Package canceled no reund?

Hi there, I choosed a package £15 for 30 days. I was charged for that package and it should start in 7 days. Later on i canceled the package and wanted to change something. However, i did not receive a refund for the canceled package that did not start yet. Is this possible? I want my £15 back. How can i do it? Cheers

You can't if I understand you correctly. By cancelling do you mean that you texted STOP PACK to 150? That doesn't cancel the pack you've already bought; all it does is stop it auto renewing at the end of the 30 days.

Similar Messages

  • Call Packages - cancellation of "choose to refuse"

    Hello BT Customer Service,
    Today - at work - I received a call from my elderly Mother who was in a very distraught state.  She had contacted BT Customer Service by telephone, and after trawling her way through the telephone menu system eventually reached an operator, who then promptly disconnected the call before she had chance to speak.  All she wants to do is cancel the call feature package "choose to refuse."  Can a member to the BT forum team perform this task?  I have the account details to hand. 
    Go to Solution.

    Just a wee note to say that I used the live chat facility, while at work.  I was doubtful whether I could access the system from my workplace given the amount of IT security but it worked.
    I have to say I was fairly well impressed by the speed of the response and the resolution.  It remains to be seen whether the service has been cancelled - I was assured that it would be and that my elderly Mother would be refunded any advance payments.
    While it is hard to say for definite, from the style of the language used during the chat and name the gentleman, I guess that this centre was not based in the UK.  If this were the case then we did not have the problem of accent and speed of speech to content with, which made communication far easier.  And at least we did not have to go through the tedious process of press 1 for this, press 2 for that, press 3 for goodness knows what before being directed to another slow and tedious telephone menu system.  (I hope BT Human Factors are listening - we can only hold seven chunks of information in working memory.)

  • DTEXEC does not fail when SSIS package fails

    I need to run my SSIS 2012 packages through the catalog with DTEXEC. This works very well, except that if my SSIS package fails, DTEXEC does not fail. I need DTEXEC to fail, so my scheduler knows that there is an error.
    I use the following command:
    dtexec /ISServer "\SSISDB\MyFolder\MyProject\MyPackage.dtsx" /Ser MyServer /Par $Package::Partition;201412 /Env 5
    When I check the status of the run in the Catalog, it is failed.
    When I used SSIS 2008, I had no problem getting DTEXEC to fail when the packages failed.

    I've had the same problem, and come up with the following prototype for a SQL Script which I run in our JAMS Enterprise Scheduler. It uses SSISDB stored procedures to start the SSIS package and polls every 5 seconds to report any messages, and final
    status code of the package. JAMS parameters are delimited by << >> symbols, and will need to be changed for your scheduler/batch process. I guess the script could be converted to a stored procedure. I'm also hoping it will work with SQL High
    Availability groups to ensure the SSIS package runs on the server that's hosting the active database.
    DECLARE @execution_id BIGINT
    DECLARE @status INT= 1
    DECLARE @Event_Message_id BIGINT= 0
    DECLARE @Last_Event_Message_id BIGINT= 0
    DECLARE @message_time DATETIME2(7)
    --Create a SSIS execution for the required SSIS package and return the execution_id
    EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_execution] @package_name = N'<<pPackageName>>.dtsx',
        @execution_id = @execution_id OUTPUT, @folder_name = N'<<pSSISFolderName>>',
        @project_name = N'<<pSSISProjectName>>', @use32bitruntime = <<p32Bit>>, @reference_id = NULL
    RAISERROR('Starting SSIS package <<pPackageName>> with execution_id %I64d on server %s',0,0,@execution_id,@@SERVERNAME) WITH NOWAIT
    --Set the logging level 0-none, 1-basic (recommended), 2-performance, 3-verbose
    EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_execution_parameter_value] @execution_id,
        @object_type = 50, @parameter_name = N'LOGGING_LEVEL',
        @parameter_value = <<pLogging_Level>>
    --Start the package executing
    EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[start_execution] @execution_id
    WHILE @status IN ( 1, 2, 5, 8 ) --created (1), running (2), canceled (3), failed (4), pending (5), ended unexpectedly (6), succeeded (7), stopping (8), and completed (9).
            WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'
        --Get the status to see later if we've finished
            SELECT  @status = status
            FROM    SSISDB.catalog.executions
            WHERE   execution_id = @execution_id 
        --Are there any event messages since we last reported any?
            DECLARE curEventMessages CURSOR FAST_FORWARD
                SELECT  event_message_id ,
                        message_time ,
                FROM    SSISDB.catalog.event_messages
                WHERE   operation_id = @execution_id
                        AND event_message_id > @Last_Event_Message_id;
            OPEN curEventMessages
            FETCH NEXT FROM curEventMessages INTO @Event_Message_id, @message_time,
            WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
            --We've found a message, so display it - watch out for % signs in the message, they'll cause an error if we don't replace them
                    SET @message = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX), @message_time, 113)
                        + ' ' + replace(@message,'%',' percent')
                    RAISERROR(@message,0,0) WITH NOWAIT
                    SET @Last_Event_Message_id = @Event_Message_id --Make a note that we've reported this message
                    FETCH NEXT FROM curEventMessages INTO @Event_Message_id,
                        @message_time, @message
            CLOSE curEventMessages
            DEALLOCATE curEventMessages
    --@Status indicates that package execution has finished, so let's look at the outcome, and error if there's a problem
    IF @status = 7
        RAISERROR('Package Succeeded',0,0)
        IF @status = 9
            RAISERROR('Package completed',0,0)
            IF @status = 3
                RAISERROR('Package Cancelled',16,1)
                IF @status = 4
                    RAISERROR('Package failed (see error message above)',16,1)
                    IF @status = 6
                        RAISERROR('Package ended unexpectedly',16,1)
                        RAISERROR('Package ended with unknown status %i',16,1,@status)

  • Early cancellation fee

    I have a family plan package with 3 phones. We moved to a new neighborhood 9 miles away and now I have very limited service inside my one story home. I spoke with the verizon tech rep and tried of few things, but none worked. Why am paying almost $200/month for little to no service? My work requires me to be on call several days out of the month. I cannot afford to have missed calls. The verizon rep told me that I could pay $250 for a signal booster, but refuse to pay extra for something that should be standard. They offered to discount it a few dollars, but I told them I am not willing to pay anymore for this service. I have been an excellent customer with verizon 15+ years. This is how verizon is taking care of me.  I have starting to research other companies and was wondering if verizon charges each phone a cancellation fee or a package cancellation fee?

    Each line is charged an ETF since each line has its own contract.  If you last purchased a smartphone when signing a new two-year contract, the ETF is $350 minus $10 for each full month of the contract term you've completed (it's $175 minus $5 if you last purchased a basic phone).

  • Major Problems since day one

    Posting this on behalf of my mother. (who BT have cut off in the course of an ongoing dispute over payments). Since she signed up with BT, There have been a number of issues, ranging from deceptive selling practices, refusal to provide sales call transcripts, breach of contract with regards to payment terms, outright hopeless customer service, both with regards to addressing problems, alongside a lack of proactive company-client interactions, and finally, the complete removal of all service whilst payments are in dispute, effective leaving my other unable to contact BT - her supplier - from her own home - this effectively acts as coercion on BT's part.
    My mother signed up to BT as a result of an inbound sales call, where BT's representative and my mother, to our joint best knowledge (as BT have yet to send recordings and transcripts of the call) that my mother could both a) Pay her bill monthly, as opposed to quarterly, and b) that the package my mother was signing up to included unlimited broadband. My mother later phoned BT to sign up after comparing the deal she had been offered with her current TalkTalk package.
    While my mother admits she cannot recall the exact content of her inbound call, it should be remembered that she had discussed terms with a representative prior to the call, and was in her knowledge, agreeing to those terms. If the BT representative she was in contact with when she made contact did not correct my mother, or firmly outline the terms, BT can arguably have been seen as changing the contract terms without notifying the signing party - a practice which is, to my knowledge, illegal, and if not, certainly immoral, and not a good way to conduct business.
    The main sticking point is the broadband charges, which are the charges in dispute. My mother signed up under the presumption that she was on the unlimited option (later discovered to be option 3) due to the household being heavy users due to the data using devices in the household at the time being as follows:
    2 games consoles with online capabilities
    3 smartphones
    1 desktop computer -mine- with a premium Spotify account, regularly used
    Another desktop - my sister's - which streamed a large amount of content through iPlayer and YouTube
    1 laptop, belonging to my mother's partner, with a recently opened Spotify Free (unlimited ad-supported streaming for 6-months) account, again resulting in a large amount of streaming
    With this in mind, my mother had been led to believe that she would be on a similar package to her TalkTalk package at the time, which had Unlimited broadband (Subject to fair use). Given that the representative which made the outbound call which started the process, to our knowledge, confirmed both terms and prices, this could be considered as an oral contract - legally binding in both Scots and English Law - meaning that any changes made without notification would surely render the contract null and void.
    My mother and the household then proceeded to use the service on the assumption that it was an unlimited one. The first sign of trouble arose when the first bill arrived after 3 months as opposed to after the first, despite the terms agreed being monthly payments. Whilst the bill stated that my mother was signed up to option 2, my mother didn't contemplate that this was a lesser package than the one agreed to, and instead thought that the abnormally high bill was down to installation charges etc. and thus, the household continued to use the service on the assumption of it being an unlimited one.
    When the 2nd bill (April 2012) came through, it became clear that the bill was high due to usage above the download limit - a limit which my mother was unaware existed, due to her being under the impression that the terms she had agreed to included unlimited broadband. Whilst BT have pointed out that they sent notifications to my mother's BT account, My mother feels that it would have been good customer service to phone her and make her aware that the package she was on wasn't adequate -mainly because it wasn't what was agreed to- and if she would like to upgrade - to the package she had agreed to.
    My mother refused to pay this bill until the issue was addressed, and indeed she offered to pay the price differential between option 2 and option 3. Bearing in mind my mother had been mislead, this is arguably, on her part, a noble gesture.. BT instead refused to agree to this course of action and  instead blocked both in and outgoing calls; Stopped BT vision; and cut off her broadband. This was temporarily resolved when my mother pointed out that the payments were being withheld due to a dispute, and service continued until a couple of days ago, when all services were again discontinued. This includes the ability to contact the emergency services, as my mother found out when my estranged father – under a non-harrassment order and just released from prison – attended the house, leaving my mother unable to contact the police, potentially putting her life at riskWhilst I understand that this is BT's prerogative, I wish to point out that they steadfastly refused my mother's resolution. Her contact with BT's Call centres has been, to put it lightly, unconstructive, with Call centre reps acknowledging that the charges WERE excessive, but that Management were unwilling to budge. This to me, smacks of a deliberate attempt to NOT resolve the problem by BT.
    As my mother's attempts at engaging with BT customer service have been unproductive, I have offered to take it up on her behalf.
    To summarise:
    My mother was missold a service after having been misled -whether by accident or by design- with regards to her contract (Oral contracts being binding in both Scots and English law)
    My mother was notified of going over "broadband limits" which she should not have been subject to, through a channel she was not aware of.
    BT actively placed my mother in harm's way by cutting off ALL services – including contact of the emergency services from the landline – without any notification
    My mother's most recent bill, dated June 2012, contains the following charges:
    BT Home Hub 3.0
    13 Jun 12
    You have left BT Total Broadband within 12 months ? so this charge is for
    the cost of your broadband equipment
    Broadband and Calls
    13 Jun 12
    You cancelled this service while on contract - so this charge is for your
    Package to the end of your contract
    Broadband Access Service
    13 Jun 12
    This charge is for the cessation of your Broadband - for further
    information please see
    Final Payment for Vision+ box
    13 Jun 12
    You cancelled your BT Vision service whilst in contract - so this is the
    deferred payment charge for this service.
    BT Vision Unlimited contract for 12 months
    13 Jun 12
    You cancelled this service while on contract - so this charge is for your
    TV to the end of your contract
    All pertaining to consequences of cancellation
    + excessive usage charges (£50 for the period April - June 2012 inclusive)
    + £78.59 in what, to my knowledge, is the disputed payment for excessive broadband
    + the following
    Other one-off charges
    16 Apr 12
    Charge for reconnection of line after outgoing calls were barred
    Late payment charge
    the total of the above comes to £582.02 . However, due to my above point, Any payments with regards to cessation of contracts are arguably null and void due to the nature of the contract (altered without consent of the signing party). none of the goods or services above would have been used or sought under the terms BT were apparently working under. In consideration that the above value is more than that of the bill itself, my mother would be happy with the following:
    1: A written apology, resumption of her services ( Free Evening and Weekend calls, BT Vision) PLUS a complimentary upgrade to BT Infinty option 2 Broadband services at the rate of BT option 2 until October 2012, at which point my mother is free to either continue using the service at the rate advertised as of June 21st, 2012; or to cancel her BT services without pain or penalty - including but not limited to package cancellation charges; service cessation charges; charges for equipment, and any and all other charges triggered by contract cancellation
    2: A written apology; cessation of any and all services without pain or penalty - including but not limited to package cancellation charges; service cessation charges; charges for equipmentl and any and all other charges triggered by contract cancellation; a refund of £46.92 - the difference between the bill, and the charges pertaining to cancellation of the breached contract. + A £50 goodwill payment in acknowledgement that BT's actions actively placed her in harm's way
    My mother is open to discussions with BT at the email address provided to the company. Contact details removed from public forum... - Mod
    This post also serves as 8 weeks notice from today  (June 21st, 2012) prior to the opening of a dispute with the Communication's Ombudsman as required by Ofcom for the filing of a complaint to BT's ADR scheme. In addition to this, an edited version of the post will be sent to media which deal specifically with consumer rights if there has been no contact prior to July 12th, 2012. these will include, but are not limited to BBC's Watchdog.

    Hi Ross,
    If you would like the moderator team to investigate this for you, please fill out our contact form (the link to which you can find in my profile in the "about me" section) and we'll see what's going on with your mother's account.
    BTCare Community Mod
    If you like a post, or want to say thanks for a helpful answer, please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

  • Find Case 1 and Case 2

    An order will have both Case 1 and case 2 types.
    Case 1 :One ordered_item_id has multiple package _id which we call Ship Alone
    Case 2: One package_id has multiple ordered_item_id which we call Normal
    Requirement: I will give packing_id or ordered_item_id and how do I find out whether that packing_id
    will fall in Case 1 or Case 2.
    Sample Data:  *Ship Alone*
                  Ordered_item_id  Ord_quantity         Packing_Id           packing_quantity
                      5858                 3              102,103,104        1,1,1          
                  Packing_Id        packing_quantity       Ordered_item_id    Ord_quantity            
                110                    2                           5111                 2
               110                    3                            5112                3
               110                    1                            5113                1
               110                    1                             5114               1                    I have tried this code but it is not giving me expected result.
           CURSOR c_count     
           SELECT oi.ordered_item_id
                        FROM  ordered_items oi
              ,packing_details pd
           WHERE oi.ordered_item_id = pd.ordered_item_id
             AND   oi.ordered_item_id = v_ordered_item_id
                   GROUP BY  oi.ordered_item_id
         OPEN c_count;
            FETCH c_count
          INTO ord_itm_id
                  ,count_pack_per_item ;
           EXIT WHEN c_count%NOTFOUND;
           IF count_pack_per_item =1 THEN
    --ddooo something
          INTO v_shipalone_count
    FROM packing_details pd
               ,packing p
    WHERE pd.ordered_item_id = ord_itm_id
        AND p.packing_id       = pd.packing_id
       AND p.status           = 'C';     
      If (count_pack_per_item > 1) AND (v_shipalone_count >= 1)  THEN            
    --do somethingthis is not complete code but the part which i trying to get the result
    Suupose I give packing_id 103 then it should say it will come in Case 1.
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: sandy162 on Jun 4, 2009 3:34 PM
    Edited by: sandy162 on Jun 4, 2009 3:40 PM

    Thanks as you said Select are woking perfectly fine and seleting cases proeprly but I have problem how to implemet
    those selects in my code.. here is my code and at step 6 & 7 im finding out ship_alone or normal case.
    Please help me to resolve it.
    --Stpe 5  find out number of packages in given order
         SELECT count(*)
           INTO package_count
           FROM packing
          WHERE client         = v_client
             AND order_number = v_order_number
                         AND status IN ('A','C');
    --Step 5a. If only one package for a given Order UPDATE Order status = 'B' else Order status will remain 'S'--
         IF package_count = 1 THEN
           UPDATE orders
                SET status = 'B'
            WHERE order_number = v_order_number
                           AND client       = v_client;
         END IF;
    -- -Step 5b. for all Orders (single or multiple packages) UPDATE ordered_items SET status = 'B'---     
            UPDATE ordered_items
               SET status = 'B'
                     WHERE client  = v_client
                        AND ordered_item_id   = v_ordered_item_id;
         IF package_count > 1 THEN
    --Step 6. Check ordered_item_id count and packing_id count in given order_number
       OPEN c_count;
           FETCH c_count
          INTO ord_itm_id
               ,count_pack_per_item ;
           EXIT WHEN c_count%NOTFOUND;
    --Step 6a. package has one/multiple order items       
           IF count_pack_per_item =1 THEN
               cmn_backorder_pkg.create_new_backorder (ordrec);  -- Create backorder from backordered items for ordrec.order_number.
         END IF;
    ---Step 6b. Ship-alone means order item has multiple pacakges
         SELECT COUNT(*)
                       INTO v_shipalone_count
           FROM packing_details pd
                              ,packing p
                    WHERE pd.ordered_item_id = ord_itm_id
             AND p.packing_id          = pd.packing_id
             AND p.status                = 'C';     
    ---Step 7a Ship alone Order items has already one/more package cancelled
      If (count_pack_per_item > 1) AND (v_shipalone_count >= 1)  THEN
            UPDATE ordered_items oi
                  SET oi.quantity_ordered = order_qty+package_qty
             WHERE ordered_item_id     = ord_itm_id ;
    ------step 7b Canceling Ship Alone package for first time      
           OPEN c_back_order;
              FETCH c_back_order
              INTO ordrec;
              EXIT WHEN c_back_order%NOTFOUND;
    --Step 8a: Adjust original order items quantity --
          p_new_qty :=  (order_qty - package_qty);
              UPDATE ordered_items oi
                    SET oi.QUANTITY_ORDERED = p_new_qty
               WHERE ordered_item_id = ord_itm_id;
        ---Step 8b: adjust packing detail quantity
                v_tran        := 'U';
                v_line_status := 'S';
                v_new_qty     := p_new_qty;
                OPEN c_adj_item (v_order_number, v_client);
                  FETCH c_adj_item INTO itemrec;
                  EXIT WHEN c_adj_item%NOTFOUND;
             END LOOP;
             CLOSE c_back_order;  --c_back_order

  • .BPC NW 7.5 -  Account transformation Error

    I am trying to run Account Transformation Rules using data manager package. Every time I Run the Package I get error showing as Package "Cancelled". I am using the Standard RUNCALC Package to run the rules. Using the Following Script Logic:
          CATEGORY     = %P_CATEGORY_SET% 
          TID_RA = %P_TIME_SET%
    Request someone to please help.

    'Cancelled' status would likely to give a dump in the backend. Have a look at the dump and analyse where the program is failing and it would be looking for a specific input. Could you please put the entity in square brackets in your code.
    And also. I beleive you are send the RPTCURRENCY vallue from your package. If not please hardcode as LC.

  • Call India from China

    I want to call from China to India. 
    1. What are the rates for monthly subscription?
    2. I am going to use it for a month only, so can i cancel my monthly subscription in a month
    3. How much does it cost

    1) With subscription you pay 1 monthly fee and calling minutes will be added to your account for calling. There are no rates since you don't get credit, instead you get minutes that will be deducted from your account.
    2) You can cancel recurring at any time from account page after the purchase:
    Cancelling recurring payment won't take your minutes away, it only stops next payment.
    3) Cost depends on how many minutes you will purchase:
    I hope this helps.
    If answer was helpful please mark it with Kudos and if issue is resolved mark it with solution. This will help other users find this answer more easily. Thanks in advance!

  • Pro 7 key info

    Just moved up to Tiger, do i down load QT pro and use previouslly purchased pro 7 key ? if so where do i find my key ? logged into app store as advised , but no sign of it.
    thanks Ronny

    There's no link just these:
    Orders View your orders
    Order status
    Track packages
    Cancel items
    Return items
    Print Invoice
    Change account information
    Manage shipping address book
    Change 1-Click settings
    Apple Gift Cards
    Thanks Ronny.

  • How to cancel my bt package help please

    after ringing sky and virgin media and being told i was unable to get a package with them i signed up with bt.
    i signed up for bt-vision, 20 meg net and phone with free weekend calls.
    i paid the £50 they asked for on the phone and was told i would receive all the equipment on the 15th april and it would all go live on the 15th aswell.
    i received my parcel and set it all up on the 15th april and iv had nothing but problems.
    im paying for 20 meg internet but im never able to receive more then 3 meg wich would be ok if i wasnt having to run a pc and 2 ps3's of it plus i was never told on the phone when making the order all i would get is 3 meg internet speed.
    the wireless disconects every hour or so
    the bt-vision is a waste of time as the image is rubbish as im unable to use a hdmi lead for it as it says my tv dose not suport it ( but it dose ), so im useing the freeview i got built into my tv at the mo
    i have 2 laptops that are unable to conect wireless as they are running windows xp and the only way to conect them is by lowering the security on the router , wich i was never told about when making the order
    the phone works fine apart from me getting at least 4 calls a day with no one speaking and this started the day the phone went in ( 15th april ) and befor i gave anyone the number i do 1471 and there is no number.
    so iv had bt for 5 days now, i rung them yesterday and was told i am unable to cancel my contract without having to pay for the 18 month bill.
    i was told i could only cancel it for free befor the 15th april wich is a joke because it wasnt even active then so how was i ment to know the service was going to be so bad.
    am i signed into a contract with bt as iv not signed anything nore set up any direct debits for it yet ?
    dose anyone know a way of ending this contract without paying a large bill please ?
    thanks for your time

    taz1983 wrote:
    after ringing sky and virgin media and being told i was unable to get a package with them i signed up with bt.
    i signed up for bt-vision, 20 meg net and phone with free weekend calls.
    i paid the £50 they asked for on the phone and was told i would receive all the equipment on the 15th april and it would all go live on the 15th aswell.
    i received my parcel and set it all up on the 15th april and iv had nothing but problems.
    im paying for 20 meg internet but im never able to receive more then 3 meg wich would be ok if i wasnt having to run a pc and 2 ps3's of it plus i was never told on the phone when making the order all i would get is 3 meg internet speed.
    the wireless disconects every hour or so
    the bt-vision is a waste of time as the image is rubbish as im unable to use a hdmi lead for it as it says my tv dose not suport it ( but it dose ), so im useing the freeview i got built into my tv at the mo
    i have 2 laptops that are unable to conect wireless as they are running windows xp and the only way to conect them is by lowering the security on the router , wich i was never told about when making the order
    the phone works fine apart from me getting at least 4 calls a day with no one speaking and this started the day the phone went in ( 15th april ) and befor i gave anyone the number i do 1471 and there is no number.
    so iv had bt for 5 days now, i rung them yesterday and was told i am unable to cancel my contract without having to pay for the 18 month bill.
    i was told i could only cancel it for free befor the 15th april wich is a joke because it wasnt even active then so how was i ment to know the service was going to be so bad.
    am i signed into a contract with bt as iv not signed anything nore set up any direct debits for it yet ?
    dose anyone know a way of ending this contract without paying a large bill please ?
    thanks for your time
    BT should normally give you an estimate of the speed you will get when you inquire about broadband.  It can be anything between 512K and 20M, depending on your line and the local exchange.  Did you ever ask?  BT have previously said that they will release people from contracts if the speed is significantly lower than what they said customers would get.  Did they say "20M" or "up to 20M" - there is a big difference between the two.
    You might be able to fix the HDMI problem by turning either or both of the TV and Vision box off and on again, or by getting a better quality of HDMI lead.  Unfortunately, HDMI can be a bit temperamental.  In any case, the Vision box makes a useful freeview video recorded.
    If your WinXP laptops require a lower encryption, then it's either because their wireless adaptors are obsolete, or the drivers for them are obsolete.  I have a netbook running XP and it connects happily with WPA2 encryption.
    Your contract doesn't have to be on paper.  Verbal contracts are legally valid, and BT will have recorded the phone call.  Since broadband and Vision are services, the rules under the Distance Selling Regulations are different.  The normal 14 day cooling off period after receiving goods only applies to products, not services.

  • I would like to cancel the storage package that I bought on September 30, 2013 in order to upgrade my Iphone.

    I would like to cancel the storage package that I bought on September 30, 2013 in order to upgrade my Iphone.
    How can I get the refound?
    Moshe Kanfi

    System is going to do that automatically, you don't have to make any special arrangements for that. None of us can return anything to you, that is user to user assistance forum.

  • Up dates interference while downloading trial version of full cc packages .can I cancel downloading and go for again

    up date interference while downloading trial version of cc full packages. Can I cancel down loading and go for again?


  • Legal Consolidation package is automatically getting CANCELLED

    Hi Experts,
    I am trying to run the Legal Consolidation dtsx package which triggers the Consolidation.LGF script logic, but i am getting a strange cancellation message. It is automatically getting cancelled and when i look onto the log it shows Package - Running.
    Does anyone have a clue on this ?

    Hi Fred,
    You will need to provide screenshots of your parameter setting or type it out in the message for legal app and ownership applications.  If not set properly, the message status you experienced is a typical norm. 
    The next step you need to check is the ownership application to ensure that you have the appropriate ownership structure setup for the period.
    If you believe that you have set up everything appropriately, then scale back your ownership structure to a minimum to make sure that you can run the Consolidations package/process chain (automatic adjustments) to get the desired result.  From there, you can build up your structure and test them to ensure expected results.
    Are you on SP2 or SP3?

  • Support packages in status canceled

    In our test system (SAP Netweaver 7.00 with Oracle 10.2) we got an error upgrading the support packages SAP_APPL 15 to 19. First, we deleted de contents of table PAT01. Now these are in status canceled in transaction SPAM. When we try to
    define the queue again, we get the error: No Support Packages found for this selection.
    Please, can you help us with this issue?.

    Hi Arjun,
    I'm sorry, but I just finished to check again the table PAT03, and I have found the next entries:
    PATCH                SHORT_TEXT                                     STATUS   DELIV_DATE   DELIV_TIME    IMPLE_DATE
    SAPKH60015           SP 15 for SAP_APPL 6.00                   ?        07.01.2009       11:01:33          13.02.2012
    SAPKH60016           SP 16 for SAP_APPL 6.00                   ?        20.07.2009       08:42:37          13.02.2012
    SAPKH60017           SP 17 for SAP_APPL 6.00                   ?        25.02.2010       16:02:29          13.02.2012
    SAPKH60018           SP 18 for SAP_APPL 6.00                   ?        13.08.2010       18:49:10          13.02.2012
    SAPKH60019           SP 19 for SAP_APPL 6.00                   ?        31.01.2011       15:07:47          13.02.2012
    What do you think about to delete them?.

  • Fxtrans Package gets cancelled

    When I execute my FxTrans package, it gets cancelled and when I look at the process chain, its red on the clear temp tables It used to work flawlessly till yesterday. I am on 7.5NW. Can anyone give me any insights on how to go about resolving this issue?
    No changes have been to the process chain or the package in the mean time.
    Thanks for your time and help!

    Hi Danny,
    If it's red on that last Process in should be an error message there that you should be able to see in Context menu. Also, it should be something in t/a SLG1. Could you please post those?

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