Parametrización rendimientos irregulares T5EI5

Buenas tardes,
Al parametrizar la tabla T5EI5 para las comunidades forales y reportar correctamente los rendimientos irregulares en el certificado de retenciones, me encuentro con que el concepto /154 está parametrizaedo de la siguiente manera:
48  0 /154 D 31.12.9999 01.01.1900 + R 50,00
48  0 /154 I 31.12.9999 01.01.1900 - R 50,00
48  0 /1IE D 31.12.9999 01.01.1900 + B 50,00
48  0 /1IE I 31.12.9999 01.01.1900 + B 50,00
48  0 /1IH D 31.12.9999 01.01.1900 + B 60,00
48  0 /1IH I 31.12.9999 01.01.1900 + B 60,00
48 A 0 /1IE D 31.12.9999 01.01.1900 - B 0,00
48 A 0 /1IH D 31.12.9999 01.01.1900 - B 0,00
El problema que tengo es que he de indicar el % en las lineas del /154 para que la parametrización sea correcta, sin embargo las bases pueden variar siendo el 60 o el 50% (/1IH y /1IE), Pero la retención  /154 siempre es el mismo concepto luego como puede parametrizarse la tabla para que los rendimientos irregulares funcionen correctamente en ambos casos?
Agradezco cualquier comentario al respecto.
Muchas gracias,

Actualizado en la nota
2114635 - IRPF 2015: Legal Changes - Algorithm
Doy por cerrada la consulta.

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  • Norma Foral 3/2014, de 17 de Enero, Guipuzkoa

    Buenos días,
    Quería saber para cuando se estima la liberación de nota SAP que contemple los cambios relativos en materia IRPF y rendimientos irregulares a implementar en el sistema debido a los cambios publicados en la citada norma foral 3/2014 de 17 de Enero de Guipuzkoa.
    Muchas Gracias.

    Por ejemplo,
    Artículo 9 - Rentas exentas.
    Apartado 5:
    La cantidad máxima exenta en cualquiera de los casos previstos en los párrafos anteriores de este número no podrá ser superior a 180.000 euros. Este límite será único por cada despido o cese del trabajador, con independencia de la forma en que se abone la indemnización.
    Artículo 19 - Rendimientos del trabajo.
    Apartado 2:
    a) Cuando los rendimientos de trabajo tengan un período de generación superior a dos años y no se obtengan de forma periódica o recurrente, el 60 por 100; este porcentaje será del 50 por 100 en el supuesto de que el período de generación sea superior a cinco años o se califiquen reglamentariamente como obtenidos de forma notoriamente irregular en el tiempo. Asimismo, se podrá aplicar un porcentaje de integración del 40 por 100 a la totalidad o a una parte de las cantidades satisfechas por la empresa a los trabajadores por la resolución de mutuo acuerdo de la relación laboral, en los términos que se aprueben reglamentariamente.
    El cómputo del período de generación, en el caso de que estos rendimientos se cobren de forma fraccionada, deberá tener en cuenta el número de años de fraccionamiento, en los términos que reglamentariamente se establezcan.
    La cuantía de los rendimientos sobre los que se aplicará el conjunto de porcentajes de integración inferiores al 100 por 100 a los que se refiere este apartado no podrá superar el importe de 300.000 euros anuales. El exceso sobre el citado importe se integrará al 100 por 100.
    Cuando se hayan percibido rendimientos a los que sean de aplicación distintos porcentajes de integración inferiores al 100 por 100, a los efectos de computar el límite de 300.000 euros previsto en el párrafo anterior, se considerarán en primer lugar aquéllos a los que correspondan los porcentajes de integración más reducidos.
    Título V. Base Liquidable.
    Articulos desde 67 a 73.
    Un Saludo,

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    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Unsync all music and resync
    - Reset all settings      
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    - Restore from backup. See:                                 
    iOS: How to back up           
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.
    If still problem, make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar          
    You said:
    No, I do not want to "factory reset" my iPod. No I do not wish to do anything crazy long or hard to fix this. 
    That may be necessary, It is not what you want to do/not do but what is required to resolve your problem.

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    I hope I understand your problem correctly.
    The paragraph containing the figure title is positioned in the side head with alignment set to Top Edge. Then that paragraph is followed by another paragraph, which of course is in the main text column, empty, and aligned at the top with the side head.
    With the insertion point in the second paragraph, import the image file. This puts the image below the line. Select the image, not the anchored frame, and scale it if necessary. If not created at the correct size, you probably want to scale it down to fit the width of the text column. Now press the key sequence Esc, m, p (note m and p are lowercase). The anchored frame shrinks to fit tightly around the image and changes it position to At Insertion Point. If you turn on Text Symbols, you will see the end-of-paragraph symbol at the lower right edge of the image, and the top of the anchored frame will align with the TOP of the side head text.
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    Hope this is what you need,

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    Below are a comparison of the system.log entries for a failed and successful auth (I've stripped out those lines that are identical in both instances).  The log entries have been sanatized as described.
    Rebooting the OD server does not affect the bound clients' authentication.  Rebooting the OD server is problematic, and I cannot do it often.  When I do, sometimes failures start soon after reboot, and sometimes that don't come back for many hours - again, no discernable pattern.
    If anyone has any ideas what I can do to discover the source of this problem and come up with a solution, I'd very much appreciate it.  Note that I'm aware that I can export all users and group and reconstruct a new, clean OD master, but without the ability to save the passwords, this becomes a large logisitcal problem, and I'm saving it as a last resort (particularly since if it doesn't solve my problem, I will have inconvenienced many users and be right back in the same place).
    Thanks for reading.
    First failure:
        Feb 11 00:00:20 kdc[67]: TGS-REQ [email protected] from for host/[email protected] [canonicalize, forwardable]
        Feb 11 00:00:20 opendirectoryd[67268]: GSSAPI Error:  Miscellaneous failure (see text (unable to reach any KDC in realm ODSERVER.MYORG.GOV, tried 2 KDCs (negative cache))
        Feb 11 00:00:20 sshd[72974]: error: PAM: authentication error for myusername from via
        Feb 11 00:00:20 sshd[72974]: Connection closed by [preauth]
    Now successful auth:
        Feb 11 01:03:20 kdc[67]: TGS-REQ [email protected] from for host/[email protected] [canonicalize, forwardable]
        Feb 11 01:03:20 kdc[67]: TGS-REQ [email protected] from for ldap/[email protected] [canonicalize, forwardable]
        Feb 11 01:03:20 sshd[73786]: Accepted keyboard-interactive/pam for myusername from port 53361 ssh2
        Feb 11 01:03:20 NetAuthSysAgent[73789]: GetStatus: connecting to self not allowed
       Feb 11 01:03:20 NetAuthSysAgent[73789]: ERROR: AFP_GetServerInfo - connect failed 62
    I've sanitized the entries as follows, replacing...
    My username by myusername
    The ssh source host IP address by
    The ssh source hostname by
    The server hostname by
    The server hostname (in caps) by ODSERVER.MYORG.GOV
    The server IP address by

    Hello James,
    I have not had a chance to look for the Router configuration document, however, for one of my certificate exams I did configure Authentication Proxy on an IOS router. The config for that lab was:
    aaa new-model
    aaa authentication login default group tacacs+ local
    aaa authorization auth-proxy default group tacacs+ local
    aaa session-id common
    ip auth-proxy name AUTHPROXY http inactivity-time 60
    interface FastEthernet0/0
    ip address
    ip nat outside
    ip virtual-reassembly
    duplex auto
    speed auto
    interface FastEthernet0/1
    ip address
    ip access-group 110 in
    ip nat inside
    ip virtual-reassembly
    ip auth-proxy AUTHPROXY
    duplex auto
    speed auto
    ip route
    ip http server
    ip http authentication aaa
    no ip http secure-server
    ip nat inside source list nat interface FastEthernet0/0 overload
    ip access-list extended nat
    permit ip any
    access-list 110 permit ip any any
    tacacs-server host
    tacacs-server key cisco123
    Please check if the commands are supported on your router as well.
    If this ws helpful please rate.

  • How can I divide a picture into 2 (or more) irregular shapes (i.e., free-hand cropping)?

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    Can I do this with Photoshop Elements? If so, how and with which tool? The "cutting" should be free-form, so being limited to straight lines would not be a full solution.
    I guess this is a kind of "cropping"--though maybe there's a better term, since this doesn't involve selecting a rectangular area within a picture.
    Brad Burg
    [email protected]

    Brad,<br />It wasn't clear if you want to cut the picture into pieces jig-saw style so that the whole is the sum of its parts. If so here is one way using Elements 2 (maybe newer versions have ways of doing this more easily).<br /><br />In this example I cut the picture into 3 parts using the Lasso.<br />1. Select part 1.<br />2. Select > Save Selection: give the selection a name (e.g., part 1).<br />3. Copy/paste selection to new layer (Layer 1 in my example).<br />4. Activate Background layer.<br />5. Select > Reselect, and invert the selection.<br />7. Holding down <Alt>, use Lasso to delete all but part 2.<br />8. Select > Save Selection: give the selection a name (e.g., part 2).<br />9. Copy/paste selection to new layer (Layer 2 in example).<br />10. Activate Background layer.<br />11. Select > Reselect.<br />12. Select > Load Selection: In the Selection pull-down menu choose part 1 and check the "Add to Selection" box. The selection will now consist of parts 1 & 2.<br />13. Invert the selection to give part 3 and copy/paste to new layer (Layer 3 in example).<br /><br />The 3 pieces are in separate layers with transparent background. To save each piece turn off visibility of the other layers.<br /><br /><br /> <br />Note that for just 2 parts it is much easier; you don't need the Save Selection steps:<br />1. Select part 1 and copy/paste to new layer.<br />2. Activate Background layer.<br />3. Select > Reselect, invert the selection, and copy/paste to new layer.

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    With Application Express 3.2.1 (with Oracle DB 10g) I have been trying, without success, to create a line or scatter chart as follows:
    X axis: DateTime
    Y axis: Temperature
    The temperature values are taken at irregular intervals so the X axis needs to be scaled accordingly.
    The charting tool appears not even to recognize dates as a valid data to include in a chart.
    Is it possible? If so, how?

    Plaese check:
    Regards, Marc

  • Mapping an irregular shape to represent monitor screen

    Hi everyone,
    I have captured movements inside an irregular shape and need to map it on the monitor's screen. The input space is a 2D shape with 4 boundaries and these boundaries are not straight lines but irregular and nonlinear. The 2nd space is simply a 2D screen i.e. cursor position on the monitor screen. Maybe, I can use some kind of stretching out or stretching down function or perhaps a combination of both to cover the entire screen. I want this irregular quadrilateral to represent the monitor screen. Another difficulty is that the input space can be different each time and is not unique but I will always have the 4 corners and boundary of the input space.
    I appreciate your thoughts on this,

    Yeah it seems like what is probably happening is the magnetic fields created by the sensors are interfering with each other, creating the distortion you see. In short, there are some tools available in LabVIEW that can help you do this, but they are only available in separate toolkits (see here). In particular, the IMAQ (Image Acquisition) toolkit has some calibration functions that do what you are trying to do. This page and this page provide some information about using the calibration tools in IMAQ.
    If you are trying to do this on your own though, you'll have to use some fairly complex logic. You would have to step through each coordinate data point to eventually develop a transfer function that shifts your coordinates into a rectangle. This forum has some information that may help you develop code for doing this. But the exact algorithm LabVIEW uses for this is proprietary.
    Hopefully this will at least give you an idea where to start. Again, probably the easiest thing to do would use a toolkit.
    Chris G
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • How to handle irregular shaped newspaper clippings?

    I am creating a book to re-construct (and adding and editing) an old scrapbook which contains irregularly spahed newspaperclipping. I have pages on which I would like to place just images clippings (any format .tiff, .jpeg, etc).
    I have discovered that Aperture apparently does not handle transparent backgrounds and am looking for some suggestions on how to handle this. There have been a few posts in the forums about creating a image in Photoshop then using this as a background. This might work in some of the black themes like Stock Book Black (are the pages true black?). If I want to use one of the other themes like Journal or Photo Essay which allows for maps is there any way to match the page color surrounding the clippings to make it flow with the rest of the book? Are the RGB, CMYK, or HSB values that are published for these themes that I could mimic in a photo editor? Whould this work?
    - Andrew

    Try Gaussian Blur with a radius between 3and 6, or Lens Blur with a radius between 8 and 15 and blade curvature 100%.
    Insanity is hereditary, you get it from your children
    If this post or another user's post resolves the original issue, please mark the posts as correct accordingly. This helps other users with similar trouble get answers to their questions quicker. Thanks.

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      Using win XP.

    In iTunes on your computer, select the Purchased section under STORE in the left column. Click on the first track and choose "Get Info" from the "File" menu.
    In the "Summary" tab you'll see details of the purchaser of the track. Click Next to go through all your purchased music one by one until you find the ones you need to get rid of.
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  • Irregularly shaped text boxes; How?

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    Anybody know how to do this, and where I could get some pointers?
    Thanks in advance for your help, very much appreciated.

    Depends on which version of Photoshop you're using.
    Text inside a Photoshop vector path was introduced with PS CS2, IIRC.
    I haven't done this much, so I did some experimenting, and I dove into the Help Files for PS CS2.
    First of all, if the Help Files have a section on this, I couldn't find it. That's not good, especially for new users who might not know where else to look for advanced instruction online.
    But, my experimentation showed me that you can make an irregularly shaped paragraph text box with the Custom Shape tools. You may then manually edit the anchor points to alter the shape's path to whatever you desire. Then, with your Type Tool selected, hover on the inside of the shape you created and you'll see the "I-Bar" Text cursor change, so that it looks like it's flanked by dotted parentheses characters (We'll call that the "Text-In-A-Shape" ["TIAS"]cursor). This cursor tells you that you can click to initiate text inside of the shape, and it will be bounded to stay inside of that shape, just as it would be if you simply dragged out a rectangular paragraph text box.
    Further, something I found lacking was that you can NOT simply use the Pen Tool to create your irregular shape. If you do that, you won't be able to make the "TIAS" cursor appear. You
    ucreate the shape starting with the Custom Shapes tools.
    If this limitation has been lifted in PS CS 3, I wouldn't know. If that's the version you have, you'll have to discover that on your own.
    Once you've entered your text in this shape, you may adjust the Character and Paragraph parameters just like you would with any other text.

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