OS 4.0 and Gmail

anyone else not able to connect to their Gmail account? I set it up via the Gmail option and it cannot connect to imap. I manually added it and same problem. Besides the phone losing all the contacts I synced to the computer prior to the upgrade as well as my apps, this has been a pretty bail fail so far.

I had some funny emails so I deleted then re added my gmail account and now works fine except I can't delete emails from inbox. It will only archive. I can delete from all mail only

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    Dear all,
    I would really appreciate of someone comes with a solution for push notifications using yahoo and gmail on iPhone 5 with iOS 6.1.4.
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    I have tried with yahoo and gmail apps but it seems it is ot working for me well. I would rather have integrated email in the mail app.
    Any comments, suggestions and informations will be very appreciated.
    Thank you in advance

    Gmail does not support push email in the native iOS mail app. I can't comment on Yahoo as I dumped them years ago because their servers were so unreliable.
    If it makes you unhappy, contact Google and Yahoo. There's nothing anyone else can do about it.

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    Hello! I bought my Mac in August 2009. When I first bought it, gmail and Jabber worked iChat. But shortly after, it stopped working. It hasn't worked since then. Whenever I would try to create a Jabber or Gmail account on iChat, the words Jabber and Gmail would be grayed out and un-clickable. I recently upgraded to software version 10.6.6 and Jabber and Gmail still don't work on iChat. They're not grayed out anymore, they're just not there! Aim, Bonjour, MobileMe, and Mac.com accounts all work on my iChat.
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    Welcome to the    Discussions
    Sounds like you have Parental Controls turned On for the Mac User Account you are using.
    I take it you are not seeing 5 choices in the iChat Menu > Preferences > Accounts > + Button > New account Pane ?
    The Start Up Screens do have the AIM login options (AIM, @Mac.com and MobileMe) on one pane/Screen and then the Bonjour option and the Jabber/Google options on another Screen/pane.
    IF you are not logged on the Computer as the Admin Account the Mac User Account can have Parental Controls activated.
    (System Preferences > Accounts - the account will be listed as "Managed"
    Limiting iChat in Parental Controls stops you adding any Buddy List (Setting up a new account).
    In iChat 4/OS 10.5.x Jabber and Bonjour are disabled completely (Just Bonjour in iChat 5/OS 10.6.x)
    Your symptoms as described, if we are talking about the iChat Preferences way of Adding a New Account, does not seem to quite match the scenario I have described about Parental Controls, as you seem to still have access to setting up a new AIM name.
    Did the Tech guy delete the .plists for iChat ?
    Did he/she delete them 'En Masse' or one at a time with an iChat Restart in between ?
    7:26 PM Thursday; January 20, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"

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    Really Apple?
    With the release OSX 10.8.5 Apple has once again showed its true colors, and continued its efforts to create a closed Apple system, which eliminates third party vendors, unless, one can only assume... they pay.
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    Can anyone help me get back to to 10.8.4 on my 2013 MB Air?
    I do not have a time machine bkup as this computer is not used to store important documents.
    Thank you.

    Read this post: 10.8.5 Broke Camera Usage For 3rd Party Apps Like Skype
    Another: isight not recognized in Skype after 10.8.5 upgrade
    Don't panic. Skype simply needs to update its app.

  • How can I have unified contacts across outlook, iphone and gmail?

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    I have both work and gmail set up via exchange for push email and syncing.

    The contacts had to be separated on your Blackberry but were viewed as combined, which is possible with the iPhone's Contacts app.
    With my iPhone, I sync business contacts over the air with my company Exchange account, and I sync personal contacts over the air with iCloud account - former MobileMe account. My personal iCloud contacts are also synced with the Address Book on my Mac and I would be doing the same with my Exchange business contacts but we aren't using a compatible Exchange Server software in order for me to do that. If I was doing so, my business contscts and my personal contacts would be separated in the Address Book on my Mac and I would have the ability to view business and personal contacts combined or separately as I can with my business and personal contacts on my iPhone.
    Does Outlook support syncing your Gmail online contacts so your personal contacts would be kept synchronized between the three - Outlook, Google online address book, and your iPhone?
    If you are syncing contacts over the air with your iPhone and syncing contacts direct with a supported address book app on your computer via the iTunes sync process, the contacts will be duplicated on your iPhone - one set stored locally, and one set stored in the online address book for the email account.

  • Apple Mail and Gmail IMAP

    With the iPhone coming to Verizon soon, I'd like to move back to Apple Mail from Gmail, but still want to keep Gmail as my source because my domain is setup with Google Apps but mostly because of the unparalleled spam filtering Gmail has. My problem is that even though I've configured Apple Mail exactly as Google recommends (shown below), I still have some issues.
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    Store sent messages on the server > *do NOT check*
    Store junk messages on the server > checked
    Delete junk messages when > Never
    Move deleted messages to the Trash mailbox > *do NOT check*
    Store deleted messages on the server > *do NOT check*
    I want to have true IMAP functionality here, but I'm not getting it. Sent messages work fine...if I send a message, it shows up in Apple Mail in the Sent folder and when I go to Gmail it is also in the Sent folder. BUT...when I delete a message in Apple Mail it goes to the Gmail *All Mail* folder (in Apple Mail and Gmail) and never shows up in the Gmail Trash on either Apple Mail or Gmail...where it should. I've tried changing the settings under *Apple Mail > Trash* but that doesn't fix the problem.
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    Thanks, Andy. I should have posted a closure statement on this thread as I finally figured everything out. The most frustrating thing is Google's own advice at http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=78892# couldn't further from correct. After many hours of experimenting with settings, I finally came up with the correct ones. In fact, I'm in the process of writing an article about it since there is simply no definitive guidance on the web that I've been able to find in the time I've searched.
    Your comments are on target...everything on the *Behaviors Tab* needs to be checked (excepts Notes) and the *Delete when* settings must be set to Never. But there are a few other things that must be done, including some changes on Gmail Settings before Mail and Gmail will be perfectly synchronous. I'll post the entire solution on this forum when I finish the graphics.

  • How do I synch iPhone 4S, Apple Mail 3.6 and Gmail?

    I believe this is the simplest way to phrase this:
    I want everything that I do to my Gmail account, no matter where I do it (iPhone 4S, Apple Mail 3.6 on a MacBook Pro, and Gmail on the web) to synch across those three platforms.
    Now on to the more complicated part and multiple questions:
    Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that the only way for iPhone 4S, Apple Mail 3.6 and Gmail web to behave completely "in synch" is to use ONLY IMAP...and therefore, the first step I took was to DISABLE POP on Gmail web, and ENABLE IMAP on Gmail web.
    Problem #1: My Apple Mail account was originally set up as POP. Therefore, I created a "second" gmail account in Apple Mail, using the same username and password, but choosing to use IMAP rather than POP. So now MAILBOXES in Apple Mail has 2 "sub inboxes" under my Inbox, which I named "Gmail Pop (for archival purposes only)" and "Gmail - IMAP." There is also "DRAFTS" (unchanged), "SENT" (unchanged), and "TRASH" with 2 "sub trash cans" - Gmail Pop and Gmail IMAP.
    * Since POP is disabled, at this point is it safe to completely delete the entire POP account from my Apple Mail? If I do that, will "Gmail Pop" disappear as a "sub inbox" and "sub trash can"? I would like to have only 1 INBOX and TRASH under MAILBOX in Apple Mail.
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    Problem #2: I figured out how to change the setting on my iPhone so that I can actually delete messages and not just archive them to "All Mail" on Gmail Web and make them disappear from the iPhone Inbox.  The issue is that on all 3 devices - iPhone 4S, Apple Mail 3.6 AND Gmail, with IMAP enabled I now have 3 "trash folders":  I'm not exactly sure where everything is going depending where it's deleted from, but I ONLY want it to go to TRASH (and not the weird [Gmail]Trash folder nor the newly created "Deleted Messages" option in Gmail Web) - regardless of how it's deleted.
    * How do I get rid of the [Gmail]Trash and Deleted Messages options across all 3 clients (iPhone, Apple Mail and Gmail web) - so that whether I'm running my thumb over the message in my Inbox and choosing "Delete" (iPhone version) / pressing the "Delete" button on my Mac (Apple Mail version) / checking the box next to the message in my inbox and then clicking the Trash icon that comes up (Gmail version) - so that no matter how I'm deleting my mail, all that happens is that it goes into just one Trash area (on all 3 clients) - so that it gets permanently deleted after 30 days....Basically, I don't want messages lingering in a bunch of different trash folders, where some are permanently deleted and some aren't - I just want 1 "centralized" trash area!
    Problem #3: In Apple Mail --> Mail --> Preferences --> Mailbox Behaviors: If I want the solutions for problem #1 and problem #2 to work, which boxes should be checked?  I don't really understand why you would or would not put everything on "the server"... nor do I understand what "server" they are talking about.
    Problem #4: Since I've started using IMAP on my Mac, my internet connection in general, as well as my Apple Mail, has slowed down quite a bit. Will this go away once I completely rid my computer of the POP files? 
    Problem #5: Doesn't it seem pretty simple that someone would want all the same things to happen to you whether you're using Gmail web, Apple Mail, or your iPhone? Why don't Google and Apple work together to make this a MUCH simpler process?

    I'm sorry, but Apple does not provide a downgrade path for iOS. Because downgrading is unsupported by Apple we cannot discuss it on these forums.
    You may leave comments at Apple Feedback.

  • Sync Outlook 2011 for mac and gmail agenda

    I have problem when I try to synchronize outlook 2011 calendar and gmail agenda.
    I do it by synchronizing outlook 2011 (for mac) calendar with iCal and after I synchronize iCal with google agenda.
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    When I create a new calendar named project under google agenda, I can add it under iCal in the "google" header. that's ok.
    but thuis two calendar (on my mac and in google header) are'nt synchronized in iCal even if they have the same name.
    Do you know a mean to synchronize the calendar ? thanks in advance

    two ways of doing this, you could try http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2452489, or drag each individual calendar event into iCal. You can't do multiple items has to be one... at... a... time.

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    I'm running Snow Leopard on a MacBookPro from mid-2009.
    Many thanks for help.

    Yes.  I'm having a whole series of problems with Mail.app and GMail.  The problems are pretty well documented (links below), but I haven't seen any good fixes or heard any indication that Apple is taking them seriously.
    http://www.maclife.com/article/news/os_x_mavericks’_mailapp_not_playing_nice_gma il
    In addition to archived emails returning to the inbox, I'm seeing significant delays in new mail appearing in my inbox:  sometimes as long as hours after the mail appears on my iPhone and in the GMail web console.

  • Sync contacts, calendars with yahoo and gmail

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    Few days ago I lost some of my cell contacts and calendars syncronized with yahoo and gmail. I tried to resync again, reopening the account but it appears an advise telling: the contact sync coulnd't not be done, please train again later. I tried later many times but I cant. Some one has a solution????

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    So, I am unable to log in to my YouTube account on my Apple TV (3rd Gen).  I have read a lot of suggestions and nothing has helped.  In like 2006 I got my YouTube User Name, then in like 2009 I got my Gmail.  Google bought YouTube, they merged so I have a YouTube UN and Gmail Account.  I've tried logging in with each.  I've tried using the the 2-step verification, and application specific password.  But to no avail, not working.  Im getting either this Username can't be used on this device for the gmail account log in info.  And unable to login with this Username/password for YouTube UN. 
    Anyone have any suggestions!  This is really frustrating! 
    Thanks Brad

    I had problems back way back in the day with my gmail login so I made a new one (youtube user) for test and that worked fine
    not even sure it's possible anymore to make a pure youtube user you can troubleshoot by checking if it is

  • I am trying to set up rules in iCloud and gmail on my server, does anyone know how?

    I am trying to set up rules in iCloud and gmail on my server, does anyone know how?

    Thanks for the advice King, but my newly bought iPad2 still isn't showing what the manual (downloaded from the iPad site) says. Also, when you say that there should be a "More" button in the music app (I assume you mean the item under Settings) I am afraid there isn't anything like that either. The page has iTunes Match, Sound Check,EQ,Volume Limit, Group by Album Artist and then the Home Sharing section with my Apple ID and Password. That is all. Maybe I need to find a better User Guide for 5.0.1? Your further input will be much appreciated.
    APS Csontos

  • Can I go back to Firefox 7? I want to enable the Google toolbar agai. My contacts were lost and gmail doesn't work the previous way.

    I use Windows 7 Home Premium and gmail with contacts in Google toolbar. The contact list was lost, when Firefox 8.0 is used, and the gmail setup is changed and unsatisfactory.

    To revert to the previous secure version which is 3.6.17, please do the following:<br><br>
    #Go to [http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all-older.html Download Firefox v3.6.17] and download it to the desktop.<br><br>
    #Then go to Add/Remove Programs, scroll down to "Mozilla Firefox" and remove it, choosing to keep your bookmarks, customizations etc., (don't checkmark the box).<br><br>
    #Then reboot and delete the folder called "Mozilla Firefox" at this location: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox<br><br>
    #Finally run the installation file you downloaded to the desktop earlier.<br>
    Your bookmarks, customizations etc., are maintained in a different location and will become available to you again once you complete the installation.<br><br>
    After you complete the installation, go to the [http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/plugincheck/ Plugins Check] page and update where necessary.

  • How do I sync Mail with Outlook and Gmail in browser?

    I really like the Mail app in OS X, but I've noticed that it's not synced with the browser version of my email accounts, so anything I do in Mail (e.g. read an email, delete/trash it, etc) is only reflected within the app and not in my browser.
    Just in case I didn't explain that properly: For example, if I read an email in Mail, and then switch to my Outlook account in Safari to check if that email has been marked as read, it would still appear as unread. If I delete and trash and email in Mac, that same email appears exactly where it used to be in Outlook, completely untouched.
    This bothers me for two reasons. One, even if I were to stick with Mail and not touch my Outlook/Gmail accounts in Safari again, I still wouldn't like the idea of my inbox being all messy if I were ever to log back in. Two, Mail doesn't seem to have any options to create folders and subfolders as far as I'm aware, so my emails which are very neatly organized in Outlook are all lumped together in Mail's inbox. So even though Mail is a neat little app, I still have Outlook and Gmail bookmarked.
    I'd like to know if there's a way to sync Mail with my email accounts in-browser, so that any changes I make in the app also show up when I log into my actual accounts? Maybe I'm just missing something or if this is not possible at all, please let me know. Thank you!

    You have to set those accounts up as IMAP. Right now you probably have them set up as POP3 accounts.
    Pop3 account are one way. You download your mail to your computer and send mail from your computer and it all stays on that particular computer. Imap stores everything on the mail providers server. Incoming and outgoing mail is always on the imap server and can be gotten on multiple devices. All sent mail is store on the server also and can be viewed from multiple devices.
    With outlook that might not be possible. Not sure if individual outlook accounts can use imap. I do know that the office365 side can as that is what my company uses and some people are using macs and other email program other then ms outlook.

  • How do I keep duplicate messages in Mail and Gmail?

    For the past few years messages would appear in both my Mail and Gmail inboxes.  If I deleted a message in Gmail, the duplicate would REMAIN in Mail. Therefore, I could keep some messages in my gmail account that pertained to work and delete their duplicates in Mail (since I wouldn't need them at home). Likewise, I could keep some messages organized in my Mail folders and delete their counterparts in the Gmail account.
    At some point I must've downloaded an update or something because the accounts are now totally synced.  If I delete a message in my Gmail inbox (or even move it to a Gmail folder), it vanishes from my Mail inbox.
    I know this is how most people like these programs to work together, but is there a way to revert it back to the way it was?  I tried toggling off POP, then testing it (didn't work).  Then I toggled off IMAP (still didn't work).  Then I toggled both of them off (still didn't work).  My Mail account is listed as IMAP for what it's worth.

    Try posting this in the 10.7 Mail forum. You'll get more help there.

  • RSS feeds between Apple Mail and Gmail

    I was wondering if this is possible or if this even exists.
    I am subscribed to RSS feeds in Apple Mail which I love reading on my iMac. But when I'm at the office on a Windows machine I can only read my RSS feeds through Gmail. It's hard to keep track of what I haven't read and have read.
    Is there a way to sync which RSS reeds which are read/unread with Apple Mail and Gmail?

    Thanks, Andy. I should have posted a closure statement on this thread as I finally figured everything out. The most frustrating thing is Google's own advice at http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=78892# couldn't further from correct. After many hours of experimenting with settings, I finally came up with the correct ones. In fact, I'm in the process of writing an article about it since there is simply no definitive guidance on the web that I've been able to find in the time I've searched.
    Your comments are on target...everything on the *Behaviors Tab* needs to be checked (excepts Notes) and the *Delete when* settings must be set to Never. But there are a few other things that must be done, including some changes on Gmail Settings before Mail and Gmail will be perfectly synchronous. I'll post the entire solution on this forum when I finish the graphics.

Maybe you are looking for