Parental controls web content issue

HI - I have a computer lab with 35 G4 PPC laptops runing tiger. Locking those down was a piece of cake. I have been trying to achieve the same with another lab running Mountain Lion. I have created a managed user with access to only a few apps and safari. In the Web content tab I select "Limit access to only these websites". I removed all the default domains in the list and tried putting only a couple for testing, wikipedia and a school website. WHen I log in as the managed user  the app restrictions seem to work but not the browser restrictions. As that user i can still go to any url. Am I missing something else in the System Prefs? I would really like to get this lab locked down like my other one.

Ok I think I can close this. It appears to work now. I dont really know why we had the initial issues. Managed user accounts we created on the lab workstations would not obey the web restrictions we set up. I even tried on my mac mini (10.8.4) and created a new managed account with the same restrictions, logged in and the web restrictions would not work; I could browse everywhere.
Yesterday at home with my mac mini (I take it back and forth to work) just for grins I logged in as the managed user. The web restrictions worked. Took the mac mini back to work this morning and tried and the web restrictions worked on the managed account worked.
Maybe all we needed to do is reboot? The  only thing I can think of is there is some daemon that only starts on boot if there are existing managed accounts. Dunno.

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    Message was edited by: alexarch

    Sorry, but Parental Controls won't work with material you import from CD or another source, only with the iTunes Store. The solution to Parental Controls for other material is for you, the parent, to control what you put in iTunes for any user account to which your kids have access. The best route would be to set up an account in Mac OS X just for your kids, and only put into that account's iTunes those tracks you wish your kids to listen to.

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    Check out KB Article Mac OS X v10.5, 10.6: About the Parental Controls Internet content filter - Apple Support and Configuring Parental Controls for possible solutions.

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    Do you have anti virus software installed, or Peer Guardian?
    "https note: For websites that use SSL encryption (the URL will usually begin with https), the Internet content filter is unable to examine the encrypted content of the page. For this reason, encrypted websites must be explicitly allowed using the Always Allow list. Encrypted websites that are not on the Always Allow list will be blocked by the automatic Internet content filter."
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    Thank you for your reply.
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    This article may help  >  Mac OS X v10.5, 10.6: About the Parental Controls Internet content filter

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    I have too little experience with RAC, so you better wait for some answers from experts on that matter.
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    Possibly a restriction causing this...
    Read here >  Mac OS X v10.5, 10.6: About the Parental Controls Internet content filter

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    Apple doesn’t routinely monitor the discussions. These are mostly user to user discussions.
    Send Apple feedback. They won't answer, but at least will know there is a problem. If enough people send feedback, it may get the problem solved sooner.
    Or you can use your Apple ID to register with this site and go the Apple BugReporter. Supposedly you will get an answer if you submit feedback.
    Feedback via Apple Developer

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    Possibly a restriction causing this...
    Read here >  Mac OS X v10.5, 10.6: About the Parental Controls Internet content filter

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    My son could not interact with sites (log in, post) but he could access them (when parental controls were turned on). I had to go under "preferences" on Firefox (under his name) First go to the drop down the menu from the word "Firefox" then "Preferences" "Privacy" (at the top) then "Exceptions" on the right..... and add each address of the sites and pages I wanted to allow. That worked like a charm!! Maybe pull up the itunes STORE address, copy and paste it in "always allow" (you can choose "block" also.....) This is in Firefox PREFERENCES, not just the parental control section.....
    Let us know if that helped! Apple was NO help. (I am an Apple fan, but I am not paying 49.99 to get a question answered by someone who didn't sound like he knew anything, anyway...) I think when you pay for a computer you deserve to have ALL the features work... Is that too much to ask?

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    sorry my recent post on logs kind of speaks forebodingly about safe eyes...somehow a logger that I cannot track with anti-vandal has found way in...other than that their program works well...You may also check out intego's Content Barrier X%.
    Apples parental controls work but they do not filter well...all you can really do is allow only certain websites...WATCH OUT FOR THE KIDS GAMES>>A Close friend had over 70 viruse hit because they were latching onto the games
    Hope you have success
    Also check out K-9 web protection....Email them to see if the Mac version has been upgraded enough to get out the bugs..Mac version was new 6 mos ago
    Their program is totally free.

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    Hi, All:
    In a couple of Cisco URLs it says that the SCE8000 integrates with Websense (and AdvancedMobile) to support url filtering and parental controls. See here:
    Can you please confirm this is true and tell me exactly which Websebse product is supported? is it websense web filter or websense web security?
    I contacted a Websebse rep yesterday and they are not aware of being able to integrate with the sce8000 and don't know the product that integrates with the sce8000.on the web i found mentions of websense CPA and the sce8000 , which websense tells me is a completely different product than web filter or web security.
    please advice,

    I'm not sure whether websense has declared EoS for CPA, but better contact following Knepher, Jonathan [mailto:[email protected]
    further contact your local cisco team, as there were plans of Cisco Business unit to integrate SCE with Cisco WSA for content filtering, further you can also look for bright cloud webroot solution as there were plans to integrate this with SCE8K by end of this quarter.

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