Please post your migration times

I tried migrating from a 12" Powerbook (about 35 GB used on a 40 GB HD) to a MB Air via direct-connected Ethernet cable (one end in the PB one end in the MBA with the adapter). I was able to get the computers to recognize each other and initiate the transfer via Migration assistant.
The process got as far as the "Calculation" phase and proceeded to calculate for 1 hour. I cut it off at 1 hour and tried wireless for 1 hour. This also did not get past the calculation phase.
I was curious if people could post their transfer times/ methods, especially pertaining to the calculation phase. If I could only get past that part, I have no problem leaving the thing overnight to finish up. If I knew that 2 hours or whatever was typical, I would feel much better that I wasn't wasting my time.

I had 105 GB of data on my Pro 15” obviously this was not going to fit. The migration assistant didn’t give me any choices, it showed my home directory, applications, and a few other things. I selected the applications as that was the most important to transfer over among a few other things. It was about 12 GB in total that were going to be transferred from the Pro to the Air. It took 7 hours. When I came back I was suprised that my documents folder was empty. It had all the file folders, but no data in them. So first I tried to do it wirelessly, but it said 13 hrs for 6.6 GB - I wasn’t going to wait that long. So I burned DVDs. I also noticed that VM Fusion didn’t have the XP Pro disk on it. It was blank, so I decided to put on a fresh copy. After multiple crashes, I wiped VMware off, and put it back and reinstalled XP on a 5 GB partition. <sigh>. I wasn’t impressed with the migration assistant. I have a .mac account and since these saved most of my settings, I could have done without the assistant. In my opinion there should be more options. Knowing that people would have a small hard drive then their used to, more options on what to be transferred should have been given. Also, I’m using an Airport Extreme and I’m using 802n - it is the fastest possible. When I copy 40 GB of data from my Pro to my Mini it takes about 4 hours. I have no idea why the migration assistant took this long to pass my data through my wifi connection. This should be looked at, and more options have to be done.

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    I had 105 GB of data on my Pro 15” obviously this was not going to fit. The migration assistant didn’t give me any choices, it showed my home directory, applications, and a few other things. I selected the applications as that was the most important to transfer over among a few other things. It was about 12 GB in total that were going to be transferred from the Pro to the Air. It took 7 hours. When I came back I was suprised that my documents folder was empty. It had all the file folders, but no data in them. So first I tried to do it wirelessly, but it said 13 hrs for 6.6 GB - I wasn’t going to wait that long. So I burned DVDs. I also noticed that VM Fusion didn’t have the XP Pro disk on it. It was blank, so I decided to put on a fresh copy. After multiple crashes, I wiped VMware off, and put it back and reinstalled XP on a 5 GB partition. <sigh>. I wasn’t impressed with the migration assistant. I have a .mac account and since these saved most of my settings, I could have done without the assistant. In my opinion there should be more options. Knowing that people would have a small hard drive then their used to, more options on what to be transferred should have been given. Also, I’m using an Airport Extreme and I’m using 802n - it is the fastest possible. When I copy 40 GB of data from my Pro to my Mini it takes about 4 hours. I have no idea why the migration assistant took this long to pass my data through my wifi connection. This should be looked at, and more options have to be done.

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    Quote from: Scubahard on 15-September-05, 13:22:52
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    I hope all this is not too confusing.  I was trying to list all the questionable settings.  What should I try next? 
    Well, if you're wondering about the 'dhcp server', 'dns servers', 'default gateway', etc., that is all in the 'Network Connections' folder which can be reached from the Control Panel.  To get to those settings, you right-click on the 'local area connection' that corresponds to the onboard lan, and click 'properties'.  Then, select 'network protocol(tcp/ip)' in the list of networking components and click the 'properties' button.  That will bring up the set of tabs where you can set those properties (although there is no 'dhcp server' address setting, just the option to either specify an address or use dhcp to automatically assign an address).
    I get the impression, though, that you're saying if you slap in a pci network card, it connects right away, so I doubt any of those settings are needed (unless you left out the part about going into the tcp/ip settings for the pci nic and specifying an address, etc., which I doubt you did).  Have you considered contacting msi tech support on the problem?  If it's a new board, I'm sure you're entitled to free tech support.  It seems like, with all of the chatter on these boards over this issue, they should be well aware of it and be familiar with the ways to 'fix' it.

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    I am wondering how accurate the sensors are on these boards.
    I don't think MSI (nor any other manufacturer) has a step to calibrate the temperature sensors, so the answer is - not much  
    They are just relative temp readings, and probably vary from board to board.
    system temp. Board readings are from 39c to 43c but the air temp coming out the back 120mm fan is 31c to 33c.
    Air cooling is achieved by transferring heat from hotter components to the cooler air. This will raise the temperature of the exhaust, but never higher than your hottest component. It actually depends where the sensor is located. If you put a card on the PCI slot above the Winbond chip, you would probably observe higher SYS temperatures.

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    Mute tracks until you are able to play the session back consistently.
    Please list:
    Your machine and speed
    OS version
    Logic version
    sound card
    buffer setting
    My results: Quad 2.5, 4.5 gigs ram, 10.4.5, Logic 7.1.1, MOTU 828mk2, buffer 512
    39 tracks, polyphony 585, CPU use in Activity monitor maxed about 340%.

    If your looking to do orchestral mockups using samples, running a sculpture/space designer based benchmark test will not give you the answers you seek. Sculpture & space designer are both CPU based effects/instruments, where orchestral mockups are RAM based (for the most part). Of course CPU is needed to run your players (Kontakt, play, VSL VI, etc) as well as reverbs (convolution reverbs use a lot of CPU) but your actual orchestra will be streaming from RAM & Hard Disk.
    Thus macpro desktops are currently the best way to go, as you have more RAM access & multiple internal HD's. Thats not to say you cant get comparable results using a macbook pro, but seeing as how all my studio equipment is in my studio, desktop works great for me.
    I wonder if its possible to do a similar benchmark test using Logic's EXS & factory samples instead of sculpture? Of course the factory patches are much smaller than the massive instruments found in VSL/EastWest, but I'm sure someone could put one together. I'd be interested to see the results.

  • Unreliable Gen3 Time Capsule. Please post your log.

    I am interested in a new fault that has turned up in some Generation 3 ie A1355 Time Capsules.
    This is not like the dead power supply. Basically the LED does not go on at all.
    Nor is it a dead hard disk.
    What you will find is the TC begins to power cycle. You will notice the LED goes from green to amber and flashes amber then back to green over and over. The wireless and ethernet ports will disconnect.  If you check the Log which you will need to keep refreshing to get each new instance, you will see a pattern of firmware restarts.
    Jan 02 09:47:44    Severity:5    Initialized (firmware 7.5.2).
    Jan 02 09:49:21    Severity:5    Initialized (firmware 7.5.2).
    Jan 02 09:50:53    Severity:5    Initialized (firmware 7.5.2).
    Jan 02 09:51:58    Severity:5    Initialized (firmware 7.5.2).
    Jan 02 09:53:47    Severity:5    Initialized (firmware 7.5.2).
    Jan 02 11:23:24    Severity:5    Initialized (firmware 7.5.2).
    Jan 02 12:30:09    Severity:5    Initialized (firmware 7.5.2).
    Jan 02 12:35:02    Severity:5    Initialized (firmware 7.5.2).
    There are heaps more but it will only record those where you refresh it so each time I come back I simply refresh the view and note the new instance.
    This has got progressively worse.. the TC used to run for a day before it would drop.. and then start cycling, now it runs just for a few minutes. and will actually die after a couple of hours.. no LED on .. no ethernet .. no wireless. But it is still consuming power and still warm. Unlike a dead power supply where it will go cold.
    I have already replaced the internal power supply and in fact I have it in pieces on the desk, so I can measure all the voltages, but there doesn't appear to be anything wrong. From cold where i get several minutes to work before it starts this nonsense, I have upgraded and downgraded the firmware. Reset to factory and can redo the setup, update all with no trouble.. but once it reaches the continous restart stage, it probably cycles every minute or so.
    I would like to know how common this is..
    I saw 20 Gen3 TC sold on ebay faulty.. most of these are too young for the power supply to be dead. And other repairers have bought them and replaced the power supply to find it didn't fix them. So this is a heads up as well if you start to see the TC become unreliable.. maybe self rebooting expect it to get worse.

    Log showing operation with just wireless connection.
    Jan 07 07:14:54    Severity:5    Initialized (firmware 7.5.2).
    Jan 07 07:15:03    Severity:5    Deauthenticating with station ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (reserved 3).
    Jan 07 07:15:03    Severity:5    Deauthenticating with station ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (reserved 2).
    Jan 07 07:15:11    Severity:5    Associated with station 00:1f:f3:bd:58:52
    Jan 07 07:15:48    Severity:3    No Address for NTP server
    Jan 07 07:16:48    Severity:3    No Address for NTP server
    Jan 07 07:17:48    Severity:3    No Address for NTP server
    Jan 07 07:18:42    Severity:5    Disassociated with station 00:1f:f3:bd:58:52
    Jan 07 07:18:48    Severity:3    No Address for NTP server
    Jan 07 07:19:48    Severity:3    No Address for NTP server
    Jan 07 08:19:53    Severity:3    No Address for NTP server
    Jan 07 09:19:58    Severity:3    No Address for NTP server
    Jan 07 10:20:02    Severity:3    No Address for NTP server
    Jan 07 11:20:07    Severity:3    No Address for NTP server
    Jan 07 12:20:47    Severity:3    No Address for NTP server
    Jan 07 12:50:12    Severity:5    Associated with station 00:1f:f3:bd:58:52
    Jan 07 12:53:32    Severity:5    Connection accepted from [::ffff:]:61033.
    Jan 07 12:53:38    Severity:5    Connection accepted from [::ffff:]:61037.
    Jan 07 12:53:38    Severity:5    Connection accepted from [::ffff:]:61038.
    Plugged in one ethernet cable to LAN port.
    Jan 07 13:55:01    Severity:5    Initialized (firmware 7.5.2).
    Jan 07 13:55:10    Severity:5    Deauthenticating with station ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (reserved 3).
    Jan 07 13:55:10    Severity:5    Deauthenticating with station ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (reserved 2).
    Jan 07 13:55:16    Severity:5    Associated with station 00:1f:f3:bd:58:52
    Jan 07 13:55:28    Severity:5    Connection accepted from [::ffff:]:61751.
    Jan 07 13:58:50    Severity:5    Initialized (firmware 7.5.2).
    Jan 07 13:58:59    Severity:5    Deauthenticating with station ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (reserved 3).
    Jan 07 13:58:59    Severity:5    Deauthenticating with station ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (reserved 2).
    Jan 07 13:59:06    Severity:5    Associated with station 00:1f:f3:bd:58:52
    Jan 07 13:59:37    Severity:5    Connection accepted from [::ffff:]:61760.
    As you can see it immediately begins power cycling. 3-4min interval.
    Jan 07 14:02:18    Severity:5    Initialized (firmware 7.5.2).
    Jan 07 14:02:26    Severity:5    Deauthenticating with station ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (reserved 3).
    Jan 07 14:02:26    Severity:5    Deauthenticating with station ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (reserved 2).
    Jan 07 14:02:31    Severity:5    Associated with station 00:1f:f3:bd:58:52
    Jan 07 14:02:55    Severity:5    Connection accepted from [::ffff:]:61777.
    Swapped the one ethernet link across from gigabit switch to 10/100 direct on the router.
    The power cycling has stopped for the moment.

  • Please post your root's .bashrc and .bash_profile. Mine is gone :-)

    Can someone post their stock .bashrc and .bash_profile files for the root user. I overwrote mine when messing around with the prompt.

    stock .bashrc wrote:
    # Check for an interactive session
    [ -z "$PS1" ] && return
    alias ls='ls --color=auto'
    PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$ '
    stock .bash_profile wrote:. $HOME/.bashrc
    If you want mine, I'm pretty sure they're on my github.
    @jelly: Hey buddy... might wanna check your links. dotfiles has been offline for a while now.

  • Ten image test: Please post your specs and results!

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    Time the following:
    Select 10 RAW files with NO adjustments. Export jpg original size.
    Select 10 JPG files with NO adjustments. Export jpg original size(not export master)
    Report your times, what camera the RAW files are from, as well as machine specs(machine, disks, RAM, and video card(single or dual monitors)
    Results from the Macintelintosh Books(pro and 13") and iMacs would be nice also!

    Camera: Canon Eos-1Ds - 11.1 Mpixel
    Conversions (export versions) to Jpeg Quality 10
    Ten Raw __ 41"
    Ten Jpeg __ 24"
    MacBook Pro 17" - 2.16 GHz - 2 Gb Ram - 7200 rpm HD - ATI X1600 256 Mb
    MacBook Pro 17"   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

  • Please Post Your Site Here . Curious to see other IWEB created sites
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    I think I lost rank on Craigs Prints since I added the meta tag description...
    Open to any ideas or constructive criticism
    I just redid this after looking at examples I found. I'm a novice at iweb, but I think I'm just scratching the surface. I need to work on better organization and perhaps design. I have to say though I'm pleased with the outcome thus far.
    I'm open to any criticisms, suggestions or ideas.

  • Yay! WRT610N NEW firmware (v1.00.02 B10)! Please post your thoughts

    Last Released Date: 01 / 21 / 09
    Firmware version:       v1.00.02 B10
    - Resolved wireless connection drop issue.
    - Resolved Wi-Fi Protected Setup interoperability issue.
    - Resolved same internal ports not allowed issue in port forwarding feature.
    - Resolved USB storage handling issue during large file transfers.
    - Resolved IPv6 and other security issues.
    - Resolved FTP server anonymous login issue.
    - Resolved other minor issues.
    - Improved timing of push button initiation.
    - Improved recognition of USB external hard drives.
    - Enhanced wireless range.
    - Updated the FTP server.
    - Updated the UPnP media server.
    - Added support of Internet type detection to Linksys setup wizard.
    - Added Home Network Defender support.
    Message Edited by felimz on 02-11-2009 02:13 PM

    While there are exceptions to the norm, firmware updates are always advisable. They are generally a step forward from known bugs that the community has previously identified, and they sometimes offer performance increases.
    HOWEVER, some firmware changes have been known to mess things up for some people. The possible "broken" functionality with a newer firmware update will usually occur with settings different than default or with 3rd party components.
    Regarding your other question: pushing the reset button for 30 seconds will not cause any problems when resettings your router to factory settings; however, I do not know the actual time required. As you say, it might be less.
    Message Edited by felimz on 02-12-2009 07:59 PM

  • Linux vs. linux-ck power usage - laptop users please post your results

    Krum reported are rather significant increase in power consumption when using the linux-ck kernel vs. the linux (stock ARCH) kernel.
    krum wrote:With the last ck i7-avx, I jump from 10W (stock arch) to 15W on my laptop with the same kernel options and same usage.
    I will investigate further another time...
    I began to wonder just how universal this was so I tested on my own laptop (Intel T9400 @ 2.53 GHz, NVidia FX, 2x2 GB, SSD and 17" screen) booted into three different kernels, ARCH, ck-generic, and ck-core2 with the latter two downloaded from my unofficial repo.  I took two readings per kernel.  The first was measured with powertop on battery after letting it settle for a good 3 min of idle.  The second was with the battery removed and on AC power measured with a Kill-A-Watt.  My results indicate no significant differences.
    Powertop: 37.5
    Kitt-A-Watt: 41
    Powertop: 38.6
    Kitt-A-Watt: 41
    Powertop: 37.5
    Kitt-A-Watt: 40
    Can others running both kernels do a similar analysis with powertop and post the results here?

    I did my test with powertop.
    I got also higher temp:
    [root@akira david]# uname -a && uptime && fan
    Linux akira 3.0-ck #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Aug 21 05:31:12 EDT 2011 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2620M CPU @ 2.70GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
    22:20:24 up 10:26,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.03, 0.07
    speed:        2616
    level:        auto
    Core 0:         +47.0°C 
    Core 1:         +42.0°C
    [root@akira david]# uname -a && uptime && fan
    Linux akira 3.0-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Aug 17 21:55:57 CEST 2011 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2620M CPU @ 2.70GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
    22:22:52 up 2 min,  4 users,  load average: 0.28, 0.19, 0.08
    speed:        2630
    level:        auto
    Core 0:         +39.0°C 
    Core 1:         +38.0°C
    [root@akira david]# uname -a && uptime && fan
    Linux akira 3.0-ck #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Aug 21 05:31:12 EDT 2011 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2620M CPU @ 2.70GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
    22:29:41 up 2 min,  4 users,  load average: 0.18, 0.24, 0.10
    speed:        2644
    level:        auto
    Core 0:         +40.0°C 
    Core 1:         +35.0°C
    My bad, I forget to had these kernel boot option: pcie_aspm=force i915.i915_enable_rc6=1 i915.i915_enable_fbc=1 i915.lvds_downclock=1
    So it seems to be OK, I will do new powertop test when my battery will be full.
    Last edited by krum (2011-08-28 21:11:47)

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