Order Item Specification Editor Property References Tab - Documentation Bug

I am trying to create a cartridge with Order Transformation Manager entities. However I'm stuck with Property References tab of order item specification in 7.2.4 DS. I checked the documentation but its not completed it seems.
Check the above URL under "Dynamic Parameter Property"

I notified the appropriate writer, who replied that the Dynamic Parameter Property description should read: "Select the order item property in which dynamic parameters for the order item should be stored."
The fix will be included in the help for the next major release.

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    because of an existing modification it is necessary that I have to update the field customer at shipping tab of an stock transport order item when item's storage location was changed within TAC ME22N or ME21N.
    Unfortunately SAP has not implemented this functionality within BAPIs or Userexits.
    Does anyone has an idea where we have to place this modification?
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    Best regards and thank you for your replay!
    Michael Schleis
    PS: We are using SAP R/3 Enterprise Release 4.7 and the following Support Package
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    Edited by: Michael Schleis on Mar 5, 2008 5:35 PM

    You can default the shipping point in your STO based on the combination of shipping conditon (maintained in customer master), loading group (maintained in material master) and the plant in SPRO->Logistics Execution->Shipping->Basic Shipping Functions->Shipping Point and Goods Receiving Point Determination->Assign Shipping Points.
    If you don't use any of the entries (for instance if you don't use the loading group), then just leave the entry blank in config.
    Hope this helps.
    H Narayan

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    Hi guys,
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    I start like this.
    select aubel posnr into (wa_tab-vbeln, wa_tab-posnr)
             from vbrp
             where vbeln = p_vbeln.
        append wa_tab to it_tab.
    loop at it_tab into wa_tab.                   << I need somewhere to compare fields if they are the same before I print them.
          select single fbuda bstkd_e ihrez_e ihrez bstkd
                          from vbkd
                          where vbeln = wa_tab-vbeln and
                                posnr = wa_tab-posnr.
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                          from vbap
                          where vbeln = wa_tab-vbeln and
                                posnr = wa_tab-posnr.
    modify it_tab from wa_tab.
    How can I modify code to get this process? Thanks,
    Edited by: nihad omerbegovic on Nov 2, 2009 9:45 AM

    Hi Nihad
    select aubel posnr into CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE it_tab
    from vbrp
    where vbeln EQ p_vbeln.
    select a~vbeln a~posnr a~fbuda a~bstkd_e a~ihrez_e a~ihrez a~bstkd
    b~kbmeng b~waerk b~netwr b~arktx b~kwmeng
    from vbkd as a INNER JOIN vbap as b ON a~vbeln EQ b~vbeln AND a~posnr EQ b~posnr
    where vbeln EQ it_tan-vbeln and
    posnr EQ it_tab-posnr.
    SORT it_tab BY vbeln posnr.
    LOOP AT it_tab INTO wa_tab.
    IF lv_vbeln EQ wa_tab-vbeln. "means it's the same order but a different item
    IF ( lv_ihrez_e = wa_tab-ihrez_e ) AND ( lv_bstkd = wa_tab-bstkd ) AND ( lv_matnr = wa_tab-matnr ).
    ADD wa_tab-kwmeng TO lv_kwmeng.
    WRITE lv_kwmeng.
    CLEAR lv_kwmeng.
    lv_ihrez_e = wa_tab-ihrez_e.
    lv_bstkd = wa_tab-bstkd.
    lv_matnr = wa_tab-matnr.
    lv_vbeln = wa_tab-vbeln.
    lv_kwmeng = wa_tab-kwmeng.

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    Thank you in advance

    That makes sense to me
    In any entry you can enter One REAL Object and more than one Stat Object...
    SInce you entered Cost Center in Option 1 - You were proposed with PSG and IO as the option
    Since you entered Cost center *** REAL IO in Option 2 - The system got what it wanted i.e. One REAL OBJECT.. hence, no more objects are proposed to you... However, you can manually enter PSG or WBS if allowed in your Field Status Group in FI
    br, Ajay M

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    You can use BADI ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST for you requirement
    * Retrieve item data.
        CALL METHOD im_item->get_data
            re_data = v_data_item.
    Do you validations and changes here
    *update changes
    CALL METHOD im_item->set_data( v_data_item ).

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    Hello Gurus ,
    Good evening everybody ,
    We have some specific requirement from the client - Client does n't want few  end users to see the price details in sales so they want  the condition tab to be  invisible mode in sales order item lvel only for few users  i.e the condition tab  should not be displayed  for that user  is this possible  ?
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    Looking for your inputs
    Thanks and regards

    There are a couple of options you can go with.
    1) You can use Transaction and Screen variants to create your own ZVariant and then put that to user profile.  Allow the user to run only with the variant you setup for the user via authorizations.
    2) Get GUIXT software by Synactive, to perform the above task for you. 
    3) If you happen to have latest version of SAP ECC i.e. 6.0 with EHP3 or above, you can go with NWBC (Netweaver Business Client).
    Kapil Sharma

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    I am working on Inbound interface using IDoc (ORDERS05); during Idoc process IDOC_ORDERS_INPUT; i have to take segment value and need to populate at order items level; in custom field  (in additional tab B).
    For that i am using FM (Customer exits) :
      Step 1-  EXIT_SAPLVEDA_001 (Getting segment value and passing to XVBAP-Zfield).
      Step 2- EXIT_SAPLVEDA_002 (Passing Value to respective screen using BDCDATA table).
    Due to unable to find where i have to set flag and how ?;                                                                                To avoid multiple record to append ; BDCDATA Table with same screen.
    As mention in this link for Header level additional tab B : http://www.sapfans.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=62945#p1025880.
    They are using my_flag to avoid ,issue as i mention in above step.
    Step 3 - At last they are deleting my_flag in FM : EXIT_SAPLVEDA_003. (find in above link)
    Thanks in Advance

    you need to use a flag of type vbap-posnr .
    and your check statement will become
    check my_flag NE XVBAP-POSNR. (or the ZZXVBAP-POSNR).
    and setting the flag
    my_flag = XVBAP-POSNR.
    so for same posnr it wont repeat the append.. hope this can help

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    Thanks for the replies.
    @ A.L.V Ramana,
    Yes they all have confirmed qty. The one thing I noticed is that only the first item is being saved to table VBBE from which MD04 is getting sa sales documents. Is there any condition that must be met in order for this table to be filled except that if the item has reason for rejection or does not have confirmed qty?
    @ Anirudh.vb
    Thanks for the suggestion but the users wants a real time update on MD04.
    Best regards,

  • Modify Sales order Item additional tab B

    I need to modify Sales order item additional tab B ...by removing the exisitng fields and should add some new fields ....which is ok. But does it have any impact becoz the same screen fields coulbe used in any of the other transaction .......i  just wanted to know if we remove the fields from sale orde item additional tab B and some new details will have some impact

    Before making any modifications check "Where-used". If it is in some other program other than the VA01/02/03, then better consult your lead before modifying.
    If you do not find, go ahead and make the changes confidently.

  • Need to modify Sales order Item additional tab B

    Hello all,
    I need to modify Sales order item additional tab B ...by removing the exisitng fields and should add some new fields ....does it have any impact on this screen could be used in any of the other transaction .......i  just wanted if we remove the fields and some new details will have some impact

    Additional data B is used to add your own fields also known as custom fields in sales order.
    Custom fields can be added to tables VBAK & VBAP (depending on header or item). Similarly you can remove fields if you don't require it anymore.
    In short, your requirement can be met but you have to take help of ABAP consultant since it requires maintenance of user exits and modification of screens.

  • In sales order item level billing tab

    in sales order item level billing tab you have nine fields for payment terms
    i want to know from where is the payment terms coming in the fields , i have checked that whatever payment term is there in SP/SH/PY they are not getting updated in the nine fields
    can anyone tell wat is the possible ways to fill these tabs

    Payment terms are coming from Customer Master on Sales order , I did checked by removing the payment terms from customer master and created the sales order were it has not defaulted.  Updated the Customer Master with Payment Terms and created the sales order now Payment terms got defaulted.

  • How to create item wise invoice with reference to sales order.

    Hi ,
    Please let me know how to create item wise invoice with reference to sales order.
    Ex : Sales order has 2 line items .
              When creating invoice system should create two invoices for each line items.
    I have tried with copy control but I am not able to do it.
    Please advise.

    Please let us know your exact requirement. Whether you want it to be fixed like only one line item to be billed every time ot it to be based on selection you do every time.
    As per my understanding it should not be fixed and in that case it should like as follows,
    In VF01 you will select Del. document/S.O. number and click on selection list and will take you to next screen as mention below,
    and select desire line item to be billed and click on copy and will take you to billing screen.
    Ajit K Singh

  • Adding a new field extension on CRM Order Item tab in the web shop order

    Hi CRM E-Commerce Gurus,
    I want to add a extension field on any web site product such as "zz...." in order to use this data in order's item tab. What shoul I do on J2EE Stack-.jsp method and ABAP Stack at the BADI implementations.
    Could you please help me in order to add a new field extension on CRM Order Item tab in the web shop order ?
    Kind Regards,

    Hi Arshi,
    We have could not find any java action class such as Maintainb2csaveorderaction in config.xml folder and also there is no available threads and clue on SDN, google etc. Therefore we are got stucked on this issue. In SAP_ISA_60 Development and Extension Guide of SAP E-Commerce there is no sample java action class code such as Maintainb2csaveorderaction but some ABAP codes are available for the extension structure.
    Do you suggest any java action class such as Maintainb2csaveorderaction codes like in your B2B scenarios etc.?
    ls_header is a local structure with header data
      ls_extension-ref_guid = ls_header-guid.   
      ls_extension-alt_handle = ls_header-handle.
    extension are name value pairs
      ls_extension-name = u2018Z_CUSTOMER1u2019          u2018 name
      ls_extension-value = ls_header-zcustomer1. u2018 value
      APPEND ls_extension to extension_header_out
    now adding extensions to the items
      LOOP AT lt_items INTO ls_item.
        ls_extension-ref_guid = ls_item-guid.
        ls_extension-alt_handle = ls_item-handle.
        ls_extension-name = u2018Z_CUSTOMER2u2019          u2018name
        ls_extension-value = ls_item-zcustomer2.   u2018value
        APPEND ls_extension to extension_item_out 
    ls_header is a local structure with header data
      LOOP AT extension_header_in INTO ls_extension.
    check the name to find the according field
          IF ls_extension-name = u2018Z_CUSTOMER1u2019.
            ls_header-zcustomer1 = ls_extension-value.
    sort the extension table by ref_guid and handle to obtain a better access
    with binary search.
      SORT extension_item_in BY ref_guid, alt_handle.
      LOOP AT lt_items INTO ls_item.
    find the starting point for a loop over extensions
    use guid and handle as one logical key to access the extension
        READ TABLE extension_item_in
          WITH KEY ref_guid = ls_item-guid
                   alt_handle = ls_item-handle
                   BINARY SEARCH.
        IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
          LOOP AT extension_item_in INTO ls_extension
            FROM SY-TABIX.
    check, if the entry is relevant
            IF NOT    ls_extension-ref_guid = ls_item-guid
               OR NOT ls_extension-alt_handle = ls_item-handle.
            IF ls_extension-key = u2018Z_CUSTOMER2u2019.
              ls_item-zcustomer2 = ls_extension-value.
    Kind Regards,

  • How to know if a Sales order item created with or without reference

    I am working on user exit USEREXIT_MOVE_FIELD_TO_VBAP, and I just wanted to know if there is a way to know if a sales order item is created with or without reference to a contract.
    I need to write the code in USEREXIT_MOVE_FIELD_TO_VBAP, however, when an SO line item is created with reference the userexit is being called twice and when the SO line item is created without reference the user exit is being called only once.
    My aim is to check if a SO line item is created with reference to a valid contract. If the item is without reference to a contract or the referenced contract is not valid, then I will have to determine the contract based on the customer contracts.
    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
    Best regards,

    Hi Vindo,
    The Userexit USEREXIT_MOVE_FIELD_TO_VBAP is called twice when the SO line item is created with reference to contract. The first time the user exit is called there will be no value filled in vbap-vgbel and the second time it comes to the userexit then vbap-vgbel will have a value. I think CVBAK-VBELN will contain the reference if the so line item is created with reference and the value of CVBAK-VBELN contrains blank if the item is not referenced. Anyway thanks for your reply.
    Best regards,

  • Billing Plan Tab required in Sales Order - Item Level

    I am trying to create a Sales Order, in which at Item level I also require Billing Plan Tab.
    This is for scenario Periodic billing & milestone billing.
    If you could also help with configuration & business process document of Periodic & milestone billing.
    my email id is [email protected]
    Thanks in advance.
    Warm regards,
    Rajesh Banka

    Hi Rajesh Banka,
    In sales order if you item category group is relevant for Billing Plan (Milestone) then you will get a billing plan tab for sales order item in Va01 T.code.
    You can go to MM02 and change item category group of material to Milestone billing in Sales org2. and then try creating order for the item using va01, go to item level you will get the billing plan tab.
    Reward if it helps

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