Outline around flash

On mouseover, I'm seeing an outline defining the table cell
where I've imported a flash movie. I think this only shows on IE on
a PC. I can't recreate on other browsers on PC and doesn't occur
when viewing with Mac.
The page is at www.coach-source.com.
I'm a beginner and thanks for your help.

Murray --- ICQ 71997575
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"dauvil" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:e9odj9$mpf$[email protected]..
> On mouseover, I'm seeing an outline defining the table
cell where I've
> imported
> a flash movie. I think this only shows on IE on a PC. I
can't recreate on
> other
> browsers on PC and doesn't occur when viewing with Mac.
> The page is at www.coach-source.com.
> I'm a beginner and thanks for your help.

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