Playback Problems - Repeate Playlist

Im having a problem playing my music. I put the playlist on Repeate All. I have 95 songs on the list. They play fine untill the playlist completes all songs. It seems when it goes back to the begining to replay the list, it starts playing all garbled and static like. It only does this with a long playlist and hours of play. It starts to play fine again when i completely stop the playback and restart it.
Basically, I turn the playlist on and set Repeate All before i goto bed around 11pm. Then come 5am, its playing cruddy. I have to get up and stop it, then start again.
any ideas?
PS. iTunes, All Drivers, and Windows XP Pro is all up-to-date. I checked that a few days ago.

iTunes doesn't bow to anyone named Lord, that's your prob.
No, all jokes aside, I never heard of that. My iTunes is lively, sounds like yours is messed.
Do a start > control panel > add/remove and repair iTunes.

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    This is the same way you can shuffle normal playlists as well...
    On your iPod go to settings-->shuffle and set it to songs.
    Now go back to the main menu and go to music-->playlists and find your playlist. Once the name of the playlist is highlighted just hit play!

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    Go step by step and test.
    1. System Preferences > Other/ Flash Player > Advanced >  Delete  All
         Press the "Delete All" button
         Install Adobe Flash Player.
        Follow the prompts.
        Quit Safari.
        Restart computer. Relaunch Safari.
    2.  Allow  Plug-ins
        Safari > Preferences > Security
        Internet Plug-ins >  "Allow  plug-ins"
        Enable it.
        Press " Manage Website Settings" button for more options.

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    In the meantime, the work-around for affected users is to migrate back to AIR 3.4.  The following link provides instructions for determining the version of AIR currently installed on your machine.  If you believe you may be experiencing a video playback problem caused by migrating to AIR 3.5, your video service should be able to tell you whether they believe going back to AIR 3.4 or earlier will resolve the problem.  If instructed to do so, the following steps here can help you uninstall your current version and locate and install a specific AIR version for installation on your Windows or Mac PC.
    Please feel free to report your issue or reproducible steps here and we will alert you once a fix has been put in place.  We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your continued support.

    Please note that I have followed the BBC's instructions to uninstall Air v3.5 and iPlayer Desktop and then install Air v3.4 and iPlayer Desktop, but contrary to what they and you say, this has made no difference - iPlayer still can't download programmes to iPlayer Desktop and it still can't find the programmes I had previously downloaded. I surmise that maybe uninstalling wasn't enough and that some fault remains that still prevents the programme from working. I am not an IT expert, so I would need more comprehensive instructions to fix this.
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    I have an Acer 5745PG with Windows 7, Intel Core i3-350M, NVIDIA GeForce 310M and I use Firefox.
    Don't you guys beta test stuff?

  • IOS Music Player MP3 Gapless Playback Problem

    I've been having this gapless playback issue on iOS now for the past few years, since at least iOS 6 if I can remember correctly. The number one reason I use an iPhone and iOS devices is for gapless playback in the iOS music player. For the last few years I've  been experiencing a bug with the stock iOS music player on my iPhone 4S using iOS 6 and on my iPhone 5 using iOS 6 & 7, and currently on my new iPhone 6 running iOS 8.1.2. This only happens on my iPhones and using iOS, this bug is not found when I use my iPod classic or when playing the same albums through iTunes.
    I thought it might have been spotted by other iOS users and fixed in iOS 7.1 or at least the current version of iOS 8, but instead it's gotten worse, albums that used to play smoothly between transitions now suddenly pause and jump for a split second when changing from track to track.
    What's happening is, I listen to a lot of albums that are continuously DJ mixed and play straight through without any pauses between tracks, and I've been experiencing problems a lot now with random split second pauses between tracks and choppy transitions. These albums in question have been ripped from cd using the latest versions of iTunes.
    For example,
    I'd be listening to an album and it would play gapless and smooth for most of the album, but maybe one or two transitions on the album would have a split second pause between them, and the rest of the album would play perfectly with no pauses, skips or jumps at all.
    This only happens on my iPhone, as I have a 160gb iPod classic and I've listened to all the same albums on it and never has a problem playing the album without any pauses, every album plays 100% smooth and gapless on it.
    I mailed Apple about it through their feedback page on their site...
    Hoping that they would take note of this and try and look into it and fix the issue. That was probably about a year ago now, never got fixed or got any confirmation back from them about this problem. Then last August, I'd had enough and contacted Apple support to notify them about this issue. They told me the usual story, "have you tried restoring the phone?", which I obliged and did. The problem was there on a freshly restored iPhone 5.
    So they told me that they would put me in touch with someone higher in Apple to take the case further, "great" I thought.
    I spoke with a senior care advisor and explained the problem and agreed to send detailed explanations of the issue and test files too so that they could hopefully hear what I was talking about. But after a few weeks of going back and forward, I finally got them to hear the issue with the random pauses, the first week they denied there was a problem and said the files played ok on their test iOS devices, so I myself tried the files on another iOS device and the same problem was there.
    The last correspondence I had with the Apple care advisor was back in the end of August / start of  September, and she told me that they spotted the issue and was told by the tech's that it would be fixed in a future update, I never got a when this would happen, I was just told to make sure my iOS device was up to date with the latest version of iOS. I couldn't speak to an actual technician, got no follow up support, just a vague "We'll look into it." Case Closed.
    I got so sick of this problem that I sold my iPhone and iPad just after this last phone call with the Apple people, and switched over to Android. I'd being reading up on gapless playback music players and found out that there's a good few available for Android devices. I got myself a Sony Xperia Z3 Compact, twice as powerful as the iPhone 6 and half the price. I was using that for the last few months, and playing my music through Neutron Music Player app which is a great music player which plays gapless 100%
    But I couldn't really take to Android OS, seeing as I've been using Apple products for around 10 years now and iOS since the iPhone 3G. So I decided to contact Apple again and see if they'd fixed the music player issue in iOS yet.
    I wrote a long email explaining the problem, how it wasn't really looked at properly, and how I was a long time Apple customer and had to resort to switching over to Android because the basic music player functions on iOS devices have bugs. I took a chance in mailing this to Tim Cook's offices, I knew he wouldn't reply personally, just thought that it might get read by someone in his offices with a bit more say in the matter.
    Just before Xmas, I got a call from someone from executive relations from my local Apple offices about this. He seemed nice and was aware of the problem from reading back through my emails and previous case notes from August when I opened this case originally.
    We had a talk and he said he would get one of the tech's to call me too about this so that I could explain the bugs to someone more knowledgeable about iOS.
    A few days later I received a call from one of the tech's at Apple and was chatting to him, explaining the problem. His response was that he thinks Apple doesn't support gapless playback on current iOS devices. From looking at the gapless playback information page on the Apple support site below, it looks like it hasn't been updated to show any iPhone models after the iPhone 3GS...
    I was trying to explain to him how ridiculous this sounded, why would Apple stop supporting basic functions on their music player on iOS devices? It makes no sense at all? You can see that the amount of hardware devices and software that supports gapless playback today...
    He couldn't explain either, he just said that because it's not listed there on the Apple support page.
    Then the next day I got the follow up call from the Apple executive relations guy, he was stating that he was speaking to the tech guy that called me and it looks like Apple doesn't support gapless playback anymore, from looking at the documentation on site.
    I told him how stupid this was, and how lots of music players have gapless playback as standard today. And if they don't support it now, then why does it play through some parts of the albums on iOS ok and then just randomly pause, or have jumpy / choppy transitions on the rest of the album. If it was the case, no albums would play gaplessly at all, it would be like when the first ever iPod's were released back in the day with no gapless playback and would pause for a split second between every transition.
    He couldn't give me an answer and said that maybe down the line they would start supporting it again, and that I should request the feature to be added to future iOS versions via the iPhone feedback page...
    He just kept on emphasising that it was "NOT A BUG OR ISSUE", trying to cover up the problem because the info on the site wasn't updated to show the current iOS devices. Which in itself is wrong, looking at the page it says "Supported iPod and iPhone models (make sure you have the latest iPod or iPhone software)"
    iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS only go up to iOS 6, so that contradicts itself when the latest version is iOS 8.
    The info is out of date and needs to be updated. So in August I was told, "we found the issue and will look into it" and a few months later, "it's not an issue", what's a cop out.
    I was annoyed and taken back by this response, and really found it hard to believe that this was the case, Apple stopping supporting their music player on iOS devices. Seeing as iTunes plays everything smoothly and no gapless issues. I just went out and bought an iPhone 6 for €900 / $1060, and for that money you'd expect it's basic music player to work. It's total BS to think that a top computer software / hardware company would just decide to abandon basic functions in their devices, especially when we are talking about how much Apple takes pride in their products and how much more they charge for them over their competitors.
    So this is my next step to try and get this problem seen and out in the open more. The more people who know about it and are aware of the issue, the better.
    Hopefully more people can get the word around and get this noticed by Apple and finally fixed.
    I've uploaded some test files below to show the problem. The files are mp3's and aac, and have been ripped from cd using the latest version of iTunes. The mp3's are the ones with the issue, but the aac play with no problem. If you listen to the transition at the end of track 2 (2-02 Colours (JH Re-Edit)) going into the start of track 3 (2-03 Your Body), you will notice the split second pause / jump. But listen to the aac version and compare it to the mp3 version and you will hear that it plays back fine, just as it's supposed to. Try them in iTunes too and both versions playback fine, no jumps or pauses.
    You can download them here, all links have the same files, I just uploaded them to different hosts for other people's choosing...
    More files can be provided if needed to show the problem happening on various other albums.
    I really hope that people can spot this issue too and help get this fixed, I know this gapless playback feature might not be important to some people, but like I said at the start, it's an essential function for me in a music player and I use it on a daily basis when I listen to music.
    Thanks for reading this long rant of mine, appreciate it.

    I believe this issue occurs only between songs that iTunes has converted to a lower bitrate for you during transfer to your iOS device and songs that it has not done this for. Take this Between the Buried and Me album, for instance. I have marked all of the transitions that should have been gapless but probably aren't in red. I know for sure that most of these marked transitions are indeed broken and that the most of the transitions not marked in red work flawlessly... I honestly can't remember whether or not some of these transitions were gapless or not, but the many transitions I do remember working or not working match up exactly with whether or not the songs on either side of the transition were also on other sides of the 256kbps threshold, the threshold at which I enabled iTunes to convert tracks to 256kbps AAC.
    I'm going to try re-sync'ing my library with that "feature" disabled and see if it fixes my gapless playback problem. Will post the results once I test it out.

  • Firefox 4 is freezing on GMail tab at frequent intervals on Windows 7, resulting in a message "Program not responding". Remains open but becomes unresponsive for a fill minutes or seconds. And problem repeat, repeat...

    Firefox 4 is freezing on GMail tab at frequent intervals on Windows 7, resulting in a message "Program not responding".
    Remains open but becomes unresponsive for a fill minutes or seconds. And problem repeat, repeat...

    Check this out; free malware scanner for Mac OS X

  • Playback problem - video playback stops; any suggestions?

    I have distributed about 20 copies of a DVD I made using iMovie and iDVD v4.x - and about 5 of the discs are reported to freeze during playback. Because not all of the 20 discs have been viewed, it's possible the percentage of discs with playback problems may be even higher. No two discs are freezing at the same spot, or even in the same movie (there are 3 short movies on the disc).
    I got no errors during burning, but I did not 'verify' each disc after burning, either. I did play back my 'master' disc on my home DVD player to make sure it was OK before using it to create a disk image - which I used to burn all the other discs.
    Some of the discs I burned from the disk image using Toast Titanium 6.1.1, until I discovered Apple's Disk Utility was actually a little faster. No way to tell now if the 'bad' discs are all from the same burn software. Though both Toast and DU gave me an option to burn faster than the rated speed, I used the rated burn speed of 8x, and I did not do anything else on the Mac while burning the discs.
    My first thought was bad media. I used both Memorex and Sony DVD-R media (Taiwan) - there is no easy way to for me to find out if all the 'bad' disks are one brand or the other - but hopefully these brands do not have a 20% rate of defective discs.
    My second thought was format-player incompatibilities (-R vs +R), but replacement discs, using the same media on my end, solved the problem for most people (one person's replacement disc froze, but at a different spot than the first one).
    My final guess - I wonder if the playback problems might have something to do with the stick on labels I used? These are a Memorex brand product called "CD&DVD" labels, but the fine print on the back says: "Warning: Using a Standard or Full-Face label on DVDs may result in the disc becoming unreadable."
    Any solutions?
    Quicksilver G4, 867 Mhz   Mac OS X (10.4)   Pioneer DVR-108 (not OEM), firmware 1.20, PatchBurn profile

    I just wanted to add my 2 cents. I haven't been on this forum for months. I've been happily making DVDs in batches of 10 -50 to distribute. I've been making them in my emac. Occassionally I'd get ones that wouldn't play in a client's player. The solution was to send a replacement. Usually that worked. Often I'd send a replacement that wouldn't play in one client's player but found that the disk would play in another client's player. The worst case was when the ist three DVDs I sent to one person wouldn't play, but the fourth did. But most of the time, the second one I'd send worked fine (All of these were made in the same batch from the same media (usually Fuji or Verbatim).
    Recently I started getting lots more than usual complaints about problem DVDs. I checked out a bunch of them by actually playing them on both my computer, and a stand alone Cyberhome player. They were all made from a particular batch of Fuji media. Now I've previously burned hundreds of playable DVDs made from Fuji media, so I imagine it is just a fluke. (I hope) Some of them would play perfectly all the way to the last 5 minutes of an hour long presentation, and then start stuttering. Some begin stuttering in the middle. Several wouldn't even start up in my cyberhome player. Most of them would end up freezing at some point during the stuttering. The stuttering was never at the same exact place on any of the DVDs.
    As an aside, I discovered something that I didn't know was possible. When a DVD froze in my cyberhome player at the menu stage, I'd push the eject button, remove the DVD, and the menu frame was still visible unchanged on the TV until I turned off the player or put another DVD in! I guess there must be some sort of cache in the player that stores the image. Very interesting. I've never seen that with a normally functioning DVD.
    I also played each defective DVD in my computer to compare. One or two managed to play all of the way through on the computer, but most exhibited similar misbehavior on my emac. I'd say that, in general though, they all played a bit better on my computer.
    Then it occured to me that there was another possible explanation. I was burning these from a disk image file that I had stored on an external HD. Whenever I needed a new batch of DVDs I would copy the disk image file back onto my emac from the external drive, and use disk utility to burn the disks. What if the disk image was corrupted? That might explain the problems.
    Another thought that occured to me was the perhaps the process of burning a dozen or more DVDs in a row might cause a heat buildup in the burner and affect the burning in some way.
    So I retrieved a good DVD made in an earlier batch of Fuji, made a new disk image of it, and left the image on the computer and didn't transfer it back to the external drive (on TDK media, because that's all I had sitting around), played the copy back on both my computer and Cyberhome player to make sure it worked perfectly. I then generated another dozen copies.
    You may wonder how I had enough time to do all this. I'd just put a DVD in the player or my emac and listen to it while doing my ordinary office work. If I heard stuttering(it was my voice on the DVD) I'd instantly notice. I did this all day for a couple of days.
    So anyway, I played 5 finished TDK disks all the way through today and they played perfectly. I guess the next test is to use the disk image of the same DVD from my external drive to see if i also get a good burn from it on the same TDK media and burner.
    I did have time to do one other test though. I took a couple of DVDs that played well and put paper lables on them using the stomper system. They still played perfectly on both my computer and Cyberhome player. I'd speculate that paper lables are probably okay if they are applied perfectly, perfect centering, no air bubbles, good contact, and the disk stored in clean dry area. I've seen other peoples' CDs or DVDs with paper lables that had become wrinkled from exposure to high humidity and/or heat. I can imagine that they would tend to malfunction.
    One client with a certain brand player actually took the "offending" DVD down to a AV store, and bought a replacement player that WOULD play it. I do think that it is interesting and useful to know that one brand player will play a particular particular DVD and another won't.
    Since I make batches, I'm considering buying a couple more different brand DVD players, and then doing a bit of quality control - Trying out sample DVDs on all players before I mail out a batch to clients.
    I hope that my observations might be useful for others.
    emac 1ghz superdrive   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

  • Encoding and playback problem HD files

    Hi all,
    Currently, I'm using a new HD camcorder and have no problem with importing and playing these files is premiere cs4 pro. However, when I'm using six video track at the same time I experience some playback problems. After rendering, the video's play, but not smooth, they  skip frames and playing a few frames back. In other words, it seems that the video playback stutters. The problem still excists when I encode the project to any file (mpeg2-blu ray, avi, etc). When using two video tracks (with two HD video) this problem is not present, even when these video's are in slowmotion. Installing the new update (4.2) did not solve the problem.
    Specs of my system:
    Quad core Q6600 @3.0GHz (overclocked)
    8gb RAM
    >200gb free disk space
    windows 7, 64-bit
    Does anyone have some suggestions to solve this problem? Thanks in advance.

    Sorry for not responing for a few days, but I runned the benchmark you'll send me. The main results (dee details attached file):
    53,6,  secs Total Benchmark Time
    6,4,  secs AVI  Encoding Time
    14,2,  secs MPEG Elapsed Time
    33,  secs Rendering Time
    Since the potential problem is my hard disk, inaddition, I runned HDtune (hopefully it will help pinpionting the problem):
    disk1: avarage transfer rate: 94MB/s, acces time 13.8ms, burst rate 185MB/s
    disk2: avarage transfer rate: 85MB/s, acces time 14ms, burst rate 157MB/s
    disk3: avarage transfer rate: 73MB/s, acces time 13.9ms, burst rate 183MB/s
    Analyzing these results, could the current hard disk configuration cause the problem I have, or is my system to slow anyway to edit AVCHD material?
    If the hard disk configuration is the problem, could it be solved by applying your suggestion by removing all partitions? Since, I'm not looking forward of removing all partions(re-installing windows (dual boot win7 and vista), shifting a huge amount of data, etc), but if it would help I will do it.
    Thanks inadvance,

  • IOS 8.02 Safari for iPhone 5 - A Problem Repeatedly Occurred

    I can't open the webpage: "" (and some others) on my iPhone 5 in Safari since the iOS 8 update. 
    It would load fine earlier before the update, and also loads on Chrome just fine.
    The error is: A Problem Repeatedly Occurred on: ""
    Is there an issue with Safari having problems loading certain kinds of webpages in iOS 8?  I know the site uses a lot of Javascript, but I thought those issues were resolved in beta...
    Any help would be appreciated.

    It seems to have this issue whenever it encounters a "RenderAction/RenderPartial command in razor views... and I can't even use a <script> tag without it crashing.
    Is anyone else having this issue?

  • Mplayer playback problems

    Hello, Mplayer video output is rather jerky and not smooth. I believe its sound related because adding '-nosound' makes the playback smooth again. I've been trying to seacrh for the solution to this for hours; any suggestions? I use OSS by the way...
    Heres xorg.conf
    # nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings
    # nvidia-settings: version 1.0 (buildmeister@builder62) Thu Apr 30 16:22:42 PDT 2009
    # nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig
    # nvidia-xconfig: version 1.0 (buildmeister@builder62) Thu Apr 30 16:21:56 PDT 2009
    Section "ServerLayout"
    Identifier "Default Layout"
    Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
    InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
    InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
    Section "Files"
    Section "InputDevice"
    # generated from default
    Identifier "Mouse0"
    Driver "mouse"
    Option "Protocol" "auto"
    Option "Device" "/dev/psaux"
    Option "Emulate3Buttons" "no"
    Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
    Section "InputDevice"
    # generated from default
    Identifier "Keyboard0"
    Driver "kbd"
    Section "Monitor"
    Identifier "Monitor0"
    VendorName "Unknown"
    ModelName "HSD HW191D"
    HorizSync 30.0 - 80.0
    VertRefresh 49.0 - 75.0
    Option "DPMS"
    Section "Device"
    Identifier "Device0"
    Driver "nvidia"
    VendorName "NVIDIA Corporation"
    BoardName "GeForce 8800 GT"
    Section "Screen"
    Identifier "Screen0"
    Device "Device0"
    Monitor "Monitor0"
    DefaultDepth 24
    Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"
    Option "NoLogo" "True"
    Option "RenderAccel" "True"
    SubSection "Display"
    Depth 24
    Section "Extensions"
    Option "Composite" "Disable"
    and mplayer-config
    ffactor = 1
    Last edited by pharcyde (2009-05-16 04:40:13)

    apaige wrote:Why the hell are you using vo=x11? That's insanely slow. Use vo=xv.
    Oh - lol, I had that in there temporarily as I was troubleshooting. I'm aware.
    skottish wrote:
    apaige wrote:Why the hell are you using vo=x11? That's insanely slow. Use vo=xv.
    Or, if the nVidia card is new enough (some 8400 and pretty much everything newer), use VDPAU. Otherwise, nVidia chips work better with the xvmc driver than even the xv driver.
    From your xorg.conf file, it looks like you have an 8800GT. VDPAU works great with that card. It will solve most of your video playback problems.
    Will do.
    Update: Using vdpau with '-vo vdpau -vc ffh264vdpau' I can play 720p HD with only ~7% cpu usage!
    Last edited by pharcyde (2009-05-17 11:00:28)

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    Make an appointment at the genius bar.
    If you went without an appointment, then it would make sense that you could be turned away.

  • After Updating Adobe Indesign CC ,While I'm selecting text in a paragraph, the text disappears and this problem repeated several times before update everything was ok

    After Updating Adobe Indesign CC ,While I'm selecting text in a paragraph, the text disappears and this problem repeated several times before update everything was ok

    First, see Replace Your Preferences and do it for the original account.
    If that fails to solve the problem, rename the two Adobe folders that contain the prefs in the user profile for that account and copy the folders from the new account where it works. You want to be sure you copy the folders, rather than merge the contents, so you must rename the old folders first.

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