[OT]links de  books & tutoriales

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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Ya que el amiguete Juan se anima a pasar links.. veamos que
os parecen =
(book..registro gratuito.... ilustraciones =
(el link lo dice todo.. clasificado por =
softwrare :))
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<META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; =
<META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.6000.16608"
<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Ya que el
amiguete Juan se anima a =
pasar links..=20
veamos que os parecen estos:</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial
size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><A=20
gratuito.... ilustraciones
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial
size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial
size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><A=20
/A> (el=20
link lo dice todo.. clasificado por softwrare
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial
size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><BR>--

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Ya que el amiguete Juan se anima a pasar links.. veamos que
os parecen =
(book..registro gratuito.... ilustraciones =
(el link lo dice todo.. clasificado por =
softwrare :))
Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
<META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; =
<META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.6000.16608"
<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Ya que el
amiguete Juan se anima a =
pasar links..=20
veamos que os parecen estos:</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial
size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><A=20
gratuito.... ilustraciones
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial
size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial
size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><A=20
/A> (el=20
link lo dice todo.. clasificado por softwrare
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial
size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><BR>--

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    Fair question
    And, to be even more fair, I have to tell you that I get that every single day. And it's getting worse (or better, depending on how you look at it).
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    I thought that moving my project location to a shorter path had solved my Cross references issue, but it hasn't. Here is a page from the Help:
    These are all the same Heading style in FM
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    <li><p class="FM_Bulleted"><span class="FM_Emphasis">Graphical Circuit
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    This is an interesting suggestion, but I'm not sure how it would work. I've tried outputting one PDF from this combo-indb file and then extracting the pages out into separate PDFs, but the links are lost. I've also tried selecting just the files from each of the actual books within the combo-indb and exporting PDFs for each one, but in that case it assumes it's looking for an anchor within the same PDF. Did you have another approach in mind?

  • RoboHelp 10 can't update linked FrameMaker book

    TCS 4
    Linked FrameMaker book
    HTML Help output
    When I open a previously working project and go to update the FrameMaker files, the Update and Update All options are greyed out.
    A possible culprit is that Windows Update ran automatically while the project was open, and then restarted the machine.
    If I Force Update All, RH launches an instance of FM, which doesn't open anything and remains on its startup screen. If FM is already running with the book + .fm files open, another instance of FM starts w/o loading any files. RH then hangs, going into a "Not responding" state in Task Manager.
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    This issue was resolved.
    It seems to have been a registry corruption on my machine due to a Windows Update restart that occurred when the Help project and FrameMaker project were open.
    The main symptom was that RoboHelp could no longer update the project from the FrameMaker files and was spawning a new instance of FM with each retry, even if FM was already open.
    I tried lots of things: opened a new project, restored a backup copy of project, attempted an export of project etc., etc. (see above).
    The solution was to:
    - revert to a "known good" restore point in Windows (before the auto-update)
    - deactivate and uninstall TCS 4
    - run Windows Update
    - re-install TCS 4
    - turn automatic Windows Updates OFF
    Everything in FrameMaker and RoboHelp generates properly now.

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    Thanks in advance.

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    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Sandy,
    I don't know of any book that will teach you how to build a report manually. I used to teach this 'manual build' as an additional section to the course. However, it is going to be very lengthly when written in words. It is far easier to demonstrate this visually, but here goes.....
    When I said 'to build reports manually' - I am referring to the report layout specifically. Once you understand how it is put together, you will be able to build it manually. So, the best way to learn to build a report manually is to reverse engineer and pull one report apart.
    Use the wizard to build a tabular report on the emp table from the Scott/tiger schema: e.g. Select ename, job, sal from emp. As a Tabular report has the simplest layout, it is also the easiest to learn. You can progress to a group or matrix report at a later time.
    Once you have a completed Tabular report, go the layout model. This is where you need to pull the report apart. What I mean is:
    (1) Enlarge and move the most outer Frame.
    (2) Enlarge and move the 'Repeating' frame which hold the data objects.
    (3) Enlarge and move the frame which hold the headings.
    The concept to remember is that all the data objects (ename, job, sal) are residing within a repeating frame (Please note that there is a down arrow at the left hand corner of the frame) - this means that every row returned by the query will use this repeating frame once. So if 14 rows are returned, you will see 14 instances of the obects in the repeating frame.
    The headings (Ename, Job and Sal are just Boiler plate text) also reside in a frame (note that it is not a repeating frame).
    Both of these 2 frames reside on another outer frame - you may call it the mother of all frames and this is the most outer frame. Now, back to doing some work....
    To do point 1....
    Select one of the objects - eg sal. Then click on the 'Select Parent Frame' icon tool several times so that the focus is on the most outer parent frame. Drag to enlarge the frame so that there is plenty of space to move object around. If you cannot drag to enlarge, you have not got to the most outer parent frame. If you are successful, you can begin to do other things.
    To do point 2...
    Select one of the data objects - eg sal data object. Then click on the 'Select Parent Frame' icon tool ONCE only so that the focus is on the repeating frame. Drag to enlarge the frame so that there is plenty of space to move object around. If you cannot drag to enlarge, you have not got to the repeating frame. If you are successful, you should be able to move the data objects (ename, job, Sal) around.
    This is the most important frame as it contains the data objects and it directly relates to your SQL columns.
    Also note that they are several symbols on the data objects and the frames - a diamond symbol, 2 dashes - these relate to the vertical or horizontal elasticity of the objects.
    For the repeating frame, the vertical elasticity (2 dashes synbol) is 'Expand'.
    For the most outer frame, the vertical elasticity (diamond symbol) is 'Variable' - ie it can expand and contract. If there is no symbol, the elasticity is 'Fixed'.
    To do point 3...
    This is the same as point 2 except that the objects are just boiler plate text and they have lesser implications should you make a mistake. Select the heading objects and remove the FILL colour - ie. background colour.
    Once you have expanded all these objects and frames, examine the property values. In particular, look at the source of the repeating frame - eg. G-ename.
    Look at the source of the data objects - they relate directly to the SQL columns selected.
    The above should give you a good background information on how a tabular report is being constructed. Run the report - it should still work.
    To prove that you can build it manually, create a additonal mother frame and its associated objects below the original mother frame, use the following as a guide:
    (A) Create the Mother frame (the most outer frame) - fix up the properties. Use the Frame Icon on the Tools palette.
    (B) Create the headings frame within the Mother frame.
    (C) Create the headings - Use the Text (large T) Icon on the palette.
    (D) Create the repeating frame within the mother frame - Use the repeating frame (frame icon with a down arrow) icon on the palette. Note - the source property needs to be filled in.. The Vertical Elasticity property needs to be taken care of.
    (E) Create the data objects - Use the Field (abc) Icon. Note - the source property needs to be filled in.
    Check and match the properties with the original objects if need to.
    If you are successful, progress to a group above report (this will have an additonal repeating frame - for the group field). A matrix report (especially a Group Matrix) will be the hardest - do not attempt at this stage.
    Hope the above is of some help rather than a hindrance.
    Best of luck and Regards,

  • Can I link mac book air and 2013 iMac 26"

    Can I link mac book air and 2013 iMac 26"

    Hello, Jdw@cave1.
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities. 
    I believe you are asking about about Target Display Mode.  Here is some information regarding this feature. 
    Target Display Mode: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
    Jason H. 

  • Can I link address book and numbers?

    I want to add addresses in Numbers, and thought to myself that it would be very handy if I could just link them to my address book. Even more perfect; if/when an address changes, the entry in Numbers should change as well (automatically if possible, but manually is ok as well. Is this possible?
    I tried to just click and drag an address into Numbers, but couldn't figure out how to choose which fields should or shouldn't be in Numbers. Let alone the linking...
    Thanks in advance,

    jhol wrote:
    Well, that's one way of course, and it may be that I have to do it that way, but it woudl save time and effort if I only had to change address book, without the extra steps.
    Maybe I just have to bite the bullet, buy database software and transfer everything into that.
    The plan was to have addresses, a summary of contracts, invoice details and calculations etc. all in a pages spreadsheet, but perhaps that's asking too much anyway.
    I don't understand what's the meaning of  "pages spreadsheet" but I guess that you may stop hoping for an automatic transefer of datas between AddressBook and Numbers.
    At best, what may be delivered is a script able to grab AddressBook contents and pass it in a Numbers table
    and a script able to create AddressBook records starting from a Numbers table but
    (1) it will not be easy to treat the problem of duplicates
    (2) several fields available in AddressBook can't be transferred to Numbers.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) jeudi 20 octobre 2011 16:43:41
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.0
    My iDisk is : <http://public.me.com/koenigyvan>
    Please : Search for questions similar to your own before submitting them to the community

  • InDesign CS4 packages multiple copies of links from book

    I use the Book feature to package the 20-some-odd newspaper ads we create weekly at our in-house art dept for a grocery chain. These ads consist of placed JPEGs of products surrounded by supporting copy and prices. Each ad is a different size and sometimes the products vary from ad to ad, but most use links common to eachother.
    The trouble I'm having with ID CS4 is that when I package the book containing all these ads, each common link is copied separately for each ad into the Links folder. For example: File.jpg, File_1.jpg, File_2.jpg, etc.
    I've experienced this in CS3 only when the links have had the same file name but were linked from different paths. In CS4, even when the .indd files are all linking to the same files with the same paths, extra copies are created.
    I've found it tedious to use the Finder to delete all the extra copies and then re-link everything in InDesign.
    Is this a bug or am I missing some setting somewhere?

    I recreated this problem using a single PSD file that I placed in a 6 page Book file. I found that when you resize the image and/or re-crop the picture box, the book package with create copies of the image.
    So, my vote is that this is a bug too.

  • Can you use Adobe Illustrator CS4 Classroom in a book tutorials(on CD rom) without buying the software?

    I recently purchased Adobe Illustrator Classroom In a book CS4, and am having trouble getting to the lessons through the CD-rom which came with the book. My question is do I need to purchase the Illustrator CS4 product to use the tutorials/lessons? I would REALLY appreciate some help, it's needed for a college credit for a design major. Thank you!!

    There's the trial version that you can download from adoble.com.  I think it's good for 30 days.  Other than that, doesn't your school have a computer lab?
    There's no way to open the files and work with them other than in a copy of Illustrator.  You might be able to open them in inkscape (free) or Freehand (no longer available) but then what are you learning?  Not Illustrator...
    [edit]  You should be able to get most of the lessons done in an older version of Illy though, which might be more affordable (if you can find them for sale)

  • Learning Photoshop CS2 - Books, tutorials courses ?

    Hi everyone!
    I would firstly like to apologise if this topic has been covered in depth but i am desperately looking for the right book/s as a Christmas present to ensure that my girlfriend learns Photoshop CS2 with ease. I have some experience in Photoshop and have been doing an IT degree here in New Zealand for the past 4 years but Im not a designer so i really need your guys help!
    I also appreciate that there are so many books out there but have found that some dont go into enough depth or lack the variation in examples to significantly cover what photoshop has to offer. I was initially thinking that a couple of books might be necessary to take her from beginner to advanced.
    Background - She has just finished a degree in Fashion design & Art with straight As. She has always excelled in arts and photography but has lately found her self-doing graphics based contract work for fashion designers. This has all been in Corel draw 11 and Corel photo paint 11. She has been using Corel products for about 6 years now but by no means considers herself an expert.
    She now realises that shes needs a raster based program such as Photoshop that extends the functionality of Corel photopaint. She has also decided on going back to school to specialise in computer-aided design so she needs to learn Photoshop fast.
    I think she is the person that appreciates step by step instructions by example but would also benefit from software based tutorials.
    I was wondering if you good people would be able to suggest any text books that would cater to her needs.
    I was also wondering if the full 700 dollars + version needs to be purchased as she is charging for the work that she does? I noticed that there were several licenses within the website, which one is appropriate. She is not studying at the moment but will be start again in a few months. Are their licenses that cover students that are selling their work?
    Am I making the right assumption that she needs CS2? Is it that widely supported? Would it be better for her to by another version of Photoshop?
    I would also like to thank you guys for taking the time to read this post and greatly appreciate any response.

    CS 2 is a must if she is working with high fashion photography.
    like images from A canon Eos 1DS mark II
    most digital photographers now adays use RAW obsessivly when they are unsure about the exposure by about a tenth of a stop in the highlights or maybe if they are dealing with more than one type of lighting and are worryed about white balance.
    phase one capture one is a good progam to know if she is working with photographers, actualy the more you know about the photographers capture process the easyer it will be to learn about exactly what progam is best for you. If your not working with raw at all that CS 1 will do nicely

  • One of the pages in my website will not display the Amazon links to books I sell. Only one book, wiich is not on Amazon displays on the page. On Internet Explorer, all my books display. why?

    Ever since converting my website to WordPress the "Recommended Reading" page doesn't display the book I listed that link to Amazon. Only one book linked to another website displays, but not of the Amazon Books.
    This does not happen on Internet Explorer. I have asked this question last week but have not received a response.
    Can you help? Go to: www.transitionexecs.com and click on "recommended reading" to see what I mean.

    Do you have any ad-blocking software?
    Those links have ad in the url that might trigger such software.
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    *Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.

  • FM RH Integration: Broken Link to Book, the Fatal Flaw?

    I thought that I had fixed this issue. But, I ran into @ a recent conference where I met someone who experienced the same issue. The problem is that when you integrate projects from FM to RH on the same computer they retain that path. If you change the directory of one, you must re-establish the connection.
    This is all well and good. However,m if you move the FM>RH project to another computer and try to open the RH project, it asks you to re-establish the link. Again, well and good.
    The real problem occurs when you try to do this for several RH projects coming out of the same FM book. In this case, there is no message to relink the RH and FM book (as RH does in the previous cases). Instead you cannot update the RH topics from the book, cannot relink the FM book, nor do anything else, really.
    I ran into this with colleague at work. We were zipping the projects and putting them into a CMS. Then we'd download them and unzip. He received this bad error and eventually the complete corruption of the project (yes, even after deleting the .cpd file). I fixed this problem for the ONE FM>RH project that he had by deleting the book and re-adding it by reference.
    Then I met someone at this conference who had the same problem. I thought I had the fix for him. But it turns out that it did not work on his machine. Now I am experiencing the same problem.
    I have had to port several projects from MS XP to 2007. And I just spent all day having to recreate four projects in Japanese from the same FM book because 1) RH did not ask me to relink the book, 2) I could not delete the book and re-add it, 3) and when I did try to delete the book from the RH project, RH shuts down and says "Woops, sorry, we have a problem. Sorry. Bye." (Almost literally.)
    Then it completely goes bonkers and just shuts down - sans message - without any indication about what is going on.
    Has anyone had or experienced this same issue? I have some major projects that I will have to port to this upgraded operating system. I know that it is not the OS since it occurred on this other person's computer who was not using the same OS as I have. So what is it?

    I have run more tests  and am verging on certainty that this is a conditional text problem - at least for my projects.
    That is, I have three RH six RH projects linking to the same FM book. Three in English, three in Japanese.
    When I port the RH projects to a different directory and open them, I do not receive the relink request. If I attempt to update from the book, the project crashes and the cpd is corrupted.
    I can, however, delete the book and re-add by reference. I can only do this, though, for the project in English. When I try to do it for the Japanese projects, RH crashes completely. After the crash, I cannot delete the book, nor can I update, nor do anything much else. If I do continue trying to delete the book, the project becomes corrupted and useless.
    I am not completely convinced that the problem is a conditional text issue, however. As I noted, my buddy from the Philippines had the same crash scenarios, but he was not using conditional text that includes other languages.
    That is my story, and I am sticking with it.

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