Paypal experiences

Am just looking into my first cart for a client. He initially
seemed a bit wary of Paypal, so I looked into other options, and
concluded that a better, more robust option might be to get a
proper merchant account with a High St bank and go down that route.
But in the end, he's said he's happy to go with Paypal due to the
set up costs involved with a proper merchant account.
Looking again into Paypal I came across the paypal sucks
site, which wasn't too encouraging, as well as their sandbox
development site which does seem pretty good for testing a site
before making it live.
So any pointers, advice welcome really - are the paypal sucks
stories simply a tiny minority of all paypal users, as you'd get
with any service, or would there be a 'don't touch with a
bargepole' consensus.
I was planning on using Web Assist's ecart, but see that
there's a fairly straightforward Paypal cart - although that may
only really be good for single items, but it will take something
like Web Assist's solution to better manage a database driven

I've used Paypal for buying/selling for 4 years with no
problems yet.
You can also look at Google checkout, which is a little
harder to set up but
a little cheaper.
I think those are the best two options outside of getting a
Tom Muck
co-author Dreamweaver MX 2004: The Complete Reference
Cartweaver Development Team
Extending Knowledge Daily
"Iain71" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:ejd5d8$6bu$[email protected]..
> Am just looking into my first cart for a client. He
initially seemed a bit
> wary
> of Paypal, so I looked into other options, and concluded
that a better,
> more
> robust option might be to get a proper merchant account
with a High St
> bank and
> go down that route. But in the end, he's said he's happy
to go with Paypal
> due
> to the set up costs involved with a proper merchant
> Looking again into Paypal I came across the paypal sucks
site, which
> wasn't
> too encouraging, as well as their sandbox development
site which does seem
> pretty good for testing a site before making it live.
> So any pointers, advice welcome really - are the paypal
sucks stories
> simply a
> tiny minority of all paypal users, as you'd get with any
service, or would
> there be a 'don't touch with a bargepole' consensus.
> I was planning on using Web Assist's ecart, but see that
there's a fairly
> straightforward Paypal cart - although that may only
really be good for
> single
> items, but it will take something like Web Assist's
solution to better
> manage a
> database driven store?
> Cheers,
> Iain

Similar Messages

  • In regards to every PayPal question and problem. You will not be able to switch your billing preference to PayPal unless you do it on a COMPUTER. It will never work, EVER, on an iPad. I state this from personal experience. Apparently no one in Support kno

    I found out the hard way that you have to be on a computer to change your payment preference to PayPal. Period. The option for PayPal does not even show up on an iPad. Apparently ITunes support does not know this or they would let everyone know. Go on your computer. Open account. Type in your password. Then click on edit payment type. Only on a computer do you have an option of choosing PayPal. I really hope this helps someone :)

    Thank you! I put some self help hypnosis tracks to listen to on my iPod. I did not want to go to the next track automatically, I wanted to listen to them individually, one at a time. (If I fell asleep, I did not want to 'wake up' in the middle of a different track.) Your information helps me understand that I need to re-load this playlist onto my iPod from my  Mac computer, only first, I need to UNCHECK the boxes in front of each track so the iPod will STOP each time after playing the selected track. It is too bad that so many functions are not availabvle within the iPod, but that is probably why they can make it so compact.

  • Can't get paypal to work?  This may help.

    Well, 24 hours after my 32 GB ipod touch purchase, I am not an apple fan. I had a very typical experience, I have windows 7 32bit on a Dell XPS laptop M1530, I downloaded a fresh version of iTunes (, I upgraded the ipod to newest version (iOS4). Why did I spend so much time getting this stuff to work? I did get it to work, but support was useless and blamed microsoft (in fact I didn't do all the steps correctly).
    Anyway a few things I figured out. Before you begin, you need a valid paypal account. You also need internet explorer. This doesn't work on Chrome for whatever reason. You can go to start menu -> Default programs to change web requests to open up IE instead of chrome (then just change it back when you are done with paypal activation).
    Also, you need to have activated the computer for use with itunes. Why that's not done when you install is a mystery. From the menu bar at the very top of itunes, go to the store menu, and select 'activate my computer'. Note, you can only have 5 active computers, but you can deactivate all of them. The only way to deactivate individual computers is to have them connected to the network and with itunes, and just go store -> deactivate computer. If the computer is not activated the process will also fail when paypal redirects back to the itunes app.
    Next, create/update your itunes account. When you get to the payment options, you select paypal. That launches a web browser. Again, chrome didn't work for me. You go through the paypal logins. When you are done you should get two warning messages, one to display only secure or all content (hit 'no'). The other warning mentions that you are launching an app from a web browser. Click allow (or yes or whatever).
    The process should bring you back to itunes purchase setup. Scroll down to the bottom, hit 'done'. To verify, I log out and log back in again, and look up your account info. It should have paypal. Note, once you get this set up, you don't really have to screw with it again I think.
    The other tidbit I have is that once you download the apps (click the price tag on the app) you need to sync your ipod. If you click on your ipod on the left menu, then click on apps, select all and click apply on bottom right of screen. That should work.

    Also, you need to have activated the computer for use with itunes. Why that's not done when you install is a mystery.
    Because you don't need an iTunes account tio use or install iTunes.
    You cannot authorize the computer until you have an account because that's what you are authorizing.
    Note, you can only have 5 active computers, but you can deactivate all of them.
    You can have 5 computers authorized at any one time. You can only select Deauthorize all when you do hae 5 authorized and you can only do it one time per year.
    Next, create/update your itunes account.
    Again you cannot "activate" (which is authorize) unless you have an iTunes account. So you cannot authorize iTunes and then create an iTunes account.

  • Is Paypal a supported Payment Method in Oracle Order Management?

    Hi there -
    Has anybody implemented Paypal as payment method for Oracle Order Management?
    We are on 11510 and looking to add Paypal as payment method apart from existing Credit Card, ACH etc.
    I found a very old (2008) note on metalink that says there is an enhancement request for this.
    We use Paymentech as payment processor.
    Let me know...
    1. If it's supported with Oracle 11510
    2. Anyone has any experience implementing it.
    Edited by: techy on Oct 25, 2010 12:56 PM

    Hi Stephen-
    First of all thanks for your response.
    Please note that I am not talking about using Paypal as payment processor (similar to Paymentech) but I am talking about using "Paypal" payment method for getting payments from your customers.
    As per my brief understanding, I know that Paypal too provides payment processing functionality where I can get my customer Credit Card, bank accounts etc. validated through paypal tool (I think it's call payflow pro similar to paymentech).
    Again, we are on 11510 right now so R12 functionality may not be useful for us.
    Also, we have already integrated and been using paymentech for payment processing for Credit Cards, ACH etc within 11510. There is no issue about that.
    I hope this is clear.
    Edited by: techy on Oct 25, 2010 2:42 PM

  • I can't link my Paypal Account to my iTunes Stores Account

    I am attempting to connect my billing preference in the iTunes Store to my Paypal account. The process takes me to Paypal and then at the end is supposed to return me to the iTunes Store. After clicking on "Return to iTunes Store" the page "Returning to the iTunes Store...Please Wait" loads and then stops/hangs.
    This error message is in my taskbar: (using Internet Explorer as my default browser when I get this message)
    Webpage error details
    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; MEGAUPLOAD 3.0; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; OfficeLivePatch.1.3; OfficeLiveConnector.1.5; .NET4.0C)
    Timestamp: Sat, 18 Dec 2010 22:00:58 UTC
    Message: The data area passed to a system call is too small.
    Line: 6
    Char: 104793
    Code: 0
    This is using Internet Explorer as my default browser. I normally use FireFox, but Firefox blocks the return to the iTunes Store, as well.
    I've contacted both Paypal (no problems there with my account or their system) and Apple Support (they can't seem to figure this out -- appears to be either an OS or Browser problem to them.) I've also posted this with the Microsoft Solutions forum but their suggestions haven't worked. Nothing seems to work. I'm hoping you can help me resolve this issue. An iTunes technician is working on it apparently. He contacted me on 12/23/10 but I haven't heard back from him.
    "My name is Jonathan and I have been assigned your case. I want to thank you for your continued patience while I work on your issue involving setting up PayPal on your account.
    I hope to have a resolution for you very soon, hopefully within in a couple of days, and will be certain to notify you as soon as more information is available.
    The iTunes Store is dedicated to creating a pleasant music-shopping alternative for music lovers of all walks of life. Your experience is very important to Apple. Thank you for giving Apple the opportunity to improve its services. Have a great day."
    The browser appears to be blocking the return to the iTunes Store so I can finalize the payment change to Paypal. I've turned off the Windows firewall and my anti-virus. Did not make any difference.

    I'm having exactly the same error, but on a Mac using Safari as de default browser....
    When it goes back to iTunes I can only see the original page where I launched the paypal website from.... nothing happens and if I click continue the whole process starts again. I guess by now I must have created 30+ billing agreements...

  • X300 Order Nightmares​, Worst Buying Experience Ever In My Entire Life!!

    So I am here writing to rant and also seeking assistance in this matter.  I have been trying to purchase a X300 for myself for the past week and half only to have my order cancelled one after another.  It started when I placed an order on 01/13/2009 and paid via my Paypal account.  I had the Paypal account for over 8 years and have confirmed shipping address on file.  On the 19th, I received an email telling me that my order was cancelled because Lenovo could not verify the funds.  I called Lenovo immediately and the rep (A very rude guy with broken English) told me that my accoutn was identified as fraud...  I was outragious at the time but immediately called Paypal.   I was then told by Paypal that everthing was fine and that Lenovo still in fact has a pending hold authorization on the account.  I called back Lenovo and was basically told that they don't care and if I am interested, place another order!
    Since I really wanted the X300, I did place another order using my AMEX card.  To make sure things will be okay, i called AMMEX to make sure that the transaction will go through if presented.  I then called Lenovo to have them note the account to call me if there is an issues.  After did all that, I received an email a day after saying the order was cancelled AGAIN!!  Obviously, I immediately called back and asked to be transferred to a supervisor.  The guy I end up spoken to then told me that everything has been cleared and you can now go place another order.  I then did that only to find out that my account has been flagged and blocked!!!  The guy must be on crack or something!  I then called Lenovo (while trying very hard to be cool) and asked to be transferred to a supervisor again.  After about 15 min hold time, a lady got on the phone and I immediately told her the whole story.  The lady, who has a tone of "I don't give it a frack" told me that the credit card was declined and there was nothing they can do.  I then told her that  checked with Ammex and my account is in good standing with more than sufficient credit and and that THERE WAS NO TRANSACTION BEING PRESENTED BY LENOVO!!  How would they know if the card is bad if they didn't even run it??!!!  She then placed me on hold for another 10 minutes and then told me that the problem is happening because i was buying the laptop through the Contractor site (I do work for a company that has access to corporate discount).  She told me that if i placed my order through the regular site it will go through for sure. 
    Okay, so here I am, being a sucker for the Thinkpad, placed another order through the regular lenovo site with a new user id (as the rep has suggested).  That was yesterday... so guess what happend today??!!  I got another email again today telling me the order is cancelled. 
    So to cut down the really long story short, I have been trying to get the X300 for a week and half.  Being accused multiple time that my payment method are bad (They are not!!!!!!!) and had my account blocked.  I had a total of 4 orders cancelled and  I feel like I am jumping through hoops just so I can give them my money and beg the folks at Lenovo to give me a laptop... This whole experience has been extremely frustrating and insulting.  Almost everyone I spoke to at the company have been non-helping and rude.  What I can't get is that how a company like Lenovo, which apparantly don't know anything about customer service, can do business here is the US? 
    It is just sad that how Thinkpad has fallen to the hand of this company....
    Message Edited by Shihx79 on 01-22-2009 01:28 PM
    Message Edited by Shihx79 on 01-22-2009 01:29 PM
    Note from Moderator:  Please don't post the same message in multiple boards/threads as it splinters the discussion.  Duplicate(s) removed.
    Message Edited by JaneL on 01-22-2009 06:29 PM

    Hi Mark,
    Thank you so much for looking into this. So far I have called into customer service multiple times trying to get this resolved.  I kept being transferred to a sales aget who keep telling me everything is fine now go ahead and placed another order.  I even got one rep emailed me after the conversation asking me to put down his sales rep id so he can supposedly "track" my order.  The order I placed on the 13th (2D9FRE), paid via Paypal was cancelled because it was said to be a fraudulent account.  I then confirmed with Paypal that there is nothing wrong with the account and Lenovo still has a hold on the funds (this authorization hold was not cancelled until I called Paypal myself again on the 22nd).  I then tried to order the X300 with my AMMEX cards just to keep on getting them cancelled as I've decribed on the 1st post. (Order # 2D9WYM, 2D9XD6, 2DA18R) I kept being told that the card is bad when it is not, AMMEX confirmed that there has been no authorization request from Lenovo too.  I work as a consultant for a large banking/investment firm and needed the X300 due to its features and portability.  I never imagined that I'd be treated like a fraudster, and despite that I've made multiple attempt to clear this. 
    This has been one really really frustrating experience as you can imagine.  Again i appreciate you look into this and hopefully fix the issues (or at least, clear my name) for me. 
    Message Edited by Shihx79 on 01-23-2009 11:19 AM

  • Gallery with Paypal buttons and drop-downs on the index page?

    I'm looking for a LR gallery where I can have thumbnails with Paypal buttons and drop-downs on the index page.
    I would prefer to keep my galleries interface streamlined and don't want to clutter it up with dropdowns and cart. I would like to have 1 page for ordering that has all my images as thumbnails with drop downs for price and size, rather than right-clicking on and image which opens in another page like the LRG Gallery with Paypal.
    I don't have a lot of experience messing with code, and none with .js. I did make a drop down in Paypal and have the code, but I think things would be pretty unwield it I designed a page as a table like I would in MS Word.
    I'm familiar with LRG Complete gallery, but don't see that it has the ability to not require a right click to order.
    I don't have a lot of experience messing with code, and none with .js. I did make a drop down in Paypal and have the code, but I think things would be pretty unwield it I designed a page as a table like I would in MS Word.
    Any thoughts, ideas, or help?

    Maybe some could try this out, and has experienced the same problem.
    It is on the site
    and then push the German flag in the top Right corner, and further click on the Button "Contact info". It will give the eroor.

  • How to setup a Seamless Transaction Gateway with PayPal (Australia Only)

    I've been working with the team at PayPal to allow BC Partners to set up a cost effective way to setup a Seamless Transaction Shopping Cart Process on their BC eCommerce website without the need for a 3rd Party Merchant Provider like eWay or Secure Pay or their bank. This is designed for entry level businesses who want to control their setup costs and keep all funds in one place (PayPal).
    Currently BC doesn't support Paypal's Payments Pro plan in Australia so you are limited with either a non-seamless payment process or using a 3rd Party Merchant provider with can be costly.
    Without going into too much detail, the setup on PayPal's side is a mixture of a couple of plans, and is a little complicated however through our discussions we come to an arrangement of any additional fee's associated with the setup being waived since this is more so of a technical workaround than anything else.
    Basically PayPal is the merchant provider, and the customer doesn't leave your website when making a purchase through the Shopping Cart. The setup is only $25/month plus transaction fees of between 1.1 to 2.4% + 30 cents depending on the number of payments (this is just an initial guide and confirmed on your discussion with the PayPal).
    Because the setup involves quite a few steps and departments I've arranged a contact that will fast track this process and is familiar with this unique setup.
    How to setup PayPal for a Seamless Transaction Process
    Sign up for PayPal Business account  Timeframe: <20 minutes
    Email Peter [email protected] or phone (02) 8288 0333. CC me [email protected] or mention my name so he can correctly setup the process and apply the discounted pricing.
    Prepare for the Verification process for the PayPal account (Proof of ID, Proof of Address, Business documents etc).
    Wait for Account Verification. You will be informed to setup both PayFlow Pro* and Website Payments Pro (*the PayFlow payment will be waived as mentioned previously). Timeframe: up to 5 business days depending on swift supply of required documentation.
    Wait for your Billing Agreement for Website Payments Pro once application has been approved. Sometimes they will receive a phone call to verify details of the application. Timeframe: Up to 72 hours
    Login into your PayPal account to accept the Billing Agreement.
    Notify Peter once the Billing Agreement has been accepted so your PayFlow Pro can be linked to your Website Payments Pro
    Login into your Business Catalyst Website and navigate e-Commerce > Payment Gateways
    Select PayPal PayFlow Payment Gateway (..,AU, ..)
    Enter your Username, PayPal Password, and add VSA as the Partner
    Setting up PayPal Payments
    If you also want to make payments via PayPal (ie, with the customers Pay Pal account) you can continue with setting up the PayPal Website Standard secure with your PayPal Customer ID and your PDT Token which you'll need to setup in your PayPal Account.
    If you have any questions give me or Peter an email. I'll continue to update this document as I go.
    Please note this setup is current for Australian Pay Pal Customers only. This process does not support re-occurring billing.

    Dennis, sounds like you are having issues connecting to your network. Here is what we are going to do. 
    On your first question,  and second question for that matter, I would suggest using a WPA password. Our printers doe not associate with the other types as well as WPA. You should be able to do that, though I have not personally set up a router that way to have experience in how it will react with the networked devices. As for the issues you are having, once the settings are all in the correct order I am going to suggest we connect the printer to the network through the computer. 
    What you will do is install the printer using a USB connection, then re-run the setup software. Here there should be an option for USB to  Wireless. This will be the easiest way to be sure that all the settings are correctly transferred over.​y?cc=us&lc=en&dlc=en&product=303770
    You can find the software in the link above. 
    Let me know if this helps! 

  • How to force Paypal Standard land page to display Credit card form by default

    When I send my form to Paypal, their default configuration displays the Paypal login form en then clients have to select "Don't have a Paypal account?" to get to the credit car form. Since I whant to make the shopping experience has simple has possible for my clients, I want them to have immadiate access to the credit card form.
    Paypal offered me to necessairy code to have the land page display the credit card form first but.... Since I am not a coder, I have no idea on were to put that code. I try to put it in my web form but it does not work.
    Any input would be welcome. Here is the code provided by paypal.
    <input name="solution_type" value="Sole" type="hidden">
    <input name="landing_page" value="Billing" type="hidden">
    Thank you,

    Please note PayPal Standard is a "non-seamless" gateway thus redirecting customers to PayPal to finalize payment. 
    You'll need to use the PayPal "seamless" options either Payflow or Website Payments Pro.  This will direct customers to your purchase form without any redirection occurring as you require.  Please change your gateway settings to achieve this.
    Hope this helps!

  • Buyer got the money back from Paypal and buyer don't want to send the item back

    Hi everybody, I sold a laptop on Dec 2014 via eBay. After three months, there are some issues with the laptop so buyer had to send it to the manufacture for repair (Still under Lenovo warranty). After that, buyer had to send the laptop to manufacture again due to motherboard problem (Lenovo agree to fix it for free because it's still under warranty). Buyer complained that the computer is not as described. (I listed the item as like new because it's open box item, I also mentioned open box in the eBay description, I also refunded $100 when the buyer received the laptop, he said there are some scratches on the case, and he accepted the offer, I still have our conversation via eBay message) By the time I sold it, the laptop still under warranty for approximate 2 and a half year. Regarding to eBay policy, buyer cannot file a claim after 30 days, so he decided to file a complain via PayPal. I don't sell much on eBay so after I sold the laptop, I don't check my PayPal email anymore, once day when I check my email, I realized the case has been opened for approximate 19 days, which mean I was late to respond to the case 4 days. PayPal decided to refund to the buyer. I contacted PayPal several time, they said they couldn't do anything because I didn't respond to their email. I contacted Buyer and he told me that he will consider my email as harassment. I sent him another email a couple weeks ago and he didn't respond to my email. As a result, I still have to pay for eBay fee (approximate $50), and I lost the laptop $1300 value. Even he send the laptop back to me at this time, the laptop will not have the same value as before, but I still not receive the laptop anyway. It like 8 months from now. I filed a complain to but I still not hear anything from them. Does anyone have the same experience with me? Do you have any suggest? I have moved from WA to Texas, I don't know if I can file a case in Texas since the original issue happened when I was in WA.  Any response is appreciated, Thank you very much.

    1. Fwd your complaints to Apple, not this forum
    3. Have a good day!

  • Hosting type-Ecommerce with paypal extension

    If I create a website with paypal e-commerce extension cart, does my client still need the ecommerce type of hosting to ensure security?

    Hi Chris,
    I think that the easiest way to do ecommerce sites these days is with CMS (content management systems) like Joomla, Wordpress, Drupal or OS commerce.
    My preference is Joomla some info in my experience here:
    A Joomla site will do all the ecommerce stuff automatically.
    You can even design the site in Dreamweaver (free Joomla extensions exist) and either you can convert it to Joomla yourself or I can do it for your client.

  • PayPal Chained Payments integration

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to use PayPal to integrate Chained Payments, but can't get it to work.
    Has anyone experience with this feature of PayPal and Apex?
    The Express Payments are working well, but that is not what we need...

    Please see this thread : Paypal White Paper setup not working It might have the answer you are looking for..
    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    Webster, TX

  • What's with Tracked Packet & Paypal Labels - still not working properly?

    This is probably an old refrain, but honestly, how many months/years has it been since Tracked Packet was added to Paypal labelling, and it seems it's still not working 100% correctly.  Case in point: I rarely use TP, but when I tried to change my listing's shipping type from Small Packet to TP yesterday while preparing a label, I got an error message saying the information was incorrect and I couldn't complete the process with TP.  I used the back button, tried inputting the details again, still no go.  Finally, I decided to back out completely, return to the Paypal transaction page and start all over.  This time I was able to get the label done.  So it seems that if any other shipping type is input first, you can't change your mind and switch to TP during the process. This has never been a problem with Expedited Parcel or with Xpresspost -- you can input the details, check pricing, then return and change the shipping type as many times as desired.  I'm wondering if the problem is me and/or my browser (again??), or does anyone else experience this annoying glitch?  BTW, Tracked Packet is an air service, right?  If not, I may be in trouble.  I ask this because I see the estimated delivery time is from 4 to 15 days -- quite a spread for TP U.S.A.

    Tracked Packet has always done the error since it was introduced. If another shipping option is used when you go to PayPal shipping from eBay, switching to Tracked Packet does not reset the form from the service that you came into. You cannot see anything but the form has not been reset. To get around this is simple.  You need to reset the form. A trick to do this is to go to the Service Type entry box, select "Select Type" as the service and click "Continue" at the bottom of the page. This will generate an error message at the top saying to "Please enter a valid service type."  This resets the form to the starter defaults and now you can select the Tracked Packet service. All the information that was entered will not be lost. I posted this solution way back when this "glitch" was first mentioned years ago when Tracked Packet was introduced. It was sent to kalvin at the time but he left eBay and it was never fixed. It is hard to get things fixed on Canada but it seems impossible to get anything fixed on PayPal shipping for Canada Post shipping issues.

  • Purchased song repeatedly charging to my PayPal account

    I recently purchased a song on iTunes and now the purchase is being charged to my PayPal account approx. 1-6 times a day since then (I bought the song about four days ago). So far, PayPal has been great refunding me for excess purchases, when I forward the receipt to their tech support department, however I can't be sure I've caught all of them, and I am concerned as it seems to still be happening. Has anyone else has an experience similar to mine?

    Lets just say that Itunes charged me for a sum of like 130 dollars for music i never got or even ordered for that matter. I forwarded all the stuff to them but am not getting any refunds. Its been like 2.5 weeks. They basically stole money from me and the others. Ive searched the boards and other people have same issues. My advice, Cancel your Pre-approved Purchase Agreement with Itunes (in your paypal account, go to change your account settings) and they cant make those charges anymore. Dont use Paypal, use credit cards or buy the music gift cards. I like Itunes, but i hate their support. So set yourself up so you dont have to fight with them.

  • Dynamic site using Paypal

    Can anyone recommend a tutorial which will help me set up a dynamic site using Paypal?
    I have some - although not a lot - of experience with php and mySql, and have set up simple sites using Paypal buttons - I really want to learn to combine the two.  I'm having trouble finding anything I can understand on the Paypal site, and googling it brings up such a lot of (mostly out of date) tutorials I don't know where to start.

    BCDoherty wrote -
    All the PayPal button does is to take the data that's already on the
    page for that item and send it to be processed, in this case by PayPal.
    There is no magic here and no extra DB on that end of things.
    On a database driven site where everything is generated dynamically for the page, you cannot use a generic code as items such as - product name, price and product code will be different for every item, this means storing that info in the database.
    However, one does need a DB set up to handle the customer data - name,
    address, etc. BUT NOT credit card info, as well as the details of the
    order itself. Also, a single order may consist of a number of items.
    Not required, all this is handled by paypal, and one can set-up a shopping cart if required using paypal, (especially useful for beginners). Storing such things as name and address also requires the site to comply with data protection legislation, (I know most do not, but that is no excuse).

Maybe you are looking for