Please help me sync wirelessly

i have the new itunes, new ios, new iphone.
synced at least one via cable and enabled the option to wirelessly sync with my iphone.
but when i disconnect my phone from the pc then i can never make it sync (even if its charging on a dock not connected to the pc)
what am i missing?

Assuming that you are attempting to 'connect' your T|X handheld to your Macintosh using Bluetooth, have you paired and confirmed it using the specific instructions in the User Guide, beginning on page 113? I ask, because your handheld also supports 802.11 connections, but your Macintosh does not for the purposes of file transfer or synchronization.
That three-page set of instructions indicates how you should pair it via Bluetooth with a Macintosh, and how you should initiate a HotSync. It does not describe how to add your device to iSync, if that is what you choose to use in lieu of the Palm Desktop.
To add it as a device to iSync 2 or later, launch iSync and choose Enable Palm OS Syncing… from the File menu, then follow the instructions which appear. This process will preclude the use of the Palm Desktop for synchronizing contact, calendaring and task data. Such data will be synchronized instead with the Address Book and iCal, using iSync.

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    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
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    See requirements for AirPrint and printers that support AirPrint here:
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    Not sure what you are asking. Are you asking about syncing to your computer in general? Or syncing to your yahoo calendar? (which can't be done wirelessly either).
    Yahoo calendar can't be synced to the iPhone -- you need to sync it to either Outlook or iCal or Entourage, then sync to your iPhone. Do you have it configured properly?
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    Second -- do you have the most recent versions of all the software? What are you using, mac or pc? It isn't running Vista, is it (if on a PC).
    Third -- if you still have problems, disconnect -- reset your iPhone, reboot your computer, and try again.
    Fourth -- If you still have problems remove both Quicktime and iTunes from your computer -- reboot -- and redownload the newest versions of both Quicktime and iTunes and try syncing again.
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    No can do. The phone does not have the suitable software to act as a Wi-Fi/WLAN router/access point.
    Use Bluetooth or USB cable (and Nokia PC Suite ), to use your phone as a [packet data] modem.

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    Sorry No... If you connect your phone to his computer everything on your phone will be replaced.
    The iPhone is designed to Only Sync with One iTunes Library at a time.

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    Its the maual way but its better than nothing! 
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    Welcome to the forums!
    You can use a software to sync your Entourage contacts with Apple Address Book or you can simply use drag and drop from Entourage to Address Book by the Finder then apply sync into iTunes preferences so the iPod will synchronize with your AB contacts recently updated.
    I wish it can helps.
    Good luck!

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    Ah, then it sounds as if it's a defective device. I've been scouring this board for weeks trying to figure out my issues and haven't seen anyone post issues such as yours.
    I've seen, though, that Apple has been VERY good about replacing devices, so when your store is open, you should be able to walk out with a new one.
    But, hopefully, someone else will post a solution for you -- but it looks like you tried just about everything there is to try.

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    Try logging out on the device that isnt working, and logging back in. That might fix the issue

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    Try ejecting your iPod, disconnecting it from the computer and then try again...
    However it sounds like there's a problem with your songs, not your iPod because iTunes is saying it can't find the files.

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    Originally Posted by Colin-CL
    If your PC does not have Bluetooth, you will need to get the Creative BT-D1 Bluetooth USB transmitter (sold separately).
    You should have been told by the salesperson that this speakers require Bluetooth connectivity.
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