Playlist get reset

Hi forum,
After syncing my ipod touch with the itunes the play list get reset to the first song on the ipod. is there a way to change it so it stays on the same song before the sync.

Whenever you re-sync, the iPod will lose its place in whatever you were playing prior to the sync.
What you can do is make a smart playlist such that songs drop out of it after they get played (e.g. add criteria like "Last Played is not in the last 7 days"). That way, you can exit* the playlist or re-sync, then go back to the playlist and songs that you've recently played will have been removed.
*Exiting the playlist will cause it to update if Live Updating is selected, and if you don't have 3.0 which seems to have broken Live Updating.

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    1. Are setting an expression for available values of parameter in report 2? Is the value you pass a valid among the set of values?
    2. IN wont work with comma separated values. You need to parse the individual values out using a string parsing udf as a table and then join to that
    so in your case you would be like
    Select A1,A2,A3,B1,B2,B3 FROM TEST_VIEW t
    INNER JOIN dbo.ParseValues (@Area,',')f
    ON t.ID = f.Val
    ParseValues UDF can be found in below link
    Please Mark This As Answer if it solved your issue
    Please Vote This As Helpful if it helps to solve your issue
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    Tap to click has to be enabled separately in your Windows partition. I'm assuming you've installed all the Boot Camp drivers - in which case you need to navigate to the bottom right of your task bar and press the little arrow to reveal all of your background services. You should see the Boot Camp logo. Double click on it (or if that fails, right click on it and open the Preferences menu) and you should see some tabs such as 'Startup Disk', 'Keyboard' etc. Navigate to the one called 'Trackpad' and you should find a checkbox for the tap to click option.

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    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
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    <xsl:variable name="rownumber">     
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    <xsl:variable value="$rownumber"/>
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    You can't do that. Variables can't change. And there is no "workaround", as you put it. XSLT is not that kind of programming language. If you want to count something, you need to figure out an expression that looks at the incoming XML and determines the answer. This is often surprisingly easy once you stop writing programs that assume that statements are executed one after the other. For example, in your case it appears that you just want to count the number of "row" elements in the document. The XPath expression for that is "count(//row)". Or perhaps you want to count the number of "row" elements below the current node; that's "count(row)".

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    Hello, and thank you for responding.  I really appreciate it. 
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  • SelectOneChoice value getting reset

    Hi All,
    My page has 4 conditional selectOneChoice components.
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    Please let me know the reason for value getting reset.
    Following is the code
    JSPX page
    <af:selectOneChoice id="compId328"
    required="#{ !umRegistrationIdtypeChange.tdnRegPprFlag}"
    autoSubmit="true" inlineStyle="width: 125px"
    valueChangeListener="#{umRegistrationIdtypeChange.chngCity}" >
    <af:selectItem label="AN" value="AN"/>
    <af:selectItem label="AP" value="AP"/>
    <af:selectItem label="AR" value="AR"/>
    <af:selectItem label="AS" value="AS"/>
    <af:selectItem label="UP" value="UP"/>
    <af:selectItem label="WB" value="WB"/>
    <af:selectOneChoice id="compId333" partialTriggers="compId328"
    inlineStyle="width: 125px"
    required="#{ !umRegistrationIdtypeChange.tdnRegPprFlag}"
    <f:selectItems value="#{umRegistrationIdtypeChange.returnCityList}"/>
    <af:selectOneChoice id="compId334"
    partialTriggers="compId333 compId328"
    inlineStyle="width: 125px"
    required="#{ !umRegistrationIdtypeChange.tdnRegPprFlag}"
    autoSubmit="true" unselectedLabel="Select"
    <f:selectItems value="#{umRegistrationIdtypeChange.returnAreaList}"/>
    <af:selectOneChoice id="compId335"
    partialTriggers="compId334 compId333 compId328"
    inlineStyle="width: 125px"
    required="#{ !umRegistrationIdtypeChange.tdnRegPprFlag}"
    <f:selectItems value="#{umRegistrationIdtypeChange.returnPincodeList}"/>
    <af:inputText id="compId320"
    inlineStyle="width: 125px" maximumLength="100"
    requiredMessageDetail=" "
    <af:inputText id="compId323"
    maximumLength="150" inlineStyle="width: 125px"
    requiredMessageDetail=" "
    Code in Bean
    public List<SelectItem> chngCity(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {"Call the chngCity method");
    returnCityList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
    String state = valueChangeEvent.getNewValue().toString();
    if (state != null) {
    List<Object> returnPickList = RegAMImpl.getCity(state);
    for (Object obj: returnPickList) {
    SelectItem si = new SelectItem();
    String eDistValues = obj.toString();
    si.setLabel(new String(eDistValues));
    si.setValue(new String(eDistValues));
    return returnCityList;
    public List<SelectItem> chngArea(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {"Call the chngArea method");
    returnAreaList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
    String city = valueChangeEvent.getNewValue().toString();
    if (city != null) {
    List<Object> returnPickList = RegAMImpl.getArea(city);
    for (Object obj: returnPickList) {
    SelectItem si = new SelectItem();
    String eDistValues = obj.toString();
    si.setLabel(new String(eDistValues));
    si.setValue(new String(eDistValues));
    return returnAreaList;
    public List<SelectItem> chngPincode(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {"Call the chngPincode method");
    returnPincodeList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
    String area = valueChangeEvent.getNewValue().toString();
    if (area != null) {
    List<Object> returnPickList = RegAMImpl.getPincode(area);
    for (Object obj: returnPickList) {
    SelectItem si = new SelectItem();
    String eDistValues = obj.toString();
    si.setLabel(new String(eDistValues));
    si.setValue(new String(eDistValues));
    return returnPincodeList;
    public void chngPostalCode(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
    String pincode = valueChangeEvent.getNewValue().toString();
    UMPostalCodeTypeVOImpl pincodeVO = RegAMImpl.getUMPostalCodeTypeVO1();
    ViewCriteria vc = pincodeVO.createViewCriteria();
    ViewCriteriaRow vcr = vc.createViewCriteriaRow();
    vcr.setAttribute("ParentName", pincode);
    vc.insertElementAt(vcr, 0);
    In pagedef i have also added RefreshCondition="{adfFacesContext.postback==true}" for iterators of VO's binded to selectOneChoice
    <iterator id="ContactAddressVO1Iterator" RangeSize="-1"
    DataControl="SessionAMDataControl" RefreshCondition="{adfFacesContext.postback==true}"/>
    <iterator id="RegStateTypeVO1Iterator" RangeSize="-1" RefreshCondition="{adfFacesContext.postback==true}"
    <iterator id="UMCityTypeVO1Iterator" RangeSize="-1" RefreshCondition="{adfFacesContext.postback==true}"
    <iterator id="UMCityAreaTypeVO1Iterator" RangeSize="-1" RefreshCondition="{adfFacesContext.postback==true}"
    <iterator id="UMPostalCodeTypeVO1Iterator" RangeSize="-1" RefreshCondition="{adfFacesContext.postback==true}"

    Please read the FAQ and format your code, as it is unreadable.
    Next you need to supply more information about your environment like jdev version and technology stack you are using.

  • [svn:osmf:] 10085: Fixing video width and height getting reset when there' s no true dimensional change reported by 'onMetaData'.

    Revision: 10085
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-09-09 07:39:54 -0700 (Wed, 09 Sep 2009)
    Log Message:
    Fixing video width and height getting reset when there's no true dimensional change reported by 'onMetaData'.
    Modified Paths:

    hi their i have tried your last code but their is a problem with it on my pc that when i click the send video button it gives the error related to vector,
    Vector deviceList = CaptureDeviceManager.getDeviceList()
    di = (CaptureDeviceInfo)deviceList.firstElement();
    returns zero.
    please help my email address is [email protected]
    kindly send me an email regarding the solution of my problem. i am using 'creative web cam' over XP windows.

  • How can I permanently save my customized toolbars and navigation button settings? When I run Norton Utilities CleanUp, Firefox gets reset to 'factory'.

    I like to clean things out on a regular basis but when I run the Norton Clean-up utility all of my custom toolbar and navigation button settings get reset to 'factory' condition. How can I permanently save these changes to my config or preference settings?

    Cookies, Completed Forms, .tmp files are all that's set to be cleared. If I can identify the appropriate elements I can protect them from deletion. Does anyone know?

  • Servlet session gets reset

              Does anyone know why a session would get reset when an application posts from a JSP page to a servlet. (is this a known bug with weblogic? or is there a property I have to set?

    Without a sample of your code it is difficult to point out where the problem could be. When posting question`s make sure that you give enough information about your problem.
    As far as the problem goes try looking into the deployment descriptor and aslo try setting the session timeout programatically through setMaxInactiveTime() method.
    Good Luck!
    Eshwar Rao
    Developer Technical Support
    Sun microsystems inc

  • My password keeps getting reset

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    Help :(

    This explains it. Too bad apple hasent said much sswords-reset-with-email-date-of-birth

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    Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier "Keyboard0"
    Driver "kbd"
    Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
    Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
    Option "XkbLayout" "de,ru"
    Option "XkbVariant" ",winkeys"
    Option "XkbOptions" "grp:ctrl_shift_toggle"
    The settings that I make in the panel-applet via its configuration dialogue work though, but they sometimes get reset after a suspend/resume.
    The XFCE session is started via following command in ~/.xinitrc:
    exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch xfce4-session
    Thanks for any hint,

    I see. Then you should maybe add debug output to check whether the script is run at all and if yes, where it fails. Like
    echo "lid action caught" >> /home/lid.log
    case "$3" in
    logger 'LID closed'
    # Suspend and lock the screen
    /usr/sbin/pm-suspend &
    DISPLAY=:0.0 su -c - miki /usr/bin/slimlock
    echo "lid closed" >> /home/lid.log
    logger 'LID opened'
    # Set the keyboard layout again on IT
    setxkbmap it
    echo "lid opened" >> /home/lid.log
    logger "ACPI action undefined: $3"
    echo "something wrong happened" >> /home/lid.log
    and then check /home/lid.log after lid close&open.

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    Has anyone else experienced this problem with EARLIEST_CHGDT not getting reset? There doesn't seem to be any pattern - some are Elapsed reporters, some are Punch. Sometimes it's when a day is added, somethimes it's when a day is changed. But it doesn't happen every time.
    Any help would be appreciated!

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    Unfortunately it still didn't work.
    The more I try to fix this, the more I think it's a problem with the iMessage servers. Seemingly with my iCloud account.

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