Previous Level in flash?

Hello all,
i am a begginer to programming. I am making a simple maze game. When you touch the border you die. A new frame pops us saying you lose and has a retry button on it. I don't want the player to start the whole game over, just that specific level they were just on. Please help!

well, my levels are just frames like this and my game over frame is behind that. i dont want the player to have to start the whole game over, just that specific level and continue. thanks.

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    Lion OSX 10.7.3
    Firefox 10.0.2 or Safari Version 5.1.3 (7534.53.10) or
    I keep looking on the site and I cannot find a prior version to; I can only find and nothing in between.
    I am trying to troubleshoot.
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    Examples of issues:
    (Below describes issues on Firefox, similar issues on Safari)
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    Youtube videos on youtube seem to play fine on this computer. Everything to do with flash .62 works well on my other machine running snow leopard.

    Did you scroll down on the archive page that was linked in the FAQ?
    I see the following releases listed:
    (Released 3/05/2012) Flash Player (174 MB)
    (Released 3/05/2012) Flash Player (67.3 MB)
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  • Purchase Order Workflow message for previous level approver

    Hi folks!!
    We are implementing PO workflow through which we want to notify the next level releaser as well as we also want to notify the previous levels releaser as well as Purchase requisition creator (if PR has been used as reference document to create PO).
    I have already successfully implemented the workflow, in which next level of approver gets the notification in his/her SAP Business Workplace as soon as the PO gets approved by the previous level.
    But my requirement is on final approval of PO, notification should also send back to the previous levels approver of PO and Requisition creator.How can I achieve it, please help.
    Best regards

    A check can be made during final level of approval for which e-mail will get triggered to the previous approver and the requisitioner. you would need to provide a Logic to your developer with the message body whihc will trigger an e-mail during final approver and mail recipients will be the previous approver and the Requisitioner which can be picked from Line item in Purchase Order.

  • How do I revert to a previous version of Flash Player?

    While we always recommend using the latest version of Flash Player, sometimes problems are encountered in a new release that were not present in a previous release.  If you are unable to work around these problems and they block functionality you rely on, rolling back to a previous version might be required until an update is made available.  This FAQ will walk you through the steps required for reverting back to a previous version of Flash Player.
    Please note that Google Chrome provides it's own version of Flash Player.  For more details on this, along with instructions for using a version other than the default with Chrome, please see: Flash Player with Google Chrome.
    Windows video tutorial
    Please click here for an HTML5 version of this video: YouTube HTML5 HD Link
    Macintosh video tutorial
    Please click here for an HTML5 version of this video: YouTube HTML5 HD Link
    1. Follow the steps in the "How do I do a clean install of Flash Player" FAQ, but stop at the end before installing the most recent version
    2. Install the latest Flash Player ESR release.
    The Flash Player ESR release provides a player with all known security patches applied.
    If downloading from the Flash Player archives, please note that you will be downloading a .zip file that will contain installers for all operating systems.
    Unzip the archive and navigate into the appropriate folder (you can safely ignore the folder that ends with "_debug").
    Run the appropriate installer for your operating system and browser.
    If installing for Internet Explorer, run the installer with "winax" in the file name.
    For Windows, running the executable that ends with .exe is recommended.
    When presented with the dialog that allows you to select your update method, select "Notify me to install updates".

    Hey Chris, thanks for all the keeping up with us and stuff.  I have an issue and i'm not sure if this was already discussed (if so sorry). Windows 8 IE 10 I'm getting an error tying to downgrade my customers to the beta.  The message i'm getting is
    The installation encountered errors:
    Your Microsoft Explorer browser includes the latest version on the Adobe Flash Player built-in. Windows Update will inform you when new versions of Flash Player are available.
    I have done my research and I cannot find how to fix this issue.  I have ran the uninstaller multiple times and restarted blah blah all the goodies.  It will not let me install the beta.
    Please help..... any idea how to get beta running on hundreds of my customers machines?
    The beta work's great it seems like and I wouldn't mind installing the beta on all their machines till the final release (which seems like a few weeks away)
    Thanks again, Tim

  • How can I download the previous version of Flash, CS6. It's not showing up on the list when I click previous versions in my CC account

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    For now I will try and download the CS6 version however even that's proving to be difficult. It's not an option in my previous version list. Please help

    This is about Premiere Pro, but the IDEA is the same
    CS5-thru-CC PPro/Encore tutorial list will help
    The bottom section of the link above has several Adobe links, and other information, on downloading Premiere Pro CS6 and the bundled Encore CS6, and the TWO ADDED downloads for the Encore library content, to author a DVD or BluRay... and the tutorial list includes learning how to use Encore... pay particular attention to the picture in reply 3 at this link -

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    I need any previous version of flash 10.1 that has flash unified player 1.6.3 or less. Perhaps Flash 10.0 would suffice as well.

    Hi, glad you have your site working. Now on the site, I would read over these system requirements carefully. The FAQ appear to be very helpful. Also there is contact info if after trying all they suggest.
    Thanks and also for marking your thread as answered. Glad you indicated MAC in your subject line also.
    This will help the many MAC users that use the Flash Forum.

  • Had to revert to previous version of Flash to regain HD in video.

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    Hi Koz,
    While we do get reports of crash issues, I'd like to try and isolate yours if you're willing to help.  Would you mind opening a new bug on this issue over at  Here's a post that describes the information we'll need and instructions for generating a crash log:
    How to report a crash with Flash Player

  • Multiple Previous Level Eliminations

    Hi experts,
    We are developing a Consolidation app in Netweaver 10. The requirements are to provide different audit members for conso adjustments depending on the origin of the data, that is imput data or manual adjustments.
    It is doing it ok in a plain consolidation group by creating several consolidation rules depending on the origin datasrc (2 for the example below) and setting the destination datasrc.
    We need to replicate this functionality in a multi-level group, and that means using multiple members to record the value of previous level eliminations (Datasrc type L). It worked well in previous versions of BPC by using the following datasrc (audittrail) configuration:
    Is Consol
    Input Social Data
    Manual Adjustment
    Automatic Adjustments Input
    Automatic Adjustments MA
    Previous Level Eliminations INP
    Previous Level Eliminations MA
    INPUT_ELIM(DIMLIST1) and MA_ELIM(DIMLIST2) are used in the consolidation rules as the source audit, wheras A_ADJ_INP and A_ADJ_MA are the destination. DIMLIST3 is supposed to match the prevlevel members with the eliminations in previous levels.
    Unfortunately, it is not working in NW 10, or we are missing something. At the moment, the value of both PREVLEVEL members is set to: A_ADJ_INP + A_ADJ_MA where it should be associating the value to the source, as indicated in dimlist3.
    Any ideas will be appreciated. Thanks

    Hi Inaki,
    I have the same Problem in 10.1 NW Standard and looking for some more Information (just posted a discussion on it).
    Where you able to solve this?
    Looking forward to your reply and Kind regards,

  • How to download previous version of Flash Player?

    Hi All,
    My MIL plays a flash-based game (big sea games site) that is not compatible with Flash 10.1x
    Due to chronic crashes of the Firefox plug-in, the game developers have recommended reverting to
    the previous version of Flash Player (eg 9.x )
    I haven't been able to find a version of Flash 9 for Firefox, is there a location on the Adobe site that
    has archived versions of Flash Player?

    Hi, this is the site for older versions:
    I would suggest if you can to Download and SAVE the Installer version to your Desktop.
    Be sure to use the Uninstaller to remove the 10.1 first. You can download it and SAVE it to your Desktop.
    I'd review the Uninstall instructions to make sure you have a clean Uninstall.
    After you have those on your Desktop and following the instructions for Uninstall, then Close all browsers. Uninstall, then reboot and follow that with the Install and then reboot.

  • Unable to download previous version of Flash Player?

         I am unable to view flash videos on some websites and able to on others.  I have found many possible solutions on here and other websites but have not yet been able to fix the problem.  I have decided to try and revert back to the previous version of flash player and see if that would work.  I have followed and completed Chris Campbells post for cleanly uninstalling flash player:
         My problem however is that when I try and download a previous version from the archive page it never downloads.  It just keeps saying 'Loading...' forever.  How do I download the previous version?

    Can you try downloading the latest 10.3 release from these links?
    Flash Player 10.3 for Internet Explorer
    Flash Player 10.3 for other browsers

  • Making simple Cross desolves at the end of still photo clips from my library. Not making a clean disolve beteen. Single frames from the previous clip are flashing half way through the desolve. Did both a drag and drop and insert disolve.

    Making simple cross desolves at the end of still photo clips from my library.
    Not making a clean disolve between clips.
    Single frames from the previous clip are flashing half way through the desolve.
    Did both a drag and drop and insert disolve.

    Making simple cross desolves at the end of still photo clips from my library.
    Not making a clean disolve between clips.
    Single frames from the previous clip are flashing half way through the desolve.
    Did both a drag and drop and insert disolve.

  • Restart numbers after previous level CS5

    I have several books with numbered lists in embedded text box sidebars. In each of the sidebars, I have the numbered lists set up as a level 2 numbered list set to restart the numbers after any previous level and the heading, which comes right before the list in every textbox, as a level 1 numbered list with out any number set up so that it doesn't actually appear numbered.  My problem is that the numbers don't reset. I have to manually go to the first item in each of the lists and set it to one because they continue numbering from the previous textbox. They are supposed to restart after the heading, but the heading appears to be ignored. Why is the "restart numbers after any previous level" not working.  Have I set up something wrong?

    An additional thought on this solution:
    Does it make sense to have to set the previous level to always start at 1 to get the next level to restart to 1? Though it doesn't effect my current application, I could see how it would be functionally useless to have that restart standard when using an outline format.  In most outlines the sublists restart after each instance of a previous level, even when the previous levels do not restart.
    I First level
         A Second level
              1 Third level   
              2 Third level
              3 Third level
         B Second level
              1 Third level
              2 Third level
    II First level   
         A Second level
              1 Third level
    See my point?  If you have to set the First or Second levels in my example to always restart at one to get the next levels to automatically restart at 1 after a previous level occurance, this type of standard outline would not work automatically in InDesign.

  • Next and Previous slide from Flash Menu

    We are currently tasked with updating SAP training that was
    created with OnDemand software. The current simulations have a
    Javascript menu on each screen which provides various functions
    including moving from current slide to next or previous slides.
    When the existing movie is played and captured, we lose the
    javascript menu functionality.
    I have created a Flash Menu and have imported it to the newly
    captured Captivate movie. All links on the menu work except Next
    Slide and Previous slide.
    The script I use for the button for the Next slide is as
    this.next_btn.onRelease =function(){
    Also I have tried substituting for nextFrame "play" and for
    the target path "_root" for the first "_parent."
    The variables "rdcmndNextFrame" and "rdcmndPrevious" do not
    work unless you are using a playback bar, which detracts from the
    Has anyone ever created this type of functionality? It seems
    that it would be straight forward. It is most likely a target path
    issue. The captivate movie is the container for the flash menu. To
    access the captivate movie timeline and move to the next or
    previous slide is what I really need.

    I resolved the issue by selecting to use a playback bar and
    then in the Flash file setting the visibility of the playback bar
    to "0".

  • How to get the previous version of Flash professional?

    I need to install flash proffessional on 32 bit computer? How can I get the previous version as the Flash ProfessionalCC requires 64 bit?
    Many thanks for help.

    Hi Barbara,
    Flash Professional CS5.5 is a 32-bit application which can be installed on computers with either 32-bit or 64-bit operating systems.
    You can purchase this by Adobe's backward Licensing policy :
    " Adobe allows program members to order a current-version license but use a prior version. These members can contact Adobe Customer Service to request a serial number for the earlier version if they do not already have one. Prior-version software is available via ESD and can be purchased through standard resellers. The program member must follow all guidelines of the current-version EULA. "
    Please check the doc :

  • Load a director level into flash // is it possible?

    I am planning a complex system where eventually users will need to do immersion into 3rd dimension and also play lots of flash quizz.
    I know director can load flash which makes it obvious choice for development but coding in lingo (a non POO language) maybe a little bit of regression looking the average age of the development team that iam building. So looking forward, i wonder if it's possible to make flash load director levels.
    Thank you

    Director used to be considered flash's big sister:
    Btw i just found out that you can use javascript within Director making it then perfect choice for my project.

Maybe you are looking for