Premiere pro and windows 7

I can not to install premiere pro in my windows 7, What can I do, please?
Message was edited by: Ana María Grande

You're going to have to give us more information if you want anyone to know what to advise:
Make of PC
Model pf PC
Available disk space
number of hard drives
graphics card make and model
how you're trying to install

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  • I need to reinstall my computer, how do I deal with Premiere pro and After effects?

    As my question states I need to reinstall my computer (laptop) and I'm not quite sure on how to deal with Premiere pro and After effects.
    I am thinking that I need to do some sort of backup and save my projects and footage on a sepparate drive.
    If I reinstall my computer, install my creative suit production premium, and move back all of my projects and footage, won't I have to re-link every single clip?
    I am currently workning on several different projects and having to re-link everything is something I don't even want to think about, that would take me days if not weeks.
    Another option on my mind would be to use Creative cloud. I do have the free version but I have never used it even once before and I'm not quite sure what the purpose of the cloud is and if this is a way to use it.
    I have no idea how to go about this computer reinstalation without either loosing tons of work or having to re-link every single clip used.
    I am videoediting only as a hobby so I have no experience working with other people and sharing projects or the like, wich is my understanding of what the cloud is for.
    Any and all help would be grealty appreciated, I know this is probably really easy but ever since i got my Suit I haven't reinstalled, upgraded och changed my computer so I am just clueless as to how to go about this.
    I have Creative suit production premium, I also have the free Creative cloud.
    It is only Premiere pro and After effects that I am using and am worried about.
    Thank you for any help.
    -Lisa Kajupank
    (and oh, I just notice my name - umustbejoking - I think I just wrote that cause they wouldn't let me use anything else, saying it was already taken. So nevermind that haha.)
    Message was edited by: umustbejoking

    If the computer's running Mac OS X, move the cursor to the very top of the computer's screen, click on Store, and choose Authorize this Computer.
    If the computer's running Windows, press the Alt and S keys and choose Authorize this Computer, or click here, follow the instructions, click on Store in the menu bar, and choose Authorize this Computer.

  • Is it possible to show the sequence name in Premiere Pro's window titlebar?

    Currently the Premiere Pro titlebar displays "Adobe Premiere Pro" and the project file (ie. D:\Videos\2014-04-30 - PPK\_Project Files\PPK.prproj)
    I was wondering if anybody knows a way to also display the name of the current sequence you're editing?
    I use time tracking software to monitor my Premiere editing times and uses the tilebar name... so if the Premiere titlebar included the sequence name, I would know how long I spent editing a specific sequence in that project.
    I'm using Windows 8.1

    This is not possible.

  • Install old version of Premiere Pro in Windows 8.1

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    If DirectX is the hold-up, you will need to run the DX legacy installer from Microsoft to install the DX 9 runtimes. Otherwise I don't think you will have much luck on that one... The versions with the horse are pre-CS and that is like 15 years ago. Even if it installs, you may not be able to actually work with it because e.g. the program may not be able to invoke file dialogs to actually open projects and there may be any number of other compatibility issues.

  • Premiere Pro and Media Encoder crash while rendering H.264

    Very recently, a problem's popped up where Premiere Pro and Media Encoder (CC) will crash while rendering H.264.
    It's only while rendering H.264 - other formats seem to work fine.
    And I don't mean that it returns an error, I mean it hard crashes with a Windows "Adobe Premiere Pro CC has stopped working" popup.
    It doesn't crash at a consistent time during the render, even on the same project. Occasionally, it won't crash at all, but this is usually not the case.
    I've tried disabling CUDA and my overclock to no avail. Please help!

    On the topic of opening a project on the exact same version of Premiere Pro CC 2014 (yes it is definitely up to date, and the 2014 version), to overcome this export crash problem that ZachHinchy has brought up - you can't. Technically speaking, one should easily be able to open a Premiere Pro CC 2014 project from one system on another system running the exact same up to date, legitimate version of Premiere Pro CC 2014 without any kind of error. But for some reason, this has been disallowed(?) by Adobe. It has facepalm written all over it. Does anyone agree that this is at least a little bit silly?
    I have tried exporting a Final Cut Pro XML from my project to try and open the sequence at uni on a Mac, so I can render my project when I finish my edit. It half works - the clips are there, but the sequence is gone - i.e. 12 hours of painstaking sequencing and micro-edits that had me at several points in time wanting to insert my hand through my monitor with enough force to make a large hole. I really cannot afford redo this sequence, as my assignment is due tomorrow, and I have to work at 6 oclock in the morning, so I also cannot afford to stay up till the early hours of tomorrow morning. Wish me luck that some miraculous event has taken place overnight that will somehow allow me to just open my project, on the same version of Premiere, on a Mac, without hassle. (Apple OS is not friendly to anything but its own selfish nature, so I am having doubts).
    Adobe please, if you can do anything at all to help, you will save my assignment, and my faith will be restored. Otherwise, I'll just get my money back and buy Final Cut instead.
    I cant even
    If I find a way to fix either of these problems, I will post straight away.

  • Premiere Pro and Adobe Media Encoder running slow

    Hello everyone,
    I'm having trouble with CS4, which is running significantly slower than CS3 did on a older machine. The CS4 suite is installed on a Dell Precision M6400:
    Windows Vista 64-Bit
    Intel Core 2 Duo CPU T9400 @ 2.53 GHz
    8 GB RAM
    NVIDIA Quadro FX 2700M Graphics with 512MB dedicated memory
    The OS is running on a 57.5 GB HD (C:) and the Adobe suite is installed on a 298 GB Solid State HD (D:), except for Adobe Media Encoder, which is installed on the C: drive.
    My project has 4 15-16 minute sequences. The sequences are in DV NTSC, 29.97 fps,  My scratch disks are set to a folder on the C: drive. Media Cache Files and the Media Cache Database points to a folder on the D: drive.
    These are some of the problems I'm having:
    - Premiere Pro CS4 generates peak files every time I open a project
    - It then takes 3-5 minutes to render before I can preview a 16-minute sequence
    - Adobe Media Encoder takes 5 hours to render a 16-minute sequence (as flv) that has been previously rendered
    - AME takes 1 hour to render every 15 minute sequence that has never been rendered before
    Are my settings affecting their performance? Is there any way to improve it? Thanks.
    (Premiere Pro is the only app that is slow)

    The data rate for replay is one thing, the data rate from disk to memory then from memory to CPU and back the other way are different matters and ought not to be confused. It is well-established that for a computer to edit AVCHD you need top end components, and note that I said there were three tasks to distinquish with increasing hardware requirements, namely merely replaying the video, specifying edits in the editor and then the rendering. It is commonly accepted by all the industry vendors that to do remotely commercial AVCHD rendering you need a minimum Quadcore CPU then that eats data fast, in order to not let it go to waste you need a fast motherboard bus fast memory and in order for none of those to go to waste you need the fastest disk set-up you can manage. I in fact have a 4-disk RAID0 volume using SATA (I think the disk model is SATAII but I have to await return from the repair center before I can confirm). For this RAID0 volume I have run speed test software from BlackMagic because I have one of their HDTV capture cards. It recorded that this volume which remember is doing parallelised IO is just fast enough to receive a encoded HDTV stream from the BlackMagic card but too slow to receive an uncompressed HDTV stream, indeed when I tried both I found the volume did keep up with compressed but fell behind with uncompressed. Remember that with a RAID0 volume of 4 SATAII disks a given file gets spread over the four disks and hence IO is spread over those 4 3G/s data lanes. Also remember with these disks 3G/s is just a burst speed, for AVCHD we are interested in sustained serial IO which is much less.
    Before my machine broke down, I found that it took 5 hours to render 33 minutes of HDTV albeit as it went along it transcoded from AVCHD to a Microsoft HD format for Vista-only. Another interesting thing is that I found that the longer this render ran the slower it became, the estimated time started at 3 hours but the actual was five and the last one third took maybe 3 hours. Because the machine broke after that run I couldn't figure the bottleneck. For my machine bear in mind that at the repair shop we found that the Quadcore had only half the necessary electrical power plugged in, the monitor software showed however that it constantly ran around 90% of whatever capacity that reduced power supply permitted. Now then we can puzzle over why it got slower and slower and yet CPU consumption remained consistent and near to full capacity, memory was not the bottleneck because that was constant at 6.4G. But you can say that this was maybe performing like a Dualcore and was hitting some sort of wall, if you had a 1 hour render with that rate of degeneration of performance factored in what would happen to the render time, and for 3 hours you could be running indefinitely. I hope when the machine comes back the correct power supply will make it behave like a Quadcore should for this type of application. Anyway I have two theories for the degradation. First is just that PrProCS4 was getting its knickers in a twist and thereby just doing more computation per minute of video to be rendered as time went by, maybe internal resource management related to OO-type programming maybe, or related to disk IO falling behind, both these theories have problems, for the latter the CPU usage should then have dropped also.
    Anyways, you need really a Quadcore system and blazing fast disk to work fully with AVCHD commercially, we found an external SATAII disk so if I were you I would just go get one and move on with your life.
    Message du 03/06/09 16:08
    De : "Jim Simon"
    A : "JONES Peter"
    Copie à :
    Objet : Premiere Pro and Adobe Media Encoder running slow
    For AVCHD you MUST have FAST disks.
    AVCHD actually has a lower data date than DV. You need lots of CPU muscle, but disk speed is really not a factor specific to AVCHD. Anything that works for DV will work just as well for AVCHD (and HDV as well).

  • How much does Premiere Pro and After Effects rely on the hard drive it's installed on?

    This may be a really dumb question, but how much does Premiere Pro and After Effects rely on the hard drive it's installed on if all your video files, assets, disk cache, etc are on different drives than the one the program itself is installed on?
    The reason I am asking is that I currently have a "relatively" slow Sata II SSD for my C drive that has just my OS (windows 7 64bit) and programs (adobe editing programs, no games) installed on it and nothing else. All of the files used in my projects are saved on either a very fast Sata III SSD or a slower HDD depending on what the files are. For example, disk cache on the Sata III, stills on the HDD.
    Being cyber monday I have the opportunity to buy another very fast Sata III SSD to replace my current Sata II SSD C Drive (just OS and programs). Both synthetic and real world benchmarks show a near double in performance. I just want to know if anyone thinks the upgrade is even worth it because for all I know there won't be any increase in performance since no videos, still, cach, etc will be stored on the C Drive.
    The alternative is to get a second monitor because I currently only use one 21" monitor.
    I suppose another alternative would be to not buy anything on the cyber monday deals and just save money for something else.
    Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    Thanks Alex! I think you are right about not being able to notice the difference between the SSDs. I ended up finding a deal to get about $80 off a great monitor that I've been looking at for a while and decided to pull the trigger on it. I thought about it and realized that there have already been a bunch of times where I want to watch a tutorial on youtube and follow allong in AE or PrePro, but have to keep switching windows. I also frequently want to have my video preview on a separate monitor so I can have a taller timeline window. This monitor will help a lot with that. Thanks again for your help!

  • Why is "edit in Audition" greyed out in Premiere Pro and After Effects?

    Since the CC 2014 launch, the option in in Premiere Pro and After Effects to "edit in Audition" is greyed out. Right-clicking a clip in Premiere Pro doesn't have an option for Audition. I cannot send my compositions, sequences or clips to Audition for audio editing. I contacted an Adobe Support personnel earlier this evening. They suggested to go into my Mac's System Preferences and enable a root user, log out of my account, log into the root user, shut down and boot up into safe mode. None of these scenarios worked. It is still greyed out, in both user accounts.
    Is this a known issue? I even uninstalled and reinstalled Audition. Still nothing. All my Adobe apps are updated. My Mac is updated. Again, never had this issue before.
    I'd appreciate any assistance!
    Thank you!
    Evan Lockhart

    I may have an answer for you, but not sure if my resolution will work for Macs.
    First, here's my system and initial info. I'm using a work computer, operating system is Windows 7. I just upgraded to Adobe CC 2014 about a week ago, and I also uninstalled the previous versions of all my Creative Cloud programs after installing the new versions (CC 2014 doesn't just update the previous version, it installs a new program and doesn't automatically uninstall the previous CC programs). Not sure if the uninstall is necessary, for this resolution to work.
    Anyway, after I installed Premiere Pro CC 2014 and Audition CC 2014, the Edit Clip in Adobe Audition command was available from the Edit menu in the Menu bar, but was disabled in the right-click menu for the sequence (for the right-click menu, it was visible, but greyed out and disabled). When I tried to use the command from the Edit menu in the Menu bar, it gave me a dialog box to fill out and it created a new folder (titled "Adobe Audition Interchange"). So, the command, when selected from the "Edit menu" obviously uses a different process than the command from the right-click menu. Anyway, I didn't want a new folder created or to fill out a dialog box, I just wanted it to behave like it used to. Basically, when I right-click the sequence and select Edit Clip in Adobe Audition from the right-click menu, it just opens Audition and the audio waveform is visible.
    I was able to resolve this and get the right-click command working by reading a couple of articles on this same issue from Adobe CC (not CC 2014) and using those to figure out how to fix this in Adobe CC 2014.
    Here's what I did:
    I had to locate my .sesx files in my system. They are NOT in the same location as they were for the previous version of CC (at least, they weren't for me). I had to use the Search command and look for .sesx extensions to locate them.
    Found them under the path C:>Users>Public>Public Documents>Adobe>Audition>7.0>Session Templates. Note that (for me), there was a folder titled 6.0 on the same level as the 7.0 folder. I selected the 7.0 folder as that folder contained the most recent set of .sesx files. I checked the 6.0 folder and those were the .sesx files from the previous version, so I deleted that folder just as a clean-up step.
    I right-clicked on one of the .sesx files in the Session Templates folder and then selected Open with from the right-click menu. The Open with dialog box displays and provides a list of programs.
    I selected Adobe Audition CC 2014 from the list of programs (you may have to browse to find it) and then selected Always use the selected program to open this kind of file. I then clicked OK to submit the configuration command and close the Open with dialog box.
    I restarted Premiere Pro CC 2014 and the Edit Clip In Adobe Audition command was now enabled on the right-click menu and was working properly.
    I wept with joy..... OK, not really, but I'm always irritated at ridiculous regression errors and a lack of thorough testing of new software versions, so I am happy to resolve frustrating issues.
    Don't know if this will help you, or if you already resolved your issue. Either way, good luck!
    ~ Jim

  • I can´t download Premiere Pro and it wont appear on creative cloud

    I was looking for a good software to download because I recently went to a trip and I recorded a lot of footage so I wanted to edit that and make it just  one video (I use Windows 7). So I looked for After effects first, I downloaded Creative Cloud but I couldn´t find the After Effects app so I downloaded Prelude. While I was using Prelude, I looked for more information on how to use it and I realized that I must have Premiere Pro, and I am kind of familiar with the software so I said "why not?" When I looked for it I couldn´t find it on Creative Cloud either and I don´t know why. I already tried to look for FAQs and nothing answers my question and I want to know if any of you have the same problem.

    you need a 64 bit computer.

  • I just installed Adobe CC Premiere Pro and it continuously crashes!

    I just installed Adobe CC Premiere Pro and it keeps crashing.  I've tried creating a new project, opening an existing project -- nothing works.  I can start a new project and get as far as to import clips into the project window but the moment I try to play a clip or create a sequence from it, it crashes.  I'm running off a brand new laptop (Lenovo X1 carbon 3rd gen)  8Gb Ram, i5 processor, best of anything I could get on this specific machine.  Any thoughts??
    The files I'm opening with a new project are MP4 files from a gopro camera.  The existing project was a CS5.5 file that it attempted to update to CC -- it actually located all of the files fine and as soon as it gets to the workspace with everything laid out, it crashes.  Let me know if I can supply any more information. 

    I just posted Im having the same issue.
    Premiere Pro 2014.2 is crashing
    I love PPRO 2014 very much but, wrote an nasty gram to Adobe because each update seems to have issues.
    I have set my autosave to 5 min saves and each time I see it say AUTO SAVING I use it as a reminder to do a real save.
    I have a super system and it didn't use to crash like this every hour.
    Why not try it out for a year and do a major update vs little updates that have issues the last 3 times.
    I can't render either with the hardware setting, which did work for a year then, the latest update screwed that up.
    The Adobe Tech blamed it on Apple but, hey - it worked for a year until Adobes update.

  • Nvidia CUDA driver update fixes crashes for Premiere Pro and other applications

    We are seeing reports that the CUDA 5.5.47 driver update released today addresses the crashing problems introduced by the CUDA 5.5.43 driver update in Premiere Pro and other applications.   So, if you have an Nvidia GPU, please update your drivers to use the most recent version of the CUDA driver. 

    It should be added that only Macs and Quadros need the CUDA driver.  That is not required for use with GeForce cards on Windows.

  • Error: Premiere Pro and Encore: Could not find video play modules

    Please help! I am ripping my hair out!
    I have CS3 Master suite and just reciently started having proiblems with Premiere Pro and Encode where I get an error: "Could not find video play modules, please reinstall and try again"
    I HAVE reinstalled, and still no luck! I have even used the CS3 clean utility, blew away everything ADOBE I could think of, reinstalled -  and that hasn't helped.
    I have a Windows XP (32 bit) SP3 box
    4 GB Ram
    3.167 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo processor
    Nvidia GeForce GTX 285 video card.
    All drivers are up to date.
    I heard it could be a CODEC problem, but I do not know where or how to get the correct or missing CODECs.   I also have AVID Media Composer 3.5 insalled on the box, but I'm not sure if that is creating conflict (it used to work before - not sure what happened).
    Any help would be appreciated!

    Could be a CODEC issue. First, get G-Spot and install/run it on your files. It will tell you exactly what they are, and what you need, if it shows them as not being installed.
    Might be as simple as going to, say MainConcept's site, downloading and installing just the right CODEC. Without the info from G-Spot, we'd only be guessing.
    Good luck,
    Tip: always install JUST the CODEC's that are required. Do not install any CODEC "packs." They will most likely give you problems someplace.

  • I started a creative cloud student membership but Premiere Pro and After Effects are not in the app

    I started a creative cloud student membership but Premiere Pro and After Effects are not in the app and won't download from the adobe website, all that happens is that the creative cloud app opens and sends me to the list of programs available for download which still do not contain Premiere Pro and After Effects

    Premiere Pro and After Effects are 64 bit only apps.
    They require a 64 bit computer and a 64 bit operating system.
    If you're running Windows 7 32 bit or Windows 8 32 bit then you will not be able to download, install or run Premiere Pro or After Effects.
    Which desktop applications in Creative Cloud require 64-bit operating systems?
    With the new CC apps, most of the pro video and audio applications now require 64-bit operating systems to run. These native 64-bit applications include Adobe Premiere® Pro CC, Adobe Audition® CC, After Effects® CC, Prelude® CC, and SpeedGrade® CC. Flash Professional CC, Photoshop CC and Lightroom® also require 64-bit on Mac OS.

  • CS6 Premiere Pro and After Effects have stopped working :(

    After installing the AdobeCS6 I removed CS4 by using the Creative Cleaner Tool. Now Premiere Pro and After Effects don't work and windows wouldn't tell me what the problemm is. The rest of the CS6 is working fine apparently. Do I have to un-install then re-install all the CS6? Is it normal that the CC Cleaner tool do this? ... Thank you!

    Advice around these parts is not to remove older versions after you install a newer one, because this is exactly what can happen.  If you want to get rid of an older version, do that before you install the new one.
    So yes, you may well need to reinstall.

  • Trying to finish project on Premiere Pro and having issues...

    Hi everyone,
    I'm having multiple issues on Premiere Pro and have gone through all the troubleshoots, and obvious Adobe is closed on the weekend, so was wondering if there was someone out there who was well-versed in this program to guide me through it. I know it just from editing on it, but am by no means an expert working with it. Thanks in advance...

    Some of this has been addressed in other responses, but I thought I’d take a stab what what’s going on item by item.
    Chalkduster is a Mac TrueType font that’s included with Mac OS X 1.6 or newer.  Being that Fonts are platform specific, I can think of the following two options:
    1. Find someone running Mac OS X 10.6 or newer with a utility that can convert Mac TrueType to Windows TrueType and then install the converted font on your Windows system. The Titles should look very close to what you expect them to look like and you can still make edits to them.  Or,
    2. Find someone with the same version of Premiere Pro that the original project file was saved in (or a newer version) running Mac OS X 10.6 (or newer) who can open the project file and save each Premiere Pro Title as PNG file.  Then, replace each Premiere Pro Title with the corresponding PNG file in your current Sequence.  You don’t need to send the person all of your media as the Premiere Pro Titles are part of the project file itself.  Of course, you won’t have editable text with option 2, but the titles should appear as expected.
    ***Color is screwed up
    If this is a 3rd party effect that’s not installed on your system, it may be a simple matter of installing that plug-in to restore the color such that it appears as expected.
    Select one of the clips that has unexpected color and click on the Effect Controls tab.
    Under “Video Effects”, you’ll see Motion, Opacity and Time Remapping.  Anything listed after that is an Effect that has been applied to the clip. 
    Does it show that anything is missing?  (If I remember correctly, the effect name will appear in italics with the word “missing”.)
    If something is listed and there’s a Windows version of that plug-in, you’re probably in good shape for restoring the color.
    Of course, there's always the possibility that you may need to restore the color to appear as expected from scratch.
    ***Opened Sequences vs. Imported Sequences
    It sounds like you’re opening a Sequence from within the Project rather than importing one.  You are probably also opening a rendered cut that was exported as a movie and then imported back into the project.
    You’ll want to find the Sequence that is your most recent cut and make a duplicate of it (assuming that there is a Sequence with your entire assembly from first frame to last frame).
    To make a duplicate, select the Sequence in the Project panel and then choose Edit > Duplicate.
    For Sequence names, I highly recommend the following naming convention:
    For example, the fourth version of a cut edited today by me on a project named Cross Platform Nightmares” would be named “Cross_2014-10-04_004_WH”.
    ***Various Versions of Premiere Pro
    Opening an older version of Premiere Pro in a newer version _usually_ goes smoothly.  Your problems are a mixed back of cross platform issues, media 3rd party plug-in issues, and file organization issues.
    ***Linked Media
    It’s unfortunate that you had to relink your media.  That’s a time consuming process.
    From what you’ve described, the links most likely broke because the project file was moved from where it was originally at the Finder level rather than via File > Save As…” from within Premiere Pro.
    Latham, do you happen to have a budget to hire an experienced, cross-platform editor?  Based on where you’re at, it sounds like you need someone with a good deal of experience cutting in Premiere Pro on both Mac and Windows.

Maybe you are looking for