Output Parameters - BLS Transaction

i set an input and output parameter in BLS transaction. Output parameter mapped with write_file.success. i call this transaction via xacute query. i am sending input parameters successfully. the file created. but i want to know at front end via writefile_success. how to call this output parameter via applet? i tried document.<my applet>.getQueryObject().getParam(1). but it shows no object like this. how to do it?

Hi Senthil,
If you need a output parameter of a bls from front end.You need to create and Xacute query for that transaction and in the html add the query as a iCommand applet and after executing the applet,Use the line below  to get output parameters of the BLS.
Ravi Kumar

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    please check if this following proposal could serve you.
    Define the Query with mode FixedQueryWithOutput. In the package define a ref cursor as IN OUT parameter. To get your 3 values back, open the cursor in your procedure like "Select val1, val2, val3 from dual". Then the values should get into your query.
    Here is an example how this could be defined.
    type return_cur IS ref CURSOR;
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      MYRETURNCUR myPackage.return_cur;
        MYRETURNCUR => ?
    Good luck.

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    Parameter value:
    Pass thru String List to Xml Parser with delim ";"
    Repeat on each row/item and pass thru String List to Xml Parser with delim ","
    Of course, your columns aren't flat but they are easy to ref, to get "column 2" for example:
    So now you have rows and columns. Assign your data to your BAPI structured as needed.
    We have passed complex XML via the SOAP interface in 11.5, but it involved some "hacks". Basically we passed the sterilized XML via a String Type Parameter, and then unserialized it inside the BLT.  
    I have been told on this board that there is a solution to passing XML data vie the SOAP interface using ref docs, but i have never personally seen a working example.

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    Ravi Shankar

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    Hi Stephen Kuykendall, thank you.
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    [location : http://srvsdmii01.malwee.com.br:50000/XMII/WSDLGen/Default/teste2] ERROR : Definition of /definitions/types/s:schema/s:complexType[1]/s:sequence/s:element/s:complexType/s:sequence/s:element is not correct. Missing top level component (uri: 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/'; name: 'GET_DETAILS').
    I created a XSD file and put your xsd contente there:
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    The WSDL url (/XMII/WSDLGen/Default/teste2) generated the wsdl with the following content:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><definitions xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:http="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/http/" xmlns:mime="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/mime/" xmlns:s="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:s0="http://www.sap.com/xMII" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" xmlns:soapenc="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" targetNamespace="http://www.sap.com/xMII">
        <!-- Types -->
            <s:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="http://www.sap.com/xMII"><s:import schemaLocation="http://srvsdmii01.malwee.com.br:50000/XMII/WSDLGen/db/Default/WEB/Entrada.xsd"/>
                <s:complexType name="InputParams">
                    <s:sequence id="InputSequence">
                    <s:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="P_Entrada"><s:complexType><s:sequence><s:element ref="GET_DETAILS"/></s:sequence></s:complexType></s:element></s:sequence>
                <s:element name="XacuteRequest">
                            <s:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="LoginName" type="s:string"/>
                            <s:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="LoginPassword" type="s:string"/>
                            <s:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="InputParams" type="s0:InputParams"/>
                <s:complexType name="Rowset">
                        <s:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="Row" type="s0:Row"/>
                    <s:attribute name="Message" type="s:string"/>
                <s:complexType name="Row">
                    <s:sequence id="RowSequence">
                    <s:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="P_Saida" type="s:string"/></s:sequence>
                <s:element name="XacuteResponse">
                            <s:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="Rowset" type="s0:Rowset"/>
        <!-- Messages -->
        <message name="XacuteSoapIn">
            <part element="s0:XacuteRequest" name="parameters"/>
        <message name="XacuteSoapOut">
            <part element="s0:XacuteResponse" name="parameters"/>
        <!-- Ports -->
        <portType name="XacuteWSSoap">
            <operation name="Xacute">
                <input message="s0:XacuteSoapIn"/>
                <output message="s0:XacuteSoapOut"/>
        <!-- Bindings -->
        <binding name="XacuteWSSoap" type="s0:XacuteWSSoap">
            <soap:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/>
            <operation name="Xacute">
                <soap:operation soapAction="http://www.sap.com/xMII" style="document"/>
                    <soap:body use="literal"/>
                    <soap:body use="literal"/>
        <!-- Service mapping -->
        <service name="XacuteWS">
            <port binding="s0:XacuteWSSoap" name="XacuteWSSoap">
                <soap:address location="http://srvsdmii01.malwee.com.br:50000/XMII/SOAPRunner/Default/teste2"/>

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    Thanks and Regards

    There are the following possible copies of an object that can be made in TopLink.
    - Session cache - copy of object stored in the Session cache, this instance is considered read-only and can be shared. In the case of a shared cache, this copy exists in the ServerSession cache, in the case of an isolated cache, this copy exists in the ClientSession cache.
    This copy can be created whenever a query is executed against a ClientSession, or non-isolated UnitOfWork. To avoid this copy for an update operation, you can query in a UnitOfWork, and set your descriptor's unitOfWorkCacheIsolationLevel to ISOLATE_CACHE_ALWAYS (added in 10.1.3).
    This copy can be created after a inserted object is committed as well. ISOLATE_CACHE_ALWAYS will also avoid this.
    - UnitOfWork working copy. Instance of the object that is modified in the UnitOfWork. This instance must exist as at least one instance is required, unless UpdateAll / DeleteAll / SQL queries are used.
    - UnitOfWork backup copy. This copy is used to track changes to the object. This copy can be avoided if attribute change tracking is used (added in 10.1.3, weaving added in 11g).
    So, it is possible to only have a single copy.
    You can also use a DatabaseSession which only maintains a single copy. You can use Insert and UpdateObjectQuery's, these will update everything and not give you the benefit of change tracking nor a shared cache, but may be useful in batch transactions such as yours.
    -- James : http://www.eclipselink.org

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  • Output parameters with one name

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    Do i assign these specific output parameters to one internal table with same name? Can you guys provide a sample code with regard to manipulation of these types of output parameters? 
    <b><REMOVED BY MODERATOR></b> Thanks in advance.
    Best Regards.
    Message was edited by:
            Alvaro Tejada Galindo

    Hi Brando Braganza,
    a transaction does not have output parameters - by definition.
    The best you can do is write down what you are doing. And please give the names and types of all objects involved.
    Then qualified help will come!

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    The output for the xacute method is of type "Rowset". Is there a way to get this method to return standard xml ? Typically, that's what most web services return.
    Is this something that .NET is doing on it's own or is it the way I'm creating the web reference ?
    BTW I'm using xMII Version 12.0

    Glenn, another alternative instead of using the web service invocation of the BLS transaction is to use the "Runner" servlet instead.  You'll get back metadata in the XML that you can use to dynamically create the column metadata in an ADO Dataset object.  Same basic idea, but you won't need reflection.  You can just parse/process the XML.  In a previous life, I built a wrapper class that executed any transaction and converted the results to a bindable dataset.  You'll be able to do the same.  I might even have the code lying around somewhere, as I know I sent it to a bunch of other people to use when I was at SAP.

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    I appreciate your help with this.

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    I thought I read some reference that DI could not get the values from OUTPUT parameters but I could not find it again (don't know if it is in any of the documentation or referred to in a forum.
    I did try a couple of tests but it did not reutrn any values via OUTPUT. But before I give up I thought I'd see if you could and maybe I needed to change something.

    This isn't exactly an answer to your question, but I'll point out that, given that you're resorting to a SQL script in the first place, there's no reason you can't also turn the output parameters into a regular result or record set. (The following uses T-SQL, although I think it's pretty generic.)
    declare @param1 int, param2 varchar(100), @return int;
    exec @return = proc @param1 = @param1 output, @param2 = @param2 output;
    select @param1 as param1, @param2 as param2;
    That is, to get from output parameters to a "regular" output from the SQL script isn't much of a leap...
    Jeff Prenevost
    BI Consultant
    Ann Arbor, MI

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         I have configured Proof of delivery concept to caputre loss of Quantity due to moisture. can any body tell me about standard report to see the output of VLPOD transaction.Full points for the correct solution.

    Try the t-code VLPODL, hope can help you!
    Good day

  • How to allow multiple output parameters in a user-defined service operation???

    I have creating a self-defined service operation “LDAPAddUser” to connect to LDAP server to create user accounts. I want to get 2 output parameters after executing the operation. One is the result (Boolean data type) and one is the error message (String data type). However, since Java only support one return value in a method, it seems that only one output parameter can be returned. May I have the suggestion so that multiple parameters can be supported in this case? Here is the extracted code
    In Java program,
    public Boolean addUser(String url, String aName)
    In file "component.xml",
         <operation name="addUser" method="addUser" orchestrateable="true" anonymous-access="true">
      <hint>Add a new user</hint>
         <input-parameter name="url" type="java.lang.String" required="true" title="LDAP URL">
              <input-parameter name="aName" type="java.lang.String" required="true" title="Admin Login Name">
              <output-parameter name="Result" title="Result" type="java.lang.Boolean">
    Besides the boolean return value, I want to get another return value (string data type). Any suggestion ?

    I've returned multiple values to LiveCycle by using a complex object as an intermediatory.
    For example if I need to return two strings (firstName and lastName), I'll first build a single class (name) with two string attributes (private String firstName; private String LastName) and add getters and setters to my "name" class for each.  My service class method will return an object of type "name".
    for example  public name mymethod(String GUID, String username, String password).......
    Then in the component.xml you can return the two strings as long as you use the binding type "Bean":
    <output-parameter name="firstName" title="First Name" binding-type="Bean" property="firstName">
    <output-parameter name="lastName" title="Last Name" binding-type="Bean" property="lastName">

  • Using the output of the transactions and saving them in a file using a prog

    Hello Gurus'
    Over the while i had been working on something which involves sending system data of some of the SAP BASIS transactions(ex SM21, ST02). I am wondering if there is any way using ABAP programming that calls the desired transaction(within the program), get's the output(as displayed if it had been run independtly) in any file types. As there are complex BASIS level details i am looking for the approach utilizing the already existing SAP outputs for the transactions.
    Please help here.
    Thanks and Regards,

    You might want to ask in the Basis forum. Maybe there is already some standard functionality available for what you're trying to achieve. Also check out this page: http://www.kabai.com/abaps/q.htm

  • Read Idoc Data In xMII 12 BLS Transaction

    Hi All,
    I am new to xMII.
    I followed the instructions suggested in the Document "How to Send an IDoc from the SAP R/3 Enterprise to the SAP xMII IDoc Listener" By Diana Hoppe and Michael Appleby written on 04 Dec 2008. It was pretty simple  and i was able to complete all the steps.
    In the Message Monitor in xMII 12.0 i am able to see " 5 Messags Found" and they are listed below in a grild with the server name, Message Name, Message Type etc
       Server Name   Message Type    Message Name    Message Category   Received Time                      Processing Time
       MII_IDOC          IDoc                     LOIPRO01            MII_IDOC                    2009-07-10 02:11:25.911  
    Now i would like to know how do i read the contents of this IDOC i.e Production order? Is there a sample or  stepby step guide which explains how i can get this data into an xML message in a BLS Transaction?
    Are there any simple steps to be followed to get this data from the IDOC?
    Please help me undestand this. Thanks in advance.
    Suraj Prabhu

    Hi Dipankar,
    I had Pre ordered your book and I  just received a copy. The first impression wrt the Contents & Coverage of the book looks excellent.
    Congratulations to you and Abesh on this achievement. Writing a book on a topic which there has been no book written earlier is a great feat on its own.
    Will be spending more time with the book today evening.
    My Expectations from this book:
    1. A good intermediate to Expert developer/ BA / Architect guidance.
    2. Error Handling & Implementation - Best practices
    3. A Reference book for the current implementation I am doing with a customer :).
    Will keep you updated with my comments on the book. Since this is a first time I am working on a xMII implementation this book will be a life saver for me and could not have come at a better time. Thanks again.
    BTW u2013 First thing I checked in the book was steps on how to read the data from the IDOC in the Buffer and that has been explained pretty well and in detailsu2026.. Thanks again for that.
    Suraj Prabhu

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