Phantom Mail

I get mail marked "No Sender". I cannot erase them because it contains no message. They all have a posting date of 1969. How can I delete these phantom email?
Thanks: Jim Conroy

sorry i have no ideas, other then i am in the same boat, + i am getting some messages which i received months ago with a different tittle then when they arrived before. very odd!!

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    This appears to be the same bug that has affected Mac Mail with Gmail.  Notification sounds appear late...minutes after you read the message.
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    Thank you

    I had the same problem. In another posting I found this:
    "One thing to look at would be whether Preferences > Accounts > Mailbox Behaviors > Store draft messages on the server is checked, and whether unchecking that (so that drafts are stored locally instead) makes a difference."
    Bing - no ghost Draft messages.
    MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

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    This appears to be the same bug that has affected Mac Mail with Gmail.  Notification sounds appear late...minutes after you read the message.
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    Open Mail in the normal way to look at your Inbox
    Press Edit
    Press Mark All
    Press Mark As Read
    All fixed!!

    Try rebuilding the mailbox. This can take awhile if you have a lot of mail.
    Rebuild mailbox
    Try reindexing the mailbox. This can take awhile if you have a lot of mail.
    Reindex messages

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    Have you tried resetting your iPad?
    Reset the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider if it appears on the screen - let go of the buttons. Let the iPad start up.

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    We just switched to a new mail server yesterday (on a Vereo host?) and now, though Eudora is behaving as before if the account is busy, Mail will pop up a box saying the password wasn't recognized, asking for the correct password, and then there's a loooong delay while it times out.
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    2. Find out from the provider why the new server is causing this behavior (fat chance--they're likely to blame it on our weird Apple software)
    3. Find out how to make Mail interpret the busy signal correctly.
    4. Forward the account's mail to all the users' own addresses, instead of having them check that account themselves (am doing this now, will see how it works out. It will require more storage space on the server, at a minimum.)
    I'm trying to find out if the server supports IMAP but in any case that would not be a workable solution for us.
    Any feedback or enlightenment would be greatly appreciated.
    Mac mini G4 1.25   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    "More Like this" entry " Phantom Mail Account won't let go! Steven Shmerler SASNET Design, New York  Oct 10, 2011 7:56 PM" gave me a clue, which after 15 minutes without annoying message, seems to work.
    Went to Mail Preferences/ Accounts/ Account Information/ Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP)/ Edit SMTP Server List...
    There were four (count them, 4) references to Earthlink. I deleted them, restarted Mail, and so far so good.

  • Mail's default mail account.

    Hi, all.
    After many frustrated incidents with e-mails being sent from the wrong account, I decided to (again) try to find a solution to this problem.
    In Entourage, my previous e-mail client, the solution to this problem was to create a phantom e-mail account and set it up as the default account without the proper account settings. In this case one of two things would happen: (1) I would either remember to set the proper sending account in Mail before sending a message, or (2) in case I forgot Entourage would use the default e-mail account and this would generate an error message in which case I would be allerted to the need to set the proper sending account the resend the e-mail message.
    Is there a way to avoid this problem in Mail ? Can I designate no account or a phantom mail account as the default?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi, drdocument.
    I don't think this solution would work for me because I have Mail set-up with multiple e-mail accounts.
    What happens then when I need to change the server prior to sending a message?
    Thanks for your help and reply.

  • Phantom messages appear in search results

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    Has anyone else experienced anything like this?
    I'm using IMAP to a server at my university, so perhaps could this be a problem with the mail server?
    Any advice is appreciated.

    How long has this been going on? Are these "phantoms" messages that you deleted before and still showing up, or are they all the same message, with the same date and time?
    Have you tried rebuilding your Mail index? It could be corrupted. To do that:
    1. Quit Mail if it's running.
    2. Go to Home/Library/Mail and remove (do not delete) the Envelope Index file(s) to your Desktop.
    3. Restart Mail and allow it to import your existing messages. When that's finished, try searching for those same messages again and see if the phantoms still show up; you can also delete the Envelope Index file on your Desktop.
    Post back with results.

  • Mail is still checking deleted account

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    No, but if you don't mind writing down all of your valid account information (imap/pop and smtp server names, port numbers, SSL or not, etc.), you could quit Mail, temporarily drag your /Users/marckula/Library/Preferences/ onto your Desktop (this is for just in case you don't like what you've done, you can restore your previous Mail configuration by just dragging it back), restart Mail, and recreate your desired account preferences from your handwritten notes by going through the (first-launch) Mail setup "Wizard." I would think that that would get rid of attempted logins to phantom mail accounts.
    Or, you could try double-clicking on the /Users/marckula/Library/Preferences/ to edit it if you're comfortable with using the Property List Editor (I think you might have had to have installed the Developer package first) or using "pico" inside to edit it if you're comfortable with using I'd drag a backup copy of it to the desktop before editing it, though.

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    "More Like this" entry " Phantom Mail Account won't let go! Steven Shmerler SASNET Design, New York  Oct 10, 2011 7:56 PM" gave me a clue, which after 15 minutes without annoying message, seems to work.
    Went to Mail Preferences/ Accounts/ Account Information/ Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP)/ Edit SMTP Server List...
    There were four (count them, 4) references to Earthlink. I deleted them, restarted Mail, and so far so good.

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    My computer does this too. It also has made my Sent Button disappear and refers me to a "send later" solution. which is do not get or have. Shake the tree, maybe a nut will fall. Crack the nut and there you will find the Chinese answer!

  • Phantom Blank Spam blocking Mail from retrieving new mail in Apple Mail

    Over the past few days my wife and I have both had difficulties downloading pop-3 mail from our accounts (from a UK based ISP, UKonline) onto our separate computers (Powerbook G4 and MacBook). I have no idea yet whether this is affecting other ISPs or other Mac or PC platforms or mail clients, but it is definitely affecting both of our Mail apps running under 10.4.7.
    The problem seems to revolve around blank email messages being received into our respective accounts by at our ISPs mail server.
    These blank messages, presumably some form of spam have no sender, no recipient, no date, no source code, no body text and no subject.
    These 'phantom' blank emails appear to be the root of the problem as once they are manually removed from our server-side inbox (either through Apple Mail's 'Get Info' / 'Remove from Server' function, or via our ISPs webmail facility), the email starts picking up mail automatically again–immediately, without any other intervention other than clicking 'Get Mail'. Until they are removed, Apple Mail will NOT collect any more mail, automatically or manually through 'Get Mail'.
    I have contacted my ISP and to date had no firm response from them. One of their operatives suggest I contact Apple as his Windows PC email still works and retrieves mail when these blank phantom messages reach his server-side inbox waiting to be collected.
    The fact that these messages have no date means that under Mail's 'Get Info' / 'Remove from Server' facility, they always appear at the top with the CURRENT date and time when sorted by date. In this way, they are easy to spot. Also, if sorted by size, they also appear at the top because they are 0k in size. They appear to act as a blockage to receiving new mail until they are cleared.
    I'd be grateful to hear if anyone else is having this problem or has found a solution to it, or indeed whether this is an ISP problem.
    With thanks
    Powerbook G4 17" 1.67GHz & MacBook 1.83   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   Macuser since 1987; Apple IIe veteran.

    Hello Jamie.
    These 'phantom' blank emails appear to be the root of the problem
    as once they are manually removed from our server-side inbox
    (either through Apple Mail's 'Get Info' / 'Remove from Server' function,
    or via our ISPs webmail facility), the email starts picking up mail
    automatically again–immediately, without any other intervention
    other than clicking 'Get Mail'. Until they are removed, Apple Mail
    will NOT collect any more mail, automatically or manually through
    'Get Mail'.
    What is your setting for removing messages from the server when downloaded by the
    If set to right away, does this have any effect?
    One of their operatives suggest I contact Apple as his Windows
    PC email still works and retrieves mail when these blank
    phantom messages reach his server-side inbox waiting to be collected.
    Of course - especially if this operative is using Microsoft's Outlook or OE which usually don't have problems downloading anything including viruses, adware and spyware.
    I'm not sure why these "Ghost" spam messages cause this problem with the but these are obviously sent by a spammer to cause problems.
    How about your ISP doing something about blocking all messages at the incoming mail server that are completely blank such as these so they don't arrive in any of their customer's Inbox mailbox at the server since these messages are intended to cause problems and are completely blank anyway? No different from any other type of spam or as messages are scanned for viruses at the server. Although Apple needs to look into this, your ISP is not completely off the hook or has no responsibility IMO.

  • Phantom GMail messages in

    Here's my situation:
    At one time I decided it would be lovely to point at my GMail account. I changed my mind about this pretty quickly (once I figured out that it was going to take approximately 11 years to download all of my gmail messages, since I rarely delete anything from gmail).
    The "phantom messages" I reference in the subject line are these: references to gmail messages that do not exist on my machine. During the normal course of using mail, I don't ever see them, but they turn up by the thousands when I search for messages or when I create a Smart Mailbox. I'm starting to suspect that they may be implicated in some of the mail slowness that I have been experiencing, in particular slowness of Smart Mailboxes (which, ideally, I would like to use to organize my RSS feeds).
    Here's what it looks like:
    The little "Show in mailbox" text that looks like it ought to be a link is nothing - can't click it, can't highlight it, nada.
    I have recently rebuilt ALL of my .plist files in an attempt to address the "mail won't quit" problem (the one that's NOT related to notes or mobile me - seems to have worked, by the way), so I know that's not going to solve the problem. When I look at /Library/Mail, there is no evidence of a GMail mailbox anywhere.
    So. Does anybody know how I can get rid of these? There are literally tens of thousands of them - one search turns up over 16000 phantom messages. I can delete them, which makes them not show up in searches anymore. Interestingly, when I delete them they do NOT show up in my Trash... they simply vanish. So I could manually delete them all, but that would take a really long time.

    Bump... anybody have any ideas on this one?

  • Can't find a 'phantom' unread mail or mark it as being read

    I'm using mail on various machines to access an Exchange server account. It generally works with no problems, but on my work MacPro (and only on this computer not the iMac at home, various laptops, iPad, iPhone etc) mail tells me there is an unread message. However, I can't find this message and it's not there when I use a webmail interface to access the same account. No problem, I figured I could just right click on the mailbox and 'mark all messages as read', but this doesn't work! I like to keep a clear inbox with no unread messages and it's driving me nuts!
    I'm guessing that there's some strange synching conflict, but don't know how to solve it. Any ideas, please?
    Thanks, Jon.

    I tried both, but neither has worked.
    a) Rebuilding the mailbox revealed another unread mail that actually existed, but didn't remove the 'phantom'.
    b) The SM trick uncovered lots of unread news items from Apple, but not the 'phantom'.
    Thanks for your help, but I might need to do something more drastic like deleting the account and adding it again.
    Thanks, Jon.

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