Positive WiFi experience

All I keep reading about is this wifi issue people are having, yet my iPad is having no problem at all, in fact my connection screams using an airport extreme with not one drop, much quicker than my iPhone 3Gs or Macbook. I'm getting full bars all over my apt, even out on balcony. I know this is a support forum for people with problems, I'm just interested in seeing what pct. of people are having issues and who, like myself, have not.

Same here...WiFi is just as fast as it is on my Macbook...which I have not touched since Saturday haha. Battery life is spectacular!!! (way better than expected...like 13 hours!) I haven't had any problems with the clock either.

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    Has anyone had a positive Ovi experience, particularly when dealing with support. I've tried twice now. The first time it took two weeks and many emails before I got my application. This time, again after two weeks, they sent the wrong application version (peggle) and are now not responding to emails.Given that applications are supposed to be redownloadable now, I don't understand the difficulty.
    People will forgive a lot of faults if the customer service is good. The Ovi support seems to be rather slow and uncertain. I realize that only people with problems will postbut even so, it appears that there are problems to be addressed.

    My experience with Ovi store has been good (using N97). Smooth downloads and installations. One setting that I am glad the Ovi store client has, is to provide the "Install to Phone Memory/Mass Memory/Memory Card" option. I set it once and dont have to worry about installations getting installed into my phone memory. People complain about the lack of a huge number of apps available on Ovi store and compare it with Apple's app store. Well i think that Ovi store will grow with time as well..just like the Apple's app store. Its only a matter of time.
    I guess the "Ovi Experience" should encompass all things Ovi and hence, the Ovi Suite which in turn contains other stand alone apps. If I have to summarize, Ovi Suite has been a huge disappointment. I fail to understand when companies take one of their perfectly working existing products (in this case Nokia PC Suite) and in the name of adding more features and (supposedly) enhanced user experienc, absolutely clutter it up with all sorts of additional components and packages. I was seriously annoyed when i saw a huge list of Nokia Ovi XYZ components getting installed on my computer.Well I know the answer to that could be to uncheck the items i dont want to install but in that case, at least privde a small description next to the component regarding what it actually does or why would i need it. Dont expect that in the middle of an installation , i should be googling to find out what nokia media server does or why should I install Nokia One Touch Access and pleaes dont assume that I should be knowing them beforehand since they are very cool features ....this could be the user's first experience with Nokia. I could still let all of this pass if this collections of tools or apps or whatever could actually do what its meant for. I used Nokia Music that comes with the Ovi Suite to transfer music to my newly bought N97. It managed to do only once (which also proves that there was nothing wrong with the installation/my laptop/my phone) The next time i tried, Nokia Music just fails to detect my phone. The funny thing is that the Ovi Suite does recognize my phone when I connect it in PC Suite mode. As if that was not enough, uninstallation and re-installation was another area where the Ovi Experience has been a bad one. If there is an uninstaller packaged with the suite, then can someone please educate me as to why do I have to run use PC Suite Cleaner to remove all traces of the previous installation? Please Nokia, either dont include the uninstaller if I have to download another app for removal OR add this feature into the unistaller itself and If you think its not possible, then there is something seriously messed up with your product and you need to go back to your SRS documentation.
    Hmmmm it looks like my tone has been a bit harsh but I have been really really frustrated by the Ovi Suite. I hope Nokia does come up with a better version of the Ovi Suite because after looking at various forums including Nokia support discussions, it appears that a lot of users are facing similar problems. I was very happy to get my hands on my N97 but a week into such problems and I am already missing my BB. After all, what good is a shiny multimedia brick with 32 gb memory if you dont get to use the multimedia features?
    Message Edited by metalhead936 on 27-Nov-2009 08:03 AM

  • Positive Apple experience

    Good morning all. I just wanted to let you guys know that I had a great experience with the Apple store in the Westfarms Mall in Connecticut. I had some issues with my iphone (what appeared to be cracks in the acrylic near the camera, and some other questions I had). With no problems they replaced my phone , were very courteous and understanding, and not once made me feel like I was nit picking. I would like to also add that I work with acrylic on a daily basis and the "cracks" that I am referring to in my situation looked more like stress marks to me from when they polish the back of the acrylic which may or may not be seen at the time of assembly and shipment. I did not notice mine until I was at the shore in the sun and just happened to rotate my phone in the right direction to notice them.

    For the most part, I've had great consumer service experiences at Apple stores as well. I live in NYC and the 3 stores here in the city are crazy packed with people. It must be very stressful and exhausting for the employees, but the seem to handle it pretty well.


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  • A Positive-Negative Experience

    With all the ongoing discussion about issues with MBPs and support, I thought I would share my story with the group...
    I pre-ordered an MBP the day after they were announced. I was delighted with the upgrade to a 2.0 GHz chip at no charge and received my machine in very late February (only a few days late, all things considered).
    Unlike many of my colleagues on these boards, I didn't have the CPU whine and the machine had only the slightest hint of noise from the inverter (which I didn't notice for weeks). All in all, I was very, very happy.
    One week ago, however, I noticed a series of purple pixels in the lower right corner of the screen. While they appeared to be 'stuck', they disappeared at lower color depths and created a yellow 'smudge' that moved with Finder windows placed over them. After some research, some attempts to remember my programming training, and some online digging, it appeared that the video ram on the logic board had developed a problem.
    This diagnosis was confirmed by the MacGenius at my local Apple Store; he was genuinely amazed as he had never seen anything like it. He typed copious notes into the repair order (even allowing me to review them) and off it went. Four business days later, my machine was back.
    Things went downhill from here. I turned on the machine and immediately saw the pixel anomaly. Logging into a guest account I created for Apple, I noticed two things... 1) the desktop background had been changed, and 2) the brightness had been lowered to 50%, both designed to hide the anomaly. What happened, it appears, is that the technician at the repair depot ignored the comments, and decided to replace the LCD screen and backing, which he did (leaving tacky residue on the screen's edge) and, realizing that he had just wasted a perfectly good LCD, attempted to cover his tracks. I was not happy, at all.
    Enter the Apple Store manager. He was very nice, managed to calm me down, and apologized for the error. He said that the machine could be sent back to the repair depot (no thanks) or that he could talk to Apple Care about getting me a replacement machine (it was a CTO so he could not replace it from store stock). He then pulled out a red phone (seriously) and twenty minutes later sent me on my way with assurances that I would receive a new machine and a $50 credit to my account for my trouble.
    This morning, I received an email from Apple with an RMA and a new order #, and an additional email with a FedEx label. I dropped my machine off at FedEx and then called Sales Support, as instructed.
    The representative there was incredibly nice, looked up my order, apologized for the inconvenience, and indicated that as FedEx hadn't yet scanned the package into their system he couldn't "release my order", but that as soon as FedEx showed receipt of the returned machine (not delivery, just that they had it in their possession) my replacement order would be released for manufacture.
    Assuming all goes well at the FedEx station (knock on wood), my order should be released for manufacture tomorrow and I should have a replacement machine within a week.
    Hopefully this machine will be in good working order (no LCD issues, no whine, no CPU noise - though I will just install the widget for that and be done with it if it comes to it), but I have to say despite the irritation of having a defective machine and a repair technician who mangled instructions that "a moron in a hurry" could understand, I feel good about my order with Apple and the way I have been treated.
    They recognized the problem, admitted their fault, and are working (hard I think) to make it right. And if, 30 years after their founding, they still care about their customers, then I can only say: Happy Birthday.
    To those of you out there with problematic machines, talk to the reps, be firm but polite, and ask them to make it right for you...I suspect they will.

    Sorry for the delays in updating this...
    My second MBP arrived on Tuesday... I was able to reinstall my system in about an hour and other than the maddening 10.4.6 related .Mac sync issues, all is well. This machine runs cooler than the previous one and doesn't have the VRAM issue. It does have one stuck pixel (sob), but it is thankfuly in the upper right hand corner and not visible when the screen is black (which my desktop picture is, so it doesn't bother me).
    I called AppleCare and was able to easily move my Apple Care contract over to the new machine (and they even changed the start date from the date my first machine was sent to me to the date of the second, which was nice).
    All told...I'm pretty satisfied with the way I have been treated by Apple. I have yet to see the $50 credit to my credit card, but that could take a little while... I was sans-MBP for about 10 days, but walked away with a newer (Week 13) machine that works...
    Moral of the story: be firm but polite. Ask for a replacement if you need it. And work with Apple's reps. You'll get a good outcome.

  • Positive experiences with Zen Mi

    Is there anyone out there that has had a smooth experience getting and using a Zen Micro? I would really like to purchase this player but I'm hesitant considering all of the problems I've read about.

    Hi, me too I have an overall positi've experience with my player.
    As mentioned in a similar thread some week(s) ago, you have to realise that for most people, there are 2 reasons to come to (or search for) a product forum like this
    (a) pre-sales information
    (b) post-sales in case there is an error (or something they don't understand)
    Which means that a lot of people here who have the player, are here because they encountered problems. Other people who have the player, are enjoying themselves elsewhere :-)
    I came here because I thought my battery life was not as advertised (and a few other little issues, but then I'm a perfectionist and I like to master my toys). I got quite some good information out of the forum. On the whole, I'm very happy with my player, sound quality, disk space, UI speed and logic, other features.
    My battery life is about 6~7 hours real play (including on/off's, volume changes, album changes, ...) and 0hrs 20 minutes non-stop play ("play all tracks", no volume changes, supplied headphone, all 96k WMA)
    Some things that may have influenced my experience
    I never used the USB cable that was supplied, cause I have the same cable for my digital camera lying around the computer. <EM>[some ppl commented the cable was a problem]</EM></LI>
    It's also the only USB device plugged in <EM>[some ppl commented that too many USB devices was problem]</EM></LI>
    I followed instructions on installing the software <EM>[some ppl just don't read the manual or on-screen info]</EM></LI>
    my pc is a recent desktop ( year) <EM>[maybe some older pc's, or laptops, give more random problems. No pc is identical, almost]</EM></LI>
    I'm generally quite informed and careful on using computer and other gadgets. <EM>[I don't try to remove the battery while playing songs and downloading firmware all at the same time... or sth like that]</EM></LI>
    - greets, Fred

  • TS1627 Syncing Calendar from my iTouch via USB (sync services) is intermittently unreliable. I'm positively not interested in iCloud. Anybody in the same boat?

    Today's immediate problem, described below, appears to be solved for the time being, but I expect recurrence based on past experience. I am not sure whether iCal, iTunes, sync services, or some combination are implicated. Does anyone know how to improve USB sync reliability? Is there a magic utility that can spot and repair trouble, or is there a more reliable system out there? A paper calendar maybe
    Tonight I discovered a few events that hadn't made it from my iPod touch to iCal. Then I tried creating a couple new events and synchronizing. They remained on the ipod, but would not show up in ical. New events created in ical did get to the ipod though, quite consistently.
    I eventually reset and restored my itouch. And reset sync services using terminal:
    % /System/Library/Frameworks/SyncServices.framework/Versions/A/Resources/resetsyn c.pl full
    Finally I can get new calendar events entered on my ipod to sync to my mac again, but those that failed to sync before still refuse to show up in iCal. They just have to be deleted and re-entered... assuming I can find them all, which I cannot do with certainty, because I can't easily figure out how long the problem has been going on without me realizing it. I'll probably miss an appointment or two, make a few friends and colleagues unhappy. Again.
    Current system details: Synching my iPod Touch (gen 4, iOs 6.latest) to my zoomy retina MBP, running 10.8.4. It's an all-apple setup, no third party apps or hardware involved.
    The usual/recurrent problems I've seen with syncing the itouch to iCal are:
    Events modified on the ipod will be unchanged in ical. Or more rarely, the other way around.
    Related to the above, a dialog box will occasionally pop up asking me to resolve sync conflicts. Sometimes lots of them. Usually my ipod has it right, and iCal hasn't caught up. I wish all the errors were caught this way, because it's pretty easy to correct errors by clicking through this interface.
    Events entered on the ipod fail to appear in iCal, or vice versa.
    Events get replicated, sometimes repeatedly with subsequent sync. They multiply like tribbles.
    I generally muddle through using Apple's help pages, run through a few suggestions from the forums (thanks all), and after a long night of resetting various things in various ways, the bit rot is at bay yet again. A month or two down the road, things go wrong in some slightly different way.
    Most of the time I have a positive user experience, but it seems the sync zombies are always lurking just beyond the light of the campfire. Is Apple paying attention to sync services anymore, or have they put all their resources into iCloud? I have no interest in iCloud. I don't want another email address to get spam, and am not comfortable keeping my data in the cloud.

    Never mind. Turned iCloud on, then off, on the iTouch - then the expected option appeared in iTunes.

  • My experience....new router

    I had an old Netgear router. My wifi performance was terrible. Today I gotan Airport Extereme. My Wifi experience is fantastic! I was ready to throw the iPad across the room and now I love it again.

    I feel your frustration, I get really mad when I can't get connected to, but for the love mac, don't throw your iPad.

  • Siemens Westinghouse Engineering Opening - Position in Orlando, Florida

    Job Opening for Instrumentation/Testing Engineer
    At Siemens Power Corp, I have an opening in my Testing and Instrumentation
    Department. The responsibility of my collective staff of 25 is to support
    all testing needs for our internal customers. This testing ranges from
    performance acceptance tests to research and development activities.
    Instrumentation ranges from static pressures and temperatures to control
    system signals, strain gages, proximity sensors, dynamic pressures, etc.
    Support includes managing testing projects financially and by timeline,
    instrumenting parts, travelling to sites, setting up equipment and software,
    conducting test, and reducing data for our customers. Primarily my staff
    supports site tests in the US, but international travel is involved as well.
    The main Siemens Corp location is in Germany and we are a global company.
    This particular position requires the ability to manage testing projects,
    develop software to handle data acquisition, conduct the tests, manage
    technician assistance, and develop future software/hardware advancements
    within the department. Define HW based on test requests, assemble HW for
    tests, configure and network pc HW, write and configure SW for tests, and
    travel to sites. The position requires 30% travel. This is a unique
    position that allows an individual to develop data acquisition solutions,
    while also providing the opportunity to project manage and work within
    Position requires experience in the following areas: LabVIEW Development
    Software, PC Networking, MODBUS, FFT experience, OPC, MS Office, PC
    Hardware, DAT tape recorders, Windows operating systems, Ethernet
    Position requires a minimum of a Bachelor's Degree from an accredited
    University or College. Salary and Grade will be based on years of
    experience established. Siemens Power Corp offers competitive healthcare,
    pension, and 401k benefits. If you are interested in learning more about
    this opportunity, please email your resume to [email protected]

    Siemens Position:
    I have 10 plus year in LabView programming for companies such as Motorola and Lockheed Martin.
    Additionally, 20 plus years working with computers, RF and Electrical Equipment.
    I an interested in this position.
    Best Personal Regards,
    Brian Nover | Senior Engineer
    (H)  561.792.6026
    (M) 561.351.4776
    Best Personal Regards,
    Brian Nover | Senior Engineer
    (H) 561.792.6026
    (M) 561.351.4776
    NoverBrian N-2012VI.docx ‏21 KB

  • Get mouse cursor position

    how can i get the position of the mousecursor (in x, y coords relative to the complete screen) if its not invoked by a mouse event (else its easy with event.getX / Y ())?

    maybe u can get yur cursor position wif a ruler? dun b dumb. u cant get the xypos anyother way. But ofcos if u like the hard way, u can always use another app to capture the mouse positon n let it inform yur main Java app, thru local ports or even use JNI. N i dun c y anyone will wan to do it this way. it oready defeats the purpose of using Java.

  • Smart rewards errors

    My wife and I found 2 SmartRewards local deals for our favorite local Mexican restaurant. One was for a buy one, get one free dinner for 900 points. The other for 20% off the total bill for 2500 points. You have 10 minutes from the time you click on the Redeem Now button to show the offer to the cashier and collect your discount. So we waited until we ordered, ate dinner and went to the checkout register. When we clicked to redeem the free dinner offer, we got an error message. We went back to the offer page and the offer was no longer showing. So we tried to redeem the 20% off offer and got an error on that one too.  When I called Verizon service, I was told that the initial offer was no longer available. (Then why was it on the list when we were standing at the register?) And that there have been many errors with the other online offers. But if I try back in a couple hours I should be able to get the 20% off. What was I supposed to do, sit in the restaurant for 2 hours to see if I could get my discount? I just ended up paying our bill with money that we really didn't have for a dinner out. How can I trust that any of these other deals are going to work the next time I try to use my points????? I really feel that Verizon should take my 900 points and credit my bill for the cost of that dinner, but all I get are apologies. Yeah, I'm sorry too that I tried to use this service.

        Hi ebuddneo, I can imagine how frustrating that would have been to not be able to redeem the discount when you needed it the most. We definitely want to make sure that you experience with our Smart Rewards would be a positive, enjoyable experience, where you are able to use these discounts off your favorite places or products. The good news is that you do have the option to print out all of these vouchers online via your My Verizon account and that would just be one way to avoid time limit security measure and print the discount immediately. We would also have a specific support group for our Smart Rewards program and they can be contacted here (866) 962-3713. I would encourage you to reach out to them directly if you have any open questions or concerns pertaining to your rewards. As well you can always reach back out to us here, Facebook and even Twitter for assistance if you need further assistance.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • Not only is the iPhone 6 unlocked, but the t-mobile phones work on verizon!

    if someone makes a youtube video or writes a news story about my post, this time around i really would appreciate some credit.  saying rigor mortis  from apple discussions' is good enough.
    it turns out that the iPhone 6 and 6 plus model numbers #1459 and #1522 are universal. and both have the CDMA radio enabled. However, Sprint models are still separate as far as i know. i did not test Sprint. but as far as AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon, go , it is the EXACT same phone. i was playing around with my iPhone 6 on launch day. i wanted to see if "ask maggie" was right and the phone was locked to a specific carrier. i tried the T-Mobile and AT&T sims that i had. they do not have service.
    however when i inserted my LIVE and ACTIVATED Verizon Sim into my iPhone 6 , my iPhone suddenly became a verizon iPhone. i was able to Place and Receive calls using CDMA, i was able to use DATA services, and i was able to send SMS messages. i assumed that VoLTE was not enabled. and it  was not. i assumed
    that you had to buy a Verizon model to get Volte. but i was wrong. it just took a while to activate. and i did see use VoLTE in settings, for Voice and DATA
    however, since the IMEI and MEID serial numbers are not listed with Verizon, you are not able to either Sign up to verizon, or to transfer service to your new iPhone 6. your service is still tied to your SIM card. and when the iPhone 6 is running and active with your sim card, your device listed on "MY Verizon" will be shown as NON VZW device and it will only show the sim card. but a pre-activated sim card pulling from another device will work in the iPhone 6.
    this is just like the iPad Air and the iPad Mini Retina. the only difference between these phones is the serial number is put in some list that tells someone which
    carrier it supposed to belong to, and if it is locked or not. and which sim card came with the device. other then that. there are no technical differences between them. except for sprint of course.
    whenever i inserted a new sim card into the iPhone 6, it automatically got carrier settings and changed its baseband.

    the iPhones 5, 5c and 5s, were all shipped with CDMA disabled in GSM iPhones. this is the first iPhone ever to come out where the CDMA radio was not disabled. that is why i posted this thread. because a lot of people assume that the CDMA is still disabled and they are repeating things from previous models of the iPhone, without bothering to check. if i have offended you by wanting to post a message so more people would know what exactly that LTE page says then I apologize. Heck, I'm seeing a lot of web pages like modern reader that are still telling people they have to wait a few months for apple to release the unlocked iPhones.
    which is totally untrue.
    here is a good thread where you can see people just assuming that the CDMA was disabled. and the phones had different base bands.
    the iPhone 6 sees your sim card and as long as its unlocked, downloads the new baseband on the fly. i don't know if this is a new feature
    with all the viral news about bend gate, i don't understand why you seem to want to criticize my positive post and suggesting that apple gives away this information. with all the bad news about bend gate and 8.0.1 bugs. its very hard for a single person like me to get a positive iPhone experience out and offer iPhone tips.
    when the iPad air and iPad mini retina came out, the universal support of T-Mobile - Verizon - AT&T and even sprint (under some circumstances) was big news. but now that we have bend gate and iOS 8.0.1 and bloggers who are just copying and pasting what the other blog says. no one seems to notice that the CDMA is turned on.

  • Early 2013 Macbook Pro Retina 2.7 i7 512GB SSD and 16gb Ram with Serious Cuda Problems! Trying to teach Apple their Macbook Pro Retina isn't a Pro Jan. 11. 2015.

    Apple replaced the logic board, wiped the computer, did a fresh instal of the OS, and also a fresh instal of all the programs during the beginning of 2015. The GeekBench scores are the highest of any of the similar computers (at least on the day of my testing). But here's what's happening. The Macbook Pro Retina has a GeForce GT 650m with Cuda Technology and it can't handle editing in Premiere Pro with Cuda Acceleration turned on. Open CL, a second form of graphic acceleration on the Macbook Pro, appears to be functioning properly.
    At the Apple Store on 1-10-2015, I was told that since the logic board and the graphic cards have been replaced that there is nothing they can do and they recommend contacting Corporate. This comes after they told me to buy a new logic board and that that would solve the problem. This comes after Apple did not listen, for over a month, about the possibility that they didn't properly build a professional notebook computer.
    The computer displays a black program monitor screen, at random times, when the user edits footage with Cuda Acceleration enabled. It used to lead to an entire system crash and/or a Premiere Pro crash before the operating system was completely re-installed. My solution, since I bought the computer, was to edit in Open CL... However, I've come to learn that there is a major difference in performance between Open CL and Cuda Acceleration.
    For the Macbook Pro Retina, Adobe Media Encoder render times are about 20% faster with Cuda Acceleration than Open CL. The 2013 Macbook Pro Retina appears to be able to handle Cuda Acceleration in Media Encoder, but I have had a number of issues leading to program crashes on every project before the new logic board and operating system were installed. For over a year and a half, I actually never used Cuda Acceleration. Having sent every crash report and user data to Apple over that time, I truly expected an update of some sorts and it never came.
    FYI: The latest Macbook Pro Retina uses the GeForce GT 750m... This is essentially the same graphic card that performs about 10 - 20% faster due to a new "boost mode." More importantly, it actually has the exact same number of Cuda cores. Having the same number of Cuda Cores means that the Cuda Acceleration is essentially the same when exporting or viewing video. To prove a point to Apple that their 2013 Macbook Pro Retina isn't functioning properly, I bought the latest computer with the 2.5 i7, 16gb Ram, 512gb SSD and I can honestly say that the 2014 model works perfectly fine with Cuda Acceleration turned on while editing in Premiere. I can also say that a proper render test proved the 2013 and 2014 model to be the exact same.
    I'm new to this whole pay $2700 for a computer that your manufacturer didn't / can't test properly, so I will be contacting Apple and speaking with Senior Advisors, their Customer Support division, and will soon speak with their Corporate branch. I'm confident that the Early 2013 Macbook Pro Retina with a 2.7 i7 16gb Ram and a 512 SSD is nearly the same at rendering video and editing video, provided the Cuda Acceleration works, as their latest 2014 Macbook Pro Retina with the 2.5 i7 processor 16gb Ram, and a 512 SSD. It's truly a great computer and a great build, minus their current inability to properly test / diagnose their computer.
    Knowing that the latest graphic card in the Macbook Pro lineup is essentially the same model, I feel that Apple is not directly looking into the viability and life span of their current Macbook Pro Retina product line. They can't test for performance issues relating to their graphic cards, so why consider buying from them when the end user is actually in a position to experience up to a 20% decrease in certain professional programs.
    For future reference, I'd strongly urge other individuals to avoid purchasing Apple products if they offer Cuda Technology. In my opinion, Apple is an Open CL organization, at best, who is not responsibly manufacturing / producing computers that fit their organization's strengths. For a fact, they can't test their Cuda Technology and won't even attempt to address Cuda Acceleration errors for Apple owners (01-11-2015). I say this having walked out of the Apple Store on 1-10-2015 with virtually no support other than to contact Corporate.

    Looks like a RAM issue.
    Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 8 GB, DDR3, 1600 MHz, 0x02FE, 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000
    Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM0, 8 GB, DDR3, 1600 MHz, 0x02FE, 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000

  • VZW strong-armed my account, data, refuses help doesn't care.

    I have been a Verizon Wireless customer since the Bell-Atlantic Mobile merger in 2000.  How they are treating me, their customer of over 14 years is unconscionable.  I have a grandfathered unlimited data plan that they will not allow me to use, will not return calls as promised, nor will they honor any promises or assurances given to me by several employees.  Verizon just doesn't care about me.
    In 2008 I left the private sector to work for the government.  At that time I had two plans with the unlimited data feature.  One was mine, the other a line that I purchased for my father who had recently retired.  My credit card is charged every month for that line, it has never been in default.  In 2011 I took a job with the state prosecuting attorney's office.  I was issued a phone by the county with the government's unlimited call, text, email and data features.  At that time, Verizon no longer offered the $29.99 unlimited data feature on their new plans.  I was fortunate to have two plans that were grandfathered.  I called customer service to suspend my line, and was told that because I was both grandfathered and moving to a government line with the same data feature, and because I still had a plan (father's) with that feature, I would be able to retain and reinstate that plan and feature in the future.  Fast-forward to May 2014 and Verizon has broken every promise and just doesn't care.
    I left the government and returned to private practice this month.  On May 16, I submitted a Government Agency to Personal/Employee Assumption of Liability form in order to retain the same number that I have had for the last several years with the area code of the county where I had moved and plan to stay.  Verizon's government employee support agent explained to me that she was unable to set me up on the same plan I had suspended because it no longer existed.  After explaining what I was assured by Verizon when I took the government job and getting nowhere, I was told that once the AOL had gone through, I could talk with consumer support and they would be able to help me.  It was suggested, and I agreed to just a basic "place-holder" plan so I could transfer the phone number to my account  and then go forward with customer support.  In the interim, she would move the number from my grandfathered plan to the "place-holder" and my AOL work number to the grandfathered plan so that I can immediately have my unlimited data feature.  I found that to be reasonable and agreed.  The transfer (so I thought) went through and I thanked her for her help.  I even rated the call as at least a 9/10 in customer support and satisfaction.  I immediately received two text messages from Verizon, that I had assumed the liability and that my number had been removed from My Verizon, and to contact customer service if there was an error.  Two hours later I received a text message that stated I had gone over my data usage and would be charged an overage.  Oddly enough, my father received the same message and called to ask if he had done something wrong.  When I called customer service, I learned that not only did she not put my number on the correct plan, but all of the data I had used when working for the government was charged not only to my account, but to the "place-holder" plan with the minuscule data cap.
    Since then I have been to three Verizon stores, including a corporate location with the authority to correct this matter.  I have been transferred from consumer to government support, from customer service to technical support, I have escalated calls and was told by one escalation point, Justin ID# 65183 that he was the end of the line and no one else over him could or would help me.  Apparently Verizon only has one tier of escalation?  Every supervisor or escalation point has assured me that they have emailed their superiors and I would receive a call back in 1-2 business days.  I have yet to receive such a call.  Monday, May 19, I actually thought I had gotten somewhere.  A customer support representative named James told me he would submit an Inactive Pricing Request to get my data feature back and put me on the right plan, not the "place-holder" I am currently stuck on.  He told me he would call me back at the latest by Friday, May 23 to get me set up after the request was approved.  I hadn't heard anything by Wednesday, May 21 when I received another data overage text message from Verizon.  I called and was told that the request was sitting on a supervisor's desk for his approval and then it would go through.  I heard nothing Thursday, May 22, so yesterday morning, Friday, May 23 I called and was told by yet another representative that the request was denied because it was filled out incorrectly, and that James had written detailed notes and was diligently working on the matter.  She said that he worked in another location but would email him to contact me with status.  By 3:30 with nothing yet from James, I called again and was told by yet another representative that James was still working on it and had written in his notes that he would call me by close of business that day.  She told me he was on central time, and that I should expect a call by 6 p.m. eastern.  Again, no return call.
    Today when I called, the representative that pulled the case number associated with my Inactive Pricing Request told me that it had been denied and that there was nothing further.  The status was closed.  There was nothing she could see in any of the case notes of any mention by James to call me back by close of business, of any emails, of the denial because the form was incorrectly filled out.  Today, I was told that there was nothing in the case notes of all that I had been told came from the case notes all week long.  It has been 8 days and counting, and I fear many more. 
    I have been to so many Verizon stores that I actually took the time to write down their Mission Statement.  Among other things, it expressly states that:
    "We believe that our customers are our greatest asset and we work hard every day to exceed their expectations by listening to and fulfilling their needs and treating them with respect and dignity.  We strive to create lasting relationships to ensure we have future opportunities to serve them in our stores and on our website.  When making decisions, we know that if it is the right thing to do for our customer and for the company, we can and should do it.  We are personally empowered to create positive customer experiences and company profitability every day." 
    I daresay that Verizon only cares about profitability.  And if I didn't live in such a rural part of the country, without access to internet apart from 4GLTE, not even through cable, Verizon DSL or FIOS, were it not for the fact that I refuse to burden my aging father with having to lose his number that he has had for so many years and update all of his contacts with his new information, were it not for the fact that I truly have NO OTHER CHOICE but Verizon for even phone signal, I would not give them another penny and they could at least lose the tiniest drop in their profitability bucket from a customer they assumed from before they existed.
    Every promise Verizon has made to me they have broken.  Apparently, half of what they have told me was happening never did.  I no longer have access to my original My Verizon account, Customer Profile, cannot even use the email address I used to sign up again to post this because it is "in use" by me, who cannot even use my plans, my numbers, my devices, my property which I own and pay them for monthly without fail.  And to top it all off, they are charging me for data usage which isn't mine, it belongs to the government (who by the way, pays a month in advance).     

    dont hold your breath with anything being done with contacting the BBB.. i contacted them weeks ago... Nothing happened. vzw never even contacted me like the BBB said they would.. like you said.. they dont care.. they dont need too.. when you have 122,000,000 customers people like you or me consume to much of their time so they would rather us just leave..  ive been having network issues with them for 6 weeks.. no resolve... they just throw refurb phones and sim cards at me, and dont listen to my actual problems...  

  • Does Verizon REALLY care about customer service?

    OK, to be fair, I do realize that I've been attempting to make an order for a high demand product on a day when thousands of others are doing the same thing. But, I guess I expect a company like Verizon, one that boasts how cutting edge their technology and networks are, to be a little more prepared for the influx in website and phone traffic. It took, no less, than 2 hours to complete a pre-order transaction due to technical failures on both the web and phone support. Isn't this what my $30 upgrade fee is supposed to cover? Wasn't I told that the additional money I pay to upgrade is to ensure a "positive customer experience"? Well, my experience was anything but positive today. The website crashed 3 different times. I was disconnected at least three times, and when I received an autocall for a customer service survey, even THAT didn't work! Verizon, do you want to know the answer if my recent experience with customer service solved my problem? I'll tell you, the answer is NO. Do you care? I doubt it.
    I'd threaten to leave as a customer, but unfortunately, where I live, Verizon is my ONLY option. I'm in a rural community and there are literally no other providers in my area. So I pay ridiculously high fees, for substandard service. I can only have successful phone conversations from the south end of my home, while standing near a window, completely motionless. If I move, call drops (even with good signal strength).
    But I guess I should be grateful for the experience of being a Verizon user, and continue to pay them additional fees for the privilege of being one of their valuable customers.
    While I am forced to be a Verizon customer due to my geography, you can bet that when asked by others what my opinion is of the company, I'll encourage everyone to make a different choice if they can.

    Thats why I normally do not get involved with writing on message boards, especially corporate boards, too many company employees write comments like that on behalf of their office…and yes, cellular service and home communications services are a little more that a “soda” and yes, I do expect loyalty to be a two way street….end of thread, unsubscribed from this farce….

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