Password FTP in output

When i try to put my password into teh webgallery ftp login it automaticaly loads an older password and wotn let me erase it.

If you mean when you upload css to workspace files, it is stored to table FLOWS_FILES.WWV_FLOW_FILE_OBJECTS$ blob column
And you refer it with substitution string WORKSPACE_IMAGES

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    What version of Muse are you using? If it's not 2014.2, please go to the Creative Cloud Desktop App or and update.
    The FTP login failure is most likely due to your host not supporting FTP Extended Passive Mode. In Muse 2014.2 switch to "Passive (PASV)" in the Connect to FTP Server dialog.
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    Take a look at :
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    I don't think there is any easy solution to this, but what we do at this site is schedule the Discoverer reports to run using the eBusiness Suite Concurrent Manager. We use dedicated Discoverer workstations to run the Discoverer exports and these could also be used to email the report if this was a requirement.
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    Rod West

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    import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
    import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport;
    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    import java.util.Vector;
    public class FtpBean
    private String server = ""; // server name
    private String user = ""; // user name
    private String replyMessage = ""; // reply message from server
    private String reply = ""; // reply to the command
    private Socket socket; // Socket for FTP connection
    private BufferedReader in; // Input for FTP connection
    private PrintWriter out; // Output for FTP connection
    private int port = 21; // FTP port number, default 21
    private boolean passive = true; // Passive mode transfer, default true
    // Needed for thread safety
    private int[] lock = new int[0]; // For synchronized locking
    private boolean acquired = false; // Count the number of acquire
    private Vector threadSpool = new Vector(); // Spool for the waiting threads
    // Needed for some Visual tools
    private PropertyChangeSupport pcs; // PropertyChangeSupport for visual tools
    final private boolean DEBUG = false; // True to turn on debug mode
    * Constructor
    public FtpBean()
    pcs = new PropertyChangeSupport(this);
    * Add PropertyChangeListener
    public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
    * removePropertyChangeListener
    public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
    * Connect to FTP server and login.
    * @param server Name of server
    * @param user User name for login
    * @param password Password for login
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur (eg. Login fail in this case).
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur
    public void ftpConnect(String server, String user, String password)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    if (DEBUG) // Debug message
    System.out.println("FtpBean: Connecting to server " + server);
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    // Set server name & user name
    try {
    // Create socket, get input & output stream
    socket = new Socket(server, port);
    in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));
    out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true);
    // Read reply code when get connected
    if (DEBUG) // Debug message
    System.out.println("FtpBean: Connected");
    // Login
    ftpLogin(user, password); // check if login success
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    * Close FTP connection.
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur
    public void close()
    throws IOException, FtpException
    if (out == null)
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    try {
    if (!reply.startsWith("221"))
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    // Set server name & user name to ""
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    * Delete a file at the FTP server.
    * @param filename Name of the file to be deleted.
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. no such file in this case)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public void fileDelete(String fileName)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    try {
    ftpCommand("DELE " + fileName);
    if (!reply.startsWith("250"))
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    * Rename a file at the FTP server.
    * @param oldFileName The name of the file to be renamed
    * @param newFileName The new name of the file
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. A file named the new file name already in this case.)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public void fileRename(String oldFileName, String newFileName)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    acquire(); // Acquire this object
    try {
    ftpCommand("RNFR " + oldFileName);
    if (!reply.startsWith("350"))
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    ftpCommand("RNTO " + newFileName);
    if (!reply.startsWith("250"))
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    private boolean isSameSystem()
    throws IOException, FtpException
    String sysType = getSystemType();
    return (sysType.toUpperCase().indexOf("WINDOWS") < 0);
    * @param ftpFile Name of file to be get from the ftp server, can be in full path.
    * @param localFile File name of local file
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. No such file in this case)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    * @see FtpObserver
    public void getAsciiFile(String ftpFile, String localFile)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    getAsciiFile(ftpFile, localFile, null);
    * @param ftpFile Name of file to be get from the ftp server, can be in full path.
    * @param localFile File name of local file
    * @param observer The FtpObserver which monitor this downloading progress
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. No such file in this case)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    * @see FtpObserver
    public void getAsciiFile(String ftpFile, String localFile, FtpObserver observer)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    if (isSameSystem()) {
    getBinaryFile(ftpFile, localFile, observer);
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    setTransferType(true); // Set transfer type to ascii
    Socket sock = null;
    try {
    sock = getDataSocket("RETR " + ftpFile, 0);
    // Read bytes from server and write to file.
    BufferedReader din = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(sock.getInputStream()));
    PrintWriter dout = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(localFile)));
    char[] cbuf = new char[2048];
    int n;
    while ((n =, 0, cbuf.length)) != -1) {
    if (skipLineSepFilter())
    dout.write(cbuf, 0, n);
    else {
    // filter DOS line-sep to UNIX line-sep
    String data = filterLineSep(cbuf, n);
    dout.write(data, 0, data.length());
    if (observer != null)
    String data = null;
    while ((data = din.readLine()) != null) {
    if (observer != null)
    observer.byteRead(data.length() + 1);
    if (!reply.startsWith("226"))
    throw new FtpException(reply); // transfer incomplete
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    public void putAsciiFile(String localFile, String remoteFile, FtpObserver observer)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    // if file is to be transferred to MF, without slash, exec quote site cmd
    if (!remoteFile.startsWith("/"))
    Socket sock = null;
    try {
    // Read bytes from local file and write to a server.
    BufferedReader din = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(localFile));
    sock = getDataSocket("STOR " + remoteFile, 0);
    PrintWriter dout = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(sock.getOutputStream())));
    String data = null;
    while ((data = din.readLine()) != null) {
    if (observer != null)
    observer.byteWrite(data.length() + 1);
    if (DEBUG) // Debug message
    System.out.println("FtpBean: Reply is " + reply);
    Changed manner of checking if transfer is complete by checking the
    string Transfer Complete in the reply.
    For UNIX: Reply is 226 Transfer complete.
    For MF: Reply is 250 Transfer completed successfully.
    //if (!reply.startsWith("226"))
    int m = 0;
    if ((m = reply.indexOf("Transfer complete")) < 0)
    throw new FtpException(reply); // transfer incomplete
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    * Read file from ftp server and write to a file in local hard disk.
    * This method is much faster than those method which return a byte array<br>
    * if the network is fast enough.<br>
    * <br>Remark:<br>
    * Cannot be used in unsigned applet.
    * @param ftpFile Name of file to be get from the ftp server, can be in full path.
    * @param localFile Name of local file to be write, can be in full path.
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. No such file in this case)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public void getBinaryFile(String ftpFile, String localFile)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    getBinaryFile(ftpFile, localFile, 0, null);
    * Read file from ftp server and write to a file in local hard disk.
    * This method is much faster than those method which return a byte array<br>
    * if the network is fast enough.<br>
    * <br>Remark:<br>
    * Cannot be used in unsigned applet.
    * @param ftpFile Name of file to be get from the ftp server, can be in full path.
    * @param localFile Name of local file to be write, can be in full path.
    * @param restart Restarting point
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. No such file in this case)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public void getBinaryFile(String ftpFile, String localFile, long restart)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    getBinaryFile(ftpFile, localFile, restart, null);
    * Read file from ftp server and write to a file in local hard disk.
    * This method is much faster than those method which return a byte array<br>
    * if the network is fast enough.<br>
    * <br>Remark:<br>
    * Cannot be used in unsigned applet.
    * @param ftpFile Name of file to be get from the ftp server, can be in full path.
    * @param localFile Name of local file to be write, can be in full path.
    * @param observer The FtpObserver which monitor this downloading progress
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. No such file in this case)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    * @see FtpObserver
    public void getBinaryFile(String ftpFile, String localFile, FtpObserver observer)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    getBinaryFile(ftpFile, localFile, 0, observer);
    * Read from a ftp file and restart at a specific point.
    * This method is much faster than those method which return a byte array<br>
    * if the network is fast enough.<br>
    * Remark:<br>
    * Cannot be used in unsigned applet.
    * @param ftpFile Name of file to be get from the ftp server, can be in full path.
    * @param localFile File name of local file
    * @param restart Restarting point, ignored if equal or less than zero.
    * @param observer The FtpObserver which monitor this downloading progress
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. No such file in this case)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    * @see FtpObserver
    public void getBinaryFile(String ftpFile, String localFile, long restart, FtpObserver observer)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    setTransferType(false); // Set transfer type to binary
    Socket sock = null;
    try {
    sock = getDataSocket("RETR " + ftpFile, restart);
    // Read bytes from server and write to file.
    BufferedInputStream din = new BufferedInputStream(sock.getInputStream());
    RandomAccessFile dout = new RandomAccessFile(localFile, "rw");;
    byte[] data = new byte[1024];
    int n;
    while ((n = != -1) {
    dout.write(data, 0, n);
    if (observer != null)
    if (!reply.startsWith("226"))
    throw new FtpException(reply); // transfer incomplete
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    * Read a file from local hard disk and write to the server.
    * <br>Remark:<br>
    * <br>Cannot be used in unsigned applet.
    * @param local_file Name of local file, can be in full path.
    * @param remoteFile Name of file in the ftp server, can be in full path.
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. permission denied)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public void putBinaryFile(String localFile, String remoteFile)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    putBinaryFile(localFile, remoteFile, 0, null);
    * Read a file from local hard disk and write to the server.
    * <br>Remark:<br>
    * <br>Cannot be used in unsigned applet.
    * @param localFile Name of local file, can be in full path.
    * @param remoteFile Name of file in the ftp server, can be in full path.
    * @param observer The FtpObserver which monitor this uploading progress.
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. permission denied)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public void putBinaryFile(String localFile, String remoteFile, FtpObserver observer)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    putBinaryFile(localFile, remoteFile, 0, observer);
    * Read a file from local hard disk and write to the server with restarting point.
    * Remark:<br>
    * Cannot be used in unsigned applet.
    * @param localFile Name of local file, can be in full path.
    * @param remoteFile Name of file in the ftp server, can be in full path.
    * @param restart The restarting point, ignored if less than or greater than zero.
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. permission denied)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public void putBinaryFile(String localFile, String remoteFile, long restart)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    putBinaryFile(localFile, remoteFile, restart, null);
    * Read a file from local hard disk and write to the server with restarting point.
    * Remark:<br>
    * Cannot be used in unsigned applet.
    * @param localFile Name of local file, can be in full path.
    * @param remoteFile Name of file in the ftp server, can be in full path.
    * @param observer The FtpObserver which monitor this uploading progress
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. permission denied)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public void putBinaryFile(String localFile, String remoteFile, long restart, FtpObserver observer)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    Socket sock = null;
    try {
    RandomAccessFile din = new RandomAccessFile(localFile, "r");
    sock = getDataSocket("STOR " + remoteFile, restart);
    if (restart > 0);
    DataOutputStream dout = new DataOutputStream(sock.getOutputStream());
    byte[] data = new byte[1024];
    int n;
    while ((n = != -1) {
    dout.write(data, 0, n);
    if (observer != null)
    Changed manner of checking if transfer is complete by checking the
    string Transfer Complete in the reply.
    For UNIX: Reply is 226 Transfer complete.
    For MF: Reply is 250 Transfer completed successfully.
    //if (!reply.startsWith("226"))
    int m = 0;
    if ((m = reply.indexOf("Transfer complete")) < 0)
    throw new FtpException(reply); // transfer incomplete
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    * Get current directory name.
    * @return The name of the current directory.
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur.
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public String getDirectory()
    throws IOException, FtpException
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    try {
    if (!reply.startsWith("257"))
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    int first = reply.indexOf("\"");
    int last = reply.lastIndexOf("\"");
    return reply.substring(first + 1, last);
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    * Change directory.
    * @param directory Name of directory
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. permission denied in this case)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public void setDirectory(String directory)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    try {
    ftpCommand("CWD " + directory);
    if (!reply.startsWith("250"))
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    * Change to parent directory.
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. permission denied in this case)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public void toParentDirectory()
    throws IOException, FtpException
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    try {
    if (!reply.startsWith("250"))
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    * Get the content of current directory
    * @return A FtpListResult object, return null if it is not connected.
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. permission denied in this case)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    * @see FtpListResult
    public FtpListResult getDirectoryContent()
    throws IOException, FtpException
    String strList = getDirectoryContentAsString();
    FtpListResult ftpList = new FtpListResult();
    ftpList.parseList(strList, getSystemType());
    return ftpList;
    * Get the content of current directory.
    * @return A list of directories, files and links in the current directory.
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. permission denied in this case)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public String getDirectoryContentAsString()
    throws IOException, FtpException
    StringBuffer list = new StringBuffer(""); // Directory list
    Socket sock = null; // Socket to establish data connection
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    try {
    // get DataSocket for the LIST command.
    // As no restarting point, send 0.
    sock = getDataSocket("LIST", 0);
    BufferedReader din = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(sock.getInputStream()));
    // Read bytes from server.
    String line;
    while ((line = din.readLine()) != null)
    if (!reply.startsWith("226"))
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    return list.toString();
    * Make a directory in the server.
    * @param directory The name of directory to be made.
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. permission denied in this case)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public void makeDirectory(String directory)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    try {
    ftpCommand("MKD " + directory);
    if (!reply.startsWith("257"))
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    * Remove a directory in the server
    * @param directory The name of directory to be removed
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. permission denied in this case)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public void removeDirectory(String directory)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    try {
    ftpCommand("RMD " + directory);
    if (!reply.startsWith("250"))
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    * Execute a command using ftp.
    * e.g. chmod 700 file
    * @param exec The command to execute.
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. command not understood)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public void execute(String exec)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    try {
    ftpCommand("SITE " + exec);
    if (!reply.startsWith("200"))
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    private String _ftpSystemType = null;
    * Get the type of operating system of the server.
    * Return null if it is not currently connected to any ftp server.
    * @return Name of the operating system.
    public String getSystemType()
    throws IOException, FtpException
    if (_ftpSystemType != null)
    return _ftpSystemType;
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    try {
    if (!reply.startsWith("215"))
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    _ftpSystemType = reply.substring(4);
    return _ftpSystemType;
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    * Return the port number
    public int getPort()
    return port;
    * Set port number if the port number of ftp is not 21
    public void setPort(int port)
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    pcs.firePropertyChange("port", new Integer(this.port), new Integer(port));
    this.port = port;
    release(); // Release the object
    * Return the server name. Return "" if it is not connected to any server.
    public String getServerName()
    return server;
    * Return the user name. Return "" if it is not connected to any server.
    public String getUserName()
    return user;
    * Get reply of the last command.
    * @return Reply of the last comomand<br>for example: 250 CWD command successful
    public String getReply()
    return reply;
    * Get reply message of the last command.
    * @return Reply message of the last command<br>for example:<br>
    * 250-Please read the file README<br>
    * 250-it was last modified on Wed Feb 10 21:51:00 1999 - 268 days ago
    public String getReplyMessage()
    return replyMessage;
    * Return true if it is using passive transfer mode.
    public boolean isPassiveModeTransfer()
    return passive;
    * Set passive transfer mode. Default is true.
    * @param passive Using passive transfer if true.
    public void setPassiveModeTransfer(boolean passive)
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    pcs.firePropertyChange("passiveModeTransfer", new Boolean(this.passive), new Boolean(passive));
    this.passive = passive;
    if (DEBUG) // debug message
    System.out.println("FtpBean: Set passive transfer - " + passive);
    release(); // Release the object
    * Close the Socket, input and output stream
    private void closeSocket()
    throws IOException
    _ftpSystemType = null;
    in = null;
    out = null;
    socket = null;
    * Read the respond message from the server's inputstream and assign to replyMessage
    private void getRespond()
    throws IOException
    String line = "";
    String replyMessage = "";
    while (true) {
    // Problem.....
    line = in.readLine();
    if (!checkReply(line))
    replyMessage = replyMessage.concat(line).concat("\n");
    * Login to server, using FTP commands "USER" and "PASS"
    * @param user FTP username
    * @param password FTP Password
    private void ftpLogin(String user, String password)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    ftpCommand("USER " + user); // send user name
    ftpCommand("PASS " + password); // send password
    if (!reply.startsWith("230")) {
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    * Send FTP command to the server.
    * @param command The command to be sent
    private void ftpCommand(String command)
    throws IOException
    if (DEBUG) {  // Debug message
    if (command.startsWith("PASS"))
    System.out.println("FtpBean: Send password");
    System.out.println("FtpBean: Send command \"" + command + "\"");
    out.print(command + "\r\n"); // Send command
    * Establish data connection for transfer
    private Socket getDataSocket(String command, long restart)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    Socket sock = null;
    ServerSocket ssock = null;
    // Establish data conncetion using passive or active mode.
    if (passive)
    sock = getPassiveDataSocket();
    ssock = getActiveDataSocket();
    // Send the restart command if it is greater than zero
    if (restart > 0) {
    ftpCommand("REST " + restart);
    if (!reply.startsWith("350"))
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    // Send commands like LIST, RETR and STOR
    // These commands will return 125 or 150 when success.
    if (!(reply.startsWith("125") || reply.startsWith("150")))
    throw new FtpException(reply); // command file
    // Get Socket object for active mode.
    if (!passive)
    sock = ssock.accept();
    return sock;
    * Establish data connection in passive mode using "PASV" command
    * Change the server to passive mode.
    * by the command "PASV", it will return its address
    * and port number that it will listen to.
    * Create a Socket object to that address and port number.
    * Then return the Socket object.
    private Socket getPassiveDataSocket()
    throws IOException, FtpException
    if (!reply.startsWith("227"))
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    // array that holds the outputed address and port number.
    String[] address = new String[6];
    // put the 'reply' to the array 'address'
    StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(reply, ",");
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
    address[i] = t.nextToken();
    // Get port number.
    // Erase all other characters except the port number
    // which is at the beginning of the string
    String lastPort = "";
    int num = 3;
    if (address[5].length() < 3)
    num = address[5].length();
    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
    if (Character.isDigit(address[5].charAt(i)))
    lastPort = lastPort + address[5].charAt(i);
    // assign last port number to address[5]
    address[5] = lastPort;
    // Get the port number
    // Left shift the first number by 8
    int newPort = (Integer.parseInt(address[4]) << 8) + Integer.parseInt(address[5]);
    // Create a new socket object
    Socket sock = new Socket(getServerName(), newPort);
    return sock;
    * Establish data connection in active mode using "PORT" command.
    * It create a ServerSocket object to listen for a port number in local machine.
    * Use port command to tell the server which port the local machine is listenning.
    * Return the ServerSocket object.
    private ServerSocket getActiveDataSocket()
    throws IOException, FtpException
    int[] portNumbers = new int[6]; // Array that contains
    // Get ip address of local machine. ip address and port numbers
    String localAddr = socket.getLocalAddress().getHostAddress();
    // Assign the ip address of local machine to the array.
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(localAddr, ".");
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    portNumbers[i] = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
    ServerSocket ssocket = new ServerSocket(0); // ServerSocket to listen to a random free port number
    int localPort = ssocket.getLocalPort(); // The port number it is listenning to
    // Assign port numbers the array
    portNumbers[4] = ((localPort & 0xff00) >> 8);
    portNumbers[5] = (localPort & 0x00ff);
    // Send "PORT" command to s

    You would have to pick a library to do that. There are several commercial libraries. Out of the open source ones, the most mature one seems to be Ganymed SSH-2.

  • How to change password in bridge?

    everytime I try to type in a new ftp password to upload to server bridge automatically changes it to an older one - any ideas how to fix this?

    I'll try to explain
    a little more in detail:
    I changed my server a while back along with the password to my server.
    Unfortunately Bridge seems to be locked into my old password because everytime I type my more recent server password in Bridge output it automatically reverts back to my old one. Consequently I can no longer upload anythng out of bridge. Is that a little clearer? Ofcourse one can't change a server password in Bridge!

  • FileServlet serving from FTP

    I'm trying to create a bean that opens a PDF file from another FTP server. I have it open from a local path, but can't get it to open from a FTP host. Your help is appreciated.
    Thanks in advance!
    package aiView;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    public class FileServlet extends HttpServlet {
        private FtpClient m_client;
        private String host = "";
        private String user = "";
        private String password = "";
        private String sDir = "";
        public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws IOException {
                m_client = new FtpClient(host);
                m_client.login(user, password);
            // Define base path somehow. You can define it as init-param of the servlet.
            String filePath = "/files";
            //Not working
            //String filePath =;
            // String filePath = getServletContext().getRealPath("/WEB-INF/files");
            // Get file name from request.
            String fileName = request.getParameter("name")+".pdf";
            // Check if file name is supplied to the request.
            if (fileName != null) {
                // Strip "../" and "..\" (avoid directory sniffing by hackers!).
                fileName = fileName.replaceAll("\\.+(\\\\|/)", "");
            } else {
                // Do your thing if the file name is not supplied to the request.
                // Throw an exception, or show default/warning page, or just ignore it.
                fileName = "filenotfound.pdf";
            // Prepare file object.
            File file = new File(filePath, fileName);
            // Check if file actually exists in filesystem.
            if (!file.exists()) {
                // Do your thing if the file appears to be non-existing.
                // Throw an exception, or show default/warning page, or just ignore it.
                //fileName = "filenotfound.pdf";
            // Get content type by filename.
            String contentType = URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(fileName);
            // If content type is unknown, then set the default value.
            // For all content types, see:
            if (contentType == null) {
                contentType = "application/pdf";
            // Prepare streams.
            BufferedInputStream input = null;
            BufferedOutputStream output = null;
            try {
                // Open file file.
                input = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
                int contentLength = input.available();
                // Init servlet response.
                        "Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + fileName + "\"");
                output = new BufferedOutputStream(response.getOutputStream());
                // Write file contents to response.
                while (contentLength-- > 0) {
                // Finalize task.
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // Something went wrong?
            } finally {
                // Gently close streams.
                if (input != null) {
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        // This is a serious error. Do more than just printing a trace.
                if (output != null) {
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        // This is a serious error. Do more than just printing a trace.
    }Edited by: ynotlim333 on Oct 19, 2007 1:17 AM
    Edited by: ynotlim333 on Oct 19, 2007 1:19 AM

    Well,Alright here is an example which i would try to implement.
    Say,there is a table in dataBase which has below schema
    TABLE fileTable{
        fileId --- PK -- Auto Generated;
        fileNameWithPath - varchar2(200);
        createdDate -- DATE;
    }and their is a DTO Mapped to that table called FileDTOBean
    public class FileDTOBean implements serializable{
       private String fileId = "";
       private String fileNameWithPath ="";
       private Date createdDate = null;
        /** Setters & getters for respective properties */
    }Assuming that their is a DAO called FileServiceDAO which has method called getFileDTO(String fileId) which return an instance of FileDTOBean for a given fileId.
    by executing a query like
    "select fileId,fileNameWithPath,createdDate from fileTable where fileId = ?"and you would be using a dedicated Business Object for the same purpose.
    package com.webapp.commons.delegate.impl;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
      * @Author : RaHuL ShArMa
      * @Version : v1.0
    /**The Delegate class could be used as a Bsuiness Object which provides services to give access to different stored in Database/local system/remote mapped network drive/FTP registered by specfic fileId from database*/
    public class FileServiceDelegateImpl implements FileServiceDelegate{
              private static FileServiceDelegate fsd = null;
              private static FileServiceDAO fd = null;
              protected FileServiceDelegateImpl(){ 
                   this.fd = FileServiceDAO.getCurrentInstance();
              public static synchronize FileServiceDelegate getCurrentInstance(){
                    if(fsd == null)
                      fsd = new FileServiceDelegateImpl();
                    return fsd;
              public void exportFTPFile(HttpServletResponse reponse,String ftpUri,String userName,String password,String fileId,boolean content)throws Exception{
                      InputStream fis = null;                 
                      BufferedInputStream input = null;
                      BufferedOutputStream output = null;       
                      int contentLength = 0;
                      FileDTOBean fdto = this.fd.getFileDto(fileId);
                      FTPClient ftpClient = null;
                          String fileName = fdto.getFileName();
                          ftpClient = new FTPClient();
                          fis =  ftpClient.retrieveFileStream(fileName);
                            // Getting the Mime-Type
                           String contentType = URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromStream(fis);          
                           if(contentType == null)
                                contentType = "application/octet-stream";
                            fis = new FileInputStream(fdto.getFileNameWidPath());
                            contentLength = fis.available(); 
                            // Trying to get the Generic Buffer Size w.r.t other factors
                            int readSize = this.getGenericSize(contentLength.available());                           
                            input = new BufferedInputStream(fis,readSize);
                            output = new BufferedOutputStream(response.getOutputStream(),readSize);
                            // output the streaming request
                       }catch(Exception e) {          
                            throw new Exception(e.getCause());
             /**The actual method which sends back the respective response to the supposed client by picking up the content from       
             the specified*/
             public void exportFile(HttpServletResponse reponse,String fileId,boolean content) throws Exception{
                      InputStream fis = null;                 
                      BufferedInputStream input = null;
                      BufferedOutputStream output = null;       
                      int contentLength = 0;
                      FileDTOBean fdto = this.fd.getFileDto(fileId);
                      URL url = null;
                      URLConnection urlConn = null;
                            String filePath = fdto.getFileNameWidPath().trim();
                               fis = new FileInputStream(filname);
                                url = new URL(filePath);
                                urlConn = url.openConnection(); 
                                fis = urlConn.getInputStream();
                            // Getting the Mime-Type
                           String contentType = URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromStream(fis);           
                           if(contentType == null)
                                contentType = "application/octet-stream";
                            contentLength = fis.available(); 
                            // Trying to get the Generic Buffer Size w.r.t other factors
                            int readSize = this.getGenericSize(contentLength.available());                           
                            input = new BufferedInputStream(fis,readSize);
                            output = new BufferedOutputStream(response.getOutputStream(),readSize);
                            // output the streaming request
                       }catch(Exception e) {          
                            throw new Exception(e.getCause());
              /**The actual method which sends back the respective response to the supposed client by picking up data from the database*/
              public void exportDBData(HttpServletResponse reponse,String fileId,boolean content) throws Exception{
                      FileInputStream fis = null;                 
                      BufferedInputStream input = null;
                      BufferedOutputStream output = null;       
                      int contentLength = 0;
                      FileDTOBean fdto = this.fd.getFileDto(fileId);
                      if(fdto == null)
                            // Getting the Mime-Type
                            String contentType = fdto.getContentType();
                            bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(fdto.getData());
                            contentLength = bis.available(); 
                            // Trying to get the Generic Buffer Size w.r.t other factors
                            int readSize = this.getGenericSize(contentLength);                           
                            input = new BufferedInputStream(bis,readSize);
                            output = new BufferedOutputStream(response.getOutputStream(),readSize);
                            // output the streaming request
                       }catch(Exception e) {          
                            throw new Exception(e.getCause());
            /**Outputs given results as per decided constraits*/ 
            public void streamData(BufferedInputStream input,BufferedOutputStream output,int readSize)throws Exception{
                    byte buffer[] = new byte[readSize]; 
                    int nByteRead = 0;
                    while((nByteRead = != -1)
                 }catch(Exception exp){
                   throw new Exception(exp.getCause());
                      if(input != null){
                            try {
                            } catch (Exception ie) {
                                throws new Exception(ie.getCause());
                      if (output != null) {
                              try {
                              } catch (Exception ie) {                     
                                 throws new Exception(ie.getCause());         
                      input = null;
                      output = null;
         /**Deciding Just by applying Best memory usage constraint and one can change the logic accordingly
          * with respective other factors like network load and etc
         public synchronize int getGenericSize(int length){
                 int bufferSize = 512;
                 MemoryUsage heapUsage = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().getHeapMemoryUsage(); 
                 double usageFactor =    (heapUsage.getInit() - heapUsage.getUsed()) / heapUsage.getMax();            
                 bufferSize = (int)(length * usageFactor);
                 if(bufferSize <= 512)
                      bufferSize = 512;
                 else if(buffer >= 4096) 
                      bufferSize = 4096;                 
                 return bufferSize;                            
    }and the code in your Servlet/JSP/Struts Action/Backing bean would be like.
    public void processAction(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse.......)throws Exception{
        String fileId = request.getParameter("fid");
            lets assume file associated to fileId is "ftp://username:[email protected]/movie1Poster.jpg;type=i"
        if(fileId == null)
             throw new Exception("invalid fileid passed");
        //Assuming ServiceLocator returns instance FileServiceDelegateImpl
        FileServiceDelegate fsd = ServiceLocator.get(FileServiceDelegate.class);
        /* or try using for secure FTP Access
    }all you wud do in you jsp is to access respective file with
    <img src="FileServlet?fid=F13245" width="300" height="300" />
    <img src="" width="300" height="300" />Hope this might help :)

  • FTP delays answering zOS client

    I have a Solaris 9 FTP server serving zOS jobs
    Sometimes, the FTP client outputs the messages:
    Connecting to: solaris9.ftp.server port: 21.
    Connection to server interrupted or timed out.
    Server not responding, closing connection.
    FTP Return Code = 10000, Error Code = 00009
    I used snoop to trace the connection, with the following:
    130 8.29945 yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy -> solaris9 FTP C port=3776
    131 0.00015 solaris9 -> yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy FTP R port=3776
    132 0.28311 yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy -> solaris9 FTP C port=3776
    133 60.00031 yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy -> solaris9 FTP C port=3776
    134 0.00010 solaris9 -> yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy FTP R port=3776
    135 20.16155 solaris9 -> yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy FTP R port=3776 220 solaris9 FTP ser
    136 0.00102 solaris9 -> yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy FTP R port=3776 221 You could at lea
    137 0.46158 -> sappvfci FTP C port=3776
    138 0.00008 -> sappvfci FTP C port=3776
    I'm thinking the FTP is spending more than 60 seconds to reply and the client is closing the connection... is this correct?
    Is there a way to increase the time of in.ftpd response ?

    Here is a sample of a failed connection.
    10.x.x.x is the private IP of our FTP server (manually masked out)
    Status: Connecting to 12.x.x.x ...
    Status: Connected with 12.x.x.x. Waiting for welcome message...
    Response: 220 Service Ready for new User
    Command: USER greenman
    Response: 331 Password Needed for Login
    Command: PASS *************
    Response: 230 User greensman Logged in Successfully
    Command: SYST
    Response: 215 NETWARE Type: L8
    Command: FEAT
    Response: 500 'FEAT' : Unknown Command
    Status: Connected
    Status: Retrieving directory listing...
    Command: PWD
    Response: 257 "/" is Current Directory
    Command: TYPE A
    Response: 200 TYPE Command OK A
    Command: PASV
    Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,x,x,x,6,34)
    Command: LIST
    Response: 150 Opening data connection for (10.x.x.x,1570)
    Here is a log of a working connection:
    Response: 220 Service Ready for new User
    Command: USER greenman
    Response: 331 Password Needed for Login
    Command: PASS *************
    Response: 230 User greensman Logged in Successfully
    Command: SYST
    Response: 215 NETWARE Type: L8
    Command: FEAT
    Response: 500 'FEAT' : Unknown Command
    Status: Connected
    Status: Retrieving directory listing...
    Command: PWD
    Response: 257 "/" is Current Directory
    Command: TYPE A
    Response: 200 TYPE Command OK A
    Command: PORT 192,168,x,x,5,112
    Response: 200 PORT Command OK
    Command: LIST
    Response: 150 Opening data connection for (24.255.xx.xx,41346)
    Response: 226 Transfer Complete
    Status: Directory listing successful

  • Problem with downloading file from FTP server

    Hello all
    I have uploaded a file from an application i developed and i want to download this file from another application. The code is
    public static void FTPcon() throws FtpException{
       String hostname = "my.ftp.server";
       String username = "myusername";
       String password = "mypass";
       Ftp ftp = new Ftp(hostname,username,password);
    }The error i receive is public.dat (The system cannot find the file specified) but the file is on the server.
    Thanks in advance for any help

    Cotton thank you for your reply
    Any other sugestions please?The server disagrees. So...
    - the file does not existThe file exists.I checked it with an FTP client program.
    - the file has a different nameThe file name is correct
    - you are connected to the wrong serverI am connecting to the correct server
    - you are in the wrong ftp directoryThe file is placed in the home directory
    - the ftp library you are using is broken (less
    likely)I am using the library from jscape.I dont think is broken because i can upload the file from the first application.
    FTP isn't somehow broken in Java. I use it all the
    time. The problem is something listed above. I would
    check all of the first four if I were you because
    that's most likely where the problem is.Message was edited by:

  • XML Publisher Bursting - FTP Status Check

    "XML Publisher Report Bursting Program" completes successfully even if EMAIL or FTP fails in the bursting process.
    See the output file below, last FTP fails but the program completed fine.
    Is there a way to check the Status and mark the program error so that we know it's not FTP'ed correctly.
    <KEY />
    <LOG />
    <KEY />
    <LOG />
    <KEY />
    *<LOG>Error!! Could not deliver the output for Delivery channel:null . Please check the Log for error details..</LOG>*

    Hi Manu,
    Please check below MOS ids and your issue may be resolved.
    Bursting Programs Are Failing With Error "Could not deliver the output for Delivery channel:null" [ID 1241535.1]
    Email Bursting Error 'Could Not Deliver The Output ...' [ID 1354542.1]
    "Error!! Could not deliver the output for Delivery channel:null" - BI Publisher Bursting Error [ID 1272488.1]
    mark if this helps you.

  • Image path in HTML output

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to deliver a BI report using the ftp device.
    The report is delivered in HTML format correctly, but
    when I try to open it, images that should display charts
    are not visible.
    Giving a look at the HTML code I've noticed that the image
    source path is:
    <img src="/xmlpserver/xdo/tmp/xdoimgZA4ql3v7Hz31567.gif">
    which is not the correct path.
    Is there a way to automatically set that path when the
    report is delivered?
    Thank you in advance,

    If you were to output the same report as PDF instead of HTML, I'm guessing the PDF file would contain the actual image. (Am I right anyone?) However, when you output as HTML, there is no way to embed an image in the HTML output.
    HTML can only reference external images via URLs, so it appears from your output HTML code that BI Publisher creates a temporary GIF image and allows it to be referenced via that unique URL. Who knows how long that URL is valid?
    After you FTP the output to another server, the <img src> reference is no longer valid, because the path in the src attribute is relative to the HTML file itself. The FTP'd report might show the image if you edit the HTML file so the src attribute includes the full URL to the image:
    <img src=""/>
    But again, how long does BI Publisher cache the image, and how long until the login session times out so you can no longer access it anyway? Note that you would have to use the same browser session to view the FTP'd report as was used to run the report in the first place. In other words, run the BIP report initially using a browser on the host that is the FTP destination for the report. Then edit the <img> tag, and finally open the HTML file in the same browser.
    A note to other readers: Images in RTF templates are often used as mere placeholders for charts created when the report is run. It is the "Alternate Text" assigned to the dummy image that tells the XSL-FO processor how to replace the image with a chart displaying the report output data.
    To solve this problem in a more supportable way, please see this Tim Dexter blog entry:
    Edited by: Multiverse on Aug 15, 2009 7:59 PM (added Tim Dexter blog reference)

  • FTP adapter: exc. 550 : No such file or directory

    Hi Men,
    I'm working on 7.0 version.
    I am facing a problem with FTP adapter.
    In few words, I configured a CC FTP sender to get files from a remote server (in test mode).
    As I start this channel, CC monitor retrieves the following error message:
    "Could not process file '<getThisFile>.xml': 550 outbox: No such file or directory."
    where '<getThisFile>.xml' is filename and "outbox" is the directory.
    I presume that it recognizes the filename and the directory but the error message says "dir or file are wrongs".
    I tried the same action by command line with same user and password ftp. Result: I was able to get this file from dir "outbox".
    ...I should exclude a file permission problem.
    Here below, some Logs from "default.trc" file: File2XI[CC_FTP_SND_Order_new/BS_Arianna_DEV/]_57##0#0#Error#1
    #/Applications/ExchangeInfrastructure/AdapterFramework/Services/ADAPTER/ADMIN/File#Plain###Retrieving file 'orders.00089872.xml' failed unexpectedly with 550 outbox: No such file or directory.#
    CC_FTP_SND_Order_new is the CC sender;
    BS_Arianna_DEV related Business Service.
    'orders.00089872.xml' file to get.
    'outbox' dir path
    .... nothing else.
    Have you ever faced a similar problem? Any suggestion to fix it?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi friends,
    FTP server is a Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
    When I log in, I only change in a sub dir called outbox.
    If I put back slash before (for WinOS), the dir path is wrong (cd \outbox should mean that outbox is under root).
    Some FTP server logs:
    Nov 29 09:40:00 golem ftpd[25272]: USER 8023******
    Nov 29 09:40:00 golem ftpd[25272]: PASS password****
    Nov 29 09:40:00 golem ftpd[25272]: SYST
    Nov 29 09:40:00 golem ftpd[25272]: TYPE Image
    Nov 29 09:40:00 golem ftpd[25272]: CWD outbox
    Nov 29 09:40:00 golem ftpd[25272]: PASV
    Nov 29 09:40:00 golem ftpd[25272]: LIST orders*
    Nov 29 09:40:00 golem ftpd[25272]: CWD outbox
    Nov 29 09:40:00 golem ftpd[25272]: QUIT
    I suppose that XI works fine and FTP server receives two times the "cd outbox" command. II also suppose that this Windows FTP server  memorizes the subdir "outbox" each time I log in by FTP with user  "8023******"

Maybe you are looking for

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