Pixelation in slideshow?

I'm having issues with a Slideshow exported MP4 having pixelation even though I have manually created all the previews to no avail. I'm not sure what I can do.
The slideshow is of my son's Eagle Scout project and consists of 1250 or so pictures, 12 megapixel RAW that I have with a .1 sec gap (to create 10 fps video). I tried a few different things related to the rendering of the previews and nothing seemed to work. I'm thinking it might be because of the size of the files and that they are RAW, but I'm not sure. Has anyone had an issue like this and more importantly, how did you resolve it? I need to get this video together ASAP for him and this keeps tripping me up.

I've never figured out the exact reason for this, but I suspect it's because the standard-sized previews aren't built. Building them on import isn't enough if you edit them as thumbs in library, either by using QD or by copying and pasting settings from image to image.
Try selecting all time images for the slide show first, and then hitting render standard previews. See if that works reliably.

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    //Pixelating Image slideshow
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    //specify interval between slide (in mili seconds)
    var slidespeed=3000
    //specify images
    var slideimages=new Array("http://www.svbfcanada.com/SVBF/images/Navara2012.jpg","http://www.svbfcanada.com/SVBF/images/diwalidance.JPG","http://www.svbfcanada.com/SVBF/images/sivarathri.jpg","http://www.svbfcanada.com/SVBF/images/navarathri2011.JPG", "http://www.svbfcanada.com/SVBF/images/AbdulKalam.JPG","http://www.svbfcanada.com/SVBF/images/narasimhajayanti.JPG")
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                <strong><span class="style21"><u>            TEMPLE TIMINGS</u></span><BR/>
                  <span class="style22">WEEKDAYS</span></strong><br />
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                4.30 pm to 8.30 pm<br/>
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                8.30 am to 8.30 pm<br />
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                      <p align="center" class="style14" style="background: #CC3333; color: #FFFFFF; margin: 5px 0px 0px 0px; padding: 5px; border: solid #75614F; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px;"><u><strong>IMPORTANT DATES THIS MONTH</strong></u></p>
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                      05</strong> Papa Vimochana Ekadasi<br />
                       <strong>06 </strong>Pradosham<br />
                       <strong>10</strong> Vaisaka Masam Begins<br />
                      12</strong> Akshaya Truteya<br />
                      <strong>14</strong> Ramanuja Jayanthi<br />
                      <strong>15</strong> Shankara Jayanthi<br>
                       <strong>18</strong> Hanuman Chalisa<br />
                        <strong>21</strong> Mohini Ekadasi<br>
                        <strong>22</strong> Pradosham<br />
                        <strong>23</strong> Narasimha Jayanthi<br />
                        <strong>24</strong> Sathyanarayana Pooja<br />
                        <strong>27 </strong>Sankatahara Chaturthi</p>
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              return string.split(' ').join('');
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    This will happen if you mistakenly save a Child page as a Template.dwt and overwrite your original Template file. Do you have a backup of your original Template stored some place safe?
    In the future, when you have questions related to Dreamweaver, use the Dreamweaver Forum. You'll get better, quicker answers there.
    Nancy O.

  • Is there a way to reduce the pixel size of multiple photos in a slideshow?

    I have a Windows 7 computer and use Photoshop Elements 9 and Premiere Elements 9.  I recently completed a slideshow that contains about 360 photos, many or all of which exceed the maximum size of 1000 x 750 pixels.  Is there any way that I can easily reduce the pixel size of each of the photos?  If upgrading to the most recent versions of Photoshop Elements and Premiere Elements would help me accomplish this I would be willing to do this.  Thanks very much in advance for any advice or suggestions.

    You can batch process your images to re-size them in the editor using the menu:
    File >> Process Multiple Files
    Place your chosen photos in a separate folder and then choose a separate destination folder; so as not to overwrite the originals.

  • Why are my (still) photos pixellated when I make a slideshow in iDVD?

    I have made a slideshow of (jpeg) photographic images to play on a DVD (via a TV set). However, they now seem to be playing as pixellated photos, both on my laptop and on the tv screen... it seems to have degraded the images

    DVD are presently low resolution devices - NTSC is less than 640x490 pixels and your PAL discs are less than 768x576 pixels - probably 8 to 10 times lower resolution than your original digital images.
    See Preparing images for DVD slideshows at http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?path=iDVD/6.0/en/17.html for suggestions on the still image resolution to use.
    By the way, did you bring the images directly into iDVD or were they exported from iPhoto?

  • SOS - pic quality sharp thru slideshow transition, then "settles" pixel-y

    Hi, Desperate for immediate help b/c the slideshow I made has to be played later today at a memorial service. Also not sure whether or not I should post in iMovie or iDVD, but starting here.
    Created a slideshow, 115 images, cross dissolve transition (so I could "bulk" add the transition), 4 audio clips, and photoshop-created title and ending slides. I could SWEAR the first time I watched the slideshow WITHOUT transitions, every picture looked normal.
    Now when I watch the final product, I can see the new pic transition in and at the last second, when the picture is its sharpest, it's like it loses focus slightly and becomes pixel-y.
    Then just before it transitions out, it gets crisp again.
    Sound familiar to anyone? Any fixes?

    Please rephrase. I'm not smart enough to get it.
    If I do a SlideShow in iMovie HD 6 - Then I don't Use the Share to iDVD function from
    within iMovie. To me it's been harmfull in two ways
    • Resulting DVD is severely pixelated
    • Original in iMovie get's it's photos harmed = needs to be re-imported and re-built
    I do when done in iMovie. Close it [cmd-Q]
    Open iDVD and import the movie project.
    This will force iDVD to do the rendering and so much better.
    Else I use FotoMagico to do Slide Shows (incl in Roxio Toast™ 10 pro bundle)
    Yours Bengt W

  • Preview slideshow pixelated

    I've just upgraded from Snow Leopard to Mountain Lion, and I'm trying to figure out how to recover proper image scaling during slideshows. When the option to scale images to fit the entire screen was selected in Snow Leopard, the images were well scaled (using some kind of interpolation), and looked fairly smooth. In Mountain Lion they are horrible - no interpolation, badly pixelated. Is there any way to recover the good behavior from Snow Leopard?
    To be clear, I'm not trying to rescale images permanently or one-by-one. I just want the temporary rescaling during a slideshow that Snow Leopard provided.

    I'd also settle for another program that can do the same thing. I've thus far tried ViewIt, Xee, and Phoenix Slides, and they all have the same pixelation problem. (I can understand that - putting in good interpolation takes effort. What I don't understand is that Apple had good interpolation, and took it out.) Lyn does the interpolation fine, but has way too many other features - I just want a very simple slideshow.

  • Please Help - Reducing pixel density on existing slideshows so that Premier Elements does not crash

    I have been having trouble creating a DVD using a combination of PSE 6.0 and Premier Elements 4.0. I have created several slideshows in PSE, and was combining them in PE 4.0. I was having trouble as I added slideshows, and read the following that indicates my problem is sending overly dense files to Premier Elements (http://www.adobeforums.com/webx/.3bb8822c).
    So now, I need to change the pixel width of all of the photos and get them back into the slideshows. I can't find an efficient way to do this. Any help would be appreciated.
    * Slideshows appear to take the top Version of a file. This is a nice new feature (from 4.0)
    * I can process multiple files in the editor, but I can't save them back into the version set (if you know how, please tell me!)
    * I found a (slightly cumbersome) way to save the new files back in a stack with the original photos. BUT Slideshow does not appear to use the top file in a stack (only top version)
    SO... Any way to modify all the photos, and have them get back into each slideshow as I created it originally (without having the go through each slideshow, and add the new photo, and remove the old, and set the timing and the transitions...
    Please help!!

    Eitehr your Windows installer is damaged or you run without sufficient user privileges. Run Windows Update to repair the installer and make sure to run as admin. also turn off any security stuff temporarily.

  • Why are slideshow photos pixelated in burned DVD?

    My photos in iPhoto are great but when I add them to my iDVD project, burn the DVD, then view on my DVD player/TV or on my iMac computer they are "pixelated" (edges are rough). Does it have to do with the size I use on my digital camera? Is it something I can resolve before I burn the DVD?
    iMac G4   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Okay I will give you the figures for what I think you asked....project duration=51:46, encoder setting=best Perform. & I checked enable background encoding. The whole folder is 9.09GB and that folder has 5 items in it which are listed below. This is my 4th project so I don't really know my way around totally but every time I put one together I am learning something new. These projects have half video & half digital camera stills & music with the slideshow.
    Shared Movies
    OR coast or bust.mov
    OR coast or bust
    Audio Waveforms
    iMac G4 Mac OS X (10.3.9) iLife '04

  • Slideshow DVD & Export: Pixels Wrong Proportion

    I have created a slideshow in iPhoto 5.0 with the format set to 4:3 iDVD, TV; Ken Burns effect enabled. The presentation plays flawlessly on the Powerbook (1.5ghz, OS 10.4).
    When I export the slideshow as a Quicktime movie at 720x480, or send the slideshow to iDVD, upon generating the new media file (.mov) that is bound for DVD, iPhoto treats the .mov as ordinary square pixel material, and does not convert the square pixels of the slideshow's still images into the rectangular pixels of the digital video standard. The result is that slideshows sent to iDVD or exported to 720x480 Quicktime for subsequent authoring in DVDSP appear to be squeezed horizontally when the DVD is played.
    You can confirm the problem by opening the .mov file created by iPhoto during "Send to iDVD." When opened directly with the Quicktime player and viewed at 720x480, if properly prepared that file should appear elongated/stretched horizontally (as all 4:3 DV material normally does when viewed as square pixels), so that it will appear in correct proportion when displayed as rectangular pixels per the DV/DVD spec for 4:3 material on televisions or software DVD players.
    Incorrect preparation of the .mov file by iPhoto is a major problem. Apple needs to fix this, so that photos displayed on DVDs created via iPhoto's Slideshow function will not be distorted when the DVDs are played.
    If you've never noticed this, please review your 4:3 slideshow DVDs and verify that all of the images are squeezed!

    Thank you for pointing out that iPhoto 5.0.4 has resolved the problem of improperly-proportioned slideshow images when "sending to iDVD." I implemented the 5.0.4 update and the images now appear correct when viewed in iDVD.
    However, even with 5.0.4, choosing "export" of a large size .mov (720x480) still yields an unadjusted square-pixel file, which will result in squeezed images if used as source material for a DVD (in DVDSP, for example). Apple should correct the export of 720x480 files, also.
    It seems as though Apple software engineers have provided the ability to output the 720x480 file size, but they fail to appreciate that the specific 720x480 size nearly always will be used in digital video editing, or as source material for a DVD, neither of which utilize square pixels. There is virtually no use for 720x480 exports of iDVD slideshows, unless the pixel aspect ratio conforms to the DV and DVD standard.
    At present, if you want to generate slideshows in iPhoto with the automatic Ken Burns effect enabled, but include them on DVDs authored in DVDSP, a workaround is to "send to iDVD", which builds a 720x540 file; then use Compressor to create the 720x480 .m2v file for the DVD. You will lose more image resolution during that process than if iPhoto directly produced the 720x480 size with the proper pixel specs.

  • Pixel dimensions on a slideshow burned with iDVD

    I used iPhoto to create a slideshow that I want to burn to DVD. I did nothing in iPhoto to adjust the pixel dimensions of my images; and they look great when viewed in iPhoto. When I used iDVD to burn the slideshow to a DVD, then viewed the slideshow from the DVD my images look flat and fuzzy compared to the same images viewed in iPhoto. My question is how come?
    Do I need to change a pixel-dimension setting or something in iDVD to get the same image quality as I have in iPhoto?
    This is the first time I've tried burning a slideshow to a DVD.

    we hear this often on iDvd forums. It's because DVD's are low resolution devices essentially. Images ultimately wind up being about a third of a megapixel or 640x480 when compressed to fit on to DVD-R.
    The only way to get significantly better image quality is to use Blueray or HD Burners but as of yet most macs simply do not support this latest technology.
    In the meantime you may want to consider using an app like:

  • My slideshows and menus look pixelated after I burn a DVD in DVD Studio Pro

    Hello to all! I'm new to DVD Studio Pro and this posting. I have finally finished setting up my DVD, and it looks great in DVD Studio Pro. However, whenever I burn a final copy, the menus and every picture in my slideshow looks pixelated and crunchy. I'm pretty sure I have all my settings right, I had help setting up my project by a guy who creates films and promotional shorts in DVDSP all the time. The pictures/menus are jpgs (original size is something like 1800 pixels, 180 dpi). I have tried saving them smaller (720x543) then importing them. I have tried saving them as tiffs and importing them. I have tried saving them smaller AND saving as tiffs and importing them. I have tried different media types. I have gone into "menu" under DVDSP Prefs, and changed the Final Rendering from "hardware based" to "software based". Nothing works. I don't know what else to do. I just feel like DVDSP is "compressing" the crap out of these things for no reason at some point, and I can't figure this out. They do look lovely in the simulator though, it's only when I play back the burned DVD that it looks terrible. Am I overlooking something very simple? Please help! I really appreciate any thoughts people have on this.

    Hi JenRem, another idea you may consider is to export your content prior to DVDSP3 workflow as follows:
    • set destination resolutions for your DVD as 576x720 (PAL) or the non pal version (480 x 720) and
    • export ain APPLE ANIMATION CODEC (this is the thing that may fix you issue maybe).
    I base this suggestion on some experiences in 2005-2006 when making a DVD title from micr$oft's powerpoint .app. I just wanted animation (transitions) slides in a DVD for mat with an audio track and "stop on chapter".
    I feel the same these days with a workflow using KEYNOTE.app - just export the QT in APPLE ANIMATION CODEC at the correct res for the DVD SP3 input.
    I can't account for the look of your menus though.. perhaps another unrelated issue.
    I noticed that exporting as a QT movie looked ok until I noticed dreadful compression artifacts in the final M2V after the DVD was encoded.
    Additionally, I noticed somilatr issues when using content created by MOTION.APP into a DVD SP3 workflow when letting DVD SP3 do BACKGRAOUND or BIULD encoding.
    SO.. simpe rule for me is to always use APPLe's ANIMATION CODEC as the input source for any CGA type stuff.
    Naturally the objects are rather large when using the ANIMATION CODEC so just delete these transient objects when your work in comlete. You can always create them again as you know.
    varies to taste I image but always works for me.
    worth a try!
    Hong Kong

  • Pixelation / digital squares on images in Slideshow

    Quite often in Slideshow in LR I get images which are not properly processed by Lightroom, that is to say that it's as tho' my machine can't process the image and display it properly -- the images are a montage of the original in large (2 or 3 millimetre) digital squares. Any idea why? (I have a decent machine (MacBook Pro with 2GB of RAM running nothing else and with acres of storage on tap)).

    I've never figured out the exact reason for this, but I suspect it's because the standard-sized previews aren't built. Building them on import isn't enough if you edit them as thumbs in library, either by using QD or by copying and pasting settings from image to image.
    Try selecting all time images for the slide show first, and then hitting render standard previews. See if that works reliably.

  • Photos pixelating in iMovie slideshow

    I am making an iMovie11 DVD with short video clips in the beginning and later it switches to photos on one-second flashing without transitions and with music in the background. Trouble is though, about half of the photos, even though they are hi-res, originals, pixelate like they are low-res. All photos were shot with the same Sony 828 and are roughly three megs each. When viewed individually, through iPhoto, they look great.
    Any idea on what is happening or a cure?

    That's absolutely right, the size of the incoming file not matter what it is will be crunched down to fit on the standard DVD-R size of 4.7GBytes. With video however it's dependend on the 'runtime' of the material. You cannot go over 120 minutes total including the menus and animated screens that appear at the beggining of some iDVD themes (those animations take up disk space). It's always a case of making a compromise to fit things onto that fixed sized disk.

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