Portfolio theme problem

In imovie HD there is a portfolio theme.
You can drop 12 photos, but when it plays back you can see the 12 but only 5 or 6 actually pop up.
Does it do this for everyone or is something wrong with my setup?
I would like to see all 12 eventually pop up

I think you may be talking about iDVD.
In the Portfolio menu theme only 6 of your images do the pop up thing. The others just sit there and look pretty.

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    Message was edited by:
            Patrick Rezek

    Maybe your proxy is misconfigured that it blocks some parts. Check it within a HTTP trace. This should provide an answer.

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    In Acrobat X PDF Portfolios there are two levels of "templates" to customize the style of the document interface.
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    A Theme is a SWF file "skin" which is applied over the top of a Navigator - this is what's in the Special Edition pack. Standalone Themes are usually drawn in Flash Pro or Illustrator, and contain no code. They're simply a collection of graphics with pre-defined symbol names.
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    There's a detailed video explaining how all these things work on AUC.

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    ps.: Please, do not write comments like: "Don't use dark themes"!
    Moderator edit:
    Please do not include such big pictures in your post: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Fo … s_and_Code
    Last edited by bernarcher (2011-08-21 17:18:02)

    Hi Unia,
    This problem predates the recent Fontconfig changes.
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    thank you for the notes.
    However, it did not solve my problem.

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    Thanks before.

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    Sorry for my bad English by the way.


    Hi! I'm new to acrobat (i have version 9 pro); and have a question.
    We are making a Portfolio of about 6 documents (all PDF's). I was looking for a way to have the fields from the first document to fill out the fields on the other documents in the portfolio. They are employment applications; and have basically the same information on each; so this would make the process MUCH easier. Being that they are from different facilities; merging the pdf's are not an option.
    Any help would be appreciated!

    Hi David,
    I am interested in the setFieldValue and getFieldValue scripts, but I cannot get them to work properly in my portfolio/collection of XFA forms.
    What you have described above is exactly what I am looking for.
    I have a Portfolio which contains a number of XFA PDF forms. The first form has six fields, which I want the user to complete first. The fields are "section" "staff" "area" "project" "projectNr" and "dateNow". I set up fields/columns in the portfolio with the same names.
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    I am using LC Designer ES and Acrobat Pro Extended 9.1. The users will be using Acrobat Reader v9.1.
    I would be very grateful if you could shed some light on this, as information is scant on setFieldValue.
    Thanks in advance,

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    2. checked to see that rox is using theme (~/.config/rox.soruceforge.net/ROX-Filer/options)
    3. tried adding icon path to ~/.gtkrc-2.0 (I don't think rox uses this)
    4. tried editing the "inherits" line in the index.theme file (Inherits=Tango,gnome,hicolor). when I switched the positions of tango and gnome, the gnome icon theme was used. added Gnome and GNOME.
    5. browsed the forums
    Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

    I know how to change themes using the method you described; however, the icon theme that is displayed is tango. I clearly chose tamiga, and the rox file in ~/.config points to the tamiga icon theme. So my question is why isn't the tamiga theme being used? Does it have something to with the inherits line in the icon cofig file? Is there some other problem? Some icon themes display correctly, but not others.
    Thanks for trying!

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    Hi, my problem is this.
    Hi have one WD application that has have a different theme from the EP.
    I downloaded the SP13 Theme editor and then uploaded the new theme to the server wd theme folder.
    Using the sap-cssurl parameter when calling the wd applicaction to apply the theme its working with the standars themes (sap_chrome, sap_tradeshow, etc) but when I try to use my custom theme the dropdowncomboboxs are not opening and their values apear separately as a list. Also table footer is displaying without an style at all.
    I read the note 779659 and I already tryed to change the default theme property using my custom theme but result is the same.
    Can anyone give me some help?
    Here's some images so you can have a better idea of the problem.
    Standard theme(I changed it's name to xsap_tradeshow to make some tests)
    Custom theme (the table footer arrows disaperead too)

    if you are using EP 7.0 , you may have go to Visual ADMIN , in the configuration adapter , there
    is PropertyStyleSHeet , there is you can find webdynpro property ,
    Re: Trouble with Appplication after modifying WebDynpro Theme
    you can go through this thread ,  if you are using CE 7.1 you have to navigate to NWA
      configuration management , infrastructure , application modules , tp~wdpa ,  search for this
    and then  in the properties you have provide the Custom theme name you have created .

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    James Clements

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    the versions of the style sheets in the ABAP system and the portal must be the same, see the <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70/helpdata/en/46/89af7fbe4d429ee10000000a1553f7/content.htm">documentation</a>
    Regards, Heidi

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