Print all instances of a node

Dear guy
I would like to print all the instances of a Node.
What is the way to do it?
For example I have a BO called CarParkOfEmployee  and I would like to print all the intances of the ParkingSpace and have 3 columns (1 per fields) and a list of row (1 per instances of the Node)
businessobject CarParkOfEmployee
        element CarParkID : ID;
        element CarParkName : LANGUAGEINDEPENDENT_LONG_Text;
        node ParkingSpace [0,n] {
            element ParkingSpaceID : ID;
            element ParkingSpace_AssignedEmployeeID : ID;
            element ParkingSpace_Disabled : Indicator;

in an action of another BO you can query all the instances of your CarParkOfEmployeee and then you can simply loop through all the instances and use the TRACE:
foreach (var instance in queryresult){

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    I work with the oracle 10g xml db and I have got the table of the xmltype
    <xsd:complexType name="headerType" xdb:SQLType="HEADER_T">
    <xsd:element name="time" type="xsd:dateTime"/>
    <xsd:complexType name="contentType" xdb:SQLType="CONTENT_T">
    <xsd:element name="assignment" type="assignment:AppsXx_Assignment_V"
    xdb:SQLName="ASSIGNMENT" minOccurs="1"/>
    <xsd:element name="organization"
    <xsd:element name="qualifications"
    <xsd:element name="root" type="oebs:rootType" xdb:defaultTable="OEBS"/>
    And I need to retrieve all instances which have "assignment'" node
    SELECT * FROM oebs
    where existsNode(OBJECT_VALUE,'/oebs:root/content/assignment', 'xmlns:oebs="')> 0;
    Which index could help me?

    Use below to export to CSV, then filter the file in excel and remove all except animal
    dd-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
    $url = "<site url>"
    $listName = "<list name>"
    $path ="c:\Columns.csv"
    $web = Get-SPWeb $url
    $list = $web.Lists.TryGetList($listName)
    $list.ContentTypes | % { $_.FieldLinks } | select Name | Export-Csv -path $path
    Can also try

  • Printing Excel Instance from InfoView using Excel 2003

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    What version of Crystal Reports are you using?  Any service packs or hot fixes installed?
    Can you open other xls files with 2007?  
    Have you ever exported to excel before?
    I export to -excel (97-2003) data only- and open the files with Excel 2007 with no problems. Excel 2007 complains about the old format (xls) and wants to convert it to the new excel format. I alsways ignor it.
    Maybe the 'garbage' you are seeing is because the layout of your crystal report is not working for the export. Is all the data there but you have extra cells and/or lines, or the data is pushed to the left? I find that I must have the fields packed tightly with no space between them and no space above or below the fields, or I get extra cells between and lines above or below them.
    Most of my exports are detail lines with a single line header and columns are set to match the detail line. When exporting multiple lines where the fields do not line up exactly with the ones above them, I may use one or more empty text fields that matches the size of the fields above them to fill the empty space. Sort of like:
    line 1:{field1.}{field2...}{field 3}
    line 2:(text...}{text.....}{field 4)
    And you may need to turn off 'can grow' on all fields as they may cause miss-alignment. All the data will be there when you export it, even what you can not see in Crystal. You will just need to format the cells in Excel to see it.
    Debi  (hi Don)

  • ASM instance on one node can not startup

    use dbca create database failure
    [oracle@rac1 ~]$ dbca -silent -responseFile /home/oracle/dbca.rsp
    Look at the log file "/opt/ora/product/10.2.0/db_1/cfgtoollogs/dbca/mydb.log" for further details.
    [oracle@rac1 ~]$ cat "/opt/ora/product/10.2.0/db_1/cfgtoollogs/dbca/mydb.log"
    PRKS-1009 : Failed to start ASM instance "+ASM2" on node "rac2", [CRS-0215: Could not start resource 'ora.rac2.ASM2.asm'.]
    ORA-03135: connection lost contact
    [oracle@rac2 bin]$ ./crs_stat -t
    Name           Type           Target    State     Host
    ora....SM1.asm application    ONLINE    ONLINE    rac1
    ora....C1.lsnr application    ONLINE    ONLINE    rac1
    ora.rac1.gsd   application    ONLINE    ONLINE    rac1
    ora.rac1.ons   application    ONLINE    ONLINE    rac1   application    ONLINE    ONLINE    rac1
    ora....SM2.asm application    ONLINE    OFFLINE
    ora....C2.lsnr application    ONLINE    ONLINE    rac2
    ora.rac2.gsd   application    ONLINE    ONLINE    rac2
    ora.rac2.ons   application    ONLINE    ONLINE    rac2   application    ONLINE    ONLINE    rac2so i try to start asm instance on rac2
    [oracle@rac2 bin]$ ./srvctl start asm -n rac2
    PRKS-1009 : Failed to start ASM instance "+ASM2" on node "rac2", [PRKS-1009 : Failed to start ASM instance "+ASM2" on node "rac2", [rac2:ora.rac2.ASM2.asm:
    rac2:ora.rac2.ASM2.asm:SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Jul 25 17:58:21 2011
    rac2:ora.rac2.ASM2.asm:Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    rac2:ora.rac2.ASM2.asm:Enter user-name: Connected to an idle instance.
    rac2:ora.rac2.ASM2.asm:SQL> ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
    rac2:ora.rac2.ASM2.asm:SQL> Disconnected
    CRS-0215: Could not start resource 'ora.rac2.ASM2.asm'.]]
      [PRKS-1009 : Failed to start ASM instance "+ASM2" on node "rac2", [rac2:ora.rac2.ASM2.asm:
    rac2:ora.rac2.ASM2.asm:SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Jul 25 17:58:21 2011
    rac2:ora.rac2.ASM2.asm:Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    rac2:ora.rac2.ASM2.asm:Enter user-name: Connected to an idle instance.
    rac2:ora.rac2.ASM2.asm:SQL> ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
    rac2:ora.rac2.ASM2.asm:SQL> Disconnected
    rac2:ora.rac2.ASM2.asm:check the alert log find
    Mon Jul 25 17:58:23 2011
    Maximum Tranmission Unit (mtu) of the ether adapter is different
    on the node running instance 1, and this node.
    Ether adapters connecting the cluster nodes must be configured
    with identical mtu on all the nodes, for Oracle.
    Please ensure the mtu attribute of the ether adapter on all
    nodes are identical, before running Oracle.
    Mon Jul 25 17:58:23 2011
    Errors in file /opt/ora/admin/+ASM/bdump/+asm2_lmon_29711.trc:
    ORA-27550: Target ID protocol check failed. tid vers=%d, type=%d, remote instance number=%d, local instance number=%d
    LMON: terminating instance due to error 27550
    Mon Jul 25 17:58:25 2011
    Shutting down instance (abort)
    License high water mark = 0
    Mon Jul 25 17:58:28 2011
    Instance terminated by LMON, pid = 29711
    Mon Jul 25 17:58:30 2011
    Instance terminated by USER, pid = 29831and i checked my eth
    [root@rac1 oracle]# ifconfig -a
    eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0C:29:3C:42:0C
              inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
              UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
              RX packets:9762 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
              TX packets:6028 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
              collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
              RX bytes:1193646 (1.1 MiB)  TX bytes:1037252 (1012.9 KiB)
              Interrupt:67 Base address:0x2400
    eth0:1    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0C:29:3C:42:0C
              inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
              UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
              Interrupt:67 Base address:0x2400
    eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0C:29:3C:42:16
              inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
              UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
              RX packets:30185 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
              TX packets:37936 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
              collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
              RX bytes:19988844 (19.0 MiB)  TX bytes:35126056 (33.4 MiB)
              Interrupt:51 Base address:0x2480
    lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
              inet addr:  Mask:
              UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
              RX packets:52537 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
              TX packets:52537 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
              collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
              RX bytes:4380651 (4.1 MiB)  TX bytes:4380651 (4.1 MiB)
    [root@rac2 ~]# ifconfig -a
    eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0C:29:9C:CC:90
              inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
              UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
              RX packets:3665 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
              TX packets:1489 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
              collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
              RX bytes:563952 (550.7 KiB)  TX bytes:243127 (237.4 KiB)
              Interrupt:67 Base address:0x2400
    eth0:1    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0C:29:9C:CC:90
              inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
              UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
              Interrupt:67 Base address:0x2400
    eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0C:29:9C:CC:9A
              inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
              UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
              RX packets:38281 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
              TX packets:29683 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
              collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
              RX bytes:35182270 (33.5 MiB)  TX bytes:19905266 (18.9 MiB)
              Interrupt:51 Base address:0x2480
    lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
              inet addr:  Mask:
              UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
              RX packets:44387 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
              TX packets:44387 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
              collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
              RX bytes:2299383 (2.1 MiB)  TX bytes:2299383 (2.1 MiB)any idea ?
    i try to run dbca on rac2 ,it seems OK
    ASM instance still have problem,no ASM instance create in rac1
    [oracle@rac2 bin]$ ./crs_stat -t
    Name           Type           Target    State     Host
    ora.mydb.db    application    ONLINE    ONLINE    rac1
    ora....b1.inst application    ONLINE    OFFLINE
    ora....b2.inst application    ONLINE    ONLINE    rac2
    ora....SM1.asm application    ONLINE    OFFLINE
    ora....C1.lsnr application    ONLINE    ONLINE    rac1
    ora....C2.lsnr application    ONLINE    OFFLINE              =>  ora.rac1.LISTENER_RAC2.lsnr   (i do not know where this resource come from ??)
    ora.rac1.gsd   application    ONLINE    ONLINE    rac1
    ora.rac1.ons   application    ONLINE    ONLINE    rac1   application    ONLINE    ONLINE    rac1
    ora....SM2.asm application    ONLINE    ONLINE    rac2
    ora....C2.lsnr application    ONLINE    ONLINE    rac2
    ora.rac2.gsd   application    ONLINE    ONLINE    rac2
    ora.rac2.ons   application    ONLINE    ONLINE    rac2   application    ONLINE    ONLINE    rac2and here is my dbca.rsp file content
    OPERATION_TYPE = "createDatabase"
    GDBNAME = ""
    SID = "mydb"
    TEMPLATENAME = "/home/oracle/mydb.dbc"
    SYSPASSWORD = "Myss123456"
    SYSTEMPASSWORD = "Myss123456"
    DBSNMPPASSWORD = "Myss123456"
    LISTENERS = "listener1 listener2"Edited by: 859340 on 2011-7-24 下午7:23
    Edited by: 859340 on 2011-7-24 下午7:32
    Edited by: 859340 on 2011-7-24 下午7:35
    Edited by: 859340 on 2011-7-24 下午7:51

    Use this tech note on MOS.
    *Instance Crash on startup with ORA-27550: Target ID protocol check failed [ID 730516.1]*
    Levi Pereira

  • Multiple ASM Instances on single node

    Hi All,
    After going through some threads it seems to me that multiple ASM instances on a node is not supported and recommended by ORACLE but i coudn't find any ORACLE document or support matrix mentioning this. Can any one give me a pointer to this. Please correct me if i am wrong and Multiple ASM instances are fully supported by ORACLE.

    Multiple ASM instances on a single node are supported but not recommended due to several issues you could encounter during that kind of configuration.
    Possible interraction between those instances for identification of each disk area usage,each disk area permissions , database instance to asm instance mapping and so on, could result in unwanted behaviour, as ASM is in some way just oracle's representation of LVM.
    Intention is that any kind of distinction/separation of oracle related data under the ASM should be done through the disk groups.
    So it seems it would be better to apply this kind of logic rather than doing suspiciously magical and rare configurations that could bring you similiary strange and unexpected problems.

  • Printing issue in a 2-node clustered environment

    We have 2-node Apps Tiers (PCP enabled) with print queues running on each node. When users run a job to print a job using the same program; the print queue to the printer gets messed up.
    For example: user 1 prints 10 items to printer A and user 2 prints the same set of 10 items but with a different numbers. The final outputs on the printer goes out of sequence -- 20 items printed with a combination of items from user1 and 10 items from user2.
    The question is, in a PCP environment, is there a way to isolate the print job to allow the print job to complete on that printer and block it for other users/print jobs?
    Environment:,, RedHat 4.x, 2-node PCP enabled apps tiers.

    The question is, in a PCP environment, is there a way to isolate the print job to allow the print job to complete on that printer and block it for other users/print jobs?I do not think can be controlled from the application (unless you use incompatibilities -- See the link below for details).
    You may also check with your printer vendor and see if you can control this at the Printer/OS level.

  • Cannot print all pages of Acrobat PDF! eg Cable bill. mWHY????

    All my bills are usually 2 or more pages. When I select "View printable PDF" no problem. However, when I try to print 2 or more pages all I ever get is the first page and in some instances not even that. At those times when I select "Print Preview" or "Print", all I see is the URL info at the top of the page with the remainder bvlank. I'm frustrated as all get out by this and I have been trying to fix it for 6 months. It's likely quite simple and A 9 YEAR OLD COULD PROBABLY DO IT BUT I STILL AM NOT SMARTER THAN A 5TH GRADER.

    Normally you would use the Save As with TIFF or JPeg (I think AA9 now has an export option). If those are greyed out, then it is likely that no copying is set in the security and there is nothing you can do with Acrobat directly to get what you want. In directly, just print to paper and scan back in. As I said, the print permission will still not work with graphics or PDF output if the security for no copying or changing is set -- an obvious attempt to get around the security from the program viewpoint.

  • Can we have Multiple Instance on same Node in Oracle 10g RAC

    Hi All,
    I am planning to implement the RAC in Oracle 10g.Before that i have one doubt regarding RAC.
    My question is "Can we create multiple Instance on Same node(Server) ?"
    is it possible.
    Any ideas or thoughts would be apperciable.
    Thanks in Advance.

    This is where it is important to keep the separation between 'database' and 'instance'.
    A database is the set of files that contains the data (and the redo, control files, etc). A database does nothing by itself, other than take up lots of disk space.
    An instance is theCPU cycles (running software) and the memory to control the database.
    In Oracle RAC, you can have as many instances controlling one database [at the same time] as you want (within reason). Each instance must be able to access the disk(s) that contains the database.
    These multiple instances can be on the same computer (effectively taking up a lot of server memory and CPU for nothing) or they can be on separate computers.
    If they are on separate computers, the disk subsystems must be able to be shared across computers - this is occasionally done using operating system clusterware and is the main reason why clusterware is required at all. (This is also the toughest part of the pre-requisites in setting up a RAC and is very vendor dependent unless you use ASM.)
    These instances need a communication connection to coordinate their work (usually a separate network card for each computer) so they do not corrupt the disk when they are trying to access the same file, and possibly the same block, at the same time.
    In a RAC configuration, instances can be added, started, running, stopped and removed independent of each other (allowing a lot of high availability) or can be started and stopped as a group.
    Each instance gets it's own SID, which is in no way any different than a non-RAC SID. It's just the name of a service that can be invoked. The neat thing is that the SID
    a) helps the DBA keep things straight by lettiung us talk about 'instance A' (the Oracle software to be running over on computer A) vs 'instance B' when starting, stopping and managing;
    b) helps the application by providing targets that can be listed in the TNSNAMES.ORA [against one service alias], which is used by ORacle Networking to provide automated load balance or failover (instance/SID a is not available, I guess I'll try the next in the list)
    Hope that helps the concept level a bit.

  • PRKP-1001  CRS-0215 RAC unable to create instance in 2nd node.

    I configured oracle rac 10g on vmware. I configure oracle clusterware,oracle rac 10g software successfully. While creating database at the end ,I got the below error.
    PRKP-1001 : Error starting instance devdb2 on node rac2
    CRS-0215: Could not start resource 'ora.devdb.devdb2.inst'.
    Please check the below information.
    devdb=>global db name
    rac1 & rac2 =>two servers.
    [oracle@rac1 ~]$ crs_stat -t
    Name Type Target State Host
    ora.devdb.db application ONLINE ONLINE rac2
    ora....b1.inst application ONLINE ONLINE rac1
    ora....b2.inst application ONLINE OFFLINE
    ora....SM1.asm application ONLINE ONLINE rac1
    ora....C1.lsnr application ONLINE ONLINE rac1
    ora.rac1.gsd application ONLINE UNKNOWN rac1
    ora.rac1.ons application ONLINE UNKNOWN rac1 application ONLINE ONLINE rac1
    ora....SM2.asm application ONLINE ONLINE rac2
    ora....C2.lsnr application ONLINE ONLINE rac2
    ora.rac2.gsd application ONLINE UNKNOWN rac2
    ora.rac2.ons application ONLINE UNKNOWN rac2 application ONLINE ONLINE rac2
    [oracle@rac1 ~]$ srvctl start database -d devdb
    PRKP-1001 : Error starting instance devdb2 on node rac2
    CRS-0215: Could not start resource 'ora.devdb.devdb2.inst'.
    [oracle@rac1 ~]$ srvctl config database -d devdb -a
    rac1 devdb1 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1
    rac2 devdb2 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1
    DB_NAME: devdb
    ORACLE_HOME: /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1
    SPFILE: +FRA_GROUP/devdb/spfiledevdb.ora
    DOMAIN: null
    DB_ROLE: null
    [oracle@rac1 ~]$ srvctl start instance -d devdb -i devdb2 -o open
    PRKP-1001 : Error starting instance devdb2 on node rac2
    CRS-0215: Could not start resource 'ora.devdb.devdb2.inst'.
    If you wnat more details, Please let me know.
    Thanks in advance.

    I did like below and this solution works fine.
    as root user:
    crsctl stop crs
    rm -f /var/tmp/.oracle/*
    crsctl start crs
    Wait a few minutes (2-3 minutes) for crs to start. When crs_stat comes batch without "error connecting to CRSD", start the instance with srvctl (as the oracle user, not as root):
    crsctl check crs
    crs_stat -t
    srvctl start instance -d databasename -i instancename
    Thanks to rajesh in the below fourm.
    Can't start instance by srvctl with error PRKP-1001 and CRS-0215
    But i don't why should i remove the files inside in /var/tmp/.oracle directory.
    Please share the details if anybody knows the reason.
    Thanks to all.
    Edited by: user8665771 on 26 May, 2012 1:01 AM

  • Creation of a "print all" button in web template

    Good afternoon!  I have two reports created in the WAD that use hierarchies.  You have the ability for run the report for whichever entity you select from a hierarchy and you can print that report.  End users are asking for the ability to click on a button that will print the report for each entity in the hierarchy in one click.  Has anyone had success with this "print all" button?
    Kim Plut

    Hi Kim,
    you can use command for expand/collapse hierarchy nodes "SET_DRILL_STATE" for your DataProvider together with the print command "EXPORT". For a button group webitem you can build a command sequence in WAD.
    Export Web Application

  • C1400 printer - all-in-one trouble shooting

    Hello,  I've recently purchased the C1400 printer - all-in-one, and it started having problems.
    For some reason whenever I try to print something (for instance, a simple 1 page document), the printer activates, then prints a single page with some weird code on the top, then starts printing endless amounts of blank pages until I hit the cancel button. (?)
    I'm running mac 10.5
    I open to any advise - thanks.

    zaq12 wrote:
    printer all in one 4360 e can i kleave it on all day
    Yes, you can leave it on for whole day, it will go to sleep mode when it has nothig to do. If you wish to save a bit of electricity cost, you can turn it off when not in use.
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.

  • Printing all sprites in an LDM, including those outside the crop?

    Thanks for all the help so far. I’m not sure where to
    begin on this one…
    I’ve got a cropped LDM sprite which I’m
    essentially treating as a document object. The user can drag
    various items into the LDM, arrange those items, then hopefully
    print. The “document” is scrolled by shuffling the
    sprites within the LDM. At some point the user will want to print
    the document which means I must print all sprites in the LDM, not
    just those that happen to be showing on stage at the current scroll
    position. At first glance I thought I might be able to switch the
    framing property from crop to scale then print the stage using
    Print-O-Matic, unfortunately it appears the only playback property
    of an LDM that can be tested or set is the scriptEnable property.
    If I were using an MIAW instead of an LDM I could easily scale the
    drawRect but MIAWs introduce far more problems in this instance
    than they solve. Anyone have an idea for an approach?
    PS: I forgot to mention that the LDM sprites may be rotated
    as well as scaled. This prevents a simple interation using
    drawPicture from being a solution. Also, the majority of sprite
    members are vector based SWFs

    If you are dragging items into the LDM, then I assume that
    the Stage shares a cast with the LDM. In this case is there any
    reason why it must be an LDM? Why not use a filmLoop? Here's a neat
    vFilmLoop = member(5)
    new(#filmLoop, vFilmLoop) = the score
    And conversely:
    the score =
    You could use this to place the items inside the filmLoop, so
    that you can use its rect to crop the view port, and then make the
    Stage big enough to show all the items in the filmLoop, set the
    score to the media of the filmLoop, and print the Stage. As soon as
    you've done that, you restore the original score, and hey presto,
    your filmLoop is back in its view port again.
    If you can handle my verbose Director 5 newbie Lingo, you
    might have some fun with this article:

  • Policy Managed RAC database instance on different node

    Dear All,
    Recently we have upgrade our production database from 2 node 10 Sparc to 2 node 11.2 Sparc
    earlier was Admin managed database, now we have created Policy managed database.
    Instance_1 running on node_2
    Instnace_2 running on node_1
    how to switch the instance to correct node or what is the concept , why it running vice versa even though assign ORACLE_SID properly.
    please clarify me.
    oracle@zhovm-proddb2:/u01/app/$ srvctl status database -d proddb
    Instance proddb_1 is running on node zhovm-proddb2
    Instance proddb_2 is running on node zhovm-proddb1

    muba_zak wrote:
    Thanks John,
    How the cron jobs takes care, is there any different is there between Admin Managed & Policy Managed
    I don't know what your cron jobs do. If (for example) they logon to the database through a service published by the scan listeners, they will be happy. If they logon using a deterministic connect string, you have a problem - a problem caused by mis-using the system.

  • Print all documents in Transaction CC04 at once

    In Transaction CC04, Under each document, There are sub ordinate documents included with it. User needs a way to print all the documents at once that have status as RL( Released). Is there a way to Print all documents with out drilling down in to each document and print. Please tell me a way to figure out this.
    Thank you

    The print functions are generic ALV functions.
    The 'print hierarchy' prints all nodes which have been expanded before even if they are not visible in the tree (collapsed).
    That's the difference to the 'print view' option.
    It depends on the application design which nodes are expanded.
    In transaction CC04 'product structure browser' the product structure will never be completely expanded by design because the whole PLM environment could be part of such a product structure, means depending on the filter settings millions of objects have to be expanded.
    In SAP Standard it is not planned to change the existing behaviour in transaction CC04.
    Material BOMs can be printed via transaction CS11 or CSMB (in this transaction a context menu function 'EXPAND ALL' exists which can be used before printing).

  • Print all documents in CC04 at once

    In Transaction CC04, Under each document, There are sub ordinate documents included with it. User needs a way to print all the documents at once that have status as RL( Released). Is there a way to Print all documents with out drilling down in to each document and print. Please tell me a way to figure out this.
    Thank you

    The print functions are generic ALV functions.
    The 'print hierarchy' prints all nodes which have been expanded before even if they are not visible in the tree (collapsed).
    That's the difference to the 'print view' option.
    It depends on the application design which nodes are expanded.
    In transaction CC04 'product structure browser' the product structure will never be completely expanded by design because the whole PLM environment could be part of such a product structure, means depending on the filter settings millions of objects have to be expanded.
    In SAP Standard it is not planned to change the existing behaviour in transaction CC04.
    Material BOMs can be printed via transaction CS11 or CSMB (in this transaction a context menu function 'EXPAND ALL' exists which can be used before printing).

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