Plan versions Authorisations in Controlling

Hy !!!
How can I gave authorisations on plan version 1 for Cost Center Planning, if we have 16 versions of plan (0-15) ?
Wich is the Object of Authorisation that I need in this case?
The reason is that: the users with Role of Cost Planning should have access at planning transactions only for version 1.
Thank's a lot !!!

Dear Daniel,
The authorization object is K_KA09_KVS.
If You search for SAP notes You should find enough additional information for this.
There is an additional field to be maintained in transaction OKEV->if You have
the overview screen with all version scroll this screen to the right and check the
F1-help on field "Authorization Group".
Greetings, Florian

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    Is it possible to copy the Planned versions in controlling without Operating Concern objects? if Yes, what is the impact? If No please expline the process.
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    There will be no impact on Operating concern. Copying plan version is maintain for cost object i.e cost center, Internal orders, PA Segment. We cannot copy from one cost object to another cost object, It is with in the cost object and also period wise.It is purly comparison from one period to another to control cost.

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    You need to use one of the enhancements that Do-Wook has suggested.  There is no standard SAP way to suppress the inspection based on the vendor batch number.
    With the first enhancement you use the system to check for a previously received vendor batch and if one is found, then that batch number is proposed and not the next one from the numbering series.  In this case, the lot isn't created than due to the inspection lot control of the inspection type.
    With the second enhancement you check the vendor batch number and if it's been received you suppress the inspection lot creation and the stock goes right to unrestricted.
    You'll probably need to do one or the other.  Myself, I prefer the first enhancement.

  • SAP - Cost Center Planning - Version 1

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    Recently we have started to use the cost center planning through KP16 under plan version -1
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    No plan cost line items recorded.
    Message no. KB419
    No planned costs line items are written to controlling area DXES in version 1 of fiscal year 2009.
    System Response
    The report cannot be executed.
    Check your selection criteria or activate the line item update function.
    The line item update function is controlled depending on the application:
    Cost center planning
    Here you can define the update for each version and fiscal year. You can maintain the corresponding indicator (integrated planning) in the version maintenance (settings for the fiscal year).
    This indicator you can either
    set manually when creating a version or
    set later via the menu sequence "Planning -> Planning aids -> Integration active".

    The impact is that the planning is stored also as line items and the planning is integrated between the CO-PCA components. In SAP words:
    - All available plan records for controlling area/version/fiscal year are posted as line items. The R/3 System posts these line items to the AC interface.
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  • Plan Version - FI/CO

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    Actual version is zero. The plan version is mapped to
    actual in config. there is only one actual version. You can have many plan versions. This allows companies to be flexible to change the plans as needed. Your reports can then be set up to run against the plan version you designate. Version 1 maybe set up a the start of the year. Version 2 could be set up later based on new information. Here's some documentation on version in the IMG for FI.
    POINTS ASSIGNED are appreciated
    The same concept holds true in CO but the plans are entered independently.
    Define Plan Versions
    You can define plan versions in this activity. You have the option of posting planning data from each fiscal year to an unlimited number of versions.
    You can define several versions of your annual budget plan and base each version on different conditions. You can also create several versions for your financial reports, whereby each report is based on different sales revenue.
    1. To create a new plan version, choose New entries. You can also change an existing plan version.
    2. Enter 0 in the column Ld (Ledger). This is the general ledger, and is the only ledger in G/L Accounting where planning can be undertaken.
    3. Enter the key for your new version in the Ver column.
    4. Specify how the planning data is to be posted:
    a) If you want to plan data manually for the specified combination of ledger and version, select Man. plan.
    b) If you want to transfer the data from the Overhead Cost Controlling (CO-OM) or Profitability Analysis (CO-PA) component for the specified combination of ledger and version, select Plan Integ.
    5. Enter a name for the plan version.
    6. Save your plan version.

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    Thanks for the help,

    Hi Eric,
    I think it is not possible to lock the plan version but work around might be to create two separate authorisation roles. One with PLOG authorisation objects to your plan version with all relevant change function codes INSE, DEL, AEND etc and then another role with only DISP and LISD for the same plan version. When the plan version should be locked role to change could be removed and display role assigned.
    Maybe bit more maintenance than just flicking a switch but should work if there is no other solution.

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    Thanks in advance.
    Best regards.

    Hi Judit,
    Customizing: Controlling / general controlling / organizaion / maintain versions:
    Choose the version you want to work with, tick "controlling area settings" and in the rigth screen, scroll to the right until you view the field "AUGR".
    Read F1-help for this field and contact the authorization responsible to go on with that.
    best regards, Christian

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    Ash K

    go to maintain versions  in General Controlling and then go to controlling area settings & setting for each fiscal year.
    ramesh b

  • Planned cost/target cost/control cost

    Dear Expets,
    Ps guide me on the below.
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    your response will be highly appreciated.
    Raman Rana
    Moderator: Please, avoid asking basic questions

    Dear Raman,
    planned costs:
    The costs anticipated for a particular undertaking (such as an order).
    Target costs:
    The costs expected to be incurred when a specific quantity is produced.
    In Cost Object Controlling, the target costs are calculated on the basis of the planned values of a service unit (such as the planned cost of a production order) and the control quantities (such as the yield delivered to stock).
    Target costs can be used for purposes such as:
    u2022     To determine variances
    u2022     To valuate work in process
    u2022     To valuate unplanned scrap 
    Control costs:
    The costs that are compared against the target costs when the variances are calculated.
    In Overhead Cost Controlling (CO-OM), the control costs are always the actual costs.
    In Cost Object Controlling (CO-PC-OBJ), the control costs are either the actual costs less the work in process and scrap or the cost calculated in the preliminary cost estimate for the order, depending on the target cost version.
    br, Guido

  • Tcode KEFC and message:"Plan version is not supported"

    Hello all,
    Please is someone aware of solution for this situation:
    - I upload with tcode KEFC forecast datas from excel file in CO-PA
    - receiver records are created with errors
    - when I check for the errors system tells me that "Plan version is not supported, diagnosis : Plan version "0" has not been created in operating concern "1000", Procedure: Transfer version "0" to operating concern "1000" and maintain the attrributes for that version"
    - my concern is that when I check in customizing Planning, Initial Step: display view settings in operating concern details the version "0" is existingin the operati,ng concern "1000"
    So do you have a solution for this issue?
    Thanks and best regards

    Hi Sudhakar,
    Thanks for answer but version "0" is tickled for Plan Actual, WIP and variance and I don't understand what to do about KEPM.
    Best regards

  • Diff: Version on workflow builder and Maintain Active Plan version on SWU3

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    Thanks in advance !
    Richard A

    Dear Richard Antony,
    The Versioning in the Workflow is very important its some what simmilar to the version on any SAP Objets like Tables, Program etc.
    Here Suppose any change comes in working workflow, then in stead of directly change them you can create a version of them and them modify it. So that you can reverst back to that version if required.
    Like wise there is lots of importance of versioning Workflow.
    The Active Plan version is also important to establish at SWU3. As all the Workflow is using Organization management which is very depended on the Active Plan version. so based on which Plan version you want to use you can Provide in SWU3 to tell Workflow system to use this.
    Hope this will give you a clear picture.

  • "Open in Smart View" option. Hyperion Planning version

    Failure to download planning form to Smart View using the "Open in Smart View" option. Hyperion Planning version Error message "Web launch operation has been cancelled.
    Your feedback is appreciated.

    I understand you are on
    However, this is documented in the Known Issues section of the Smart View readme and could be worth a try: 
    When you try to open a Planning web form in Smart View through Workspace, you may get this error: “Web launch operation has been cancelled.” This happens if Essbase has not been added as a server in Shared Connections. Workaround: Open the Smart View Panel in Smart View and add an Essbase server as described in the online help or "Adding Essbase Servers" in chapter 2 of the Smart View User's Guide. 

  • Actual and Plan Versions annual view - Multiple versions per company code

    Good Day,
    Iu2019m creating an FI-CO query with an annual view of both Actuals and Plan Values, which uses period and version as input values. The dilemma is around the plan versions which are hardcoded per company codes (eg. 1 Company Code = versions 501 u2013 512)
    Can anyone suggest a possible solutions as normally there is only one version used for planning but in this instance there are multiple versions per Company Code.
    Currently the report is hardcoded for one Company Code and going forward it should cater for more than one(Company Company* 12 Version)
    Kind Regards

    Remove restriction on comp code. There could be 2 models.
    1. Include comp code, value type and version in the rows. This way you get multiple records for a comp code. One record for actual data and one record each for plan versions. To have this model at the query, the data model in the cube also should be in this way (what we call as the account model), multiple records differentiated into actual/plan by valuetype and different versions by version.
    2. Include comp code in rows. Create selections, one for actuals (restrict with key fig and value type 10, actuals), one for each plan versions (restrict key fig with value type 20, version 501. Create one selection for each version this way). This way we have one record per comp code with diff key fig for actual and plan versions. We call this as key fig model. To have this model at the query, the data model in the cube could be account model or key fig model. If it is key fig model then no need of selections. The key fig could be taken directly from the cube.

  • Error While Deleting Planning Version

    Hello to all!
    We have problem with deleting planning versions:
    1. When i try to delete planning version, i recieve ABAP Dump with CONNE_IMPORT_WRONG_OBJECT_TYPE so i can't delete any planning versions in my system
    2.Then when i try to access properties of plannining version appers the message that liveCache is not avaliable
    3. In addition when i try to delete whole model it deletes it but when i refresh the screen i see model which i have already deleted
    Please help me to solve this problems.
    Thanks in advance!!

    Hello Brian!
    Look through  this note
    You should delete variant in transaction SE38 (but i dont remember what variant (but this is one of the variant in this note) exactly you should delete so try it yourself.)
    Also it maybe useful to look through this note

  • Error during creation of  Planning Version in SAP - ICH

    Hi All,
    I'm working on SAP-ICH, in that i tried to create planning version after creating the planning model but the system is giving information " General error in model/planning version management " . Could you please tell me the reason why this is happening and how to rectify the problem.
    Thanking U all in advance.
    Yashu Vyas.

    Hi Vashu
      My name is Vinod Tiwari.I am a SAP Technical Consultant with 4 years of exp in ABAP.Now i have a interest in SCM ICH 5.0.Could you pls guide me whats the way to start learning this.
    Mo mobile no is +919899119182.
    u can mail me ur valuable suggestion on my mailid [email protected]
    Waiting for your reply.
    Thanks and Regards
    Vinod Tiwari

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