Password shows as incorrect ONLY on desktop

For about a year now, every time I launch iTunes I get an "incorrect Apple ID password" dialogue. I followed through and reset my password several times, but that has never solved the problem. It's perfectly fine on my iphone, ipads, etc, and it's perfectly fine for logging into my apple account and obviously for logging in to use this site. But logging into the desktop iTunes doesn't work. I'm COMPLETELY fed up with it and have no interest in continuing to change and change my password (and then having to reset it on all my devices) when it doesn't resolve the problem.
I've tried logging out and logging back in, and now I'm just frozen out of iTunes.
I've tried your standard troubleshooting (typing it where I can see it then copying and pasting it, obviously rebooting, etc etc etc.)
Any ideas?

My guess is there is more than one Apple ID and password associated with your iTunes account.  As you may know, several accounts (Apple IDs) can be authorized on one iTunes version on a computer.  Consider whether you have other Apple IDs authorized and go to Store > Deauthorize This Computer for these others.

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    could not load keystore file (password may be incorrect)
         adt -checkstore SIGNING_OPTIONS
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    adt -package -target ipa-debug -keystore ios-development-certificate.p12 -storetype pkcs12 -provisioning-profile ios.mobileprovisionn HelloWorld.ipa HelloWorld-app.xml HelloWorld.swf icons
    I am prompted for the p12 file's password, which I provide.
    I get the following error message:
    could not load keystore file (password may be incorrect)
    When I test the password using the following command, the test succeeds:
    adt -checkstore -storetype pkcs12 -keystore ios-developer-certificate.p12 -provisioning-profile ios.mobileprovision
    valid password
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