PA notifications Question

Hi gurus!
               I have a specific requirement, my client wants to hire an employee week before his real start date. And once he uses PA40 hiring action, and finishes it, he wants notification to be sent to all the employees inbox, so that the respective departments will be prepared for new employee.
what should i do about this?
can i use the notifications infotype?
please help me out...
thanks in advance

Notification infotype is used for displaying some additional infn in Payslip of the employee.
For this you can create a mail sending program and run it twice a day.
Use this Function module <b>SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1</b>

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    Dear Ryan,
    On the Configuration tab, navigate to Workflow > SMTP Server.
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    This is the 4 steps to have a successful Push notification integration with your app 
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    General Settings -
    You can add parameters INBOX_LINK_CAPTION and  INBOX_LINK_CAPTION
    Hope this will help you.

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    Hi and Welcome to the Forums!
    Is it one of these?
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
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    Hi Mizpixiegirl,
    Have you tried resetting your device: Hold down the Home and Power buttons at the same time and continue to hold them down until the Silver Apple appears (up to 30 seconds).
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