Partition for OS & Apps?

Is it better to partition a disk and load the OS and applications on one partition and the files all on the other partition?
The advantages I assume are that if the OS screws up and needs replacing it can be easily done, unlike the situation I'm in where it's not possible to do an 'archive and install' of OSX because of all the updates. Last time I tried to do an Archive & Install I found out Panther wouldn't allow that because I'd done updates and the OS to be replaced was newer than the installation disk.
Anyhow, I do mostly Photoshop work... which needs all the speed it can get. So is putting the OS and Adobe software on one partion and the files on the other going to speed things up?
Also, what size partition would be good out of a 80 Gig drive for the applications?
Any input much appreciated...

There is no particular advantage to partitioning a drive. Furthermore, Apple discourages separating parts of OS X across different drives or partitions. Certainly, if you want to install your third-party applications on another drive or partition you can, but most all installers expect to find applications in the Applications folder.
Actually Jaguar, Panther, and Tiger allow you to do an Archive and Install on the same volume. The problem you had was that you didn't know what you were doing when you tried to do an Archive and Install which lead you to believe it wasn't permitted. You just didn't follow the proper procedure more than likely because you didn't read the KB document or any other document such as Help to learn how it should be done. For future reference:
Select Mac Help from the Finder's Help menu. Do a search on Archive and Install. Look for the entry "How to reinstall OS X." You will also find additional information here.
What is really best is not to partition a drive but to get a backup drive. You can either install another internal hard drive if you have a system that can accomodate it or you can get an external Firewire drive. Keep a bootable clone of your main hard drive on your backup drive.

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    What you can run on Mac, run on Mac. There's no real point in making the switch if you're still going to use Windows. You'll find they'll do the same things. As you've suggested, leave Windows, for Windows only apps.
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    The first thing to do with a second-hand computer is to erase the internal drive and install a clean copy of OS X. You—not the original owner—must do that. How you do it depends on the model, and on whether you already own another Mac. If you're not sure of the model, enter the serial number on this page. Then find the model on this page to see what OS version was originally installed.
    It is not safe to use a computer with software installed by a previous owner.
    1a. If you don't own another Mac
    If the machine shipped with OS X 10.4 or 10.5, you need a boxed and shrink-wrapped retail Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6) installation disc from the Apple Store or a reputable reseller—not from eBay or anything of the kind. If the machine has less than 1 GB of memory, you'll need to add more in order to install 10.6. Preferably, install as much memory as it can take, according to the technical specifications.
    If the machine shipped with OS X 10.6, you need the installation media that came with it: gray installation discs, or a USB flash drive for some MacBook Air models. For early MBA models, you may need a USB optical drive or Remote Disc. You should have received the media from the original owner, but if you didn't, order replacements from Apple. A retail disc, or the gray discs from another model, will not work.
    To start up from an optical disc or a flash drive, insert it, then restart the computer and hold down the C key at the startup chime. Release the key when you see the gray Apple logo on the screen.
    If the machine shipped with OS X 10.7 or later, you don't need media. It should start up in Internet Recovery mode when you hold down the key combination option-command-R at the startup chime. Release the keys when you see a spinning globe.
    Some models shipped with OS X 10.6 and received a firmware update after 10.7 was released, enabling them to use Internet Recovery. If you have one of those models, you may not be able to reinstall 10.6 even from the original discs, and Internet Recovery may not work either without the original owner's Apple ID. In that case, contact Apple Support, or take the machine to an Apple Store or another authorized service provider to have the OS installed.
    1b. If you do own another Mac
    If you already own another Mac that was upgraded in the App Store to the version of OS X that you want to install, and if the new Mac is compatible with it, then you can install it. Use Recovery Disk Assistant to prepare a USB device, then start up the new Mac from it by holding down the C key at the startup chime. Alternatively, if you have a Time Machine backup of OS X 10.7.3 or later on an external hard drive (not a Time Capsule or other network device), you can start from that by holding down the option key and selecting it from the row of icons that appears. Note that if your other Mac was never upgraded in the App Store, you can't use this method.
    2. Partition and install OS X
    If you see a lock screen when trying to start up from installation media or in Recovery mode, then a firmware password was set by the previous owner, or the machine was remotely locked via iCloud. You'll either have to contact the owner or take the machine to an Apple Store or another service provider to be unlocked. You may be asked for proof of ownership.
    Launch Disk Utility and select the icon of the internal drive—not any of the volume icons nested beneath it. In thePartition tab, select the default options: a GUID partition table with one data volume in Mac OS Extended (Journaled) format. This operation will permanently remove all existing data on the drive.
    After partitioning, quit Disk Utility and run the OS X Installer. If you're installing a version of OS X acquired from the App Store, you will need the Apple ID and password that you used. When the installation is done, the system will automatically restart into the Setup Assistant, which will prompt you to transfer the data from another Mac, its backups, or from a Windows computer. If you have any data to transfer, this is usually the best time to do it.
    Then run Software Update and install all available system updates from Apple. To upgrade to a major version of OS X newer than 10.6, get it from the Mac App Store. Note that you can't keep an upgraded version that was installed by the original owner. He or she can't legally transfer it to you, and without the Apple ID you won't be able to update it in Software Update or reinstall, if that becomes necessary. The same goes for any App Store products that the previous owner installed—you have to repurchase them.
    3. Other issues
    If the original owner "accepted" the bundled iLife applications (iPhoto, iMovie, and Garage Band) in the App Store so that he or she could update them, then they're irrevocably linked to that Apple ID and you won't be able to download them without buying them. Reportedly, Mac App Store Customer Service has sometimes issued redemption codes for these apps to second owners who asked.
    If the previous owner didn't deauthorize the computer in the iTunes Store under his Apple ID, you wont be able to  authorize it immediately under your ID. In that case, you'll either have to wait up to 90 days or contact iTunes Support.
    When trying to create a new iCloud account, you might get a failure message: "Account limit reached." Apple imposes a lifetime limit of three iCloud account setups per device. Erasing the device does not reset the limit. You can still use an account that was created on another device, but you won't be able to create a new one. Contact iCloud Support for more information.

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    You can create a new Apple ID without using a credit card for download free apps by following this guide:  Follow it exactly as writtien.  Note that you have to download and try to install a free app and then create the ID.

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    We do this in my family now.  We have one account for purchases, so it is used to share music and apps (I think that is in Settings/iTunes & App Stores).  Each iDevice has this configured.
    Then, each of us has our own iCloud account that is configured under Settings/iCloud.  That then allows us to have our own Mail/Contacts/Calendars/Reminders/Safari Bookmarks/Notes/Passbook/Photo Stream/Documents & Data/Find My iPhone/and Backup.  That Backup piece is pretty sweet and comes in handly if you replace your iDevice.  You can just restore from it.
    So we all share the Apple Store account but we all have our own iCloud accounts to keep the rest seperate or things like you mentioned are a nightmare.
    In answer to what iCloud does for you:
    Think of it as an internet based ("cloud") area for all of those items listed in my response.  What you need to remember is photo stream only maintans the last 1000 pictures so don't count it as a complete backup solution for your pictures.  Even though I rarely sync with a computer these days, I do still try to sync my phone with iPhoto (I have an iMac) so that I have copies of all of my pictures.  1000 may not stretch as far as it sounds.
    Message was edited by: Michael Pardee

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    is the driver for your network card up to date?  that could be a reason it will not work with the more up to date HH3
    If want more assistance from the forum members please can you post the adsl stats from your router may need to 'show detail' to get all stats (if hub enter in your browser and navigate to adsl or use a-z, if netgear enter and run btspeedtester (MAC users may have problems) or,4740,5520 and post the results .
    are you connected directly to the NTE5 master or test socket or to somewhere else? Is the master the only phone socket in your home?
    Have you tried the quiet line test? - dial 17070 option 2 - should hear nothing - best done with a corded phone. if cordless phone you may hear a 'dull hum' which is normal
    Someone may then be able to offer help/assistance/suggestions to your problem
    If you like a post, or want to say thanks for a helpful answer, please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

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    I am connected to internal network or VPN. 
    We do have a public IP and URL for One Drive which works fine on any browser from external internet. So the problem is only limited to the application on Apple and Laptop (windows). We are using TMG.
    Any info would be appreciated!

    Hi aso,
    You may want to check the authentication types for SharePoint on-premise site internal and internet access, some authentication types are not supported, you can check if it is the case.
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Thanks for help.

    hokanst wrote:
    Both Objective-C and C++ are (more or less) extensions of C.
    C supports manipulation of pointers and casting of pointers, this implies that both Objective-C and C++ will be able to manipulate C data like arrays, structs ...
    Objective-C has classes like NSData to read/write blocks of bytes from/to file and to access ranges of bytes when the data is loaded into memory.
    C++ probably has similar classes (I'm not well versed in C++ so I don't know).
    If you want to look into using C++ you will probably want to look at Objective-C++, the link below has links to docs on how to use C++ with Objective-C:
    Thanks for the info, NSData does what I need.
    A replied in the link also mentioned that he's using C++ in his application too. As long as I'm aware of memory management (prevent memory leaks, etc) as @disguise said, it should be fine.
    @etresoft indeed, but C is the base language of ObjC, there are ways to deal with.

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    Do you have enough funds in your bank account?
    otherwise iTunes sometimes black lists card if there are too many fradulent purchases
    Reason why they might black list a card is possibly you call in for alot of fradulent purchases
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    Call AppleCare Phone support and have your call directed to iTunes Store

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    Read the User's Guide... it covers how to backup and sync the device as designed.

  • Problem with roaming for specific apps

    Hi :)
    I have a problem with my iPhone 4s:
    When i use roaming on my iPhone 4s i try to save some money by turning off roaming for specific apps, but one day for ca. 3 weeks ago it stopped working!
    Some apps can use roaming but some can't ;(
    There are like 10 apps always turned on, but if i try turning roaming off for an app that is on already it wont work!
    If i close settings and reopen it, the app is now denied using roaming!
    If i try allowing an app it changes but still wont work and after some time it gets in the same possission i cant change!
    I have never experienced this before and i could't find an answer on google ;(
    If you know how to fix it please respond to me here :)
    P.S: Im really sorry if there are bad english here, but im mot english sooooo..... yeah

    You are on the right track suspecting DHCP conflicts.
    To configure your "roaming network" connect your "slave" Extreme to your main Internet router - either directly or through a switch - and place it in "bridge mode". That will work.
    A router will be distributing IP addresses using DHCP. Anything connected to it should be configured as a bridge, the essential difference being that a bridge does not distribute IP addresses.
    I do not believe your "slave" Extreme will function connected as it is to the "main" Extreme, but may work if you assign it a static IP address. It is not unusual for it to retain this static IP after having been changed to DHCP if its lease is still valid.
    The OK article you referenced must be terribly outdated if it is referring to AirPort Admin Utility. That has not been used in about a decade. Read this one:
    Wi-Fi base stations: Extending the range of your wireless network by adding additional Wi-Fi base stations
    Unfortunately its screenshots refer to AirPort Utility 5.6, which has been replaced with the prettier, though less useful 6.2.

  • The wifi at my school isn't very good. And I can't send iMessages through it. It works for some apps like score center and my radar app, but doesn't work for other apps like clash of clans and iMessage. How can I get it to work on that  wifi network

    The wifi at my school isn't very good. And I can't send iMessages through it. It works for some apps like score center and my radar app, but doesn't work for other apps like clash of clans and iMessage. How can I get it to work on my school wifi. I have an iPhone 4S on AT&T and iOS 7.04

    In a roaming network, your "main" router is the device that would require port mapping/forwarding to be configured in order to access the IP camera from the Internet. This router is also the one that would be provide the private IP address for the camera which you will want to be a static one.
    So as you described your network, the IP cameras should be getting an IP address or you assigned it a static one and this is the address that you would enter in the Private IP address (or equivalent depending on the router used) field when setting up port mapping.
    If you are not able to access this camera from the local network, then this should be troubleshot first.

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    I have published an app that has three languages:
    (1) English (as Primary)
    (2) Simplified Chinese
    (3) Traditional Chinese
    I expect I can see Simplified Chinese in China App Store and Traditional Chinese in Taiwan App Store.
    I found out it works well for Simplified Chinese case.
    However, for Traditional Chinese, it's always English in Taiwan App Store. I have tried so many devices (with language setting to Traditional Chinese). I even went to a local Internet Cafe (so all computers are with Traditional Chinese setting), it's still English for Taiwan App Store.
    From iTunes Connect, when I go to "Version Summary" where I can change the "Territory" there. I always see English for Taiwan Territory while it's always Simplified Chinese when China is selected.
    From all the experiments I've done, I really think there is something wrong in App Store or iTunes to link Traditional Chinese with Taiwan App Store.
    How to report this kind of bug to Apple & have them examine this issue?

    Unfortunately you have already done everything we can possibly instruct you to do.. at this point the only option is getting them to exchange it its under warranty its not working you have to get a exchange

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Maybe you are looking for