OS Dropping Mouse connection?

My system hasn't changed but when I updated to OS 10.6.4 my Kensington Expert Mouse Pro keeps getting dropped. What I mean is it just stops working and I have to unplug the USB connection and reconnect it. I looked to see if Kensington had an update to their software but it's been the same since 10.2 or something - meaning there isn't much to it and it worked flawlessly in 10.6.3. Logic says this is pointing to the new OS. Any suggestions as to how to correct this...it happens about 8 time a day and is getting on my nerves.

Dumb question from me. Your mouse doesn't use batteries, does it? I ask only because my Logitech Cordless Optical Trackman had the same symptoms last night, due to depleted batteries (although the software showed adequate charge). I only need new batteries two or three times a year, and it always takes me a while to remember that my trackball disconnect is due to the low batteries.

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  • T500 Dropping Wireless Connection

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    Some background info: computer has the Intel Centrino 5100 wireless card, router is a Linksys / Cisco WRT54G2.
    Under device manager, all wireless wifi devices are set so that it will NOT shut off to save power.
    Under Power Manager. dim display is set at 5 minutes, turn off display set at 15 minutes
    Stop hard disk rotation, enter system standby and enter system hibernation are set to "never"
    Here's the problem. After stepping away from the computer for a while (longer than 15 minutes), I come back and move the mouse for the display to turn back on. The wireless connection, for some reason, has dropped. When I attempt to reconnect to the router, it fails to reconnect. I try again and it fails to reconnect yet again.
    Mind you, all other devices connected to the router are fine and none have dropped the connection.
    The only way I can reconnec to the router is by unplugging the router and powering it up again. Only then will my T500 reconnect.
    What do you suppose the problem is? What's the best solution to fix it? Advice would be most appreciated.

    Try installing the latest wifi drivers from the Intel site rather than from Lenovo's driver matrix.
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    I've followed several threads and agree with Seventy One, the problem is mechanical and simple to solve.  Cleaning the terminals is sensible, but I also did this which has made my mouse connection robust.
    My Solution:
    I took a thick rubber band cut it to about 1 inch in length.  I placed it across the negative end of the batteries between the batteries and the compartment lid (not between the batteries and the terminals as that would cause a different problem).  When I close the lid, without forcing it, the rubber band holds the batteries firmly in place.  The batteries last longer and there is no drop in connection.  You might need to experiment a little with the thickness of the rubber band.
    I can now lift the mouse, tap it on the mouse pad, turn it upside down and use it on the ceiling, although I do need a ladder and it does make my arm go to sleep after a while.
    I've read about resetting parts of the operating system, but I really don't like doing that because of the law of unexpected consequences.
    The words "glue" and "precision piece of electronic equipment", should not usually be used in the same sentence and are not natural companions, but in this case, now that I have the right thickness and position, I'll glue the band or a similar piece of foam to the inside of the compartment lid.  I expect a future Magic Mouse may have this built in as it is such a common issue.

  • My i Phone drops WiFi connection after just a few minutes and wont reconnect unless I reset the network settings and reboot the  phone?

    My i Phone 4s has suddenly started to drop wifi connection after nealy months of near perfect connections?
    To restore a wifi connection I have to reset the network settings and restart the phone, this only fixes the issues for around 2-3 mins?
    Other quick fixes like switching wifi on and off/ switching to airoplane mode for a few secconds have no impact.
    This is really annoying as I am using my data allowence very quickly, and as the phone is continually searching for a wifi connection the battery time has reduced dramatically.
    I just wondered if any one else has the same issue, and any suggestions as to how I can fix this.
    Thanks in Advance

    Restore (from backup)
    Restore (as new)
    Test after each step. If one of them doesn't fix the problem, make an appointment at the genius bar.

  • MacBook Air + Time Capsule  frequently dropping internet connection

    I too have been having frequently dropped wireless connections between my MacBook Air (MBA) and my Time Capsule(TC). My TC is connected to a cable modem and I also have an Airport Extreme Base Station (AEBS) at a different part of my house which is used to extend my network connecting via ethernet to a PC running VISTA, and wirelessly to a printer and an older MacBook. I also connect wirelessly to my home network with two iPhones, a Squeezebox 3 with a server running on the PC. I have an Apple TV and a Squeezebox 2 connected to my TC via ethernet.
    When my connection drops I will either see a Time Capsule disconnect message or if I am surfing the web, the browser just hangs. The wireless ICON strength is still pegged a the max level. None of my other devices (wireless or ethernet) connected to the TC or the other AEBS seem to drop their internet connections. I can re-establish the connection on my MBA by either turning off my MBA's Airport wireless and then turning it back on or by running the network diagnostics. The latter method usually shows green lights for all but the "Internet" and the "Server" which will have yellow lights. Usually when I select my wireless network and press continue, it will prompt for my WPA2 password which I have to reenter even though I always check the box for it to remember the password in the keychain.
    After reading the various discussions on disconnect problems and trying the various "solutions" I was still having the disconnect problem.
    Last night, I decided to turn off my Time Capsule and was then able to maintain an internet connection for considerably longer than before. Perhaps it was one of the other "solutions" that caused that. After turning my TC back on, the disconnect problem reoccurred within about 5 minutes.
    Next, I did my too frequent Time Capsule remedy which was to disconnect the power and then reconnect the power. (Seems like some of these devices (APPLE TV included) could use power switches.) I then deleted the .sparsebundle backup file on the Time Capsule. I was then able to restart Time Capsule backup and things have been running uninterrupted for over 12 hours...still backing up (20GB in 12 hours? Doesn't seem very fast!). I can report back later if this actually "fixes" my disconnect problems in the future. I am dubious that it will.
    I have several questions about the MBA and the TC/Time Machine backup operation.
    1.) I often forget about the TC when I close the lid on my MBA and haul it off to work. At work (connecting via ethernet), I will eventually get a TC disconnect error. But I am wondering if there are points in the backup process where a random disconnect will cause some sort of TC corruption. What is the recommended way of handling this? Should I always stop the Time Machine backup before turning off my MBA? (A nuisance if so!)
    2.) What is happening when the TC backup operation stops functioning and hangs up the MBA's internet connection? (I see lots of messages logged in the system log when this happens; but, of course, I don't have much of a clue of which ones are normal and which are not normal. I could send a copy of the logs when it happens next (I am assuming it will).
    Also one other anecdote. A few months back, I had taken another AEBS to my work to use during a training conference. My MBA kept dropping its connection while the other PC laptops in the room maintained their connections...(very embarrassing!). Maybe one of the other "solutions" would have fixed the problem or maybe if I had just turned off my Time Machine backup it would not have disconnected. I will repeat that exercise when I get a chance now that I have some things to try.
    It seems pretty clear to me from my own experiences and the discussion reports of others that the disconnect problem lies in the MBA's wireless internet connection software or the configuration of it. It seems like it is having difficulty recovering from various wireless connection "mishaps".

    Folks, I was having a very similar problem for the last 6 months. My connection was fine until June 2008, after which my Macbook and my Time Capsule would constantly conflict. If I rebooted or reset the TC, or the MB, things would be fine for a few minutes or sometimes a few hours and the problem would recur soon thereafter. About a month ago, I had to do a clean reinstall and the problem vanished for about 5 days, after which it reappeared. My MB never had a problem at work, or at someone else's home or with other routers, only with TC. Apple sent me a new TC, then they replaced my Airport card but the situation did not change ... UNTIL ABOUT AN HOUR AGO.
    An hour ago, I called Apple for the nth time in the last 6 months, and the rep heard me out (just like the previous n-1 reps). He then asked me to to System Preferences --> Accounts --> Login Items and asked if Real Player Downloader showed up in my list. Indeed it did. He asked me to remove it, and told me that Apple had just figured out that the Real Player downloader was recently found to be causing a drop in the connection between Macbooks and the TC (as well Airport Express).
    The problem I've been having baffled everyone. All the previous reps, the guys at the Genius Bars, nobody had a clue. Joe (the rep I spoke with this morning) seemed very confident that the removal of the Real Player Downloader from the list of login items would resolve the problem. So far, so good. My connection seems solid (its only been an hour, but earlier it would drop after 5 minutes of use).
    I hope my problem that (literally!) used up hundreds of hours of my time has been finally resolved. I hope this solution will work for at least some of you as well. What gives me hope is that this solution is logically consistent with the history of my problems. I probably first downloaded Real Player in June 2008. And when I did a clean install, I remember downloading Real Player a few days after the reinstall. So I'm pretty hopeful that my issue has been finally resolved.
    Shame on Real Player for putting out a defective piece of software. And thank you Joe!

  • Loop drops when connected wireless (NI 9191)

    I cannot figure out why a NI cDAQ 9191 chassis has connection drops when connected wireless and works
    perfectly when connected thru LAN.
    I wrote a little test VI to check the connection accuracy. The chassis has a NI 9375 I/O module plugged in.
    A Moxa AWK3121 is used as wireles access point. What I do is check 5 digital inputs and control 3 digital outputs.
    The outputs are continuously placed on/off at a different rate. I use an event loop and a main loopt that communicates
    to the chassis at a loop rate of 10ms.
    The chassis, laptop and Moxa A.P. are all close together on my desk. The Wifi signal is excellent.
    Now, the code i written is probably not optimal.
    But...  If I start with connecting the chassis with a LAN cable to my laptop, Wifi Disabled, Linked Local. The communication is perfect.
    No drops between the loops and the real time.        
    No communication errors. Runtime was 52 minutes.
    Second test. Connected the chassis to the Moxa A.P. with LAN cable. Laptop connected wireless to the Moxa A.P.
    Chassis still in Link Local. Ik can access the chassis in MAX. No problem.
    When I run my test, I immediately see loop pauzes. After one minute there can be already a difference of 20 sec.
    between calculated looptime and real time. Sometimes the active light on the chassis goes off and on.
    When the active light is out, the loop is on hold. (Wich is normal as I assume the DAQ VI's are waiting for response.)
    After appr.10 minutes the error -50405 "No Transfer in progress because transfer was aborted by client".
    If I look at the timings there is already a difference of more then 5 minutes between the loop timing and the real time.
    As last I tested with the chassis and the PC connected wireless to the Moxa A.P.
    I did not get the -50405 error, but again loop drops. After 10 minutes there was a shift of 2 minutes.
    Has anyone experience with wireless connections with the NI 9191 chassis?
    Can I change my code? Did I mis something? (I'm a newbie to Labview)
    Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.
    Labview 2014 SP1 (32bit) on Windows 7 Enterprise (X64)
    Chassis and Moxa all updated to the latest firmware.
    Go to Solution.
    Chassis919Tester.vi ‏51 KB
    Symmetrical_Pulse_Generator.vi ‏55 KB

    I am not clear on whether you are connecting the two together "in it's own little network" (which implies "router" and not "AP") or if you are connecting to the LAN through the wireless device (in which case it is entirely appropriate to refer to the wireelss device as an "AP").  Your last post about hot spots is what confused me.
    But as you said, the biggest worry is the active light.  Try using a different router/AP.  I've seen routers overheat and reset themselves before due to inadequate heat sinking.  i.e., Someone (not me, I swear!) dropped the AP and knocked the heat sink off the chip.
    As for the delay, if you are indeed using the Moxa as an AP, are you sure you're connecting to your AP?  If you're connected to a hotspot instead, your throughput will be at least halved - and maybe even 1/4 bandwidth if your AP happens to have connected to a different hotspot than you did.  If you are using it as a router, try differnt bands or channels to see if you can get around any interference your company wireless network might be generating.
    In general, conclude that wireless isn't the best way to connect test devices together.
    (Mid-Level minion.)
    My support system ensures that I don't look totally incompetent.
    Proud to say that I've progressed beyond knowing just enough to be dangerous. I now know enough to know that I have no clue about anything at all.

  • After working fine for several months, my iPhone 5 has started dropping bluetooth connectivity for 2 to 5 seconds at a time with my Sony MDR-1RBT headphones.  The headphones work fine with other devices.  I haven't moved to ios7 yet.  Any ideas?

    After working fine for several months, my iPhone 5 has started dropping bluetooth connectivity for 2 to 5 seconds at a time with my Sony MDR-1RBT headphones.  The headphones work fine with other bluetooth devices.  I haven't moved to iOS7 yet.  Any ideas?

    What user troubleshooting have you done on the phone? The steps are restart, reset, restore from backup, restore as new. Understand that a restore will put the latest iOS on your device. It is also possible there is a hardware fault on the device and the Bluetooth is failing. Anything is possible given the scenario you describe.
    And as far as iOS 7.x is concerned, we have 5 different iPhones here at home, all with the latest iOS, a 4, 4s, 5c, and 2-5s and all are working just fine. So, a blanket statement such as the one provided by the other poster is not completely true. Others are not having any issues at all either.

  • I have Snow Leopard 10.6.8 on my MacBook. Constantly dropping internet connection or message "error connecting to the network" comes up. No wireless connectivity issues with windows 7 laptop or iphone.

    I have a MacBook with Snow Leopard 10.6.8. The last few weeks it has been constantly dropping internet connection, and one of these messages appear on the page: "Safari cannot open this page because the server where this page is located isn't responding" or "Safari cannot open this page because you are not connected to the internet" comes up. I will check Wifi and I am connected. No wifi connectivity issues with iphone or windows 7 laptop, this doesn't happen with either of those devices. I have unplugged and reset router, cleared cache, still happening. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

    Hi BCLor!
    Try using the suggested steps in the following article to help you troubleshoot this issue with your Wi-Fi connection:
    Wi-Fi: How to troubleshoot Wi-Fi connectivity
    Thanks for being a part of the Apple Support Communities!

  • Extreme Base Station suddenly dropping internet connection

    I have an Extreme Base Station (802.11n Fast Ethernet) which has been providing wireless internet and printing to two imacs pretty flawlessly for several years. It seems to be a fairly simple network. DSL modem (to WAN port) and USB printer cable plugged into back of Base Station.
    Several days ago, the Base Station began dropping connection to the internet every few minutes. If I connect the modem directly into the computer, I have no problems with losing connection. So, I began looking for solutions online and have been trying everything I could find to do. I've scoured the forums here, and everywhere and read a bazillion posts.
    I've done a hard reset of the Base Station, I've tried different channels, I've unplugged, waited ten minutes, and replugged in a myriad of sequences, including unplugging both the modem (Zhone/Paradyne 6381-A3) and Base Station overnight. The only thing I haven't done is roll back the firmware (currently 7.4.2 I believe). I'm still experiencing the same problems and am at my wits end. I've spent hours now trying to fix it and need to do other things like shop for groceries and vacuum! So, I'm posting, in hopes someone might be able to point me in a more productive direction.
    Is it possible the Base Station hardware is failing? What are the signs and symptoms? I hate to spend another $179 and still have the same problems.
    Thank you.
    Most kindly,

    Dear Bluenova - ( +or other interested readers+ )
    I know that this reply is two months since this topic was initially posted.
    This is a longstanding Airport Extreme ( AEBS ) problem that's been noted since 2006-2007.
    It has been an ongoing issue for me -AND- I continue to experience it even after recently upgrading my AEBS.
    I finally called AppleCare in mid-Sept. and opened a formal problem case report.
    As of today (Oct 15, 2010) I still have an open & unresolved case with AppleCare.
    The problem has been escalated twice -and- is now referred to Engineering Dept for research & resolution.
    I was curious what steps or actions you have taken -and/or- if you still experience the problem.
    _Readers Please Note_
    Many users have posted messages regarding problems with Airport Extreme *+DROPPING CONNECTIONS+* .
    However, with careful reading, it becomes obvious that many forum posters are not sufficiently clear
    -and- often confuse or do NOT make the distinction between ..... DIFFERENT TYPES OF CONNECTION PROBLEMS.
    . ( wifi/network connection probs - vs - internet connection probs )
    Topic : *+Having issues with your AirPort connection? Please be specific+*
    If you suspect that you are having the *dropped internet connection* type problem,
    Set Airport in Menubar to *"SHOW TIME CONNECTED"*
    . *- +and also+ -*
    Open Airport Utility --> AIRPORT --> SUMMARY window
    .... and leave it visible somewhere on your screen while you web browse.
    Now, once the internet connection drops or is lost ...
    ... in the Airport Utility Summary window - you will see the loss of the assigned IP Address
    . *- and -*
    .... in the Menubar - the time connected will reset to 00:00:00
    If you have a new or ongoing problem that relates specifically to ....
    .... Airport Extreme – dropping or losing *Internet Connections* ... ( +not wifi connection type probs+ )
    .... please let me know.
    I would like to be able to correspond directly with others via email to share info
    (such as what modems, ISP's, time of day or conditions with which this problem has been found to occur)
    I will then be glad to pass that info on to AppleCare in trying to find a cause (and solution) for this problem.
    If this issue was treated collectively maybe AppleCare would address it with more resolve & urgency.
    I'll check back with this thread for replies from other interested users.

  • IPad Air after upgrade to ios 8 continue to drop WiFi connection

    On September 19, I upgrade my ipad air to ios 8, and it had been dropping Wifi connection ever since.  I was browsing using Chrome and next thing the browser hang up; then error message informed me to no network connection.  By the way, my network was strong (5 bars), because I was streaming to my Roku in HD without any issues.  At the same time, my Airplay do not want to stream the content in full screen either. It only mirror what have see on my ipad, not allow me to go full screen on TV.  I hoped Apple will step up and correct this issue as soon as possible; I miss the good old day of reliable upgrade from Apple.

    Yes, and hopeful 8.1.1 will help.  It's supposedly in beta testing.
    http://arstechnica.com/apple/2014/11/ios-8-1-1-said-to-address-iphone-4s-and-ipa d-2-performance-problems/

  • My mac mini keeps dropping wifi connectivity

    Hi Folks,
          My new Mini keeps dropping wifi connectivity so I lose the connection to Apple TV and even just browsing on Safari seems painful hoping a page will load before losing connectivity. I reset my router, restart the mini and it intermittently keeps happening. Has anyone come up with a workable solution?

    Hi Leo, this has worked for a few...
    Though all of these steps may or may not be needed, I'm including them all.
    Make a New Location, Using network locations in Mac OS X ...
    10.5, 10.6, 10.7 & 10.8…
    System Preferences>Network, top of window>Locations>Edit Locations, little plus icon, give it a name.
    10.5.x/10.6.x/10.7.x/10.8.x instructions...
    System Preferences>Network, click on the little gear at the bottom next to the + & - icons, (unlock lock first if locked), choose Set Service Order.
    The interface that connects to the Internet should be dragged to the top of the list.
    If using Wifi/Airport...
    Instead of joining your Network from the list, click the WiFi icon at the top, and click join other network. Fill in everything as needed.
    For 10.5/10.6/10.7/10.8, System Preferences>Network, unlock the lock if need be, highlight the Interface you use to connect to Internet, click on the advanced button, click on the DNS tab, click on the little plus icon, then add these numbers...
    (There may be better or faster DNS numbers in your area, but these should be a good test).
    Click OK.

  • Windows 8.1 Lock Screen drops network connectivity when screen locked using Win+L

    I was sent here from Microsoft Community forum. The question is:
    Since Windows NT 4.0 I'm using Lock Screen to prevent people from accessing my computer when I'm leaving my room. First I was using CTRL+ALT+DEL / Lock Screen, then switched to Win+L keyboard shortcut when it was first introduced.
    Everything was fine until I switched to Windows 8.1 computer (Sony Vaio Duo 13 with Broadcom wireless network controller). This machine is 8.1, not 8.0 upgraded to 8.1.
    My problem is that when I hit Win+L combo the Lock Screen (with clock etc.) is displayed. Then, despite I have configured not to turn off display, the screen goes blank (after 30 seconds since lock) and network connectivity is cut off from desktop
    apps (I suspect the system goes into Active Standby mode, because Modern UI apps like Tune-In radio keep working fine).
    100% repeatable scenarios:
    ## Scenario 1 ##
    1) Log in
    2) Open desktop app that uses network connectivity. Outlook 2013 from Office365 subscription
    3) Check that it has connected
    4) Lock screen (Win+L)
    5) Wait for 30 seconds (first incorrectly posted as few minutes) as screen goes black
    6) Unlock screen (using password)
    7) In right corner of Outlook app you will see "Unable to connect with Exchange server" and few seconds later it will reconnect sucessfuly
    ## Scenario 2 - the more annoying ##
    1) Log in to Win 8.1 computer
    2) Connect to it using SMB (in my case I wanted to transfer 30 GB of files from local hard drive C: to server) \\COMPUTER-NAME\c$ from Windows Server 2012 R2
    3) Start copying files from computer to server
    4) Lock the screen on computer
    5) As soon as screen goes black server displays message "Lost connection to the resource. Try again?"
    6) Unlock screen on the computer
    7) Click "Try again" and it will continue copying files
    My power settings are set to go into stand by after 5 hours and if I not lock the screen it doesn't go to sleep before 5 hours.
    When I lock the screen using Win+L it goes into (probably Active) Standby mode.
    Is there any way to prevent it from going to Active Standby when locking screen? I need the screen lock for security reasons but I don't want it to drop my network connectivity on remote desktops, file transfers and other desktop activities before 5 hour
    This issue is not related to more or less known wireless network connectivity problem that happens to many Intel Haswell computers. Mine doesn't exhibit those problems. I can easly push 100 - 200 GB of wireless data without network drops.
    Computer information:
    Sony Vaio Duo 13: SVD1322C5E
    Intel Core i5-4200U
    8 GB RAM
    Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit
    Broadcom 802.11n SDIO network adapter
    Originally posted at: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows8_1-networking/windows-81-lock-screen-drops-network-connectivity/099f16bd-b00d-4ba9-b833-48bf1d55ffe4
    Best regards,

    Same issue here using Surface 3 Pro with either internal WLAN or MS USB LAN Adapter. I'm frequently used to keep open connections over SSH to some servers. On switching to lock screen explicitly by pressing Win+L or implicitly due to idle timeout all
    connections to servers are lost. In addition, I don't get any notifications on incoming Skype messages (using Skype for desktop) when lock screen is active.
    Neither NIC is showing "Power Management Tab" according to step 5 of instructions above.
    Additionally observing USB LAN NIC seems to be kept active after activating lock screen, but traffic stops (according to its flashing light) when lock screen is switching off display. Blanking display doesn't seem to be adjustable in System Settings (Energy
    Options accessed through Win+X).
    Find attached log file of powercfg -energy -duration 300 ...
    Log file is in German. It basically claims unset timeouts for deactivating display while running attached to power supply though lock screen is turning off displays within 1-2 minutes.
    353 Sekunden
    Microsoft Corporation
    Surface Pro 3
    Energierichtlinie:Verdunkelungszeitlimit ist deaktiviert (Netzbetrieb)
    Der Bildschirm ist nicht so konfiguriert, dass er nach einer Zeit der Inaktivität verdunkelt wird.
    Energierichtlinie:Standbyzeitlimit ist deaktiviert (Netzbetrieb)
    Der Computer ist nicht so konfiguriert, dass nach einer Zeit der Inaktivität automatisch der Wechsel in den Standbymodus erfolgt.
    CPU-Auslastung:Prozessorauslastung ist hoch
    Die durchschnittliche Prozessorauslastung während der Ablaufverfolgung war sehr hoch. Das System verbraucht weniger Energie, wenn die durchschnittliche Prozessorauslastung sehr niedrig ist. Überprüfen Sie die Prozessorauslastung für einzelne Prozesse,
    um festzustellen, welche Anwendungen und Dienste den größten Anteil an der Gesamtprozessorauslastung haben.
    Durchschnittliche Auslastung (%)
    Die standardmäßige Plattform-Zeitgeberauflösung beträgt 15,6 ms (15625000 ns) und sollte immer dann verwendet werden, wenn sich das System im Leerlauf befindet. Wenn die Zeitgeberauflösung erhöht wird, sind die Technologien zur Prozessorenergieverwaltung
    möglicherweise nicht wirksam. Die erhöhte Zeitgeberauflösung kann auf eine Multimediawiedergabe oder Grafikanimationen zurückzuführen sein.
    Aktuelle Zeitgeberauflösung (100-ns-Einheiten)
    Maximale Zeitgeberperiode (100-ns-Einheiten)
    Plattform-Zeitgeberauflösung:Ausstehende Zeitgeberanforderung
    Von einem Programm oder Dienst wurde eine Zeitgeberauflösung angefordert, die kleiner als die maximale Zeitgeberauflösung der Plattform ist.
    Angeforderter Zeitraum
    ID des anfordernden Prozesses
    Pfad des anfordernden Prozesses
    \Device\HarddiskVolume4\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Creative Cloud\ACC\Creative Cloud.exe
    Energierichtlinie:Bildschirmzeitlimit ist lang (Netzbetrieb)
    Der Bildschirm ist so konfiguriert, dass er nach mehr als 10 Minuten Inaktivität ausgeschaltet wird.
    Zeitlimit (Sekunden)
    USB-Standbymodus:Vom USB-Gerät wird nur selten in den Modus für selektives Energiesparen gewechselt.
    Von diesem Gerät wurde während der Ablaufverfolgung nur unregelmäßig in den Modus für selektives Energiesparen gewechselt. Die Prozessorenergieverwaltung ist möglicherweise nicht möglich, wenn sich dieses USB-Gerät nicht im Modus für selektives Energiesparen
    befindet. Dieses Problem verhindert jedoch nicht den Wechsel des Systems in den Standbymodus.
    PCI bus 0, device 20, function 0
    Standbydauer (%)
    USB-Standbymodus:Vom USB-Gerät wird nur selten in den Modus für selektives Energiesparen gewechselt.
    Von diesem Gerät wurde während der Ablaufverfolgung nur unregelmäßig in den Modus für selektives Energiesparen gewechselt. Die Prozessorenergieverwaltung ist möglicherweise nicht möglich, wenn sich dieses USB-Gerät nicht im Modus für selektives Energiesparen
    befindet. Dieses Problem verhindert jedoch nicht den Wechsel des Systems in den Standbymodus.
    Surface Ethernet Adapter
    PCI bus 0, device 20, function 0
    Standbydauer (%)
    USB-Standbymodus:Vom USB-Gerät wird nur selten in den Modus für selektives Energiesparen gewechselt.
    Von diesem Gerät wurde während der Ablaufverfolgung nur unregelmäßig in den Modus für selektives Energiesparen gewechselt. Die Prozessorenergieverwaltung ist möglicherweise nicht möglich, wenn sich dieses USB-Gerät nicht im Modus für selektives Energiesparen
    befindet. Dieses Problem verhindert jedoch nicht den Wechsel des Systems in den Standbymodus.
    Generischer USB-Hub
    PCI bus 0, device 20, function 0
    Standbydauer (%)
    USB-Standbymodus:Vom USB-Gerät wird nur selten in den Modus für selektives Energiesparen gewechselt.
    Von diesem Gerät wurde während der Ablaufverfolgung nur unregelmäßig in den Modus für selektives Energiesparen gewechselt. Die Prozessorenergieverwaltung ist möglicherweise nicht möglich, wenn sich dieses USB-Gerät nicht im Modus für selektives Energiesparen
    befindet. Dieses Problem verhindert jedoch nicht den Wechsel des Systems in den Standbymodus.
    PCI bus 0, device 20, function 0
    Standbydauer (%)
    CPU-Auslastung:Einzelner Prozess mit erheblicher Prozessorauslastung
    Auf diesen Prozess ist ein erheblicher Anteil der Gesamtprozessorauslastung zurückzuführen, die während der Ablaufverfolgung aufgezeichnet wurde.
    Durchschnittliche Auslastung (%)
    Durchschnittliche Modulauslastung (%)
    \Device\HarddiskVolume4\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\xul.dll
    \Device\HarddiskVolume4\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\mozjs.dll
    CPU-Auslastung:Einzelner Prozess mit erheblicher Prozessorauslastung
    Auf diesen Prozess ist ein erheblicher Anteil der Gesamtprozessorauslastung zurückzuführen, die während der Ablaufverfolgung aufgezeichnet wurde.
    Durchschnittliche Auslastung (%)
    Durchschnittliche Modulauslastung (%)
    CPU-Auslastung:Einzelner Prozess mit erheblicher Prozessorauslastung
    Auf diesen Prozess ist ein erheblicher Anteil der Gesamtprozessorauslastung zurückzuführen, die während der Ablaufverfolgung aufgezeichnet wurde.
    Durchschnittliche Auslastung (%)
    Durchschnittliche Modulauslastung (%)
    CPU-Auslastung:Einzelner Prozess mit erheblicher Prozessorauslastung
    Auf diesen Prozess ist ein erheblicher Anteil der Gesamtprozessorauslastung zurückzuführen, die während der Ablaufverfolgung aufgezeichnet wurde.
    Durchschnittliche Auslastung (%)
    Durchschnittliche Modulauslastung (%)
    \Device\HarddiskVolume4\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe
    CPU-Auslastung:Einzelner Prozess mit erheblicher Prozessorauslastung
    Auf diesen Prozess ist ein erheblicher Anteil der Gesamtprozessorauslastung zurückzuführen, die während der Ablaufverfolgung aufgezeichnet wurde.
    Durchschnittliche Auslastung (%)
    Durchschnittliche Modulauslastung (%)
    Der Stapel mit den Modulen, die für die niedrigste Plattform-Zeitgebereinstellung in diesem Prozess verantwortlich sind.
    Angeforderter Zeitraum
    ID des anfordernden Prozesses
    Pfad des anfordernden Prozesses
    \Device\HarddiskVolume4\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Creative Cloud\ACC\Creative Cloud.exe
    Aufrufender Modulstapel
    \Device\HarddiskVolume4\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Creative Cloud\CEF\libcef.dll
    Energierichtlinie:Aktiver Energieplan
    Der derzeit verwendete Energieplan.
    Ausbalanciert (OEM)
    Energierichtlinie:Energieplancharakter (Akkubetrieb)
    Der Charakter des aktuellen Energieplans, wenn das System im Akkubetrieb ausgeführt wird.
    Energierichtlinie:Videoqualität (Akkubetrieb)
    Ermöglicht Windows Media Player, bei der Videowiedergabe die Qualität und die Energieeinsparung zu optimieren.
    Videoqualität und Energieeinsparung ausbalancieren
    Energierichtlinie:Energieplancharakter (Netzbetrieb)
    Der Charakter des aktuellen Energieplans, wenn das System im Netzbetrieb ausgeführt wird.
    Energierichtlinie:802.11-Energierichtlinie für Drahtlosverbindungen ist "Maximale Leistung" (Netzbetrieb)
    Die aktuelle Energierichtlinie für 802.11-kompatible Drahtlosnetzwerkadapter ist nicht für die Verwendung von Energiesparmodi konfiguriert.
    Energierichtlinie:Videoqualität (Netzbetrieb)
    Ermöglicht Windows Media Player, bei der Videowiedergabe die Qualität und die Energieeinsparung zu optimieren.
    Für hohe Videoqualität optimieren
    Systemverfügbarkeitsanforderungen:Erfolgreiche Analyse
    Die Analyse war erfolgreich. Es wurden keine Energieeffizienzprobleme festgestellt und keine Informationen zurückgegeben.
    Vorgesehene Akkukapazität
    Letzte vollständige Aufladung
    Funktionen der Plattformenergieverwaltung:Unterstützte Standbystatus
    Mithilfe von Standbystatus kann der Computer nach einer Zeit der Inaktivität in einen Energiesparmodus wechseln. Der S3-Standbystatus ist der standardmäßige Standbystatus für Windows-Plattformen. Im S3-Standbystatus verbraucht der Computer nur die Energie,
    die notwendig ist, um den Arbeitsspeicherinhalt zu bewahren und die Arbeit mit dem Computer schnell fortsetzen zu können. Sehr wenige Plattformen unterstützen den S1- oder S2-Standbystatus.
    S1-Standbymodus unterstützt
    S2-Standbymodus unterstützt
    S3-Standbymodus unterstützt
    S4-Standbymodus unterstützt
    Funktionen der Plattformenergieverwaltung:Unterstützung von Verbindungsstandby
    Mit dem Verbindungsstandby kann der Computer in einen Stromsparmodus wechseln, in dem er immer eingeschaltet und verbunden ist. Der Verbindungsstandby wird soweit unterstützt anstelle der Systemstandbystatus verwendet.
    Verbindungsstandby unterstützt
    Funktionen der Plattformenergieverwaltung:Die adaptive Bildschirmhelligkeit wird unterstützt.
    Dieser Computer ermöglicht die automatische Helligkeitsregelung der integrierten Anzeige durch Windows.
    Funktionen der Plattformenergieverwaltung:Funktionen zur Prozessorenergieverwaltung
    Mithilfe einer effektiven Prozessorenergieverwaltung kann der Computer Leistung und Energieverbrauch automatisch ausbalancieren.
    Leerlaufstatus - Anzahl
    Nennfrequenz (MHz)
    Prozentuale maximale Leistung
    Prozentuale niedrigste Leistung
    Prozentuale niedrigste Drosselung
    ACPI-Leistungszustände (P)/ACPI-Drosselungszustände (T)
    Funktionen der Plattformenergieverwaltung:Funktionen zur Prozessorenergieverwaltung
    Mithilfe einer effektiven Prozessorenergieverwaltung kann der Computer Leistung und Energieverbrauch automatisch ausbalancieren.
    Leerlaufstatus - Anzahl
    Nennfrequenz (MHz)
    Prozentuale maximale Leistung
    Prozentuale niedrigste Leistung
    Prozentuale niedrigste Drosselung
    ACPI-Leistungszustände (P)/ACPI-Drosselungszustände (T)
    Funktionen der Plattformenergieverwaltung:Funktionen zur Prozessorenergieverwaltung
    Mithilfe einer effektiven Prozessorenergieverwaltung kann der Computer Leistung und Energieverbrauch automatisch ausbalancieren.
    Leerlaufstatus - Anzahl
    Nennfrequenz (MHz)
    Prozentuale maximale Leistung
    Prozentuale niedrigste Leistung
    Prozentuale niedrigste Drosselung
    ACPI-Leistungszustände (P)/ACPI-Drosselungszustände (T)
    Funktionen der Plattformenergieverwaltung:Funktionen zur Prozessorenergieverwaltung
    Mithilfe einer effektiven Prozessorenergieverwaltung kann der Computer Leistung und Energieverbrauch automatisch ausbalancieren.
    Leerlaufstatus - Anzahl
    Nennfrequenz (MHz)
    Prozentuale maximale Leistung
    Prozentuale niedrigste Leistung
    Prozentuale niedrigste Drosselung
    ACPI-Leistungszustände (P)/ACPI-Drosselungszustände (T)
    Gerätetreiber:Erfolgreiche Analyse
    Die Analyse war erfolgreich. Es wurden keine Energieeffizienzprobleme festgestellt und keine Informationen zurückgegeben.

  • Magic mouse connection lost

    I have tried several suggested fixes for losing magic mouse connection.  I still lose connection.  Why is this happening and how can I fix it once and for all?

    LOL@ Mike!    You are correct.
    SMC=system management controller reset like this:
    PRAM=parameter random access memory reset like this:

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    When I try to connect the Air with my iPhone to create an Hotspot, it drops the connection and gives an error message in the iPhone saying that the device (MacBook Air) is not supported. What can i do about it?

    The problem has been fixed with the most recent OS X software update.

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    I never had this issue with OS 2.x and only started with the OS 3.x upgrade.
    I don't have the option to hardwire the ATV.

    Since I went to 5ghz wireless N on Apple Extreme device none of my 4 ATVs have lost connection. That was 18 months ago. Before then I too experienced frequent and frustrating loss of signal problems. I picked up a used Apple Extreme on Amazon for about $100 and set it up in the basement, near the center of the house. It communicates well through 2 floors and multiple walls.

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