Penryn MBP and Tiger?

A friend of mine asked me this, and I want to know.
Can the new Macbook Pro (penryn) run OSX Tiger without problems?

While you cannot install it using the install discs, it will run if you have a pre-made master disk image created with Disk Utility and applied to the computer using NetRestore.
I did it just last week as we got new machines in that "required" Leopard but we did not have our master Leopard disk image created so I figured I'd try and image the new computers with the Tiger image.
While it did work, and the computer booted fine, some controls were missing. The screen darkness and the volume could not be adjusted, but everything else worked as it was supposed to.
So yes, it does work...if you have a prior setup to image it with and don't mind a few hardware features not working.

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    Before reinstalling iPhoto make sure you've deleted all files with iPhoto in the file name that reside in the HD/Library/Receipts folder. Otherwise the installer will think that iPhoto already exists and doesn't need to install.
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 6 and 7 libraries and Tiger and Leopard. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

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    Thank you.

    Hi thanks a lot for your quick response. Yeah I did some more digging just now and found the same answers online. But how about the Mac mini? I actually looked at the power brick and it indicated: AC Input: 100V - 240V 50-60Hz. So that mean I need only an adapter to get that working in AUS? Thank you very much for your help once again.

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    RE: +view the plist files kind of in the same light as Windows Registry+
    Not exactly. Similar in intent - storage of settings/options information. But, .plist files are more 'innocuous' that the Registry - an advantage of this is that corruption to one of these files will normally only affect a single application, whereas corruption of one of the Registry hives can have system-wide effects.
    You can safely delete a .plist file, and all that will do is force the application to create a fresh one the next time it's launched (this includes the Finder). Any custom preferences you had set will be 'lost' with the return to the default .plist file. So, it's safe to delete the appropriate .plist files from ~/Library/Preferences.
    Hope this helps...

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    Obviously, quality control is something Apple feels it can afford to do without, as they are usually quick to replace these defective products at the counter.
    This statement is blatantly false. Granted lemons do slip through the cracks, and sometimes it is impossible to make a system crackproof when dealing with so many products. Just a single 128 MB RAM board has one billion parts. That's as many as the Saturn V Rocket! Apple's sales of notebooks have gone through the roof, and if you do get something in warranty that obviously needs repair, do use the warranty to take care of it.
    Opened a second 2.4 15 Inch Penryn and found the LED on this one had a gradient that darkened on the far right. They
    Disassembling the machine as you have done basically exposes the machine to static electricity and other problems, and frequently is noticeable because of the difficulty of reassembly. I would let the warranty people take care of it, or the store return policy take care of it.
    Apple's quality still is the best in the industry, if you read Consumer Reports.
    So don't let the preponderance of issues reported on this board make you think they all have issues. Quite the contrary many without problems never have reason to report here.
    If you have a specific problem, please start a new topic thread here:
    If you don't have anything else to contribute to the original user in the thread.

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    Welcome to Discussions!
    What you are describing is all possible, but, I am going to assign you some reading. This way, you'll be able to deal with your own particular needs, like a Pro.
    The following will get you up to speed on networks, and various hardware needed:
    Adding the PC into the network has some special considerations. the following sites have good info for setting up such a network:
    For my needs, I have a switched ethernet network. All computers are connected to the switch, as is the modem, by ethernet cable. This allows computer to computer networking using AppleTalk. With the same cabling and switch, the computers are all able to connect to the internet using DHCP, or, one at a time using PPPoE.
    These are all Mac's, but, with some setting adjustments, a PC can also be placed in a similar network.
    As well, adding a wireless connection for one computer is possible. This would require a wireless base station to be connected to the switch. The wireless capable computer would then be able to enter the network, and vice-versa. Of course, the settings for all the hardware and software are the key. The settings can have variables, depending on what is connected, and how the connections are made. Another variable is your router/modem, and your internet service providers policies on multiple connections.
    Adding the printer depends on the capabilities of the printer. Often, it is only possible to share a printer through a computer. A network capable printer can be connected to the switch, directly, or to a wireless base station, and then shared by all on the network.
    G4AGP(450)Sawtooth, 2ghz PowerLogix, 2gbRAM, 300gbSATA+160gbATA, ATI Radeon 9800   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Pioneer DVR-109, ExtHD 160gb x2, 23"Cinema Display, Ratoc USB2.0, Nikon Coolscan

  • New (Penryn) MBP instantly ejects DVD -R DL media

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    However when I insert a brand new FujiFilm -R DL (I tried 3 of them) - the drive spins up then down and then ejects the DVD without any error message whatsoever. I have extensively searched the Forums, however I can not find my specifig problem answered anywhere.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks in avance,

    i have the same machine, (early 2k8 mbp) and i can burn dvds and cdrs but NOT dvd-dual layers! It craps out usually at the verification process with this message (in console)
    Finder: Burning to DVD+R DL (RITEK D01) media with DAO strategy in MATSHITA DVD-R UJ-867 HA13 via ATAPI.
    Finder: Requested burn speed was 47x, actual burn speed is 2.4x.
    Finder: Burn finished, Tue Apr 22 10:04:57 2008
    Finder: Verify started, Tue Apr 22 10:04:57 2008
    Finder: Discrepancy in block 6022 at byte 10.
    Finder: Source data: 0000 0100 7542 3164 0000 0040 0000 0008
    Finder: Burned data: 0000 0100 7542 3164 0000 0038 0000 0008
    Finder: Verify failed, Tue Apr 22 10:05:02 2008
    Finder: Verify error: 0x80020063 Verification of the burn failed.
    Finder: Burn started, Tue Apr 22 10:28:17 2008
    I have YET to be able to burn any Dual layer disks at all - at least 9 bricked in a row so far.
    So, i called applecare, got the machine sent in to be "fixed". They had it for TEN days, and then returned it to me with a "we couldnt duplicate the problem" message! I then tried to burn a dual layer yet again getting a wonderful coaster... According to the console it doesnt appear they tried using dual layers when they tested.... But anyway, zapping P-RAM, making a new user, the usual stuff didnt fix it. Tried 3 different companies disks too. Does the same in Disk Utility, and Toast. No dually layered love... period.
    I havent called back in, because im afraid id be tempted to reach through the phone and strangle and innocent... i think ill try a clean install next, because i cant afford to go another ten days without it.

  • Screen Sharing between Mountain Lion and Tiger not working

    rMBP running 10.8.2 ML and a G3 iMac running 10.4.11 Tiger.
    When I try and use Screen Sharing on the MBP to connect to the G3 it prompts for both a username and password. I enter a valid user and pw but it fails with
    Authenication failed to "Ruby".
    Please verify you have entered the correct name and password.
    Third-party VNC clients, e.g. JollysFastVNC on my MBP and Remoter on my iPhone, can connect fine, but they only request a password.
    Any ideas?

    I've been using Screen Share on my home network for a very long time.  My most used computer, MacBook Pro (2011) was just upgraded to ML, my desktop still has Lion on it - and can't be upgraded because it is an early MacPro.  I was having intermittant problems getting the MBPro to connect to the MPro screen, and resetting the PRAM was correcting it (but it could have been the rebooting process alone - I don't know).  Now I can share the MPro disks on my network but not the screen.  Now, to me, that's wierd.  I've tried doing all kinds of setting checks, preference removal, etc.  No luck.  I can, however (as someone above mentioned) connect from my MPro (Lion) to my MBPro (ML) screen.  I've checked my Intego VirusBarrier X6 settings, i.e. blocked addresses (in the past that has happened and blocked) and I've even entered my MBPro address into the approved address section.  I've checked/rechecked the Sharing Preferences, turned them on/off, etc.  All to no avail.
    Is this a Mountain Lion / Lion issue, a Mountain Lion issue, or something somewhere corrupt?  I used to have Remote Desktop on the MPro, but for my needs Screen Share & Disk Share suit my needs on my home network.  I have LogMeInIgnition, which when the last time I tried to connect to the MBPro it showed it offline - and it isn't.  I feel there's something in ML blocking things.
    I'm open to suggestions, and a fix if needed.  This is frustrating.  Not that I can't use the exercise to walk to the room where the MPro is - not the point. 

  • USB ports on Penryn MBP

    I have a 250GB WD Passport HD that connects to a single USB port both for data and power.
    It does NOT work on my 2.4GHz Penryn MBP. I tested the drive on other notebooks and it works flawlessly.
    My question is: are the USB ports in current-generation MBPs "underpowered"?

    Hi Mac Cardi:
    I just had a different experience. I just replaced my 2.16 Core 2 Duo 15" MacBook Pro with the latest. I have a little 80 gig Lacie (Porsche Design) external drive that needed both USB Ports on my old laptop to spin up.
    The current Penryn MBPro I just got does the job with just the regular single USB cord; it doesn't need the extra one to provide power. By the way, this works with both the right and the reputedly-weak left USB Port.
    It was one of the first things I checked out on this new machine, because I'm an Apple Certified Macintosh Technician and the diagnostics for the newest Macs must be run from a USB drive. They're too big to burn to a DVD.
    So these ports don't seem "underpowered" to me. But maybe your Western Digital Passport needs more current than my little Lacie. YMMV

  • New MBP and existing network

    Hello All,
    I've just migrated from a G4 PB 1.5 to a new MBP and, while I can log into the existing WiFi, I can't see any of the other nodes on the network. I have my wife's MP Black and a Mini acting as a HTPC/Server. I just migrated through using the assistant and didn't change any of the settings yet.
    The Mini is sitting headless downstairs so I used to log in remotely using Chicken of the Sea VNC. Now it no longer is visible, nor do the computers show up via network.
    It's been a while since I set this network up and I know that 10.4.8 has altered some of the security. What do I need to tweak??

    A router separates two LAN networks and creates two broadcast domains. The standard Microsoft workgroup browsing will only list what is inside your LAN and never something outside or across a router.
    If you want to access what is on the other side you must manually enter the share with its IP address. If the computer you want to access has IP address then you enter \\\share.
    But as you want to be able to share freely inside your LAN anyway, I would suggest you set up the WRT as wireless simple access point. That way, you only have a single LAN and a single broadcast domain and thus you can find all other computers if you check for other workgroup computers. Instructions how to set it up as access point are here.

  • Moving Library to New MBP and restored iPhone

    Shortly after I acquired a new MacBook Pro, I had to restore my iPhone 3G and lost all of the media stored on the phone. What is the easiest way to copy my iTunes library from my PC to both the MBP and iPhone. First inclination is to 1) sync the iPhone with the PC to get the music on it, then 2) sync the iPhone with iTunes on the MBP.
    Does that sound doable?


  • Put SSD in new MBP and it's slower

    Alright guys so this is something I've been trying to figure out but haven't had much luck.  Previously I had a mid 2010 15" MBP that I put a crucial M4 SSD in.  When I installed the SSD I was getting a read speed of 268 Mb/s and a write of 239 Mb/s.  So yesterday I upgraded slightly to a late 2011 15" MBP and I pulled the SSD out of my old laptop and placed it in my new.  I did completely wipe the SSD and reinstall yosemite.  But when I run a speed test now my write is only 120 Mb/s and my read speed increased dramatically to 390 Mb/s as it should since this is sata 3 capable.  My questions is why would the same SSD be slower in a newer laptop with better specs.  Thanks for any help on this one!

    If you run your car into a tree, do you expect the manufacturer to repair it for free?  Using a MBP and drinking at the same time is hazardous multi-tasking.  Don't do it.

  • Upgraded to new MBP and now I can't bounce?

    I recently upgraded my MPB and now for some reason, when I bounce, the file is empty/silent. I am using all the same gear and the same templates I used on my old computer. Nothing has changed except the computer. I went line by line through every setting with the old computer and everything is the same.
    Any insights? I tried bouncing in every format both offline and online. Same results. I also opened the file on my old computer and it bounced just fine.

    Have you tried trashing logic prefs? Or perhaps copy the prefs from your old computer to your MBP, and substitute the current prefs there.
    Have you looked in System Preferences... and checked the sound settings?
    As a last resort, you can try zapping the PRAM, although that resets every system setting to defaults. Before starting up, press shift-option-p-r (a 'chord') and lift after the second chime.

  • Just Got New MBP and need to reinstall Software

    I just got a 15inch MBP and installed Final Cut Studio 2 which I did not know was 55 gigs. I want to install it on an external HD so I want to reinstall Leopard with my disc I received when I bought my MBP from Apple. Will I still get all of my extras such as ilife with my install disc and will it restore it to factory (as I received it when I first bought it?) Thank you!

    An 'erase and install' will remove EVERYTHING from your harddrive, and if you've already got Leopard installed, that's your only option.
    Reintalling Leopard will NOT install iLife; to my knowledge there are no Leopard+iLife 08 install DVDs. . . just Leopard DVDS. I may be wrong, as I have an old Mac and not a new one, which may come with a software package I've never seen (but I'm getting my GF a new MBP for Christmas!!). I think you need to (and should have) a seperate iLife 08 disk with which you can reinstall iLife.
    A couple of questions and some advice:
    -I assume you have at least a 120gb harddrive. Why do you want to install FCP2 onto an extrnal DVD? If you plan to use that space to store media, it would be a better idea to store the media (i.e. the video footage, etc) on an external drive and keep your FCP application on your internal HD.
    -Also, if you are going to run FCP on an external HD, get a FIREWIRE 800 external HD. They are quite a bit more expensive, but I had a LOT of problems just using FCP1 to edit footage stored on an external USB HD . .. I can't IMAGINE the problems you would have running FCP2 off of a USB external HD.
    -Thinking about it again, where are you going to store your footage? On the same external HD as FCP? I think that will work . . .
    Looking forward to hearing more!
    Message was edited by: Smileswearily

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