PB Alu and its Cpu-fan

This might be my last attempt to solve the problems with my dear pb. I bought an used powerbook 1ghz for about 6 months ago. Everything works excpet one thing, the cpu-fan (i guess). I can work for hours with cpu-temperatures below 60ºc. But when I do more intensive tasks, such as gaming, music production the cpu gets too warm. The fan is living its own life, not too concerned that its cpu-buddy is overheting. It activates sometimes, but far from everytime over 60º.
The result is a total system freeze, not a kernel panic with that dimmed screen with shutdown info, it simply just freeze . It's drivning me nuts. I would be better off with a non working fan than a fan that works occasionally. I've tried most of the tricks and solutions, p-ram, nvram, re-installation.. etcetc.
If someone has a feeling what the issue could be, and a possible soultion, please tell me. i'm greatfull for all reflections.
My system is 10.4.5, PB ALU 1GHZ 768RAM 60GBHD.
excuse my english

i just found another nice script:
ioreg -l -n fanspeed-sensor | grep -A 10 fanspeed
the mumbo-jumbo:
| | | +-o fanspeed-sensor <class IOService, registered, matched, a$
| | | | | {
| | | | | "polling-period" = <00000005>
| | | | | "device_type" = <" = "REAR LEFT EXHAUST"
| | | | | "type" = "fanspeed"
| | | | | "zone" = <00000000>
| | | | | "version" = <00000001>
| | | | | "compatible" = <" = <">
| | | | | "sensor-id" = <00000020>
| | | | | }
| | | | |
| | | | +-o IOHWSensor <class IOHWSensor, registered, matched, act$
| | | | {
| | | | "Power Management protected data" = "{ theNumberOfPow$
| | | | "polling-period" = 5
| | | | "current-value" = 0
| | | | "location" = "REAR LEFT EXHAUST"
| | | | "type" = "fanspeed"
| | | | "CFBundleIdentifier" = "com.apple.driver.AppleHWSenso$
| | | | "IOClass" = "IOHWSensor"
| | | | "IOPropertyMatch" = {"device_type"="fanspeed-sensor"}
| | | | "version" = 1
| | | | "zone" = <00000000>
| | | | "IOProbeScore" = 0
| | | | "Power Management private data" = "{ this object = 01$
| | | | "IOMatchCategory" = "IODefaultMatchCategory"
| | | | "IOProviderClass" = "IOService"
| | | | "sensor-id" = 32
| | | | }
| | | |
| | | +-o fanspeed-sensor <class IOService, registered, matched, a$
| | | | {
| | | | "polling-period" = <00000005>
| | | | "device_type" = <" = "REAR RIGHT EXHAUST"
| | | | "type" = "fanspeed"
| | | | "zone" = <00000000>
| | | | "version" = <00000001>
| | | | "compatible" = <" = <">
| | | | "sensor-id" = <00000021>
| | | | }
| | | |
| | | +-o IOHWSensor <class IOHWSensor, registered, matched, act$
| | | {
| | | "Power Management protected data" = "{ theNumberOfPow$
| | | "polling-period" = 5
| | | "current-value" = 0
| | | "location" = "REAR RIGHT EXHAUST"
| | | "type" = "fanspeed"
| | | "CFBundleIdentifier" = "com.apple.driver.AppleHWSenso$
| | | "IOClass" = "IOHWSensor"
| | | "IOPropertyMatch" = {"device_type"="fanspeed-sensor"}
| | | "version" = 1
| | | "zone" = <00000000>
| | | "IOProbeScore" = 0
| | | "Power Management private data" = "{ this object = 01$
| | | "IOMatchCategory" = "IODefaultMatchCategory"
| | | "IOProviderClass" = "IOService"
| | | "sensor-id" = 33
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o i2c-hwclock@1d2 <class PPCI2CInterface, registered, matched,$
dont know if this is usefull info or not...

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    1. I presume the lid cannot stay in the right position because the hinges are a little bit loose.
    2. It sounds like something wrong with the fan rotation. In such cases the easiest way is change the fan.
    3. You can purchase the Recovery CD form the Toshiba service partner in your country. Its not very expensive.
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    Hi Jay,
    I get this grey screen with a circle and line through it. Then it boots to the normal desktop.
    Most likely Hard Disk problems.
    Have you booted off the Install Disk by holding the *d key* down at boot-up, (not the c key), and run the extended Apple HW Test? Some Install disks require holding the Option key at bootup to select the AHT. Some Macs came with separate AHT CDs.
    Secondly, the CPU fan roars all the time.
    Intel-based iMac, Intel-based Mac mini: How to reset the System Management Controller ...
    I'm wondering if I should upgrade to Leopard or Snow Leopard.
    I wouldn't just yet.
    Any other suggestions?
    "Try Disk Utility
    1. Insert the Tiger Mac OS X Install disc that came with your computer, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
    Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.
    3. Click the First Aid tab.
    4. Click the disclosure triangle to the left of the hard drive icon to display the names of your hard disk volumes and partitions.
    5. Select your Mac OS X volume.
    6. Click Repair. Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk."
    Then Safe Boot , (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, reboot when it finishes.
    The usual reason why updates fail or mess things up, or things don't load/run, is if Permissions are not fixed before & after every update, with a reboot... you may get a partial update when the installer finds it doesn't have Permissions to change one obscure little part of the OS, leaving you with a mix of OS versions.
    Some people get away without Repairing Permissions for years, some for only days.
    If Permissions are wrong before applying an update, you could get mixed OS versions, if Directory is the slightest messed up, who knows!
    If many Permission are repaired, or any Directory errors are found, you may need to re-apply some the latest/biggest updates again, or even do an A&I if you have enough free disk space.
    The combo update for PowerPC-based Macs...
    The combo update for Intel-based Macs...
    Repair Permissions before & after re-install, then reboot again each time.
    If all the above fails, then it appears to be time for a relatively painless Archive & Install, which gives you a new/old OS, but can preserve all your files, pics, music, settings, etc., as long as you have plenty of free disk space and no Disk corruption, and is relatively quick & painless...
    Just be sure to select Preserve Users & Settings.
    I only use Software Update to see what is needed, then get them for real via...
    That way I can wait a week or so, check the forums for potential problems, and get Permissions & such in order before installing.

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    Power Supply: 599
    Exhaust: 655
    CPU Fan: 0
    HD/Expansion: 499
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    Good news about the RAM. Have you checked to see if the fan is gunked up with dust and dirt or some other obstruction? Could free it up or be the source of a fan failure.
    A simple procedure is to reset the SMC (System Management controller). Here are Apple's instructions:
    The SMC has control over the fans. The reset won't do any harm but follow the instructions.

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    Everything else seems to be working fine - any suggestions on what to do?   

    I see no problem on not having your cpu fan plugged directly into the cpu header... but it may just be a tempory fix for an underlying problem. Any stability issues? Also if that header dies you can always plug directly into the power supply 4 pin to 3 pin cables are not hard to come by.
    Good Luck

  • CPU Fan controller / Noisy CPU Fan

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    I have the GD65 and the FX 8120 and the CPU fan is a bit noise( ~5750 RPM ).
    Is there a smart/PWM CPU fan controller in the bios ?
    The end goal is to only have the CPU fan get noisy when under load and not all the time.
    Thanks in advance.

    Quote from: Bernhard on 30-September-12, 13:50:46
    i.e. set you target temp to 40C and a minimum fan speed of 25%. That means your fan will run at 25% of its max rated speed until the CPU temp is at 40C, at which stage it will start spinning up to higher speeds.
    The bios is the new fancy GUI and mouse one.
    I found a a setting that seams to match your description: "Main->Hardware Monitor->CPU smart fan controller" and that then showed a setting called "CPU min.fan speed()"(looks like a function call to me).
    I set the "CPU smart fan target" to 40C and the "CPU mun.fan speed()" to 50%.
    So now would that mean that the CPU fan will spin at a minimum of 50% at 40C and slower when when less then 40C ?

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    i couldn't get it to change using the bios hardware monitor's "CPU smart fan target",
    nor with msi control center on windows.
    i believe this is because the motherboard needs to be told to change voltage instead of pwm mode (this solved a similar problem on a gigabyte board),
    how do i change the cpu speed from pwm to voltage mode?

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    Buying a different (PWM) fan...

  • I need help starting a Terminal command at start-up to help silence CPU fan

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    Anyways, I have found a terminal command (see below) that, when used in conjunction with smcFanControl, will force my CPU fan to run at 1200 RPM. I need a way to either auto-launch this Terminal Command at start-up, or an easier way to launch it because having to type it out in Terminal every boot and reset is getting old.
    Terminal Command:
    /Applications/smcFanControl.app/Contents/Resources/smc -k F2Mx -w 3cf0
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    You shell script should look something like this:
    your command line
    Construct this in your favorite text editor and save as plain text, not .rtf.  Call the file anything you want, but here I'll call it slowfan.
    In terminal type,
    chmod +x /path/to/slowfan
    where /path/to/slowfan is the path to the slowfan file.  You could drag the file into the terminal after typing the chmod +x followed by a space.  This step is only to mark the text file (script) as executable.
    Now you can run Platypus and set up a simple app with admin privleges.  Then test the app.  If it works you can then add it to your login items.
    If you decide to use applescript (do shell script descibed earlier) then you could just use the full pathname to whereever you saved the script and save that as a applescript application.  Again test it and then add to your login items.  I would bother adding an alias to .bash_profile.  That just adds to the complextity.
    As you can see, with Platypus you only have the single app it creates to deal with.  The script is enclosed in the generated app bundle for easy updating if necessary later on.  With the applescript method you will need to keep track of two spearate files; the applescript and the shell script.  Actually three, the app too.

  • Help with CPU fan please!

    Just got all my components today to put a new computer together and the CPU fan doesn't seem to fit in the motherboard.
    I have an MSI K8N Neo4-f motherboard, my first instinct was that it was the wrong CPU fan (it came in the retail box of an AMD Athlon X2 4400+), the things that clip it on at the side doesn't seem to go quite low enough to actually reach the bit were it clips on to the fan socket.
    We have bought another CPU fan and run in to exactly the same problems
    The only thing we can figure is that it might be the wrong retention device as the instructions seem to indicate attaching one which we didn't understand too well as it was already attached when we got it. PLEASE HELP!

    MAybe you've reseat the fan wrongly.

  • Eclipse SLI CPU fan always on max

    Hello i got a problem with my Eclipse SLI. It's look like the CPU smart fan function don't work and the CPU fan is on max all the time.
    My bios temp's goes from 32-40 C. I have used a lot of different bios versions. 1.4 - 1.7 - 1.9 - 1.a none of those could fix it.
    Eclipse SLI
    Intel i7 920 - standard clock
    hope anyone got a good answer to my question. thx

    Quote from: mibsen on 10-December-09, 05:40:05
    Hello i got a problem with my Eclipse SLI. It's look like the CPU smart fan function don't work and the CPU fan is on max all the time.
    They have a switch for "always maximum cooling" and "temperature controlled speed". Check your CPU fan - it may help to read the CPU installation instructions as they show where the switch is. I would guess that you have it in the wrong position, so your BIOS can't do anything...

  • MSI 790GX-G65 CPU fan was going into 'overdrive' by itself, now it won't

    I don't use automatic fan speed on my machine, I have it set to 100% all the time, which is ~3500 RPM.
    However, recently I was playing Entropia, and my CPU fan started going even faster, about ~5400 RPM.
    This was good, because it gave better cooling, but today, It's running even hotter than it was then and it's only ~3500 RPM again.
    Does anyone know what caused my CPU fan to go into 'overdrive' and how I can do that again? I would like to get my CPU as cool as possible.

    Quote from: Henry on 10-December-10, 10:01:10
    What is the CPU temperature?
    Idling currently at 36 degrees but when playing Entropia it goes up to 55 normally. I am using the stock heatsink which I think is too damn small.
    Today it was up to 61 degrees, the fan did not go faster, which is what it did last time and it kept at 55 and below.
    Quote from: Fredrik on 10-December-10, 10:02:56
    There is no other program controlling the fan speed, too? Like CoreCenter or similar.
    For safety, I would also have a look inside the case.
    I have speedfan for speed and temperature readout, but it doesn't control the speed. (set to 100% default)
    What am I looking for in the case?

Maybe you are looking for