Please help I have problems with songs,podcasts,and just general media play

hey guys, I'll get straight into it. My problem is that many of the songs and podcasts in my library come up with the little exclamation mark when I havn't changed anything or deleted anything, so I have to find the original files, which occasisionally just dissapear for no apparent reason. Also I have problems with d/l podcasts as sometimes it wont d/l the newest edition etc but comes up with the little '!' mark. I have just upgraded to iTunes 7 and although the problem was occuring before the upgrade just aggravated it, and messed up my library files causing me to revert to an older library.
Now last and most importantly, my audio has suddenly become choppy since I upgraded. This is similar to the problem I have with the sound in Quicktime only working properly if I keep all other apps and tasks to a bare minimum (even if they take up barely any system resources). This seems strange as my system is not exactly poor performance.
Thanks in advance guys !

If you right click a file, and do getinfo on the summary page this will give a file location, is this matching the file location on your hard disk? If not that might explain the exclamation marks?
Kind Regards

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  • Please help!  Strange problem with HTTPD.Conf and OC4J (I think)

    We have been trying to configure the 10g "infrastructure" Apache server/instance to work with our own authentication module, and as part of this, we need to configure a directory alias containing some of our JSPs. To do this, the only thing that we did was that we took the standard HTTPD.CONF file that got installed with the 10g AS installation, and added a small section at the end.
    However, we are finding that if our addition to the HTTPD.CONF is included, instead of the JSPs in our aliased directory being processed, Apache seems to be just serving the JSPs as text pages :(..
    If we remove the section at the end of the HTTPD.CONF, and point a browser to the unaliased path, the JSPs get processed correctly.
    I was wondering if anyone here might take a look at our HTTPD.CONF below, and tell me if you can see something there that might be causing this behavior? The section that we added is at the very end. We think that the problem might be something like the "order" of the directives, etc. in the HTTPD.CONF file may be such that the alias is taking priority ahead of the OC4J, or something like that.
    Thanks in advance, and apologies for the long message.
    ServerType standalone
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    Timeout 300
    KeepAlive On
    MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
    KeepAliveTimeout 15
    MinSpareServers 5
    MaxSpareServers 20
    StartServers 5
    MaxClients 150
    MaxRequestsPerChild 0
    LoadModule onsint_module libexec/
    LoadModule mmap_static_module libexec/
    LoadModule vhost_alias_module libexec/
    LoadModule env_module libexec/
    LoadModule define_module libexec/
    LoadModule config_log_module libexec/
    LoadModule agent_log_module libexec/
    LoadModule referer_log_module libexec/
    LoadModule mime_magic_module libexec/
    LoadModule mime_module libexec/
    LoadModule negotiation_module libexec/
    LoadModule status_module libexec/
    LoadModule info_module libexec/
    LoadModule includes_module libexec/
    LoadModule autoindex_module libexec/
    LoadModule dir_module libexec/
    LoadModule cgi_module libexec/
    LoadModule asis_module libexec/
    LoadModule imap_module libexec/
    LoadModule action_module libexec/
    LoadModule speling_module libexec/
    LoadModule userdir_module libexec/
    LoadModule alias_module libexec/
    LoadModule access_module libexec/
    LoadModule auth_module libexec/
    LoadModule anon_auth_module libexec/
    LoadModule dbm_auth_module libexec/
    LoadModule digest_module libexec/
    LoadModule proxy_module libexec/
    LoadModule cern_meta_module libexec/
    LoadModule expires_module libexec/
    LoadModule headers_module libexec/
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    ExtendedStatus On
    Port 7777
    Listen 7777
    User oracle
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    DocumentRoot "/orad59/10gAS/infrastructure/Apache/Apache/htdocs"
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    HostnameLookups Off
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    LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
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    PerlModule Apache
    PerlModule Apache::Registry
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    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler Apache::Registry
    AddHandler perl-script .pl
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    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from localhost ge1ssd04
    include "/orad59/10gAS/infrastructure/Apache/Apache/conf/mod_oc4j.conf"
    include "/orad59/10gAS/infrastructure/Apache/Apache/conf/dms.conf"
    LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/
    include "/orad59/10gAS/infrastructure/Apache/Apache/conf/ssl.conf"
    include "/orad59/10gAS/infrastructure/Apache/Apache/conf/mod_osso.conf"
    include "/orad59/10gAS/infrastructure/Apache/Apache/conf/oracle_apache.conf"
    LoadModule my_auth_module /opt/myagent/apache/lib/
    AddModule my_apache_mod.c
    <IfModule my_apache_mod.c>
         MYAgentRoot /opt/myagent/apache
    <IfModule my_apache_mod.c>
    <Location />
    AuthType Basic
    Require valid-user
    AuthName MYAUTH
    <IfModule my_apache_mod.c>
    Alias /mydir/ "/orad59/10gAS/infrastructure/j2ee/OC4J_SECURITY/applications/sso/web/jsp/myagentdir/"
    <Directory "/orad59/10gAS/infrastructure/j2ee/OC4J_SECURITY/applications/sso/web/jsp/myagentdir/">
    AuthType Basic
    Require valid-user
    AuthName MYAUTH

    I wanted to post what we found on this.
    As indicated in my original msg, we had an Alias directory in the httpd.conf. However, after thinking about the problem a bit, I think that the Alias was not the right thing to do.
    The Alias tells Apache to map a URL fragment to a FILESYSTEM location. Well, obviously, Apache only SERVES pages... it doesn't process JSPs.
    We switched to using a Redirect directive instead of the Alias, and things worked a little better, but we've run into a bit of a problem with "Redirect looping", but that's a different story :)...

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    Make a temporary, backup copy (if you don't already have a backup copy) of the library and try the following:
    1 - delete the iPhoto preference file,, that resides in your
         User/Home()/Library/ Preferences folder.
    2 - delete iPhoto's cache file, Cache.db, that is located in your
         User/Home()/Library/Caches/ folder. 
    Click to view full size
    3 - launch iPhoto and try again.
    NOTE: If you're moved your library from its default location in your Home/Pictures folder you will have to point iPhoto to its new location when you next open iPhoto by holding down the Option key when launching iPhoto.  You'll also have to reset the iPhoto's various preferences.
    NOTE 2:  In Lion and Mountain Lion the Library folder is now invisible. To make it permanently visible enter the following in the Terminal application window: chflags nohidden ~/Library and hit the Enter button - 10.7: Un-hide the User Library folder.
    If that does'nt help log into another user account on your Mac and try iPhoto from there. 

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    Hello ! I'm using iphone 5 running ios 7.1.1 and I have problem with appstore error and also Safari doesn't work. what can do I fix this problem ? I need help now my iphone can't do nothing

    Need more details. What is your appstore error exactly? and what happens when you try to use Safari?

  • Hello Apple. Iphone6 ios8.0.2. I have problem with activation imsg and fctm. My number doesnt display on both apps. I can only use them with my apple ID. How can i fix this problem. Country:Azerbaijan. Number:  *********

    Hello Apple. Iphone6 ios8.0.2. I have problem with activation imsg and fctm. My number doesnt display on both apps. I can only use them with my apple ID. How can i fix this problem. Country:Azerbaijan. Number:  *******
    <Edited by Host>

    Hello Khayalh,
    You should be able to link your phone number by following the steps in the article below. From your iPhone, sign out of FaceTime and iMessage and then sign back in and it should link. Check in the Start Conversation With and I Can Be Reached at section in iMessage and FaceTime respectively. 
    iOS and OS X: Link your phone number and Apple ID for use with FaceTime and iMessage
    -Norm G. 

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    I installed Lion and now seem to have problems with Microsoft Silverlight and other plug ins and applications.  I haven't ever used time machine to back up (my bad I know).  Is there a way to go back to snow leopard with messing up all my files and my set?

    Are you using the latest version of Silverkeeper? - v.2.0.2 is stated to be compatible with Snow Leopard.
    If it's messing things up you could try asking LaCie Support for assistance.

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    To double check you tried everything

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    ImprimerieModerne, my response of about being unable to find the CC was for Kathy P. The issue that you are facing is being worked upon.
    I am sorry for the confusion.

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    No, it will hurt your battery, but it is not recommended by Apple. Additionally, since you have a model with a removable battery, you should calibrate the battery once a month if you leave it plugged in at all times.
    Apple Portables: Calibrating your computer's battery for best ...

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    Have you jailbroken your device? If so we cannot help you here

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    Checked podcasts and music on I-Tunes not syncing to IPhone.
    Have run out of ideas. 

    If the restrictions code was on the iPad when you last backed up (and if you've just backed it up then it will be) then you won't be able to restore to that backup - the code will be stored/kept in that backup, so restoring to that backup will also restore/keep the restriction in-place on the iPad.
    You can copy your purchases from your iPad to your computer's iTunes library via File > Devices > Transfer Purchases, and you will need to copy any other items (documents, files, photos etc) that you want to keep from the iPad to your computer so that you can then reset the iPad back to factory defaults and start from new with it

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    Dear comunity I need urgent assistance with my imovie proyect
    I have problems when I check my proyect in full screen it simply stops and aborts out of imovie, tells me that ocurred an error and asks me if I want to report to apple the error. But dont know if the problem is that I have too many resources in the proyect. Its long and has a lot of videos and music all the proyect, also it has about 20 min.
    please help me

    Please authorize ADE 3 with same credentials that you used with older version of ADE


    okey, well i have this huge problem. i got my ipod 2 weeks ago from the US, i live in poland and not many people know how these things work so i ask that someone here can help me..
    a week ago.. the ipod froze my computer, i could do nothing with it. so i had to restart it.the problem was that my ipod was connected to the computer still.. but my comp wouldnt start so i had to disconnect the ipod.(yes the DO NOT DISCONNECT icon was on the ipod.. but wut else could i do?)
    so my ipod froze then, and i had the apple icon the whole time on the screen, so i tried everything, i get so frustrated with the ipod that i just want to throw it out the window. i read some things about the problem on the suppoort page, i reset it about a hundred times.. and finally it started working when i got it into disc mode. Yes i got all happy.. I press the restore buttons in itunes.. and this is what happens.. the ( i dont know how to call it) scroll bar? well the green bar that moves to show that its 'restoring' it freezes in the middle of the process, i uninstalled itunes 10 times.. i even tried restoring on 2 other computers, on one of them it does the same thing and on the other theres some other problem.
    PLEASE HELP ME!! I DONT know what to do.
    ipod 5th gen 30gb   Windows XP  

    ____________________16.06V16, Bus Type ATA, Bus Address [0,0]
    USBSTOR\DiskApple__iPod___________1.62, Bus Type USB
    Universal Serial Bus Controllers:
    Otwarty kontroler hosta PCI do USB SiS 7001, Magistrala PCI 0, urządzenie 2, funkcja 2. Device is working properly.
    No IEEE 1394 Host Controller found.
    The last connected iPod serial number: ****.
    The iPod Service Logging Information:
    [SERVICE: 0xB20,22:06:21 INFO] Started C:\Program Files\iPod\bin\iPodService.exe (Mon Nov 20 22:06:21 2006)
    [SERVICE: 0xB20,22:06:21 INFO] ##### iPodService starting as a service, version:
    [SERVICE: 0xB2C,22:06:22 INFO] Timed out... Starting device manager!
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:06:22 INFO] Listener Window created
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:32 INFO] [DevNodesChanged]
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:32 INFO] [DevNodesChanged]
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:32 INFO] [DevNodesChanged]
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:34 INFO] [InterfaceArrival] \\?\usbstor#disk&venapple∏_ipod&rev1.62#000a270015beee43&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:34 INFO] device \\?\usbstor#disk&venapple∏_ipod&rev1.62#000a270015beee43&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:34 INFO] device is an iPod
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:34 INFO] type 0x7 drive 0x1 partition 0x0
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:34 INFO] [-1] set waiting to mount = 1
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:34 INFO] [1] Assigning session 0
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:34 INFO] [1] added device interface "\\?\usbstor#disk&venapple∏_ipod&rev1.62#000a270015beee43&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}" to m_objDeviceNameMap
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:34 INFO] [1] added state machine 1 to m_objDeviceIdMap
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:34 INFO] [1] added device number 1 to m_objDeviceNumberMap
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:34 INFO] [1] added device interface "\\?\usbstor#disk&venapple∏_ipod&rev1.62#000a270015beee43&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}" to m_vctDeviceInterfaces
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:34 INFO] [DevNodesChanged]
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:34 INFO] [1] input #0 from src #0
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:07:34 INFO] [1] input #0
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:07:34 INFO] [MACHINE 1 INPUT #0] - (HDW) CheckDevNode
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:07:34 INFO] Connection Detection Status - 0x180600A, device '\\?\usbstor#disk&venapple∏_ipod&rev1.62#000a270015beee43&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}'
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:38 INFO] [DevNodesChanged]
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:38 INFO] [1] input #1 from src #0
    [SERVICE: 0xB48,22:07:38 INFO] [1] input #1
    [SERVICE: 0xB48,22:07:38 INFO] [MACHINE 1 INPUT #1] - (HDW) CheckDevNode
    [SERVICE: 0xB48,22:07:38 INFO] Connection Detection Status - 0x180600A, device '\\?\usbstor#disk&venapple∏_ipod&rev1.62#000a270015beee43&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}'
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:39 INFO] [SIMULATED VOLUME ARRIVAL] generating volume mount for \\?\usbstor#disk&venapple∏_ipod&rev1.62#000a270015beee43&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:39 INFO] [VolumeArrive] mask = 0x7D
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:39 INFO] looking up device # for \\.\G:
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:39 INFO] type 0x7 drive 0x1 partition 0x1
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:39 INFO] iTunes device #1 found with drive letter G, mask 0x40
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:39 INFO] [1] set waiting to mount = 0
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:39 INFO] looking up device # for \\.\F:
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:39 INFO] type 0x2 drive 0x1 partition 0xffffffff
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:39 INFO] looking up device # for \\.\E:
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:39 INFO] type 0x2 drive 0x0 partition 0xffffffff
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:39 INFO] [SIMULATED INTERFACE ARRIVAL] generating connect event for device 0
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:39 INFO] looking up device # for \\?\usbstor#disk&venapple∏_ipod&rev1.62#000a270015beee43&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:39 INFO] type 0x7 drive 0x1 partition 0x0
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:39 INFO] looking up device # for \\.\D:
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:39 INFO] type 0x7 drive 0x0 partition 0x2
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:39 INFO] [SIMULATED INTERFACE ARRIVAL] generating connect event for device 0
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:39 INFO] looking up device # for \\?\usbstor#disk&venapple∏_ipod&rev1.62#000a270015beee43&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:39 INFO] type 0x7 drive 0x1 partition 0x0
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:47 INFO] [VolumeArrive] mask = 0x40
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:47 INFO] looking up device # for \\.\G:
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:47 INFO] type 0x7 drive 0x1 partition 0x1
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:47 INFO] iTunes device #1 found with drive letter G, mask 0x40
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:47 INFO] [1] set waiting to mount = 0
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:47 INFO] [DevNodesChanged]
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:07:47 INFO] [1] input #2 from src #0
    [SERVICE: 0xB4C,22:07:47 INFO] [1] input #2
    [SERVICE: 0xB4C,22:07:47 INFO] [MACHINE 1 INPUT #2] - (HDW) CheckDevNode
    [SERVICE: 0xB4C,22:07:47 INFO] Connection Detection Status - 0x180600A, device '\\?\usbstor#disk&venapple∏_ipod&rev1.62#000a270015beee43&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}'
    [SERVICE: 0xB50,22:07:51 INFO] Connection Detection Status - 0x180600A, device '\\?\usbstor#disk&venapple∏_ipod&rev1.62#000a270015beee43&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}'
    [SERVICE: 0xB50,22:07:51 INFO] [First Connect] Creating connect event for device 1
    [SERVICE: 0xB50,22:07:51 INFO] [1] set waiting to mount = 1
    [SERVICE: 0xB50,22:07:51 INFO] [1] input #3 from src #0
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:07:51 INFO] [1] input #3
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:07:51 INFO] [MACHINE 1 INPUT #3] - (HDW) Interface Arrival
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:07:51 INFO] [1] progress state is 2, Waiting to mount = 1
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:07:51 INFO] [1] progress is now 2
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:07:51 INFO] [1] progress is now 2
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:07:51 INFO] [MACHINE 1 TRANSITION] - {Unknown} ==> {Connected}
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:07:51 INFO] [MACHINE 1 ACTIONS] - {Connected}
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:07:51 INFO] [1] SCSI Inquiry attempt #0
    [SERVICE: 0xB50,22:07:52 INFO] [First Connect] Creating mount event for device 1
    [SERVICE: 0xB50,22:07:52 INFO] [VolumeArrive] mask = 0x7D
    [SERVICE: 0xB50,22:07:52 INFO] looking up device # for \\.\G:
    [SERVICE: 0xB50,22:07:52 INFO] type 0x7 drive 0x1 partition 0x1
    [SERVICE: 0xB50,22:07:52 INFO] iTunes device #1 found with drive letter G, mask 0x40
    [SERVICE: 0xB50,22:07:52 INFO] [1] set waiting to mount = 0
    [SERVICE: 0xB50,22:07:52 INFO] [1] input #4 from src #0
    [SERVICE: 0xB50,22:07:52 INFO] looking up device # for \\.\F:
    [SERVICE: 0xB50,22:07:52 INFO] type 0x2 drive 0x1 partition 0xffffffff
    [SERVICE: 0xB50,22:07:52 INFO] looking up device # for \\.\E:
    [SERVICE: 0xB50,22:07:52 INFO] type 0x2 drive 0x0 partition 0xffffffff
    [SERVICE: 0xB50,22:07:52 INFO] [SIMULATED INTERFACE ARRIVAL] generating connect event for device 0
    [SERVICE: 0xB50,22:07:52 INFO] looking up device # for \\?\usbstor#disk&venapple∏_ipod&rev1.62#000a270015beee43&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
    [SERVICE: 0xB50,22:07:52 INFO] type 0x7 drive 0x1 partition 0x0
    [SERVICE: 0xB50,22:07:52 INFO] looking up device # for \\.\D:
    [SERVICE: 0xB50,22:07:52 INFO] type 0x7 drive 0x0 partition 0x2
    [SERVICE: 0xB50,22:07:52 INFO] [SIMULATED INTERFACE ARRIVAL] generating connect event for device 0
    [SERVICE: 0xB50,22:07:52 INFO] looking up device # for \\?\usbstor#disk&venapple∏_ipod&rev1.62#000a270015beee43&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
    [SERVICE: 0xB50,22:07:52 INFO] type 0x7 drive 0x1 partition 0x0
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:07:53 INFO] VendorId: Apple
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:07:53 INFO] ProductId: iPod
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:07:53 INFO] revision: 1.62
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:07:53 INFO] vendor bytes:
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:07:53 INFO] 02 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0B 00 11 91 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:07:53 INFO] [1] firmware version: 1.62 (0x13E)
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:07:53 INFO] [1] Power State: Powered
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:07:53 INFO] [1] Checkpoint attempt #0
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:08:01 ERROR] Did not find first letter of stage
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:08:01 INFO] got HotPlugState 0
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:08:01 INFO] [1] serial number 000A270015BEEE43
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:08:01 INFO] [1] *** CONNECTED - Sending event out, device session 0.
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:08:01 INFO] [1] input #4
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:08:01 INFO] [MACHINE 1 INPUT #4] - (HDW) Volume Mount
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:08:01 INFO] [MACHINE 1 TRANSITION] - {Connected} ==> {Mounted}
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:08:01 INFO] Connection Detection Status - 0x180600A, device '\\?\usbstor#disk&venapple∏_ipod&rev1.62#000a270015beee43&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}'
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:08:01 INFO] [MACHINE 1 ACTIONS] - {Mounted}
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:08:01 INFO] [1] progress state is 2, Waiting to mount = 0
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:08:01 INFO] [1] progress state is 2, Waiting to mount = 0
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:08:13 ERROR] Did not find first letter of stage
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:08:13 INFO] got HotPlugState 0
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:08:17 INFO] [1] GetVolumeInformation() failed with error 1005
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:08:17 INFO] [1] ===== iPod with Video =====
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:08:17 INFO] [1] progress state is 2, Waiting to mount = 0
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:08:17 INFO] [1] iPod needs formatting...
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:08:17 INFO] 22:8:17, year 2006, day of yr. 323, GMT offset 4 isDST 0
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:08:17 INFO] [1] Perform launch updater check.
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:08:17 INFO] [1] iTunes located at 'D:\iTunes.exe'
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:08:17 INFO] [1] progress is now 0
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:08:17 INFO] [1] *** MOUNT FAILED - Non-FAT32 device, device session 0
    [SERVICE: 0xB34,22:08:57 INFO] <0x4> Got Serial #
    [SERVICE: 0xBD0,22:09:01 INFO] [1] GetVolumeInformation() failed with error 1005
    [SERVICE: 0xBD0,22:09:01 INFO] <0x4> GetFormatType() returned unknown format 4
    [SERVICE: 0xBD0,22:09:01 INFO] [1] Progress state is 0, Waiting to disconnect = 0
    [SERVICE: 0xD04,22:09:01 INFO] Mounted
    [SERVICE: 0xD04,22:09:01 INFO] [1] already mounted!
    [SERVICE: 0xD04,22:09:01 INFO] [1] progress state is 0, Waiting to mount = 0
    [SERVICE: 0xB34,22:09:03 ERROR] ERROR, mount lock count is 0 but device is not mounted
    [SERVICE: 0xBD0,22:09:07 INFO] [1] GetVolumeInformation() failed with error 1005
    [SERVICE: 0xBD0,22:09:07 INFO] <0x4> GetFormatType() returned unknown format 4
    [SERVICE: 0xBD0,22:09:16 INFO] <0x1> Got Serial #
    [SERVICE: 0xB34,22:09:16 INFO] <0x1> Got Serial #
    [SERVICE: 0xB34,22:09:20 INFO] [1] GetVolumeInformation() failed with error 1005
    [SERVICE: 0xB34,22:09:20 INFO] <0x1> GetFormatType() returned unknown format 4
    [SERVICE: 0xBD0,22:09:22 INFO] <0x1> Got Serial #
    [SERVICE: 0xBD0,22:09:22 INFO] API is now LOCKED!!!
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:11:15 INFO] [DevNodesChanged]
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:11:15 INFO] [1] input #5 from src #0
    [SERVICE: 0xB48,22:11:15 INFO] [1] input #5
    [SERVICE: 0xB48,22:11:15 INFO] [MACHINE 1 INPUT #5] - (HDW) CheckDevNode
    [SERVICE: 0xB48,22:11:15 INFO] Connection Detection Status - 0x180600A, device '\\?\usbstor#disk&venapple∏_ipod&rev1.62#000a270015beee43&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}'
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:12:22 INFO] [DevNodesChanged]
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:12:22 INFO] [1] input #6 from src #0
    [SERVICE: 0xB4C,22:12:22 INFO] [1] input #6
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:12:22 INFO] [DevNodesChanged]
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:12:22 INFO] [1] input #7 from src #0
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:12:22 INFO] [1] input #7
    [SERVICE: 0xB4C,22:12:22 INFO] [MACHINE 1 INPUT #6] - (HDW) CheckDevNode
    [SERVICE: 0xB4C,22:12:22 INFO] Connection Detection Status - 0x180600A, device '\\?\usbstor#disk&venapple∏_ipod&rev1.62#000a270015beee43&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}'
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:12:22 INFO] [MACHINE 1 INPUT #7] - (HDW) CheckDevNode
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:12:22 INFO] Connection Detection Status - 0x180600A, device '\\?\usbstor#disk&venapple∏_ipod&rev1.62#000a270015beee43&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}'
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:18:13 INFO] [DevNodesChanged]
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:18:13 INFO] [1] input #8 from src #0
    [SERVICE: 0xB48,22:18:13 INFO] [1] input #8
    [SERVICE: 0xB48,22:18:13 INFO] [MACHINE 1 INPUT #8] - (HDW) CheckDevNode
    [SERVICE: 0xB48,22:18:14 INFO] Connection Detection Status - 0x180600A, device '\\?\usbstor#disk&venapple∏_ipod&rev1.62#000a270015beee43&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}'
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:21:48 INFO] [DevNodesChanged]
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:21:48 INFO] [1] input #9 from src #0
    [SERVICE: 0xB4C,22:21:48 INFO] [1] input #9
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:21:48 INFO] [DevNodesChanged]
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:21:48 INFO] [1] input #10 from src #0
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:21:48 INFO] [1] input #10
    [SERVICE: 0xB4C,22:21:48 INFO] [MACHINE 1 INPUT #9] - (HDW) CheckDevNode
    [SERVICE: 0xB4C,22:21:48 INFO] Connection Detection Status - 0x180600A, device '\\?\usbstor#disk&venapple∏_ipod&rev1.62#000a270015beee43&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}'
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:21:48 INFO] [MACHINE 1 INPUT #10] - (HDW) CheckDevNode
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:21:48 INFO] Connection Detection Status - 0x180600A, device '\\?\usbstor#disk&venapple∏_ipod&rev1.62#000a270015beee43&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}'
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:44:23 INFO] [DevNodesChanged]
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:44:23 INFO] [1] input #11 from src #0
    [SERVICE: 0xB48,22:44:23 INFO] [1] input #11
    [SERVICE: 0xB48,22:44:24 INFO] [MACHINE 1 INPUT #11] - (HDW) CheckDevNode
    [SERVICE: 0xB48,22:44:24 INFO] Connection Detection Status - 0x180600A, device '\\?\usbstor#disk&venapple∏_ipod&rev1.62#000a270015beee43&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}'
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:52:27 INFO] [VolumeRemoved] existing mask 0x40, arrive mask 0x20
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:52:47 INFO] [DevNodesChanged]
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:52:47 INFO] [1] input #12 from src #0
    [SERVICE: 0xB4C,22:52:47 INFO] [1] input #12
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:52:47 INFO] [DevNodesChanged]
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:52:47 INFO] [1] input #13 from src #0
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:52:47 INFO] [1] input #13
    [SERVICE: 0xB4C,22:52:47 INFO] [MACHINE 1 INPUT #12] - (HDW) CheckDevNode
    [SERVICE: 0xB4C,22:52:48 INFO] Connection Detection Status - 0x180600A, device '\\?\usbstor#disk&venapple∏_ipod&rev1.62#000a270015beee43&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}'
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:52:48 INFO] [MACHINE 1 INPUT #13] - (HDW) CheckDevNode
    [SERVICE: 0xB44,22:52:48 INFO] Connection Detection Status - 0x180600A, device '\\?\usbstor#disk&venapple∏_ipod&rev1.62#000a270015beee43&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}'
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:52:49 INFO] [VolumeArrive] mask = 0x20
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:52:49 INFO] looking up device # for \\.\F:
    [SERVICE: 0xB54,22:52:49 INFO] type 0x2 drive 0x1 partition 0xffffffff
      Windows XP  
    well i clicked help.. and that didnt do anything either.. ;/

  • Please Help!  Two problems with my iMac at once a week b/4 finals!!!!

    First I'd just like to mention that I have no idea which OS X I have so...yeah, sorry. I was depending on this computer to work for my class finals. Anyway, on with the problems.
    My school is getting all new computers next year, so they are selling all of their iMacs for ten dollars each. Like an idiot, I bought one. did my brother. But anyway, I got it home and started it up and all that came up was the traditional BIIINNNNGGGG, a white screen(for a second), then a gray one. This little icon comes up in the middle that you can't click on(the cursor doesn't come up)but it's purple and has a little cartoon face on it. This icon only comes up if you are not pressing any keys or click/moving the mouse.
    So I went back to school the next day and asked what was up, and they said that they completely wiped the computer and that I would have to buy new OS X install software. I went to my computer teacher and he had a few sets of OS X install software.
    I brought it home and turned on my computer. I put in the disk that said OS X Install and it went in. The computer whirred for a bit, then spit the disk back out. So I decided to try a different disk because I thought that maybe the computer already had the contents of that disk on it. I put in the Applications disk, and now it refuses to come out. I have tried plugging the keyboard into different ports(there are two, with two others on the keyboard itself for the mouse) and everything. I looked inside through the little slot(discs go right into the computer-no hard drive or disk tray that slides out) on the front and the disc is spinning but nothing is happening.
    Please help me with both my wiped computer problem and my stuck disc problem. I have tried to give as much detail to help anyone who can help me. Please, WHAT CAN I DO?!
    iMac   Mac OS X (10.0.x)   I have an OS X. No idea which one...
    iMac   Mac OS X (10.0.x)   I have an OS X. No idea which one...
    iMac   Mac OS X (10.0.x)   I have an OS X. No idea which one...

    The full retail install disks are available here and at any Apple Store and many computer retailers. Also, check the system requirements. Be sure your Mac has firewire and enough ram to run Tiger. At this point you might be able to find the disks at a slightly discounted price because of the coming release of 10.5 Leopard. But be sure it is the black disk, boxed version if possible.
    EDIT: And the install disc for Tiger is a DVD, so be sure your iMac has DVD.
    This may help to narrow down the model iMac you have.
    [email protected]
    Message was edited by: macjack

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