Overlay Images and Shapes on the same canvas

The example copde below was taken from: http://math.hws.edu/eck/cs124/javanotes3/source/
Is it possible to update the code so that images (jpg,gif) can be added as well as shapes?
Any help with this is much appreciated.
    The ShapeDraw applet lets the user add small colored shapes to
    a drawing area and then drag them around.  The shapes are rectangles,
    ovals, and roundrects.  The user adds a shape to the canvas by
    clicking on a button.  The shape is added at the upper left corner
    of the canvas.  The color of the shape is given by the current
    setting of a pop-up menu.  The user can drag the shapes with the
    mouse.  Ordinarily, the shapes maintain a given back-to-front order.
    However, if the user shift-clicks on a shape, that shape will be
    brought to the front.
    A menu can be popped up on a shape (by right-clicking or performing
    some othe platform-dependent action).  This menu allows the user
    to change the size and color of a shape.  It is also possible to
    delete the shape and to bring it to the front.
    This file defines the applet class plus several other classes used
    by the applet, namely:  ShapeCanvas, Shape, RectShape, OvalShape,
    and RoundRectShape.
    David Eck
    July 28,  1998
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.util.Vector;
public class ShapeDrawWithMenu extends Applet {
   public void init() { 
        // Set up the applet's GUI.  It consists of a canvas, or drawing area,
        // plus a row of controls below the canvas.  The controls include three
        // buttons which are used to add shapes to the canvas and a Choice menu
        // that is used to select the color used for a shape when it is created.
        // The canvas is set as the "listener" for these controls so that it can
        // respond to the user's actions.  (The pop-up menu is created by the canvas.)
      ShapeCanvas canvas = new ShapeCanvas();  // create the canvas
      Choice colorChoice = new Choice();  // color choice menu
      Button rectButton = new Button("Rect");    // buttons for adding shapes
      Button ovalButton = new Button("Oval");
      Button roundRectButton = new Button("RoundRect");
      Panel bottom = new Panel();   // a Panel to hold the control buttons
      bottom.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,4,3,3));
      setLayout(new BorderLayout(3,3));
      add("Center",canvas);              // add canvas and controls to the applet
   public Insets getInsets() {
        // Says how much space to leave between the edges of the applet and the
        // components in the applet.
      return new Insets(3,3,3,3);
}  // end class ShapeDraw
class ShapeCanvas extends Canvas implements ActionListener, ItemListener,
                                            MouseListener, MouseMotionListener {
      // This class represents a canvas that can display colored shapes and
      // let the user drag them around.  It uses an off-screen images to
      // make the dragging look as smooth as possible.  A pop-up menu is
      // added to the canvas that can be used to performa certain actions
      // on the shapes;
   Image offScreenCanvas = null;   // off-screen image used for double buffering
   Graphics offScreenGraphics;     // graphics context for drawing to offScreenCanvas
   Vector shapes = new Vector();   // holds a list of the shapes that are displayed on the canvas
   Color currentColor = Color.red; // current color; when a shape is created, this is its color
   ShapeCanvas() {
        // Constructor: set background color to white, set up listeners to respond to mouse actions,
        //              and set up the pop-up menu
      popup = new PopupMenu();
      popup.add("Bring To Front");
   } // end construtor
   synchronized public void paint(Graphics g) {
        // In the paint method, everything is drawn to an off-screen canvas, and then
        // that canvas is copied onto the screen.
   public void update(Graphics g) {
        // Update method is called when canvas is to be redrawn.
        // Just call the paint method.
   void makeOffScreenCanvas() {
         // Erase the off-screen canvas and redraw all the shapes in the list.
         // (First, if canvas has not yet been created, then create it.)
      if (offScreenCanvas == null) {
         offScreenCanvas = createImage(getSize().width,getSize().height);
         offScreenGraphics = offScreenCanvas.getGraphics();
      int top = shapes.size();
      for (int i = 0; i < top; i++) {
         Shape s = (Shape)shapes.elementAt(i);
   public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent evt) {
          // This is called to respond to item events.  Such events
          // can only be sent by the color choice menu,
          // so respond by setting the current color according to
          // the selected item in that menu.
      Choice colorChoice = (Choice)evt.getItemSelectable();
      switch (colorChoice.getSelectedIndex()) {
         case 0: currentColor = Color.red;     break;
         case 1: currentColor = Color.green;   break;
         case 2: currentColor = Color.blue;    break;
         case 3: currentColor = Color.cyan;    break;
         case 4: currentColor = Color.magenta; break;
         case 5: currentColor = Color.yellow;  break;
         case 6: currentColor = Color.black;   break;
         case 7: currentColor = Color.white;   break;
   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
          // Called to respond to action events.  The three shape-adding
          // buttons have been set up to send action events to this canvas.
          // Respond by adding the appropriate shape to the canvas.  This
          // also be a command from a pop-up menu.
      String command = evt.getActionCommand();
      if (command.equals("Rect"))
         addShape(new RectShape());
      else if (command.equals("Oval"))
         addShape(new OvalShape());
      else if (command.equals("RoundRect"))
         addShape(new RoundRectShape());
   synchronized void addShape(Shape shape) {
          // Add the shape to the canvas, and set its size/position and color.
          // The shape is added at the top-left corner, with size 50-by-30.
          // Then redraw the canvas to show the newly added shape.
   // ------------ This rest of the class implements dragging and the pop-up menu ---------------------
   PopupMenu popup;
   Shape selectedShape = null;     // This is null unless a menu has been popped up on this shape.
   Shape draggedShape = null;      // This is null unless a shape has been selected for dragging.
   int prevDragX;  // During dragging, these record the x and y coordinates of the
   int prevDragY;  //    previous position of the mouse.
   Shape clickedShape(int x, int y) {
         // Find the frontmost shape at coordinates (x,y); return null if there is none.
      for ( int i = shapes.size() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {  // check shapes from front to back
         Shape s = (Shape)shapes.elementAt(i);
         if (s.containsPoint(x,y))
            return s;
      return null;
   void doPopupMenuCommand(String command) {
         // Handle a command from the pop-up menu.
      if (selectedShape == null)  // should be impossible
      if (command.equals("Red"))
      else if (command.equals("Green"))
      else if (command.equals("Blue"))
      else if (command.equals("Cyan"))
      else if (command.equals("Magenta"))
      else if (command.equals("Yellow"))
      else if (command.equals("Black"))
      else if (command.equals("White"))
      else if (command.equals("Big"))
      else if (command.equals("Medium"))
      else if (command.equals("Small"))
      else if (command.equals("Delete"))
      else if (command.equals("Bring To Front")) {
   synchronized public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) {
         // User has pressed the mouse.  Find the shape that the user has clicked on, if
         // any.  If there is a shape at the position when the mouse was clicked, then
         // start dragging it.  If the user was holding down the shift key, then bring
         // the dragged shape to the front, in front of all the other shapes.
      int x = evt.getX();  // x-coordinate of point where mouse was clicked
      int y = evt.getY();  // y-coordinate of point
      if (evt.isPopupTrigger()) {            // If this is a pop-up menu event that
         selectedShape = clickedShape(x,y);  // occurred over a shape, record which shape
         if (selectedShape != null)          // it is and show the menu.
      else {
         draggedShape = clickedShape(x,y);
         if (draggedShape != null) {
            prevDragX = x;
            prevDragY = y;
            if (evt.isShiftDown()) {                 // Bring the shape to the front by moving it to
               shapes.removeElement(draggedShape);  //       the end of the list of shapes.
               repaint();  // repaint canvas to show shape in front of other shapes
   synchronized public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent evt) {
          // User has moved the mouse.  Move the dragged shape by the same amount.
      if (draggedShape != null) {
         int x = evt.getX();
         int y = evt.getY();
         draggedShape.moveBy(x - prevDragX, y - prevDragY);
         prevDragX = x;
         prevDragY = y;
         repaint();      // redraw canvas to show shape in new position
   synchronized public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent evt) {
          // User has released the mouse.  Move the dragged shape, then set
          // shapeBeingDragged to null to indicate that dragging is over.
          // If the shape lies completely outside the canvas, remove it
          // from the list of shapes (since there is no way to ever move
          // it back onscreen).
      int x = evt.getX();
      int y = evt.getY();
      if (draggedShape != null) {
         draggedShape.moveBy(x - prevDragX, y - prevDragY);
         if ( draggedShape.left >= getSize().width || draggedShape.top >= getSize().height ||
                 draggedShape.left + draggedShape.width < 0 ||
                 draggedShape.top + draggedShape.height < 0 ) {  // shape is off-screen
            shapes.removeElement(draggedShape);  // remove shape from list of shapes
         draggedShape = null;
      else if (evt.isPopupTrigger()) {        // If this is a pop-up menu event that
         selectedShape = clickedShape(x,y);   // occurred over a shape, record the
         if (selectedShape != null)           // shape and show the menu.
   public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent evt) { }   // Other methods required for MouseListener and
   public void mouseExited(MouseEvent evt) { }    //              MouseMotionListener interfaces.
   public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent evt) { }
   public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) { }
}  // end class ShapeCanvas
abstract class Shape {
      // A class representing shapes that can be displayed on a ShapeCanvas.
      // The subclasses of this class represent particular types of shapes.
      // When a shape is first constucted, it has height and width zero
      // and a default color of white.
   int left, top;      // Position of top left corner of rectangle that bounds this shape.
   int width, height;  // Size of the bounding rectangle.
   Color color = Color.white;  // Color of this shape.
   void reshape(int left, int top, int width, int height) {
         // Set the position and size of this shape.
      this.left = left;
      this.top = top;
      this.width = width;
      this.height = height;
   void resize(int width,int height) {
         // Set the size without changing the position
      this.width = width;
      this.height = height;
   void moveTo(int x, int y) {
          // Move upper left corner to the point (x,y)
      this.left = x;
      this.top = y;
   void moveBy(int dx, int dy) {
          // Move the shape by dx pixels horizontally and dy pixels veritcally
          // (by changing the position of the top-left corner of the shape).
      left += dx;
      top += dy;
   void setColor(Color color) {
          // Set the color of this shape
      this.color = color;
   boolean containsPoint(int x, int y) {
         // Check whether the shape contains the point (x,y).
         // By default, this just checks whether (x,y) is inside the
         // rectangle that bounds the shape.  This method should be
         // overridden by a subclass if the default behaviour is not
         // appropriate for the subclass.
      if (x >= left && x < left+width && y >= top && y < top+height)
         return true;
         return false;
   abstract void draw(Graphics g); 
         // Draw the shape in the graphics context g.
         // This must be overriden in any concrete subclass.
}  // end of class Shape
class RectShape extends Shape {
      // This class represents rectangle shapes.
   void draw(Graphics g) {
class OvalShape extends Shape {
       // This class represents oval shapes.
   void draw(Graphics g) {
   boolean containsPoint(int x, int y) {
         // Check whether (x,y) is inside this oval, using the
         // mathematical equation of an ellipse.
      double rx = width/2.0;   // horizontal radius of ellipse
      double ry = height/2.0;  // vertical radius of ellipse
      double cx = left + rx;   // x-coord of center of ellipse
      double cy = top + ry;    // y-coord of center of ellipse
      if ( (ry*(x-cx))*(ry*(x-cx)) + (rx*(y-cy))*(rx*(y-cy)) <= rx*rx*ry*ry )
         return true;
        return false;
class RoundRectShape extends Shape {
       // This class represents rectangle shapes with rounded corners.
       // (Note that it uses the inherited version of the
       // containsPoint(x,y) method, even though that is not perfectly
       // accurate when (x,y) is near one of the corners.)
   void draw(Graphics g) {

Please don't post in old threads that are long dead. When you have a question, please start a topic of your own. Feel free to provide a link to an old thread if relevant.
I'm locking this 3 year old thread now.
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Edited by: Darryl.Burke

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    Rola.AlGhalib wrote:
    …but figured how can an editing software not have the simplest things…? …
    Bridge is categorically NOT "editing software".  It's just a file browser, no more and no less.  Period.
    Bridge does not "edit" anything.  Bridge doesn't even open anything.  It just hands files to the appropriate application, whether this be Adobe Camera Raw, Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, InDesign, or even Microsoft Word.
    No, there will most likely never be "an update" for this. 

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    If you can have an ASIO compatible music playing system, then it might be possible to have system like you wish when using Creative Audigy 2 card. Since ASIO bypasses Windows Audio System, you can use both 'drivers' (ASIO - WDM/MME/DS) side by side.
    Say you want to play a game (using headset /w mic) and someone other like to listen music at the same time. With ASIO capable system you can output your music for example to "center L/R (stereo) channels" and same time output sounds from other source (using MME/DS/WDM drivers) to normal output channel (Front L/R). Only thing is, you need to set your speakersystem to 4 or 6 (depending which other channel you're using) (and for better 'balance' to adjust "angle" on THX console. You get the THX console by installing Audigy 2 Zs software).
    Try for example http://img332.imageshack.us/img332/463/djs9mo.jpg[/img] width="406" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us" >
    Another option:
    Say you want to play music through external amplifier and play game online with your headset + microphone (eg. others but you listen the music, you play games)
    --> try free http://img332.imageshack.us/img332/4589/tbp7rz.jpg[/img] width="406" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us" >
    If you use ASIO on BeatPort Player you can select L/R individually from the list(s). Same rules as described earlier.
    = You can play from 2 different sources simultaoneusly (ASIO + WDM/MME/DS) to two different outputs without disturbance. The other (WDM/MME/DS) source is set 'automatically' output to (Audigy) "green" port, and the other (ASIO) to "black" or "orange" port (as set).
    .jtpMessage Edited by jutapa on 09-5-2005 05:30 AM

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    It doesn't work that way, sorry. When video out is being utilized, only the movie artwork (the cover or image) is displayed, and the actual movie is not displayed on the iPhone's screen.

  • XML document structures must start and end within the same entity

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    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    </vcmessage>The parser generally stops around the </bgcolor> tag.
    I'm using Eclypse as my IDE. I'm wondering if there's something wrong with it? Or maybe there's something wrong with the class I'm using for reading in the XML? Followng is the class.
    Please advise,
    package vcclient;
    import java.io.*;
    import org.xml.sax.*;
    import org.xml.sax.helpers.*;
    import javax.xml.parsers.*;
    public class XMLDocumentReader extends DefaultHandler
      private VCClient client = null;
      private Writer out;
      private String lineEnd =  System.getProperty("line.separator");
      private boolean haveSourceType = false;
      private boolean haveUserName = false;
      private boolean haveMessage = false;
      private boolean haveProcessEvent = false;
      private boolean haveLinkedListIndex = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningShapePropertiesTag = false;
      private boolean haveShapeType = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningShapeLocationTag = false;
      private boolean haveShapeLocation = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningXCoordTag = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningYCoordTag = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningBoundsTag = false;
      private boolean haveBoundsWidth = false;
      private boolean haveBoundsHeight = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningFGColorTag = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningBGColorTag = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningThicknessTag = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningIsFilledTag = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningImageDataTag = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningTextDataTag = false;
      private boolean haveFGRed = false;
      private boolean haveFGGreen = false;
      private boolean haveFGBlue = false;
      private boolean haveBGRed = false;
      private boolean haveBGGreen = false;
      private boolean haveBGBlue = false;
      private boolean haveThickness = false;
      private boolean haveIsFilled = false;
      private boolean haveImageData = false;
      private boolean haveTextData = false;
      private VCMessage vcmessage = null;
      public XMLDocumentReader(VCClient value)
           client = value;
           vcmessage = new VCMessage();
      public VCMessage getVCMessage()
           return vcmessage;
      public boolean haveSourceType()
         return haveSourceType; 
      public boolean ParseXML(InputStream stream)
         boolean success = false;
         // Use the default (non-validating) parser
        SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
             // Set up output stream
            out = new OutputStreamWriter(System.out, "UTF-8");
            // Parse the input
            SAXParser saxParser = factory.newSAXParser();
            saxParser.parse( stream, this );
            success = true;
        catch (SAXParseException spe)
            // Error generated by the parser
            System.out.println("\n** Parsing error"
               + ", line " + spe.getLineNumber()
               + ", uri " + spe.getSystemId());
            System.out.println("   " + spe.getMessage() );
            // Unpack the delivered exception to get the exception it contains
            Exception  x = spe;
            if (spe.getException() != null)
                x = spe.getException();
            return success;
        catch (SAXException sxe)
             // Error generated by this application
             // (or a parser-initialization error)
             Exception  x = sxe;
             if (sxe.getException() != null)
                 x = sxe.getException();
             return success;
        catch (ParserConfigurationException pce)
            // Parser with specified options can't be built
            return success;
        catch (Throwable t)
             return success;
        return success;
      public void startDocument()throws SAXException
          emit("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>");
      public void endDocument()throws SAXException
          try {
          } catch (IOException e) {
              throw new SAXException("I/O error", e);
      public void startElement(String namespaceURI,
                               String lName, // local name
                               String qName, // qualified name
                               Attributes attrs)throws SAXException
          String eName = lName; // element name
          if (eName.equals(""))
             eName = qName; // namespaceAware = false
          if (attrs != null) {
              for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) {
                  String aName = attrs.getLocalName(i); // Attr name
                  if (aName.equals("")) aName = attrs.getQName(i);
                  emit(" ");
                  emit(aName + "=\"" + attrs.getValue(i) + "\"");
                haveOpeningShapePropertiesTag = true;
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_SHAPELOCATION))
              haveOpeningShapeLocationTag = true;
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_BOUNDS))
                haveOpeningBoundsTag = true;
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_FGCOLOR))
                 haveOpeningFGColorTag = true;
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_BGCOLOR))
              haveOpeningBGColorTag = true;
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_BGGREEN))
               System.out.println("See BGGreen");
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_BGBLUE))
               System.out.println("See BGBlue");
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_THICKNESS))
              haveOpeningThicknessTag = true;
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_ISFILLED))
              haveOpeningIsFilledTag = true;
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_IMAGEDATA))
              haveOpeningImageDataTag = true;
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_TEXTDATA))
              haveOpeningTextDataTag = true;
      public void endElement(String namespaceURI,
                             String sName, // simple name
                             String qName  // qualified name
                            )throws SAXException
           if(sName.equals("") && !qName.equals(""))
              sName = qName;
              haveSourceType = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_USER))
              haveUserName = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_MESSAGE))
              haveMessage = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_PROCESSEVENT))
               haveProcessEvent = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_LINKEDLISTINDEX))
               haveLinkedListIndex = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_SHAPETYPE))
               haveShapeType = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_SHAPELOCATION))
                haveOpeningShapeLocationTag = false;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_WIDTH))
               haveBoundsWidth = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_HEIGHT))
               haveBoundsHeight = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_BOUNDS))
                haveOpeningBoundsTag = false;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_FGRED))
               haveFGRed = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_FGGREEN))
               haveFGGreen = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_FGBLUE))
               haveFGBlue = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_FGCOLOR))
                haveOpeningFGColorTag = false;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_BGRED))
               haveBGRed = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_BGGREEN))
             haveBGGreen = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_BGBLUE))
               System.out.println("See closing BGBlue");
               haveBGBlue = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_BGCOLOR))
                haveOpeningBGColorTag = false;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_THICKNESS))
               System.out.println("XMLDocumentReader: Step2");
                haveOpeningThicknessTag = false;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_ISFILLED))
               haveOpeningIsFilledTag = false;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_IMAGEDATA))
               haveOpeningImageDataTag = false;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_TEXTDATA))
               haveOpeningTextDataTag = false;
      private String makeStartTag(String tag_name)
           String start = "<";
           String end = ">";
           return start.concat(tag_name).concat(end);
      private String makeEndTag(String tag_name)
           String start = "</";
           String end = ">";
           return start.concat(tag_name).concat(end);
      public void characters(char buf[], int offset, int len)throws SAXException
           String s = new String(buf, offset, len);
          if(haveSourceType == false)
               if(vcmessage.getSourceType() == null)
                   int sourcetype = Integer.parseInt(s);
                  catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
          else if(vcmessage.getSourceType() == SourceType.CHAT_SOURCE)
            if(vcmessage.getSourceType() == SourceType.CHAT_SOURCE && haveUserName == false)
            else if(vcmessage.getSourceType() == SourceType.CHAT_SOURCE && haveMessage == false)
               //When the parser encounters interpreted characters like: & or <,
               //then this method gets invoked more than once for the whole message.
               //Therefore, we need to concatonate each portion of the message.  The
               //following method call automatically concatonates.
          else if(vcmessage.getSourceType() == SourceType.WHITEBOARD_SOURCE)
               if(haveProcessEvent == false)
                 catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
               else if(haveLinkedListIndex == false)
                     catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
               else if(haveShapeType == false)
                     catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                         else if(haveOpeningYCoordTag)
                                //reset all flags for ShapeLocation, X and Y coordinates
                                haveOpeningXCoordTag = false;
                                haveOpeningYCoordTag = false;
                                //haveOpeningShapeLocationTag = false;
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                    else if(haveOpeningBoundsTag)
                         if(haveBoundsWidth == false)
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                         else if(haveBoundsHeight == false)
                                //reset flag
                                //haveOpeningBoundsTag = false;
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                    else if(haveOpeningFGColorTag)
                         if(haveFGRed == false)
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                         else if(haveFGGreen == false)
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                         else if(haveFGBlue == false)
                                //reset flag
                                //haveOpeningFGColorTag = false;
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                    else if(haveOpeningBGColorTag)
                         if(haveBGRed == false)
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                         else if(haveBGGreen == false)
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                         else if(haveBGBlue == false)
                         {   System.out.println("getting BGBlue data");
                                //reset flag
                                //haveOpeningBGColorTag = false;
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                    else if(haveOpeningThicknessTag)
                          catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                    else if(haveOpeningIsFilledTag)
                    else if(haveOpeningImageDataTag && vcmessage.getProcessEvent() == org.jcanvas.comm.ProcessEvent.MODIFY)
                    else if(haveOpeningTextDataTag && vcmessage.getProcessEvent() == org.jcanvas.comm.ProcessEvent.MODIFY)
                    haveOpeningShapePropertiesTag = false;
      // Utility Methods ...
      // Wrap I/O exceptions in SAX exceptions, to
      // suit handler signature requirements
      private void emit(String s)throws SAXException
          try {
          } catch (IOException e) {
              throw new SAXException("I/O error", e);
      // Start a new line
      private void nl()throws SAXException
          try {
          } catch (IOException e) {
              throw new SAXException("I/O error", e);
      //treat validation errors as fatal
      public void error(SAXParseException e)
      throws SAXParseException
        throw e;
      // dump warnings too
      public void warning(SAXParseException err)
      throws SAXParseException
        System.out.println("** Warning"
            + ", line " + err.getLineNumber()
            + ", uri " + err.getSystemId());
        System.out.println("   " + err.getMessage());

    Just out of curiosity what happens if you append a space to the end of the XML document?

  • My iPod generation 6 160gb will not sync. iTunes says corrupt, won't restore just errors out and then loops the same messages.

    My iPod is corrupt according to iTunes, however it won't restore through iTunes either.  I've tried to reformat the drive.  Makes no difference.  I've tried to reformat after choosing disk manager, and again the same result.  The iPod takes forever to work through the reformatting process and I get the same message "Itunes has detected an iPod that appears to be corrupted. You may need to restore this iPod before it can be used with iTunes. You may also try disconnecting and reconnecting the iPod" and then my pc tells me to format the disk.
    It's so frustrating, is there a fix to this? It seems like the iPod could still function, but I'm missing the way to get out of this loop, please help me!

    Likely a hard drive fault, see the note that i wrote few years ago, hopefully it helps
    If a sad iPod icon or an exclamation point and folder icon appears on your iPod’s screen, or with sounds of clicking or HD whirring, it is usually the sign of a hard drive problem and you have the power to do something about it now. Your silver bullet of resolving your iPod issue – is to restore your iPod to factory settings.
    If you're having trouble, try these steps at different levels one at a time until the issue is resolved. These steps will often whip your iPod back into shape.
    Make sure you do all the following “TRYs”
    A. Try to wait 30 minutes while iPod is charging.
    B. Try another FireWire or USB through Dock Connector cable.
    C. Try another FireWire or USB port on your computer .
    D. Try to disconnect all devices from your computer's FireWire and USB ports.
    E. Try to download and install the latest version of iPod software and iTunes
    For old and other versions of iPod updater for window you can get here
    F. Try these five steps (known as the five Rs) and it would conquer most iPod issues.
    G. Try to put the iPod into Disk Mode if it fails to appear on the desktop
    If none of these steps address the issue, you may need to go to Intermediate level listed below in logical order. Check from the top of the lists to see if that is what keeping iPod from appearing on your computer in order for doing the Restore.
    Intermediate Level
    A. Try to connect your iPod with another computer with the iPod updater pre-installed.
    B. Still can’t see your iPod, put it in Disk Mode and connect with a computer, instead of doing a Restore on iPod Updater. Go and format the iPod instead.
    For Mac computer
    1. Open the disk utility, hope your iPod appears there (left hand side), highlight it
    2. Go to Tab “Partition”, click either “Delete” or “Partition”, if fails, skip this step and go to 3
    3. Go to Tab “Erase” , choose Volume Format as “MAC OS Extended (Journaled), and click Erase, again if fails, skip it and go to 4
    4. Same as step 3, but open the “Security Options....” and choose “Zero Out Data” before click Erase. It will take 1 to 2 hours to complete.
    5. Eject your iPod and do a Reset
    6. Open the iTunes 7 and click “Restore”
    For Window computer
    Go to folder “My Computer”
    Hope you can see your iPod there and right click on the iPod
    Choose “Format”. Ensure the settings are at “Default” and that “Quick Format” is not checked
    Now select “Format”
    Eject your iPod and do a Reset
    Open the iTunes 7 and click “Restore”
    In case you do not manage to do a “Format” on a window computer, try to use some 3rd party disk utility software, e.g.“HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool”.
    C. Windows users having trouble with their iPods should locate a Mac user. In many cases when an iPod won't show up on a PC that it will show up on the Mac. Then it can be restored. When the PC user returns to his computer the iPod will be recognized by the PC, reformatted for the PC, and usable again. By the way, it works in reverse too. A Mac user often can get his iPod back by connecting it to a PC and restoring it.
    a. It does not matter whether the format is completed or not, the key is to erase (or partly) the corrupted firmware files on the Hard Drive of the iPod. After that, when the iPod re-connected with a computer, it will be recognized as an fresh external hard drive, it will show up on the iTunes 7.
    b. It is not a difficult issue for a Mac user to find a window base computer, for a PC user, if they can’t find any Mac user, they can go to a nearest Apple Shop for a favor.
    c. You may need to switch around the PC and Mac, try to do several attempts between “Format” and “Restore”
    Advance Level
    A. Diagnostic mode solution
    If you have tried trouble shooting your iPod to no avail after all the steps above, chances are your iPod has a hardware problem. The iPod's built-in Diagnostic Mode is a quick and easy way to determine if you have a "bad" iPod.
    You need to restart your iPod before putting it into Diagnostic Mode. Check that your hold switch is off by sliding the switch away from the headphone jack. Toggle it on and off to be safe.
    Press and hold the following combination of buttons simultaneously for approximately 10 seconds to reset the iPod.
    iPod 1G to 3G: "Menu" and "Play/Pause"
    iPod 4G+ (includes Photo, Nano, Video, and Mini): "Menu" and "Select"
    The Apple logo will appear and you should feel the hard drive spinning up. Press and hold the following sequence of buttons:
    iPod 1G to 3G: "REW", "FFW" and "Select"
    iPod 4G+ (includes Photo, Nano, Video, and Mini): "Back" and "Select"
    You will hear an audible chirp sound (3G models and higher) and the Apple logo should appear backwards. You are now in Diagnostic Mode. Navigate the list of tests using "REW" and "FFW". The scroll wheel will not function while in diagnostic mode. For further details on Diagnostic mode can be found at http://www.methodshop.com/mp3/ipodsupport/diagnosticmode/
    Try to do the 5in1, HDD R/W and HDD scan tests. Some successful cases have been reported after the running the few tests under the Diagnostic mode. In case it does not work in your case, and the scan tests reports show some errors then it proves your iPod has a hardware problem and it needs a repairing service.
    B. Format your iPod with a start disk
    I have not tried this solution myself, I heard that there were few successful cases that the users managed to get their iPod (you must put your iPod in disk mode before connecting with a computer) mounted by the computer, which was booted by a system startup disk. For Mac, you can use the Disk Utility (on the Tiger OS system disk), for PC user, you can use the window OS system disk. Try to find a way to reformat your iPod, again it does not matter which format (FAT32, NTFS or HFS+) you choose, the key is to erase the corrupted system files on the iPod. Then eject your iPod and do a Reset to switch out from Disk Mode. Reboot your computer at the normal way, connect your iPod back with it, open the iPod updater, and hopefully your iPod will appear there for the Restore.
    If none of these steps address the issue, your iPod may need to be repaired.
    Consider setting up a mail-in repair for your iPod http://depot.info.apple.com/ipod/
    Or visit your local Apple Retail Store http://www.apple.com/retail/
    In case your iPod is no longer covered by the warranty and you want to find a second repairing company, you can try iPodResQ or ifixit at your own risk
    Just in case that you are at the following situation
    Your iPod warranty is expired
    You don’t want to pay any service charges
    You are prepared to buy a new one
    You can’t accept the re-sell value of your broken iPod
    Rather than leave your iPod as paper-weight or throw it away.
    You can try the following, but again, only do it as your last resort and at your own risk.
    Warning !!!! – It may or may not manage to solve your problem, and with a risk that you may further damage your iPod, which end up as an expensive paper weight or you need to pay more higher repairing cost. Therefore, please re-consider again whether you want to try the next level
    Last Resort Level
    1. . Disconnecting the Hard Drive and battery inside the iPod – Warning !! Your iPod warranty will be waived once you open the iPod.
    In Hong Kong there are some electronic shops offering an iPod service for Sad iPod, the first thing they do is to open up the iPod’s case and disconnecting the battery and the Hard Drive from the main board of the iPod. Wait for 5-10 minutes and reconnecting them back. The reason behind which I can think of is to do a fully reset of a processor of the iPod. In case you want do it itself and you believe that you are good on fixing the electronics devices and have experience to deal with small bits of electronic parts, then you can read the following of how to open the iPod case for battery and HDD replacement (with Quicktimes)
    2.Press the reset button on the Hard Drive inside the iPod – Suggestion from Kill8joy
    Have I tried these myself? No, I am afraid to do it myself as I am squeamish about tinkering inside electronic devices, I have few experiences that either I broke the parts (which are normally tiny or fragile) or failed to put the parts back to the main case. Therefore, I agree with suggestion to have it fixed by a Pro.
    2. Do a search on Google and some topics on this discussion forum about “Sad iPod”
    Exclamation point and folder and nothing else
    Spank your iPod
    Exclamation point and folder and nothing else
    What should I do with my iPod? Send it or keep it?
    Strange error on iPod (probably death)
    Sad Face on iPod for no apparent reason
    Meeting the Sad iPod icon
    http://askpang.typepad.com/relevant_history/2004/11/meeting_the_sad.html#comment -10519524
    Sad faced iPod, but my computer won’t recognize it?
    iPod Photo: unhappy icon + warranty question
    4th Gen iPod Users - are we all having the same problem?
    Low Battery, and clicking sounds
    Sad faced iPod, but my computer won’t recognize it
    Sad iPod solution
    Re: try to restore ipod and it says "can't mount ipod"
    iPod making clicking noise and is frozen
    Cant put it into disk mode
    I think my iPod just died its final death
    Apple logo & monochrome battery stay
    My iPod ism’t resetting and isn’t being read by my computer
    I am not suggesting that you should follow as well, but just read them as your reference. You are the person to make the call.
    Finally, I read a fair comments from dwb, regarding of slapping the back of the iPod multiple times
    Quote “This has been discussed numerous times as a 'fix'. It does work, at least for a while. In fact I remember using the same basic trick to revive Seagate and Quantam drives back in the mid to late 1980's. Why these tiny hard drives go bad I don't know - could be the actuator gets stuck in place or misaligned. Could be the platter gets stuck or the motor gets stuck. 'Stiction' was a problem for drives back in the 80's. Unfortunately the fix can cause damage to the platter so we temporarily fix one problem by creating another. But I know of two instances where a little slap onto the table revived the iPods and they are still worked a year or more later.”UnQuote

  • Is it possible to keep both iPhoto and Aperture on the same Mac

    I would like to use both IPhoto (for day by day pictures) and Aperture (for pictures made with my SLR in Raw format).
    Is anybody able to advice me about this opportunity?

    You can keep both Applications (iPhoto and Aperture) on the same computer and separate libraries for iPhoto and Aperture;  images from both libraries will/should be available in other Applications from the Media Browser. In the long run, after you get accustomed to working Aperture, you will find it more convenient to migrate all your images to Aperture. Aperture has the more efficient storage strategy, you need less disk space to store multiple versions of the same image in Aperture than in iPhoto, and Aperture is the more versatile tool.
    It is easy to migrate iPhoto libraries to Aperture, but that is a one way road, if you want to export back to iPhoto, you can export your images, but not all of your library structure.

  • Can I use both iPhoto and Aperture on the same library?

    I like some of the features of iPhoto (like faces and places) but prefer to work in Aperture for its rich tool content. Is there any way I can use both iPhoto and Aperture on the same library? Or, import images from Aperture into iPhoto?
    Thanks much!

    I think you may have answered a question I have with the above, but to be sure here is what I would like to do. I currently have iPhoto09 with about 50,000 pictures in it, which seems too much for it to manage. I would like to use Aperture, which I understand is better for managing a large number of photos, but still have iPhoto available to make slide shows, etc. for our AppleTV. Would the process you described above work for that?
    Thank you

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