Palm Pre Canada

Hey, Bell just announced they will be the exlusive carrier of the palm pre in canada. That's great and all, but what will happens to the provinces that bell mobility does not operate in (ie. Manitoba), Am i going to have to pay a boat load of money to get the pre contract free off the internet, and will i be able to use the phone with MTS(manitoba cell phone company)? or Telus? I really don't want to have to do this, I don't want to spend alot of money on a cell phone, I may have to wait for the new iphone instead.
Post relates to: None

Hello and thank you for using the Palm Help Forums!
I would really love to help you with this question. This is more of a carrier question/ concern. I would recommend contacting Bell and seeing what they can provide to you. Unfortunately, we here at Palm do not have access to coverage areas for wireless carriers.
I wish you the best of luck and please let us know if you have any further questions or concerns.

Similar Messages

  • Yahoo Messenger Palm Pre in Canada (Bell)

    Is there anyone who made it work?

    Maple_leaf, Palm Pre is the way to go. It is the phone smart, and otherwise, of the future.
    I am truly dismayed that MTS or Rogers won't be introducing it into the Winnipeg market in 09 or 2010 because of their existing contractual links with Blackberry.
    It appears, from your comments, that Bell Canada has exclusive distribution rights for PalmPre in Canada.
    And they're not talking to MTS?
    looks like we need to implement a social awakening strategy to get PalmPre supporters to lobby MTS strongly to make the PalmPre inclusive and a choice.
    My three year contract with MTS ends in aug.2010 and I won't be renewing it with a Blackberry. I currently use a Moto Q but the MTS data plan sucks,.2mb for $20.00 monthly, just the minimum to get the phone.
    The IPhone is too expensive for my budget. I need something that has at least 500 daily minutes monthly with unlimited evgs. and weekends.
    Do you know that Bell is charging customers in Ontario for unlimited data monthly? on the palm pre?

  • Unlocked Palm Pre 2 from HP Canada?

    Wasn't the greatest launch for Palm Pre 2 in Canada - kind of a whimper instead of a roar!
    Will it be available unlocked from HP Palm directly soon?  The faithful would appreciate a decent price for the holidays too!
    Post relates to: Pre 2 p102una (Unlocked NA)

    the response I got when asked about no love being shown for canadian developers(with respect to the 200 coupon) the response I got was it was due to a system requirement. I'm not sure what that means.
    a little irked that the "buy" link on the Canadian palm site points directly to rogers.

  • Palm Pre for Sprint Data Back Up Problem

    I am having issues with data back up with my Palm Pre for Sprint - Palm webOS
    I have the setting set so "On" so the data is set to back up automatically to my Palm Profile every day, however it has not backed up automatically since June 5th.  I just noticed this today (June 17th), and I have tried today to manually back up the data by choosing "Back Up Data Now" button, but the screen just gets hung up indefinitely with a note saying "Preparing" without ever backing the data up.
    On a related note, between June 6th & June 10th I took a trip to Canada where my phone was International Roaming - so I can understand why it might not back under those circumstances - but I returned to the US on June 10th and it has not backed up automatically since and it does not appear that it is able to back up manually either.
    Has anyone had a similar issue or know what I might do to remedy this?
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    Would you care to share the link to the solution?  It will help anyone who searches this thread... Thanks!
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  • Need info on palm pre

    Hi to resume this friend gave me her palm pre cause she had broken the lcd screen.
    Took a new one replaced it and it works perfect!
    Problem is i wanna transfer my old phone to the palm pre and im with rogers i know i gotta jailbreak the Pre to be able to do that,and i dont find the spot to introduce the sim card...after seeing video on youtube i spoted where it is suposed to be but on mine there's a aluminium cover is there a possibility that not all the pre got sim card slot or what !?
    Can some1 explain me a easier way to do what i want !? does i really need to pick up my old cellphone's sim card and put it on the Pre(ex cellphone Lg EvE smarthphone)
    Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Bell)

    The Bell Palm Pre is a CDMA phone while Rogers is GSM and unforutnately we currently do not have a GSM Pre in Canada yet.  The Palm Pre 2 in Canada is GSM and will be avail soon.  Check it out here.

  • I have a Palm Pre in Italy.

    I know this issue has come up before in these forums but it was back in 2009.
    We are now 2010
    I have a Palm Pre and live in Italy. The phone is registered with Palm as being in Italy
    The phone was bought on E Bay and is from Germany
    I have a Canadian and Italian credit card
    When I want to buy an App and submit my credit card details I cannot enter them because Italy or Canada is not a provided option.
    Has this wrinkle been addressed yet by Palm - will it do so in the future. Does anyone know a way around this little wrinkle
    Thx in advance

    Hello and welcome to the forums;
    Each phone is associated with a specific country. The country is assigned automatically the first time a Palm profile is created on the phone. The App Catalog apps you can access are based on the country associated with the phone.
    Phones associated with the following countries or regions can use App Catalog to purchase apps and to download free apps:
    Canada; Germany; Ireland; Mexico; Spain; United Kingdom; United States (these are the countries in which Palm is sold locally by carriers)
    Phones associated with the following countries or regions can use App Catalog to download free apps only:
    Australia; Austria; Belgium; China; Czech Republic; France; Hong Kong; Italy; Luxembourg; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Switzerland (Palm devices are not locally sold in these countries, they need to be imported)
    Unfortunately, this is the reason you are unable to enter payment information, and will be unable to purchase apps. If you can see paid apps, the device may have been activated in Germany originally, and as such if you had a German card (and billing address) it may accept that as an option, but I cannot guarantee it.
    Hope this helps,

  • HP Touchpad, Palm PRE account and German credit card

    I have problem with entering my credit card details into the HP Touchpad. I had Palm Pre bought in Germany and I have inserted there the German credit card and ordering of applications worked fine. Today I have received the new HP Touchpad also bought in Germany. I have used the same account as in Palm Pre, but now I am not able to insert my German credit card there as the only available country options are there United States, Canada and Mexico. What to do?
    Post relates to: HP TouchPad (WiFi)
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    For anyone experiencing this issue (App catalog appears to not match the country it should), please send me a Private Message (PM) with your profile email address. I will submit a ticket to have the issue fixed for your account.
    Thank you.

  • I have a new Palm Pre Plus - can I have more than one Google G-Mail Account on the phone?

    I have a general G-Mail account and it has started getting too busy with advertisements etc.  I'm thinking about changing to a different e-mail address but don't know what yet.
    I have an old Palm Centro I used to Synch with my laptop.  Now I need to do this with G-Mail.  So I created a unique g-mail account that would only contain my calendar and contact information - i called it "palm.last name" - made sense to me.
    When I try to add it to my Palm Pre Plus I am unable to sign in.  I'm wondering if you are limited to the number of Gmail e-mail accounts you can have on the phone.  If i can only have 1 then I don't want my e-mail to be "palm.last name" and give that out to people - that would not make sense to them. 
    I already have a Yahoo Account and I'm thinking about another Yahoo Account to keep some e-mails and instant messages separate from my personal Yahoo.  If I cannot add more than 1 account, this is going to be a problem.
    Thank you for any assistance you can provide.

    Hi, and welcome to the Palm Support Community.
    You should be able to add your second Gmail account without any problem...I have two Gmail accounts on my Pre and have no difficulties.
    When you say you are unable to "sign in", I assume you mean you are unable to sync the email and calendar on your new account?  Double-checking your user name and password are the only things that come to mind.
    I am a volunteer, and not an HP employee.
    Palm OS ∙ webOS ∙ Android

  • Touch screen froze on 3 consecutive palm pre's within about a 5 month span

    My wife has a palm pre through sprint nextel. The first one lasted 4 days and screen froze up.  Sprint tech personnel at store could not fix phone or determine cause of the frozen screen. The sprint retail store replaced the phone. We took this phone and used it up until late August when yet again the screen froze just prior to our vacation. Hastily, we took it to a local authorized third party store, Wireless Co.  Their repair personnel looked at the phone and yet again could not determine the cause.  They replaced it as well with a refurbished phone. This third phone finally froze just like the previous two on 27DEC09. We took it to the sprint store the next day.  The techs looked at it decided that it was due to a liquid/subtance under the back cover just above the battery.  They refused to replace the phone a third time.  They offered only that (a) we use our insurance plan or (b) trade the phone in and renew our two year contract to get a discounted phone.  These phones have never been submersed in any liquid. The tech rep at the sprint store suggested humidity from being in the bathroom could have caused the problem. I paid full price for the first phone.  I don't think I need to point out I am a bit disappointed with the palm pres lifespan. If only sprint had the iphone.  The HTC hero or the instinct seem like our best alternatives now.  I dont think I will even consider the pixi.
    Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Sprint)

    This is a peer-to-peer forum, designed to help users.  Suggstions for Palm Inc. to request changes should be made here:
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  • Plans for syncing outlook notes with palm pre

    Does Palm have any plans to develop a conduit to sync Microsoft outlook notes to the palm pre?  This is a necessary feature for all previous Palm users. To make the Palm Pre a worthy competitor in the market place.
    Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Sprint)

    Here, here!!

  • Palm Pre crazy symptoms: "phone offline", will not charge battery, will not start, error message "an error has occured that cannot be resolved"

    This is a long description of a series of problems with my new Palm Pre. You may wish to search the text to find your specific issue(s). There is no solution in my post. Look for possible answers in the responses to come.
    I bought my Palm Pre 4 days ago and it arrived 2 days ago. Phone worked great. Last night I plugged in the phone and updated the OS. After completion, I selected "Done" and went to bed.
    - First Series of Issues: "Phone Offline", will not charge battery -
    In upper lefthand corner of the phone there is the message "phone offline". Although the phone has been charging all night it reads "26% battery". I called the general Sprint tech support number and we tried the following things:
    1) Restart phone (press and hold power button, then select "turn off". after power down, press and hold power button to power on.)
    2) Reset the phone (several different ways - call tech support so that you do this correctly)
    The individual at Sprint then sent me to another tech support person, presumably 2nd tier.
    - Second Series of Issues: Error message "an error has occured that cannot be resolved" -
    Sprint tech support person #2 also had me restart and reset the phone in a number of ways. In her words "we've tried every palm pre trick I know" and each time the phone was unresponsive. Often we received the error message "phone is offline". We did a full erase and after that the phone would no longer restart. At this point the error message came up saying "an error has occured that cannot be resolved" which referred me to for assistance. I think it's important to note here that this was not the typical error message (black screen with white letters) but rather the blue sky background with a semitransparent box over it with white text.
    Sprint tech support person #2 then connected me with Palm support and the dance continued. Again we tried a whole bunch of resetting and restarting and erasing options. Palm support instructed me to go to: to download WebOS Doctor, which I did. I downloaded the file. While that was happening he had me hold the "volume up" button and plug the phone into the charger. This caused a USB symbol to appear on the phone. When the file was complete I received an error message that the file couldn't run. Palm tech support person seemed surprised. I mentioned that I was on a Mac and he said he couldn't help me. He then transferred me to another Palm support person who works with Mac users.
    Palms tech support person #2 then informed me that I should have selected the "mac" download option on I verbally walked her through the whole series of webpages, telling her that it says that you need Windows (version whatever) or Mac (version whatever) but that at no time was there an option to download a different WebOS Doctor for different operating systems. After some more discussion she told me she would have to have someone call me back tomorrow.
    - Third Series of Issues: phone stuck on USB symbol -
    So at the moment the phone is completely useless. Not fantastic. I booted up the mac in Windows 7 and downloaded WebOS Doc and received the same error. I also ran Windows Vista virtually and received the same error. Later this afternoon I'm heading into work to try the same thing on Windows XP.
    In the meantime, I got onto this forum and located a thread that provided a direct link to the necessary file:
     After downloading that file, which I realized could totally be a virus, I was able to get WebOS Doc working on my computer. It required that I recharge the phone completely before beginning and now it's on the screen that says "Don't disconnect your phone" and the file is at 3% complete. Only... it's been at 3% complete for almost 30 minutes.
    I am hoping that Palm will follow up with me tomorrow, but I'm leaving at 7am on a business trip and would love to have the thing working. Any suggestions are welcome, even if you can just tell me how to get the think disconnected safely before my flight tomorrow. I don't fancy getting through security with my phone wired to my laptop.
    Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Sprint)
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    Hello and welcome to the forums;
    Our phone support is open every day Monday through Sunday, although there are different hours of operation for the weekend. If after a webOS Doctor reset you are still experiencing the same problems, I would likely recommend replacement, either in a local store for your carrier or through our technical support department.
    There may be additional technical support offered or suggested over the phone, this would need to be done first before a replacement could be issued.
    Hope this helps,

  • Can I transfer Tungsten E2 data to a new Palm Pre 2 smart phone?

    I'm looking to upgrade from a Palm Tungsten E2 + an old cell phone to one device - a new smart phone.  I have Verizon, and they offer the Palm Pre 2.  The question is whether I will be able to transfer my address book and calendar (and a few other items) from my Tungsten E2 onto the new phone.  I also have a 3rd party cookbook and a shopping list application that I would love to transfer too.  Not holding out much hope for those though.
    If anybody has any reviews of the Palm Pre 2 phone I'd love to hear those too!
    Post relates to: Tungsten E2

    No, I don't use Outlook to synch. I've always synched with the Palm desktop s/w. I've considered synching to Outlook, but I wasn't sure if my E2 could synch the memos and to do apps as well. Thanks.  My Palm desktop s/w ver is 4.1.4.
    Post relates to: Tungsten E2

  • Palm Pre no longer syncing with Google Calendar

    I've had my Pre for 4-5 weeks, and when I first got it, I configured the calendar to sync with my Google calendar.  Everything worked fine.  At some point, it stopped syncing.  If I add something to the calendar through Google, I don't see it on my Pre and if I add an event on the Pre, it never shows up on Google.  Obviously I tried the sync now option to no avail.  I'm not sure if this happened around the V1.1.0 update or not.  Is anyone else having issues syncing with Google Calendar?
    Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Sprint)
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    Hello Bartman,
    You may want to try removing and re-adding the gmail account to the Pre.  If this doesn't work, try creating a test gmail account and add it to the Pre.  This will tell you if it is your email account or the Palm Pre.
    Let us know what happens....

  • Is Palm Zire 21 Software compatible with Palm Pre Plus Cell Phone?

    I have an older Palm Zire 21. I love all the features. However, now I am trying to consolidate my Windows (vista) Calendar with my Palm and it is not compatible. I thought I would purchase the newer Palm Pre plus Cell Phone in order to have all of my contacts and calendars on my phone as well as my laptop. Though no one can seem to answer my question: Can I import my contact and calendar from my Zire 21 to the Palm Pre Plus?
    Many thanks to who can answer this for me. I greatly appreciate your time and assistant.

    webOS (the new Operating System) from Palm does not natively sync to your computer, but to the "cloud" (online servers).
    Palm offers a program that will read your Palm Desktop information, and transfer it to Google.  This is only a one-time transfer, and not a sync solution.  See this thread.
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  • Can't sync Yahoo calendar with Palm Pre

    I've been having a hell of a time trying to get this palm pre up and running.  I've tried all sorts of apps to try and get my Palm desktop data onto my phone, but since I never used the Outlook program none of them worked.  I've always just operated on the palm desktop.  I found one that worked from companionlink, but for some reason when i started using it my phone would restart itself.  My last ditch effort to try and keep this phone (and my sanity) was to manually enter all my information into my web acct with yahoo.  I already had the account, and my contacts, email, etc is already there.  This should be as easy as adding it as an account on my phone, but for some reason it isn't.  I've made it the primary account, added it to the phone, added the password, and still when i sync, nothing shows up on the datebook on my phone.  it's blank.  HELP!!!!

    one more yahoo email alerts are coming through fine on the phone....i get them all, so there is a connection there.  i just can't get my calendar.

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