Permission not working

Just added one new user to server and set permissions for one folder but they can see all folders and access them. All other users permissions are working fine but I can't see what I have done wrong .

You'll want to post a few more details here around the user and the folder settings?  As a guess — there's not really enough detail on the configuration and the the users for me to be sure — the user might be gaining access to the other objects via a group identifier?

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    Good morning. Thanks in advance.
    Please let me know why NTFS permission is not working in the below cases.
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                   Permission setEveryone group Deny
    to the home folder.
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    Z:\ is not accessible
     is denied
                  It means NTFS permission is working fine.
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    Hi Biswajeet,
    What happens that if the user test3 logs off then logs back on? Is he/she able to access the folder then?
    I suggest you also create new folder and new accounts to test this.
    Best Regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and un-mark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]

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    [email protected]
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     Try to send mail through OWA, it may work. If it is, then it's Outlook issue.
    Solution: Have user update the offline address book (click Send/Receive tab, click Send/Receive groups and select Download Address Book). Better yet,
    1) Close Outlook
    2) Delete the offline address book folder under “C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\Offline Address Books”  (I assume it’s Windows 7 computer, look under C:\documents and settings\username\…. for XP computers).
    3) Open Outlook and let it download new OAB.
    Other Possibilities are,
    1) You just gave “Send-As” permission for the user. Then, you have to wait for few hours. (you may restart Information Store to take effect the permission right away, who wants to do it?
    2) User’s Outlook got bad/outdated cached contact information. Search for *.NK* files under user’s profile and delete it. Obviously Close the Outlook first before you delete the *.NK* files.
    Please check this from your end & if you face any issue or have any query please let me know.
    Check the below mentioned link for your reference.

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    Financial Reports_test
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    It might be too late for this, but it's what I use when this happens. Prepare for deep nerdom:
    * Open the web console below the error page by pressing Ctrl+Shift+k
    * Right-click the blank area and turn on logging of the request and response bodies
    * Resubmit the request by clicking the reload button
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  • Why this code is not working??? java script

         JavaScript Form Validator
    Version 2.0.2
         Copyright 2003 All rights reserved.
         You use this script in your Web pages, provided these opening credit
    lines are kept intact.
         The Form validation script is distributed free from
         You may please add a link to,
         making it easy for others to find this script.
         Checkout the Give a link and Get a link page:
    You may not reprint or redistribute this code without permission from
         JavaScript Coder
         It precisely codes what you imagine!
         Grab your copy here:
    function Validator(frmname)
         alert("BUG: couldnot get Form object "+frmname);
         this.formobj.old_onsubmit = this.formobj.onsubmit;
         this.formobj.old_onsubmit = null;
         this.addValidation = add_validation;
         this.clearAllValidations = clear_all_validations;
    function set_addnl_vfunction(functionname)
    this.formobj.addnlvalidation = functionname;
    function clear_all_validations()
         for(var itr=0;itr < this.formobj.elements.length;itr++)
              this.formobj.elements[itr].validationset = null;
    function form_submit_handler()
         for(var itr=0;itr < this.elements.length;itr++)
              if(this.elements[itr].validationset &&
              return false;
         str =" var ret = "+this.addnlvalidation+"()";
    if(!ret) return ret;
         return true;
    function add_validation(itemname,descriptor,errstr)
         alert("BUG: the form object is not set properly");
         var itemobj = this.formobj[itemname];
         alert("BUG: Couldnot get the input object named: "+itemname);
         itemobj.validationset = new ValidationSet(itemobj);
    function ValidationDesc(inputitem,desc,error)
         this.itemobj = inputitem;
    function vdesc_validate()
              return false;
    return true;
    function ValidationSet(inputitem)
    this.vSet=new Array();
         this.add= add_validationdesc;
         this.validate= vset_validate;
         this.itemobj = inputitem;
    function add_validationdesc(desc,error)
         new ValidationDesc(this.itemobj,desc,error);
    function vset_validate()
    for(var itr=0;itr<this.vSet.length;itr++)
              return false;
         return true;
    function validateEmailv2(email)
    // a very simple email validation checking.
    // you can add more complex email checking if it helps
    if(email.length <= 0)
         return true;
    var splitted = email.match("^(.+)@(.+)$");
    if(splitted == null) return false;
    if(splitted[1] != null )
    var regexp_user=/^\"?[\w-_\.]*\"?$/;
    if(splitted[1].match(regexp_user) == null) return false;
    if(splitted[2] != null)
    var regexp_domain=/^[\w-\.]*\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}$/;
    if(splitted[2].match(regexp_domain) == null)
         var regexp_ip =/^\[\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\]$/;
         if(splitted[2].match(regexp_ip) == null) return false;
    }// if
    return true;
    return false;
    function V2validateData(strValidateStr,objValue,strError)
    var epos ="=");
    var command = "";
    var cmdvalue = "";
    if(epos >= 0)
    command = strValidateStr.substring(0,epos);
    cmdvalue = strValidateStr.substr(epos+1);
    command = strValidateStr;
    case "req":
    case "required":
    if(eval(objValue.value.length) == 0)
    if(!strError || strError.length ==0)
    strError = + " : Required Field";
    return false;
    }//case required
    case "maxlength":
    case "maxlen":
    if(eval(objValue.value.length) > eval(cmdvalue))
    if(!strError || strError.length ==0)
    strError = + " : "+cmdvalue+" characters maximum ";
    alert(strError + "\n[Current length = " + objValue.value.length + " ]");
    return false;
    }//case maxlen
    case "minlength":
    case "minlen":
    if(eval(objValue.value.length) < eval(cmdvalue))
    if(!strError || strError.length ==0)
    strError = + " : " + cmdvalue + " characters minimum ";
    alert(strError + "\n[Current length = " + objValue.value.length + " ]");
    return false;
    }//case minlen
    case "alnum":
    case "alphanumeric":
    var charpos ="[^A-Za-z0-9]");
    if(objValue.value.length > 0 && charpos >= 0)
    if(!strError || strError.length ==0)
    strError =": Only alpha-numeric characters allowed ";
    alert(strError + "\n [Error character position " + eval(charpos+1)+"]");
    return false;
    }//case alphanumeric
    case "num":
    case "numeric":
    var charpos ="[^0-9]");
    if(objValue.value.length > 0 && charpos >= 0)
    if(!strError || strError.length ==0)
    strError =": Only digits allowed ";
    alert(strError + "\n [Error character position " + eval(charpos+1)+"]");
    return false;
    case "alphabetic":
    case "alpha":
    var charpos ="[^A-Za-z]");
    if(objValue.value.length > 0 && charpos >= 0)
    if(!strError || strError.length ==0)
    strError =": Only alphabetic characters allowed ";
    alert(strError + "\n [Error character position " + eval(charpos+1)+"]");
    return false;
              case "alnumhyphen":
    var charpos ="[^A-Za-z0-9\-_]");
    if(objValue.value.length > 0 && charpos >= 0)
    if(!strError || strError.length ==0)
    strError =": characters allowed are A-Z,a-z,0-9,- and _";
    alert(strError + "\n [Error character position " + eval(charpos+1)+"]");
    return false;
    case "email":
    if(!strError || strError.length ==0)
    strError =": Enter a valid Email address ";
    return false;
    }//case email
    case "lt":
    case "lessthan":
    alert(": Should be a number ");
    return false;
    if(eval(objValue.value) >= eval(cmdvalue))
    if(!strError || strError.length ==0)
    strError = + " : value should be less than "+ cmdvalue;
    return false;
    }//case lessthan
    case "gt":
    case "greaterthan":
    alert(": Should be a number ");
    return false;
    if(eval(objValue.value) <= eval(cmdvalue))
    if(!strError || strError.length ==0)
    strError = + " : value should be greater than "+ cmdvalue;
    return false;
    }//case greaterthan
    case "regexp":
                   if(objValue.value.length > 0)
         if(!strError || strError.length ==0)
         strError =": Invalid characters found ";
         return false;
    }//case regexp
    case "dontselect":
    if(objValue.selectedIndex == null)
    alert("BUG: dontselect command for non-select Item");
    return false;
    if(objValue.selectedIndex == eval(cmdvalue))
    if(!strError || strError.length ==0)
    strError =": Please Select one option ";
    return false;
    }//case dontselect
    return true;
         Copyright 2003 All rights reserved.
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <title>Example for Validator</title>
    <script language="JavaScript" src="gen_validatorv2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <form action="" name="myform" >
    <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0">
    <td align="right">First Name</td>
    <td><input type="text" name="FirstName"></td>
    <td align="right">Last Name</td>
    <td><input type="text" name="LastName"></td>
    <td align="right">EMail</td>
    <td><input type="text" name="Email"></td>
    <td align="right">Phone</td>
    <td><input type="text" name="Phone"></td>
    <td align="right">Address</td>
    <td><textarea cols="20" rows="5" name="Address"></textarea></td>
    <td align="right">Country</td>
         <SELECT name="Country">
              <option value="" selected>[choose yours]
              <option value="008">Albania
              <option value="012">Algeria
              <option value="016">American Samoa
              <option value="020">Andorra
              <option value="024">Angola
              <option value="660">Anguilla
              <option value="010">Antarctica
              <option value="028">Antigua And Barbuda
              <option value="032">Argentina
              <option value="051">Armenia
              <option value="533">Aruba     
    <td align="right"></td>
    <td><input type="submit" value="Submit"></td>
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    //You should create the validator only after the definition of the HTML form
    var frmvalidator = new Validator("myform");
    frmvalidator.addValidation("FirstName","req","Please enter your First Name");
         "Max length for FirstName is 20");
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
         <title>JavaScript Form Validator Documentation</title>
    BODY, P,TD{ font-family: Arial,Verdana,Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt }
    H1{ font-family: Arial,Verdana,Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 18pt; color : #000066}
    H3{ font-family: Arial,Verdana,Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; color : #000066 }
    A{font-family: Arial,Verdana,Helvetica, sans-serif;}
    B {     font-family : Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;     font-size : 12px;     font-weight : bold;}
    CODE {font-family : Courier,monospace;font-size: 10pt;color : #800000;}
    CODE.htm {font-family : "Courier New", Courier, monospace;     font-size : x-small;     color : #000080;}
    <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0" width="600">
         <h1>JavaScript Form Validations Made Easy!</h1>
         <h3>Documentation for JavaScript Form Validator</h3>
         <HR size=1>
         The Form validation script is distributed free from<br>
         You can use the script in your web pages for free.
         You may please add a link to,
         making it easy for others to find this script.<br>
         Checkout the <A href="
         target="_blank">Give a Link & Get a Link!</A> page.
         <B>JavaScript Coder</B><br>
         It precisely codes what you imagine!<br>
         Grab your copy here:
         <HR size=1>
         Using client side JavaScript is an efficient way to validate the user input
         in web applications. When there are many fields in the form, the JavaScript
         validation becomes too complex.
    The JavaScript class presented here makes the form validations many times easier.
         The idea is to create a set of "validation descriptors" associated with each element
         in a form. The "validation descriptor" is nothing but a string specifying the type of
         validation to be performed.
         Each field in the form can have 0, 1, or more validations. For example, the input should
         not be empty, should be less than 25 chars, should be alpha-numeric, etc
         You can associate a set of validation descriptors for each input field in the form.
         <a name="3"></a>
         <h3>Using The Script</h3>
         1.Include gen_validatorv2.js in your html file just before closing the HEAD tag<br><br>
         <script language="JavaScript" src="gen_validatorv2.js" type="text/javascript"></script><BR>
         2. Just after defining your form,
         Create a form validator object passing the name of the form<br><br>
         <CODE class='htm'>
          <FORM name='myform' action=""><BR>
          <!----Your input fields go here --><BR>
          <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"><BR>
          var frmvalidator  = new Validator("myform");<BR>
         3. Now add the validations required<br><br>
         the first argument is the name of the field and the second argument is the
         validation descriptor, which specifies the type of validation to be performed.<br>
         You can add any number of validations.The list of validation descriptors are provided
         at the end of the documentation.<br>
         The optional third argument is the error string to be displayed if the validation
              frmvalidator.addValidation("FirstName","req","Please enter your First Name");<br>
                   "Max length for FirstName is 20");          <br>
         </CODE>     <br>
         4. Similarly, add validations for the fields where validation is required.<br>
         That's it! You are ready to go.
         <A name="3"></A>
         The example below will make the idea clearer<br>
         <CODE class="htm">
                   <form action="" name="myform" ><BR>
                   <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0"><BR>
                     <td align="right">First Name</td><BR>
                     <td><input type="text" name="FirstName"></td><BR>
                     <td align="right">Last Name</td><BR>
                     <td><input type="text" name="LastName"></td><BR>
                     <td align="right">EMail</td><BR>
                     <td><input type="text" name="Email"></td><BR>
                     <td align="right">Phone</td><BR>
                     <td><input type="text" name="Phone"></td><BR>
                     <td align="right">Address</td><BR>
                     <td><textarea cols="20" rows="5" name="Address"></textarea></td><BR>
                     <td align="right">Country</td><BR>
                          <SELECT name="Country"><BR>
                             <option value="" selected>[choose yours]<BR>
                             <option value="008">Albania<BR>
                             <option value="012">Algeria<BR>
                             <option value="016">American Samoa<BR>
                             <option value="020">Andorra<BR>
                             <option value="024">Angola<BR>
                             <option value="660">Anguilla<BR>
                             <option value="010">Antarctica<BR>
                             <option value="028">Antigua And Barbuda<BR>
                             <option value="032">Argentina<BR>
                             <option value="051">Armenia<BR>
                             <option value="533">Aruba     <BR>
                     <td align="right"></td><BR>
                     <td><input type="submit" value="Submit"></td><BR>
                   <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><BR>
                    var frmvalidator = new Validator("myform");<BR>
                    frmvalidator.addValidation("FirstName","req","Please enter your First Name");<BR>
                        "Max length for FirstName is 20");<BR>
         <A name="4"></A>
         <h3>Some Additional Notes</h3>
         <LI type="disc">The form validators should be created only after defining the HTML form
         (only after the </form> tag. )<br>
         <LI type="disc">Your form should have a distinguished name.
         If there are more than one form
         in the same page, you can add validators for each of them. The names of the
         forms and the validators should not clash.
         <LI type="disc">You can't use the javascript onsubmit event of the form if it you are
         using this validator script. It is because the validator script automatically overrides the
         onsubmit event. If you want to add a custom validation, see the section below
         <A name="5"></A>
         <h3>Adding Custom Validation</h3>
         If you want to add a custom validation, which is not provided by the validation descriptors,
         you can do so. Here are the steps:
         <LI type="disc">Create a javascript function which returns true or false depending on the validation.<br>
              function DoCustomValidation()<BR>
                var frm = document.forms["myform"];<BR>
                if(frm.pwd1.value != frm.pwd2.value)<BR>
                  alert('The Password and verified password does not match!');<BR>
                  return false;<BR>
                  return true;<BR>
         <LI type="disc">Associate the validation function with the validator object.<br>
         The custom validation function will be called automatically after other validations.
         If you want to do more than one custom validations, you can do all those
         validations in the same function.
              function DoCustomValidation()<BR>
                var frm = document.forms["myform"];<BR>
                if(false == DoMyValidationOne())<BR>
                  alert('Validation One Failed!');<BR>
                  return false;<BR>
                if(false == DoMyValidationTwo())<BR>
                  alert('Validation Two Failed!');<BR>
                  return false;<BR>
                  return true;<BR>
         where DoMyValidationOne() and DoMyValidationTwo() are custom functions for
         <A name="6"></A>
         <h3>Clear All Validations</h3>
         In some dynamically programmed pages, it may be required to change the validations in the
         form at run time. For such cases, a function is included which clears all validations in the
         validator object.<br><br>
         this function call clears all validations you set.<br>
         You will not need this method in most cases.
         <a name="7"></a>
         <h3>Table of Validation Descriptors</h3>     
    <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="1" width="520px">
    <td><FONT face=Arial size=2>
         req </FONT>
    <td><FONT face=Arial size=2>The field should not be
    empty </FONT>
    <td><FONT face=Arial size=2>
    <td><FONT face=Arial size=2>checks the length entered data to the maximum. For
    example, if the maximum size permitted is 25, give the validation descriptor as "maxlen=25"
    <td><FONT face=Arial size=2>
    <td><FONT face=Arial size=2>checks the length of the entered string to the
    required minimum. example "minlen=5"
    <td><FONT face=Arial size=2>
         alphanumeric /<BR>
         alnum </FONT>
    <td><FONT face=Arial size=2>Check the data if it
    contains any other characters other than alphabetic or numeric characters
    <td><FONT face=Arial size=2>num <BR>
         numeric </FONT>
    <td><FONT face=Arial size=2>Check numeric data
    <td><FONT face=Arial size=2>alpha <BR>
         alphabetic </FONT>
    <td><FONT face=Arial size=2>Check alphabetic data.
    <td><FONT face=Arial size=2>email </FONT>
    <td><FONT face=Arial size=2>The field is an email
    field and verify the validity of the data. </FONT>
    <td><FONT face=Arial size=2>lt=???<BR>
    <td><FONT face=Arial size=2>
         Verify the data to be less than the value passed.
         Valid only for numeric fields. <BR>
         example: if the
    value should be less than 1000 give validation description as "lt=1000"
    <td><FONT face=Arial size=2>gt=???<BR>
         greaterthan=???     </td>
    <td><FONT face=Arial size=2>
         Verify the data to be greater than the value passed.
         Valid only for numeric fields. <BR>
         example: if the
    value should be greater than 10 give validation description as "gt=10"
    <td><FONT face=Arial size=2>regexp=??? </FONT>
    <td><FONT face=Arial size=2>
         Check with a regular expression the value should match the regular expression.<BR>
         example: "regexp=^[A-Za-z]{1,20}$" allow up to 20 alphabetic
    <td><FONT face=Arial size=2>dontselect=?? </FONT>
    <td><FONT face=Arial size=2>This
    validation descriptor is valid only for select input items (lists)
    Normally, the select list boxes will have one item saying 'Select One' or
    some thing like that. The user should select an option other than this
    option. If the index of this option is 0, the validation description
    should be "dontselect=0"
              <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="1" width="520">
                   The HTML Form Wizard included in JavaScript Coder contains still more
                   number of validations
                   (comparison validations, check box & radio button validations and more)<br>
                   Using the wizard, you can add validations to your forms
                   without writing a single line of code! <br>
                   JavaScript Coder takes care of
                   generating the code and inserting the code in to the HTML file.<br>
                   <A href="
                   target="_blank">Read more about JavaScript Coder</A>
         <A name="8"></A>
         <h3>Example Page</h3>     
         See the <a href="example.html target="_blank"
         >JavaScript form validation example here</a>
    <tr><td align="center">
         Copyright &copy; 2003 All rights reserved.

    The code is not working because you made a mistake somewhere, duh! So figure out what (hint: firefox javascript console, it's your friend) and fix it!
    And next time when you post code: use the [ code ]  tags to pretty format your code, as it is now it's unreadable.

  • Application not working in Quality, which was working fine in Dev. Urgent!!

    Hello Guru's,
    We are experiencing a problem in portal.
    Issue: We customized application in MSS( General Information which calls FM in the backend to populate the data) using NWDS and deployed the application into Development System and it's working fine. so we used NWDI to transport the code into Quality and the application is not working fine in Quality. The Issue is when transported the application into Quality it is not showing any data. and when checked the RFC trace it is not showing any FM been called when accessing the application. And also when checked in NWA it is not showing any error, when checked the JCo connections they are working fine.
    Anyone please help us out. It's very Urgent.
    Thanks in Advance.
    'Points will be awarded for sure for helpful answers.'

    Hello Harini,
    Thank you for the reply, and I was expecting answer from you. Was seeing other forums and your replies to those .
    Anyways Let me tell a little more on the issue:
    We are implementing ESS/MSS in portal as per the req. we need to create a custom iview with employee details. And for that we have created a FM which will pick up the data and we are accessing that Function Module in WebDynpro application.
    We deployed the code into QA and Prod In prod it is working fine but in quality it's giving 500 Internal Server Error
    when checking the log file we are not getting any error logged. and checking in the R/3 whether that FM is executing when accessing the application using ST05 tcode it is not showing up the RFC trace either.
    And Configuration of QA is same as Prod and all the permission are properly assigned.
    Just wondering how is a application responding differently in different landscapes.
    Looking forward for a solution.
    Appreciate your time and help.

  • Preview Outlook2013 does not work on RDS2012R2 terminal server

    I am IT manager for a new RDS 2012R2 environmnet with 2 terminal servers running MS Office Professsional Plus 2013 SP1 Norwegian.
    The main problem :
    Previewing of word/excel/powerpoint file attachments in  Outlook2013 does not work on these 2 RDS2012R2 terminal servers.
    The excel error is telling me the following message:
    "Cannot preview this  file because an error occured in the following preview program: Previewing in Microsoft Excel"
    Previewing is OK functioning with file explorer but not with Outlook2013  consistently.
    I have updated both 2 RDS 2012R2 TS servers with the newest Windows Updates for Office 2013 and OS as well.
    I tried several times to rin repair of the Office Pro Plus 2013 installation with reboots with no positiv soultion to this preview problem.
    I searched the Internet/Google for hours without any luck anf here is some of the URS I have tried so far:
    Outlook 2013 excel attachment error: microsoft excel cannot open or save any more documents because there is not enough
    available memory or disk space
    This is a major problem and I am very  thankful for
    a 100% accurate answer and solution
    to this preview headache..  :-)
    [email protected]
    mvh Kenneth Knudsen MCSE 2003 HP ASE

    Thank you for posting in Windows Server Forum.
    Might possible that DCOM permission got changed and to verify that you can check following steps.
    Go to start, then run. Type dcomcnfg and push o.k. Component Services should come up.
    Expand Component Services, click on Computers, then "Right click" on My Computer and go to "properties".
    Click on Default Properties tab, and make sure the following is set:
    Default Authentication Level: Should say Connect, not "None"
    And Default Impersonation Level: SHould say Identify.
    When those are set properly, hit ok and turn on your protected mode back on your Office applications.
    In addition to this, please check whether you find any information from event log for this case. Also try to add Builtin users to grant read, write and execute persmission.
    Hope it helps!
    Dharmesh Solanki

  • Yoga 2 Pro: Webcam not working with Skype?

    Hi all, weird problem. For some reason skype cannot load the webcam built into the Yoga 2 Pro.
    It works in the Windows 8 camera app just fine. 
    I formatted and everything and it will just not work. 
    IT WAS WORKING two days ago, that's why I'm so confused.  I've installed the drivers on the support page and have had 0 luck. 
    I'm not sure if this is a permission thing or what..
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Unfortunately I've reinstalled the driver after uninstalling it from the device manager 10 times. I also formatted and reinstalled, but that didn't fix anything.
    The camera works for the camera app + the webcam test online. I've tried rollback on the drivers, and installing earlier versions of skype with no luck.
    Very strange, all it does is show the loading sign, and never loads. 
    This is the desktop version of skype btw. I'm going to try it with the non-dekstop version tonight and see if it works. 
    EDIT: Is there any other camera source besides 'Lenovo EasyCamera'? Their are two drivers on the drivers page, which one is recommended?

  • Wifi not working on Apple Tv2

    PLEASE help. This is driving me nuts!
    I have an apple tv (second generation) and this morning I noticed I had no internet connection.
    I've been using the wireless capability on the device and it has worked fine until just now.
    I haven't changed anything on the router or the device.
    When I plug it in using an ethernet cable it works perfectly, but when I try to connect using wifi it either doesn't connect at all or it will connect for all of about 5 seconds and disconnect. It is NOT my router. I have an iphone 4s, laptop, and tablet which all connect perfectly. I tried using my neighboors wireless network, with his permission of course, and I'm having the same issue. The device simply will not connect to wireless internet. It sees the network just fine, but will not connect after the password is entered. Also, since the wireless is not connecting, airplay does not work either, rendering my Apple TV useless.
    Since it stopped working all of a sudden, and nothing was changed, I am thinking it may be a hardware problem.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    I'm not an expert but this happened to me to and I remember that Apple Support told me to simply unplug and replug and AppleTV, thus resetting it.  Worked for me!

  • HDS live streaming to Flash not working

    Adobe Flash Media Server 4.5.5 r4013
    Windows 2008
    Sources: a0-8000.html h-ios.html
    Live streaming a single or multi-bitrate video over HTTP to Flash does not work. I have followed the instructions on the 2 sources listed above repeatedly, but I can’t get live streaming over HTTP to Flash to work. Live streaming to iOS over HTTP works with no problems (single and multi-bitrate streams).
    I have tried the troubleshooting steps from the following: -8000.html
    Troubleshoot live streaming (HTTP)
    1.      Services window (Windows): Flash Media Server (FMS), Flash Media Administration Server, and FMSHttpd services are running. ✓
    2.      Verified that the request URL is correct. ✓
    3.      Configured ports:
    a.      Configure Apache to use port 80. Open rootinstall/Apache2.2/conf/httpd.conf in a text editor. Change the line Listen 8134 to Listen 80.
    b.     Configure Flash Media Server not to use port 80. Open rootinstall/conf/fms.ini in a text editor. Remove 80 from the ADAPTOR.HOSTPORT parameter so the parameter looks like the following: ADAPTOR.HOSTPORT = :1935 ✓
    4.      Placed a crossdomain.xml file to the rootinstall/webroot directory. ✓
    5.      In Flash Media Live Encoder, select the Encoding Options tab, choose Output from the Panel options menu, and verify the following:
    a) The value of FMS URL is rtmp://fms-dns-or-ip/livepkgr. If you’re testing on the same server as Flash Media Server, you can use the value localhost for fms-dns-or-ip. ✓
    b) For a single stream, the value of Stream is livestream?adbe-live-event=liveevent. ✓
    c) For adaptive bitrate streaming, the value of Stream is livestream%i?adbe-live-event=liveevent. ✓
    Flash Media Live Encoder uses this value to create unique stream names. To use another encoder, provide your own unique stream names, for example, livestream1?adbe-live-event=liveevent, livestream2?adbe-live-event=liveevent.
    The encoder is showing all 3 streams being published and streaming.
    6. Check Administration Console: the livepkgr application and the 3 streams are running. ✓
    7. Check the logs for errors. Flash Media Server logs are located in the rootinstall/logs folder. The master.xx.log file and the core.xx.log file show startup failures. Apache logs are located in the rootinstall/Apache2.2/logs folder. X
    a)   core00.log: these errors did not occur every time that I tried playing the live stream but these are the only relevant errors in the logs.
    1. 7968 (w)2611179     Warning from libf4f.dll: [Utils] [livestream2] Discarded all queued Media Messages received before first Video Keyframe Message
    2. 7968 (w)2611179     Warning from libf4f.dll: [Utils] [livestream3] Discarded all queued Media Messages received before first Video Keyframe Message
    b) edge00.log:
    13:33:57 4492          (w)2641213 Connection rejected by server. Reason : [ Server.Reject ] : (_defaultRoot_, _defaultVHost_) : Application (hds-live) is not defined.          -
    c) Apache-Error:
    1.     [warn]  Checking if stream is disabled but bootstrap path in event file is empty for event:livepkgr/events/_definst_/liveevent stream name:livestream
    2.     [warn] bootstrap path is in event file is empty for event:livepkgr/events/_definst_/liveevent stream name:livestream1
    As I mentioned, everything works on iOS and FMS seems to be creating all of the stream segments and meta files:
    a.     The 3 streams are being created in: HD:\Program Files\Adobe\Flash Media Server 4.5\applications\livepkgr\streams\_definst_
    b.    FMS is creating the following files in each stream folder (livestream1, livestream2, livestream 3):
    1. livestream1.bootstrap
    2. livestream1.control
    3. livestream1.meta
    4. .f4f segments
    5. .f4x segments
    The appropriate files are also being created in the HD:\Program Files\Adobe\Flash Media Server 4.5\applications\livepkgr\events\_definst_\liveevent folder, in which I have the following Manifest.xml and Event.xml files:
    <manifest xmlns="">
      <media streamId="livestream1" bitrate="200" />
      <media streamId="livestream2" bitrate="500" />
      <media streamId="livestream3" bitrate="1000" />
    I’ve tried clearing the contents of both streams\_definst_ and events\_definst_\liveevent (keeping the xml files) after restarting the encoder, and creating a different event definst for the streams (liveevent2 for example).
    We have an event in 2 weeks that we would like to stream to both Flash and iOS. Any help in solving this problem will be greatly appreciated.

    One step closer:
    Changed the crossdomain.xml file (more permissive settings).
    Changed the encoding on FMLE to vp6. Working somewhat (don't know what I did to make it start streaming through hds).
    But at least now I can get the individual streams in the set manifest file to work:
    BUT when I try to play the streams through the set manifest file from http://localhost/liveevent.f4m I'm getting the following error:
    "The F4m document contains errors URL missing from Media tag." I'll search the forums to see if anyone else has come across this problem.
    I used the f4m config tool to make the file. These are the file's contents:
    <manifest xmlns="">
      <media href="livestream1.f4m " bitrate="200"/>
      <media href="livestream2.f4m " bitrate="500"/>
      <media href="livestream3.f4m " bitrate="1000"/>

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