Photo display issues

My iPad 2 displays grainy photos, both my own and those from Safari and various apps. The thumbnails look fine but the full photo is grainy and fuzzy looking. Any help is appreciated!

Are the original photos are clear? If no, check them. If yes, you might have synced the thumbnails. Try re-syncing those photos. Delete the folder named iPod Photo Cache on your PC (it will be on the directory from where you selected the photos to sync onto your iPad), and then re-sync.

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    What you've pictured is a disaply backlight LED problem — it looks as though half of yours aren't lit. They're integrated into the LCD panel, and this issue is not related in any way to the replacement of your logic board. You may want to reset your computer's SMC and see whether that resolves the problem:
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    Go to Solution.

    For all those having that "black screen" problem, here's an excerpt from the PR 1.1 changelog:
    Images and Camera
    * 4053 Confusing behaviour when saving to a file that matches an existing directory
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    This message is a cross-post and I apologize, but there seems
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    on my question. Here goes:
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    Thanks in advance!

    Did you upload the Scripts folder that DW places in the root
    of your site?
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "Dunk11" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:eavmev$olm$[email protected]..
    >I need some help getting Internet Explorer to show my
    flash movie.
    > looks fine in FireFox, but when I test it in IE my
    movies will not load.
    > I can
    > however go directly to the .swf file in IE and it will
    load. But when I
    > try to
    > view in on the actual webpage it will not. Here is the
    > Thanks

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    Windows machine; XP Pro, service pack 3 build 2600; NVidea GeForce 9600 GT graphics card.

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    Peter, I have tried maximizing, closing, reopening, etc. everything else I can think of. Same issue. I finally just bit the bullet and went back to CS2, rebuilding the current project so I can get the work done by deadline. I'll look for new video drivers this afternoon after I get back on track timewise on this newsletter. Weird that this display issue should just affect the one Adobe program though, and not the others if it is a video driver problem. I didn't do a lot of work in Dreamweaver--just enough to see if it displayed the same weird behaviour. Nope. Nor does Photoshop. Nor does Bridge. Nor does Acrobat. nor does any other software on the machine.

  • Mac Pro + Airport Extreme = Mouse Cursor Chaos Display Issues When Dragging

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    Mac Pro (any model 2007 to current 2009 production) with Airport Extreme installed.
    On any object the mouse cursor selects and then drags from anywhere in the upper portion (50%) of the screen display (no matter the display being used) to the bottom portion (50%) of the screen display, shows great lagging and latency as if the cursor is "hanging on for dear life" or as if the processor were running several intense applications and cursor was not responding.
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    I have deduced that the issue with this "polarity" (i.e. the 50% horizon level of the screen north and south) is due to some magnetic or waveform interference from the Airport Extreme card and most likely due to its position on the motherboard and/or next the the Intel processor. Also could be enhanced by the Bluetooth card which is also located next to this card.
    After checking various Mac Pros (at Apple stores, friends and received via Apple Online store) the common denominator is the Airport Extreme Card. When it is NOT present, no issues are present with display cursor lag; when it IS present, all the above apply.
    No one at Apple seems to realize this issue or cares about it. Ditto for Genius Bar Apple Employees; seems to be a mystery on par with the Bermuda Triangle (which ironically is also magnetically-polarity related.)
    Still waiting for a Apple Product Engineer to contact me and have 3 tickets open with Apple from 3 different Mac Pros on this. Problem first noticed May 2009 although first generation Mac Pro from 2007 also suffered same issues and just now putting the puzzle together on this relationship.
    Any others out there notice this as well? Check it out if you have a Mac Pro and Airport Extreme Card installed inside of it.

    I also have the same exact problem. I have a i5 iMac Mid 2011 with an upgrade to 10.10 Yosemite connected to an external display. I like you never had this issue with Mavericks. Zoom is so painfully slow now that I had to disable it. My iMac has 12 GB of RAM and even with no apps opened, zoom is killer slow.. makes me want to punch a wall-kinda slow.
    I think it's clear to say that something is up with 10.10.. some bug.
    Apple please fix us zoomers

  • IPhoto synced photos display in iOS sorted by date imported

    This is precisly what's happening to me, and it definately changed with either the last iTunes update or the last iPhoto update.  I can't be sure.  I'd be willing to bet it's iTunes, since the photos display in iPhoto (date taken ascending) just fine.
    I can confirm there's an issue with one of those programs, NOT with iOS 6 specifically. iTunes and iPhoto are up to date as of this post, having updated both within the last week or so as updates were available. All photos are grouped into Events within iPhoto.
    1. I removed photo synching from all iOS devices, and deleted the iPod photo cache.
    2. In iPhoto, I reset manual sorting, switched from date descending to date ascending (what I want). Everything in iPhoto displays correctly.
    Those two steps have fixed sorting issues in the past.
    3. Sync photos to iPhone with iOS 6.0.1
    4. All photos are correctly ordered, with the exeption of the photos imported SINCE the last iPhoto (or iTunes) update.  THESE, and only these photos are sorted by import date, NOT date taken, so they are appended to the very end of the event.
    5. I repeated the process with an iPhone still on iOS 5.1.1 - same result.
    So, this issue is sync related, not iOS related.  Again, I can't be sure if it's an iPhoto or iTunes thing, but a recent update of one of those (or both?) has messed this up. Anyone else seeing this?

    Sound like an iTunes  or iPhone issue.  Post your question in those forums.

  • Portrait photo orientation issue when viewed in slideshow

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    1 - Remake my slideshows from scratch
    2 - Rebuild my photo library.
    Neither of these fixed my problem. Does anyone have a suggestion?

    Try quitting iPhoto and trashing your iPhoto preferences file ("your username" ==> library ==> preferences ==> when you launch iPhoto a new default one will be created - reset any user preferences you have changed and repoint iPhoto to the library if you have moved it

  • IPhoto 06 display issue

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    When I run iPhoto 06 and switch between windows, i always get a garbled window when i switch back to the iPhoto window. There will be black lines all over the iPhoto window for less than a second and then it returns to normal. Never fails to happen.

    Try deleting the iPhoto preference file - iphoto.plist - and if that doesn't work, back up your photos to the desktop and reinstall iPhoto from your installation disc. Or, get used to it till an iLife update appears.

  • I have an iphone 4s that is having display issues. If I turn the phone on, it vibrates to acknowledge it successfully turned on but the screen stays solid black. I can plug the phone into my computer and itunes will recognize the phone as well.

    I have an iphone 4s that is having display issues. If I turn the phone on, it vibrates to acknowledge it successfully turned on but the screen stays solid black. I can plug the phone into my computer and itunes will recognize the phone as well. However, itunes can not do anything with the phone because the phone is locked and I can not unlock the phone because the screen is black.
    The screen does work though! Through trial and error along side a little troubleshooting, I was able to figure out that the screen will cut on after the phone dies completely. The phone has to die completely with no battery power left. Then if I plug the phone into a charge and wait a while for it to charge, the phone will turn on like nothing was ever even wrong with it. I charge the phone up to like 30% and turn it off then bam the phone turns on but the screen is solid black again.
    I am currently in the process of waiting for the phone to die and when I turn the phone back on I am going to completely remove the auto-lock and lock code off of the phone for the time being.
    Any other suggestions? Please help!

    Sounds like the device was dropped at some point and damaged as a result.
    Take it to Apple for evaluation and a replacement.

  • Display issue on brand new 2014 X1 Carbon Touch

    So I was about to start raving about my X1C that I just received. Loving the display, the keyboard, build quality, etc. I had no gripes and was just browsing away when suddenly the screen did the full glitch. I recognize this as what happens when something's messed with the motherboard/display adapter. So I gave it a reset. All was normal and then it happened again. I was able to replicate it 3-4 times and it keeps happening. I never dropped it or anything. It was always just stationary.
    I can't believe this. I had problems with the first gen non-touch and touch. I was hoping by now they have improved.
    Link to image 1
    Link to image 2
    Link to image 3
    Moderator note: images totalling more than 50k converted to links per forum rules:  Lenovo Community Participation Rules

    Welcome to Lenovo Community Forums!
    I’m sorry to hear that you have display issues in your brand new Lenovo X1 carbon.
    From the snapshots, it seems like a cable/LCD issue. Is the display working fine when you connect it to an external monitor?
    Since it’s a brand new machine, I strongly recommend you to contact our technical support for assistance.
    Click here to open a link where you can select the country and get the exact contact support number. I’m sure they will be a great help.
    Best Regards,
    Did someone help you today? Press the star on the left to thank them with a Kudo!
    If you find a post helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution"! This will help the rest of the Community with similar issues identify the verified solution and benefit from it.
    Follow @LenovoForums on Twitter!

  • Display Issues with mini (Mid 2010) and LG L246WP

    I recently purchased a new mini (Mid 2010 base model) and planned to use it with my 24" LG L246WP monitor, which is about 3 years old. The monitor has VGA, component, and HDMI inputs.
    I used an HDMI-to-HDMI cable to connect the mini directly to the monitor, and the output is completely messed up. The mini recognized the monitor (titling the System Preferences > Display dialog with 'L246WP') and set it to the monitor's native resolution of 1920x1200, but on the monitor the image is cropped to what looks like a 4:3 aspect ratio and with part of the image shifted up and left so I cannot view the top menu bar or the left hand side of the desktop. The monitor's on-screen display shows 1080p in this mode.
    The Display dialog also gives me an option for 1080p. I can select this and use the Underscan slider to resize the desktop output to fit on the screen, but it is still shifted left and must be resized smaller than the available display space (plus the total image is only 1080 pixels, not using the monitor's full native screen). In this mode, 1080p also shows on the monitor's on-screen display.
    I tried 1024x768 to see if I could get a properly-positioned image, but the desktop was shifted just like in the 1920x1200 case and the monitor's on-screen display status still reported 1080p.
    The monitor has a menu setting under an HDMI heading with "Video" and "PC" options, but changing this selection does not make a difference.
    Since the monitor came out before HDMI was as widespread as it is today, it came with a DVI-to-HDMI cable, so I also tried using that cable with the HDMI-to-DVI adapter that came with the mini, but this did not make a difference either.
    To prove it wasn't the HDMI cable, I connected the mini to my Samsung 6300 series 40" LED HDTV and with some tweaking of the Underscan slider the displayed image filled the screen perfectly.
    I've searched the Internet and various forum threads (i.e. seem to indicate this monitor can send a corrupted EDID that causes issues, especially with nVidia graphics drivers. On Windows you can use registry or driver hacks to override the EDID with the correct values, but on OS X this doesn't seem possible (I was hoping for a Terminal one-liner but it seems this doesn't exist). I have seen some mentions of the shareware SwitchResX (, which looks like it gives you the option to override resolution settings, but I haven't tried this yet.
    It also appears to me that the monitor is always interpreting the signal (or the mini is always sending the signal) as 1080p, even if I've set 1920x1200 in the Display dialog. I don't know if this is a defect in the monitor where it always assumes the HDMI input is a 1080p source (previous I used it with an Xbox 360 with no issues but that was 1080p HDMI), or if is a bug in the graphics drivers (or at least a lack of flexibility / miscommunication to the user trying to handle a corrupt EDID).
    I asked my local Genius Bar for advice today (without bringing any hardware in) but was not told anything I didn't already know.
    I'm trying to determine the best way to work through this issue. *My questions are:*
    Would it make any difference if I used a Mini DisplayPort-to-DVI adapter (and then my DVI-to-HDMI cable to the monitor's HDMI input)?
    What about a Mini DisplayPort-to-VGA adapter? In the past I used a 12" Powerbook (via a mini-DVI-to-VGA adapter) with this monitor and had no display issues like this, but I'd prefer to stick with a digital connection on my brand new mini.
    Is SwitchResX the only practical way in OS X to override a corrupt EDID and force the mini to output a certain resolution?
    Besides the various adapters and SwitchResX, is there anything else I should try before buying a new monitor?

    Hello EPWilson4984.
    I have been experiencing the same issues you described. Connecting my brand new Mac Mini to my Westinghouse 24”monitor (L2410NM,  1920x1200 pixel resolution) produces a very fuzzy and washed out image quality. The Mac recognizes the monitor and applies the right resolution (1920x1200), but it looks just awful. The EDID info is definitely not right.
    Now, I tried your suggestion (DVI-to-HDMI), and similar suggestions from other threads, but nothing works. Nothing seems to work at all.
    The main input for the monitor is HDMI, so whatever cable I use, in the end always has to connect to the monitor via HDMI. I tried all these combinations with zero success:
    Mac mini -> HDMI cable -> monitor (result: fuzzy and blurry image)
    Mac mini -> displayport –HDMI adapter-> HDMI cable -> monitor (result: fuzzy and blurry image)
    Mac mini  -> displayport –DVI adapter-> DVI-to-HDMI cable -> monitor (result: it gives me a blank screen, no image at all)
    I’m running out of options. Don’t know what to do. The 24” monitor produces beautiful, crisp images when hooked to my Windows 7 PC. It looks horrible when connected to my brand new Mac Mini.
    Any alternatives you may have come across? Please let me know, thank you.

  • Repeated iMac Problems, Display Issues now Kernel Panics

    I’m lost on what’s wrong with my 2008 iMac and I think I just have to bring it back into Apple for a third time to have it repaired. But something is obviously not working that is causing these issues.
    About a month ago, my computer began showing heavy pixilation, flickering images and the on-screen graphics. The computer appeared to keep working in the background from what I could tell so I came to conclusion that it must be the graphics card that’s failing and I’ll need to have it looked at.
    My 2008 iMac was custom-built by Apple with the Nvidia GeForce 8800GS that was offered as an upgrade option. There have been several posts on the display and graphics discussion board about that graphics card along with other postings other places about the problems the Nvidia GeForce 8-series had.
    The display problems I mention above would not happen immediately, it would happen as the computer warmed up and was used for 3-5 minutes.
    Anyway I brought my computer into Apple explained to them what I believed was the problem and the Apple Store technician agreed with me. Because I did not purchase AppleCare, it cost me $400 and a week without my iMac to have that card replaced.
    I got the computer back two weeks ago and everything seemed fine. It was working as it always had. I even was running SMC Fan Control in order to keep the computer as cool as I could (the Nvidia problem was related to overheating).
    But this morning, this is what I woke up to:
    The computer now has a semi-permanent pixilation when it starts up (as suppose to the pixilation 3-5 minutes into use). But more worrisome now is I cannot start up the computer without it going into a kernel panic. I tried resetting the PRAM, I tried starting in safe mode. The only thing I haven’t tried yet is booting from an external HD which I will try this evening (to hopefully isolate it if it’s hardware or a software problem).
    The Apple Hardware Test has been unhelpful. When it originally failed three weeks ago, the test showed nothing and this morning when I ran it (permanent pixilation and all), it showed nothing. I feel like if it was a software issue the pixilation would have disappeared during the hardware test because that’s not an OS-X based program.
    Here are my specs on this computer:
    2008 iMac 24" 2.8ghz Intel Core Duo, 4 gigs of RAM (Crucial Purchased, I have original sticks somewhere), 1 TB HD, Nvidia GeForce 8800GS.

    Hi, just to update you, I came home today and did a few things that didn't seem to solve my Mac's problems:
    - I booted up from my firewire "safe" drive that I keep a copy os x on to see if I had a corrupted hard drive or something. It booted into the kernel panic I described above.
    - I also swapped out the crucial RAM for Apple's factory RAM. It also booted into the Kernel Panic.
    In both incidents, the display issues didn't go away. Now instead of pixelization i have vertical bars running in a pattern across my screen.
    I'm currently trying to boot onto the OS X CD at this point to see if I could do a reinstall. It's taking quite awhile to boot into that.
    With that in mind, I think we're still having graphics card issues or more seriously some logic board problem.

  • Bizarre & Random Dashboards Display Issues/Errors

    I am on BI 4.1 SP04 and these dashboards were developed using an equivalent level on the client tool. (4.1 SP04)
    Sometimes we get very strange and often random display issues with our dashboards. I have attached screen shots for examples. Sometime we are missing data points from rendering on the charts, other times a line chart will extend into a bar chart.  Has anyone experienced this or have any idea what could cause this? It is very frustrating...
    Thanks for looking,
    Missing data points on yellow line, yet line rendering with proper data (other wise would have 0's in places, etc)
    Green line missing dot on last end point
    In this example there are no dots on the yellow line or green line
    In this example the blue line has turned into massive columns extending across the charts

    This patch should resolve the issue in the last screenshot. I still face the other issues after upgrading to SP3 Patch 4. The dots in line chart take some time to appear. Also, if we use dynamic visibility, the components taking considerable time to appear sometimes. I hope this will also be fixed in later patches. Please share your experience too after applying the patch.

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