[OT]Google e Iframes?

Sabeis si hay alguna manera para decirle a los bots de google
que la pagina
actual (o sea el IFRAME) debe ser indexada a partir de la
ventana "padre"?
imagino que no, pero por preguntar...
Gracias y saludos,

bueno, que le vamos a hacer
"Julio B." <[email protected]> escribi�
en el mensaje
news:e9oe79$njh$[email protected]..
> Que yo sepa no.
> Saludos,
> Julio Barroso
> "xus" <[email protected]> escribi� en el
> news:e9oc2f$kmr$[email protected]..
> | Buenas,
> |
> | Sabeis si hay alguna manera para decirle a los bots de
google que la
> pagina
> | actual (o sea el IFRAME) debe ser indexada a partir de
la ventana
> "padre"?
> | imagino que no, pero por preguntar...
> |
> | Gracias y saludos,
> |
> | Jes�s
> |
> |

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    I have created a popup window that displays a Google Map after a button is clicked. The map works fine if the popup window =display:block. But as soon as you give the popup window display:none and use jquery to display the window them map doesn't load correctly.
    Any help would be great.
    See jsfiddle for code.
    This is what the map should look like after the "Venue" button is clicked using jquery fadeIn.

    I'm getting a decompression error when downloading your site.
    you might try...
    var container = sym.$("container");
    var map = '<iframe width="'+container.width()+'" height="'+container.height()+'"   frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=7120+Boul       +St+Laurent,+Montreal,+QC,+Canada&aq=0&oq=7120+boul+st&sll=45.534114,   -    73.617124&sspn=0.006907,0.016512&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=7120+Boulevard+Sai   n   t-Laurent,+Montr%C3%A9al,+Communaut%C3%A9-Urbaine-de-Montr%C3%A9al,+Q u    %C3%A9bec+H2S,+Canada&t=m&z=14&ll=45.534114,-73.617124&output=embed"></iframe>';

  • Google Calender iFrame help

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    It pulls data based on your own settings, information from this calendar will not display if embedded on your website. So if you are already logged in to your gmail account and preview the Muse page in the same browser, it will display the content, or it will ask you to login. Another option is to make your calendar Public and then paste the iframe code again, it should than work without login. Please have a look to the screenshot below.
    Then Check the box,
    You can make follow the steps given here to make your google calendar Public
    Please let me know if you have any other query.

  • Iframe for a google spreadsheet does not display

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    This used to all work seemlessly and I don't know when or how this has failed .. maybe a month ago? This is tested on multiple PCs BTW. I have tried safe mode (no plugins) too.
    Here's a link ..
    it should have two video iframes and then a google form iframe below.

    Works fine here on Linux.
    You can try basic steps like these in case of issues with web pages:
    Reload web page(s) and bypass the cache to refresh possibly outdated or corrupted files.
    *Hold down the Shift key and left-click the Reload button
    *Press "Ctrl + F5" or press "Ctrl + Shift + R" (Windows,Linux)
    *Press "Command + Shift + R" (Mac)
    Clear the cache and the cookies from websites that cause problems.
    "Clear the Cache":
    *Firefox/Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Cached Web Content: "Clear Now"
    "Remove Cookies" from sites causing problems:
    *Firefox/Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Firefox uses the about: protocol to access built-in about: pages that you can open via the location bar just like you open web pages.
    *Do NOT click the Reset button on the Safe Mode start window or otherwise make changes.

  • Google Calendar doesn't show

    Please Help! I have inserted a Google Calendar(iframe html code) into one of my iweb pages but it doesn't show in Safari. I get an error in the Activity window that says "too many http redirects" if I refresh Safari a few times it works although it works fine in Firefox. Is there something wrong with the Calendar html code? Is it my webhost? or possibly Safari?
      Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Ah-ha! I figured it out. When you are generating the Html code for your Google Calendar (located under Calendar Settings/Calendar Address/Configuration Tool) do not put too many spaces between the letters and words in the "Calendar Title" as I did C A L E N D A R - O F - E V E N T S.
    It made the url to my Calendar look like this:
    http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=mygooleid%60gmail.com&title=C%20A%20L%2 0E%20N%20D%20A%20R%20%20%20-O%20F-%20%20%20E%20V%20E%20N%20T%20S
    Notice the %20 before each letter in my url causing to many http redirects.
    So I just changed the Title to something like EVENT.
    The url looks like this now: http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=mygoogleid%60gmail.com&title=EVENT
    I added the newly generated html code and it works like a gem.
    I hope this is helpful to anyone else who might be having the same problem.

  • Embed google calendar html display problem

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    my calendar should look very similiar to this  example i found on the support forum..
    if i insert the code into the html object many times and publish  the page,  occasionally I get the  correct display,
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    this seems to be some bug.   I am using the beta program, but see no indication that I am using the new cloud version, although I am a cloud subscription subscriber.   I have adobe muse 4.1.    all my software is installed from my cloud license. 
    I'm trying to go live with this site in a few days, and I need to solve this problem. 
    thank you. 

    I ran the w3 html validator on the google calendar code and it complained about the "border" 
    and the "no scrolling"  attributes, so I removed them since both were empty or set to "0"
    here is the google calendar "iframe" code from the google calendar:
    <iframe src="https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?title=Far%20and%20Away%20Farm%20&showTitle=0&mode=WE EK&height=800&
    wkst=2&amp;bgcolor=%23FFFFFF&amp;src=n1cmk9a9dcv5vfp6m1dcq2iuq4%40group.calendar.google.co m&amp;
    src=p%23weather%40group.v.calendar.google.com&amp;color=%238D6F47&amp;ctz=America%2FNew_Yo rk" style=" border-width:0 " width="960" height="800" ></iframe>
    i appreciate any suggestions or help. 

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    The code that fails looks like this: <iframe src="http://google.com"></iframe>
    - Emil

    I solved the problem my self. The problem is that the prototype library is used like this:
    Event.observe(window, 'load', function(){ initialize(); });
    And this event apparently fires when the iframe loads. So moving the initialize function to the bottom of the page, and running it manually solved the problem of the initialize not firering.
    But the src is still not showing as it shoud. Im working on solving it.

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    I imagine I'm looking for a script, that links it to google, since of course the calendar
    needs to function. Ideally, one that can be printed, and shown by Week, Month or Agenda
    as this one does now.
    Many thanks,

    Here you find instructions to set up an Google calendar iFrame, which you can copy and paste into Muse:
    Embed calendars on your website - Calendar Help

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    Iframes should be in there, but they only show up when you're in code view. But all it does anyways is place the frame tags where your cursor is. You'll also need to add some properties, such as width and what not. A quick google for iframe properties will provide plenty of examples. Like a regular frame, it displays a separate a html page which must be referenced in the properties. A named anchor as we know is part of the link which can be used onnthe same page, or open another page to a certain location. So it's just a matter of formatting the link  so it targets and includes the iframe as well as the other attributes. I'm pretty sure it's doable and not too difficult, but again, a quick google shold provide the answer.

  • Embedding HTML page into Flex using Adobe AIR

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    Siva Kumar

    looks like your equipmentArray is empty. Put a breakpoint inside that method to see if there is any data.

  • Inserting Multipage PDF for view only-

    I want to insert a three page PDF for view only.  I do not want this to open in a new window, I do not want this to download, I just want visitors to view the entire three pages vertically, or scrollable.
    When I insert the PDF I only get the first page.  I haven't had any luck with the google docs iframe HTML stuff (but I am admittedly very bad at that and could be missing something).
    I am not experienced, so please be clear and patient.

    Another simple way would be to split the 3 page pdf into 3 one page pdf files.  Then drag each pdf file onto the iWeb page, resize and postition as required.  They get converted into image files.  Not elegant but will do what you want.  You can even add a frame of some kind around them if desired like this one page PDF example: Add PDF

  • Graduate student data collection - please consider answering a few question

    I would like to solicit your participation to complete a short 8-12 minute questionnaire.   The scope of my research is behavioral factors that influence individual performance in an ERP environment.  The questionnaire is confidential and anonymous. The criterions for participation are that your work entails the use of an ERP system and in your job role entails parts of the Pay a Vendor Invoiceu201D task.   Please feel free to share this email with your colleagues and friends who may meet the requirements to complete the survey.
    Please cut and paste the link into your internet browser to take the survey.   https://waltonuark.qualtrics.com/SE?SID=SV_1ZzyrSpyOeJSq1u&SVID=Prod
    Thank you for your time!
    Mary Dunaway
    University of Arkansas - Fayetteville
    Ph.D. Student - ISYS - WCOB 209
    479.575.4874(p) 972.839.4438(c) 479.575.3484(f)
    Edited by: Molly Jensen on Nov 24, 2009 4:57 PM

    If you want your Flex application to display complex HTML it
    is best to use the IFrame solution. Just google "Flex

  • A Question About a Feature

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    couldnt use Flash for our project.
    Now can u plz tell me
    * Is it possible in Flex to put dynamically fetched text ,
    then small image(for equations) then again text in a single line in
    a text field ?
    * Does Flex support unicode so that we can dynamically fetch
    unicode text from database and show it in a text field ?
    if Flex supports both of the above 2 options - we will
    consider buying Flex for building our e-learning system. Please plz
    its important for us to know if flash supports those 2 things or
    not. Thank you in advance for your reply . I will wait for the

    If you want your Flex application to display complex HTML it
    is best to use the IFrame solution. Just google "Flex

  • Adobe Muse:参考サイト: Adobe Muse をはじめる.パート1-7

    Muse ワークスペースの探索
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    サイトのパブリッシュまたは書き出しのときの、Muse による画像最適化方法の理解
    Web 表示用の画像の最適化
    ブラウザーウィンドウの幅全体にまたがる 100% 幅の長方形エレメントの作成
    Web ページへのアコーディオンウィジェットの追加
    Web フォント、Web セーフフォント、システムフォントの理解
    Web フォントの追加と適用
    Photoshop ファイルをロールオーバーボタンとして配置
    Adobe Muse コンタクトフォーム機能の理解
    HTML の埋め込み
    埋め込み HTML Twitter フィードの追加による最新投稿の表示
    埋め込み HTML を使用した Web ページへの Google マップの挿入
    埋め込み HTML による、他サイトのページ表示のための、サイトへの iframe の追加
    既存のマスターページの複製と、Muse サイトのページへの複製の適用
    Adobe がホストしているサーバーへの仮サイトのパブリッシュ
    Adobe がホストしているサーバーへの Muse サイトのパブリッシュ
    デバイス指向の Web サイトの作成
    HTML の書き出し

    podrías decirme como hiciste para cambiar el idioma de la aplicación?
    Yo lo he mirado en preferencias pero el apartado donde pone español esta más tenue y no deja cambiarlo.
    Muchas gracias,

  • Linking DVI Tags

    I have a left nav bar (div tag called .menu) and want my menu
    items to link and display in the main content area (div tag named
    .content), just to the right. How do I set the target to that
    "content" area?

    djmahen wrote:
    > I have a left nav bar (div tag called .menu) and want my
    menu items to link and
    > display in the main content area (div tag named
    .content), just to the right.
    > How do I set the target to that "content" area?
    You must use an iframe, which can be inserted into the
    .content <div>.
    Google for iframe.

Maybe you are looking for