOR, "."); print MINOR[2]}'`
    ############# CHECK ADMIN PASSWORD ###################
    # initialise variable
    # if machine is set to automatically image
    if [ `nvram -p | grep -c reimage-key` -eq 1 ]; then
      # remove verbose boot arguments from nvram
      nvram -d boot-args
      # collect admin password
      passwd=`nvram reimage-key | awk '{print $2}' | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -pass "pass:Aut0mat1cR31mag3" -a -d`
      # check it was successfully decrypted
      if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
      osascript -e beep
      echo "Automatic imaging key failed. Press enter to continue."
      # remove key from nvram
      nvram -d reimage-key
    # if the admin password wasn't successfully collected
    if [ "$passwd" = "" ]; then
      #clear the screen
      say -v Victoria "Please enter the Administrator's password"
      while [ $i = 0 ]
        echo "Please enter Administrator's password: (Note: Input is hidden)"
        #read password from stin but don't show
        stty_orig=`stty -g`
        stty -echo
        read passwd
        stty $stty_orig
        hash=`echo $passwd | shasum -a 512 | awk '{print $1}'`
        if [ $shadow = $hash ]; then
            #password is correct; continue with setup
            echo "Incorrect. Please try again"
    #clear the screen
    echo "Log:"
    ############# SET EFI PASSWORD ###################
    echo "Setting EFI password"
    #to create a new EFI password, initially set it on a test machine with the GUI utility, then extract its value with: `nvram -p | awk '/security-password/{print $2}'`. Put that value in this command (also replacing our admin password) to generate hash for below: `echo "pass_from_nvram" | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -pass "pass:ourcurrentadminpassword" -a`
    nvshadow=`echo "blah" | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -pass "pass:$passwd" -a -d`
    nvram security-mode=command
    nvram security-password=$nvshadow
    #reset running variable for security
    ############# GENERATE RC SHADOW FILE ###################
    #if you don't know how the following lines work, get a pillow ready for screaming into
    #the admin key (which is decrypted below) is used to decrypt publicly distributed packages to change the admin account's password (without having the password in the package in clear text)
    decypted_admin_private_key=`echo "blah" | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -pass "pass:$passwd" -a -d`
    admin_private_key_hash=`echo "$decypted_admin_private_key" | shasum -a 512 | awk '{print $1}'`
    echo "$admin_private_key_hash $decypted_admin_private_key" >> /var/root/RC_admin_private_key
    chmod 600 /var/root/RC_admin_private_key
    #this keeps a record of the administrator password set on imaging
    RC_admin_pass_hash=`echo "$passwd" | shasum -a 512 | awk '{print $1}'`
    RC_admin_pass_encrypted=`echo "$passwd" | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -pass "pass:$decypted_admin_private_key" -a`
    echo "$RC_admin_pass_hash $RC_admin_pass_encrypted" >> /var/root/RC_admin_shadow
    #a few security measures
    chmod 600 /var/root/RC_admin_shadow
    ############# SETUP PARTITIONS ###################
    echo "Updating file system table to mount data partition on boot for user accounts"
    #Find if Home or Data partition exists (N.B. If Bootcamp is used the following awk commands need to be modified to only look for [Hh]ome and not [Dd]ata)
    partname=`diskutil list | awk '/([Hh]ome)|([Dd]ata)/{print $3}' | head -1`
    partdev=`diskutil list | awk '/([Hh]ome)|([Dd]ata)/{print $6}' | head -1`
    #If a Data partition exists
    if [ "$partdev" ]; then
         #Mount it on boot to /Users
         echo "LABEL=$partname      /Users   hfs     rw" > /etc/fstab
         #mount Data drive to /Users
         diskutil umount /dev/$partdev
         mount -t hfs /dev/$partdev /Users
    ############# CREATE ADMIN ACCOUNT ###################
    echo "Creating Administrator account"
    #create administrator account
    dscl . create /Users/administrator
    dscl . create /Users/administrator RealName "Administrator"
    dscl . create /Users/administrator PrimaryGroupID 20
    dscl . create /Users/administrator UniqueID 501
    dscl . create /Users/administrator NFSHomeDirectory /Users/administrator
    dscl . create /Users/administrator UserShell /bin/bash
    dscl . passwd /Users/administrator $passwd
    dscl . append /Groups/admin GroupMembership administrator
    dscl . append /Groups/_lpadmin GroupMembership administrator
    dscl . append /Groups/admin GroupMembership administrator
    dscl . create /Users/administrator picture "/Library/User Pictures/Sports/8ball.tif"
    dscl . delete /Users/administrator jpegphoto
    #reset running variable for security
    ############# SET blah NETWORK LOCATION ###################
    echo "Setting up blah network location"
    networksetup -createlocation blah populate
    networksetup -switchtolocation blah
    echo ""
    ############# SET HOSTNAME ###################
    sleep 10
    dhcphostname=`host $ip | sed -e 's/^.* domain name pointer //' -e 's/\..*blah.*$//' -e 's/-wstudent$//' -e 's/-wstaff$//'`
    #while [ $? -ne 0 ]
    # sleep 5
    # dhcphostname=`host $ip | sed -e 's/^.* domain name pointer //' -e 's/\..*blah.*$//' -e 's/-wstudent$//' -e 's/-wstaff$//'`
    echo "Setting host name"
    #set host name from dhcp
    scutil --set HostName "$dhcphostname"
    scutil --set LocalHostName "$dhcphostname"
    systemsetup -setcomputername "$dhcphostname"
    ############# SET TIME ###################
    echo "Setting time zone"
    #set time zone
    systemsetup -settimezone Australia/Brisbane
    #set system's locale
    echo "Setting system's locale"
    defaults write "Apple Global Domain" AppleLocale "en_AU"
    echo "Syncing with time server"
    #sync time with local time server
    ntpdate ntp.blah.qld.edu.au
    ############# INSTALL FTP CLIENT ###################
    echo "Downloading and installing ftp client"
    curl -O ftp://$pkgserver/install/ncftp.tar.gz
    tar -xzf ncftp.tar.gz -C /usr/bin/
    rm ncftp.tar.gz
    ############# INSTALL POLICY MANAGER AND UPDATE POLICY ###################
    echo "Downloading and installing Policy Manager"
    #download and install policy manager
    echo 'get -R "pool/Policy Manager.pkg"' | ncftp $pkgserver; installer -verbose -target / -pkg "Policy Manager.pkg"
    rm -R "Policy Manager.pkg"
    echo "Downloading and installing Update Policy"
    #download and install update policy
    echo 'get -R "pool/Update Policy.pkg"' | ncftp $pkgserver; installer -verbose -target / -pkg "Update Policy.pkg"
    rm -R "Update Policy.pkg"
    ############# INSTALL MAC UPDATE COMBO ###################
    echo "Downloading and installing most recent Mac update combo package"
    #download and install the most recent combo update
    echo "get -R pool/MacOSXUpdCombo10.$macversion.Latest.pkg" | ncftp $pkgserver
    chmod -R u+x MacOSXUpdCombo10.$macversion.Latest.pkg
    installer -verbose -target / -pkg MacOSXUpdCombo10.$macversion.Latest.pkg
    rm -R MacOSXUpdCombo10.$macversion.Latest.pkg
    ############# INSTALL ADDITIONAL PACKAGES ###################
    echo "Downloading and installing additional post install packages"
    mkdir postinstall
    cd postinstall
    echo "get -R postinstall/common/*" | ncftp $pkgserver
    echo "get -R postinstall/10.$macversion/*" | ncftp $pkgserver
    chmod -R u+x *
    # save and change IFS
    # read all file names into an array
    # restore it
    # get length of the array
    #install each package
    for (( i=0; i<${tLen}; i++ )); do
        installer -verbose -target / -pkg "${fileArray[$i]}"
    cd ..
    rm -R postinstall
    ############# FINISH SETUP ASSISTANT ###################
    #load Policy Manager LaunchDaemon to run on boot
    launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/au.edu.qld.blah.policymanager.plist
    #give time for policy to load
    sleep 2
    #set flag so OS X knows not to run Setup Assistant on next boot
    echo "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">\n<plist version="1.0">\n<dict>\n <key>Address</key>\n <dict>\n <key>CountryName</key>\n <string>Australia</string>\n </dict>\n</dict>\n</plist>" > /var/db/.AppleSetupDone
    #set flag so blah Updater knows this machine's just been imaged
    echo "setup done" > /var/root/blahSetupDone
    #remove self
    rm /var/root/setup.sh
    echo "\nI will now reboot; please wait"
    say -v Victoria "I will now reboot; please wait"

    mattn wrote:
    (1) You cannot run the installer program while booted into your primary partition; you must boot into the DVD. Restart the computer while holding down the C key until the DVD boots.
    This isn't true. The retail Snow Leopard DVD is designed to start the install procedure while started up normally. When you do this, after performing some checks on the target partition it writes some pre-install files to it before restarting automatically from the DVD. This speeds up the install procedure.
    (2) You cannot install Snow Leopard on this computer from a DVD that came with another computer; you must use, as it were, a free-standing commercial Snow Leopard installer DVD.
    The exception is, as Xian Rinpoche correctly surmised, a Mac model released after the currently available retail Snow Leopard DVD became available. The newest Macs require a later version of the OS than what is included on the retail DVD, which is why it won't work with the new i5 & i7 models. (See Don't install a version of Mac OS X earlier than that which came with your Mac for more about this.)
    As a general rule, use either the installer that came with the Mac on its grey system discs or a retail disc released after that Mac model was released. You can also refer to this handy chart of the OS version that ships with each Mac model.

  • Directory Overwriting during install

    I'm trying to install Oracle8 on a Slackware 4 system. I've
    defined all the environment variables and set up the dba group,
    and set up the oracle user. I started the install program as the
    oracle user. During install I received an error indicating that
    the install program couldn't create the /oracle/orainst directory
    (permission denied). The reason it's generating the error is that
    the orainst directory already exists, and has files in it, and
    the installer is trying to create it again. I tried installing
    only the documentation, and received a similar error, same cause.
    I suspect that I've set up permissions incorrectly for either the
    oracle user or the dba group. Any ideas?

    Thank you for the previous reply. Here are the results of my efforts to follow the suggestions provided...
    I verified that I had administrator privileges on this computer and tried reinstalling NI-Motion 7.5 with the same error and result.
    A scan disk of the local drive did not reveal any problems.
    I followed the provided link to the DAQmx drivers and noted that the download was 829Mb and decided before attempting that large of a download here at work I would ask a slightly different question that is more directed at what I would like to accomplish...
    “Is there a specific download that would allow me to update the firmware for a PXI-7344 Motion Controller via the Measurement & Automation Explorer?”
    In the meantime, I’m re-downloading the 204Mb NI-Motion 7.5 file to see if something became corrupted in the download/unzip process. However, I’m guessing this is unlikely to be the problem.
    To be honest, it seems slightly extreme to have to download 200-800mb files to update the firmware on a simple Motion Control card so I’m hoping there is better way.

  • Super User (orcladmin) is locked

    Hi All,
    We implemented Siebel with LDAP Security (OID).
    we found that our LDAP Superuser (i.e. orcladmin) Account Locked and we are not able to login to the application.
    Can anybody tell us that how can we unlock and reset Superuser (i.e. orcladmin), by which user id we have to login to unlock the superuser.
    Bhaskar Palnati

    You should be using the tool "oidpasswd"
    You will need to know the password for the ODS user.
    oidpasswd connect=<MRdb sid> unlock_su_acct=true
    It should prompt you for the OID DB password. And here is where you give the ODS user's password
    I hope this helps
    Edited by: jlray on Feb 16, 2009 11:02 AM

  • Deployment error in OC4J_Portal instance during install of o9iASW

    After the installation of the 9.0.2 infrastructure I've installed wireless. During the deployment of the webtool, customization, wirelessSDK in the OC4J_Portal instance I got the following error:
    Deploying application 'webtool' to OC4J instance 'OC4J_Portal'...
    ERROR: Deploy failed.
    Error message returned is: Instance: orawireless.portal.ucc.nl Message: See base exception for details.
    Base Exception:
    java.lang.NullPointerException:nullSee base exception for details.
    Deploying application 'customization' to OC4J instance 'OC4J_Portal'...
    ERROR: Caught exception during deploy.
    Deploying application 'wirelessSDK' to OC4J instance 'OC4J_Portal'...oracle.ias.sysmgmt.exception.TaskException: The
    configuration files for this Oracle9iAS instance are inconsistent with the
    configuration stored in the repository. In order to protect the repository,
    no further configuration or deployment operations are allowed until the problem with the configuration on the filesystem
    is resolved. This condition arises when a prior operation was unsuccessful. Please check the logs located at
    ORACLE_HOME/dcm/logs to determine why DCM was unsuccessful in updating
    the configuration files on disk. Some possible causes are:
    * permissions on files
    * file contention issues on Windows NT
    * EMD and dcmctl running concurrently
    * internal Oracle error
    After resolving the problem that prevented DCM from updating the configuration
    files, you may use the dcmctl resyncInstance command to resolve the problem.
    Alternatively, you can stop and then restart the active dcmctl or EMD
    process and resyncInstance will automatically be performed.
    at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.task.TaskMaster.evaluate(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.deployment.j2ee.console.ApplicationDeployment.deployCommon(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.deployment.j2ee.console.ApplicationDeployment.deploy(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.deployment.j2ee.console.EarDeployerImpl.deploy(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.j2ee.tools.deploy.Oc4jDeploy.deploy(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.j2ee.tools.deploy.Oc4jDeploy.main(Unknown Source)
    ERROR: Caught exception during deploy.
    Deploying application 'studio' to OC4J instance 'OC4J_Portal'...oracle.ias.sysmgmt.exception.TaskException: The
    configuration files for this Oracle9iAS instance are inconsistent with the
    configuration stored in the repository. In order to protect the repository,
    no further configuration or deployment operations are allowed until the problem with the configuration on the filesystem
    is resolved. This condition arises when a prior operation was unsuccessful. Please check the logs located at
    ORACLE_HOME/dcm/logs to determine why DCM was unsuccessful in updating
    the configuration files on disk. Some possible causes are:
    * permissions on files
    * file contention issues on Windows NT
    * EMD and dcmctl running concurrently
    * internal Oracle error
    After resolving the problem that prevented DCM from updating the configuration
    files, you may use the dcmctl resyncInstance command to resolve the problem.
    Alternatively, you can stop and then restart the active dcmctl or EMD
    process and resyncInstance will automatically be performed.
    at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.task.TaskMaster.evaluate(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.deployment.j2ee.console.ApplicationDeployment.deployCommon(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.deployment.j2ee.console.ApplicationDeployment.deploy(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.deployment.j2ee.console.EarDeployerImpl.deploy(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.j2ee.tools.deploy.Oc4jDeploy.deploy(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.j2ee.tools.deploy.Oc4jDeploy.main(Unknown Source)
    ERROR: Caught exception during deploy.
    Stopping OC4J instance 'OC4J_Portal'...oracle.ias.sysmgmt.exception.TaskException: The configuration files for this
    Oracle9iAS instance are inconsistent with the
    configuration stored in the repository. In order to protect the repository,
    no further configuration or deployment operations are allowed until the problem with the configuration on the filesystem
    is resolved. This condition arises when a prior operation was unsuccessful. Please check the logs located at
    ORACLE_HOME/dcm/logs to determine why DCM was unsuccessful in updating
    the configuration files on disk. Some possible causes are:
    * permissions on files
    * file contention issues on Windows NT
    * EMD and dcmctl running concurrently
    * internal Oracle error
    After resolving the problem that prevented DCM from updating the configuration
    files, you may use the dcmctl resyncInstance command to resolve the problem.
    Alternatively, you can stop and then restart the active dcmctl or EMD
    process and resyncInstance will automatically be performed.
    at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.task.TaskMaster.evaluate(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.deployment.j2ee.console.ApplicationDeployment.deployCommon(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.deployment.j2ee.console.ApplicationDeployment.deploy(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.deployment.j2ee.console.EarDeployerImpl.deploy(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.j2ee.tools.deploy.Oc4jDeploy.deploy(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.j2ee.tools.deploy.Oc4jDeploy.main(Unknown Source)
    DCM Terminated.
    The error in the file "log.xml" at ORACLE_HOME/dcm/logs shows the following error:
    [CDATA[oracle.ias.repository.schema.SchemaException: Unable to retrieve the requested
    attributes:javax.naming.NoPermissionException: [LDAP: error code 50 - Insufficient Access Rights]; remaining name
    'orclReferenceName=iasdb.hostname ,cn=IAS Infrastructure Databases, cn=IAS, cn=Products, cn=OracleContext'
    On metalink I've found out that more people have had this problem. I've read about bug 2507365 and a patch in 9.0.3 but I couldn't find a real solution for the problem.
    Does this error has something to do with a confuguration of a previous installation of another user?
    Is there an easy way to work around this problem? Can I change something in the access rights and deploy the wireless administration tools in the OC4J_Portal instance manually? Would safe me a lot of time.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    I've found a topic on Metalink named "Manually deploy oc4j_portal?" but I couldn't get access to it.
    I have two application server instances on one machine with the Windows2000 Server OS (sp2)
    The infrastucture instance:
    The wireless instance:
    * The following services are up and running in ora9ias_home:
    -HTTP Server
    -Internet Directory
    -Single Sign-On:orasso:7777
    The Internet Directory instance:
    -Repository <hostname>:1521:iasdb :UP
    -Directory Integration :UP
    -Directory Replication :DOWN
    -LDAP Metrics (Configure) : DOWN
    I'm able to log on the OID via SSO with the orcladmin user
    * The following services are up and running in ora9iasW_home:
    -HTTP Server
    -OC4J_Portal (the instance is UP but the studio/customization/webtool instances need to be deployed)
    -Web Cache
    The following schema is configured:
    WIRELESS Oracle iAS Wireless <hostname>:1521:iasdb
    So the instances in the OC4J_Portal were not deployed during installation. After trying to manually deploy
    the webtool.ear and associate the usermanager with JAZN LDAP User Manager (ldap://<hostname>:4032). I get the
    following error:
    "An error occurred while redeploying the application. The configuration files for this Oracle9iAS instance
    are inconsistent with the configuration stored in the repository. In order to protect the repository, no
    further configuration or deployment operations are allowed until the problem with the configuration on the
    filesystem is resolved. This condition arises when a prior operation was unsuccessful. Please check the
    logs located at ORACLE_HOME/dcm/logs to determine why DCM was unsuccessful in updating the configuration
    files on disk. Some possible causes are: * permissions on files * file contention issues on Windows NT *
    EMD and dcmctl running concurrently * internal Oracle error After resolving the problem that prevented DCM
    from updating the configuration files, you may use the dcmctl resyncInstance command to resolve the
    problem. Alternatively, you can stop and then restart the active dcmctl or EMD process and resyncInstance
    will automatically be performed".
    Associating the instance with the JAZN XML User Manager gives the same error.
    In the emctl batch file I've created I can see the following error during the deployment:
    OBJECT CACHE: HttpSession=c7d93daf948143ffa173bd73ae6b0a60; getObject() name=Ins
    tanceAdminObject_oc4j_orawireless.<hostname>OC4JPortal, return value=oracle
    EMSDK DEBUG: Global Tabs
    EMSDK DEBUG: Link[name=targets,text=Targets,destination=/emd/console/targets,image=null]
    Link name : ias/oc4j/deployWiz/roles
    Invalid Bread Crumbs, linkname = ias/oc4j/deployWiz/roles
    EMSDK DEBUG: Global Tabs
    EMSDK DEBUG: Link[name=targets,text=Targets,destination=/emd/console/targets,image=null]
    EMSDK DEBUG: Global Tabs
    EMSDK DEBUG: Link[name=targets,text=Targets,destination=/emd/console/targets,image=null]
    Link name : ias/oc4j/deployWiz/publishServices
    Invalid Bread Crumbs, linkname = ias/oc4j/deployWiz/publishServices
    EMSDK DEBUG: Global Tabs
    EMSDK DEBUG: Link[name=targets,text=Targets,destination=/emd/console/targets,image=null]
    EMSDK DEBUG: Global Tabs
    EMSDK DEBUG: Link[name=targets,text=Targets,destination=/emd/console/targets,image=null]
    Link name : ias/oc4j/deployWiz/summary
    Invalid Bread Crumbs, linkname = ias/oc4j/deployWiz/summary
    EMSDK DEBUG: Global Tabs
    EMSDK DEBUG: Link[name=targets,text=Targets,destination=/emd/console/targets,ima
    oracle.ias.sysmgmt.exception.TaskException: The configuration files for this Oracle9iAS instance are inconsistent with the configuration stored in the repository. In order to protect the repository,
    no further configuration or deployment operations are allowed until the problem
    with the configuration on the filesystem is resolved. This condition arises when
    a prior operation was unsuccessful. Please check the logs located at
    ORACLE_HOME/dcm/logs to determine why DCM was unsuccessful in updating
    the configuration files on disk.......
    Do you have any suggestions of things I could try? Do I have to check out the settings of the OC4J_portal instance? I've also checked the Access Rights for cn=IAS Infrastructure Databases, cn=IAS, cn=Products, cn=OracleContext user the Oracle Directory Manager.
    Instance Properties
    Server Properties
    Website Properties
    JSP Container Properties
    Replication Properties
    Advanced Properties
    Application Defaults
    Data Sources
    Global Web Module
    UDDI Registry

  • Itunes error during install service apple mobile device failed to start.. help

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    Try the following user tip:
    Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates

  • Creative cloud installer just disappears during install

    I had creative cloud and on last update most of the applications are gone along with the desktop icon.
    I have tried to install creative cloud again - but it just stops halfway and disappears during install.
    I've tried safe mode install
    Ive renamed OOBE folders in both librarys
    I've tried the adobe application manager and that crashes on install
    I've tried the Adobe clean up tool
    Nothing is working to get creative cloud to reinstall on the computer - I've lost about 4 applications in creative cloud
    Working on a Mac - Yosemite OS

    Hi!  The cleaner failed - simply could not detect any creative cloud products. ( It did find a previous CS6 installation, long since uninstalled, actually).
    Didn't get a chance to try ROOT, as an Adobe tech (Loveneesh) remoted in and did some 'known fixes'... basically he cleaned up the failed CC desktop installation ( deleted a couple of folders) - and then gave "wide open" permissions to a couple of sets of library folders ( One for machine, and one for user). I believe they were
    /library/application support/
    /library/application support/Adobe/
    /users/[username]/library/application support/
    /users/[username]/library/application support/Adobe/
    Still couldn't install CC desktop, (failed twice!) BUT that at least allowed  the installation of "Adobe App Manager" - which was subsequently UPGRADED to CC Desktop. Something of a clever workaround, if you ask me!
    And now its all working OK again.
    I'm a bit bothered by the somewhat cavalier ""Everybody" permissions applied to library folders, but as I understand this is the quick fix when nobody quite knows what the heck is going on with permissions... (I suppose ROOT access gives much the same effect for installations)

  • "WRITE SAME failed. Manually zeroing." error during install or boot

    Hello everyone!
    Since the lasts kernels (I'm almost sure it happens since 3.9 because 3.8 worked fine) I can't boot on Archlinux anymore. This error floods my screen and I can't do anything, and because the new Archlinux iso (june 2013) comes with 3.9 kernel it now also happens during installation. Fortunately, I saved the may iso so I still can install archlinux and switch during install to LTS kernel but this is not a good solution. I can't find a solution online, some people have this issue but it seems to be a bit different everytime.
    I use Archlinux on a server, with hardware raid : Dell PERC H200a with LSI SAS2008 according to my BIOS. According to http://kernelnewbies.org/Linux_3.7, the WRITE SAME SCSI command "allows the same block to be efficiently replicated throughout a block range. Only a single logical block is transferred from the host and the storage device writes the same data to all blocks described by the I/O (commit)". Here is the exact configuration :
    - DELL® PowerEdge R210 II
    - 1x Intel® Xeon® E3 1220 V2
    - HDD: 2 x 1 To SATA2 RAID
    - RAID: Hardware, Dell PERC H200, (Raid 1)
    So my first problem is that I can't find online if my server is capable of this command (but I don't think so) and then the other issue is that I want to know if I can disable it. I found kernel patches for this issue :
    https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/1898441/ and https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/1982051/ (the first link seems to be a better solution).
    Then, I checked in the kernel source of 3.9 and I think that this patch isn't implemented (there is no device_write_same_capable function for instance). But kernel patching is not a really good solution, if I have to patch my kernel everytime the main kernel is updated...
    After some research, I found that my hardware RAID driver seems (I'm not sure) to be the kernel module "mpt2sas", so I checked both may and june isos of Archlinux and it's the same version (14.1) so it shouldn't be the problem.
    Does somebody can help me on this issue ? I don't really know what to do now.
    Thanks for reading, if I forgot something or if you want more informations, ask me!
    PS : My English isn't very good, sorry.
    EDIT : I found a part of the solution ! It seems to be an issue with the kernel that doesn't detect properly if my disc is capable of doing WRITE SAME command.
    So I have to write "0" in the file "max_write_same_blocks" under /sys. But the problem is that /sys is renewed every boot so I don't know how to make my changes permanent. I made a systemd service file, it almost works, but this solution isn't nice : the parameter is applied lately so errors shows at the beginning and this is not really easy to set up. I prefer a solution like "sysctl" but it seems that it only controls parameter under /proc/sys and not /sys, am I right ?
    Moreover, I tried two other things : Ubuntu 12.04 with kernel 3.9.4 works and Archlinux iso with 3.8.10 has max_write_same_blocks > 0 and it also works... So I don't really understand this issue. Maybe in 3.8 the parameter max_write_same_blocks has no effect (or not the same as in 3.9) ?
    Here is the systemd file that I made to reduce the issue :
    Description=No WRITE SAME
    ExecStart=/bin/sh -c 'echo 0 > /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:01:00.0/host0/target0:1:0/0:1:0:0/scsi_disk/0:1:0:0/max_write_same_blocks'
    This is not a good solution, see my next post. I don't delete it in case you want to compare.
    Last edited by rfnx (2013-06-02 15:26:50)

    I found a solution to disable the WRITE SAME command. That doesn't answer all my questions but it solves my issue. I was looking for a file like "sysctl.conf" but for /sys parameters : you already can do that in Arch, just create a file that ends with ".conf" in tmpfiles.d and add one line per parameter you want to modify. This file will be loaded early at boot.
    To disable it in an existing Archlinux installation, add in you file the line :
    w /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:01:00.0/host0/target0:1:0/0:1:0:0/scsi_disk/0:1:0:0/max_write_same_blocks - - - - 0
    Read the manpage of tmpfiles.d if you don't understand this line, it depends on your configuration and you can't copy it.
    Then reboot and no more error !
    If you want to disable it during the Arch install, just change directly the value you want in /sys. You have to do it at the beginning before mounting partitions, for instance just after choosing your keymap.
    Last edited by rfnx (2013-06-02 15:34:11)

  • Transaction Locking during multiple Webservice - persistent webs sessions

    Hi All,<br>
    Yesterday evening we had a discussion concerning ESA architecture. We want to create (web)services for accessing the SAP business objects (using XI) and use these (web)services via visual composer, webdynpro or custom java development.<br>
    It does not seem a big problem to perform creations and reads of transaction, but when we want to change objects, we saw some problems concerning locking/commiting and rollbacks.<br>
    From our GUI we would like to be able to go in edit mode and from that moment on, the transaction should be locked. We then want to change certain parameters and commit only when we push the save button.<br>
    We can invoke a webservice wich tries to lock the transaction, but at the moment the XI scenario is completed (=the lock is created), the program at SAP side (=proxy in our case) is also finished and the lock is automaticly removed. How can we do locking, when using webservices via XI?<br>
    The problem of the rollback and commit we can partially solve by putting more logic in the GUI, but we don't want to do that. How can we do a change of a business object and remember this change without doing a commit on the SAP system.... . Same problem for the rollback.<br>
    Is there a away to keep a session "alive" during multiple webservice calls or to simulate it? Every webservice invokation happens in a different context...isn't it?<br>
    <b>Just to make it a bit more clear.</b><br>
    Suppose we create 6 service related to the business object bupa (business partner).<br>
    - read<br>
    - change<br>
    - commit<br>
    - rollback<br>
    - lock<br>
    - unlock.<br>
    We create a GUI which uses these services.<br>
    <b>Step1:</b> we want to see bupa in detail, so the read webservice is called and the retrieved details are shown in the GUI<br>
    <b>Step2:</b> we want to go in edit mode, so the lock webservice is called to lock the bupa. The bupa should stay locked, untill the unlock is called. Here occurs the problem. The webservice lock is called, XI will trigger the proxy on the SAP system. This proxy will lock the bupa. As soon as the proxy-program is completed, the bupa lock will automaticly be removed ... . We want to keep this lock!<br>
    <b>Step3:</b> we change the bupa using the change webservice. Only the user who locked the bupa should be able to change it.<br>
    Problem concerning the locking occurs: standard we don't know who locked the bupa (this is done by the generic RFC user, configured in sm59). Should we pass some kind of GUID towards the proxy and build some additional logic to know which end-user in fact locked it... . Using the userid isn't sufficient, because a user could logon multiple time simultanously.<br>
    Another problem is that we want to change the bupa, without having to do a commit yet.De commit should be called only when pushing the save button. When the proxy is ended and we did not do a commit, the changes are lost normally ... .<br>
    What we in fact want to do is Simulate the bsp behaviour.<br>
    <b>Step4:</b>We want to perform a save of the things we changed or a reset. This means the commit or rollback webservice is called.<br>
    <b>Step5:</b> We want to unlock the bupa by calling the unlock webservice.<br>
    Please give me your comments.<br>
    Kind regards<br>
    Note: Transaction Locking during multiple Webservice "sessions".
    Message was edited by:
            Joris Verberckmoes

    There are multiple strategies how to resolve this. They require that the last change time is available in the changed object, and also that the client keeps the value of the change time when it read the data.
    1. First one wins
    Immediately before posting the changes, the current change time is read from the server. In case it is different from the client buffer, then the client changes are discarted.
    1. Client A reads data
    2. Client B reads data
    3. Client B changes its buffer
    4. Client B checks if server change time has changed (result is no)
    5. Client B writes his changes to the server
    6. Client A changes its buffer
    7. Client A checks if server change time has changed (result is yes)
    8. Client A discarts its changes
    2. Last one wins
    Easy. Client just writes his changes to the server, overwriting any changes that might have occured since it read the data.
    1. Client A reads data
    2. Client B reads data
    3. Client B changes its buffer
    4. Client B writes his changes to the server
    5. Client A changes its buffer
    6. Client A writes its changes to the server -> changes from client B are lost
    3. Everybody wins
    Most complicated. In case of concurrent changes, the client is responsible for merging his changes with the changes from other clients and to resolve any conflicts.
    1. Client A reads data
    2. Client B reads data
    3. Client B changes its buffer
    4. Client B checks if server change time has changed (result is no)
    5. Client B writes his changes to the server
    6. Client A changes its buffer
    7. Client A checks if server change time has changed (result is yes)
    8. Client A merges its changes with changes from client B
    9. Client A writes his changes to the server
    "Last one wins" is definitely not water-proof. But even with the other strategies, data can potentially get lost in the short timeframe when the change time is checked and the actual update.
    To make it more secure, server support is required. E.g. the client could pass the change time from its read access to the server. The server can then reliably reject the update if the change data has been updated in beetween by another client.

  • Adobe AIR fails during install

    21.5" intel iMac, 10.6.1, 4GB RAM, CS4 Premium new install - upgrade from CS2.
    CS4 successfully installed to laptop.
    iMac <easy installation> timed out several times during install, the first time trying to install Adobe AIR. System setup transferred from previous machine, including CS2 apps, settings, etc.
    This is a replacement iMac for a defective unit returned 5 days ago. Was able to install CS4 on defective machine minus transfered user info, applications, data. (Prior to return to Apple CS4 was deactivated, SN removed. Subsequent launch of PS into trial mode confirmed.)
    After quitting the app installer several times discovered the dialogue box below was hidden by installer box. Clicking "OK" allowed process to continue.
    CS4 is now installed and updated, but I don't know which apps the dialogue box was referring to, or if this requires a solution.

    I did not find automatic graphics switching, but after several failed attempts of trying to install it, it eventually installed.

  • User Lock issue when processing IDOCS

    Hi Folks,
    We are pushing the data into SAP using IDOCS.During this process some IDOCS are getting failed due to User Lock on shipment header.Anyone here can share their experience in dealing with User Lock issues.

    Only one can edit the document, it's standard fucntion. I think No note can resolve this. I can suggest you to run a back ground job very frequently ,which picks these status 51 IDOCs and reprocess. Report is :RBDMANi2
    We can use Message class & error message number on selection screen, so that we can make sure that only those idocs which were failed due to Lock problem are taken by the job.

  • Administrative user only for install software but prevent intercative session

    as an university, we are not allowing domain users di write anything on the C:\ drive on our Win7/64 PCs; therefore users are unable to install any software and that is what we - usually - want.
    But there are some users (researchers, Teachers or labs) who sometimes need to install software in order to test it. So we created on their PCs a local user "install" as member of the local administrator Group. They should use it when
    UAC prompts them to give administrative rights to install software or with the "Run as administrator" right click. This works fine but unfortunately we noticed that many users are using the "install" account to do their daily work, so they
    are working the whole day long with the highest privileges and we do not want this for obvious security reasons.
    We want to leave the administrative user "install" for the software installation purpose but we want prevent users using it interactively; we couldn't find a way to do this. Is it possible ?
    In order to discourage users, we also made some tests giving the "install" local user, deny permission on the start menu, desktop and some other folders, so that they couldn't find programs and be very limited in using the installa account
    interactively, but this does not give the expected results (for example the user is able to create a folder on the desktop after a couple of popus warnings, or the start menu is not completely empty).
    Any ideas ?
    Thank you in advance.
    Best regards,

    In my opinion, you can try to use AppLocker to accomplish this task. You can create a new pricple the allow specific user or group install application. Also the type of about to be installed app could be customized.
    You can allocate User group app install permission to make sure they could install APP unrestricted but doesn't have administrator rights.
    Please refer to the link below for more details about APP Locker:
    Roger Lu
    TechNet Community Support



    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    Second, please clarify exactly which credentials you have failed to correctly enter.
    The user-created device lock password? If so, then failing too many times will WIPE the device clean, and there is no way to stop it.
    Your BBID credentials? If so, then failing too many times will lock your BBID account for some period of time, but it will automatically unlock once that time passes.
    The carrier unlock MEP code? If so, then there is nothing to be done...failing too many times locks the device to it's original carrier, and only the factory can reverse that.
    Good luck and let us know!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
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  • [SOLVED] DHCP error during install due to multiple net cards

    Hello all,
    At the "Setup Network" option during the installation, I choose eth0. Then it asks if I want to use DHCP. I select 'Yes' but get
    Failed to run dhcpcd. See /dev/tty7 for details
    while polling for DHCP. So I press Alt+F7 and the details are
    eth0: dhcpcd 4.0.10 starting
    eth0: waiting for carrier
    eth0: timed out
    When I try to manually set it up (ie select 'No' when asked if I want to use DHCP), it asks for the following: IP address, submask, broadcast, Gateway (optional), DNS Server. Then it says "Network is configured" but I still can't download the packages.
    I have a Realtek RTL8139 Family PCI Fast Ethernet NIC card (not wireless) to a Linksys Router. I've set up DHCP on it for 5 users (only two being used). By the way I have WinXP on the same computer which accesses the network fine, and net access also worked during other distros' installation.
    Any clues? Thanks.
    Last edited by AMA (2009-05-11 13:17:53)

    ralvez wrote:OK. You  have an IP address, so that rules out a problem with your Nic card.
    Sorry I was maybe a little bit unclear on my previous post, but I'm pretty sure that I don't have an IP address during installation. I would like to add some precisions. Here are my observations:
    When I type ifconfig immediately after login (as root), it shows
    lo Link encap:Local loopback
    inet addr: Mask
    UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
    RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
    RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
    Then when I run /arch/setup, Configure Network, answer 'Yes' to DHCP, and after the error message (the one on 1st post), ifconfig gives this (which clearly shows that I do NOT have an IP)
    eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:00:39:63:8C:EE
    RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
    lo Link encap:Local loopback
    inet addr: Mask
    UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
    RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
    RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
    Finally, when I answer 'No' to the DHCP question, and after I've entered my IP/Broadcast/Subnet Mask/DNS addresses, the result of ifconfig is the one on the previous post, that is
    eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:00:39:63:8C:EE
    inet addr: Bcast: Mask
    RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
    lo Link encap:Local loopback
    inet addr: Mask
    UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
    RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
    RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
    NB: I have entered the same addresses that I use normally (ie with Windows, the ones I see in cmd->ipconfig /all), but I could have entered whatever addresses I wanted. And I still don't have net access during install (ping does not return anything).
    Can you explain what are you doing to install Linux? Do you try to run the CD from within Windows or are you placing the CD in the CD bay and re-booting the machine and the CD fails?
    Of course I am booting the cd at startup (not within windows)! And the CD does not fail, or at least does not seem. Everything runs fine except the DHCP thing. So the problem is not the CD, but my computer. I'm finding a way to get DHCP working during the installation.

Maybe you are looking for

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