Phone line to Ethernet

Hi! I have an Airport Express, and I was wondering if there was some way or some kind of adapter that would enable me to connect a phone line to the airport express without having to buy an Airport Extreme?
Power Mac G4, 733 mhz, 384 MB SDRAM, 256 KB L2 cache, 133mhz bus speed, GeForce MX AGP,DVD-RW drive,   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

Quick answer - No.
The Express does not have a built-in modem.
Modem = MOdulator/DEModulator. A device that can encode digital signals from a computer into analog signals that can be transmitted over analog lines, and vice versa.

Similar Messages

  • Wireless routers and surge protector with phone line ports

    I cannot connect to the internet when I use my surge protector phone line ports.  I have the line from the wall in the in port and the other one in the out port but status light on modem doesn't light up and no connection to internet.  Is it my surege protector?  Do I need to do something else?

    I assume the system works fine if you bypass the surge protector.   I will also assume that you are not plugging in your DSL phone line on the "in port" and then plugging in an ethernet wire on the "out port" of the surge protector.  Your surge protector cannot convert a DSL phone line signal into an ethernet signal.  This is the job of the DSL modem.
    Assuming you are going through the surge protector phone line to phone line, or ethernet wire to ethernet wire, then it means that either the surge protector is broken or you have a bad wire.  Try a different wire.  If that doesn't work, return the surge protector.
    Message Edited by toomanydonuts on 03-30-200705:12 PM

  • Given wireless range of Time Capsule is 150', will this work? Put DSL modem on phone line in garage, connect ethernet to small office bldg (125') and connect separate ethernet to main house (200'). Time capsule on each end (or Airport Express)? Thx

    Given Time Capsule wireless range is 150', will this solution work? In detached garage, connect DSL modem to phone line, then connect ethernet cable to DSL modem and run 125' to small office bldg. Connect separate ethernet cable to DSL modem and run 200' to main house. Put time capsule or Airport Express in each bldg resulting in separate wireless networks in each? Thanks.

    This will work very well. You can run a CAT5e (or CAT6) Ethernet cable up to 330 feet...or 100 meters...with virtually no signal loss.
    CAT6 costs a bit more, but will handle next generation Ethernet speeds, so if you have a choice, suggest that you opt for CAT6 cabling.

  • Airport express with phone line instead of ethernet?

    Hi there:
    I manage a HUGE plantation estate in rural Virginia that has many outbuildings, cottages, offices and a main house.  We have barely 3MB of speed from the phone company to the office and the house only gets 1.5 MB.  The office has an ethernet DSL modem, but the house has a separate line with only a phone line that the 1.5 is currently coming thru.  Many of the walls are stone and extremely thick (think Colonial times) and signal is very hard to permeate these.
    I bought an Express and an Extreme in hopes of boosting the signal throughout the office and house.  Currently they have a NetGear Wifi router trying to do this.
    Can I connect the Express in the room with only the phone line or do I have to have ethernet?
    Will this equipment boost better than the Netgear?  or am I wasting my time?  I have a Time Capsule at home and I get signal across my whole property all the way into my garage studio (across acres), so I am hoping this may be the case at the Estate.  (Although at my house we have 10MB of speed not only 3 or less).
    Any suggestions?  Thanks!

    Internet devices normally use only Ethernet. However, there are some that operate over power lines. See Best power-line adapters - CNET Reviews. For information see Power line communication - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

  • Two routers on same phone line

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    Bill B

    as imjolly has said, you can't plug 2 routers onto the same phone line.
    There are some alternatives that may help. 
    You could use power plugs and attach the main router (that's connected to the phone line) to the power plug by ethernet then place a wireless router to another power plug in the building by ethernet to enable wireless in that part of the building. 
    I'm no expert, so please correct me if I'm wrong

  • New phone line. So how do I re-set up the airport express?

    i set up a new phone number at home and must now set up the airport express to the new telephone line.
    How do I do it?

    The express does not have any immediate connection to the phone or phone line at all. The express is not a modem. Your new phone number meaning a new ISP??
    ISP should supply a suitable modem or have a list of suitable modems you can choose from, if your old one doesn't work. The Airport will plug into the new modem by ethernet.

  • Using broadband/phone line to receive faxes

    Hi. At the moment the line that comes in is split, one to my computer and one to a fax machine. Is there a way I can send/receive faxes but still use the stand alone fax to answer phone calls and send some faxes? Thanks for your help. I receive so many spam faxes that it would save a forest! I'm in the UK if that makes a difference

    So, can you clarify your phone and internet connections, you mention you have broadband and one split of the phone line, so what all is actually connected to the computer? Are you using a phone-line split to the computer USB/dial-up/fax/modem or a phone-line split to DSL modem to computer Ethernet or both of these? You may need to run an additional split to get both, and don't forget those in-line DSL filters for every phone/fax/modem line.
    If you want to fax from the computer you have to use the USB/fax/modem with a phone line in addition to the Ethernet line from your broadband (DSL/cable?). If you are using dial-up for internet (not broadband, very slow band), then you can't simultaneously use the fax/modem to fax while you are connected via dial-up modem.
    Since you have a dedicated fax machine, but don't want to waste the paper on the spam faxes, you may have to turn off auto receive on the dedicated fax and have the computer set to receive faxes as electronic files so you can just print ones that you want to save paper, is that your plan?
    So, you can use a hardware fax/phone switch to route the fax calls to the computer, or some folks use a dual numbers on a single line phone service with distinctive rings and set up the computer to answer only the fax-ringer calls. Not sure which alternative is cheaper.
    For outgoing fax calls, either computer or fax can use the phone line split, just not simultaneously.

  • Device is picking up phone line indefinitely

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    Connect the iPhone to your PC/Mac with iTunes open.
    On iTunes do this:
    - go to summary (left hand side)
    - select the option photos to the right
    Here you need to decide how you would like to set how your iPhone syncs photos from your PC/Mac. Its is up to you wether you only want to sync selected or all photos. Once you have made the changes select "Apply" to the bottom right.
    Hope this helps

  • At a loss with phone line

    Firstly I am stating for the record that I have a problem with my phone line. My broadband issues are just a by-product of the phone line fault.
    This problem has been going on for several years, although, 2 months ago i made some progress.
    The problem with my phone line occurs during extreme weather conditions, heavy rain or winds and as a result of it not being a permanent feature of my phone line. Over the past year, it has got a lot worse (broadband constantly dropping, struggling to be heard when on the phone), and after a lot of arguing with BT an engineer came out. Now bare in mind that the BT line tests came back as perfect and not a problem. engineer took one look at the cable coming in to the house and it crumbled in his hand. He also mentioned that he was picking something "odd" up on the line, but couldn't be sure what it was and seeing as the broadband connected that he would leave it.
    Since the engineers visit, I have had an OK phone line, just a bit quiet, until 2 weeks ago. When we had all that rain. The crackles came back that evening, causing crackles and white noise down the phone line. It lasted an hour or so, but enough time to turn my 2Mbps bras profile into a 130k profile. 3 days later and we recover (even though some intermittent crackles persist). The very next day and we're downloading at 2.5Mbps, the phone rings and the crackles are back. 
    The next day I ring up and complain and receive the whole dialogue about changing me £120 if the engineer comes out and can't find a fault. Funnily enough, the crackles (being intermittent) are not crackling at the time the engineer turns up, however, he states "The is more noise on the line than there should be" and "I'm going to pass it over to the underground team and see if they can find where the fault is". At this point I am now feeling hopeful that finally the fault might be found....
    Half an hour ago I have heard nothing, I decide to phone up and see if there is any news... No fault found and expect a bill for £120 is the response, from a very nice Indian lady who did seem to struggle with understanding me or at least hearing me. i protested and asked how could the engineer tell me one story and for me to then be told that a line test shows no fault and that I have to pay!
    Where it currently stands, is that I have insisted that the problem still exists and I have been told it will be resolved between 24-48hours.
    I will of course wait and see what BT come back with tomorrow, but I am at a loss of what more I can do. I work from home and having an equivalent to ISDN when I pay for broadband because the phone line keeps having a fit is getting a bit of a hassle. If the BRAS IP profile did not take 3days to recover after a bad storm, then I could cope, but I'm now been on a 130k connection for over a week now and am looking at having to pay 3120 just because I am trying to do something about it.
    If I turned round to my customers and said I'd look at their issue, but if I couldn't see anything I'd be charging them £120, they'd move else where.
    Any advice as to how I can take this forward?
    Go to Solution.

    I thought I had better post an update and I am pleased to say that it seems it has a potentially positive outcome.
    First of all the lady I spoke to on Friday got back to me yesterday to say that yet again OpenReach had investigated my issue "outside the property" and claimed to have "fixed the problem". While I am sceptical that they actually did anything (surely the broadband should have disconnected, if they fixed anything like replacing a cable, but as I am not a telcom's engineer I have not authority to make judgement), the lady implied that I had a case to dispute any charge if it ended up on my bill.
    The second was a response from a forum moderator who says that after reading my posts, my email and my fault reports, they say that it sounds like this is being caused by "a high resistance fault on your line. These can be very had to get to the bottom of unless the engineer is testing the line when condition are bad" and while notes that the fault has been closed (conversation yesterday with lady from BT), they suspect that if the line does have this type of fault, then it is highly unlikely that the fault has actually been fixed and I should contact them back as soon as the noise starts up again. Oh, and they have requested no charges be applied for the visit on Thursday.
    So, fingers crossed... It does seem to highlight quite a variance in the quality of customer service that you get from BT. Plus, no matter how frustrated you get, you should persevere, as there are some good people that seem willing to help and will be on your side.  

  • At a loss with phone line and broadband

    First of all, sorry for cross posting this, but as you might gather I'm currently stuck between a rock and a hard place.
    I'm not going to repeat everything in that post, just to say when all equipment is unplugged and you get crackles and white noise through the phone, it can not be equipment, no matter how intermittent. Am I correct?
    The main reason for cross posting is around the annoying BRAS IP profile. It seems that for 30mins of static, I get stuck on a 130k profile for 3days. I could cope with the occasional outage or slow down, but 3days is half a week and when you have the recent bad weather, you get 1day of decent profile before the next spat! As a result of this, I would like to see if anyone else in the community has been through similar?
    I will point out that I have been working in IT for 13years, so I like to pretend that I know something about things, but I must say that BT is one of the only companies that I deal with and dealt with that seem insistent on blaming the customer for everything. 
    Connection information
    Line state Connected
    Connection time 0 days, 1:44:21
    Downstream 2,048 Kbps
    Upstream 448 Kbps
    ADSL settings
    VPI/VCI 0/38
    Type PPPoA
    Modulation ITU-T G.992.1
    Latency type Interleaved
    Noise margin (Down/Up) 9.6 dB / 19.0 dB
    Line attenuation (Down/Up) 53.0 dB / 29.5 dB
    Output power (Down/Up) 17.8 dBm / 12.1 dBm
    Loss of Framing (Local) 0
    Loss of Signal (Local) 0
    Loss of Power (Local) 0
    FEC Errors (Down/Up) 5261636 / 45
    CRC Errors (Down/Up) 0 / 2147480000
    HEC Errors (Down/Up) nil / 28
    Error Seconds (Local) 134
    Go to Solution.

    No I'm suggesting the mod team is preferable to calling India ....
    What they do with you is down to them ....  and you.   
    Allbeit I doubt you'll see a profile reset, but even better you may see a lasting resolution, hopefully.    

  • How difficult can it be to get a phone line instal...

    First of all, for a communications company, BT are shockingly bad at communicating with their customers!
    We ordered a home move for our phone line and Infinity services back at the start of Dec, and had an activation date of 19th Dec. The engineer duly turned up on that date and set about the install. The single socket in our house was not where we wanted it (no power socket close by for the broadband router), but he would see about moving that and all was good so far.
    However, the engineer was struggling to get a tone on the line and after much to-ing and fro-ing and calling another engineer who was nearby, decided that the actual wires to the house were damaged somewhere between 30m and 250m from the house and as he was not qualified to do any underground works, he was going to pass the job onto another engineer. The next engineer duly came next day (on a Saturday no less!) to get us up and running. No dice. The engineer could not find the break, and we would have to get a new cable put in. 
    Now, apparently when our house was built the telephone cable was not put in with any ducting and ended up being concreted into the wall! So we would have to get new ducting and the works installed. He then went to paint up the pavement where it needed to be dug up to put the ducting in etc. Except the pavement was covered in leaves, so he sprayed the leaves. Hey ho - I knew where he had painted and I would be able to direct the guys if necessary. As the was the Saturday before Xmas, he was doubtful if the contractors would be before the New Year. The engineer did however get the broadband connection available. 
    Roll on the New Year and it's a stoney silence from BT, until the morning of the 13th Jan, when a contractor appearred at the door to say he was here to put in the ducting. I pointed out where it was going and left them to it. I glanced out of the window after a while to see they had made a 2ft gap in the hedge at the wrong side of the garden! I also watch in disbelief as one of the guys loaded his wheel barrow with spoil and wheeled it into the woods across the road and dumped it. These guys were the "dig things up" gang, another team were the "filling in" team and they would be along shortly to fill in the hole and re-lay the tarmac on the pavement. However, we at least now have the ducting from the street the house with a rope in the duct to allow a cable to be pulled through. Progress of a fashion.
    A few days later, the hole was filled in and the pavement tarred. It then took a full week before another engineer turned up to actually pull the wire through the ducting and connect us up. Except he couldn't because the rope was jammed. So he passed the job back to somebody else. Then 2 days later engineers 5 and 6 turned up with a rodding wire to free off the rope. They couldn't free it off. They did work out that the ducting was probably dislodged by the "filling in the hole" team, thus trapping the rope. This would need the pavement dug up again to reset the ducting. Oh joy.
    So, imagine my surprise when another engineer turns up one morning to install our line to discover he couldn't pull the rope through, then another engineer turns up in the afternoon to do the same , followed by yet another engineer the next day! 
    Meantime, the only communication from BT on the whole matter is when we call them to be told it is all in hand and it will be completed "in 2 days time", or we receive a text message saying they tried to call (no missed calls), and would try to call again in 3 days, do not call them back.
    So far in this saga we have had 13 people at the house, not getting us a phone line, in nearly 8 weeks and absolutely terrible communication from BT.
    A call to BT at the end of last week resulted in a promise that we would be fully installed by yesterday at 8pm.
    I called BT this morning to be told that the external works will be completed by this Friday and they would then call me back to arrange an appointment for the engineer to come and do the install next week!
    The only saving grace is we do have an internet connection (pretty vital for me as I work from home!) although I do have an extension cable running across my hallway and we have not been getting charged for line rental for the past 2 months.
    I was told today that we should be getting compensation, but to be honest I am not bothered about that - I JUST WANT A PHONE LINE INSTALLED!
    Rant over (for now!)

    Hi smert, 
    I am sorry about the delay in getting your phone line on. It definitely sounds like you have been going through the mill lately with all the work being done and still no phone line. 
    Please send me in your details using the "Contact The Mods" link found in my profile and we will take it from here. 
    BTCare Community Mod
    If we have asked you to email us with your details, please make sure you are logged in to the forum, otherwise you will not be able to see our ‘Contact Us’ link within our profiles.
    We are sorry that we are unable to deal with service/account queries via the private message(PM) function so please don't PM your account info, we need to deal with this via our email account :-)
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

  • Phone line dead, over 2 week wait for possible rep...

    Hi there
    I'm posting on behalf of my Mum who cannot post in the forum as her phone line/broadband are currently down.
    On Friday 4th January 2013 she noticed the phone was dead, and also that the Internet had stopped working. She rang the usual number BT provides and was told by an Indian chap that there is a fault but there won't be anybody available to look at it until 21st January 2013! She was not provided with any reference numbers to track the case or anything which didn't help.
    Bear in mind my Mum is in her late 60's and relies on the phone to keep in contact with relatives, and this is especially important since my Dad died.
    I am aware that Openreach are busy yadda yadda, but it is simply not acceptable for her to wait over 2 weeks for someone to at least have a look at it! She has spoken to her neighbours and they were having problems originally which now appear to have been sorted.
    I am worried that not only will she have to wait but that she will charged a ridiculous fee for any repairs, even though the fault is not anything that she has caused. Also I am not happy that BT are going to charge for zero service for a two week period, surely this is essentially robbery?
    Is there anyway I can get this escalated, and is there anyway I can get the charges she will receive refunded?
    I have already contacted someone in the forum via e-mail but I don't think it worked as I was using my brother's mobile at the time.
    Thanks in advance
    Go to Solution.

    Tootsie wrote:
    You're welcome. Also, I understand that your mum can have al her calls diverted to an alternative number and there is some form of compensation available for loss of service....I'll see if I can find the details.....I've seen them somewhere
    BT will not pay you compensation they will only refund your line and BB rental if your phone has not been repaired after the end of the 3rd working day also if you have your line diverted you are not entitled to this refund.
    (If I have helped you in any way to say "Thank You" please click on the star next to the message. Thank You)
    If I have solved your Issue please click the "Mark as accepted solution" button.

  • Trouble getting my phone line connected

    My saga to date....
    I contacted BT on 20th April to advise them that I was moving home on 29th April (to a newly built house).  An engineer was arranged to come to my home on 10th May to carry out the connection.  Prior to the 10th May, I had a visit from an engineer to assess the job.  My house has been built in an older part of a village which still relies on telephone poles and lines going from the poles in to houses.  During one of these visits, it was noted that I would need a pole placed in my garden to connect the line to, then the line would be connected from there.  The reason behind this was due to the fact that my house is built low down, and to take a wire straight from the main pole would make it slope too low.  I was quite happy with the solution put forward, and was happy that things seemed to be in hand.  At no point was I told that the work would not go ahead on the 10th May.
    This is when the problems start.......
    I feel that I am living in the dark ages again.  I have no phone line, hence no Internet access and do not get a mobile signal in the area I now live in!  I rely on travelling to my daughters' house to use their phone and Internet access, which is not convenient.
    The 10th of May came and went, and nobody appeared at the house, and I received no communication that work would not be carried out on this date.  I phoned BT, and yes, I was talking to a call centre in India.  When the operator finally grasped the issue that the engineer had not appeared she checked with her suppliers to inform me that there was a problem and that this would be assessed by the 14th May.  BT would then advise me on the 15th what the next stage would be.  Unhappy with this, I was eventually put through to the supervisor (waited 40 minutes on hold!).  Got no joy from him, but the promise he would personally contact me on 15th.  I had to accept this and hung up.
    On Monday 13th May, I went online to check the progress of my order, only to note that my latest BT bill was ready.  When I checked the bill, I noted that BT had started to bill me for my phone and broadband package from 10th May!.  Blood pressure steadily rising, I contacted BTs billing department, yes once again an Indian call centre, to complain.  Got the standard script from the operator - very sorry etc. During this conversation, it was realised that BT had the wrong postcode in for my house (it was the correct street, but the post code for odd numbered houses). The operator, against my pleas not to do so, cancelled my order, and set up a new order for the correct postcode. She assured me that she knew what she was doing and not to worry, everything would be fine (I had explained the saga to date to her).  She set up a brand new account, allocating a different phone number, and requiring me to set up new direct debits - I'm not sure how she couldn't just change the postcode for my original account.  A new connection appointment was for 21st May, and I was assured that there would be no problems I would be connected on this date.
    The 15th of May came and went, and no phone call from the Indian call centre manager.  I did not call back at this time, as a new appointment had been scheduled. 
    The 21st came, and an engineer did appear - hooray! He looked at the house and told me - I cannot do your connection.  A pole is needed to run a the line to.  He was able to tell me that my number had been set up in the exchange.  I was more than a little angry and frustrated at this point.  BT knew that a pole was required back on 6th May - why had this information not been dealt with!
    Again I phoned BT, back to the Indian call centre.  Explained the whole saga.  He checked with his 'suppliers' to find out what was going on.  Came back to tell me that further information would be available the next day.  I was getting a little annoyed at the point.  I explained that the work required was to erect a pole in my garden to run the line to.  All I wanted was a date for when this work would be carried out.  He could not give me this info saying his suppliers would not give this until the next day.  I asked who the suppliers were - BT Open Reach, but he would not let me speak to them directly.  He promised to phone me back the following day with the update - probably to get me off the phone.   I again explained that I had no means to which he could contact me in my own home, and would require to go to my daughters house to receive the call.  He agreed to phone me back at 10am on 22nd May - a time when I would go to my daughters.  Yes, once again they failed to phone back!!
    I again phoned back - yes back to India I went.  Asked to speak with the manager - but the operator would not connect me saying he could help.  Went through the saga once more - again got the text book apologies (which are getting rather annoying now).  He contacted the 'suppliers' and promised that contact would be made with me within 24hours by the engineer with regards to the work being carried out.  I told him that I had been lied to on so many occasions that I didn't believe that this was the case and asked to speak to BT Openreach to confirm this.  He stated that this could not be done.  Trust him, why would he lie to me  - which I told him would be to get me off the phone.  I left my daughters phone number as a contact.
    24hours has now passed, and yes - once again no contact.  I cannot face talking to another operator in an Indian call centre who will tell me anything to get off the phone.  BT's complaints procedure is pathetic.  I feel totally helpless in this.  There doesn't seem to be any communication between anyone in the company.  The call centre staff are telling you anything just to get rid of you.  I suspect that I am now being billed on 2 accounts for a service I don't have, and no doubt will be another saga when I eventually get a working phone line.
    I am no further forward to when this work will be getting carried out, and getting more and more frustrated.  Is there any suggestions on where / who I can go to.
    Go to Solution.

    I am sorry to see you are having problems
    I suggest you contact the forum mods they should be able to get this problem sorted for you this is a link to them
    They normally reply by email or phone directly to you within 3 working days they will take personal ownership of your problem until resolved and will keep you informed of progress
    They are a UK based BT specialist team who have a good record at getting problems solved
    This is a customer to customer self help forum the only BT presence here are the forum moderators
    If you want to say thanks for a helpful answer,please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side If the reply answers your question then please mark as ’Mark as Accepted Solution’

  • How long does a new phone line take to fit? Patien...

    I ordered a new phone line in April and was given a date of 1st May 2013 for the engineer to call.
    Having booked a day off work for the 1st May I got a text the evening before to advise that extra work was required on the lines outside my home and that they would be in touch soon. On 17th May I got another text to advise that my order for telephone and broadband had been CANCELLED. I phoned and a new order was placed (with a half-hearted apologies for the incorrect cancellation).
    Text: 20th May. Apologies for the delay in booking an appointment.
    Text 21st May: BT here. Your phone service is ready for you. You can find a phone's number by calling 17070 from it.
    I did not not have a phione line.
    Text: 30th May. To advise a new number.
    Text: 30th May: Apologies for the delay in booking an appointment. Due to necessary additional engineering work. Next update will be 6th June.
    Text: 5th June: BT here. Just to confirm you've set up online billing with BT, If you didn't please let us know at ... I didn't set anything up as far as I know.
    6th June:  Apologies for the delay in providing your service. No updates. Escalated the lack of infpormation and hope to have more news tomorrow.
    7th June:  Apologies for the delay on your order. I can confirm that we are awaiting the outcome of our escalation with our suppliers and are confident of haveing (sp) and (sp) update for you on 11/6.
    Now, I am quite a patient person but I need a landline. I live 60 metres or so from a Post Office and even less from a main road. I can see a telephone pole from my back garden just 50 metres away. My neighbours have landlines. Why can't I have one?

    I am sorry to see you are having problems
    I suggest you contact the forum mods they should be able to get this problem sorted for you this is a link to them
    They normally reply by email or phone directly to you within 3 working days they will take personal ownership of your problem until resolved and will keep you informed of progress
    They are a UK based BT specialist team who have a good record at getting problems solved
    This is a customer to customer self help forum the only BT presence here are the forum moderators
    If you want to say thanks for a helpful answer,please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side If the reply answers your question then please mark as ’Mark as Accepted Solution’

  • Phone line cancelled

    I set up a BT landline in my flat along with broadband about 3 months ago - after taking a month or so to finally start working we were quite pleased with the service until a couple of weeks ago when we recieved a letter saying that somebody had requested our number and unless we called within 3 days our account would be cancelled. We duly rang to say we did not want our line cancelled and thought that was the end of it, until 3 days later our phone line and broadband were cancelled. 2 and a half hours later, having spoken to at least 15 different people from numerous departments (all of whom were extremely unhelpful - some even told us we would have to pay a years line rental again!) we were told that our phone line would be up in 3 days and our broadband in 8 - no explanation for why we had to wait so long.
    The phone line came back on in three days but eight days later there was still no broadband - we were told that the engineers couldn't find our postcode (the same postcode on our account and used to re-install the phone line) so it would be three more days. It has now been five and no help has been forthcoming and we are still without the internet. The problem is getting absolutely ridiculous and we are extremely annoyed with the service that we are paying for but not recieving.

    SEB wrote:
    I set up a BT landline in my flat along with broadband about 3 months ago - after taking a month or so to finally start working we were quite pleased with the service until a couple of weeks ago when we recieved a letter saying that somebody had requested our number and unless we called within 3 days our account would be cancelled. We duly rang to say we did not want our line cancelled and thought that was the end of it, until 3 days later our phone line and broadband were cancelled. 2 and a half hours later, having spoken to at least 15 different people from numerous departments (all of whom were extremely unhelpful - some even told us we would have to pay a years line rental again!) we were told that our phone line would be up in 3 days and our broadband in 8 - no explanation for why we had to wait so long.
    The phone line came back on in three days but eight days later there was still no broadband - we were told that the engineers couldn't find our postcode (the same postcode on our account and used to re-install the phone line) so it would be three more days. It has now been five and no help has been forthcoming and we are still without the internet. The problem is getting absolutely ridiculous and we are extremely annoyed with the service that we are paying for but not recieving.
    If you don't mind me saying, this seems extremely weird. What phone number was on the letter to ring ? Was it actually from BT ? I can't say I've ever heard of people being "told" that someone else wants that number and the service would be cancelled if not acted upon.
    There are a lot of unscrupulous people out there, and this sounds like one of them.

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