Powerbook Wakes Unexpectedly

I've searched around the net and this forum and haven't seen any references to this problem.
I'll be watching TV or something and my powerbook will wake up - unprompted by me.
I have a 23" Cinema hooked up to the PB, and usuall the PB's LCD is cracked open - not latched shut while using the Cinema display.
Maybe airport - network related? Like maybe something trying to get in? I have Limewire installed.
Below is the event according to the log:
Jan 29 00:53:26 chilenets-Computer kernel[0]: System Sleep
Jan 29 00:53:26 chilenets-Computer kernel[0]: System Wake
Jan 29 00:53:26 chilenets-Computer kernel[0]: Wake event 0020
Jan 29 00:53:27 chilenets-Computer kernel[0]: ADB present:84
Jan 29 00:53:28 chilenets-Computer kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Active: "ROUTER" - BLAH_BLAH - chan 6
Jan 29 00:53:28 chilenets-Computer configd[31]: SecKeychainFindGenericPassword err= -25308 ( =0xffff9d24, secErrStr=User interaction is not allowed. ) (current= ROUTER)
Jan 29 00:53:29 chilenets-Computer lookupd[305]: lookupd (version 369.2) starting - Sun Jan 29 00:53:29 2006
Jan 29 00:53:32 chilenets-Computer configd[31]: posting notification com.apple.system.config.network_change
Jan 29 00:53:32 chilenets-Computer lookupd[306]: lookupd (version 369.2) starting - Sun Jan 29 00:53:32 2006
Jan 29 00:53:32 chilenets-Computer configd[31]: setting hostname to "carnitas"
Jan 29 00:54:30 chilenets-Computer shutdown: halt by andres:
Jan 29 00:54:31 chilenets-Computer SystemStarter[318]: authentication service (330) did not complete successfully
Thanks for any help.
G4 PB 12"   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  
G4 PB 12"   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

Hi Andres,
I had the same problem too, one night my powerbook just woke up; I didn't have anything attached to my powerbook. And the screen was all closed, and it when back to sleep by itself...
Heres my log at the time:
Jan 25 09:28:40 localhost configd[86]: SecKeychainItemCreateFromContent err= -60008 ( =0xffff1598) (current= Apple Network)
Jan 25 09:28:43 localhost configd[86]: executing /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/Kicker.bundle/Contents/Resources/set-hostna me
Jan 25 09:28:43 localhost configd[86]: posting notification com.apple.system.config.network_change
Jan 25 09:28:43 localhost mach_init[2]: Server 0 in bootstrap d03 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd": exited as a result of signal 1 [pid 4867]
So it looks like its something to do with the airport link !?!
This is about the second time that it has ever happened - so its not that much of a drama for me, but its just really strange !
Anyone know whats going on !?!

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    Okay, I figured it out.
    Playing with the .plist file was giving inconsistent results for some reason. Instead, use the pmset command in Terminal. Setting acwake to 1 does what you would expect.

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    Hi, Zach.
    You might want to try a different FireWire cable, a different FireWire port on your Mac (if available), or contact LaCie, the latter as the enclosure may be malfunctioning. Another potential problem area, although this also usually shows up as spontaneous dismounts of the FireWire drive, is the FireWire drive's power supply, i.e. its power brick, but that seems less likely here.
    While it certainly seems like you've isolated the cause to the FireWire drive, you may also want to review my "Resolving Kernel Panics" FAQ. This FAQ includes step-by-step instructions for identifying and resolving some of the most common causes of kernel panics. The FAQ is a roadmap: start at the beginning and work systematically through the end, i.e. the "If all else fails..." section.
    Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X
    Note: The information provided in the link(s) above is freely available. However, because I own The X Lab™, a commercial Web site to which some of these links point, the Apple Discussions Terms of Use require I include the following disclosure statement with this post:
    I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.

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    Here's another one; you never know!
    A number of sleep-related issues can appear after incremental Mac OSX updates, including the inability to properly go to sleep, problems waking from sleep, and having your display go to sleep without your Mac going to sleep. The most common culprit is Bluetooth. Try these tips to fix your sleep problems.
    In System Preferences>Bluetooth, uncheck Allow Bluetooth Devices To Wake This Computer. If you are using a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard, you'll have to wake your Mac by pressing the power button.
    Your Bluetooth preference file may be corrupt-you'll need to delete it. Turn Bluetooth off, then go to the /Users/user name/Library/Preferences folder. Look for a file called com.apple.Bluetooth.plist and trash it.The OS will create a new preference file when you enable Bluetooth again.
    If you have issues with a Mac or display that goes to sleep at inappropriate times, you may have a problem with Energy Saver. Delete the following .plist files and restart:
    -/Users/username/Library/Preferences/com.apple.systemuiserver.plist--(username is your name or System Administrators name).
    A restart is very important after deleting these plists. After a reboot your Mac will then generate new ones.
    In some cases, running MacOS X's cron tasks-maintenance that the OS performs automatically if you leave your Mac on 24 hours a day-can resolve many sleep problems. If you don't want to leave your Mac on, you can use MacJanitor, Yasu, or OnyX free at Versiontracker.com.

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    If you use bluetooth devices, the first thing I'd suggest you check would be your bluetooth settings in system preferences. Under settings, see if 'Allow bluetooth devices to wake this computer' is checked and if so, uncheck it.
    There's also a command you can enter in Terminal which turns off the computer's setting so it won't automatically wake up when the lid is opened. To wake it, you then just hit a key on your keyboard. If that's the way you want to go, let us know and I or somebody else can get it to you. I wouldn't recommend doing this though unless you're comfortable messing around in Terminal.

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    Rose Stroud-
    Greetings and welcome to the Apple boards.
    You have posted in the Power Mac G5 forum. You may be better served by posting in the appropriate PowerBook forum located here.

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    The HP drivers won't load on my 10.10.x (10.10.1 thru 10.10.4) OSX macbook pro.  The install says the version of OSX isn't supported even thought I've tried 1.5.0 dmg file which is for 10.7 and greater.  I did the math and I believe 10.10.x is greater than any version of 10.7.  I also tried HP Easy Scan and it doesn't even see my scanner.  Printing works fine, but I scan a lot of paper.  Also, I've found that the Mac OSX version of the HP software (when it still worked) creates obscenely large PDF files.  I can get around this by opening Adobe Acrobat Pro and re-saving the file as a reduced file size with the same name.  I can take a 25 MB file HP creates and get it down to about 300KB or so.  I found a way around all this but you won't like it.  I've loaded Parallels (installed windows 7 ultimate 64 bit) and installed the windows client in my parallels image.  The windows client works fine.  Not a solution I prefer, but this is an HP issue not an apple issue .... HP hasn't put out a driver for this printer in the better part of 3.5 years.  Lastly, I'm not hooking up a USB cable to my printer/fax/scanner .... what's the point of having a dhcp network capable printer if I have to hard wire to a PC? I've used HP printers since the mid-'90s, but I guess it's time to find a company that supports OSX.

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    OSX 10.4.11 MacBook Pro 2.16 C2D

    I think it applies to both, and I surmise it's because some people have Bluetooth KBs & Mice that need to wake the computer up.

  • Wakes from sleep by itself

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    My iMac wakes unexpectedly after being at sleep (sometimes after 10 mins sometimes a bit longer). I have NO bluetooth devices attached (and bluetooth is off anyway) and I do not allow bluetooth devices to wake the computer.
    I also have the "Wake for Ethernet..." unchecked. I have also tried to trash the com.apple.PowerManagement.plist file and rebooted. And also have run Onyx to fix permissions and run the maintenance scripts.
    I just say someone on a different forum post that they too are having this problem with new iMac. Anyone hear of a fix or suggestions as to what may be the cause?

    Okay more advice. If you go to: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=1849881&#1849881
    you can read the advice suggested but this one looked really helpful posted by Dale Welsshaar:
    This is for a Mac that won't sleep.
    First, read things in Apple doc.#25801 on sleep settings.
    USB devices and hubs often cause Macs to not sleep or wake quickly from sleep (notably HP printers and scanners, HP all in ones, and Cannon scanners). Disconnect all USB except for keyboard and mouse and try. If it sleeps, add one back at a time testing after each one to find the culprit.
    If you've set your Mac to recieve faxes, it may not be able to sleep. It might also have a damaged preferences file.
    If you use your Mac for faxing, open System Preferences. click Print & Fax, click the Faxing tab, and uncheck the Recieve Faxes On This Computer box.
    If that does'nt work or you've never faxed on your Mac, go to Finder/Hard Drive /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration and delete the com.apple.PowerManagement.plist and com..apple.AutoWake.plist files (if your Mac asks, type your admin. password).
    If the latter file isn't present in the folder, go to user name(probably your name)/Library/Preferences, delete the com.apple.systemuiserver.plist file, and reboot your Mac.
    Hope this helps!
    P.S. One member here reported this (Michael Gleason);
    "I have had this problem with my IMac G5. It is surprisingly irritating. LaCie's Silverkeeper backup software was the cause. By default it gave itself permission to wake up the computer to check if a backup was needed. Do you have this or a similar program installed which has scheduled activities including wake-up permissions as an option?"
    Dave Hamilton provided this link, xlr8yourmac.com, to a member, which addresses failure of deep sleep with some users that updated and added new FireWire and USB cards.
    Hopefully this will help you out even more,

  • IMac mysteriously wakes from Sleep

    Hi, I have had this problem with my iMac where when I put it to sleep, it will mysteriously wake up at 7pm, even when no one is home. At first I thought someone at home was trying to get into my computer because every time I came home, I'd find my computer awake, and it bothered me. Then I realized that even if someone was not home, it would wake at that time anyway. What is going on? What is happening, why is it doing that? Should I be worried? I came across this post:
    Is this what I need to do? I just wanted to make sure before I did something stupid.

    Well, It's certainly been awhile, and I have forgotten about it as well, but remember it from time to time. I said I would post back, and I am posting back.
    Unfortunately, I have had it wake maybe a couple times since I put in that command, but not nearly as "predictable" or often as prior to the terminal workaround. I am unsure if there is a complete fix to this yet myself. If there is, please let me know. It may have been solved in the 10.5.5 update, I have no clue, I haven't had it wake unexpectedly within the past month, so I don't know if the problem is still there or not.

  • Powerbook freezing

    This started happening recently, so I know it's not because of an accessory or software, but my powerbook will freeze every now and then. I am using the powerbook like i normally do, then suddenly, one application lags and then freezes. Then, when I switch to another app, that app also freezes, and then every application freezes on the system. I cannot open the force quit dialog, but I can move the mouse. commandoption+controleject does not cause the computer to shut down. The only way to use the computer again is to manually restart it by holding the power button. If iTunes is playing when this happens, I can still hear the music playing, but I cannot switch songs or pause it. Also, If I can successfully force quit a program, I cannot load another application. Clicking on an icon simply causes it to bounce and it never loads. I am getting tired of this happening and tried reinstalling OS X to fix it, reinstalling OS X did not fix it at all. It sometimes occurs after the powerbook wakes up and the only thing I can do to use it is to restart the computer. I reinstalled OS X by keeping users and preferences. Does anyone else know what is going on or how I can prevent my powerbook from freezing completely?

    Read this thread.

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    Any ideas anyone?

    This is a known problem not only on the Pismo but even some of the later models...powerbook wakes from sleep with a dark display.
    One workaround some have found useful: Just close the display and wait until the sleep light indicates normal sleep, then open the display.
    Here is an extensive tutorial for wake-from-sleep issues:

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    Go to Solution.

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    I can restore default the settings when I actually am sharing media

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