Pro Surround 5.1 vs HD

I've checked the product descriptions for these two Sound Blasters:
Pro: [url= duct=20055"> duct=20055[/url]
HD: [url= duct=19829&nav=0"> duct=19829&nav=0[/url]
And as one can cleary see both of the cards have 24 bit - 96kHz written as their maximun quality.
I only intend to listen to these sound cards with a pair of $300+ headphones. In other words, no recording or using speakers of any sort.
Now what I am wondering is if it's any point in buying the roughly 30% more expensive HD sound blaster? According to the tech specs, they both have the same outgoing audio quality. The only difference that applies to me is that the HD Blaster has specs about a low "signal-to-noise ratio". Will this be noticable and is it worth paying 30% more?
Thanks everyone!

In my opinion, these is really not much of a difference in audio quality. Is there a showroom or an electronic store near you? You might want to listen to it to see for yourself. Either of these USB sound cards should easily fulfil your needs if you are just using it for music.

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    how to I get it ALL into FCP so I can
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    What sample rate do you ultimately want on the DVD? Do you want Dolby 5.1?
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    This is often been discussed. It is like Apple says.
    For mixing Surround you need 6 discreet and uncompressed channels! The benefit is you hear the audio like it is in your timeline (uncompressed) and can make changes. The second problem with this is, there are no real time encoders for surround formats. So no audio application out there can create an dolby digital stream from your timeline in realtime. This must be done after the mixing process, at the time when your mix is finished and sounds right.
    So if you want to mix in surround with totaly discreet channels then you need an audio interface with so many outputs as the format you mix for will have, for example 6 channels if it is dolby digital 5.1.

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    jhill wrote:
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    You need to buy and use a multi channel audio interface.
    You also need a set of matched surround speakers for playback.
    I'm laughing right now, because you are mixing on Stereo speakers, and telling us that the mix is ok.
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    Detailed Problem Description:
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    Thank you for contacting Creative Technical Support.
    Are you connecting the headset thru the 3.5mm plug or USB connection?
    If using the USB headset connection, please note that you won't be able to use it with the X-fi Titanium soundcard.
    Please follow the steps carefully below when installing Sound Blaster Tactic3D Sigma in your Windows 7 computer.
    Solution ID: 8537
    How to Install Sound Blaster Tactic 3D Sigma in Windows
    The driver for the headset is Sound Blaster Tactic3D Sigma Pack for Windows .0.000.
    Download link: 0.exe&Sho...
    * Microsoft® Windows 7 32-bit or 64-bit, Windows Vista® 32-bit or 64-bit with Service Pack or higher, Windows XP Professional x64
    Edition or Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or higher
    * Sound Blaster Tactic3D Sigma
    * To install this pack
    . Download the file onto your local hard disk.
    2. Double-click the downloaded file.
    3. Follow the instructions on the screen.
    Hope this helps.
    We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Thank you for your patience and understanding on this matter.
    Please retain all the previous correspondence when replying to this email.
    Best Regards,
    Worldwide Customer Response
    Thank you for answering,
    I can use the mini jacks but not the features I bought the headset for? The mini jack functioning of this headset seem no better than any $25 headset . . . and I have spent years plugged in in recording studios.
    So the features of this headset are not available if I am using your High-end soundcard?!?!?!?!? How is this possible?!?!?!? And why does the box not say this?? Now that I have spent hundreds of dollars on your soundcard and nearly another $00 on your headphones I am just out of luck!!!??
    I think this needs a website of its own. What am I to do with this useless waste of money at this point?
    So, please, tell me what I am to do?
    And please send me contact information for the marketing product leads for both of these products!
    Awaiting a reasonable answer,
    Thank you for writing to Creative Technical Support.
    Please note that when in USB connection, USB devices such as your SB Tactic3D Sigma Headset will create its own USB Audio Device and it will bypass the onboard sound card and the X-fi Titanium card.
    Make sure that the headset is properly detected in Device Manager and selected as the default playback and recording device.
    When using the mini-jack, please ensure that the X-fi Titanium card is selected as the default playback and recording device.
    Thank you for your patience and understanding on this matter.
    Please retain all the previous correspondence when replying to this email.
    Best Regards,
    Worldwide Customer Response
    [SIZE=]Mod notes: Advisor name removed.[/SIZE]

  • Is it even possible to edit surround sound on a Mac Pro?!?!?!

    I've just been reading this thread:?
    Which among many things discusses the fact that Mac Pros, even through an optical cable, are not capable of exporting live 5.1 audio - they can only playback already encoded 5.1 dolby audio from DVD's for example. Apparently the optical out is a purely stereo affair otherwise. I've finally received my Logitech 5450 speakers (took weeks and weeks) and hooked them up. They can indeed playback 5.1 from a DVD, which is splendid. However, one of the things I was most looking forward to was working on surround mixes in Soundtrack Pro. However, firstly STP doesn't want to convert stereo files into surround (like the video online showed), but only means that the surround panner pans between the two front speakers. (I know there's another thread about that, but the proposed solution of adjusting the collapse slider does nothing).
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    I'm sure there must be a solution. Why would Apple advertise the ease with which one can now mix surround if the Mac Pro (I'm not exactly talking about a mac mini here) cannot export live 5.1?
    Something which I'm sure is related, but which I can't solve, is that if I go into Audio MIDI setup in Utilities, and try and 'Configure Speakers', only two channels are recognised, and it won't let me select any of the multichannel options (such as 5.1, which is greyed out.)
    Anyone know what I'm going on about? I'm totally lost - not really an audio person in general, but hoping to enrich my short films with some surround magic.
    Any help greatly appreciated!
    Mac Pro Mac OS X (10.4.8)
    Mac Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Typically 5.1 is mixed, and monitored on a 5.1 monitoring system, which means you need an audio interface and setup capable of outputting six channels of audio.
    So of course the Mac Pro is capable, but not without additional multi-channel playback and monitoring hardware.
    Encoded surround sound, which you hear on playback from things like a DVD, is entirely different story and the encoding is done at the end of the mixing/mastering process. Sometimes you will encode a mix in a variety of formats, Dolby Pro Logic, DTS etc.

  • Connecting my MacBook Pro to my DVD Surround Sound Speakers?

    I'm a student filmmaker in the UK and pretty much do all my video editing from my bedroom using Final Cut Studio. I am using a MacBook Pro3,1 (bought in 2007) and have recently decided that I want to start working in 5.1 surround sound.
    As I have no surround sound speakers with my MacBook Pro, I was wondering if it would be possible to connect it up to my DVD surround sound system? This would ultimately save me having to buy a compatible set and having two lots of surround sound speakers around my room...
    My DVD player is a Panasonic SC-PT150. The 6 surround sound speakers each connect to it through the standard +/- "clip-in" wire set up (which, obviously isn't compatible with my MacBook Pro). There are also two AUX sockets (one for Left and one for Right) on the back of the DVD player. So far, I have tried connecting my MacBook Pro to these sockets using a Mini plug to RCA cable, however, all I get is an incredibly loud humming noise.
    Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I might, either overcome this problem or, get the setup to work another way? Thanks in advance for your help.

    Thanks both of you for your help.
    It doesn't mention either of those connections in the manual, however, yes you are right, it takes digital input. I'll have to call and check if the toslink cable is compatible.
    I tried connecting the mini-stereo-to-RCA cable to my Nokia phone (which is actually where the cable came from) and that plays through the DVD speakers just fine, when i select AUX mode. Although, as you said, it only plays stereo.
    Say the mini-toslink cable is compatible, would I need to get a 5.1 surround sound card for my MBP?
    Thanks again.

  • 5.1 Surround Sound Macbook Pro via Toslink to AV Receiver not working

    I cannot seem to get anything other than stereo out of my MacBook Pro, running Snow Leopard, via toslink to my AV receiver using VLC to play MKV's ect.
    I have opened Audio MIDI Setup, selected 'Built-In Output', 'Digital Out', '48000.0Hz', 'Encoded Digital Audio' and then 'Configure Speakers'. On the 'multichannel tab', I then clicked 'stereo' and am now unable to select '5.1 Surround' (desired option) or any other surround option (all options are greyed out). It's as if only my two fronts can be detected, but not the others in my 5.1
    I have seen similar problems posted elsewhere, but none with 'not being able to switch from stereo to surround within Audio MIDI Setup'.
    If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated.
    All the best,

    You ever get this figured out Sam? I'm running into the exact same issue.

  • Audigy 4 (Non Pro) and center channel surround sound - from 2 channel aud

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    Hi all,?Is there a way to have voice coming from the center speaker during TV programs like you could using an external receiver with Pro Logic? I can't for the life of me, get my Audigy 4 to do this. I run MCE 2005 on a couple of machines in the house. On my other machine, with built in audio, I let the Purevideo decoder handle this and I get? a nice surround, complete with center channel voice on it while watching TV. On the machine with the Audigy 4, not only will it not give me the center channel while watching TV, but I can't get it to stop processing the sound so that I can simply use the decoding of the Purevideo Decoder... Stumped!?Thanks,?Stu

  • Optical audio and surround sound speakers for my Mac Pro

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    Can anyone recommend some speaker choices, particularly in the UK, that will give me good surround sound from the optical audio or single headphone jacks? Many thanks.

    You might want to look at a device called the Griffin FireWave: []
    It connects to your MacPro via firewire, and has the green/orange/black jacks out to a standard 5.1 speaker system.
    It comes with a software application that lets you customize the sound, and also synthesize surround from mono, stereo, etc., sources.
    It would definitely open up your choices for speaker systems. I'm using one with a Klipsch 5.1 Promedia set of speakers. Works and sounds great.

  • Creative inspire t6300 5.1 surround on mac pro 1.1, optical out to 5.1 audio gear (digital sound decoder).

    Hi there,
    Been searching and trying a lot but no luck so far. I have a surroundset Creative Inspire t6300
    to be able to add some more fun to movies and a few games on my mac.
    I own an upgraded Mac Pro 1.1 under Snow leopard, 2.33 gHz, dual processor, 8 core, 8 gb memory.
    Even though it`s a piece for the museum, it works very well for designwork I do for work. No real need
    to update for me, so....
    As I understand, the optical out is standard 5.1. (By the way, the only other ports are the basic sound ports out
    and in on the Mac). So after some research I found and got the 5.1 audio gear decoder. I connected this with
    an opticle cable and used the 3,5 jackets from the surroundset  to connect to (from left to right) cen/sw, (yellow
    jacket) fl/fr (green jacket), sl/sr (black jacket) on the decoder. All perfectly understandable and it seemed to work well.
    But when I tested with some of the testfile you find when googling on that, I think there is something wrong,
    the typical surround effect is not there, it rather sounds more like stereo or even 5 mono`s.
    I`ve tried Soundflower and JackPilot, but couldn`t get it right. With Soundflower I was able to choose 5.1 setting
    (was not possible before) but testing it didn`t work.
    There is an extensive test of the decoder on the net by someone who really is deep into the technics of it all but
    no luck there either.
    Back to basics: is it right that the optical out is truely 5.1 on the mac? With several tests the unit SFE does not react.
    But when I play some music with iTunes, it works (loud and clearly :-)).  Maybe I need a visit to the audiologist ;-) ?
    tested with:

    Hello John, I figured it was a signal issue. All the speakers fire and the sound is great. I was running the speakers thru a Dell PC with a Creative X-Fi Elite Pro, THX Certified, 7.1 soundcard using a fiber optic from the Mac Pro to the Z906's, it worked great until the Dell died!!! When I bought the soundcard from Creative I also bought the GigaWorks S750, THX Certified, 700 watt, 7.1 speaker system, used the speakers for 11 years and then the woofer/amp said "I QUIT" Creative quit making the speaker system and the sound card. The satellite speakers from the Creative GigaWorks speaker system still sound great (rated at 78 watt each) and are a little better speaker than the one's that came with the Z906 and the wattage from the 906 is sufficient to drive the satellites without any distortion. Thank you for addressing my issue, you confirmed what I suspected all along, just needed to hear it from someone with the same setup.
    One last question, I purchased a Diamond Multimedia USB Soundcard, can't use the fiber optic(not supported by Mac) but the green, tan and black RCA's plug in and produces adequetly. When you plug your 906's into the Mac Pro using the fiber optic how do you set your speaker configuration? When I plug into the mac pro with fiber optic the 'Audio Midi Setup' does not seem to see the 5.1 configuration. Any thoughts there?

  • Is there any Sound card 5.1 include stereo mix that working with MacBook Air such as Creative Labs SoundBlaster X-Fi Surround 5.1 Pro Entertainment System ? and if there any another sound card can you tell me what is it please ? Thank you.

    Is there any Sound card 5.1 include stereo mix that working with MacBook Air such as Creative Labs SoundBlaster X-Fi Surround 5.1 Pro Entertainment System ? and if there any another sound card can you tell me what is it please ? Thank you.

    Okay, I did my best searching and I couldn't find anything that matched all your descriptors. I did do a search on both decoder numbers. SB0256 returned very little results, but with SB0466, I was able to find this ebay listing:
    This card isn't a Champion like you suggested. And with my complete lack of knowledge, I don't know what I/O dri've bay means. But since it is PCI and the decoder matches the number you gave me, this card should be adequete, right?
    Whether it works or not, my search indicated it might be very hard for me to find that card (or any PCI card for that matter). Everything I saw was out of stock. I know this is a forum for Creative, but are there any other manufacturers that will allow me to accomplish my goal, either with current cards, or discontinued cards? Thanks again
    Oh, and I will vote on that thread. I probably won't wait for them to release the decoder since I need it now, but I still believe Creative should be giving the customer what they want

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